4 V TlfE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. InttrMtloc lUmi About Our Own Ceuatry OrMt BrlUlD, tiM United SUtM, and All P(-to ol tba aiobc, Coadaiued and AMorttd lor BMy RMidliui- CAN'A.DA. F. E. Hutuhiiw, a wealthy harneaa dsalar. will be a caodiilate for Mayor of WinniiMig. There ifl a demand in Winnipeg for 600 men' to work on the Crow's Nest Pass R«Llway. Tlie Ituiiiiton Polioo Oommiasioner.s fadve. refuind to uJlowi tt^ luen to joLn a (uotbull club. ' KigUt of the rineIe,wlerB in the St Vin'-ent (i» l*u.ul Penitentiary distur)>- avea lukT« been removed to King stun. Ht is reported fraiu Quebeo tluit a ehild was recently at tucked and wound- ed 1>y an eac'e La th« street ut Mont morenoy FaLU. A youutf Kng'.IJKhTntin named Seward IkjlA killed near £lkbuni by falling from a, wocoa 'iHkIou with, brick, the wboels cnuthims bis akull. The assessment rolls at Brantforil â- buw an LncrecuwJ in real' and [lersonal Tallies to the ajuount of (ISS.OOU over tlioae of last year It in reported bhkit the Belleville Klec- trin S1 reet Ratiwuy has been purchased by an E)ng''lfili syndirate, who propose to extend it to a\voed. Jotm House, of Virden, was found with a gun cha-me through his heart. Ut ia supposed that death was ccldental. He bad boen out shoot â- £CL( cog. Mr. \Vm. Mackenzie, of Toronto. ICr. D. D. Mann, and other capLtalbtA, keve acquired the charter of the Vnnoouver, Victori.* & Eastern Rail- way. The Dominion T\wtma»ter-GenerHl faua decided tJiat all (J^nadian mail b:tgs»up|died to thef Govero/iueut iiiust be of tlie munufacture of the iiurli>'-i who tender. A mm name<l Hector MoGregor was burned to deiithat Fleaii«g,Aaaa The axpiuiiiug of a luiui() in a Lam oicu- rfed l.y a party of Ibrwshers i;aufle<i lh<' (Lre Koiiuiry at the Mounted Ptolire Pe- partment tnOlt:i,wa tends to Kho» l)ia> tb«'re has been little or no trouble w it j prairie fires In the North-West this Thomas Killems of Flamboro" was fouii I by the railwajr traok in tlio Duii- daa junction cut in a dvint; conditiim and puasjyl, away shortly after he was diwcmered. There are no marks of Ttolcnce on' the Inxiy. T'hi" offi<'ers and iiieiiibers of the vari- ous fratrrnal and U-nevolcnl soclpties and o<ther orj.'unlzallon."* in Montrea:' ar^ u|» in ann» nii a resuilt of ih« pro- n«*ini«ment of Iho I'lovtncla} Mfdiial (Vniiu-iJ Uiat the lixlgo doctor must gv. I'he Kl.ler Demii(it.er Company's fine new steiniship Montrose has arriveil • t Montreal. Thei aliip In the la»t but one of a numl»er of new aUp* which ar« twing Imllt for this i.>Dii>:inv on purp(»o for the St. L wrtMice trade. It is reported from VVinnipeK that a woman namml Nault, living n -ar St Ann's, save<l' her six children from iH-ing burned to death in the prairie fire there by plaiing them in a creek and covering! them with wet blankets. The new Canadian I'acific railway short lifne to Montreal has reached Pon- dletim. a village thirty miles distant from (Xtawa. The work of con.'stnic- t.i«»n I.S Iwing pushed as rapidly as ii(«- mt)le The line, will likely be open for freight this winter. The gain in the Cana/liiin Pacific rail- way earnings if<»r /the last w»ek in Se|)- teuilier. as compared with the corro- •p<»n.ling period last year, of two hun- dreil and fifty-five thousand dollars is regardeil as strong proof of the im- provement In liusinesa throughout the country., on RAT BRITAIN. Glasgow has decide<l to hold an inter- natioual exhibiti<m in lUOI. The report of the Grand Trunk llail- way is regarded in I>on(lon as very fav- orable. Sir Charlea Wyke, formerly British CVnsul-tJeneral in Central America, is dead. Il> was eighty-two years of age. The fortune left by Barney Ifcirnato, tl^l^ African diamonil king, who com- mitted suicide in June last, amounts to t4.HI<J,3'J(). The Imperial Board of Trade .