THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE SEPTEMBER 9 1897 .^ Vicinity Cliips C laracteristics of the Past Week Oarcfiiliy Called for the Carlau.s Bntincia notices amoiig heaU will bt t ch injed at the rate of t-en cmU + jjer Hue for each iwertion. A t re.luctioH will he nuule on con- + tracts for 100 liiiea or orvr. Maikdnle fall fair S.-pt. 21 and 22. DunJalk Sept. 23 and 24. Labor Diiy w.ia nl)si.ri't'd in a holiday on Mimd ly Ky the imblic »<;li()iil. For Sale--Giiod Avrshir» c iw, milking well, and onu kniiiii!^ ni.'i'liine g"od as Wtfw. Mks W. H. Flesher. NuinViers of vilhifrers have taken ail- raiitnuu lliis wi-f k of the chwip ratus to the cily in i>i-di-r to transact bimint-sa. Gocid Pearl cookii.g atovo for sale â€" giiaran't'ed lir.^l ciasx l>aker and in yood Condition. Thisotiico. Mi'8. A. S, VanDusen i» nttendini! at tiie hedfiido "f lier daut,'hler, Mrs. Dousjlax, Collin'^WDO.l, who is seriously ill with ijillaniniation. Prepira'ory si^rvicua will lie held in the Piesbyterian church on Friday at 2.."tO (>. in. unn coniinuiiion will bu adininater- tn\ on Snuclay. Mias Sarah S'ra'n, mnRic teacher' places her oard in this issue. Wo bo- lirivo Mis3 Strain tn be very competent in her line and would ruooniinend hor to the public. Mr. D. .Mailill of the Station had Wm Fiaher before the beak one d.iy la»t week on a charge of uaing abusive lauuuage and a.sKualt. Fisher admitted the corn and van tiL^ed 811 iucliidin*^ costs. Edward Sargeant charged John McRae wiili avi'Siuli before Maaislrate VanDusen on Thiir.->ilay U«t. There was a u'ood deMi of ci'ntrailictory swearing and the caae was diHuiitu^ed without custa tu witiieMCH. The preeent aeason lias been a bad one in this distiict for ripening tomatoea, but Mr. P. Holnian has succeeded. Mr. Holinan left neveral hanilaoma »peciin»ns <if both yellow and red varieties on our table Wednesday raorniiitt. /' Kev. Mr. Wilkinson of the Hamilton confervuca will preach in the Methodist church Sunday next, mornins; and even- ing, and will lecture in the church the three following cvouinga. Subjectâ€" Baptisn). At the annual mettinjj of ihe Women'* 'Mii»ioiittiySoci*ly held week, the foUowiu}; i.llicirs were elected for the ensuing yoai : Prcs., Mr.i. W. H. Thuratoii : Isi Vice I'ni* , Mr«. W. A. Armstrong ; 2nd Vic Prea., Mra. H. Fleaher ; Cor.Scc, Mis* Christou ; Rec- Sec , Mrs. Hcnd'.rsou , Tieas., Mrs. Ojerdrum. McFailand & iSoii. Markoale, openioK 100 stylish mantle-*, prices ^2 tolSlO ; 47 pieces En«li»h, French and l;ierman dresa goods ; 780 pairs boots, very special prlos; 3Ct> men's, youth's aud boy's suits fioni the best manufacturers in the Dmrnion, Every cuitomer satisliod or money refunded. McF'arland iSt Sou for clo»e pticus. Mr. D. Talbot was taken budden'y ill onFiiday while liding from Ihe Station on a lumber wiiyon. The fainmess caused him to fid! from his sunt to the ({round, the hind wlioel passing jver his • hand and foot, bruising him badly. Fortuuatjiy no bones wore bnjken. He has since lieen confined to the house, but is recovering. The Advance is ex)^renic)y pleased to notice that Mr. Jos Blackburn is slowly hut surely recovering Irmn his illness.and and is sufhcidntly strong to drive around. On Tuesday ho spent a portion of the day at M. Richardson & C'o's. receiving call- ers. It is seven long years last February since Mr. BlMckburn was first afflicted, and liis many friends hope i hat the ex erciso he is now able to taku will generate more streii<!ili and quickly restore to him the vigor of early manhood. Should the tine weather of the present week continue, allowing formers in llii.i distiict to tiiiish up their harveKt, the directors of the Eaut Giey exhiiiition confidently look forward to one of the btst exhibitions, on Thursday and Fri- ilay (if next week, that has ever been held in ihifl county. The season is very backward this year and the exhibition somewhat earlier than on former years, liut with «oi>d weather everything slmuld work nicely. There will bo a lacrosse match on the afternoon of the first day, between Shulburne and Markdale clubs, which will, no doubt, attract a large crowd, and the tine prizes for speeding will bring out .