Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1897, p. 1

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WpW*"]!*-" â-  ' "' â- â€¢'â-  \ftxlon ^b^antt. fj M, V • TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.'' s> + VOL XVI, NO. 853 rf Flesherton, Ont., Ttiursday, July 8, 1807 W. H. THUHSTON, ^""'^^^A PHUPKIETOB ^^^Qdding '"^resentci. The selectii-ii of a wtddi/ prtseLt Li often a LiJli^ult tisk, l,ct itfcat wil! be oveici uie wLen ycu cxr.iii;/ ^" '' "'S^ itiiil extei.sivK Bti -.l;. Hi;- vv-rytUing that is usualiy ^j Xxr-^A' e Jewtilury Stonj. : Liii. n U'- â- Juiie is a u ctith we »ro p^pjNvrod iur it dispiay of WVtt'ing will tinil our pr:ce;i vl' Ludy iii goiiy to mua p»'(iiilgs a< d a I titutiful Furc'Iiasurs low. Kvery- cir bclattion at Enzeuia. From our mmt Corrtxpaiident The Weather «t present is really warm. $»winton Park Prom our oxen correnHindent. A number of our citizens dttendetl the eonuijb so for anyone. Crops are mak- Queeu's Juhilee at Dundalk, wbiie iiiii great |;rowih and pro»pect.i are good others went to Mount Forest. All re- for an abundant harvest. port a good time and thi* children are D miiiioii Day was, m, usmil, cele- highly delighted over their medals and biuteil here by a great number of people Iwdges. r'nm all part" of the country. The cool, I Mr. Dusal Fergusun celebrated tbe ^bady groves and the beautiful falls Queen's Jubilee in the Queen City. St ill retain their chiirui for all lovers of , Many hands makd light work. A romattc scenery. The garden paity , number of our citizens have been busily given by the ladies of tht) Presbyterian eouaced at th« shed which ia beint; built J waa pUyed church was a success. The supper was ' at the Presbyterian church and will have i between the Oaimtiefs lacrosse ham team on July 1st, the Aberdeen* liv- ing Bcocsasful by a score of 3 to 1 . iir. B. S. Baa left on Tuesday for a visit to the o'd coantry. Mr. Xorman McCrae is holidaying .a Durham. Mr. H. Henry of Warkw.irth is vialtii g bis mother here, who is very dl. Mrs. Berirand of Storgeoa Filla is tL,:- iog her jxireDta here. MisH Minnie Dnodaa and .Miss Flemii.i f nf Brandon are visiting ihs (ormar's pa..i..r here. The first home league game of lacios.:* in Markdola on TuewlAy, lub af W/A. ARHSTRONG'S JeweHer and O? Jin. - - - - Flesherton, Ontario I'SC excellent and the tables were well it completed sooii. parronizud. The refre.tlimeiit stand also A large number of the Christian En- Loagaers at in Drcmore I, did a i^oud business. At m;{ht th^ Rev. | deaverors and Epworth Mr. Thoui and Mr. fiogtsrs held evanue- tended the convention j lietic Service iu the hall, which was tilled Friday last. L'*^"-*'.'-:' g' «'.'" «. -"^^ » j^ rcat mai^^^ig t t 'tj tgi - ' -iff f '%-JL, _" . ^ -• °<.'t '"^ .. .. ., ,- _ __. â-  â-  1 . .u . I ..:t •: Tl. . I ,. . . L â€" <'('^. storf "t here. Sheiburne sad the Aberdsea's of .NlArkdale, resaliiuK'-n a vtotory for Markdale bj four goals to ihr«e. HaxwelL - .-.,_- UU»V ^'rotn Our Own ' not get room iiiside the buildiiii;. The has been holding special uieeiiiigs atj Thelon^ ineutiiigs every night are well atteiidetl. Proton Station the past two weeks. We la»t. Gram and roo and a i;ieut many seeui anxious concern- 1 hope hi* labors will be crowned with rapid growth, iug their lual^ salvation. suctsess. The Mahodist Sunday school will hold I We arc s rry tu learn that Miss their annual picn:c on the i;ruunds here ' Adeline FergU8..ii is very low at present, on B'ridiy. I Mr. Thonms Par»low, who met with Tl.e Rer. Mr. Plunkett of the Me-!*" '"'^"^'""- •^''^ ""' ^"'''"-' ^^ ^'"^ th.dist cLurch preached his tira sermon ' ''''r^^'",':''!"!^**^^^?'"