Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1897, p. 5

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~^w^... THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE JULY 8 1897 IL ' iU » il-U Vicinity Chips € laracteristH's of the Past Week fjirefuHy Culled for the Curious Biuimsi noti:es amoiu) locals vill be + ckirged at t',u rate of t^i cents + yer 'ine fir each insertion, A t redur.tiun will be made on con- t tracts for 100 lities or over. » Mayip^ has cOiiimeiiced. Th» Hanover Post is miking a hot K'ilit fur fire prutection. It ougiit tu win. Oar lacrosse l)i'yi will cross sticks in Dundalk with tlie Shiinir.icks of that ti'WU t(>-iu.)rrow (Friday). Mrs. Jiis. Julin-'t n, east, back line, passed away on Tuesday morning after u lengiliy iUnoas of consufiipt ii-n Messrs. Prictor and Allan, tailors, Liive rcmi'Ved the'r ah^p to Cliyton's Hock, opposite Ri. Iiaids'^ii's hardware. Wa arj in.^l^IllLâ- d tiiut the liu'-p and vemer mill at Eu^eiiia l.as changed h.uds, Mr. P;itiertoii of Blaiityre being tlie purchuHcr. FariK-y Call. g!mn was fined SO and costH or CO days f"i obntrucling t!i.' cunstable while atti'niptiny to arrest ilc- Ci>y. McCoy is still at large. Mr. Jiicnb Holky, west back line, wlio had bii mower demolished by aruna«ay, had to purchase another hist week. He drew it homo iu a wij^on this time. Sunday hi.st was one of the hottest c'ays on r.C"rd hero, the therm. >nieter I'.'ii^ierii g !)'l in the shade. Moi.diiy » ah a I'U, le of di-rei 8 coider. but hot t.lki ffh 10 suit th;.' Uiost fas'.idiou", as a>.-« v.-x-y 'i uttday aid Wit' iithday. W. J MLFarl.'uJ & Son selling this week : 4 pa.'k goa Ainoiican cornstarch f ir liO ce-its, 72 i' ch twill sheering 17^ cents, rexula: price 25 co.iti ; white Mi.ot liiualuiB, bii[;htly damaged, 10 ceuts, r. giilar20 cents; ICO •uds mi linery r bbinH, hices, s Iks and Vilvets, half jirices. Whon in Mjik.lale Wo sur-.' and call at SlcFar'aiid's & Sons. Tl>e an.iivursa:y services and gnr.ltn party iu connection with the Presby- terian cl'.urch on iSuuday and Monday evLMiiiig were viry succisoful, <ho pro- ceeds of llie whole aini'un'.ing ti over 851. The garden party 5Iondiiy e^-^nin'^ WB8 well pairon zed and a pleaiaLt vveiii' g was spent. Tlie baiid added much to the enjoyment. A larsa number of friends drove out to the station en Friilay evmiiig to bid farewell to Mr C.J. Leitch a:,d family who weredepai tnig (or their new home iuWaliguon. Mr. and Sirs. Leitch t:iko with them the heaity goi d wishes ufa ldr"o cii tin uf friend.s, who ti ust thai pros^eriiy will be their award. The Creeniore S'.ar says : Rev. Mr. riunkett, who hiis been Meihoui-<t minister lime for the paat twelve mouths, preached hii farewell sermon on Sunday iiight before a veiy large congreKatinii. His sermon was not like the general run of fiuewe 1.S that woik on the peoples feelings, hut was a very ablo discourse showing the ability of the speaker. Mr. f lunketl go.'S to Eugenia Falls, and will leave behind him many true friends, who wish him well in his new field of labur. The Lucknow Sentinel gives the foUawini.' incident, which will bo of in- tsrest to the many friendsof the principals concerned : ' O.i Tuesday evei.in; last, a number of the yolunteers belong- ing to No. 3 Company, 3'-'iid battalion, assembled at tl:o residence of thoir popular lieutenant, J. W. A.rnistiong, to »how their appreciation of his goud train- ing and kuidntss to them during camp, by piesiiitina; him with a handsome nickel plated sword. Color Sergeant M. Mathenon read a neat and nicily worded address to Mr. .