Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1897, p. 8

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^^pwjmjiopfMwJpWIi^^^BBW^^ X' ,J%^ * -r- ^- ) â- *m » ^ \ NOVEMBER 25 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE D. McTavish keeps FLESHERTON ON HAND ...REPAIRS For Massey-Hariis, Noxon, Bleury and Wilkiimon farm implemerits. Floury aiui Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kindn of repaim for the tamn. Wa manufacture Wagims, Buggies, Cutters, Steiuhs, etc. Horaushoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender co- Iraoted feet. Lu){giiig and Plow Chainii constantly on hand. W» '/!«• ^ "»»? -Si? •«? W ^1^ "it^ •}(«• •Sif'Ji*- Id- ^l^!?!??!*" '/I? •»!«• â- Â»!? Ill' W Buggies, Carta, Wagons, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, HorBe Rakes and Corn ScufUers and repairs. CliainB of all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty at ^ John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms m Iff Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN C.\NAD.\ TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip sriLtTinâ„¢" r â-  â€" * CollotfL'8 aud Ooinmerolal D«|>artinont» in Canada, then Tlait tii« Sortliprii IliisiuoM CoUuBe ; eiaiiiiiio •»erytliln({'.)ioroi«hly. I( we fail to iiroduco Uio iiioHt thoroiiKb, complete, practical ami eztennive courno of fltudy ; the b«t»t college IVTeuiiKet aud the boat and most coi<>|il«t« and moHt ciuita'do furniture and Hiiiiliances, wo win Rive y(n a tall coumo KKBK. Kor annual aiiuouuceuieuta, giving full particulan, trea Addreu C. A. FLEMING, P.iiicipol W. BARNHOUSE Wishes t-> dntM' the attontiou uf the Public to the following : ^lOUH IN BAGS Of oil sizes and n* Cheap ai> the choap- Mi. Siiuoul UaigaiiiR in 3 and 5 Barrel luta. Phot s ^ ^ M -TAKEN -AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery ? are done in first-claas stylo and at '^^ •), hiwest rates. Special attention ^ tfivtMi to copyine. liabies' photos. 3 a apocialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BULMER Fruits and Con- fee 1 1 onery, Oysters in Season. uroceries and Provisions. DOO and COON MITTS and LEOO- INOS ra:Uo to onlor and on Shortest Notioo. Px*opex>i*ie£i FOB - SAL E -BYâ€" I J. SFBODIE, FIESOEBTOI Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton EUGENIA - - - Mills and , Carriage Works Okiiiages tnado and repaired, aIho Planing and Matuliiti^', Band li*iviii({, Wood 'rnrniii!» of evoi'v dfa- Boriptiiin. Planiiij,' and ( ir ainOlinp- piii,' (loiio wliiio you wait, fur tlv* Denver tunia tlio wlicel. T. W. VVlLSON, Mi.in..5cr ir Tou WISH TO Birr propbrty consult THIS SPACE. FOR SALE cheap and on easy terms, one mile from Flesherton, StJ seres land and on which is h good 7 rooms frnmn dwelling, well and coinfortahly finished stone cvllur underneath, and good well and pump in kitchen, good frame stable and driving house, also brick liue<l hen house, sniull orchard cominuncing to bear. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Flesherton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sohl during present month. Two inipnivi'd fj'.rms, one a mile from Pi-icevillo and the other same di'ftnnce from VVnrehsiu. Small payment down, Imhinoe on VEllY uitsy terms. Also a hundred and iifly acre farm and mill sito one niilo from Flosher- tiin, principally liardwood bush, 25 hoion cloarud and fraiiui dwcllint; and stnlile. .•\ny person Msiitiiig a decided bargain spply ((uick to above. J^tVst Class9Ifapie AND HIRCH F I-O OR X W G At a Bargain foi" the next 30 clays. Save your orders for 811 111 m lis AT THE FLESHERTON Beecroft & Talbot TRADB MAIIKa» DGSICrNBy OOPYRIOMT8 Jto. AnTono BPnrtlnR nnketrh and dffirrlption nmy ()ii)i-klv twciMiiitn. fri'ts wliuttuir itu invniKinnii inohrilily pnttnitiitilu. ('tuitiiiuiilcatliuij HtrU-ilr pttntltlcDilat. ohlt>itl afieiicy fi)riit><'iirini,; pHti'iitj til Annuicfi, Wfl have h Wnnhtiinlon oftlcH. I*tl4*titH tnkt>n throit>;h Miiiiu & Cu vouutrc eptiolul iiolU^i) tn the 8CIENTIFI0 AMERICAN, hoik.Htfullv inuMrntB)!, lnn;i>HC