Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE AUGUST 5 189^ SP«M ^ \ :4», Vicinity Chips Chnraeteriittics of the Past Week Carefniiy Culled for the ()uri«»U!i ButiiieiS uoticet among loaU» will it t charged at the rate of ten cnkta + per line f(/r each iiLsertion. T t redaction will bt made on con- t tracts for 100 lines or urer. Tiiwnship Cuuncil will meet on Satur- day next. O-tprey vcjters' list is now in the hands iif the cierk, aud the usual le^al ndver- tisenient appears in this iit>ui). At a ti-achers' meeting held on Sujid^ty it waa decided tu hold the annual Mt:thn. rtiHt babliatli achonl picnic at the be«v«nnradow ou the 11' h of August. KeT. Blr. Demill, of Dtniill ladies' col- lege, St. C'athaiiues, otcupieil the pulpit <•£ the Methouist church both morning andeTeiiiii; »n Sunday last. Dun: a to month if Augu&t, Mr. J. W. Frost will be at hiaifficein Flesh- •rton on ihe 14th and 20th only- the 20th being Diviaion Court Day. Loatâ€" On lacrosne grounds, Markdale, â- iWcr watch valued as a preBent from citrner's mother. Leave at Advance of- fice and receive reward. Friiuk McDonuBll, a rope wa'ker who graduated from Owen Sound f<-ll 75 feet from a rope at Riilgewood Piirk, New York, ou Sunday, and was mstantiy kil'ed. Mr. H. Heitman, of Feverahain, ad- vertise* in thiD issue a panacea which he has discovered fur croup, burns, bruises, cats, sore throat, etc. It it on 'ale in town and at the Station. Try a bottle. There was au eclipse of the sun uo Thurniiay lant, but the cloudy weather inttiifered with ih» view, and I'uly an oc- casioiial glimpse of the phenouiena cjuld be had. H"t weather goods g'ing cheap St Mc- Farland & Si n's, Markd^ile. 240 ladies' lawn ftitohed handkerchiefs Ic each. All trimmed millinery, lovely fashionable giiods, half price. Pink, blue, uile green crepiin iiiuslitis, reKular price 22Jc, now only 10 cents. Quarterly service will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday next. Rev. .Mr, FolIiB of Dundalk will preach in the morning. A larije attendance is hoped fur. Tlie oflicial business ineetin!; will be held ou the Monday following at 2.30 p.m. For a week or more {«V4t our town fathers have been iniprovinj; the streets with road grader, pick, spade, shovel and rake, and have graded and gravelled most of the main streeta. The work is nut yet completed, but when done it will give us '.he Hnest aad most substantial streets in this part of the county. .\n excellent be<l of gravel was discovered while running the grader and this has been uti ized to the great be.iefit and beauty of the streeta. For the beuefit of some of our newer correspondents we wish again to say, ploaGe do n.it seal your ent-lopes con- taining budgets for publication. We in- variably have to pay four cents to !{et such uiissiveB out of " pound. " The ladies of the Methodist chuich, Flesherton, will hold a gaiden party on the church grounds on Tuesday, Aug. 17. Games will be provided outside and li gi>od pngraiu inside the church. Tea from C to8 o'clock. Admisiiion 10 aiid 15c The other evenii.g Master C. Uichiird son was taking a spin around the track at the agricultural grounds on his wheel. Having his head down he did not notice a wheel scrapei which stood in the way and his bike stiuck it fair and square. Char'.ey instantly assumed a flying- â- quiirel attitude and went scooting through the air like an aeroplane flying nachiix and aligbttd in swimming faali- ioBi He did nnt hurt himself, either, but the wheel suffered from the impact. The fall exhibition at Owoii Sound for the past few years L«8 been a decided success nuil the prize list for 18'J7, which is just to hand, indiciites a dotenninatioii bB the part of the directorate to make this year's fair surpass that of any of its predecessors. The pruiuiums offered are very libtiul indeed and the list appears to be carefully prepared and well i/mded, is beautifully piimed^md contiiiiis iini.