*'' ,'^°7""'!: to h:s Euj^euia cuU;{:bg.i!]ou on Sunday oveuiui:. A lar^u uuiuuer were preseut. udeiU h.is coaie This Week's Announcement Has refe ence to some strikingly special linos of goods placed in stock within the ijiust few days and marked at quick-moving priccii. It's to your advantago to find out personally ju-^t how far a dollar will go in purchasing goods here. During the past few months we have made the aciiuamtaiice of a host of new customers whom we have reason to believe have been perfectly sat shed with our methods of conductmg business and values nivoi). Are you one of them J Refeirin^^ agiiiti to this week's list of values this fact is worth teinoiubering. Wo Imy lan^e quaniities for 8ix>t ra.sh to got close prices. We sell at close prices for cash and proiluco to move Urge quantities. SEE ! SEE I 5EE ! Whisks, made of green corn, 2 or 3 string, very special, at oc, 10c, 12Ao Brooms, green cm, 14-inch brush, 4 string, extra value, 15c. WashboanU, A big purchase makes the 20c kii.d each 15c. Scrub Brushes, host quality corn and our best value, 8c. Cups and Saucers, fancy, if you need any buy s<.'on as possible, per dozen, 78c. Cottonades, sauio quality as wo have had all season, the 25c kind for 18o. iloaiury, our second larga purchase of the^o gooda, quality sam* as before, fast black dyes, spliced heels and toe^ 10c. Blouses, a special purchase, pretty patterns, fiist colors, laundried cuffs and coll.ir Willi sett of buttons, will be here for only a few days, 50c. Tweeds, new stock, no value like them anywhere else, 25c. Quilts, white, size 11 quarters, a world-beater, U8c. FJannollettes, 32-iiich, very heavy, iu all conceivable colors and patterns^ while oOOO yards hist our price will be <>c. Top Shirts, about a dozen different kinds, such .is black sateen, fancy knitted, fancy bi aided grays, fancy prints laundried, etc. Your choice of a big lot at 4t«c. English Prints, another large lot, same quality as before, in various colors and ptittorns, 10c. Whenever Circumstances Make it Convenient Or poss ble for you to cotne to M.vkd:ile wo conliaUy invite you to come in and ptic? oiu- Dress Good , Millinery. Carpets, Boots and Sh' Mrs. Mcliityre, of Montreal, and Miss I FuHerton, of Manchester, are the guests of Mrs. D. McMillan, the former lady beini/ a sinter of Mr. McMillan. Mr. and Mis. Patlers<m, of Euphrasia, visited friends here lately. The Orangenitn of this Ticiuity are looking furward to the culebration of the "glorious twelfth la Markdalc. He .i.aJe a very favorable iiiipre&sioa uii h>s h~-..reis, who ard all h^giily pleased w.th huu. The F.ev. Mr. Little, of Dornoch, 1(;reachtrd to a very iur,» audience on Suoday afternoi'U ill th>' gio.e luljoiiing the hall. Everyone was dce^'ly iwpreis- ed with hise.irudst di^icourse. Rev. Mi. Thxui and Mr. Rogers iriut to Durnucb to preach in his {Jaue. We are very »",rry tu kuow that Air. Joseph I'oi'lar is very po»r!y at present. We trust ho will soi u I.e rtstored to his UbUui huali.!i. Ur. Willie Bell, nhoee health has bt^eu ; very poor for soiuetimu past, is going to Caluary, Ii. W. T. We trust the change I of cliiuate will restore him to good I hi.alth again, as he is a young man whuin t.> know is to love. He cariies I the prsyers and go. d wishes of ail this , g.^j^ Richardson this I comiuuiii'y a'ong with him, all hoping' , he m.iy get great benefit from the change I of climate aud soon returu rus:i.'red to perfect health. I Statue labor is now being done. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ferguson, of lady ! Bank, formerly of Eugenia, paid a short visit to triends at Eugenii) on Dominion Day, hiving very recently embarked on the sea of matrimony. We tender them our hearty contsratulgations and with theio a pleasant Journuy through life. Tumi Line A and E From our otcn CvrresjioHiletit Extremely warm weather at present, ! which, wiih the late rains, are inakinu the crops gr w at a rapid rate. Some fanners have cunimeiiced to cut hay, but the »crk will nut be general until after the ISih. Road Work watt the order of the day ast week. Mr. Albert Erskine and Miss Margrett i Heath are visiting Mr. Charles and Miss week in Colling- wood. Mr. H. Wyville and J. Brown art buildin.^ Uie stune woik fcr Mr. Dunlop's new house. Ready Made Clothing, Groceries, w.ll b-j profited by so d' in^. Crockery, GUisdwai-e, etc., etc. Yoi Vandelcur FROM A SVECI.