rlronliiMon of niir BiiloirtlHfl Jnunml. wpukly, termojiMd » ?flari fLNlalx utcknlhR. HptM<)nt(>ii uoiilci and liAMA ounml. wpukly, termojiMd n ?iiari hd. HptM-imt'n uoiili'g ana 1 UUOK OM I'ATKSTfl nuut frott. Addivu MUNN & CO., 301 UroaHwnv. M«w Vork. Cash : for : Hides! fihcepskins and all kinds of furs pur- chased, for which highest mnrket price will bu paid. Uomeinada sauaages on hand, alse all kinds of niaati. M. WILSON Fleshertou Meal Emporium The Klondike Country Little more than twelve months ajjo the Klondike was one of tlioso unknown and inhospitable regions of snow and ice into which even the hardiest adventur- ers laruly penetrated. Since then, how- ever, the fame of this great gold-bearing district has spread round the globe, the« Bimsational reports of the rich discoverifs already niaile have startled the civilized world, and thousands are flocking thither in search of fortune On August 24th 1896, a lucky individ- ual named tiendersoii made the tirst dis- covery of gold. Exactly one week later, Joseph Ludue, one of ihe mo&t experi- enced and renuuuc^ miueiK 01 the day, started to erect the first house at the junction of the Klondike und Vukon riv era. He called the piace Bawson City. 811 rapidly \\&i i* developed that, in Juie last, the population numbered over four thousand. Ii is the beadiiuariera of the Canikdiaii North-West Mounted Police, who maintain law and order amiiui(8t the mines, and can already boast of num- erous sliop^, a s.iw uiiii and churches of four diU'ercnt donoiuniatiuns. Ladue pivdict^ that Dauson City is desiined to become the greatest mining eeiUre in the world. There seems U> be much conflict of opinion regarding the climate of Klondike. Nuwspupt-r wiiteni have ilepiuted it as a sort of aecond Siberia, have drawn har- rowing pictures of the suH'erings endured by the miners, and predicted that thous- ands will perish of cold during the prea- em winter, .loseph Ladue has a very different tale to tell. He tluclares that these reports are entirely misleading. According to his accounts, the winter etiBimences in October, but does not seri- ously interfere with noning opHratious. The days are very short â€" lastini; only a few hoursâ€" but even at niglil tiiore ia no pitch darkness. A sort of iwiliglit prc^'ail8, and the grand spectac u of the Kor 11, ighls is vt^iy ciiiumo.1 Spiiig opens about (he first of May, wh>n t^ie ice begins to break up. The Yukon river is generally clear about the middle of that iu<>nth. The luiner's busy season obmmeiices then, and lasts until the fol- lowing October. In tlie summer he can work durng tho whole twenty four hi)ur8 if necessary fur there is practically no night. In the winter the fall of anuw averages from two to three feel, {but is as d y as sawdust. As thaws are unknown, no crust forms upon the surface, so that it is quite an easy matter to get from place to place with the aid of suuwstioes. Owing to this, the inhabitants of Klon- dyke can face the luoat rigoroua winter with impunity. The gold lb found in nuugets, grains, and dust. Some extraordinary finds have already been recorded. Fur instance, Aiexaoder McDou.tiii secured a claim on tho Klondyke, and started "drifting " with the assistance ot four men. Tlit- tuon agreed to work on sliarus, each re- ceiving one-half of his total earnings. The five together took out ijold to the value of about £19,000 in twenty-eight days .' Tlie ground duL' up was found to measure not more than fmty rquare feet; and as they have still several hundred mpinru feet to work upon before tlie claim is exhausted, they will probably hnwi. away a very respectable fortune. WiUiinn Leiigait and liis partner pui- cliasud their claim from a iniiur ivuiioil Htewart. Within a luoith they had leal- Izod ovor £10,000, and iho space worked (lid not exceed iwi'iity-foUt Bcpiare f ei ! A young man who wont to Klouilyke about six iiii>nlhs ago whs Uioky en"U_h to hit upon a claim out of which he hs bt^en taking gold at the nile of uboi.t £aOO a day ! All this wealth has been eleanod fion what are Uuowii