Flesherton Advance, 16 Sep 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE SEPTEMBER i6 iSgTr ^ S^ Vicinity Chips Characteristics of the Past Week I'arefuily Culled for the Curious mt ^ limiiteaa notices anumg locals imll be t charged at tlte rate of ten etnts + per liiu for each ittsertion. A t reduction will be made on con- f tracts for 100 lines or over. Ladies' visiting cirda, printed or plain, at this office. The fishiiig se.vson eiidtd oii Tuemlay and hunting began yesterday, Wednen- d«y. Get your watches and clocks repaired by F. VauDuHcii, Fleshtirton, o|>poaite Town Hall. Subscribe for The Advance when at the fair â€" 25 cunts buys it until the end of the present year. Good Pearl cookii.g atuvo for sale â€" guaranteed first claKu biiker and in good condition. Tliisottice. Appearances indicate aettled weather for the balance of the week. Let ua hope that appearances are not deceitful, Mr. Ez. White has purchased the blacksmith business of Mr. John Mc- Kenn.i, Markdale, and will take possess- ion on Mond.iy of next week. The exhibition atrriag'ers have all re- turned home, laden with fruit in abund- ance and all conscious of having had a good time. Station Agent McGill. in making up hia returns, finds that just two more tickets were sold here durinar exhibition weeks than were sold in 189G. All accounts due the firm of Hill & Co., Flesherton, must be paid on or be- fore the liit liny iit i)ctt)ht>r, nthmvise ey will be phu;ed iu other hands for collect on. Mrs. Trimble and assistant are very busy aiTanging the new fall millinery and getting ri-ady to receive ordeis ou fair days, Sept. 16 and 17. The mil- linery opening notices later on. Next door to R. Tritnble's. McFarland & Son, Markdale, are sell- ing 17!)9 yards English Flannelettes 3|c per yard, reyular price Cc ; 86ri yanls 3C-inch Bleached Cotton 4c, regular price 5o ; Canned Corn, 5c ; Chnned Salmon, 10c this season's. McFarland A Son for lowest prices. Mrs. Andrew Benthnm of this place took fourth prize for roll butter at the Industrial exhibition. There were six pri7.es given, and even to come in at fourth place was a high honor of which Mrs. Uentham may well feel proud. Four dollars was the amount of the prize. Vfe have had such a rush of business during the past week that time for changing our advertisement was not available. Readers of this paper are requested to li <pk up onr advertisement in next week's itsuc, whtn a detailed list ef Dearly 2C00 yards new import dress goods will be presented. F. T. Hill £ Co., Markdalft. Mr. T. Hill sprung a surprise upon his m.iny friends here by suddenly making it public last week that he had invested ill a mercantile busiut-ss at Hu.s.sell, in the Northwest Territories. Mr. Hill is still in the Northwest and will not re- turn to Flesherton. The stock here will be shipped to Ruk.'scII, and the family will leave for their new home next mouth. D. D. Grand Master VanDusen deaires to meet the brethren of the A. O.V. W Lodge on the evening of Wednesday, 22nd inst., at 8 p.m. Price Teeter, M.W. We present our readers this week with a picture of our genial wevi. There was one difficulty found in securing a good picture â€" it was impossible to give the neceisary color t« his whiskers â€" but otherwise the feature* are correct. A. S. VanDusen, Flesherton, has se- cured the agency of the Sun Saving and Li-an Co. of Toronto, authorized capital $5,000,000, and is prepared to accept deposits and make loans on real estate at a low rate of interest. Every farmer and business man should investigate the plan of this company, an advertisement of which will appear next week. The concert on the evening of the second day of thefair promises to be some- thing