Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1897, p. 4

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â- 1^ ;â- *â-  JUNE 24 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE J ^ ESTABLI5NBL* '/SS/' ^Ae ^dvanee ffnri.IMITED WEBKLT AT THB OmCR, STD- KKHAM 8TKEKT, PLBHUEHTOM, OUT., BT lr. H. THCK8T0M. tl>er anBnm.strictlftai sdranee Advertising Kates: 9na Ooluma, 1 yoar, 8S0 ; half ool., 1 year, $27 quarter col., on* year, tlS. Transient advertisement charged at the rate S oents per line (or Drat Iniertion and 3 eeota •aoh aubiequent iOMrtioa. For iixty yeara the prayer " God aavc the Qneen" has been welliug up from boDCBt hearts, aud who will say tliat the prayer has not been answer- ed ? We beheve the connty conncil did a wise thing when it set apart a few dollars last week to assist in testing the possilbilities of beet raising for the purpose of sugar manufacture in this aounty. As one gentleman remarked, we cannot afford just now to treat with indifTerenee the possibility of adding new sources of income to the farming community. We clip an item elsewhere from an Owen Bound paper showing that German capital- ists are prepared to invest in the in- dustry here if it is demonstrated that onr soil is suitable for production of the sugar beet and if sufficient co- operation amongst the farmers can be obtained. A test of quality will be Blade this coming fall. Mr. Vf. J. Bl«kMtrm of Pnoevill* w»a cnlled t(> the chair. TheKatinnal Anthem WM Hunt;, ifUr which the chairman made a ^nrt addreas, after which he read the followini; telegram, which had ju*t been received : OaTernment Houu, Ottawa, Jn«« 20, lavr To riia Honor the Lleutaoani OoTernor Toronto, Ont> KiDCAn Hall, Ottawa, 6:20 a. m.â€" Best greet- ings. I hsTe juit recplred the foUowlog fioni liDokiDRbam Palace, London, June 22 : To the OoTernor General of Canada : Prom my heart 1 thauk my beloved people. May Uod bless tbsin. (BRd.) Victoria Broiha. The (oUowini is a copy of the reply now sent to the (Jueeu : Ottawa, Tuesday, 6.12 a.m. To THI QOKBJI, London,â€" Tho Queen's most gracious and toucbing liiesKage this moment received. Khali be immodiatety made known to your roajestv'p people throughout tho Do- minion and will stir afresh hearts already full on this, this n)emorHblo day. We olTer the filad tribute of loval devotion and affectionate boraac** ^^(od save atitl bless tho Queen. (8gd.) Abkkdkhm, Uoveruor-Qeneral The remainder of the program was as follows : Singini! by the children, sptechea by Dr. Christoe, Revs. Mahan, Thorn and Humphries, with an exoelleut recitationâ€" " nie F1»K " by Mi.^8 Edith Junes of Priceville. Baskets were then produced and an excellent picnic indulg- ed in in the beautiful shady grove, after which large numbers departed for their honiea. After dark a fSno display of ffreworki was Kiven from the school house hill. And thus ended the celebration in Flesh- erton of tho 60rh aiiniverssy of her niaje.stj'8 accession to the throne of England, Ireland and Scotland. Jubilee in Flesherton A Warning^ Jubilee day in Flesherton was a day long to be remembered by some 360 schodlcliildren from th« various schools in this district. Tho wt-athor was all thai could be deiired. It was not too warm not yet too cool, aud a refreshing breeze brou|{hl the tempsrnture just to the proper point for thorough onjoymont. The proxram us announced lant week was faithfully carried out. The children giilhored from all quarters after dinner, wcnhng tliuir wuy to the Town Hall, where Imskots were stowed away and bad);e« nod flags banded out. Principal BUkestiin of I'lioevillo Hchtiol headed the li.it of visitom with over 100 pupils, .ind Mr. Ueul of VV right's school cami'. next with over 00. p'lesliurton Blat ion, Stone's, the 4th line school, Orsnge Vailo; und Kug'iuia were also ri'prcii'iited. Shortly a/tcr 2 o'clock the children wer<i forniuil in lino, and headed by thu band marched through the principal etrcets to the park, v.'