•»( a fo- ment for Septenilwr shows an incre.ise In Ibn imports of £iJ8!M48, and a d.v crease in the exports of i;i„518,H.'iO. Prof. Francis Newman, the author and philosopher, is ilead, at the age of BiiiBty-two years, ♦lis was a younger brot^Uer of the late Cnrdinal Newman. The typhoid fever nt Rfairlslonei. Kent, is still spreailing. There are now thir- teen hundred rases of the disease, and new ones ;ire liourly re.i)f>rted. The British Government has commu- nicated its decision to Tlnlted .States Ainliassailor Hay not In lake part in any sealing r<>nferen"e wilh re|iresenla- tivea of KtiHsini, and Japan r>resent. I'he doctors of the asylum for thi^ in- sane at Chester in which F/dward Lang- try, the divorced hnslmnd of l,ily Lang- try, the actress, is confined Imlieve that be iiH suffering from concussion of I ho brain. f/iird 'IVnnynon's Moigraphy (ontains dorreKpondence I etwee.n t hi- Queen and tli« i<oet, which shows that whi'n Mr. < H a.' I â- tone was her ailvi.ser she arlively Interfere I in opiioailiiin to Iriah Home Uule. The biography of the late Lord Ten- nys'>n. which rontains much of his cor- respondence with the Queen and pro- minent jicoi/b in I'/ng^&nd and tlho Un- ited RtaleK is attroi'tintr mu^h altAn- tion. there is ino Indication of an improve- OK-nt in the situation of llie atriklnd •nKUieem in I'XKJand. and there are (ears that a general striJce will Iw ord- •re<l throughout the ubip-building trade •< tbei tr^Ued Kln«d(mi. The approochimg mayoraUy election in Grealer New York is attracting oiuoh attention In London. The S{»(j- I ator says iit dreads the suoiiess of M'am- loany, and' asserts that tlie election is â- X matter of deej) interest to thei whole c.iiviiized world. The millitiiry e<lilor of the fall Mall 'lazette urges the acceptance of the offei-s of Caua la and New South Wales to .send tnwi« to a.'-isist in iiuelling the Indian disturliance, so as to help I'orwaril the intoroliangealA Ity of home and colimial forces. Great BrUain appears to l)e m.ira firmly rooted in Iflgypt than ever, and there is a rumor of the possible doposi- tix>u o( the Kluxlive anil the establish- meut of a British protectorate, it is saiid Itussia has efbxtually snubl>ed the French efforts to make th« Kgyptlan questiion a European one. Mr. Fielding, the Canadian Minister of Finance, who has arrived in Ixin- don to negotiate a loan for two mil- lion poun'b* in the cours»i of an inter- view said that if the United .States Covemment approaohed the Canadian tiovernment on the subje'-'t of improv- e<l trade relations lietwcen the two ixjuntriea it would l« received in a pro|ier spirit. UNITED STATES. The yellow fever epidemic in New Orleans is abating. Drought and forest fires have caused great losses in M'cbigan. Mr. Henry Geoi^ge, whto is a candidate for the Mayoralty of Greater New York, declares himself to be a free trader. An edict hcis gone fortli that con- ductors on tli« Un>adiwa.y, New York, oaiile cars must sbiive off their Iwliis- ke.rs and beards. The Sen Francisco mint will at once resume the coinaKe of silver dollars, in a:-cordanoe witli in.stmctions re- (leiveil from Washington. A numl»r of proiniiient Culan.n, who reside In Now Sork. in inteniews de- clare that nothing but absolute inde- pen.leoce will satisfy the patriots. Charter ilay of Princeton University, the. -iitui iiutt., will lie oleerved with m-iioh oe.remony. Ex-President Cleve- larxd and the t:arl of Aljerdeen will deliver addreuties. lind an honorary de- gree will bo conferred on the latter. Lueti^ert, atcuse<l of the murder of his wile in Chioago, hits given out .1 sC'i.tement in whioh he says he thi-uk.s the ivusel for the State is witak, lul it is fouoiU*! on lies. He protests his inn<x'*uce, :ind Wah sti;l hoi)es of his wife api>eariu« before the conclu- sion of tlie trial. A si>eclal dea;atcb from Washiivgton' reganiiug Great Mritain's refustvl td join the propowe'l jug-handled confer- ence at \Vashini{t^>n says that Kng- land mu-ct l>e brought to lier sense.