Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1897, p. 8

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^'*f5 • OCTOBER 21 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Id. McTavish i FLKBHBKXON KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS For MsMey-Harris, Nnxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implemeiitn. Fiviirj^Rnd Verity pluWH on hand all the time, bIho aII kiiidx of re|mirB fur the^unie. We ninnufacturo Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleijjhs, etc. riorsushoeing {>r(in)|itly attended to. tSliecial littention to tender cci- traccud feet. Loj^ginj; and Plow Chains constantly on hand. M, -Xi!. â- no â- W^ â- &!&:»'«' "St ^Ki *J& "S'* Mk ^'•Sik.'Hl' •SJ^d'* "*'& •&'«;^^t*' £J'< •'^/a^ i'*: lit? 'It? '/i? '/I? vi? W viS" "dti- -a? vi?^!*- "Ji*- -ffi" •»iS' '/i?- "JiS" W Vit- "TIV W -Vi^^ lui- Vli" ^S" n nS Buggies, Carts. WaRons, Harrows. Plows of the beat kinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse Bakes and Corn BcufHcrs and repairs. Cliains of all kinds. Ilorscshociug a specialty at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms m si/'. ^fc vM;^ ^^^ ji{, ^«. v\i«. ^t«^i« .jfc .^l^^t^^l/.. ^i«. ^f«. ^li. ^&^i<. ^i«. •^'^. ^ti^i^^c. ^',«;i.'«> Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE JN CANADA TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip "^iLtZJ:^ .^m . â€" ~ • <Ju]U'K(^s and Uomiiierc'ial Departineuts in C'atisila, then â- rUil f.i« Sarttieru Dusiuuns CoUi'Ke ; examine .veryiliiiiB tlioiouiilily. If wo fail to jiroiluco Uiu uiJst tliorouKli, coiiipleto, iiractical aiil e<teniiive coune of Bimly ; tlio IjukI coIleKe prdinUuA ami the t>oRt and uiuHt coiiipliUu and most Huitaldii furniture and atiiiiiaiici^ii, wo will Kive yoj a full uuurau KKHU. Fur uunuai anuouiicBuiauts, Klviog fall particulars, (re. Address C. A. FLKMING, Principal Summer = = Fruits, Plants Garden seeds Fl'itir, F«ed and GrooerluM of all Icindx. ^.IT Break f»Kt l>acon, Roll ))Hcoii. I' r'*. sides. Everything Nice in season BoxtH ind Shoes attended to promptly and III the ntaiesl niunncr. iiC^DuOl, {iLuiiLlilUii EUGENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works CaniagcB mado and rcpair«d, Also L'lauiiig and Matchiii;^, l!und iiawiiig, Wood Tiirniiig of ovoiy des- BoriiHioii. Planing and Uruin L'liop- ping done wliilo you wait, fur tho }3o.;ver turns tlie wliei.!. T. W. WILSON, Manager J^cVat Ciass9Ifapie AND lUJl.JlI At :i B.irgaiii for the next 30 days. Save your orders for ii a 1 ii -AT THE- FLESHERTON Ceecioft & Talbot Photos ^ â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph | I Gallery I 2 are done in first-class style and at u, % l.