Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1897, p. 5

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iMi#« THE I^^LESHERTO^^ ADV A J C E NOVEMBER 25 1897 Vicinity Chips Cliaractej-lsMcs of the Past Week Carefiiliy €ull«4 for the CuriAUA h'ltihess notices among locaU will b« t chnnjed at the rate of ten cmts + per Une for ga>:h iruertion. A t reduction will be made on con- + tracts for 100 lines or over. OurO.d Fru-n<i la with ua ajjttiu. N" ;;i>".4 slrighiiiii yet. Coal Oilâ€" gitJ an-i tet'or WudicnlllvL at the L<oU III th'.fic 1500 R 'lU of w:ill paper «.t the McJical iliiU. Lkrif, new rvsiJenCi', fi>r sale, rent, i>r cxc «nj{>',. Api'ly to R F. Legate. Tba S\hb«th »choi<ls are already busi.y pr« pai'iii); f"r the holiday festivals. Dr. HeiidiTRon, dt-ntist, will b« in Fltshetti'Q <ju Wednesday, Dec 1, pro- fessionally. Aoy quantity of money to lunj at liiwest current rates and on easy tortus. A. S. ViuiDusen. Bring your watch, clmiks and jewe'lery for repairs lo F. VanDusen. opposite the town ball. â- Rer. J. Mahan will preneh a temper- ance siTtnon in the Methodist church <.n fiuiidiiy oveiiini! next. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. BUk-ston, Price- ville. were the Ru-^sts of Mr. Percy Laur •nee on Suturuay and Sunday. The half cent sUmps <>f tl>o new Do minion issue are now on sale at this office. Tho olhfr donuniiuatiius have n^t yet been received. The design ia neat but plain. The arbitration rediasolviiii} the unioh between Markdale.Olenclgand Ar'omesia forming a new school seciion between Artemesia and Glenelg, will be held at Markdale on Tuesday, Nov. 30. Mr. D. McTavish has decided to con- test the councillorship with Mr. Best, and Mr. Oraiiwer says he is in the field for the reeveship. Things are getting inter- esting now. The Mission Band of the Methodist church expect a lar^e crowd at their en- tertainuitnt in the church Thursday even ing, to-day. A collection will bo taken op, but it is specially desiroil that even that will not keep anyone sway. The picture being presented to sub- scribers of the Family Uorald and Week- ly Star of Montreal, is croalins; a sur- prise, a sensation and a rush. We hoar that the demand for the picture eclipses all popular demonstrations of tho kind in this country. The Muskoka hunters fioin Fleshcrton succeeded iu bagging ten deer. There were six altogether in the contigentâ€" three from Flesherton. Five nice deer were brouglit to town by these nentUniau, Mii-srs P. Munsh.*w G. Mitchell and John 15ell. Tho Advance desu'es to thank Mr. Mitchell for a nice toiist. Auction Sale An auction sale of farm stock and ira- plonient.s will be held on lot 1, c,n\. 8, Oij.rey, Thuisday, Dec. 2, tljo propeity of Mr. John Clinton. comiUKiiCiniir at 1 p. w. See bills R. N. Henderson auctii nuer. At the Prtsliytcry of Orungeville which mit on Nov. 9tli at Oiang«vi le, &lr. Hur- riai.n, Mcdera'nr, in tho chair, liberty wsa given to the Prioevillo c.n^'regat ion ti'seil their old manse. Mr. Hudson's re.sigiiaiioii of tile paat- ral charge of the conre«ati.)na of Maxwell, Jlclmyre 'iml Fcveishaiu was accepted, to take effect Nov 30th. Mr Hudson purposes retiring after beinj 47 years in tho ministry. Mr D.vi'y of M.iple Valley via? appuimed ii'teiiiu Moderator, a>'d will (jieacli in tiioso staii-.us on Dec. 5th and declare the pulpit vacant. Shelburne Ecoiiniiii-t : Mr K. bt. Puck- erniL', oalesMoui with Ritchie & R .wlaud, had an experience Wednesday eveninif of la-t Week tlial he does not wish to soon repeat. Tha electric light in the cellar of the store is .soarraaged that it can be shifi] e«l fioin one part of the cellar to ain.thcr. .