Flesherton Advance, 16 Sep 1897, p. 3

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^M I *m THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. latercatlBK Items About Our Own Country, Qrcat Britain, the United States, and All Pc U at the Ulobe, Condensed and Aaaorted lor Easy Raadlnit. OAiNA'I>A. for Cuba, via Kay West, Fla. The men SiXfi from the ranlm a£ the unemiJloyed, ami have enlisted for a year. Gtturae Stutz, iMjed sixty-five, was found (lead on Bundity night in the vea- tihule of the JVCost Holy Trinity uhurch, Broonlyii, N.Y. Hia bead was crushed in. iiud tliere were evidenpes of a terri- ble struKgla. J'"r;iii La Schi'atter, who was recently rioporLeiL dead, ia at presenit at Manhat- tan Jieufh, near ClhicaKO, conducliuK a divine houiintr camp. Hfeha^ lieen euiii- nu>ned to answer to a charge of prao- tiiiag nuBdu-ine wlthouit a license. A lBtt«r received frauk the United . ... ...u StaUiiaCanuniaBiouer at Dyea inlimatea Judge Jamieson of ^Gu6l4)hl ifi lU with tjj^ji, [jj^ Gforvemlment lata make claim •jppemdkitia. I to a large portion Of the "iujkon gold Goieiph organ and piano makers have I fieCds which have hitherto been sup- formed a union. poseil to be Inl British territory. Ottawa bakers have raised the price I A hearing was given by the State of bread to twelve cent.s a loaf. j Haihvay Commissiun in Albany. N. \.. ,^rn^. tLr V-bT''"''«" ^^ '^«^-^ rnd^'Sttl^a'^ainwal Md 45 births during August. L'omimny, for pprmisBion to consiruct A Pre.sljyterian miasianary. a student I a railway from SVloara to a point on of Miunitohii College, i.s about to leave tjje St. Lawrence whixjli wojild shorten WLnnipog for the Klotoilike. ' ' ' " ., . , „ The first oarlottd of Ontario Irtit from WJncina re.iched Winnipeg ia a prime oondLtion. About 4.') iniles of trade on the Craw's Nest li^asa road is ready for tlie rails. Track-laying west from Mac- Leod will commence, at once. By running C. P. R. cars orver the H„ O. & B. EJectric Railway fruiB Bhijime'nts from the Niagara district are greatljy facilitated- Mr. Thomas Hood,, les.see of the Roy- al Hotel, HamUton, made an assign- ment to Mr. C. S. Scott. It is said that about 93i.U00 ia owing for rent. Mr. Paterwn has decided that hence- forth petroleum imported in tank cars may be stored {n bond 'm bulk and the duty paid on| the oii that is sold. The corner-stone of the Montreal the I rip froim New York to Canada by fifty miles. GENERIC,.* , It ih announced' th&t thft. Czar will ricut Paris at thtt end of thia autumn. It ia reported, that there are 37,000 Spanish soldiers in Cuban bospicals. News haa just reached Hk^ng Kong of tbo prevalence '>f pirates on the Canton River, Work has been commenced in the ooiuitruction of the Chinese eastern railroad. Merchants of Managua, Nicaragua, are asdcLng tbe Goveromeab for a gold standard. The steamship Meana has sailed from Sydney with 600,000 sovereigua for San Francisco. The ijhanghai She(X>o reporta that the EUROPE SHORT OF WflEAT. THE OLD WORLD IS FACING A VERY GRAVE SITUATION. Bread Is KlHlng lu PrUie - BeerbolimSnys Wheat Will Uo to Two Dollurn l*er Bushelâ€" The nhoi-lagv lu Kurupe Saltl to he Tri'iueuduus - What The AuiKrIoau AKrIcullurlHt Niiys. The bakers in almosti every city and town in Canada have given notice that the price of bread muBt bo raised. The prudent housewife will want to know what it ia that seuda the price of bread | Riiasia kiting and bo maierialily increases the ^•"'®.'