>wost rates. Siiecial attention v ^ civeii to cojiyins. Baliies' photos. A a .ipecialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BULMER Pr>ope]:*ties FOB - SALE â€"BYâ€" I I SPEOEE, FlESHEBm ir YOU wiHH TO ih;t pkoi-eety consult THIS HI'ACK. FOR KALK I'liervp and on enNy terms, inw niilo fioni FUsliurton, iU iicroK lauil iiiid on which Ik a yood 7 rooms frame dwelling, well anil coMifortMlily titiisheil Htouo celler umlenieatli, and grmd well and ]innip in kitchen, ^'ood franiu stalile and driving lioUNe, hIho lirick liiie<l hen house, Muialloich.iril coninmncing to bear. Apply to R. J.SPR.OULK, FlLfhorton. A IMOAD RAIKSAIN if Hold during pic.'.int mouth Two inijirovcd farms, one a iiiih^ from Priceville and t'lo other iianii) di»tiiiicu from Waruham. Small payment down, I'alance v,\\ VERY ea.iy terms. AIho a hundi-ed and fifty acre farm and mill site one mile from Flesher- ton, principally hardwood hiiHh, iJ5 ami:; cleared and fmine dwelling and Ktahlo. Any person wanting a decided bargain apply (piick to above. MARKS, DESICNS, OOPVRIOHTS Ao. Anyone sendltiiir n nkctc-li ami <li'»fTl|ttton nmy iluUrkly uAi-iirtiiln, f^et^ wlii-thi>r tin hiveiiMiiii is protjHbly ptileiitiihlo. t'ltniiiuinlciilloiiH tttrli'tty fioiitldeiitlAl. olileHt HKetK'y forHi'curliitf patents ni Ameriuo. Wti tiuvw a \VuNhtiitftitn oltirfl. I'utentfl tnkun tliruui^h Mulili A C'u. '.'ecuire apuulul nntluo In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bCtk^tlfiilly llliiHTrntfMl, IfircoHt nlrru!ntlon of any â- clentlflo loiinml. woekly.tt^rniHl^UNl n yoai; tt.&Uslx monthB. Hpoolinttn copli's uiid llAKD BuoK OM Patkntr Hetit froa. AddroM MUNN & CO., 801 Uroadwav. New York* Cash : for : Hides! Kheepukins ami all kinds of fms pur- chimid, fur which higheiit market price will be paid. Hoiopninde sauaag-.s on hand, ake all kindj) of meats. M. WILSON FI(iiiLc'tlou Moal Ecopoiium Artemesia Prize List HORSES Span of draught horses, J, Patton, H. Hooper. Brood luare, J. Burnett. Two year old colt, P. .Mair. One- year old oolt, J. fiuruett. Spiiug colt, J, Burnett. General Purpose â€" Span general purpose, D. Harrow, Dan Cauipbell. Brood mars and foal, J. McPhail. 'J'wo year old colt, J, McPhail, Win. Pattou. One year old colt, J. Mc- J'liail. Roadster â€" Span roadsters, A Muir, Archie McLean. Brood mare, H. Wat- sou. Two year old eolt,D. McMillan, Ii. Oliver. One year old colt, Angus McLeod, P. Muir. Single driver, Archie MsLean, Dr, Hutlon. Lady driver, Miss Hazzard, Miss Muh', CATTLE Dnrhain â€" Bull any age, Wm. Palton, Wm; Mead. Bull, 2 years, Wm. Patton, A \'nir. Miich cow, A. Seally, A. Muir. Patton's special, D. McMillan. Devonâ€" Milch cow, R. Oliver. Ayishiie â€" Bulf, under 2 ycarc, A. Muir. Milch cow, A. Muir, Ist and 2nd. Cirades â€" Miich cow, A Muir, Dan Cauipbeil. Two year hoifer, D. Mc- Miilau, Wm. Meads. On« year old belter, J, Sullivan, J. Geddes. Heifer calf, K. Oliver, A, McLeod. Yoke of 2 year old steers.J. bulhvan, Dau (.;nn)pbell. Yoke of 1 year old steers, Dan Cumpbell James Sulli- vau. SHEEP Cotswold