Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1897, p. 8

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,' JUNE 241897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I D. McTavish FLESHERTON KEEP5 ON HAND ...REPAIRS Kiir Mauey-Harris, Noznn, Fleury and Wilkinaon farm implements. Flvury Bud Verity pluwa on hand all the time, alno all kiiidn of repairs fur tliH same. We manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Hnrseshoeiiig promptly attended to. Hpecisl attentiuii to tender cc'i- tracc«d fe«t. Lugging and Pi«w Cluiin« cuustantly on hand. tfULTUUf |5| «i g 11 MM j t Buggies, Carts, Wagons, Harrows, Plows of the ^^4. ^^ best kinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse ^S ^ Bukcs and Corn ScufHers and repairs. Chains of %9 ^^ ail kinds. Ilorseshooiug a specialty at ^& ^ John H, Heard d Son's Warerooms 5 # m ^f^^ie. .sf^ ..M j, jff, .M(. j)t> .M^ j/ft, ^. m, MyM, .»>«• ^'«. ^i«. ,»)«• .^t«• •&(«• ju- .»u. ^ <fe» -mf^^lei ^^ w' •*»'? w vi?^?^!'? W W ti^ •*»? '/i^ •>iP^<f'yi? -jl?-} i?-?!?^!?^!? "Siv W •>i?^i?W w "ft** The County Council Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip :^LrllZ,:ll â-  CoUetfoB SDd Commercial Depart ineiiU in Canaaa, then visit the Kortlivru Kuaiuem College ; ezauiine av.rytUiiiK tliuroaKlily. if wa (ail tu pioiluce tUe uioKt tborouuli, coiuplate, practical and exteuoive <:our»e of atudy : the bent college premiiiL'ii auil the beet aod uiuyt cuuiplateaiid •luoat aiiitublu furniture and appliancoe, we will Kive jrnu fi full course FRIiK. For aunual aaaoaiiotiuiouLs, giving full particulara, free Addrebs C. A. FLEMING, Principal Summer-' Fruits, Plants Garden Seeds Fl"ur, Feed and Groceries of all Iciudn. ^3^ ISreukfust bacon, Roll bacon, Purk sides. Everything Nice in Season BoMtH :uid Slices atlcndrd to promptly and ill ihu iieatuat manner. KL f[[l mm I ^ I Photos 3 â€"TAKEN I _AT THE Flesherton Photograph ^ Gallery are done in first-class style and at j^ lowest rates. bpccial attention Rivoii to copyine. Uahies' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. I MRS, BULMER Px*ope]rtles FOR - SALE â€"BYâ€" B. ]. SPHOOLE, FIESBEBTOH EUGENIA - - - Mills and Carriag-e Works Cuniages mado and ropairud, also rianiiix tiiid Mutcliing, jiuiid hawing, Wuod Tnniiiig of every dcH- Bcriplioii. riuniiig and (Jraiii L'liop- iiing duuo wliilo you wait, for tlio lieavcr turns tlie wliuci. T. W. WILSON, Manager WANTED ! In ii'.ilimited quantities at llie ir YOC WISH TO BUY PnoPEltTV CONSULT THIS HI'AL'B. FOR iS.\LE cheap and on easy tcmiB, i>no mile fnun FloHherton, 9J acres land and on which is a ){<hxI 7 iiHinis finnio dwullin^, wuU and coinfortiilily liniHhud atoiiu ci'lior uiideruuath, and good woll and pump in kitchen, gixKl frame Ktable and driving liouse, sI.hm brick linul hen hiniHo, Hiiiall orcliai'il C(iiiiinoMcingt.o bear. Ajiply tu K. .1. Sl'KOl'LK, FluKliorton. A DEAD BARGAIN if m.ld during present niontli Two improvul farms, one a milu from I'licoville and the other HJiniu dintanuu from Waruham. Small priyiuent down, balanoo on VEIIY easy teriiiB. Also a liundrid mid fifty aoio farm and mill site onu milo fmui Fh'Klier- tiiii, priiiei])ally li.ii'ilw(ii«l IhimIi, 25 acres cU'HriHl and fraim- dwelling and stiiblo. Any pcrKoii wanting a dociJed bargain apply quick U) above. BO V«AK8' IXPIRICNOI. Highest Caali Prices. only 5 c l^er 13a^ \ eecroft & Talbot TRADE MARKflf DESIONS, OOPYRIQHTS Ao. Anrnne pondlnB a uliolch nnd donrrlption may ouli-klv nx^urtnln, freo, whi'llicr iiii Invuiitioii la protinlily paleiitablB. ('(â-ºriniiunlottttniid strictly aonndsntlBl. oldu«l ndeiicj f.irBcoiirliw |i»totitJ lu Aiuorlca. Wii Imvii ii WHHlilnuKm oflloe. Pntiinta talinn IhrounU Muim A Co. reoelT* apuclal iiotloo III tlio SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, b<ik..)liriillv niiinlnili'it. Iiirwnt cirnilfitlon d any •clontlilo Jounuil. wmiaij, torinii t3.ll(l » joari (l.tOilz moiitlis. H|iiii^lninii ciipliig lum UAflJt ItuuK utf I'ATK.STs flout froo. AdUroos MUNN A CO., 301 Uroadwuy, New York. «! Cash : for : Hides! Bhoopskins anil all kinds of fuiH pnr. oIiB-iod, for wliieii hiylicbt niiirkel prio will be paid. Ili^inptiindii sautagea on Imud, u'te all kiiidi of meats. rioslicrtou Meat Emporium From the Timei Th* County Council inel on Monday evening m the court houno, VVaidcii Allen preuiding, and all the m»mbara be- ing present. lu his opening remarks the warden had a few niiuur aiauers tu reler to, and tbe clerk presented a number of nuimport- siit commuuicutioiis and ucoounts, wbiuli, after reference to their cumuiitleea, tlie council adjourned tu uieul on Tueaduy sfteriioou. Au interesting discassiou on the re- solution uf Messrs. Wauun and Binnix, recommendiug that a memorial be pre- ^euted tu tbe lettislature fur the amend- uieiit of the niuuicipul act, making the term fur whicti reevet, and counciiluru in towiiH, tuwiiships and Tillages are ul<-cl- ed, two years, instead uf one yeai as at present. Mr. Watson pressed the adoption of the resulution on the ground of ecouumy principally, as it woula save the expense usually incurred in tba annual electiun. He tliougbt too, that it would be an ad- vantage in that the councillom would ^et a more lengthened, and consequently a better experience in niuiiiciiial niaiceis by having a two-year's term, and su be 01 greater service to their constituents. This principle has been adopted in the term given to county counciiluis under the new law, and he thuu>>lit it woulU be of e((ual advantage in the local councils. Mr. Biniiie supportud it also, on tbe grounds tbar a better class of men wuuld offer theiiisehes for membeis of the cuuiicils, if ihey had a Imiger term, and were tliUH s.ivedtlie auiio)aiice and suine- tiiiies the abuse of the annual election; and at tbe same time wuuld act mure in the publics interest, nut thinking bo much ot bow their a ts would securn the votes at tbe next election. Mr. McDiiiiald tbuught it would be time enough for the change tu be made when the people asked for it, and mure- over that It was hardly in order for the cuunty council to ask for the change as the county council was far removed by the new law from the local councils. Un thought that a bad cuuucillor cuuld do a lut of mischief in twuyeats, and tbat every councidor uuf{ht tu be bruugbt to give in his account annually to his con- stituents. Messrs. Gordon, Bishop, McColnian and Kicbanlsoii also oppuaed the root ion, while Messrs. SiiiK, Uruwn and (juance favored it. On the motion beiug put it was oeclared lost by tbe warden. A deputation from the Marine and General Hoapital consisting of Iter, >Ias. ArditI, Dr. Cameron and Jas. Mc- Lauchlan, Esq., presented th« cisiais of the hospital to the cuunoil. Several ineii.bers uf the cjuncil asked for debnite particulara, showing more fully the county's interest in the hospital, and a committee uf five was ap|ioiiiled to inter- view tbe hospital board and procure facts tu lay before the council. A deputation from Owen Sound Sugar Beet Co. , was also received. Mr. Thoin- Sun it^Te some very interesting figures as to the profit to the fanner which will accrue tlir>m'.ih the eHiablishniout of the manufacture of the beet sugar, lie stat- ed moreuver that tests bad been made uf the beets grown in this noighborhuo'l, the result gnini.' to show that this cli- mate and the soil of this section are ad- miiably adapted to the culture of tbe beet. The object of tbo . deputation in coining before tliu cuunty council was to secure a small grantâ€" nut exceeding IjjIlUO â€" to aid in collrclin!.' samploa of the root' grown in the diU'erimt sections of this ci'untj for analysis at Iho Agricultural College, Uuelpli. Mr. Thonisonalsu stat- ed that a niaiiufacturi.'r In Germany uf suijar factory plants, hud, on thoocciiHiun of a rscent