* . household expenses at the time when Q^rmany the coal bija needs ropleniflhing) for the a.Hand winter. She knows in! a general way Belgium that the price of wheat has gone up j|;2ly**' and that the bulMa and bears in the | ^.uBtria " wheat gambliag hoimes at New York j Ronunania and Chicago are making and losing for- tunes day by day. Bihe may think, indeed, Uiiit the price of bread is the Btuke in this mighty game. As a mat- wiU 1» large imdercoouiiunption. All theae factors mulit Iw kept In miixl. Don't get excited. To rwiise a good fair price ia to oaaume siwuulalors risk. Moreover, RADssia has not yet pi-ohi luted t'he exporfcaliou of rye a* she did aboiui; tlii;i time in 1891, A TREMENDOUS SHORTAGE. Europe's potato crop tius year com- pared with her fiu51 average crop in 1896 anil 1898. and her short crop in the "famine" year in. 1891, aa gathered by American Agricxijilurist's represen- tatives and correspondenta in those coimtries: â€" WHAT IS QOINQ ON IN THE POl'R CORNERS OF THE QLOBE. (In MiUions of Bushels.) 1897 1891) 1893 1891 SOT 53H 550 280 53 02 ill 51 11) 20 21 14 849 1.180 1,270 730 4ti .â- 51 54 i* 110 159 162 98 428 445 46(i 440 2r, 30 32 28 2(13 S48 328 244 2 3 3 2 Total Total . 1,859 2,836 2,899 1,931 . 1,859 2,836 2,899 1,981 EUROPE'S HYB CROP Old and New World Events of Interast Cbroo* Ided Brieflyâ€" IntcrestlBtf Happanlng* ol Recent Data. Boootra ia to have a lighthouiie on ao> oaunt of the recent loss of the Pen- insular and Oriental steamsihip Aden. (iift enterpriees by IPaxia uewspapera have l)een stopped, toy the ixnixts as In- frintjcmenis of the Government's lot- tery momopoly. Paris is trying the experiments oil 98 I closing the stores at noon on cSaUirday* 410 this summer, ilany shops have closed regTUiarly on Sunday for some years paat. Though Ixjrd Roberts thinks there ifl oo danger in India, Englishmiin in thaO country are now carrying loaded re- volvers and B()are cartridge** in their (Kickets. terof fa^t, however, the buills and bears ^^ y«^r campare<l with her fair yield Prof. Victor Meyer of Heidellierg, ths . «. rye lust year, her full average rye | physiologital chemiat wliose death was taie men v\rho try to piult up tne prico ^ product in 1894, and her sliortage in amnounced recently, is said to have or to Ijear it down, are merely flies on j 1891, compiled from comprehensive re- committed suicide by taking pruasio the wheel Behind them aa the real : turns furnished by American Agricul- acid, on acoouat of domuatiu troubles. General HospitalJubilee Nurses' Home Buiiouio pilsgue in Fotf Chow and sub- was laid by Lord Lister in the^ presence xu-lns ia moat aeriuus. of 1,500 friends of the institution. During the three months ended Aug. Mthi. 15'f cises were ditiposed of in the London Police Court, an increase of 50 ov»»r the corresponding quarter of last year. Mr. F, W. Thompson, western man- ager of the Ogilvie Mining Company, estimates the Manitoba wheat crop this season at from 15,000,000 to 16,- OOU,000 bushels, Mr. A. I''. McCuUogh, civil e>ngineer, aod at one time professor in Toronto U'niversily, had the misfortune to lose his right hajid by the prumature e.xplo- siun of m giant firecracker at Mine Cen- tre. Vice-President Sbaughneasy, of the Canadian Pacific railway, who was in V i'licjuver. B.C., on Tuesday, said that hi, c uipao) hid now under cou>id(ria- tion the iiuesiion of a direct service to thf Yukon. The Uudsnn Bay e.xpedition reports from Nat hvan, in the cua^t. near the entiau'e to the Hudson straits, tliatall are well. Muvh ice was fnci>UMlered. -b'Jt-tb? Diana made her way through it without diffiiuiij. t^in.e the closing of the Indian Fam- ine Kund in Canada on the first of July additiona, sul • riptions. amounting to three tli,iu.