â€" Ram, Wm. Mtads. Ram lamb, Wm. Meads, 1st and 2nd. Shearling Ewes, Wm. Meads. Pair of aged Oftcs, Wm. Mead?, 1st and Vind. Pair ewe lambs, Wm. Meads. Leicester â€" Aged iam,D, McMillan. Shearling ram, A. Muir, J. Nichol. lUiU latub, A. Muir 1st and 2ud. Pair of aged ewes, A Voir, V\'ni, Meads. Shearling ew^s. A. h\\)i, Ist and 2ad. Ewe lamb>, J. Kici.o', A. Muir Fine Wool â€" Ram, Rob-.:l (J'.ivir, T. Geddes. Shearling It^iui, J. A J. hpicer. Bam laiub, J. Geddes, l^i and iiiid. Aged ewea, R. Oliver, J . Geddes. Ewe htiubs, R. Oliver, .). Geddes. Sliiailm^ ewfcs, R. Olivti, J. Ueddes. PIGS Berkebire and other Biack Bi'eeds â€" Boar, P Mnir. Sow, P Muir, J Heinp- siock. Spring pig, M Reilj. bullolk and otLier wbilo breeds â€" Sow, J iV J Spiccr, P Muir. Spring pigs, J & J Spicer, P Muir. GRAIN Fall Wheat. Clawn, J Brouie, C Watson. Any other kind, J Brodio. Spiiiig wheal, while russian, J Urodie, A Muir. Vile, J Brodie, A Muir. Any oilier kinil, A Muir, I' Walsoii IJarley, rowed, J Brodie, 2 rowed, J Brodie. Uats, wlntu, .] Brodio, J ilci.eaii. Black, A Muir, J Brodio. I'eas, large, J Biodie. Small, J lirodie. Corn, J 1 (Jraliaiu.J Brodio. I'liuolby seed, J Brodie, P Muir. \S hilo beans, J McRae. Colored beuiiB. D AluConnack,J McRac. P'lax st-tU, It ik'St, J llcuialocl;. KOOiS Potatoes, white elcpliunt, P Watson, Aicliio MoLcaii. lleauiy of Hebron, J McLean, Wm Meads. Any other kind, P Muir, U Botit. Culloclion, P WaiBon. bweedc turnips, A Mnir, P Muir. Tabic turnips, J Brodio, P Muir. Any other kind, J McPhail. Map- go:da,C Waisoii, J Burnett. Tiuni)) beets, C Walhou, D McConuuck Long blood, «i Nicbol, P Muir Cabbage, Wiungstadl, D McCormack, SV J Blukesioii. Any other kind, P \V at soil, J MclUe. Caulillowers, W P Ciossley, J Mciiao. Potato onion, D McCormick, Wm Meads. Onions from lop. It Best, D Alo- Cormick. Paiiiiip8,PMuir, H Wat- buii. i'leld carrols, A Muir, 11 Wat- son. Table cauots, D McLoun, C VN utsoii.jPiiinpkin, yellow, W Cro8.4ley, J 1 Grubaiu. Any oilier kind, C Wiiitiuii, W P Croasley. S(]uasli, J 1 Graham. Celery, Ji Best. Citrons, W i' Ciussloy, J Mcliae. Melons, P V\ ulsoii, R Best. ToiualocB, C VVut- s)ti,J Ihodiu, Colh'ciiun of vegetables J Ilroiliu, J 1 Grnliuin. FUUir Winter apples, J Brodio, P Muir. Fall upple.^, J. B^-odio R Best. Col- leoiioii ul Apples, J Bioilio, J 1 Gra- ham. Crab apples, D McConnick, Wm Waltim, i'luius, Wm. Watson, J 1 tiialmtn. Pears, J Brodie, Jus Waisjn. Grai'ii, J 1 Gralmin, J Brodie. 