>n« others io:«y!iirtcoi;tcu's of the t"»n, tlio harbiir, tho raxili.'D, the iHco track and Inslis Falls If the weather is favorable Sept 14, 15 and 16 will doubiless wit- iiens a well httondid i'.nd successful fair 5t.0*tn Sound. Dr. J. W. Miihan left yesterday, Wid- ne^lav, 'o take cimige of the piaelico of Pr. Laigi', of C!.«ik»biir4, for some Nionth", duvii^g the laMl'l's visit lo (i»e:it Bri'ain and the emit nciit. Dr. Muhan wid no doul t worthily till Dr. Largo'i position during his absouce. A s -rt of a fsicwell pavy was given our genial wiiuni; (ihysic'aii on Tuusduv. evening at the t^^idet:L•e of Wis. J. W. Ariiistvon!:. at wh ch a nonibtT of young people were present mm! a j dly time w.ta spent. The Fle«h;rliii Isciosie club thu.i lo-^es its Brtcretsry, lan' the Methi>dist church one of i-s beat tenor ningers, for the time being. The Methodist U'»gue will also a^verely miss the Dr's. assistance". But tliuslhe woiUl \vai,'5â€" we are here to day »u4;th I* t3 inorr.iv. May the people â- â€¢{ Clarksburg and vicinity treat him kindly The heavy rain fall of last week was the heaviest ever known here. The storm, which began at 8 30 Monday ev eniiig, lusted until some time Wednesday niitht witliout iniermiasioii, and it ia be- lieved that nearly a foot of rain fell during that time. Considerable damage has been done to growing crups as well as hay, everything beiua levelled to the ground. Just what tlio damage will amount to ramiol be estimated as any- thing of the kind has naver heretofore be^ii known. In connection with this it ii interesting to note that more or less rain has fallen in this section every day since July 13 until the 30ih. The To- ronto observatnry people tell us that this storm was the greatest recorded since the erection of the observatory in 1841 We had the pleasure of a call on Mon- day last from Uov. .A. B. Deinill of De- mill ladies' colleu'e, St. Catharine*. Mr. Demill was here in the interests of his institution. This college was formerly situated at Osliawa and was burned down on the Gth of April, 189C, after which it was removed to St. Catharinen, starting operations in September last in a mag- nilicent building capable of accommo- dating 200 pupils. Last term there were 111 pupils in attendance. We beliera the terms are lower at this institution than at any other of a like nature on the continent, while the standard of educa- tion is ijuite as high, the terms being l^lCofora full year's tuition, including board and washing. This carries with it an extensive course in all the English branchesâ€" tine arts, lani:UMge«, music, eliKUiion, typewritin?, etc, ate. The institution ia doing an excellent work, and any person nee<Ung the services of a !{ood ladies' college should coiuiuuriicate with Mr. Demill. Pbi<50NAL.3 Lacrosse About seventy supporters accompanied our lacrosse te.uii lo Markdale on the 30ih, to witness their return f^me with the Aberdcons of that place. After the scare which the team with the high suunding name received on the 19th, it was expected that oveu on their own to- boggan slide they would have a close call; but from the f;ice 'iB' it was only too ap- parent lli.tt thi.s»a» Floheit r.'.H duy off Oiir playL'18 o;Ter lio exi-use fur their de- foat, adiiiittiii;; that •â- n this occinion they wore outi-Uycd. The A'lerdoens :ire nearly all k;eiilleuin:ily p'aytrs. but the lunn whii pl;iy8 inside home fur tbi'ni shuuid be rrmovt-d from the team. His exhibitions of temp.'r do ii"t oiibaiiC'' th« r^putatiiin which .*I;irkda'o lieu:s f.r its treatment of >i,uii)g teams. The referee wai the poorest specimon <>f the yea'' lie disphiyed all the characteristics of which an otlicial sh"idtl nut be pos:iossrd. A man V'ho will, from s'art to finish, favor otic team, who wil! iillii'.v players to intiiniduto him and make h''u reverse, decisions, and who knows absidutely in- thii g of the lulcR of the gnuio, such a m.iii .