-* by retaliating on Canada, and suggests tiuit aoceas to the Klon lyke 1» re- fu.te'l to Canadians through United .â- states territory. Kep;>rts from the commercial .igencies of Dun and Uradstivei re- |x»rt biisin«*s gener.illy as fairly pro- greasing, though such adverse circuin- st'in-e.s us dry weaUier, '.abor compli- ctttions, and, in some iiuarlers, ixior ooMections, have for a lime dulled whit it was fair to regard as the natural rel>,>und of iride. The liusl- uess outlook is, all thiags considered, f'iir!y ^<^o\ iu tlw lulled .States, as tile demand for ordinary produces is steiidily ia(.Te;usliig, the doinand fur labour is uiiorn general, while the ImsLu'e.ss luillvity known as'iiiove- nuent" has % bo|>efu,l' outlook. GENraJAL. it in reiiorleil in Madrid liiat Senor .SagsMla. liie new Lilejal Premier, will grant autonomy to (,\i1ia. 'Hie report that the Pope '» dying l» einiph.atica.ly contradicted. Hi-t Holi- nuvi is enjo^'lng his UKuai health. It appears U> l>e i tlie intent iun of Frainoe to force .Siii,m into va«- si!ia4<e unless Great Britain inter- vie lujs. The 9\vi«s National Council propo.so Ut nali<mn,lize the railwayH of the coun- try at a cout uf Iwp biilndred million of doiltars. The French .''teamshipCoMipany will shortly construct a new fleet of fast steamers for service Ix^lween Havre and New York. The hujt yard of the railway which Mx. P. G. Iteid, of Muairwil', h:is tieen liuilding acroHs Newfoundland, was cumploted on Saturday. Ut»n \Ve\ er doni<« the report th.it he wil,l resist removal from Cubtt, an I declares lu) vnIII htyally ,Hup|>ort the ct'asti luted (iovurnment. The .Sydney, N.S.W., Geographical Bo- ciivty'H expedition to the El lice Island omtirjiiH Dbrwin's (theory as to the formation of coral islands. A Oiralhhiin advocate and 28 olber.l arresleil al Bi>iiill>ay for Uue munler of Plligue ComnilsHioner Hand and l.ieut. AyerHt, hiivo comfessed. It i'* slated that (len. Weyler will fight hanl to retain his ooiiiinand in Cul a and if removed threatens to make things unpleasant for .Spain. At thh Umni'hi'ng of the Kai^<>^ Fried- rich at Dnnlzii-, on 'l^iwiday Km|ieror William suid that he oiijjht to lie jeal- <<uh of the I/.byd fleeit. as it is larger liian Ilia own. Sali»fa<-.tory (iovernment tests have lieen made at MWlKAumo of the rifle invented l>y a Virtorlan named .\shton. which id aild to Ijo 8ii|H>.rior to all otheni. The .Su'tan has received an auto- graph letter froni Kiu|ieror Wil- ilatn, thanking him for his "wisn uuxleration" during thei peace negotia- tions. In apt" of semi-otfictM deni-ils, the reliiilions Iwtween the Germiin Imperial Chancellor, Prince Hohen- lohe, and Bnii>eror Willinm are very strained. It is st'itnd that .Spain is ho hard presmd for in<mev ItiMt the (Jovtirn- nient is iiltemptinQ to selil all the public lands and buililings which can lie spared. It is un<l»rBto:id that the Prussian Cabinet have fully agreed to the naval iirograinme of the ."Secretary of the Navy for the construction of Inttle- sliiiM an<l ironclad cruisers. â- K French expedition '\f< on its way to tho Hinterland of Uigor in West Africa. Tho Colonial (iovernment is taking steps to prevent this force from encroaching upon Ilrilisb territory. FLEEIRB OUT OF DAWSON GOLD HUNTERS WHO FEAR A WIN- TER OF STARVATION. THr.j are Coininc OvrrlMMilâ€" .Men Stnii'I In Llnm nt llir Hlorm WnUliis â- » "Hv Smoll «ainiia<4 or roiMl IT sblp« FiiH lo Arrive llie Moreii of incniurr« May lie Taken and l>lvi<lr<l I'm Kniii L. F.Oeeriah, W. II. Davis an 1 Louis lang, who fled from the famine which threatened the Kloiidiku terrllory, ar- rive! at Juneau, Ala'-ka, recently, from Dawson. They came over the Dalton trail. When they rea/hed Ch Uat they were lej^footel ant without food Their ttory, in a few won's, is that at this date there is