-^a.n(l two hurulr^d an<l thirty-nine dollars, have, been reLeived, whiib nialu'M a t' lal n' unr bund re I an'i seventy-nine tluiusand one hun- dred and sixty-one dollars. Mr James McMuUun, MP., for North Woiiingtou, in an interview in Mon- treal ou I'lMii^idav siii<l he tboupbt the pi'ovi..,ii'US ol Vim liiiigley ^Ut aimed at Caua liau tia^le \, eie an impertinent in ttH'teren- e, and that Canada .should no longer cringe to tlie Aiiu-ricaii people, but assert hemelf by retal latum GlUvAT UKITAIN. Mr. K. R. Balfour, the lanious Oxford oarsman died last b'riday iu ^Scotland from pneumonia. Lord Charles Bereslord, who is at present a captain in the Royal Navy will shortly be raised to the rank of reap-admiial. I'he liueen a.i'rive<l at Baliuoral on Tki*"»day. At IVrtb, Aijordeen. and Bal later euthusiastic crowds gathered to greet her Majesty, All the delegates to the Congress of Women lu ln-Latlf of national dre^ss, to be held at O.\ford next m<mtbs, are to wear bloomers. Lady Haberton will preside. An eastbouud passenger train from Loindon on Wednesday, was derailed and thrown down an emluinkment at Mayfield, Husaex. Kour paasengers were killeil and thirty injured. The Duke of Westminster has issued BJa appeal to the Hritish public for funds for the relief of the distress which prevails in Athens among the refugees from Thessaly and Crete. The ineniliers of the ,Jack8on-Harms- worth exiiedition, who have .spent three winteirs In the Antic regions, have been brought b«/.'k in safetiy to Eng- iiid by the British steamer Wind- ward, I N1T.BD STATI5S. Ffcinker David J. Seligman, of New York, is dead. Negroes iu and about Blwood, Ind., have been warned to leave the town »nd suburbs. A new sleiiiiiahip line has been formed at Portland, Oregon, to run between Portland, China and Japan. The coal striike in Ohio ia considered aettled. The plan is to re.«tume at 64 cents and work jiending arbitration. Eight pei-Borw are reported to have b«en poisoned by eating a stolen melon At Padnirah, near Louisville, Ky, Melville H. Valentine was killed and four other occupants of a carriage in- Jured by being struck by a train near (uffalo^ The United States hattleship Maine is to 1)* placed in dry dock at Halifax next montih. She is to be followed by the bal;tleehip Iowa. The First St.ate Bank of McPherson, Kan , of which .Senator Matthews, ia president, has failed, with liabilities amounting to $28,000. The steamer Pel Norte has arrived fcrom Dutch H'arbor, and the Priiivloff ftlands, Alaska, with 30,000 skins for the North Anierican Conii'an.v. Engineer Wm. Thornloy and Fore- man I.ouiii Brown were killwl by the •tploaion of a C Q. & C. locomotive at Frederirte^urg. Ohio, on 1\iesday. Over 200 Americans and two carlotwls St auunuBition leave (hicago to-night It u) reported from Berlin that Prince Hoheulohe, the imperial Cbaneellor, will retire in October. Arbitrators of the Venezuelan dis- pute, caanot, it is thxiugbt, iu London, sit belure Septomljer, lb98. 'Ihe Spanish Government is formu- lating a plan to bring about the Uinishmeat of all Anarchists from Spaiu Spuiu will call out 50,000 more reeerves, 27,000 to be sent to Cuba and I3,(XJ0 to the Philippine Islands. Ouu^er threatens the sugar plant- era in Japan from a widespread dis- ease, whioh attacks tlie routs of the uane. Next year's Japanese budget will show a deficiency of 20,000,000 yen. even though the fullest econuniy ia ob- served. I'uur travellers of an Alpine tourist party are reported at AroUa, .Switzer- land, to have f;een killed near Mount 'Pleurer. A six'cial commission will ' meet short- ly in .St. Petersburg to discuss the lUtroductioQ of universal and compul- sory eiluisition iu Russia. 'J'wenty of 20 tJeruvin cities appeal- ed to h.ive approved of the proposal 10 c<illectively piirticip.ile in the Paris Kxp. sition of 19IKI. , ., . ^, , ,„.. ^ .„,i nf j buriat's foreign corresiiondents:â€" arbiter ot tie price of wheat and of | ^^ ^b .