\rinstrong, after which M.J.Saunders made tho presentaliou. Although taken by surprise, Jack made an appropriate reply. heatti.ly thankii g the boys for their generosity and good- will tow ud hill', asetrin; them that ihei. kind action would never be forgotton. Mr. Hugh Morrison also made a few nice remarks suitable to tho ocoasion, while Will Sullivan, Wingham, aado time pass pleasantly by singing a large %,uml^ of palh«ti<; au^ cui^it; aoi)(j[4.. Dr. LanderUin, M. P., Hanover, was ciintii.ed to his r..om for several days owing to a bicvolc accident. Canadian Child Saving Work-This work carried on under the superintend- siicy of Rev. C. \\. Watch, Biighton, (Jilt., is inorenHing in its h-dpfulness U> tho needy child of our own land and at the same time bringing joy and blessing to many a home by introductiiig into it Some bright little one whose only want is that of a home and a friend. About thirty children hare been placed out since January 1st. Mr. Watch has at present some very desirable cases for adopti-.n, among them a few bright little boys and also a few girls. A beautiful oc oroon baby girl of two years is now awaitinsi a christian homo, also a few othev children. Funds are required for this work of love. Any needy child in the coiintry wanting a home or friend will be helped Address correspondence to Rev. C. VV. Watch, Brighton, Out. \ large nuinb«r of Fleshertonians drove over to Afarkdale on Tuesday to see the lacrosse match betweeii Markdale ai.d Shelbuine clubs, and wi'nen.sed a thoroughly nuod game for their tro'iblo. Shelbuine thought they had as much of a snap with Maikdale as they h-ul with Flesherton for the tiist ginie, but were sadly deceived. Maikdale put up a lousing good game from beginning to end and have the lio.ior of beating a liam that "hns played hiciosso fin«e they were weaieil," and this was done by a {.reen team. Si.elburi.e is great'on combination play but Markdale hnuged them too close to give them a chance to ejiliil)it themselves iu that lino. The sciMo sti'Od 4. to 3, and the time was as fo.lows: Sheiburne 8 minutes, Mark- dale 30 seconds, Sheiburne 47 minutes, Markdale 10 minutes, Markdale minutes, Maikdale 30 seconds, and Sheiburne iu 15 minutes. Thus M.irk- d.du'.s four goals were made after 17 minutes' play and Shelburne's three took 70 miiiUtos. The Markdale club hiM just cause to feel proud of its p<-rf( rniauee. Was it 5uicide A valuable young ti am of ho.SiS be- lon:;iiig to Messrs. lieocioft & Talbot, snivmill men, met with a sudden doatb on Monday afieruoi n, ni.d the qiU'stion asked in, was it suicide ? The driver had gone into the mil! foi a eouide of minutes to helpaeijust a h g, ai.d U|)on h'.n return was surprised tu tind that the team had disi|!pBiirod. After searching for some time tho stone boat waa d.-^covvred slick- ing on end out of the milli>ond, and the horses were found beneath it. Boh Were dead when hauhd out. They hai eT-.dci.tly gone into tho wat-.-r to diink, gone over their heads, and for some tuti son Wire unable to swim or recover terra lirma. This means a seriomt linaneial blow to Mes-sis. Becereft &. Talbot These gentlemen li^t t ^to lioists before ditring the past yeiir by having their legs broken. Dominion Day 5ports The tinit of July this year was a ylorious day for sports of every kind. Ill Floshorton the t'orciioon wai qiiivtly xpfiiit, but a large amount of ex|ierience of cine kind and am ther w.is gained in the afternoon, the Fleshe-rtoii h cros^io club possi'.ly proli'.iiig most in this re- spect. The schedule matvh between Uundalk and Fle«hsrton was played on the agricultural giounds, resulthig in a ciushins! defeat fur the home team. Tho ball, was faced at 3.40 with the following players : Flesherton â€" .\. Gib .'.on, A. McDougal!, J. CJibson, F. Tucker, J. F VanDuscn, J, W. Mahan, R. Thompson, J. Alliii, E. A. Arm- strong, U. N. Henderson, C. Richard- son. A. M. Lindsay was tieiJ captain and E. Armstrong umpire for Flesherton. Duudalk â€" J. K. i>;cLoud, A. E. Colgan, J. McKay, G. J. Wi:s..n, N. B. Cal- houn, A. E. Laking, J. McAithur, W. J. Symington, H. Lnmon, R. Wilson, W. G. Wilson, J. Lamon. H. Cornett, was field capbiin and W. Moorj umpire for Dundalk. Dr. Campf.oll .,f Mark- dale referucd the game. Tho play was fast and furiou.s i>n bo'.h side's, and dur- iiif; the' course of the game a Flesherton and a Dundalk man was placed hors do cjm* atâ€" Calhoun by receiving a heavy blow on the h"ad and A. Gibson on the shin The (lame was not