more gold In the iClondike than grub. Mr. Geerish >ay8 that Dawson is the only pla e on the face of the earth where gold is a drug on the market and food at a premium. They left Dawwn on Aug. za. MIEN S'HAND IN LINES AT STOHES. "The loaLs had not got up the river at that time," .said Geerish, "and if they should not get through there will 'e great sufferins in the Klondike re- gions. The stores of the two 'om- merciai companies had at' pped sell- ing provisions. On the last day that provisions were sold I saw lines ef men a quarter of a mile long wait- ing for their turn to get into the stores. A few would lie let in at a time. The stores then filled only or- ders that had been Issued on them for that date. "I think the policy of the comianies is to wait till thie next lioats get up on the last run and tlien divide up the provisions pro rata. I doubt that there will be any actual .starvation, but there will surely 1« suffering from lack of food. Tlie 1 oaU> may not get up the river from St. Michael's. Last year h«avy ice was running iu the river on Sept. 28. WORTH ITS WFJGHT IN GOLD. "Our peurty wtirked several days in order to get provisions to come out on. All we ha I wa< aliout UK) piunds. We caught xxdh salmon and that helped us along considerably. There is plenty of fish along that trail, and if the exodus follows the Ualton trail it need not suffer greatly for food. "The Thorp iierty ami another which .•â- tart©:l in from Juneau a few weeks ago with cattle will not get through. Soup l<nics will sell at 5!J cents each, and freali meat at ♦l.Stt a pound, in Paw- .'on. Three other cattle trains we net on the trail will get through all right. This meat will prolably sell at not less than S5 a pound. "Dalton left Dawsou City the other â- lay with a la'k tialn. He han a thouiuin I ai>plicallous fur passa.;e, l,ut could not giaut them. 1 think he charges fjdO per man. He will bring out atxiut one hundred men it he can get provisions lo feel them. "We ran out of grub on the latter part of the trail Imt punha»e<l encugb at L'alton's (KJat aluut a uay's tiavel I'Sck of the Chilkat I'ass. AN i';xouus. "Hundreds are coming out over the inland trail. 1 do not see how all can ever get through. Ihey will 1« over- taken by winter, and with insuflicicnt grub they must starve. There is no way out of it. I't^ople coming over the tiail are not losing a minute. They are pushing through with all possible ba.ste. "We passed many on the river going in Tight' with only enough grub to la t them to Dawson. That is sui>iial. Something <.ught to l« done to.stop tills uia I rusli luto Dawson. Disappoint- uienl will kill many men. They have no idea of what they mu-st face in ordea- to find gold, and hundreds will fail. " ihe Klondike is all that it has l<een painte<l and more. There is gold ga- lore there, but it must lie found. STllIKE ON SULl'HUK CUblEK. "Tliere was a new strike on Sulphur Creek in August. A slw>rt time lefore we left mou rushed up there with not half enough to e«t and my partners and I ressted the templallon. and I am glad now we did. I am now sure of enough to eat, and I have a chance to luakii a winiiitig in there next year. â- 'Sulphur Creek is aliout fifty miles over the divide from Dawson. It was but little prospected, and 1 expect to hear big things from it. The trouble with all previous prospootlng in the Klonilike Ls that they did not go deep enough. They have exiwrienoe to profit by on .Sulphur Creek, and tliey will go tottiti Ixittom t osee what they have got. "Domlnlm Creek was auoth<>rstream that showed up well. .Some very guoil claims were located there in June. HACK OF GOLD FOB, HIS CHILD. "1 have Ixrought out a small sack of golil for my daughter Alay. It is from Fldoiado. She is sixteen years old, and when I left boane I proiniaed her that if she got into the normal school by the time I returned I wotild bring