^^ ^^ Wihels.) bread stands the spectre of tamine , ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^g which begins, to haumt Europe and has - already set the French papers talk- ing of bread riots. A GRAVE SITUATION. The American Agriculturist, perhaps the greatout authority on the contin- ent, in itii latest issue says:â€" TTia tooA crop situxiLion abroad is indeed grave. Commercial estimates of Eurojie's, in- cluding England's, needs of wheat im- porfa range all the way fromi 300 to 400 million liushela. Inquiries conducted for a month past by American Agri- culturist indicate th,at the higher es- timate is the more conservative. Eiur- 0()e's wheat crops for 1895-4-3 aver- aged aboujt 1,500 miUiim bushels. In the famine year of 1891, Europe's Russia Sweden . Denmark Germany . HWland u Belgiuin . France . Italy Austria . Rouniania Bulgaria, eto 510 20 17 174 9 14 62 3 59 8 3 071 29 19 244 11 29 80 4 118 12 5 840 18 10 260 10 19 85 4 129 6 6 1891 483 22 W 188 8 15 A riKx/ncilintion tietween Kaiser Wll- helm and his sister, the Crown Princa of Greece will lie altompted at Wil- helnishohet, where they are to meet. Th» Empress Frederick will ,try to mediate. England's Cinque Porto, now nearly. all high and dry. may become liarbors 5g ; again. The sea, which for centuries had) 4Jl)een receding from Rye and Winchil*- ggisea uj ibtuiTiing iiud'is fast eating into ^ [ Uie la/nd. Tota,lB 879 1,216 1,3 PAY OFF TaEi MORTGAGE. 4 I c>tati(m<!rs' Hall in London, where ».l â€" ; iKxiks must be copyrighted, has at last Ikrmiared an index Qf titles, thus en- ;aliliii^ autOiors to guard against invol- The Agriculturist addathe following : "ntary mfringement of others' righta builletin, which may have something to I ''ml the consequent lawsuit. do with tlie very light delivery of grain Bicycles are used for smuggling oa in the United .SUietS to date:â€" the frmifipr ,,f (,-, ,„ â-  ., T r^ AcUng under our tedegraphio orders, '"*'"^'»t«'r "ft ranee and Belguum. The a aeJect numtoer of our moat reliable "y^|<"ns ollicers at Tourcolng took to corresjiondenta in tie centres of com- P"''''--'< the machine ridden by a maa merr.-i;a production made a coinpre- "i?? ..*"?'*y'<'<J and found that all the hi'iisive canvass u> ascertain the farm- wheat nroduct was only 1,-00 millions. | ens' views. Their telegrtuiw ufi* to the 't.;i Core.in Goveromieat lias .sent out an .v.ii.lal noticn thai the poris oi'Ci.e bujt 300 million buBhels more of that. Blu* this is not the worst of it, Euro|ie u.iuttllv produces as much rye aa she does wheat. It is the bread grain of the niaMJes The rye crop of the princiiial European countries. hollow tubing was stuffed with peppe'rT One of the feet of Louis Philippe's a 1848, lumn Ijeeol ia who This is further demonstrated ijy the fat-t ihat receipts of wheat .since July : rrmce ihiximilinn of Saxony, lat pniu.iry iioinia up to Aug. 22, were two years ago Ijecaine a Catholic uriesb only hull as mui:h ;ia in the same perwd .,^£ ^ . u . .„, , â-  , of the boom season, in the fall of IH91. ""' , "^^ '^'"^^^ "^ » l'*rmh in Lon- All reporta sp»ak of great jubilation " '"â-  "» •""'"t to go to Eiibstatt to pass among the farmers, rapid payment of "•« exaimniition for the iJefcTee of IJoo- iheir debin, and universal plans for | V*"^. •»' Uivtnity, At the Su.xon cinirh Qui. I iniprovemt-nts in everyihin« pertain- I }^ is asserted thiit ho wishes to enter i ing to the farm, stoi^k and house. I'he '•"'' ^^iimchin order. „ , ..„ for %u»iiK«s ill agriculiur il j .An .iccomplifilied French Newfound- tries and Sweden, tad averaged al|out ^ tr..,i6un,^i^^„^^^^^^^^^^ j„^ ^,^^^^^^ SuHan. w«arer of a Rus- sia, Germany, France. AuBiria, garia, Komiiania, ftaily, the low couu- â- M 1 1," I- ...niiiUv for 1896- i '••* overwh.'liniiigly lirilliuit. uilliou bushels annually ^'^'^ Should anything like the alK.ve figur- Th:s season, according l^" '*â- '"" I es Ije genera;iy realized. The Aiiien-an 1,300 m ican Agi icuiturist'B carefully complleu | Agriciuturisl iioiiiLs out th.it more reporta and inqu'u-iest.h rough re-'"''!