visit to tlwen Sound, slateil, that if the beet root grown here stuud the rciiuirod test ns to i)ualily, his linn would not liosita'e to put in the plant, which would be worth at least $16,0O0, taking stock in the biislnesH to that ex- tent. This Would make a aucceas of the enterprise, as the truublu now lacing the coiiipuny was Mie Necurmg uf tlii capital t>i place the pliiiit, Mr. Thuiusuii gave figures showiiiu' the cost per acre of urow- iiig and marketing iho lieuti, and deiinMi- sl rated by these li){uros a clear prolit to the i{ower of 4(.'IU to HaO per acre. Mr. MucKenxie gave quututiona of cheap freight ratoH, oltered by t\\» C. P. R. and U. T. R. fur tbe carrying of tbe beet roots in the county, al»o of the miles ol coast line on the Cioori'ian liny and Like lluroii, fioin whiuh beets could be hnmght by watfr, at a cost not cxcoedinu 2i) tu 40 cants piir tin, lie also |;ave the figures uf the amount ox|>uiidod by tbe Duniinioii aiinuHlly tor the sugar imp >rt- ed f<ir coiiHuinptiiiii, and proved the de- mand t I be almost illimitable. The addiosses of Mossrs. Thomson and M'tckunzio wore full of interest, and tho members of thecouiuil seuiiied very much interested and in sympathy with the undertaking. On VVedneaday tho Finauoe Committees' Report No. '2 suppliej a subject f .r d.s- cuasioD. Mr. Bisbop moved in coiutnittee that claiue 1, of Ueport No. '2 of Vnianoe b« refarred back lur further consideration. Ho renewed tlia ouurae of assuasment of I88II, when the report of tho coming v.iliiatora was adopted as a baaii of equalii- ation, and pointed out tbat the charges from ltfS;i tu ItlSi) were uumlual charges ani on a peruent&co plan, retaiuiug tbe valuation hsalmnii nutil 1H8U, when the tuwii hud $6U0,(XMI added lo the oasessment while every other municipality had ptiiotioaily inor.mse.l, wliile tho town of Oa'on Sound a tuw years Uter was reduced iiboiit HI) per oout. al Ihd s tiuo linie. Everv ut!ior muniuipuliiy was reduced iu like pro- piirlio:), lo.4Viiij( ilio lucre j.ho ol 8,'i()0,000 on t>ie town, iipi/D uo bums whatov<r but iiiarn (;U''H i work. M'. MoUo'.amiin failed to ace that the loivu nas bvtu^ uufuirly dealt irdh. Mr. Uordeo referred to tiie iocreaae of tSOO.OOO on Owen .Sound'a assessment a> having been nut on during the time of the IVIsoD Iron VVorka' boom, which was really the greatest curse that ever came upon the town. Proton, be was giveu tu nndarstanii, was very far down compared with other muuicipalities in the county. AU tnat the representatives of Owen Sound desired was to have fair play, bnt if ibey had to take tlie matter before tba judge, the re- sult eould nut he doubted. Mr. McDonald referred to theprogreta made by Oweu Bound l>eiuK much greater ihaa in any otiier municipality in the Ouuoty ; waa drawing bus ueas from at least one third of tbe cuunty ; it, v/ai not affected by the grass-hopper plague, or failure ol crops. In ine oilier uiuu- iuipalitiea, real eitate bad been going down, wbile Owen Sound was eteadily ou tne lu- Oiease. No oompialni haa been made by tUe leadiDfr taxpayers of iho town, Ue was of the opiniou that if tbe matter were takeu l>efote any tribunal that tbe ofaaucea are tbat iba assessment of Oweu bound would be iucreassd. Mr. Gordon replied, denying the fairnesa of the comparison made by McDonald, as Owen Sound'a assessmeui was leally labuve the actual cash valae of the properly ; whereas there was no mi;mber present who wuuld dare to say tnat tbe asbeasmeut in the local muuicipaliiiea waa over ball values. The farmers arc getting tne beoetit of the progressive character of Owen Sound buain sa men ; anu wtiile lbs farmera auBei because of bad crup.s and grasshoptjers, ihe people of Owen Suuud oertuiuly auHer b»- caube of the hard time aifcciiug ihe farm ers, Mr, Quance thought ibat as compared with value over 21) yeara aj^u, en bound is Dot suffering by iIb pieaeut assessment. .Mr. Hinnie