1- LOWERS Hand bouiiuei, \V P Cross'cy, Wm iSleads. Table Louipiut, Win Meails, Miss Maud Wuihoii. iJiiiccuon i.f lioiibe pianls, ^lalia Waiioii, M.a. U'jil..y. DAIRY Honey OAtiauio.l, J Walfiou, Wm Watson. Roll buUer, Mit.. U Mc- Coiiuick, MiH Vita iltadj. Tulj butler, Mrs W /'atton. Miss McPhail. Cheese, home made, Mrs J Melnnis Mapls Molasses, P Watson, J Brodie. Maple sugar, J McLean. I Hemstock. Heaviest doz eggs, J McCorniick, Wm Watson. MANUFACTURES Horse shoei, M Heilly. Men'a calf bootSjD McLean. Men's boots, kip, D McLean. Woman's boots, D McLean. Ccdiection of boota, etc., D McLean. Hag carpet, R Best, Mrs Grier. Plain flannel, J McLean. Woollen yatn, J Mc- IiiniB, J McPhail. Men's socks, Mrs J Heinstock. Woollen stockings, Mrs J Henistock. Pair mit», Miss McPhail. Quilt, patch work, W PCro.isley. Quilt, any other liind, Mrs Sudivan, W P Crossley. Bread, home made, Mrs D Harrow, Mrs W Patton. Bread and buns, ( McKinnons special ) Mrs Uairow, Wni Patton Apple pie, biscuitu and buns, ( Simpson'a special ) Mrs W I'attoti Mrs D Harvey. Berlin wool woik, rai.s'-d, Mrs W Meads, Miss Mand Watson. Berlin v.uol work, not raised, Mi-8 A Mnir, Mrs J Hemstock. Wreaih any kind, Mrs D McCo.-mick, R Beat. Hooked mat. Mis Henistock, Mrs Best. Crochet in cotton, Mrs. Grier, Mia» Hazzard. Crochet in wool, Miss Brodie, Mr&H HiMiper. Fancy knitiing in cotton, Mrs H Watson, Miss McPhail. Famy knitting in wool. Mis (Jrior, Miss M A McLean. Braiding in cotton, Mrs J Mcluniw, Mrs Watson. Tailing in cotton, Mis-s McPhail Ara.seno w..rk, Mrs W P CrossUiy. Cra;ty Patch work, Mrs W PCr.iJwIey.Mrs H Houpor. Em- broidery in silk, Miss McPhail, Mrs Grier. Embroidery in Cotton, Mrs VV Watson. Outline work, Mrs P Best, Mrs J Watson Woollen woik on canvas Miss M .A McLean. Mrs H Hoojicr. Macraine Lace, Miss McPhail, Mias M A McBean. Toilet set. Miss M A Mc Le.in,Mr8W PCroKsley. F'ancy netting, Mrs Griei. Butt.011 hole work, Mrs W P CroRsley. SPECIAL EXHIBITS Strawberry Tomatoes, W J Blakeaton. Pickles, W P Cro.ssley. Ccdiection of nativt-s wines, W PCrossley. Collection of canned fruit. W PCrossley. POULTRY Pair of game. J McRiie. J McLean. Bl.ick hamburg, D McMillan, Isi and 1.' d. Silver spanglid hanibuigs, II 'A ..tson, Itjt and 2n<l. Biack spanis'i, .^. ;ii{us McLeod. Brown leLdi'irna, J .! Geddes, 1st and 2nd. Houdans, C V.'itson, A .Muir. Plymouth rocks, H \Vatsou. P Mu'r Andalusiin. D Mc- Millan, Angus Mcljei'd Black minoroas, M Reilly. Aylesbury ducks, D McMiU- kii C Watson. O'her ducks, R Best. Turkeys, J McLean, D McMillan. Gecso, M Heilly. â€" Duihain Chnnicie. Factory For Sale Posh, door and pinning factory Inc!u(Un«rnn pram cbojiping Htoni^a ; very cboap ; tv. o hundred down ; bulaiice easy tcnnn ; water power; all c>>nipK>t-> ; '^olns K^od buslnuss ; Ka'isfnctory rtasouH forBuIltns. bmldintj aiul mftfhfnory only sold ; lonn leafo power ; ri-nt l(iw; no oppoHitiuu. Apply Hox 1U0> FlMburoo tou, (^ht. fly* . J I run pay ton dollar^ woekly to a ^*^Ct'i*Oa i,i,iyof maturu ayw. n^fl i-tntint and tiiut tu bpuud bt'i- tirno in a Rootl chuhh, THK L1N8COTT CO.,Torouto. Xeacher Wanted For- Union 8. H Ko. 1, Artemesia ar d . .. ^ For- Tinion 8. 8. No. 1, Artomesia ar fl Tuplirasia, for the y«arlH07. holding a secoi d or tMrdoIa-H '!'