^omu good horses and con seijUfUtly make a good afternoon's sport on the second day. The track is in piitne condition for sport antl pleasure, and will be i,uite a surprise to those who knew it in its old condition. Large bills have been posted d iring the past week givuig full particulars. Read them. PERSONALS Mrs. 11. Pedlar wheeled over to Teea- water im Monday tovist friends. Mr. W. Clayton of Cornw.iU is spoud- a week at the parental home. Mrs. Jos. Blackburn left on Monday to spend a week with her sister, Mrs. W. E. Dyre of Oshawa. Miss Allan of Arthur, and Miss Watt of Stratford, are visitors at the Presby- terian manse. Mr. M. Skinnerof Great Falls, Mont., is the guest of Mr. Wm. Strain for a few weeks. Mrs. Thos. Boland of Markdale, spent Thursday in town, and visited ti.e W. M S in the afternoon. Mrs. Hooey of Cartwriftht and Mr. Leslie Hooey of Thnmbury were the guests of Mr. Wm. Noil over Sunday. Mr. Walter HallofTara was the guest of friends in town for a few days during the past week. Mrs, (Rev.) Mahan and Miss Lou .Vrtnstrong spent most of last week with Dr. Mahan and other friends i.i Clarks- burg. Miss Wilhelmine Tweed of Florence, and Mr. W. Carruthers of Avening, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Bunt over Sunday. Born. LkOari) â€" Tti Fitislierton.oii r»th Rotiteuib«r, to Mr. and Mrs. Krod Luliurd, a sou. Mr. Wm. McCallum of the civst back luie mot with a sad bereavement this week in the death nf his »il'e, which look place ill Tuesday morning after a very brief illncHS. Mrs. McCallum was at church "11 Sunday and took ill Sunday night with valvular trouble of the heart, and notwithstanding all that loving hands anl medical skill could do passed away Tuesday morning about (> o'clock. The young pu'>p'>-' "'-"'*' only married in the 7th of April last, a-id much syinpiilhy i„ exlend»d to the yoving husband. Mrs. MeOalluin was a daughter of Mr.' James ftorWtt of Coibetton. Dec'-ased d eJ at the home if 1 e- sister, Mrs. Loudon Wiigh", wosi back liie, at whose hou e she had been visi linn. She ww on'y 23 yeajP- of a^^e. County and District Robt. Carr, Shelburno, had a cow drowned in a well . The call to Rev. Mr. Hannah, of Ux- briilye, from the Mnuiit Forest Prosliy- terian church, has been accepts'd by the reverend gentleman, and sustained by the Presbytery of Lindsay. R. M. Ballantyiie : The dairy farmers of Wa«torn Oniario, with-'Ut any iiia- lerial additinii to their herds, are making 81 50 out of the cheese this year where they only made $1 last. The Durham Chronicle saj-s that the .\rtcmesiA township cimncll purchased a new grading m.tohine a few months ago and loud the oondemmi'ion frum some (juartera over the wasteful expendi- ture of im ney. The machine has been at work in variim.s paitnof the township and ha.s proved so satinfactory that wo I -am, the council has been commended for the wisdom of tlieir outlay and put- l>os-.i buying oiiu or two in the near futur.'. Mr. Walter, miller, of Homings Mill , met with a pai.ful iiceident last week which might have bjcn a fatal on \ While em.itying a -bag of grain into tbo ro'lers the bag was caught and his hand pulled in. With great presence of mind Mr, W Iter threw himself ba;k wi h such force as to leave tlie Htst joint of Iho I tl- and ring fingers ill the roller.s. 1) | I M'M>re wa^ called in and found it necessary I toreui'vethe liitle Knger and part of ih«s I ring Knger. Mr. V\'a! e is didng as IT .1 as can be exp-etei! â€" ?hulburiie 7roo ' Press. THE TOWNSHIP OF AHTE.ME8IA Continued from previou* pafje far, was hailed with delight. But when the iiiiKlt-m baby, the narrow gauge, be- came a roaliiy, and when it maiureii into tlieC. P. 11., civilization's IliL'liest ideal for traile facilities had been leacheil. Other schemes, since then, to cross the country from west to east bare been on the tapis, but none of them had force to iiiHture. A railroad from Goderic i to Meaford.ora belt line to acuemmodate the areas and llie cuniers of the County of Grey, for winch ohaiteis have buun Sought and obtained, -ill met the saiiiu faie. The vital (luesiinii and the very basis for success of all such expensive work is, will they pay ? The truth is they uould not. .