^ ' I-JJiI^'V/I^AK ?'i ''?! :',''" .'f"^':':*^:":?.:?"..^" collar of honor awar<led by the French S.P.C.A., has been poisoned at Corbell by tramjis. Hi- had stopped a robber caught a murderer, savwi a ijirl from dnmninK ui the Marnc an.l a man fr.-m uie ?HLno after be had jumped off the iront Noul. . .i.„ ,.,,,,,,(-ries of ;•''» farms in all the I'nited States can correspcniuents in tne cou.ui.i. |^ ^^.^ ^^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^^^ ,|,|^__ Auicriran prin<'ip«il proihiction, ihe rye crop ol Agriculturist also ilim-usses th.- world- niin|„j and Mokpo are opeii to foreign I these countries cannot much exceed wide .situation as to mippiies, demand Abel ^.^^. irid,. on October 1. Ur. „.;i,;„„ ,.,.i,..i... a.-re is a shortage and pr,<eK, ,showiug lh,ii th» Tm ted cricketers of the ,Siiriev " ,states IS in for a iw^nc.l of uJMire<-ed-L ^.^j^ pnwperiiy. 1 his proMperity | JUl. a.nd Brock well. Reports from New Cale<ioniuu re [Mirl that rain is mnuch needed, if the harvest fails predictions mide that serious disturbances occur. it is said that the Czar has derided to partly abolish the .Siiierian exile, system and to erect large central! Karoiie produces in ordinary seasons prisons in Russia proper within .ij uvice as many bu«thtt.B ut pouitocs as y®-"" uf whesit. Uler potato crop is about It is .said that Germany will demand] equul to her rye and wlieai croivs 10- xn explanation of the hope expressed! j^^^. The normal iK>uito crop in the by .\1 Meline. I lie l reach refiner.'" i.">= " ,,,..1 u a K'iO that Alsaoe^I^rraine will be reuuittd co,iiitr.c» alH>ve enuuierated w ^.»oU to the republic. profe>sioiiiil team. Iitiva «in the rpx;ord, for a 'partnership" 379 runs in a recent 875 milUcmlmshcIs of 325miUion buehels of rye. Europe's ^^^^^^^ and I tiioi-ugw in rye is even more serious shmiUl '!» of pi'olonged durttion be- j "-X i^'ormt: 379 runs in a recent match "8| thin h«n whH.it deficit. The two crojis cau.ie founded uik>ii the solid b.sis of'"'"" Hampshtre. Abel, the first mum will '-''â- '« '>«'^ '""""â- 'â-  'I8IH.K.. t" ,,r,.sp,.r.ni.s agruu.lnrc and rich f.iriu- â-  m '"ade 7;i runs Imf.ire he was out. together are apparently over triW LaibB I ^^^J^j^^ nx-k-l)ottom foundation of ' ' " -' <^1B leas thiiu the normal. Quite as bad is the iiolato prospect r<K-k-l)ottom national wealth. FOUGHT ZULUS, THE SULTAN'S JEALOUSY. People who have not lived in Con- stantinople can have no idea of the in- sane jealousy of the Sultan with re- gard to his successor. An official Turk will ride miles out of his way rather than pass the palaces where reside ex- Sultan Murad and Rechad Eftendi, the Sultan's younger brother and heir. A Minister who passed the palace of the latter twice on his way on important business tx) the Bosporus, where the ^Vmbassadors, are staying, found on his return the most imperious message from the Sultan requiring his immedi- ate presence at YiUliz Kiosk iu order to explain his conduct. Another Min- ister was called uiwn In a similar man- ner for explanation because at the mo- ment when be \\-a3 returning the salute of the guiarid the heir apparent bai>- l^iene^l to pass in his carriage, and there- fore his salute was supposed to bo in- tended for the Prince. .Ministers and great dignitaries get out of tne way ,ind hide abjectly in or<ler not to meet and salute the heir-apparent. RUSSIA'S POWER. The whole visit of the Kai,scr, as well as that now being paid to the Czar by the President of the French repulv lie, serves to call att.ention to the fact that iu spite of all that has been said of the inte'llectual lis well as physical degeneracy of Czar Nicholas, who has been described repeatedly as a weak- ling, half crazed with nervousne-ss and epilepsy. Russia during the three years that have