superior in the way of entertain- ment. Miss McCallum, elocutionist, and Harry Bennett, humorist, pre the attrac- tiona.aud both have enviable reputations. Miss McCallum comes hinh'y recuiiimend- ed as a reader, and should be greeted with an enthusiastic reception. Do not miss the concert. To-day and to-morrow will be two very busy days in Flesherton. Secretary Sproule says that entries are pouring in and a big fair is bound to be the result. The damp weather of Mimday sKinewhat retarded harvesting operations, hut as a general rule crops have been pretty well secured. The crowd will doubtless bo larger than usual this year owing to the solid nature of the attntctions. Come and see the show. From the Plyim uth, N. H., Recor(',w» team of the death of Mis. Geo Thompson of Campton, after a sl.ort iUtiass, Mr. Thompson at one rime lived atKiinberley, and is a son of Mr. Thompson of Corbet- ti>n. His friends in the vicinityt of Kimberley will lea' n the news with re- gret. A tram belonging to Messrs. Beecrofi A Talbot ran away one day last wetk while coming hrcm the Station with an empty lumber wagon. The driver, Dave Kenderson, was badly cut about the head by being thrown from tllo wagon, and one of the horses was also considerably out, while the wagon was scattered along the the road for quite a distanc;. It will Itoacoupleof weeks before all the wuund- «d. ace ou d uty a^aiu.. We have been giving our editorial page for the last couple of weeks to the history of Artemesia. Next week, however, there will be a gjip in the publication of this owing to the fact that the prize list demands our space. The next instal- ment will appear in the issue of Sept. 30 and continue for about three weeks. Send thh paper to your friends. We can supply back numbers, excepting that of Sept. 2. Very large audiences have greeted Rev. Mr. Wilkinson in the Methodist church this week, and a deep interest has been taken in the subject of baptism. The lecturer has studied the question deeply and presents his theories in a forcible manner through specially pre pared charts, thus appealing to the eye as well as the ear. This series of lectures is the luoHt elaborately prepared that wo have yet listened to on this subject. Mrs. F. Bunt lost her purse at the siration last Christmas. It was found there on Tncsday by Mr. McOill, and the tlteory is that the lindur hist fall lu'«t it again on Tuesday in the identical spot where he or she had found it, as it wiw lying in plain view from the platform where it could not remaiu an hour with- out being seen by some one. When losi; by Mrs. Bunt it contained two postal cards, an address and about thirty cents in change. When found on Tuesday the cards and address were still there, but the money had disjippcared. The mystery t» dc'-p. Mr. Mattliewson, student at Prioe- ville, preached at the preparatory service in the Presbyterian church lost Friday. Five new memheis were received on pro- fession of faith and one by certificate. The Stjssion decided to introduce the new Book of Prait-e on the first Sabbath in October. Mr. Archibald Cairns was elcctoit representative elder to Presby- tery and Synod for the ensuing year. A lareuly attended coinmniiion service was held on Sabbath murning, when the pastor preached an appropriata sermon from I Cor 11:20. The interiors of one thousand of the most attractive homes in the United States have l)eeu photographed by the Ladies' Homo Journal. One hundred of the I est of these pictures will be repro- duced in that nngazine. The first article of the series â€" " Inside of a Hun- dred Homes "â€"will appear in the October Journal. Bedchambers, recep- tion and dinning rooms, bathrooms, halls and apartments of