-â- hi'uld be iishnnicu to acce,)t so re- sp-nsible a ]>i.Kii,ii>n. rrobalily the most keenly ccclestad ganieot the Bva.wii will l.e that between Markd.iie and Sl.elbun.e on Fi wHy next i in the grounds i>{ the hit ^c. Thin will piobaldy decide the chamjiionship, whi:h lies between these two clubs. This is the only league in the ce'intry whore no man has been sei:t to fence during the senien. Tbis it not because it WMmid«i*rv«ds. Misi Scoley of Toronto ia visiting in town with her friend. Miss Christoe. Mr. Allan Uib^on, Toronto, is spend- ing holidays at the parental home. Miss Eihel Chadwick of Toronto is the guest of her cousin. Miss Gertie Bulmer. Miae Uaitie dde of Toronto ia at home for summer holid-iys. Mrs. J. Boyd and children are spending a couple of weeks with friends at Conn. Miss Cassie Biakeley ot Toronto spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. Geo. Best. Mrs. Crane, of (Jwen Sound, is the guest of her mother, Mrs- R. Trimble. Mr. W. Proctor Sundayed at the parental horn*, Thornbury. Mrs. A. S. "VanDasen is visiting her dauiihter, Mrs. Douglas, of Collingwood Miss Hall of Tara is the guest of her fr;end. Miss Gertin Keefey. Masters George and Dick Clark of Loudon, O it., are the guests of their grandma, Mrs. J. W. Arm.>trong. Miss Mildred Neilson, of Proton Sta- tion, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. \. .Armstrong. Miss Flossie Thurston is enjoying a couple of weeks' holidays with her aun'ie at Homing's Mills. Mrs. Thos. Leitch returned last week from an extended visit with her son at Maiiitowaning, Manituulin. Miss Maggie Morrison of Mt. Forest was the gUest of her .sister, Mrs. W. Howard, for a couple of weeks. Misses Minnie and Hattie LeGard of Toronto paid a short visit at their home here during the past week. Mrs. D. Hammond. Dundalk, and her sister, Mrs. Hall of Owen Sound, visited with Mrs. Tliurst<m on Tuesday. Mr. John Bannun, of Dundalk, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. A Armstrong. Miss Francie Beecroft, who has been in Georgetown for some time, is spend ing summer hididays at her home here. Mrs. W. Trimble has b««»i» visiting for a couple of weeks past with her mother and sister, Mrs Dr. Reid, at Shelburne. Mrs. J. M. Auslie, Miss Nora and Master Alfred Auslie, of Parry Sound, are making a summer visit to friends in town. Mrs. W. E. Dyer and little d.iughter, of Oshawa, were guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Jos. Blackburn, during the past week. Miss Josie Richardson visited for a couple of weeks with ft lends at Paisley, and Miss Flora is the guest of frieads at Durhaiu. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Henderson and family returned to the city on Tuesday, after spending their usual summer holi- day hero. Mrs. Skinner (nee Mist Lizzie Strain) of Great Falh. Mont., arrived hero a week ago to make a summer visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strain. Miss Nellie Henderson, who has been in Torunto and Rochester for two or three years, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Henderson. Mrs. Edwaid Rutlcilge, nee Miss .\iinio McGruther, and infant son, of Mont Clair, N.J., art visiting Mrs. Rut- ledge's parents here. The Kiinberley cimjiers returned home on Thursday last, and notwithstanding the heavy and long-continued rains insist that they had a good time. .Another contingent <>f young men left this week fir the same ground- SfV-gt W. RaniBgr', No. 4 Co., Dur- ham, w:n a caller at this oflico while in town on his annual shoot Soiry we irere not in, but judging by his rop'irt in thrt R..view he must ha»e»ee:i everything without our -visistftnco. Mr. R.fiMge hao t!io proud di.s'inct ion of hiving madu the seciiiid hi'^hesl score of the day. "Our" John biat him by ihiee points. Lady Btiuk A Straightforward Statement We are pleased and our customers are pleased with our cash and trad*" system. We save our trade discounts by paying cash. Our cuittoniers sare 5 to 10 per cent, by jjayiug for giKxl.s when purchased. It is not our intention to call your attention to a few lines below cost as baits to catch your trails. The purchasing public will tind our whole stock selling at e.