intentionally roujh, however, but only so m* the furious nature of tho play would naturally load to. There was no ill feeling manifest. Dundalk put up an exceedingly strong game on this oc- casiioiAi. >«P<1 ^heir &nfi coioMuatioQ plaj simply demoralized Ilesherton, and in fact the work was a ; tirprise to the Dun- dalk boys themselves, who claim that they puc up a 50 per cent, better game hsre than tnat which they played with Markdale on Jubilee Day. Flesherton was also very weak in its eon\ keeper. The result was five goals for Dundalk and one for Flesherton, accordinc; to the ompiru's decision, but Fleslierii'U claim- ed another goal, which the umpire did not see and would not grant. Fletherton is not yet prepared to acknowledge that it cannot play lacrosse, and believes that a diffsrsnt state of affairs will be in vogue before the season is 'iver. There were a large number nf sp. utators present, tho gate receipts amoui.'iiig to over $22. UABD'-.y PABTY In the eveniiiL.- a very successful gar- den party was held at the residence of Mrs. J. \T. Artnstrong, at which Dun- dalk and Fles'ierton bands were present and p'ayefJ some escellent selections. Tho Dui.daik band, under the leader- ship of Mr. Jos. Park, ii one of tho ciack bands of Western Ontario, and their courtesy in playitiu at tho garden party here wus very much appreciated. The ladies were also very (jra'eful to our own hand for tho services they rendered. The proceeds of the garden party were $43 A hi'go imm'ier of visitors were present from Markdale and L'un- dalk, and all appeared to thoroughly enjoy theinsehes. PERSONALS A Straightforward Statement = We are pleased and our customers are pleased with our cash and trade system. We save our tnulo dwconnts by Jiayiiig c;ush. <Jur cust^im rs save 5 to 10 per cent, by paying for goods when purchaswl. It is not our intention ts call your attention to a few lines below cost as baits to catch your trade. Tho pui-chasiug public will tind our whole stock selling at exceedingly low prices. ui/r Stock IS Verj/ Complete Wo have added new lines in Dreiis Goods, Prints, Sateen Prints, Rustle Linings, Table Linens, Mosquito Netting, Muslins, Lawns, all over insei tioii.s, E:ubioid- ories, etc. In order to iiii-rease the sale of Dishes by iho sett only we wi 1 give 10 per cent, off for 30 days. Don't muis thia opportunity to procure a chuan sett of dishes. Hides, Sheepskins, Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Flesherton - - Ontario Dr. E. K. Richardson, who is at pre- sent located .it West Toronto Junction and doing well, spent Dominion Day at the parental home here. Mrs. J. T. Wright, of Wichita, Kas., and her sister. Miss M.iy Damudu, Tor- onto, wore holiday visitors to town on Thursday, returning to tho rity on Friday. Connty councillor Wals^.n, of Swiutxm Park, was a welcoHio caller on Friday last. Miss Lizzie G> rdin, of Bro«klyii, N. Y. , is a guest of the Misses Richard- son. % Mi.is Sarah Strain arrived home last week It'IU .\inia Liuiov College, St. Thomas. Miss Stiain has been very succcs-sfnl in her stmUes, having taken hi.nors in Gern an. 1:j her first year she took a seconil diss certificate in music, and this year succeeded in winning her fii-st. .She is now receiving the con- gratulations of her many young lady f I lends. Mr. Win. Elder and Ma.iter Eddie Elder of Ariiott aro spending a week er so with ft lends here. We are pleased to note that Mr. Elder is much improved in health, and says he has tiot felt .so well for yea s. Miss Maud Richardson left on Mon- day for Toronto, where she will join her cou.sin, .Mis. Uonrland of London, Eot;., for an extended tour through the westetn Slates. JlissEiiili Richardson acjoiu- panitd her as .''ar a.s Toionto. Mrs W. J. W.id8Worth, T. reiito Ju:iciioii. was the cucat of friends in til's vicinity ivo ntly. Miss Gertie Koefer. who h.is been the guest of friends in Owen Sound for the past few weeks, leturi.ed home en Monday last. tS:>rn. McI.KODâ€" In Aitoins>^ia, ou Wo.iiir»>t»», Imia .to. toMr. aaii:Mrs. U. MgLJod, woat back lino, a sou. Died LVKEssâ€" 111 Artemesia, ou the 43th Juno, Tuos. LyuosB, Sfje.l TG years. JoussToxâ€" In Artoiiiosift, on Tucaiiny, July 0, Ann Jnnc, be'iovod wifs of Jamas Johnston aged (A >ears. Married. Ijrm.''W-SiNCLAiKâ€" At tho losiilcnco of W. O. Pickoll. Esq., Murk late, on tp.o 'i'Mi Jiin'<.lHOT' by tho Ii«v. J, M.Simriiion, Mr. Jatuos Lonis LiullowofPoit Huron, Micbinao, »nd Miss Sarali Jaue tSiuclnir of .