elajjsed since his accession to the throne has attained a ixjwer and a pre-eminence unparalleled in Europe, aa well aa in .Asia, which is unpreced- ented in history. The center of poli- tical gravity in the old world is no longer at Vilenna, at Paris, nor yet at Berlin, where it remained for near- ly a quarter of a century, while Hi.s- miarck was in power, but at .St. Pet;- ersburg, to which all the Governments in Kuroi'e are obliged to refer before embarking uiK>n any scheme of an- in-' t«rnational character. miaiou Uibhels. Due allowaiK'e for the fears and exaggerations even of our we.l-informed European represeut,a- ^ -^^^^^^ visitors in New York just 1 turist . , . , , Lord t lirlni»rortl, Krlllsli Vrunral, *l»ll«nil 4n \i-w lork. Lord Chelmsford, the Hriiish (Jener- al who gained fame figlitdng the Zu- lus and Kaffirs, is one of the most tives stUl leads American Agricul now. Although he is more than 70 to the conclusion that only about 1,850. ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ,^^^ ^^^ ^^j.^.^,, j^^^ million busheU of potatoes will be bar- , -^ vtbted in these couutries this year. Without regard to the United Kingdom or other Europe, there is a shortage of some l.OUO mi^ilou bushels of pota^ ties. •iriK. EIRUPEAN SHORTAGE. The Eiuroiieau shortage, compared with the average, is as loilows: â€" Bushels. VVli&i.t 300,000,000 Rye .... . • I'otatoeii 1,625,IX)(),000 32u,O0l),U0U l,tHJo,U0l),0U0 Total No pua-t of the world, apparently, has imy considerable surplus of cereals e.x- cept the United Statecj and Canada. Ihe potato crop in. these coiuitries is about 25 per ceut. less than last year, and may bestiU smaller. Ihe United States, hasnoi"italoe« for export. But if prices go high enough, the Lnited States can spare 240 million bushels ot wbeu.t, 300 million Ijunhels of corn, 100 million Ijushels of oats and 10 mil- lion buiihels of rye, total say 050 mil- lion buishels, 'I'his will iibouit offset Europe's needs of who;it and r>'o, bult where is she to find a Bulistilute for her enormous shortage in potatoes? The twelve mouth, ended .luine 30, 1892, following Eluroixj's short crops of 1891, the for- eigner lx>ught from the United States flour and wheat amounting tot 225 mil- lion Iniishcls at an average exiiort price con.sidera.bW above $1 per bushel; of com, 177 million buBhels a.t an average vTulue of over 55c per bushel ; of rye, more th.m 12,000,1101) huisliHla at an av- erage oif 95c per Ijushell. BEERBOHIM'S FR^VNTIO CABLE. Why must uoit the foreigner expect to iKiy around tJiese prices to-day ) BefilM.>hm muiit have had an inkling of Euroije's shorta.go in rye and pola- Uyeti when he fra,nlicii,llly cabled over tnxm Li verpool t hat. I')nglan<l would Ix) oom])e,lled to |xuy f2 for wheat l)eforo the next croiJ cornea in. But new wh«at from the southern hemisphere will 1>B iMi the nvtrkot in January, the E>urope,-i-n situation as a whoiw is cer- I tjaioly no wor»o than in 1891-2, there the army, he is an unusually vigorous man. This is Lord Chelmsford's first visit Ui this ctmiitry. and he says that he intends to inrtpect the lines of de- fense l>etween Ihe L'niled States and Canada, not officially, of course, but simply for the puriiose of gratifying his soldierly curiosity. He expects to Illlike atrip through the lakes to Du- luth. and his insiieetion of the defenses will furnish him amusemeut. Lord Chelmsford has been accessible to in- terviewers who have called upon him, and be has talked freely on a variety of subjeid-s ujion which lie could speak with knowledge and without indiscre- ti<in. Among other tilings he has prais- ed the Turkish soldiers aud said a good word for their fighting, which ho had an opportunity of observing during the Crimean war. WHEN WEN ARE STRONGEST. At what hour of the day is a man at