-Vnd beyond a few pulilic meetiogs.aiid iiivliininary advances tor L'ood will, as air valves for the most zealous of their proiimtois, all aro quiescent and likely to be. With three roads already coiiiiiianding the trade, such opposition lines would b.< destrnc live to ihe life of all. Neither the G. T U. nor the C. P. H. wnuld run them at a loss. These roads already are de iniiinciiig all such uiipiolititble Si hemes us unnecessary incuinbrances. There could lie iiu sulHcieiit travel or freight to pay runniiiii exp-nses . One nisrvels at theahnrt sightednesaof the prmnotors. If any thing more miuht be added, it is that the day fi>r boiiusing is gone, (to bb conti.nukd.) It is now generally believed ihst the missing Krontenac Coiii.ty Treasui or Vanluven bus pioliabl}' committed sui- cide Street Railway bonds valued at 86,000 and S20,0(X) in cash cannot be ac- counled fur. -Albert Goyer, of Stayner, distributed poison III a tield adjacent to his place nil the 2iid lino, in order to get even with his iieitibbor's chickens. Constable Chueseman brouishtliiiii before the Mayor, when he pleaded guilty, and was given the option of putting up 820. or going down for two mon>h'<. -Vs he couldn't put up he went down. MISB SAIIAH STRAIN. Teacher on piann, pianoforte, orgaa, etc. IloItU ftrst cl«-H teacliors' cwrtiflcate in iniisio witli hoaors from Alma (*nllt>^0 ; pupil tif i*ruf. St. Jolin Hytteuraucli of I'upuiiliiHtuu, neninark. Itusiileiicu cpposito MutUutiiat church, Kloaherton. Monuments, Urns and Vases The undersigned has secured the agoucy for the new Melallio Plate Glass Monument, inaniifacttired in Toronto, une of the tiiiest luouuinents ever preeented to the public. It is pranoiinced by experts to be tlie best ruonainGut iu the market. The iu- scriplion, which is patented, will last fur ag08, and will be as perfect in a hundred years us the tii-st year. An inscription in granite or tnarble,wliuu put on iu gold, silver or painted, will last ouly a short time aud then have to bo done over again. The old need not put ou their spectacles to read our insctiptiou. Tlieso moiiuineiils are of beautiful designs, grunilcized in led or grey, and are withiu the reaoh of the poorest. An early call solicited Wn. HENDERSON \geiit. Itesidence opposite llie Tiea- byteiian church, Fleslierton. New F*laninsr Mill Haviiifi just pltteeil ill posi.ioii a now planing macliiMH 1 am iiiiw iin nareil to supply ijooit tlooriai; ami siaiiiK at Inwost muriiiit prices. .\ full Htook of (liiiiKles, hemlock luiabui, etc. eoiibtuutly oii Uainl, W. S. BIStlOP Kimburlov, Auk. t^ 1897. I H.HI'.rl'MAN Ksy. L)K*B Sttv-OiiB of my Rirls awoku nio iho other iii|{ht saviiiK, "Pa, 1 ean.t Bet iiiv hnuitli," I uotii|i ami put Hoino l.iKhtuinK I'aiu Hiiutur on siiuar ami Kave it tohor.anil in ftftncii inili utuflsliu was better and slept soniiilly tliu re- niaiailer of tlie lliKht. I neliovo it to bo the t)ost niodicine sold for c oiip, coukIib, oolds, soro tliroat, npiains. bruises, scalds, old norux. cuts. oto. I.iit!lituiiip, pain Hunter euros ho many disuasus tlia' altnoKt every one in theso parts H OS it. I believe it to bo tlio best iiie i- oilie in the worlo, and 1 write iliis tllat (iteers may know wbnt it Iias <1ouo for lue. I always koopa bottle in tbe bonne to be ready toi an ouierueiioy. Yours truly Mrs. (j. Wiiitkoak, Fovorsbaiu, Ont. Above is ouo of the many liuudrad (estiiiioiii> alspoiirinuln, telUnij of the curative powers of LiKhtiiiiiK Pain Huuter. Kor Side in Floshorton at Dr. Christoe's M.dical Hall and at Fleshertoii Sta'ion bv J. B. K«Hii. oeneral st.Te. ONLY 25 CENTS A Bl^TTLK â- WOOD'S I»HOST»HOI>IT»E. The Great Bngllah Remedy. 