\t one point tho Wire had by some means become uncovered, and when .Vlr Pucker inu went to shift the iamp ho rccived a shock that rendered him i'lSeusihU- uad threw him six ors>ven feet across the cellar. The hand that came in contact with the wire was badly burned. Mes.srs Richidftud L:tugfiird also received stiKht cks. A ValuaMe Quilt The following item explains itjelf : Mb. Editok,â€" VMll you kindly correct the statement in lost week's Advance re the price of tho (lult furnished by the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church at Eugenia. The blocks in thetjuilt fetched $102. Miss Lizzie Roy of Mont Clair, New Jersey, is the purchaser at $i6. Mr. M. Richardson, Fleshertou, donated $5 to its fund throui^h your pastor, the Rev. J. Mahan. There were also 97 more subscribed on it, which brings its value up to $120. Please oblige me by niakinit this correction. E. WOODBUBN TheOlobo (Torouti>) is tnakins;aatrOii!i and deserving bid for circulatijn. Find- ing that the reduction in the price of pa- per and the introduction of typesi't>ing machinery have made it possible to pub- lish the paper at a less iXkSc, the price bus been reduced from $l>peraitiiuiu to^ per annum for the early morning ediciun,and the second edition has been discontinued. This should tfive their circulation list a great iiicie.ise, as it brings within the reach of every person a daily papei that is generally reccvnized as the leading paper in Can:ida. Aa there is no redu<;tion in the size of the paper and every depart- ment including the Saturday illustrated ed ition, kept up to its present hi|{h stau- »dardi udoonsideringtheenoriuou.><expenKe that it goes to in order to give all the news every day, $(> was not too much for it. At $4 per annum its subscription list should soon reach tho 50,0(M) mark. Vickers Methodist churcli, near Dur- ham, was reopened on Monday uiuht after largb improvoments, Slid now looks (juitc new, both inside and out. H. U. Miller of Hanover occupied the chair and a very interesting program was rendeiod. The Durham Methodist choir gave splen- did music. The churih i.s reopened fieo of all debt, with a balance of $o to tho nvH)d. The chairman headed tho list with a subscription of $50. Mr. MaokiB,tho well known commorciai traveller, in conversation with tho Ad- vance ono day last week, .informed us ! your tnliire' work tor the .Masler. oven that he knows of no one store in Onravio in a town of et|ual size that puvchiusos so much of a 6iie class of dress ^imkIs «» M. Richardson &â-  Co. He marvels at the (quantity of high class and cistly diess Kouds ahjch they dispose of Address Rev. J. C. Furrier, lat^e of the Duii- dalk and Maxwell circuit, who for a few iiiontlisha.sbeitn stationed at Duttoii,Oiit. , lias found the labors on that charge too arduoii' -^nd has been obliited to with- draw. Ho will continue hi.i wuik in Michigan, whore a field is awaiting him, his labors to commence there on tho Krst of nc.tt month. Before leaving Dutton his panshionurs presented him with tho following address : AV». J. V. Ferrier. D«AK Sir -We th« members of theChnroh o: tiio Nal.vity, have Itarued with roi^rut of your iiitontieu to sevai .Toui couect vu wuh this p*rl»n, and »<i wisii uie you icavu lo express iiiirappreciai ion of the kindly iu^ tere^l. whicli you li^ve lakeo in our weifat* during y"Ur sl.ori, slay amougHt us. Lt IS with regret, iu'iH..d, tliivt we Uarn tint your physical combtoii will not admit of your assumiuK tlm mnpoustbility ot tr.is parish. We uro led to couoluls. even from our short ftcipiaiutnnce witti you,_ that il you wore but porinilteil