as " placer " niineii ivliieh vary from four to twenty feet in ile|'t!i. Tlio soil extracted ia carofullx WHslu'd. and the partic.ea ot nold collect- ed from the deix'tiit . When iliaroiiiemboietl thai the "meth- er vt ins" from which these paiticles oii^. iuiilly caino still reiniiiii to be iliscovered, one scarcely dares to imagine the fabu- lous woal'h tint awaits tlie lucky individ- unl who strikes upon them. A Companion for all Ages A gontluman who usud to read The Youth'!" Ooie|>ani<'n when ahoy ai'd reads it with the same iiiteroa*, now that he ia a middle ftgiid man, was asked the other day if he had not outgrown The Conipnn- inn. "I don't believe," sa'id he, "that I can ei-er outgrow it. 1 find in it not only the cheery, hojwful spirit of youth, but the wisdom and experience ot «Ke. I like it just t«s much aa when I was a buy, though perhaps in a different way. But I know that it is the same Youth's Com- panion with which I grow up, for my tioys and girls like it as well as everldid. It ia a good paper to grow up with." Tba Youth's Companion will C4)ntain the best thought of the best thinkers of America and Europe during 1898. It will print serial and short storiea of ab- sorbing interest, and true tales of adven- ture. The various departmetits of the paper will he a current record of the beat work that is being done in the world. Present readers of the coinpnnion who re- new their subscriptions, and all new sub- scribers, will receive free a beautiful il- lusM-aiud calendar, printed in twelve cohirs, and embossed m gold. It is ihe richest and costliest calendar ever sent to Companion subscribers. New aubscrib- erS will receive The Companion ever week from the time the sut»>Griptiuu is received until Jai.uaiy, 1898 ana then fur a lull year to January, l«i99 All illustrated prospectus of The Cuiu paiiiun for 1898 may be had by addreaa- iiig. Perky Mason Jt Company, 205 Culuuii'us A.\o , Boston, Mass. Our Clubbing List For the b-n»fit of those of our readers who desire t" bubscril.e for several papeia we have made the following rrtluced rates. Most weekly papers send balance ot iliis year lice, (»o tliat t:.e oounei names are received I he greater the value to be secured. advance and Weekly Globe $1.65 Mail 1.55 *' Farm and Fireside 1,55 All three above for 1.80 .-Vdvance and daily World 3.05 Globe 6.06 " " News 1.80 •' " Star ...... 1.95 ' and Montre.dStar l.«0 T he Marke ts. €arefteilv Corrected Each Wceli Fidlownig are the market quotations for Kleshertou for the presont week, corrected up to 10.30 of Wedue^ay : Flour f4 70 to f6 00 Oats 23 to 23 Wheat, white 86 to 87 Wbe.>i, rod 84 to 80 Barley 20 to SO Peas 48 to 43 Butter 16 to 10 ligK". fresh ....... 16 to 15 Potatoes bag BO to 60 Pork 4 50 to 5 00 Hay per ton 6 00 to GOO Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins 26 to 50 Geese K to 6 Turkeys 7 to 8 Chickens per pair.. . . 20 to 80 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Wool 17 to 20 Time Table GOING 80CTH. Markdaleâ€" 7 35 a. m. 4.40 p. m. Fleshertouâ€" 7 .48 a. m. 4.62 p. m. OOING NoBTB. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. m. 9.18 p m. Markdale-18.20 p. ni. 9.80 p. m. r-^- irniMifiiii guisittiii? €m^i^ M 'CWLLOUOH ft YOUNG "*â-  HsDkerB, Jisrlid»!e ' Do a g.c.rsl baoking bnsiness, Mou.r loauMf at a ressoaabl. rate. c»ll on as. ^^ A S VANDU8EN, J P »*• Clerli 5th Dly Court, Co Grey Isfuer of Marriage Liceuaes, ConyeyaDoas Notary, Public, Auctioneor. Money to loan at from 6te Sperceut. Charges mwiarate. FLESHEETON P O TVEBT8 COLLECTED J Tha uaJanigDad ia prepared to undertake the collection of all kinda of debiA, >ot«a bought, accounts col'eoted, etc. K N HENDEKSON, PleebertoB 'P CHISLBTT * iri«ab«rtou Station Postmaster, CoamitusiotiBr in H C J, Cunvey- aiieer. De«is, Dioi t((»Ke.i, leasts and willj ur&wn. Sfoue) to lend at 5i per cent and ut>' waida. Dobta collected. Charges ruoderaSie. J 8PB0CLE Postmaster, Fkshertoa R Conveyancer, Apprai«r and S.onev Lebderf Real feuato auu Insurance Aeerit. VeZlV u.o.t8»keii, leases ani wills drawn no ttn.i »,tr'i«ifnd^^*',°"? """""•â-  ''^""«' ^"'^"°" vV>^..f, ',''""' "? '" »">' l"" °' *be county. S.onej to loan at lowest rates of interest Coi lecti n. attended to with loorunn.si aiTj aiv ni'^h 'S '.V-^'L'P"'"' "'"'(JO*. London Zt ?f\i°;t'5rn.