said it would be uulortunate if any ill feeling were engendered between tne muoicipalilies in the cuuuiy. A (/reat change baa takeu place in relative vuluea ID all propel ty, siuce the valuation valuos was made, lu reference to Nuimaudy, a , appeal wsM made by Obprey some years ago belore tb« couuty Judge, and, as the juOKe hal no power to reduce the total asaesa- mSDt of tbe county, tie bad lo put tne re- duOliOD aomewha «. and it was by him put on Norman by. Theie have been no com- plaims since 188' by Owen Sound. A general reduction was made tbe next year. Proton has been raised ihree times since then. Owen Sound has advantages over every other municipality, '/ue advaiitagca to Owen Sound are ao great that uo unfair- ness is being done. Mr. Bisbop old many of the arguments used had very little t>earing en the case, Ue thought it uut>.ir to say tbat because four asaeaaora have put tbe asbesanienta at t9"U,U0O mora than the cuuuty put it at the towo of Owen Sound ia assessed at its full value. Property in Owen Sound cannot be sold to-day at its assessed value. Tne asiesament in Coliingwood, Holland and other towuabips is very much luwrr than the equalizaJ ssseaameut, ahowinti that the local aaaesam»Dt loU would not be taken as a basis for a eorreet valuaiioo. Mr. McColman said land in Colling wood towoship were being asaeaaed at their caali valns, Owen Sound waa not soOsring un- less it waa at tbe hacils of its representa- lives here. He cor Id not see why they should aak for a reduction They have in- creased their local asaesameats, wbile the townabip aaseasuenta hava steadily de- creased. Mr. BicbardsoD had listened attentively and would like to give an iutelligent vole en the question, but there were important figures warning. The values have been bated ou the county valuation uf some time ago. Changes in town and cities and even villsgPH take place more than iu luwosuips. Ue did not see bow tu get at any chauge without opening <ip the whole question of nssesHinent, and while It may be pusbibie ihal Owen Sound is sufleriug, it would be better to let It ataud as it is at prosnol. .Merchants and others lu tonus do leel the losses which affect farmers, for they are de- pendent upon the far^ler^, and do feci the hard limes when thi-y utlect tne ci unty. The council were aaked tu give a hearing to the deputation from tlie North Cire.v Ititlo .\aauciatiun and periiiistiun beiag given, Mr. J. F. McCallum addressed tbe council on behalf of that orgauizaiion. The niattar was referred to tho financial cum- luittee. TO UCONTINUBD The Markets. CnrcruUy Corrected Fiiich Wveh Klour $3 80 to $5 2C Oats 18 to 20 Wheat 80 to 85 Itarloy 20 to oO I'eas 37 to 37 butter 10 to 10 Exits, fresh 8 to 8 Potatoes 'bag 25 to 25 I'urk 4 00 to 4 70 Bay per ton. 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 09 Slieepskina 25 to 60 • loose ' to 6 Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair.. . . 20 to 25 Ducks per jwir 40 to 50 Wool 17 tu 20 Time Table OOINO HOVTH. Mnrkdalo- 7 .% a. m. 4,40 p. m. FleKliur'ton â€" 7,48 a, in. 4.52 p. in. OOINO NORTH. KleNhortonâ€" 12,07 p. in. 9.18 p m, Mtttkda'eâ€" 12.20 p. m. 9.30 p. ni. Tan Bark Wanted The nil lereis'ned wishes to buy »ii> (] ii.-.it.itv >f tiui b irk. ttildt bn 4 fret loiiK, flnt hikI not curled, and well saved. )>ri(-» 4:1 pe.rxol. „ , - KDWABD 8.\uunKr Flubhoitoa Btatlou, .duuu o: gujsittwtf (£>mU M •CULLOUOH A YOUSO Daukers, Markdalo Do a general banking business. Honey loaned at a reasonable rata. Call on ua. "â€" â- "• A 8 VANDU8EN, J P **• Clerk 3th Div Court. Co Grey tsfncr of MarrioRo Licenses, Conveyancer, Notary. Public, .\uctioueor. Money to loan at (rum 5 to 6 per cuiit. Charges moderate. FLEBBEBTON P O nUDTB COLLECTED ^ The undersigned ia prepared to undertake the collection ot all kinds of debts. Kotta bought, accounts col'ected, etc. 11 N HENDEHBON, Fleehertou. 