\rCtiiuosia. Farm aud Mill Site for Sale Foi- Pftla very clioAp amt on vory oRsy tovuis. Tiuibui" faitn, lixJ uoios, two milos from Kios h urtoii, kuowii fts llie Wni. HoKiisn-wniill pro- perty, nutl oil which in au oxcoUuni water powur. fouiulation of Baw mill, duiii ami poutl and waUr w)it«ol ill place and all roady for putting min on. About ir>acr«« clortrod,;!!) acres tiujbitr, most oli, ^fUaiicu wr^ll tin)l)Rrt.Ml, inixtul timber. Tbis fftnn will bo soM at a bni'^'aiu If ftoUl at onco. Knutll payment down, bulauoe ou vury e^sy teruiB, Apply to R.J. SPHorLF. Klesborton. Ont Farm for Sale Fftrm for M)e choap. 91 noreft, well watered 3) niUes «a^t of this villas*, kuowu »a the Fea wioJi.fftiiu. Apply Xf> V. RlobArdio&, AMlftQM S^ June 1837 - - Queen's Jubilee June 1897 ft^S ^^J 7i'»^j The hest proof of loyalty is in helping others to he loval. R^Js The Flesherton Funiituro WareriKiins will during this .Jubilee •â- 'Jft? month give you the full benefit of our special Jubilee purchases. ?/siJ which will enahlo you to place in your home some now piece of ^~" furniture as a lastinj; memento of this tho world's greatest liis- torical event at wonderfully •*fe :u^ Reduced special Jubilee Prices Si>ace forbids us giving anythii'g like a fair introduction 01 the extensive rnuo of gooih wo carry "r of the prices we are selling at Call in and be c..nvinccd. Spjcial Juiilue ()r;;aiis. Baby Carri:ij,'eH and CrsiUes. Very special is our line of flam- mocks, worth H.'2a each selling tljis month at '.tOc. «J. E. MOORE Furnisher & Undertaker, Flesherton IS? laillliCl FILL ASSORT.'ME.NT OF iV^«-^'^-»^%> SPRING and J ...FOOTWEAR... ^ " 111 Lauico', Gent's and ChiMre'i's wear. Cni-t.im woik and ropalriii).' \ promptly attended to a'. V 2^CI-ilYTOK'S . . .•\gent for tho Dominion Money Order Expre.'s. Cook's Cottofl Root Compound Is the only safe, rcliabl* monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the flour and iitnc of need. Is prepared ia two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known â€" sold by drugjjisis, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special casesâ€" lo degree* strongerâ€" sold by drnggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. I, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3-cent stamps. Th« Cook Company, WtiHlMr, Oatmti*. Sold in Fle>lieit'iii and everywhere in Canada by aU responsible drugxists. .,Oi FIMITOJ SilVISG Plans Ji, jCeyard - - S^ropriotor Hairdressins: in the Latest Style Scissors Sharpened and Razors Honed in first class Style. Tan Bark Wanted The undorflifin*d wtfthoA to buy an> quantit> of tan bark. Miiat b« 4 fc«t long, flat and not curled, and well savsd. Pi ica 63 por conl. KDWAKD ^AiiOBIiT Spring iPoetrt/, If used in connection with jiroiwr subjects and liamJkd in the right way should be just as interesting a« summer or fall poetry. Oi-diiiary jioetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT Of thi.s sketch. It i.s something iiiorH valuable, tjoiinthing the pe^plo cannot do without at this season of the year. It is Harness and. FLxrni Supplies I cliiiui to keep in stock tho best good.s to be got in the line of horse good.s, .such as harness, hiigiy dustura, axle grease, swejit iiils, hoof ointineut, â- vhips, rubber bp nig.s liied and uu- lincd : ihush aproiiii, and pneiiiiiatic horse collars. Always up to-tu-date in everything The POETRY of the THING Oiinea in the immense satisfaction you i^et in using our goials and the rcasonabl* prices you have to pay for them. iwiM[. m:oore: Harnissmaker • - IliehflrtiaEi

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