every kind will be pictured just as they are in daily use. Ekoh picture contains dozens of sugges- tions. Eve.ry woman is interett:::l in takiug a peep into the most attractive homes in the land, to see how they are furnished and. arranged. She wants to get practical, hints and new ideas for furnishing her own. The houses photo- gtuphed by the Journal are those Qcc.u()ied by gersons of roodcivte. income. Their interior aiTangement shows what perfect taste can accomplish with a little money and the touch of a woman's deft finuers. Homes iu every State of the Union â€" from Maine to California â€" were phntngrapheti fur the Jouriul's unique and useful series. PBR50NAL3 Rev. Mr. Thorn attended Presbytery meeting at OranireTille on Tuesday. Mr, and Miss Proctor, of Thornbury, spent Sunday in town with their brother, Mr. Will Proctor. Masters Mervyn VanZant and Fretl Strain h:ft last week to attend Parkdale hi|2h school. Mr. Chas. Richardson also returned to his college studies at Wood- stuck. Mr. Matk Skinner of Great Falls, Moiit., who arrived here a week ano to spend a couple uf months' holidays, was suddenly rccjtlled last week. Mrs.Skinner still remains here. Mrs. Mathowpun of Peterhoro recently spent a week here with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Mr. R. Henderson, at one time with T. Hill here, was in town on Monday. Mr. Henders<m is at present travelling agent for the Sun Savings & Loan Co. of Turonto. Mr. E. Vanzantis this week in Forest, Lambtiin Co., putting up a inounmen'. This indictttes tho extensive trad* our marble inaii enjoys Mr. Era Arnistrung and Miss .'^. Arm strung drove over to visit friends at Lucknow last weuk. ;- {Miss Mina Anderson and Miss Blanche Parkinson of Buifahi are the guests of Miss Gertie TanZaiit. Mr. Uri White, of Tonjnto, is spend- ing a week with his brother-in-law, Mr. W. Barnhouse. Monuments, Urns and Vases The undersigned has secured the ageucy foL' the new Metallic Plate Glass ^oaumant, inaiitifactiiied in Toronto, one of the finest mouuments ever presented to the public. It is proDouticed by experts to be the best monnmenti iu liie luarket. Tiie in- sciipliou, wliicliis patented, will last for ages, and will be as perfect in a hundred years us the lirst year. An inscription iu granite or marble, when put ou iu gold, silver or puiiited, will lust only a short time and tbea have to be done over again. The old need not put ou their spectacles to read oar inscription. These mounnieuts are of beautiful desigus, graiiiteized iu ted or grey, and are within tiie reach of. the poorest. An early call solicited Wn. HENDERSON \gent. Eesidence opposite the Tres- byleiiau church, Flcshertou. New I^laninsr Mill Having just plncod in poBt^ion a nnw planiiiM luacliino I am now prepared to supply (,'ootl tlooriii({ anil Hiding at Iowo«t niarkttt i>ricKH. A full stock of fhin^lcB, heuilovk lunibur, uto. constantly oa huud. \V. 8. BISHOP Kimberley, Aug. 18, 1697* 1 jin HILL & CO FLESHERTON SPECIAL BARGAINS Glassware and Crockery All our 01a>ss^iva,x»e and Cx*ocker*y must be sold in a short time, and in order to do so we are oifer- infj to the public the following list of goods at Cosily Pr*ices. Please note carefully our list :: .*' Tea and Dinner Setts combined, 95-25, 97 pieces.. Cups and Saucers, 75c dozen. Dinner Plates. 