lo nniain 'with ub, the good work wo. Id go ou vigor.. usiy, auJ you would make many fricuiis Wb nad .stiopg hopeB tiiat tiii'uugh yuur iustruiiientalii.y the iiiOti«noe of iho oiiurch in tnosa parts woulil roach aa sxloi.t unknown before. Yiiur geuial and sympatlietic tiatara be- speaks lor you Bucceiia in- whatever field vou may be oalletl upoa lo i^bor â€" suoeess wbioi would mean muck to U", an.l tu ino p risb at larj;*. Nsverlheles , however uiuoli w« would iieaire lo have you remain, wo chtsrfully leKaae you from the work, in ttie h'>\M) tli.it yourheatib may bebitiietit- eti t>v a change, aud a rent, a..d w* a, I join in wiHtiiiig you uupr.o»doritt.d suOceKs ia your future work tor tho .Masler. oven I though u should be oarti. d out uud»r a d;lie:< ut flag. Accept oar regrets aoil hest wishes and e-er romsinhec u» aa vour frien>ls. Sigun.i ou bsUaif of tbo members of the Churuh ..f the Nativily, l>utt' n. Tbos. UocKiN and ottaors. Du t n, Not. lUb, 18.47. The Reevestiip To tha Editor of The AUcance. l)E.\ii i:?lB,â€" I see by your last week's issue that there are three c.indidates in the lie!d fi^r the leeveshipâ€" a doctor, a merchant and a blacksmith. It wouM ^eem to me that there is not a farmer capahie of stoerinu theshipof 8^ato over the shoals and re-, fa into the desired h:iven of economy. However, be that as it may, at ihe earnest solicitations of not a few of the nitepayers of wards 2 and 3, I have alloweil iny name to be placed be- fore the ratepayers of this township as the farmers' candidate. TH03L4S GRAINGER. A recent decision of the Minister of Educa'ion is, that except in the unoriran- i/.ed district) of Algnuia and Parry Sound trustees even whh the consent of the tiaclier, hav^ not the power to shorten the .tchool holidays. Chaisworth News : A younct fellow named Fr. d Bleich, son of Mr. Fred Bleicli of Williamsford, met with a dang erims accident on Tue^dty of last W'lek. Ho was cuttiii'.; liav with a hay knife in the mow of Mr. Walker .s barn, on the 6th con. of Sallivan, when he fell out of the mow and across the blade of the knife cuttin'i a '.faiih acniss his back and one arm. The latest report is that he is doing nicely. Thornbury Standard : John Onia Ihe seventeen-year-old son of Mr. Ralph Onia of R>»cklyn, accidontally shot himself while huntin<; Mon'lay afternoon in a bush south of Rocklyn. It is thought the wound will prove fatal although the youna man still lives. Ho was stepping over a hg with the ^uii draL'ging beside him, when the trigger caught. The en- tire charge of shot entered his right side and passed up in a slanting direction, logains: under his heart. Drs. Bennet of Rocklyn, and McLean of Meaford, are in attendance, but offer little hope for his recovery. NOTICE ! Fi>r Fine Tailoring call on - F. A. BAKER - N''xt door to Christoo's drug store. As I have the liktest NEW YORK and LONDON FASHIONS Style and Workmanship guarautood as usual. d THE HIGH CLASS TAILOR To the Hectors if Ward 3 Ladies aytd GenUevon : Pressure haviofi bo«n brcoRht V>t>Aarnpon me to allow mv namo to go bwforo tho olecfcors aa a camliilatu for ooiniciliur for thin ward. I hertbv publicly announce that lam in tb" ftnlil airl would rot)pt»(jtfully aek for yotir votes aad iatlii- unco. n McTAVlSil Flesherton, Nov. S3, V7. nrhe Ree-veskip I cannot wftbstaml the pressure of tho )>eo- ple, to iMCOino reove; therefor I coimeiit to be elected. W. 3. BHlilSTOU. Cattle Came Astray Came totlie i>remiiios of tbo nnrernif^neil, lot i?9. fon. 13 ArteniHHia about Nov. 17 last sevon Ilea"! of voiitiR catilo. The owner ia rcquoPtml to )*rovo |>ro|>orty. nav e\prn-i(m an>l titketno itanio away. HCOH FtDDI-*, b'uRenia P.O.NoTSa. '97. Farrt! P'or Sale For Hale choapâ€" Lot .1". Coti 12. Artemcsia. .A))|>lv t'J H. .1 Sl'KOULE, Flesliertou Klu'tiliertan, Nov. 10, IVin. £*OR sale: .