*rtlrt fttiv IMoa^o Klvoqiialifipa- tir-iiH and pultiry txpe<'t»H| wIk'h ni<plvit:(; -Vl I'licalion recoiv^d until Doe, iHt. IK'.,»7. Tila. BUADBUUV S.»rr.*tarv, Kugonift P. Ont Ajrents sell ^'Klondike Gold Fi^ld" Jj.Uf II wi.it 1 wind. Kxp*»rio:ic*d can Vfi<»«t^rM ro^pini4 tlio richost havvept of their liven ; i:p\v i)?illnn<':R dt'inn wnniters. Neavly ('v*'v\bo«Vv flnb-icribca. Ons Tnun« foUo-v on a fimn at SlSiVniopth is innkinf; #75. A laU' tvp(»writor at 63 a wuHk i« cl.jarinR till. A iMncbanio who hftd earnod *1.50 a day '« oloarin-,* 85 & dav \Va w:\nt mora adonis. Canv^ssloij onfillt, fc eta., worth ^\. Tho HUAULEV (iAKUKTSON. Co., Uiuillod, Torouto, Out. . . Sp7'i'n^ iPoetrt/, » If iised in connection with jtroj^r cnbjeetM and haiulled in the ri^lit w.iy should be just as intereating a.s summer or fall poetry. Ordinary poetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT Of this sketch. It is something more valuable. Somethim; the pOH])lo uilinot do without at this season of the year. It is Wfc\rneSvS and l^ariTi SLij^plics I claim to kee]) in stock ihii best goodo to be got in tho line of hoiKC goods, such as hiirness, buggy diistei's, a.xle grease, sweat lads, hoof oiiitinont, 'vliiip.<, rubber lap rugs, lined and un- lined ; dash aprons, and piionmatio horse collars. Always up to-to-ilato in everything The POETRY of the ThHNO (..'oioes in tho iiiuuenso satlsfrtction yi«o f^et in UHiii;,; our (.jonds anil tJio roasouaWo prices you have to pay for them. Harncssmaker - - Flssterto !BWaWBSi a_L.J... 1 1 . J I f«;5iiwsfj! €\\xk\^ M 'CDLLOUOH A YOUXG Ilniiliern, Ikltokdalo Do A dsnoral banking busiiioi-s. Money luaued at a rflasouabio rate. Call on us. ^^ A 8 V>lNr)U3FN, J P â-  "â-  Clerk 5tli Dir Court, Co Grey tflpuer of WarriBRe LJcen,cK, Couvoyaneer n-om^vi a"''"' *«"<>"««â- â€¢. Money to loan t^ tiom 6 to 6 per cent. CharRes luo-foiata. FiiESHKBTON P O TJEDTS COLLECTED TliM iiutleraigned it iiretmri-tl «ii '^±^tl V? '^o"""'"" <" all MulPoTAlhll ^otel tJoaglit, aecennts col'ectisd, .i.tc. K N HE.NniiliSON, Fltaliertou f CHISLETT â- â€¢â€¢ Klaaliorton Station Pojtina«t..r, Coinniissioin.r in H <: .7. (â- > nvcv' ward." i^Jl'l*"^ 'n ''"â- '. "« "'i !'»'• '^'"t â- ""' "P- waids. Debts collected. Charges ii,od«y»te. P J 8PR0ULE Postimtster, Flesherton r;oiDmi««ioi,er in J! K, liecnred Aiirtinnrpr li V'J.'V'f' Al'Pfai"-)- and X'o.."' Lei a*r' mortsakea, lease, an-l y,^\\W iwKn v^^ nuA BBies attjUiiuH to in anv fa,t ot tlciriwtv jVloncj to lonn at lowest futU of ii , riVt toV Sl!ch'''ri?'''''' ^" *"" I'^^^-nP -'-s c°'„ ciespatch. CliarKcs low. Actut f.,r l;oiii;i,i,.., hteam.hip Co»,„anv. Clu-a, t kV," on Flesherton to Livtrpool, (Jl.-.^oi- londri or any o t>.