^^!.-r''.crai;d';r'\?.,-j'"«.?? H^otHk^ *** ♦♦♦♦^^^^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦i â- > .^ Give tha The only food! tlut will build '. up !i weak cons- , _j titution gradu- * ClianCe allytut surely is \ \ ^srtin's ^Carr^ina! Food %s. siiiivl'i, rcieutific and highly. ^ iiu'rltive prip.:i ration Jur infants, "^dclitnte children jiiH invalids. (,. K'.»:»y WAT^Prt A CO , raapaiiToM. ^ .. .-, . •..J^vV^^.-lr*-** ♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦ Winter Goods, In Vosue at the Flesherton . , . HARNE5S SHOP BELLS, BLANKETS, SASKA'IXJUEWAN and GOAT ROUES Whips, Rulibet Knee Uuijs, lined and unlined. Curry Combs and Brushea, At lYASotiablo Prices. Satisfaction guaranteed in repairing. HarBessm&kei - - FMcrlon A O U W meets every first and third Uonda* strains block, F etnerton. at 8 d m VriZl. Teeter, WM; A M Glb°.M. K«to?<i"r- W°S Bellamy. Financier. Visitiog brithrec ii.viV«* pRINCE ARTHTB LODGE, No .W. A F ni«ot p?'^'.,â„¢''"' '" ""^ Masonic hall, Strain* block. Flesherton, every Friday on or betas the full moon. E Mcttiil, W M: W Bellaiuy, Secretary. -. . .» JftttiiStri} T P MARSHALL " M D S, D D 8, L D S. Visits Flesherton the 1st and Srd Friday of each month. T G CAMPBKtL " L D 8, D D 8. Cental Burgeon, Uarkdala OfBce over llcCullough A Youngs bank. Hours-8.30 a m to6 p m. Visits Flesheitcn tho second and fourth Thursday of aacb month. Offlca at Muushaw â-  hotel •p HENDERSONS * D D 8, M D S, Dentist of Toronto iGold Medalist) will visit Flesherton pr* foaaioually the ftrst Wednesday ot each mootlt and Dundalk the tolloning day (Thursday.) fffial JOHN W FROST. L L B " Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyanoer, eta Offlceâ€" Next to postofflce, Sproulo's block. Jleehertou, every Saturday and court day». N nâ€" Owen Sound office, Frost's block. MT Poulett street east. T U0A8 « WBIOBT A* Barristers, Solicitors, Coovoyanoers, •(« «7 5'',!o,^S,^'** °'" Markdale, Dot W H VSBIOHT 1 B LUCAS N Bâ€" Flesherton office, Mitchell's Bank, every Wednesday. ' 'TUCKER « PATTERSON * Barristers, Solicitors, etc Molsou's Bank, Oweu Sound H.4RRy Q TUCKEta GEO W FATTEESON A Q. MACKAY. M.A. "â- â€¢ Barristers, Solicitors, Notary, Coil» vey aucer, etc. Crown Attuiney for Uroy. Omcesâ€" 30 Pculett street. Oweu hound, and Main street, Dundalk, S»tur<iay« lr;un 5 u. ui. tu U p. m., and ou Division Court uays. ^iiUAital R HLTTON MUOM, UCP&a Out, PrlcevUle. D Olllce nert door to Brown's utore ; residence opposite at the old pust oihco, n Bldence of late Alox Brown. Ofilce da) sâ€" 'X'ueadays aud Satuc-. days. I jR CARTER ^ M C !• * 8 Otit, Physician, Surueon, eto Hesherton efflcoâ€" Strain's block. Kealdeuoeâ€" Niuuuhaws Hotel. yoHN A SCOTT. M B •* Meuilior Collctie Physic, ft Surgeons, imtiurio Uraduate In Medicine uf Turouto I'liivuislty, VelU>waliiii lopleuia, Post t>radu- ato Medical Sehool Hint Hoepital, Chlcasio. DiseuHufi of eye, oar, no^e and tbi-eat t^pecially Cieatocl. KeHidetoe.Uaxwall, visits Feversh a tQ Tliuredyas 1â€"3 JP OrTKWF.LL Veterinary Sui-geoo nriviliiftte of Ontario Veterinary College. Ufsido'ceâ€" Second eeor nouth on' west side Marv street. This streets ruus south Itoin Presbyterian church. JRIOEVILLE AND DURHAM STAGE Durham stage loaveik Flosbcrton Station a 7.15 am., rotiiinx 4 iS p.m. Pviccville stage leaven tho saiuo place Ht. I2..i0. retuminc at 4.£). Fare to Pticeville and votiirn. 30 cents : Diitbau, *l..'iO for return. 7?u. single (are. lilyery In oon- neotiou. Orders may be loft at either hotel. A.MaCAULGY Prop 111 Pays for yonr Naiuo OQ 18 Bciuitiful HIDDKN NAME O AUDM. lovely iiictures, or 50 ... . . HandsonieOalllngOards. 'Psisli I lU UUIIV/with order. Stamps *..ieii. I Address, CANADA CARD UOUSB, lugursoll Ontario.

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