\ qiiantitv of shinRtHS for ftiloat mv mill. lot.V. 0011. 5) .\iteiiieMiA. AUo shitiglcBcet oil sharoA, wnnid exchaiiijoa sj>au ut horsed for shiiiiila timber. J, HICKLISG. lIa.\won 1>. O. STMi5.YEI> Rtreycd from tho premises of ilioiiii:lorpij!uert lofc 21. nth con , Onprev. about Soi)t. 30. tw-i calvuKâ€" bnll ami huifor, Both nnl l>iill bail Boiue wbitoou his Bills. W. H (H'Y. MaYwo:i, P. O Factory For Sale Sash, ioor and nliinii)',' factorv jnc**T»«^inif rnn Rralu chopping * Rtouoa; very cbnap ; two hundreil liowD ; balance eaay twrins ; water power; all coniplotn ; (loi"u Kood bunincRfl ; BiVi!»fHftory ruasona for^»Uri«. buHiliiiK ami inriobinorT onW sold ; lon« loftto j'owor ; ront low; no opposition. A^iply liox 100, FUftber*- ^Q. Oat. I A Large Stock . • . ... of Footwear In Ladies' Mens' and Children's B^'ots ami Shoes, also Rubbers, Over^hcies and Felt Biuits Custom work and Repairing attended to promptly at CLAYTON '5, = = Flesherton. Agent for Dominion Money Order Express 'C^ "^^ "v -ir -^ -^ V^ r..v^;wjy-.-j:^v:jr--jC^'^2^?!^:^>l- Organs, Organs ORGANS! ^^ ^-s-s^^-^-^ ^^^% Three First Class Instruments At greatly i-ediiced prices. We need the rioor .«pace aud are pripared to sacrilice. Also a few second Laud orgaua that have been taken in sxcliange. Will sell cheap, IflTe liave on Hand ^^' Runners easily adjustable to lit auy Baby Carriage, is the time to provide for the little one to get his during tho fine days. . . UNDERTAKINQ AND PICTURE FRAMINQ ^. Q. J^ooro FLESHERTON. ii ^!L^ i! ^yg ^^g'gg^ ^^ '^ ^yg ! ^^^ I WANTED, AGENTS b.;!?::sr i^^. I »anii copio« uoU- Tbreo tboiinaml flvo hundr<Hl onitirea from Auetralia : larni- .luaut'ty V>"^ til South Africa : goinp liko wi!il-flre in Can- »la. Loril Loriio. Hor Majinty's son in-law. rtava : '• 'riio be»t popular lif« o- the Qnoon I bavo seen." ami tbouHamls eiidorso the i.t»i.»- muut. OutUt free to canvatsan ; exclusive Uirritory ; book ou time; easy to make $5 daily ; some make twice tbat. Tho Bradloy-Garrotaon Co., Toronto. , Agens sell ••Klondike Qo Id Field" Like a wbirlwiml. Exporleiico<l cauvassurs ronpiuij tho richest b»rvo»lof their lives : new l(ei4iiiiiiir. (loins woutlors. Nearly ovuryboily Hiibscribus. One vounij fellow ou a farm at *1-J a mouth is makitiK iVii. \ la<ly tvpo-writer at #3 a wouk in claariuK *11- \ mechanic who lia.1 earned *l.aO a day Is oluarimj *.'i a .lay. We want more a«unt9. Canv««i.inB otitllt i'lCta.. •â- â€¢ orth *1. THU UUADLliV-GAltRKTSON Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. H.HiaiM.\N, tsg. Oioraltar.Iuue \m7. Dbaii SiB.-lwould bedoiui! an injns'iioeto vou and the pnblic not to make kticwu the b.noats I locoivu.i from your reme<ly known iWLiRhtuiiuil'ainHuutur." 1 sprained my ankluwiivbadlv. a nhort time after it KOtvoiv b»J a«aiu. Iwas unable to ROt around for al.ont tl.r.M) moulbs. first I tnod ouo doctor thou another, and other leumdios to uo end. 1 WM nearly aivii.R up in do»pair when >â- ?>' «»y.« mo the lir»t bottle of •Lightning fain Huntei totrvitou its merit!" ; to uiy surprise I (jot immo.liato relief .nJ iu »>>ont three weeks I bcBsn iiiovinB around, ann shortly afte. went towVrk. IthaaUtho .lay I besau ns.uK your UghtniiiR l*«in Hnutor thatso. lue on "i >'•"-â- ' suriin. We have nwd it for biirna, sual.iH, bruisoa. comibs.