\ceedingly h^w prices. Our Otock is T^ery Comp/ete We have added new lines in Dress Gmnla, Prints, Sateen Prints, Rustle Liningp. Table Linens, Mosquito Setting, Muslins, Lawns, all over insertions. Embroid- eries, etc. In order to increase the sale of Dishes by the sett only we will give 10 per cent, off for 30 days. Don't miss this opportunity to procure a cheap sett of dishes. , . _^. , Hides, Sheepskins, Butter and Eggs taken as cash.- Flesherton - - Ontario FULL ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER FOOTWEAR H In Ladies', Gent's and Children's wear. Custom work aad repairing promptly attended to at i - - - - CLAYTON'S .\geiit for the Dominion Money Order Express. ^-uTTiit-nre ^U^arerooms From "itr own Corre:ipi>tuliit, [The foUowin.i.itciiH wore inr.enJod for la.tt week â€" F.r>.] The ruin "ti.riiis of li'e have been a aeri 'Ui M.r back to farinnrs. Mr. A l''ergo.v>n h.is taken a hirge con- tract to draw Mjft e!in 'or Mr. E. Syke«. Thi" youi'g nx'ii uf this place havs tu- gaiiijied aha.-el':ill c'uIk Mr. WoNh s»d Mr. l>i.Wrt«on oF Mai- stc'iu.'etts are visitiUij witu Mr. Whowell of Silver Creik. Miss Euplieniia '.V^.liice ot Toronto is visi'i .g her grandpartfiita, Mr. and Mr*. P;»«1. Mr. Wra L'liley visited friends at the Battein recently. A load of young people from ICiinberlxy vifo'ed Tl'iitlc Bank i«n Sunday. Messrs Jamee and Wm. FiudUy tU- itvL thM iA<ilhejr oq Sunday. . Our Jubilee sales have stimulated us to keep up the rush through the usually quiet month of .Vngust, and if prices will make anything no. certainly our August sales of Furniture must be the largest of the year, for we shall cut everything down to the very lowest nutch. In onler to interduce our new Iron Bed»tca<ls we have decided to sell the whole of tirst consignment consisting of three different gnules and designs at just net cost. These speeial inducements are for August. J. E. nOORE The People's Home Furnisher and Undertaker All kinds a( repalrinx. upholsterlns and picture framing done IM IXrn TE-^t'HF.RS snt' other bright I I 1 1 men for viicatious or pennitneltt ||'||lv, tu Rolicit for " Canaila. »i. II II <'"<'> Pc'opiiilia<if the County. In ILl/ live luyiil qiisrto vulumus. Ne iltilivtirintf. Cuiuuiiiiiiioi] paid weekly. THli LaSbCOTT COMt'.\NY. Turouto, Out. WANTED ,i„rs w'^ekiy't:: -1 la<ly of iiivtiUi't! ai^>--. r'j'^iinic it an 1 t&cb to i|i«ud bui' Liuit) iiiti. ij-H>.l t:ti.i<>u T. H. LINSi'OTT. Xorotito, Out. TEACHERS If yon WA:it to '.nak-t ?i >o.u) ! liiMj? hi^y and Au^^'ist. iu a goou cftjHtf, wiito ur wito iiii* T. H. l.'JsSCOTT. Toronto. On' Tan Bark Wanted The 11 i^ur^iitiieii wiKiiur. to bay aa> (i:tAntit:> .if till biik. Musi bi 4 fcol luiii;, flat aii;l uot oarlo.l, auU woll »*»»^ Pi ici i-t pur c.irt. KDW.MJD S.VjiUliNT Kinnhertoa Station, Jiiiio tj. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable 'monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and timt of Heed. Is prepared in two degreet of strength. No. 1 for ordinary ca»t« Is by far the best dollar medicine known â€"sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special casesâ€" lo degree* strongerâ€" sold by dniggisti. One box. Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. NoL 1, or No. t, mailed om receipt o£ ycic^asA two j-cent atanips. Th* «••* Company*. Sold in Flesherton and evervwheie it Canada by all reai>oi«»it>ie dr.u^j^iaia. . . Ojor/ny iPoeirt/s , If used in connection with jiroper •ubjects and handled in the right way should be just im interesting as summer or fall poeti-y. Ordinary poetry IS NOT THE suBjrzcr >f this sketch. Tt is something more v-aku»ble. Som thiiig the pe-ple ciimiot Jo witl'.out at thi« seiuson of the year^ rt i^^ I-Tixrncss nncT I^a.rm t^uppHos I chiim to k?-r> in sto-'.; ''v beet gotnl.s to bo got in the line of hors* irood.>i, such lis liiinie.'ss, buggy dusters, i\b.'< â- .;roii.'«!. sw.-at Did.s hoof oiutmont, ilii;is^ rnhlier lap ru^'s. lincl .iinl '. u- linci'i ; 'i:i.-<h iip-onx, and iiniMinia i« liorMC i-olhirs. .Mways up to-to-date ias everything The POETRY ot the THINQ Cnaaes in the immense satisfaction yMti -.;i't in ii.sin*^ o!ir goinls .-ind rni' ro:i.'viu«u.a price* you have to pay for them. }Han«ssmaker - * Risbeilv itelh

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