.hcroa comiiiodiouN stand and plenty <if Ki>aliiig rH>Mi had boan ariangod. The cliildrun were au inspiring sight as tliey n-srched through the town,marHlmllod liy their tenchets and Corporal Ualus, with banners and flags in plentiful supply fluttering in the brce/.c. Domiuio Keid h.Hil IiIh hri^udu thorongly drilled, and iliey were the subjects of much flattering comment. TWO I.ITTLE HEttoES As an evidsnco of the extreme interest wliiuli tlie cliildran took in this »vent lot ua relate an incident which came under our own observitliou. Jutit after the procession had ataitod, two little wiiy- worii travellers entered town and in<^ir- I'd the way to the Town Hull. The lads were probably L3 and 11 years old re- spectively. Iin|uiries elioitod the fact thai, they were from Prieoville, had been li>fl by the vehicles which brought the school over, ami hiid artually walked, or probaby ran, tho whole five iniles in order to be in the procpHsion. Tliey were given la<lxes and joined their schoid while (Nti-Hiiig the square, bnpj'y, and prnud but tired. Tina wasacaseof grit such as is seldom enconii'jered, and the lioys (IcHcrvo to have their nnincs made public, but unfortunately we have bean unable U> learn them. IJut it is just such doj;- go<l perseverance as this that has inn a, Qiert Hritain whatsbieis to-da,". . Opon arriving at the park all hands WIV' treated to lemonade,, after wjiich To the Editor of The Advance, Dear Sir, â€" As it has been frequently noticed of late that small boys, and even some that are not Hmall, have boeu in the habit of sailing round in the boat during tho daytime on the mill pood in this village, before and after bathing, without either bath- ing suits or other clothing on, to the shame and diiirace of themselves and passers along the highway or near said pond ; and also that some of the boys and others have been in the habit of interfering with, and bteaking windows ill the drill shed, and entering tho same and disturbiug and removing private property stowed therein, and also pulling and breaking boards off fences and build- ings on Mr. Flesher's premises and other adjoining premises, this is to notify all such to at oDco ceaso any and all such conduct and depredations, for if not stop- ed all such will be summoned to appear before the proper authorities to answer for their conduct. One in iutnoaiTY. Wiirricd. IliNTnAMâ€" Padi,â€" At the residence of TV. H. Thurston, Flesliorton, on Tuesday. June 22ud, by the Kev. John Mahan, Mr. Kicharil Uentham, Jr., Klustierton, to Miss MoKRie J. Paul, oldest daughter of Mr. Klijali Paul, Kugenia. EppiiiB From our oimi Vorrespondnt. We are having very cool weathor at present. A very sad accident happened to Mr. Wm. Clark. Whilo woiking in a gnwol pit he Imd the uiisforiuno to break hi.i leg. T)r. l!i'iinott is in altendniicu and Mr. Chirk is gutting aloiii; ns well as ci;ii be expected. Miss JoHsio l!all,"iMrH. John Mat how- son and oliildren, Kpeiit a wouk wilh frioiids at: Mount Pleiisant. Mi.'iS Mabel Clark nnd Misi Pepper of Huathcole spent a day nt Epping last week. Mr llng'i (Jilray of Torontn spent a few days with his grandfather, Mr. R Gilriiy. Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For sale very cheap and on very eiwy Wrus. TiDilwr farm, ISO acres,, two milu!i frufn Pl««h erton, hnoTfn as the Wm. Hong sawmill pro- perty, anil oil which is an excellent water power, foundation of saw mill, dam nod pond and water wheel in place and all ready for putting mill on. About I5acres eVoflred,.'10acrcB timber, most oS, balance well timbered, niixml timber. This farm will be sold at a bargain if sold at once. Hmall payment down, balance on very e.Asy terms. Apply to B.J. Spnocr.E, Vlesberton. Got Ororpo Liviugs'nno of (lien Huron nt- lomplod te jninpoll' a moving (rain and broke his h-gnbovu the kiioc. Miclmell Brnnnaii of Peiitinck bpoame dorunirod, left his lioaie and has not been heard from siiico, Mr. /olburii of Crilosjiic, Germany, nc- compiiiiicd by Mr. W. II. L.tudor, of Whitby, was in town la^t week and whilo here conferred niili Piesident Thompson and other nieiuliers of the Owen Sound Hve.t Surar Manufacturing Co. Mr. /olbiu-n is ft boot ("uynr expert aud hna been piifjagM in layin'i out pbiiis siid superintending coiistniction of su' ar facloiios in lilt! I'nitod States. Tho ) r.