her a little sack of gold. "Here it Is," said Mr. Geerish, exhib- iting a buckskin sa^k larger than an ink liottle full of coarse gold. "Hundreds are trying to get out of the country by way of the river and St. iMioliael's." resumed the returned Klcmcliker^ "Many will get to St. Michael's, but I am afraid others will leave their tones by tho way. Typhoid fever has slarlel a grave-yard at Daw- Fon. This comeji from the hardships and Impoverished blood as mwh as anything else. Tihere is no epidemic, I ut. many have died. There is also con- siderable djsantery and some scurvy. I hey have aa'»ai;arilla and otiier medl- cines to flghit s.'urvy with. IN A DHSPBRIATE STA'TR. .I.ouiso Micheil, the French Anarchist, is aeltlier young nor pretty. Well, th'il's enough to luaka any wo- ' man an Anarcliist. ' FKOM BUMPERS TO THROTTLE. rhe l.nrk or a Tr»iii(i nho Knrw .Hrvrrii' Tlilnt[4 Al>i>u< n l.orniiin Ive, "Wo were comlni^ East with' the (aat oxpA'ss," said the engineer, "and my fireman t'ot bi/'k. 1 pilled the poor feil'low and tohl him i'o gpt ulp on my -ide and rum tho engine and I would .i.v4itt ujj the fire. \Ve did not want .it fa'-t Ije.hiad time, bujt the train was a heavy ope and the engine, which was a bi'r ten-wheetvr, appeared to be work- ing iJoorl*y, HO t'hsu no matter how we trii.'d to keep her hot ehe went backi on Ufc a'nd beifore we got to F we were fifteen nrnutes liate. After leav- i-ng F I went liaok lo get things ready to take water in at the next plaig. and found a grizzly 4>earded fellow BteaC'ing a ride on the blind baggage car. Hie looked at uie( as if anticipat- ing an ord»r to gel off at the next »»toi>ping piece, and I looked at hun, lierhais savagely, and soon gave hiln tlhe expected order. " 'All right, pard,' he said, in a good- haijjiored way, "I am onliy tryiing to get to P , and wi/'l leavei you, but would be gCUd tt> do aometlhilng to work my way.' "'What can you. do?" I asked. " 'Wedl, sir,' he answered. 'I can flra that engine of yours if you will give me a ctmnce.' "We needed at> extra fireman real) badl|y jujA at that tiane, and I said to hijn. "Get up, then, and let me see whtit you can do.' "The grizzly bearded man came up, and the way he momuled the tank and balanced hiniHelf on the coal and swung down into i he cab gave me some con- fidence in the fe.Jow. Hlel took ujp the â- coop at once, opened the furnace door, and examined the fire criiical'ly. Then he liegan to brauk t<p coal' and mix lo Willi the ama'.ter ixirtulea. after which he threw in foWr or five shovelfulls, »-atterliig It wii;h a prafea8iona^ fling of tilfe woop. 'llien he cosed the door with a twng, piuft the n-oop in the pro^ per plhce, exajulned the steam and water gauifeSi and took a seat behind the sick fireman. Before we had gone half a mile he waa dow^ again care- fully feedintr in coal. Before the next; uiUb had Ijeen reeled off the engine was steaming nirei^. and. although I was puHbinK her hard on a aUgbt opposing grade, the sitBi'uu was keeping up around the 150 notch. Ouir tramp fireman w atcbed the steam ajid smoke as it leftj the stack and kept hia eye on the fur- nace fire, and wo sa-w at once ilhat we had pii:ked uj) a profeeeionail. My fire- man offered the stranger hia dinner buickot, whtoh had not Ixten touched, aind, after feeiing U»e lottom of the part thut contdijied the coffee, he shook it a ilttle and Ret It just w'hiure I would hive put it for the same purpose, and Hhen whiib he waited for it to get warm bo carefuHy l(K>ko<l over hia fire an-li put in .some more tooll'. " The old fireman and I were getting int«reeite<l and I think that the coii- duiloi- mu,sl hive noti«^ed that we had »tru»;k a new gait, but ho did not know the caune. I llxuked at the sick fire- nian. and ha ltx4(eil at me, and then wo lioth gaztkl respeiitfully at the Hlrant?er, who wns eati1i« as though ho had enduicl a Itunu