01 CHISLETT * Flesherton Station Postmaster, Coaimlssioiier in H C 3, CoRtey- anccr. Deeds, niortganes, leases and wills dratvii. Monej to lend at 5J per cent and up- wards, Debts collected. Charges mcdarate. p J SPKOULE " Postmaster, Plesharton roromissioner in B B, Licensed Auctioneer. Conveyancer, Appraiser and Money Lender, Keal Lntate and Insurance Agent. Deeds, uiuitKaneg, leases and wills drawn up and valuations made on tbortebt nrtice, Aoctlou saioB attended to In any pert ot the couuty. Money to loan at lowest rates of iutrrint. Col- lectl„tiB attended to with proniptntus aod detpateh, ChsrRcs low. Agent for Uomluiou Sleauikhip Company, Cheap tickets lom Hobherton to Liverpool, Glasgow. Loudon or any o> tbe British ports. I'ttriieu iiitendina to visit England, Scotlaud or lieiaud, niil pl-jase ask lates befcro purchasiuff their tickets elsewh(;re. <^o<i?ticj8i A O W meets every first and third Uonday "• io each mouth, iu their lodyo room. Strain's block, Plei<bertou, at 8 p m Prica Teeter, WU; AM UibHon, Recorder ) W J Hellamy. Pinaocidr. Visiting brutbren invited. DBINCE ABTHTR LODGE, No 33.1. A P * A A U, meets iu the Masonic ball. Strain'a block. Flesherton, every Friday on or batora the full moon. U MoUill, W M ; W J Bellamy, Secretary, Jcntii^tvii T P MARSHALL w M US, DDS, LD S, Visits Pleahsrtou the 1st and 3rd Friday ol each month. LO CAMPBELL L U S, D O B, Dental Burgeon, Uarkdale Office over llcCullough & Yonngs bank. Hoursâ€" 8,30 am tofi p u. Visita FlesherUa the second and fourth Thursday of aacb month, Ufflce at Munsbaw a hotel. T HENDERSON D D a, U D B, Dentist of Toronto (Gold Medalist) will visit Flesherton pro- fessionally the first Wadneaday ot eacb moul and Uuudalk tbe following day (Thursday,) « Sm JOHN W FROST, L IS B o Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, ato Omcoâ€" Next to poatofllce, 8)>ronlo'B block. Flenhnrtou, every Satnriay and court da>B. N Bâ€" Owou Hound ofllce, Frost's blouk, JO lonlett street east. LUCAS A WBKIHT llarristeis, bolicitors, Conveyancers, etc Owen Sound, Out Markilale, Out W H WKIGHT . 1 B LUCAS N Bâ€" Flesherton office, llitchell's Bank, every Wednesday. TUCKEK A PATTERSON A Barristers, Solicitors, etc Molsou's Bank, Oweu Soond HABBY a TUCKEJt QEO W PATTERSON KTACSAY A HATTON "^ iiatristers, Solicitora, etc Olllccsâ€" 30 Ptulett street, Oweu Sound: anA &laiu street, Uuudalk, rvery baluroay. N I)--.\lways In atteLdance at Flushartou and Uuudalk Dlvisiou Courts. A U WACKAY, MA W J UATTON Couuty Crown Attorney I^UtUrul DU BUTTON UUCM, MPP&S Out, PrIoevUle. Office next door to Brown's store ; reaidenco one door west ot Methodist church, Kinross street, UlUce days, Tuesaa>s and Saturdays. nU CARTER ^ M C P ft 8 Out, Phvsician, Surgeon, oto Flesherton ofllceâ€" Slraiu's' block. Bueldeuceâ€" .Muuuhaw'a Hotel. JOHN A SCOTT, M B •* Member College rhyalc. & Surgeons, Ontario Uraduate iu Mediciiie of Toronta t'nivvrsitv. Fellowship Di)iluniu. I'ost l.iadu- ate tleilioal School and Hospital, Chioauo. IMseascs of oye, ear, iioso and throat FpeciaTly treated, BebideLcu, Maxwell, visits Fevarabam I'liuisdyus Iâ€" B , - J r OTTf.WKLL U Veterinary Sui-geon flradiiato of Ontario Veterinary ColIe(e, Kesidoi'co â€" Second door south ou west sit e Mary strci't, 1'his scieeta runs south fi-om I'resbyteriau church. jniCEVILLE AND DURHAM STAGS Durham stage leaves Flo-tborton Station at 7,15 a.m., leturus d.45 p.m. I'rioeville staKS leaves ilie !<anio place at t-J.,SO, returning at 4.45. I-'are tu PrU'cvilleaud ret tirn.rtO cents ; Unrhani, t'lM) for return. 7 >e, single fare. Livery iu oou- uuetluii. Orders may bo left at either hotol, A.MoCAULEY Prop I'avs for vonr Nsme on 12 lleimtifiil HlDPliN NAME t'AUI).-l, lovel\ ];iftiires, Or 20 HKtulsoiiieC'Blh'i'' Cards, Casb ^,ith Older. Staii;p» taken. Address, CANADA C.UVD UOtSi:, lugoiatU Cutuiio. ^< :^^ V « t

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