^L CORHESPo.NDEST Dominion Day in this town, like every other loyal place in the Duiuinion, paid due respect to our national birthday. From Mir oiof» Corrtfpotident A few in the neighborhood have cons- , inencod haying. Mr. Clark, of Chatsworth, vibited his dauuhter, Mrs. Geo. Piitchard, last week. Mrs. John Wariing visited friends in Chatsworth a short time ago. %lr. T. Gilbert, of >Ti,irton, spent a few days last week with friends in this Miss Mary Stracban left last week to visit friends in Allistoo. School having closed for the suiuu.«r holidays, cur teacher, Mr. McWhiLney, left for bis home near Ham ver onThiut- diy. Mr. Tl.omas Bemmse arrived hcmd- from Parry Sound last week . The Rev. Mr. Ferrior of St. Marys church preached bis fate well sennou .Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. Cun'iuU it bis successor. The Ixiys met the C</ibettun hxithall teamat McIutyreDo nininn Day A'.tl.oi gh our boys have not played a n.atch for two years, also being weak by M'inaif their players not b« inn alilu to g t thei-j that d;iy, still they held the much hea i r team to a tie, each securing two goals. Some of our citizens took iu the spot • at Thorubury, Ju!y 1, otheis went to l! e picnic at McIiityre so «s to bo on hand t.) encourage the boys as thoy pl;^y>>l. football. Flesbrrtua Sluliua F. T. HILL & CO. Markdalc ' - Ontario a nfT-nnâ€"rrr •"""â- '" TTini"-'"^''""'' crown of Britain pervaded the pipulace. tlapiy groups of picknickcrs enlivened I the day's proceedings and the writer must admit a happier day'wris never bo- I fore spent. Business, of course, wa* susp. uded, but the casual observer could ' see the unmistakable signs of business i pro.sperity around the mills of Messrs. Sloan and the Toronto hoop and veneer company, of Toronto, who hope to ex- tend business. The palatial hostelry of mine host P. Munshaw is a striking figura not often mat in backwoods towns, where the tourists, in search of nature's sublimity and grandeur, may find all the luxuries and comforts of city life. Mr. Ho^,' is extending and enlarging his uie.caiitilj ousinow to meet increas- ini{ demands, aiid, as a wliole, the air of thrift and in(liit,try siiriounding the town elevated our mmtal laioineter several decrees. . I Mr. U. McLean Purdy yot retains his I mental vitality in a manner agreeably pleaaant to oue of his old time coufreri*. Although we univeisiiily diU'ored upon politics, we as univoisally agreed upi'n the I i;;her pviuciples of ijontlenian'y iu- lercuuise. Mr. aud There was no ostentatious display, but j "«'»'»*~'''""'i- a fervid feeling of devotion to. the crown I Boru-Ou July 27th, to Mrs. S. Wailing, a daughter. The young people of this vicinity took n the sports at Thorubury on Dominien Day. Our road comtuissi<ner has had some excellent work done en the Meaiord mad with the ijrader. Mr. F. Birch, of Wodehouse, was a caller at Mr. J. (5. Buchanan's on Fri- day last. Mrs. Samuel Buchanan left last week for her home in Caledonia. Mr. El. Buchanan attended the wedding of his sousin. Miss Rose Ftnis. at Beaverdalo last Wednesday. The jubilee celebration at Mr. Thos. Kell's was well patronized and a sociable time was spent. Pri'ceods §33. Mr. C!eo. Shannon had a number o teams last week drawing brick for bis new house. Sir. J. I. Graham bad a bee last week drawii g cedar from the Valley. Klarkilate Fiom o'tr own I 'urmfntwieHt. The Ab£:rii««n lacrosse club oi Markdsls ^i.-^ed «nsxhib;l.ou g^uis with Ul« I>ut- Frvm oiiratre i Corrf^pi wl ••*â-  Statute labor IS bein^ perfi rmed bar* this week. Great impiovement.i are be- ing made on our sidewalks which weie badly needed. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. T. L.gate of B.irrie vijji'ed here hist week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Creemore .ire visitifig theie daughter, Mrs. W. ilc- .Mulleii. Mr aud Mrs. Puruess of iV.'ounk Forest visited Mr. 11. Tucker. Miss Jennie Cairns is si>endiu^ a fe<r waeks with frimds in Meafoid. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. L,'gate have been »:>ending a few weeks with friends iu Owen Soundand other pwrts. Miss B,dla->lcKen/.ie is spending a few weeks wi'h friends in Dnneden. Mr. T. JIc.Krthur lost a two year old colt by bieakingils leg while in pasture. ^ y rector \h ^ ^ FOK % Latest style ;^ \^ iit >0 5U1T 1> I Good-Fitting ff? Hit iif iij iProctor

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