fa»«t. I kept the ihrottln ttluMmt iw ido o\\v<n with tho engine wal hooked up to the high-speed nolih, an<l the wuy we went up that) hi'.ll and down the nex-t waa a caution lo the freipht crews we i>assed a.king the way. When we rea»hed tho dis- tmt sitrnaJ at the X tower 1 found lb ri'^ht, and ju,st then the new fireman. " . ..w-*^. *'*' "â- > **« 'ilert. cried out, White l>H»-k.' aiul came dowTi la l«i.t m some more coiiil. The home siir- n.u hai)i)ened to le ora hiJ* side oif the lyrve, and he kneiw L1» duty and had ho proiier words in hia mouilh l«foro 1 «<Aild see what kilnd of alight we were to get. t "Well. v.y made the rum for the re- main<Ier of the atrotcih of 120 niile.^ dead e«»y. and gauie<l seven minutes lwsi,|«.s and whein we got to the tower near the depot we were right on the dot. It was aoanething unusual for our train to get m on tiiiu\ ab It waa a verj- heavy otne. and m\ that particular ni,^ni WW Jiii4 ft„ extra car, and did not know that the »u»»rinUmdent was <m Uwrd umtit the next morning, when ho com,H.Jmented me on the splendid ruai I hud made. "In the mean time I had provided the stranger with enCMjgh eaah to pay for his tied and breakl^, and asked hiiii to come around and; see me Iwforo he started for P . Sure enough, he did oomo ground, and as he had wivshed u|> and got a clean shave he .o«>ke<l like a different man. I quest- Honed hun alxwift his previous career, atid he la.ked like a gentleman and snow 6<1 me recommendations as fireman and engineer which had lieen written by the »»iH>erlniendents of some bij? roads. Hb expiuimed that his last um- fortuliate move was voluntary, to K*ti away from some bwwli-hefwled minor officials who had no use for a decenit: man utiilw** he was lauding them etem- aUy to the skies. " 'I could not flatter buch (leople,' he asid; 'they deserved bo lie kuked ; bull I gave one of ttom' an uj>Mrvut under thte iaw, and t(*4i it for granted that it was becit tot mei to hunt a new job. I siay that I did this voluntarily Waame I did no* have to hit tho otiump, but hit him for the sake of some of the other men w'ho had lieen his victims so Ibng. flli* bad luck be- fell me. I got sick. loBt my money and had ta ttjr to beat my wuy to P . w<hbre^ I have friendSi,' " 'Would you accelpit a job firing now If I couUl get you one f" I aske<l. "'Yes,' hb answered, 'I wouild lie will- img to do anything U> get a little money.' "f had 'fearned that my fireiuan woufd not lie able to iwiiort for duty, and I went to H.he mi'reri'ntendent's offie, and asktxl him W he winulld per- mit me to rei-ommend a fireman for thi.it week. " 'CertalwlV, sir.' iwas tM answer. You are enWWfed td SUcW a prlvlleg« iTter Ihe good work you! hav* been do- ing." "We.J.. I took Edim'uinda Iwlth m«( iWit was the tramip fireman'** namf. and he performe'l wraderfuiJ work wLtJh. tibn si'oox>, and I hated to list him go, but the supertifttendent heard of my windfall, and lie.fore a week EMmumdiji was running a freifrht engine, andnovir he is bauUng the limited express, and lirxi of t'he le^vt rumners .>n the roadi "I |iav« picked uip iota of tramps .-(ince ^hen, Inin, n«/er found one ol ibam worth the hetai he obtained from the furnace flra, bult whenever I sas some poor felow tihilvertng on the bumpers I think of Edmunds, who is now my \*»x. friend, and try to heijp the piilgrim aluntf." ' ITEMS OF INTEREST. .4 rcw Paracrapk* Wbick Hay Prove Worth Keadliic. A aa wpublic school in Beaton is to have two large hiath-rooms for the pup- Uis. Phiotograiihers in Russia hang ths pictures of delinquent patrons upsids down uit the entrance to their studiMi. Horses beknginfr to the Boston Fixe J>epa rtment are aliowad two weeks' va- cation aaoh year, and are sent to en- joy it in oountry pastures. hndia-rubber ^vements have been tried on a bridge in Hanover, Germ- any. It is more durable than asphalt, and is never