3tx Pnckages Qtuiraitteed to promptly and permanently cure all forms of Ktrvova Wrakntm, KmittitiM,f!iierm- otorrhea, Imitotencu and aU eff'cli of Abune or Kxctues, Menial Worry, oKotiva km â- r. .<. J 1 s^ of Tobacco, OpiHtnor Kttmu- Before ana After. ^„ „ „;,,,;. ,„„„ ,cad to in~ flrmily, Intnnit'j, CorMmmjiHon and an mrly grav*. Una been prescrlheil over 35yeor« In thousands of casoet Is the onlm J?cliaMe and Ilonot Ktdtcin* known. A.ikdru3glBtfor Wood's Phosphodlnej If ho olTcru iomo worthless medicine In placo of thli. Inclose price In letter, and wo will aend by return mail. Price, one package, $1; sl-x, {6. On* wM please, tia tofU cure Pamph'.e u free to any atldreas. The Wood Compouy, Windsor, Oat,, CaundSk Sold in Flo»herton and rv ^rywhero in Cuiisda by ; 1 reSi-uiiaibl dr ,itittii. HILL & CO FLESHERTON SPECIAL BARGAINS ^ Glassware zn and Crockery All our Ola.SS'Wa.Pe and Cpoolcex^y must be sold in a short time, and in order to do so we are offer- ing to the public the following list of goods at CoS't I*r»ices. Please note carefully our list : Tea and Dinner Si-tts combined, 85.26, 97 pieceo. Cups and Saucers, 76o dozen. Dinner Plates, Trie dozen. Tea Plates, 55c dozen. Soup Plates, 65c dozen. English Rock Teapots, 15c each. Potatn Dishes, 45c piece. •' . Side DisheH, 30c piece. Butter Spads, 20c piece. Fruit SauceiH, 33c dozen. Egi; Cups, 20c dozen Salt aud Pepper Shakes, Ac each. - ' ' " GLA5SWARE " •Si.,. Celery Dishes, lie each. Preserve Baucem, 17c dozen. Preserve Dishes, 17c and 19c each. Pitchers, 15e e«ch. Bread Plates, 10c each. Cake Dishes, 12c each. Pickle Dishes, 6c and 7c each. Extra Heavy Preserve Dishes with Covers, 55c each, Bo<lro"m Setts, $1,75. 1 quart Sealers, 75c dozen. ^ gallon Sealers, $1 Juzeu. Come at once and get your choice of the bargains. All kinds of farm Produce taken. J^Il^ <s 66 I> ' • FULL ASSORTMEM OF l SUMHER FOOTWEAR . \ In Ladies', Gent's and Children's wear. Custom work 2 and repairing; promptly attended to itt \ .... CLAYTON '5 • Agent for the Dominion Money Order Express. â- , » .. I J Onr .lubilee salea have stiinnlatuil us to keep up tin; rush throu){h the usually (|niet month of .-Viigiist, and if prices v.ill iiiaku anything uo, uertAiiily our .\ngUNt silcs of Futniliiro must he the lai-gust of the year, for wo shall luit eveiythin^ down to the very hiwest iii'tch. In onlor to intiisluce our now Iron Bodmeails wo have decided to sell the whole uf tirst consignment consLsting of three ditTerent grades and ih signs at jtist net cost. These spueial indiiueinents iiru for .\ugiist. J. E. nOORE The People's Home Furnisher and Undertaker All kinds of rcpalrlnK, ui>lMil^terlng and picture IramlnK done ' W^ANXKD C.\NVASSVHS-"Quopn Victoria: Her Llf« ami UeiRii." has rat»tiirn(l t.lip Hritisli 1 Riiuiii'O. lixtrsonlinarx tostiuiotiials from the Hi-eat toon , soml for copy frt-e. Marquis of 1 lioriie «ft\'«. " Thn best p-»|inlAi' life of tho Queen I have seeu." Hor Majesty â- ^oii'la a kind letter of apiireoiatiuii. Selline by thnu- satifli; Riv '« cniniislaKtic satinfaottrui. t*nn- vAssers iniikiiiK i)15to $40 weuklv. Vrot^pecti s I free to ag uts. Tbe ItrsHlpv-Gsrretsnn Co., Utd, Torouto, Ont. I I . !â- WHUTCn ^l"i' and wi m -11 i»'\.> nan w >i nHIl I rll '""'"'^"^'"'"""''^^''''"^''''^i"" II nil 1 KM iliiily, f,,,. „ix (|^,g n wmk, fti will be content with leu ilollttiH weekly. AUUress, iSUW lUlj.VS CU.|Mtt.iciU n.iildliig •' ' ' Toionto, Out. rk lr-» ftuil inVNfPO I am Just startliiK tha lic^t t'ling ""*!•*' ^'^ for' money iiiakinR you hive «onn for mativ a d i.y. Your namn am) Address i|fj)| hrlut tb,. K'lH'U intorniAtion. .! U 1*. U1.A2>UUNY, Toronto, ObW: ! ..... -.;â- ?•* I ..JSa&ii-^ii&'-L