>- adint IniN been iiiakifg nn elfoi t tointer- r'Kt Oorinan capitHlmts in tho propope'l f 'ciory here, and Mr. i^idburn's vi; t s lould have an iinportimt iiiflncnco in this direction. Willi n view to soeurir|^ pital, tho C(mipnny is putting out 1501) pnunda of hcftsoed ainonirst 400 fainiPra in this section. When the crop is har- vested, more srourato data will be oh- tninnblo ss to the toniaco to the acre, a id it can also be detorn)ii>ed whether the hiith percentage of sugar found in the few samples previously' nnidvzed holds g<HKl for the larger numberiT-Owen Soand Sun.,. FARM TO RENT OR SELL Lot 178,2nd con. N. E. T. <S fi. K.. U,') acres, good frame house; 60 acres cleared. Kapy terms. W. A. AK.MS ntONO, Flesherton. Parm for Sale Form for sale cheap. 91 acres, well watered 2^ nitleu east of this villafje, known as the Fen wick farm. Apply to M. Biohardson, assignee WP in JNfP tohanrtle established trade in n n n Al^ 1 this county. Canadian stock AHkNlN Muuraiitced to live. I'ermanent AUJUiiiO position, whole or part time. Lil>erai terms. Yuii can make ten dollars a week or better with uh. for every week you work. No experience necesHary. Brown Brothers Company, Continental Nurseries, 15 Mcb. TOKONTO, ONT FOR SALE A quantity ofRhini^loR for »ale at my mill, lot :*8, con. 8. Artemu-sia, Also nhitigle«cut ou eliaro'4, would oxchatigea spau of horses for uhiuglotimbor. J. HICKLING, Maxwell P. 0. PASTURE TO LET The uudersitined has Roo.l pasture to lot at reasonable rates. Apply to JOHN WKIGHT, Jr., Fltsherton Stock: for Service To all who are intoruHted in coorl atock I would Bay that my Htuck bull. Lord Haluo. Ir aB sure h» ever. I havo also a heavy boned Yorkililre hog for Hervico at 75 cunts. A. JOHNSTON Vaodeleur, Juoe 18. VI. Im INILNTEJy Men and W men who can work hard talking and writing six hours daily, for nix days a weuk, and will be content with tun dollars weeksy. Addresn, NEW IDFAfe CO., Urantford, Ont. ^^VANTED fjl*a^,P»4ly'tS a lady of maturo age, nfluoniont aud tact to spend her tlnio in a tiood caufie. T. H. LIN SCOTT, Toronto, Ont. 4trflHE EARTH OIRDLED." by Dr. Talm- â- ^ HKU- Wo iiurd iritulliKunt men and women as nKunts for this u'rrat work. It soIIp eo rapidly that wo can afford fcood nay to workers. Tho preatoHt hook of world-wide travel over publifthod. Tho imophi, customs, habits, roliKtoii and f;ovurnu)iuit of the coun* trios and trlties of tho worh*, as soon and described by th« k<'«noHt observer and t^roatost word painter of tho eonlury. ProHpoctuH *1 Hooks on time. Thu Uradley-Oarretsou CiK, Ltd., Toronto. Ont. We Will Pay Straight Weekly Wages Of from $10 to $30, accordiiiR to ability, for cai. VfiHHers on " (^uoon Victoria : Her Life and Uoicn," after a trial month nn our big cc>miniHsioi). IMiu Diamond Jubileo is booin- imt; tliis wnnderfnl vulmne, hooping all hands workiu(j early nnd late. Tito .only Canailian work liccnptod by Her MbjurIv and uiidorHod by tho Koyal FuidIIj. A beautiful biK book at a BMiall price. Hurry \our iippltcatton. TUo *trad!oy"(tairotBon Co.. Lt<l. Toronto, Ont. TrOOT>»S I»HO»T»IIOT>TWB. The Great E^ukUhIi Remedy. Six rackaoet Ouarantced to promptly and pfrmanenlly euro nil forma of Scrvou* otorrhea^ Jmiuttenc)/and aU effects of Abiis6 or Exretaea, Mental ^V^^rry, cxceuivfi u»e Before and After. ,„„„^ „, ,,^ „„„ fc„,, ,„ j^ firmttv, IiiBanitj/t Consumption and an ^irly grave. nasbi>en prcBcrlbod over S:> years la thousands of cases; la tho only lielidbie and IT^nest liI*:diHn9 known, AnkdruRKlstfor \Vond*s Phofphodlne: If ho offtTS sonu) worthlwa metllclne In jiIaco of thU, Incloso jirlco In lettsT, and wo will acnd by rotum mall. Price, ono jwokaKO, 81; b!x, $5. Oas xtiU pU'OM, 9iso will cure Pamphlets fri>o to any addrnaa. TUo Wood Company, \vin/t,iar, Out., Caaada. M. Richardson & Co LOOKING AHEAD! The Summer Hi)li({ay Season is lapkily approaching. or'\... Si^i:^^: 111 i PiiY In the Township of KuphniHla. in the County of (Iroy. I'NDrn and by virtuo of tho powor of sale coutiiinod in a cnitain mnrtfiajio to tho von- dor.H, which will bo prtxluctul at the tiuio of Hale, thoro will bo olTorod for sale by publlo auction ou mumi JET in, 18SI H 'i o'l'lock i>. m. nt Miniidiaw's Holel, KloKliortnii, tlie following valuable fieehold •>»op(»rty : Tlio Hoi»41i hpjf of lot Dumber five in the oifilith conctSHinu of tho Town-ihip of Kuph- rasia in tho Comity of Orey. eontnluinf^ 10(1 aores more or less. Ou this property is said to bo situate.) a hnuMe aud Htable in fair coii- iXition. Fifty sores are nald to be under oujiM- vatlou, aud the balance in timber and p^sHTre. Terms and Coaitttlona ol Aale : Tho property will be offered for sale subjo'^t to arettorve bid. I'ha purehnsor sh»vlt at the time of sale pay tou per cont. of hlspurohsF*} money in cash. Terms of payment of the balaneo and all other oondltions of sale will he made known at the time of sale, oronap- idleatioii to Robert J. Hproule, suotloiieor, Flesherton, Out., or to the undersigned. . nOWT,AND, AKNOLDI A JOHNSTON Vfndsr*' Boli«ltQn,.;o« Bay.8traet,.Toroata... Jubilee Celebration June 03 Dominion Day .. July 1 The " Glorious Twtilfth " July 12 With these events so close at hand the question of Seasonable Clothing is an all iinportiint one. Our June Clothing Sales are alw.iys encouraijing, and this season we have n)»<le special preparatiniis to meet the demands on our Ready-made Clothing stock lor tliis month and quote special cash prices to inteniliiig purchaaera. All our garments are well tailored and trimmed and we can fit anyone as our assortment of .sizes is very full and complete. It will repay you to coine and look over our stock. We shall be pleased to .see yon whether you decide to pwp- cliaso or not. All lines advertised are in stock. SPECIAL PRICE5 ^^^^ FOR JUNE Men's Navy Serge Suits $.3 150 iMon's Diagonal Stripe, gray and brown mixture suits .. 4.!l& Men's Dark Gray Check Suits, square cut or sack 4.95 • Men's Hfavy All-wfM)l Tweed Suits, light or dark colors 6.26 Men's Heavy All-wool Tweed Suits, square cut, excellent valtie 8.0O Men's Black Worsted Suits, Venetian finish 8 00 Men's Dark Gray Summer Weight Worsted Suits, extra v.ilue and quality. .12.00 Ready riade Pants Our stock will surprise you â€" all tizBS, all prices, all colors, all weights, Nice All wool Pants, assorted colors, «1.00. Heavy All-wool Pants, 81.25. Black Worsti'd Pants, heavy weights, from 91.95. Boys' Clothing We haven't sutlicent space to say all we would like about Boys' Clothingâ€" our stock is larger and better assorted than ever. Come in and inspect it â€" it will 8]>eak fur itself. Boys' Tweed Suits, from $3.00. Children's Suits, bico summer weights and gocKl colors, $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50. Boots & Shoes Our sales of summer stock har« been highly gratifying â€" the stock is go. ing down, but the splendid assortment i» there still. We can show you ten styled in Ladies' t)xfords to select from, and our range in Ladies', Men's and Chil- dren's Boots is equally complete. Special figures for June in thi» departiueiit. Genrs Furnishings Summer stock new and completse. Felt Hats, Straw Hats. Caps. Sweaters, Ties, White Shirts, Colond Shins, Top Shirts, Light Underwear, Summer Hosi- ery, etc., etc. Summer T^illmeri^ Summer season In full swingâ€" Ladies fhouTd order their millinery now whilo tho stock is well as-sorted. Another mouth will wind up a most successful seitsoQ, _ Specialties in Summer Goods, Shirt Waists, Parasols, Light Underwear, etc., etc HCiLRDiAfARE: i>e:partjvi£:i^7 KEEP COOL And keep the flios away. That is what wo are all trying to do thi-'si da.ys, but it i.s rather hard to do uulo.s.s wo iiave SCUKKN DOOliS and WINDOWS on., Adjua'ablo Screen Windows at 25c. Larvie Adjusiablo Screen Windows at .10c. Screen Do(>rs with Sjtriug Hinges at $1.00. Better t)nc with Spring Hinges at $1.25. Very Fancy D*>or with Spring Hinges at 81.50. Screen Wire from 10 cents yard and upward. Scj/thes and SnaMes Wo carry tho very best lino of GRASS SCYTHES made.. Roxford's Scythes from 65o to $1.00. Dillon's Scythes from $1.00 to $1.25, warranted. COME TO ITS tor any TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE; or Iluilding Hardware you neeil. We can save you money on it. a:^:^J3^5JS-:$^;$a;3% ^ M. Richardson & Co t ^^%A â-  « * ^. t « t r • ♦ ♦ T * »- • "• t > i ' * \ i i .1 ; »* » i \ ^SrMr^^^.^X

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