slippery. Over 12,(X)0 cows, owned by 700 farm- er.ik supply ths cream to the largest orettmery In ths world, near St. Alb- ams, Vt. The daily product averages 10,000 pounds of butter. X%>hilheria attacked the family of Wes- ley V am Hoesen, Greene Lake near Atbi- ens, N.Y., and within two week.i the entire family died, comprising Mr. Val Hoeaen, bis wife, child, and sislert-lo- law. The sense of taste has entirely de- serted Judge Joseph £vaa8, of West Grantee, N J. Ice-cream and mince-pin are exictly the same in his palate, audi he is ua.ible to distinguish coffsa from soup, unless \yj tbjelr odor. At a Uerman picnic in Gmporla, Kan- sas, the chief refreshment was lieer, 383 gaJioins of which were consumed. Ths partakers of this exhilarating Iwver- age were extremely jolly uatLl they learned that the treasurer had skipped with the entire receipts of the picnicâ€" • »175. A femes 3(X) feet long surrounds tba Clinton avenue Baptist Church in Trenton, N.J. Ths coogregatiiou is not a weiilthy one, and as the fence needed pa.inting ten ladles of the church array- ed thiemselvae in calico dresses and ar- tistkaily performed ths work. lUuugry bugs are uiiliized in the re- moval of tree stumps by a farmer iua Carilxiiu, Me. Wn makes boles under a^ stump with a crowbar, aiul in them places siuma wheat. The hogs root for the wbeicit, kwsen the dirt, and the re- moval of the stump is thus made easy. A genteel young man entered ths house of Mrs. James H. Deaa. at Wra- ated.. Conn., and tried to interest bjei In a he<ida<'lie reme<ty be was mllioii At hia renuest she inhaled soma of il unil soon became unconscious. T'ben b robbed the house. The dru^ was chlor txform. Dr. Campbell principal of the Lon- don Normal College for the Blind, en- courages bicycle riding for his pupils. Six ol, them recently traveled 'ill over Kngluud on wheels. The inachinmi were InUlt for eight, six, four, etc., a,niil th« stwemnan uf each was of course blessenl with sight. A daring little fox-terrier belonging to Mrs. Ferdinand GLasser of Yonkers, N.Y.. sped duM'n a sluceway at Glea Islanil and threatened one of the seals in the l.ike there liy birking at it. The seal 8u<ld«:nly jumped forward, opened iUi mouth aQ<I gwnllowed the terrier, collar and all. A reading-room for the excluai've use of thiei blind, and a complete collection of raised^Letter hooka will be added to the conveniences of the new Congres- sional Library. Four men were su.^pected of robbing at m-fe in Snn Juan. Culja. To foros a ocmfees'iion from them they were fed for sBvtin days on salt codfish and chained witt^ sight of water, which w;is plao- ed just lieyund their reach. 'Two oC them become demented, and the oth- ers after months of imprinonment were relf^sed, the innorence of the entire party being establlBlied^ A law firm in Minneapolis, obtsiaed a'n attachment for 99000 against a sus- pended Irank in tbnt city. The bank had money to its credit in the New York Htink of Commerce. The lawyers t»lF(>hiunjed an affidavit from Minnea- polis to New York and their agents a/i this end formally recogui.zed the voios which legally asaignrd the claim, thiis tying up the money here and shutting out later claimants. HOlGH AirrHORITY Nellâ€" What sort of a womaa is that Mrs Westleigh? She isn't very well- bred, is she? Belleâ€" She Is a. jierfect lady. 1 heard her say so, ths other day, herself. 'IIHK TRUE SUFFERER. Supplicant â€" Ple*ise, mum. an' cuuUl you help a [loor Klondlike suf- ferer? Kind lUidyâ€" Dear mel Have yoH been out there? Supplicantâ€" Ob, no, imum, but ,1 read aiX they write about it la ths papers. EQUALLY Cl'LPABLB. I oan say for raiy.<wil( that t nev- er have lieeii miean enoug'h to get another wocniiiij's oook away (rom her. Neither have 1; bnti I must confess th'it (iiicn or twice I have trie,! â- to work our cook olf on some oC my nei^hboxs . ^^ flt *^N Ai-^Ui^;^'!\J,