his strongest, and so fitted to do h.ird work with the loast weariness? Probably the answer occurring at once to most persons will be, " When begets up in the morning." This is by no means the case; on the contrary, according to exi>eriments of Or. Buoh with the dy- namometer, a man is pre<M.sely at his weakest when he turns out of bed. Our muscular fon:e is greatly increa.sod by breakfast, but it attains to its highest point after the mid-day meal. It then sinks tor a few hours, rises again, to- 10 B,<>ckweirs202, the lalter's full score Oi-mg 225. J-.njfiish parties Imvo multiplied sim o Mr. Gladstuiu- took, up homo rule. Ills foiiiier followers are now divided into Liberal Unionists. Koseberyites, Har- courlites, Laboucheritins, Uilluniles, i arufllites, and Uealyites. .%ine one in Ihe Tiiiirts c-ills him the Grand Old Party Sjilitter. A London woinaji hus Ijeen killed ia the crush at a bargain sale at which tweinty.-two policemen were employed to hold thei crowd in check. The ver- dict of the Coroner's jurv was: " [de- ceased died from syncajpe" caused liv t he exertion ami excitement of getting" into a liargaln sale, and that such death was du? to natural causes. " 1 An old lady who. in the great Na- poleon's tune unconsciously saved a Frt-nch flag from the enemy, has just died in Paris. Ilsr father was an of- ficer at I'oul during the Cent jours, and when the place capitulated iiiaii- ageil to save the colors of the TwBnty- sevtMith lnf.antry by using them as "a sw.iddling band lor his baby girl. They were afterwards restored to the re- gimeTit, Perspiration from a healthy man whtn injected into a dog will kill him in from one to three days. The ilose is 15 cubic eentinietrtw to e*icli kilogram of dog. The effect is also fatal on rali- bits. tlunigh thoy require u larger cb>se, 25 cubic centiiuetres. .Sweat secreted during severe muscular lalwr is froiu on*'-fourth to one-third more poi.sonous. Such are the results of experiments by M. .Vrloing. communicated, to the Par- is .•\ca<lemy of Sciences. IHindoos in the pingue district tare e«ni>Jioying many devices t.o elude the officials se<?king for plague cases. One man who had died was .set up at a table with cards in his bunds, while bis friends s;it around hini making Inlieve that they were playing a game. The stolid exprcHsiim on tiie corpse's face led one officinl Co put liis band on its shoulder, when it fell over to the flor. In Yella Reddi two girls were dying. Their relatives cut their throats and buried the bodies liefore the coming of the oifficitilis. ward evening, but steadily dei lines 1 ,,,... , . . ., from night till morning. The two chief 1 ^-^^S^^^ i^-^S^ are showinig a dis- foes of musimJar forw,, according to [ inclination to enforce the Stinday Iaw9 Dr. Buch, are overwoj'k and idleness,!,^, 1,1,0 statue book. A person named Inst tba â- uiiday con- l.>r. isucn, are overworn ano loieness, 1 ,^, | |,o statue Irook. A person Sweatingatwork deteriorates the inu8-i^\.iy^„„^ brought suit again oles. Many of the great, workers of ,... , , .^. . , , the world have been early risers. But : !"'>«» ''>'' advertising a .^uiid early rising, according to Buch's doc- trine, ought alwii.ys l.o be supplemented by early breakfasting. APPRjOPRIATE. head Sei-retnryâ€" What shall I address to Wcycle riders? Preacherâ€" 'hie sermon on the Mount cert ci*n:tr.,ry to the act of 1781. Inl court ho declined to take oath on the grimiiid that he hid no i^eligious belief I and stjited t hat he objected to the law I himself. The .Tmlge .squirmed (mt of [ thie difficulty by rulinff that the statue „_y_ ha\\ not Iwen violnted, ina,snMich as"ad- I niiifflion" tfl the concert was free, al- though the seats had to hs paid for. *.-*;r»3r.r'rt-^r; I - / l«'

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