75c dozen. Tea Plates, 55c dozen. Soup Plates, 65c dozen. English Rock Teapots, 15c each. Potato Dishes, 45c piece. Side Dishes, 30c piece. Butter Spads, 20c piece.. Fruit Saucers, 33c dozen. Egg Cups, 20c dozen • ~ Salt and Pepper Shakes, 4c each. ' â- â-  GLASSWARE Celery Dishes, lie each. Preserve Saucers, 17c dozen;. Preserve Dishes, 17c and 19c each. Pitchers, 15c each. Bread Plates, 10c each. Cake Dishes, 12c each. Pickle Dishe.s, tic and 7c each. Extra Heavy Preserve Dishes with Covers, 56c each. Bedroom Setts, J1.75. " 1 quart Sealers, 75c dozen. ^ gallon Sealers, $1 dozen. Come at once and get your choice of tlie bargains. All kinds of farm Produce taken. H.HHITMAN. KSQ. Df.ah Sill. -Ono of my Rirls awoko uie tlie iithor iii({Ut wayinB, "I'lv. 1 cim.t not, iiiv brnatli," I uiit nil au.l put Bomu Ijinhtninfi I'liiii Hiintor on siiuarand Kav« U tolutr.aiul in iHbuon iniii utoB Hiio was l)ottor nnd slept soiiiic'ly tlio re- inaiiidorof tlie uidht. I oeliove it to bo the bost nioiliciiiQ sold for o oup. ooubIis, oolils, sore tiiroat, «prfth)8. bruises. Rcalils, old sorus, outs, Bto. l^liihtiiiiiK pain Huiitor euros so many diseasos tlmf. aliuoRt ovory oiio in tlies.} parts u US it. I buliuvu it to bit tlitj bost nm. i- ciuo in *lio world, and 1 write this that of ors may know wl;at it liaa done for mo. I always Itucpa iHittlu in t)>e boiieu to bo ruody foi au ttuiorguDcy. Yours truly MBS. O. WuiTBoAK, Fovornhftm. Out. Above is ono of tlie many hundrod t-jBliuioiii» al» pourlnfi iu. tolling of tlie curatiTO powers of Liglitninti Pain Hunter. For sain in Fleslierloii at Dr. Christoe'a M.dical Hall and at Flesherton .^tation l>v J. U. Kijau, sfpneial store. ONLY 25 CENTS A BC^TTLlil Cook's Cotton Root Compound ^am^^ U the only safe, reliable ^^^HHPmonthly medicine on which ^^V)^laditt can depend in th« ^^m ^*\Aour and titnt of need, ^E «r It prepared in two degreca W^> ofstreneth. 7 •* No. 1 for ordinarf casM is by far the beat dollar medicine khowo- â€"•old by druggist*, one Dollar per box. Ko. 2 for special casesâ€" lo degrees strongei^sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes. Five Dollars. No. I, or Mo. t, mailed ma receipt oC ptict sad two 3-cetit stamps. TIM 0«*k company» WladSM â€"^ Mlh^ ^ 66 FULL ASSORTMEM OF SUMHER FOOTWEAR In Ladies', Gent's and Children's wear. Custom work and repairing promptly attended lo at CLAYTON'S i 9 Agent for the Dtiniinion Money Order Expreps. ^lesKoTton Tr)areTOoms ^ m 8"'d' in Flesherton and everywliere iu (2Hiiad»b{ jtil reapouiiblfl druijgi»t«.. Our Jubilee sales have stiniulatod us to keep up the rush through the usually quiet month of August, and if prices will make anything yo, cert.iuily our August smIos of Fuinitnre must be the largest of the year, for we shall cut everythinij . down to the very lowest iictcli. In order to introduce our ^3^3 new Iron Bedsteads we have decided to sell the whole of first consignment consisting of three dillereiit gradi s ami d. signs at just uet cost. These speeml iiiduceineiits ;iru fur August. J. E. nOORE The People's Home Furnisher and Undertaker All kinds of repalrlnK, UDliolBterlnn and picture framing done WANXKI3 C ANVASftF,KH--Qnoon Victoria: Hor Lifo and KeiRn," hot* CRptiirttl the British Kmi>iro. KxtrftordhiarN teKtimonittln from the ?rent mon . send for copy fvfb. Marquin of .orno «n,vft, " Th<» boat p ip^iln-^ life of the Qunon I have aooii." Her MajuRty nenilB a kind letter of Approeiation. SfOliiia by thoii*> RAiidi ; RivoH untlitiHiaRtio satinf action. Can- vftflHers makinR$ir>to $40 wookly. ProKpeottia. froe to aguuts. Tbo UradlevOarretaon Co., Utd., Toronto, Onl. fAITO will bo content witli ten dollars wtokly .\dilro8a, NliW U>iJ.\.S CU., Modioal H,iil(iin« Men and wonren w'lo can worV Imril tal4;iU)!and writingsixliajr-i daily, for six rlavs a weak, an I; Toronto, Out. tnij'N'rC lam Juat ntnrtinii the ^>e'ti tiling' auuiiio fo, nion<iy uiakinR yon bavo «eoii for- many a day. Your name and addretiB wUb bring the golrlnii tnforinatinn. U. C. ULASUUW. TaDaiaa„Oat.. 1 L Mimil

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