-wfo ihroat. sore «'>o"';'-''" ," the hoiaes and c»U iu waiter, yet I hayu a od to bo ciisai-poiutod wbou uppnud. Iu laot ic is our hoiiBehold rem.dy and 1 would not bo witb.uit it. An\oin! winhintito write mo diioct 1 w.ll fihull V answer them. WiBhini! >",','•"'«'> success I remain. "*'^","""^''lf ^,r,„ ,,',i. hovo is one o( the many buuorod t"8timMii- »Ib ponriue in, telliuK of the ouiative powers ol Li«l)tni«K I'ttiu Hniitor, Bbippod toany address on receipt of price. Kor snl.« in Flcshert.-n at Dr. ChristoH's M«lic.il Hall and at Fleslicrton !>tii'""J l>v .1. H K'-ii'i, 2«i><^r.il stiiro. ONLY 2i) CKNTS a"1!(»TTLK FIESIEBTIB mm PMIOB .J?; Xoyard - - Proprietor Monuments, Urns and Vases The undersigucd has secured tl'e agency for the newMetalhc I'late Glass .5Ionuuient, niauufucciireil iu Toronto, one of tho finest nionuuieuM ever prcseDtod to the public. It is prouonuced by experts to De the bert monument in the market. The in- scription, which is patented, will !a>t for ages, and will bo as- perfect iu a hundred years us tlie first year. An inscription in giauitc or marble, when put ou in gold, silver or painted, will last ouly a shorl time aud tlie:i have to be doue over again. The old nied not put ou tiieir spectacles to read our inscription. These monuments uro uf beautiful designs, grauileizeii ia led or grey, and are within tlie reach of the poorest. An early cull solicited Wn. HENDERSON igcnt. Residence opposite the Trca- bytcrian church, Flesliertou. Hairdressin in the Latest Style Scissors Sharpened and Razors Honed in L'st class Style. ^^ .\gont for Rolstin's Laundry and Parker's l>yo Works, Toronto. â€" â€" â€" nnfai] Tlirsa Lndiea to introituceahoute- WdJwUhnl w>,li Sploiii'id nil urns to competent persons. J. '.l.\t.LOWAY, Toronto. Teacher Wanted. For Vuion R» », No. 1. AHrmofiia ftnd UitphvA' la. Tor tho yoav 1H97. boHiiif; a «<»rond or thini cIivpr oft^-tifl.'ftto. Pl«a«e (Etivequtilif^oft- tlons rtnd oftUrv «xp**cti»'l wh*»Ti a)>plviiiti Ai)u]icMi<>n Ti'cciT&l until rt*>c. l8t. 1IV7. TH 1. UUADBUUY. 8eor«t(vrv. KugeuiaP. Th« Great English RcmeUr. Six rackfigts Guarantved to prt)mptt7 anil pcrnuuif*ntly euro all forms of Scrvoim Wt'tikncsB^ Kmi4aii>ns,Spcrm' otorrhea, Impotencyand aO rffecta of Abtiae or .£x««smw, Xfntnl Worry, eM)es*ivo u»e Btfort and After. ^^„ ^;...,,, ^^^^ ,„ j^ firmity, Imanlty, Consumption and an ear!y grave, Daa bL>cn prtiscrlbcvl over 35yenr« In thuuMUids of coses; la tho only lieliabln and Ilonat 3Ic<licin9 Jrnoirn. Aak druggist fur WooH's Pliortphodlnc; if ho ofTcrs somo wortLteM niedtclno In plaoo of this, Incloso prteo In letter, nnj wo will send by retnra mail. Prico, ono pacfcat^, tl; six, $5, Ou wiU picusCf wfjc wiit cvrf^ Pampb^etit free to anj a<ldrc9Ev TUe Wood Company, Windsor, Oal., Ou^ada. SoiJ ill Fleslieitmi aud everywhere in Caimtiti by »U re^pitiisible tiruggisU. Farm ani Mill Site for Sale Fur salo very choaii tinfj on vcrv oasv tf^nnp. Timber tiirni, 1.10 nores, two niilnHfroin irii-sli ortou, known as the Win. M'^i.'ij^inwniill iir". porty.aniloiiwliieh is rjn sxoolleiit water power, foiinilation of saw mill, iiaiii ami pond and watoi whuul in plaoo an.l all romlv tor |inttin« mill on. Aliont 15 acn,gcl.iaro<i.;)Oaori!fl timber, iiinst off. 'i.Uance well tiinboit.<l.iiiixod tinibor. T;iis fajin will i>a noM at a l>aii!ain if sold a« onoo. Small paymont down, balance on very o-.iy tormt. Apply to B.J. Sproclr, tiusuviiiuu.Ont Kama foi' Sale Farm for sale .•^h'.Aji. 91 acres. w«.ll w»to»*")'l ii 'II Men oast of tliis villa^.., ktiowu as (Iu b'uo wick (ohrm. Apply to M. Itiohardsoii, axisi^i.ao Boar for Service Tho nndorjiRnod has a tboon^hh'el Hork- sbire bjai for aervioa ou lot 171, U' i> t. ^

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