« BritUh po.ts. 1 ..uf;, " c, vi^i &. eiralli:.'e".'' ""'"" »â- "«"«"'•« tb.'ii ^QMm t.. â-  w,*''^ nionth, iu Ih.iir lodco icoi/ nJu !' X,- â-  ^ *' <obson, Recoider; \V J HelUmy,Fm»;cnr. VisitiDB brethroc il.vitcdr P"'^'fK ARTHTR LODGK, No m. A P * blooV k-ii;i!!I''f*' '" "â- " ""'-"â- 'i'^ l"^ll. Strain'* tile full moon. K McUill. \v Al ; W J Bollaaiy, Secretary. •• ai , »» j Jjcutijstvii r r MARSHALL i' I>K, DD8, [, D 8. Ni.its Flesherton the 1st and .3rd Friday ol each month. T G CAMPBELL â- " L U K, D D 8, Dental SnrRoon. Markdale H!?ri_S-.*','' ^'^•<;""<"iK'' A Vouna'B bank. H..iir8-S.J( a ni too |. m. Vl^ln I'lPRheitrn ti>» â- i-coml ami fourth T'liMB.lav of each â-  eouth. oaiee at Muushaw s hotel T HENDFRSOIT *â-  D n S, M D 8, Dentist of Toronto itioH Jlpdalisti will visit Flesherton fro- fe-.-..., ally the flr^t Wednostlav ot eacl, luoutlf au.l Duudalk the following -:a/(Tbur8daJ° 9ier ml lOHN W FltORT, I, L B Harristcr, Solicitor, Conveyancer, eto Offlr-e-Next to iio«toffi.c, f:,„<,ulu'» bloek, N H o',^",; "J^'-V, «â- ",'."• J^V â- ""' â- â- "un days. N H-Owen Somid otlico, frobtii bloek ao Poulett street oast. nota, JV T UCAS A WRKJHT â- " i>al•ricter.^ Solieitorg. Convojsnoerg, eto W I?"\v!if<'Ti"i!'' ""' Markdalo. Cut ..v^.J'w'.*^'"?''"' °"«»' ilitchoira IJank, every WeUuosUay. rUCKl.n * PATTKliPON * Harristcrii, SolicitoiS, eto Molsons Hank, Ovtn Sound HAERY Q TUCKBli OKO W P.vlXKHbON A 0. MACK AY. M.A. "• Harii8ter», Solicitors, ffotary, Con- vevancor, etc. Ciowu .tttoruey to;- Uroy. Oii.ceB--:;o Pculelt 8t:»tt. Cweu l-cur..l : an.t Main street, Dui:d.Uk, batmaam li;.m 5 i.. w toil 11. Ul., and on liivisiou Couh dajs. lUcrtical D 11 nUTTON W 1) v; M, M C P A 8 Oiit, Prieuvlilo. Oirice next door to Ilrown's store ; rthidtuce oli|i.iBile at tn.i old iioHi ottiee, nwicleiicc i.| luto Ali).v mown. OlBcodajsâ€" Tuebd.ly6audSallU•- I^U CAUTRR y MCI' * S Ont, Physician, finrpoon, etc Hesherton ollke-Straiua block, liesidoucaâ€" Muushaw'a Hotel, JOHN A SCOTT, MB " Menibor Collceo Physio, A Snrcoons, Ontario tliaduate in Medieiuo of To, onto llnivprsity, FelloWRliip Di|il„n'ii, ItM (.raoH- ate Mu.licat School and liosiMtal, Cliicivijo. Di.^casoH of eye, car, nose and throat si'iciuTly tiested. Roaidei oe, Maxwell, vifits Fevoi-shum riiursdyas 1â€" a T P Ol'TF.WKLL " Vetonuary Surgeon OiRdnato r.f Ontario Veterinsvv CoHopn. Keaklenco-Secoiid door south on" wont side iMarv street. Thin streets ruub south from Presbyterian cliurch. 3U1CEVILLR AND DURHAM KTAGIi Durhnin staR" loavcia Flehhirton Station at 7.1:1 am., ictnnia 4.4,5 p.m. I'rircvilH' stsRS loiivps the Rai.ie placo at liJ.JIli. rstnieinj.' at i.4n. Knic to I'ricevilli' and return, 50 con! »: iJiuhoui, )*l.'i1 for return. 73c. piuf^'le fare, t^iverv in cou- uuotion, Orders may be loft atuiUnT liotet., A. McCAULl^lY Piai> nP^vs Addrosa, CANAIU CARD N^M'" ov ro Car'-i .Tken. aOUoK, lugeraoU »> I'-ii-lfnt mn'-'-K N \ r'«l.P-Movi,'v),ict':rcv, '.' wjih order. Stamps t ^\

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