Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1897, p. 4

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m. DECEMBER 9 1897 ESTABLISHED f ^lie- Advance )>UilI,ISIIKD WEEKLY AT THE OKFICB, 8YD- EMHAUSTBEET, FLEKHEKTON, OKI., BY W. H. TBURSTOK. THE IfLESttEkTOM At)VANC E f OR SAr.£: A quantity of Btiliiglsa (or tale at my mill, lotSM.coii, 9. Artamoais, Also shinglesout Ou â-  harei, would axoliange a apau of bora** for sblDula timber. J. HICKLING. Maxwell P.O. Fapxni. fox* Sale â- Far aala otaoapâ€" Lot 87, Jlyto B.J.f leahsrtOD, Nov. 18, IBOT. Con. 12, Arteineaia. Apulyto 'Il.J.SPBUUIiE.Flasberton Fie â-  $1 per annum strictly in advance Advertising Rates: â- aColuma, 1 year, 950 ; half col., 1 yaar,* aS quarter col., one year, S16. TranaieDt adTertisement charged at the rate ( oenta per line for first insertion asd I cent •aota tubaequent insertion. To the Electors of Ward 3 Ladiu and OentUwan : Pressure having been brouKht toboarupoo me to allow mv uauiu to go before tbe electors as a candidate for councillor for thie ward. I hereby publicly announce that I aiu in tbe field and would respectfully ask for your votes and influ- ence. D McTAVIHtl Fiesherton, Not. 23, in, THE UNITED 8TATESER8 tb« Stock For Service The undersigned has a fine yonci thoroagh- bred Berkshire toar lor f ervice on Tot 174, T. A S. H., Arti mesia. Terms, 75 cents. I have also a part Polled Augus bull. 1) years old, weighing 1 ISO lbs., for serTloe at 75 cent. Dec. 7, W. W. G. OBB, proprietor A Bubscriber writing ub from United States has this to say : "I w»» a little surprised and also an- noyed to read an item in your paper of tlie 11th Nov. where you H«id tho popu Istioii of tiiB U. S. was drawn from the worst elpuicnt of every naiion under the Biin. I lived in Canada the ureater part of my life and I ff>und to my sorrow that the people over there are not all angels hy any means. And I think y»u will admit that we can find gixid and hud wherever we uo. I have met and am aci|uainled with just as jjciod people here »H I think can be found any pluce. I think if 'ho Canadians had a little of the push and anihition fused into them that the Americiins have, Canada would be a much bolter country to-dny." The statement our correspondent refers to read as follows .• "Its poly glot population, drawn from the worst element of every nation nnder the sun, makes it a sort of Islimael- iteou the earth." Thia should not be taken excerption to, because some of the best public men in the United States, and some of its best news- papers, have given voice to similar BPntiments. The Youths' Companion of Boston saya that, whether rightly or wrongly, tho United States is looked upon with a certain degree of difldain by all foreij/n nations. We have not space to quote antlioritie.s, but will give a few iignres in justifica- tion of our statement. The United Biates contains seven million negroes, two millions uf Iiiuh, two millions of Gflitnans, over 100,000 Oliincee. 400,- OCO Scandinavian?, iiOO.OOO hidians, besides Kn-jlibh, Scotch, Wolsli, Frrnch, Pules, Italians, llussians, and natives of all otiicr conntiica in (â- mailer numbers. It publishes ncws- jiapcrs in sixteen or seventeen differ- ent laiiguft^jes. Its Anglo Sasoii peo- ple only roiiiPscnt about 2.5 per cent, of the popuUtion. If llicse ligurcs do not warrant us in using tho word " polyglot," what would ?^ As for " tlie 'voist clement," we think any fair minded United btateser would bo with lis in our plia of juslificatioii, ^nd we leave it with them, It is not atf a rule the better clement of a eonn- tiy that forswears the flu;,' undor whicii it was born and err!i.-<l3 niidor an alien. Do not mieuuderstaud us. Vx'ft do not iiiin this as a cruck ut our coi respoiiilent, becaiwc wo do not know tho country of his birth. Wo Bljoali ill general tcims. Nor dj wo c >'itrudict his asRci'tioii that as good people cau bo found acmsa tho lines uA elsewlierc. Homo of otir owu beat hifiids are over tlicio and somo of our neaiest relatives. Wo simply pointed out the fact that tho republic «as in danger from Iho fact that its foreign population is mado up of an elomtnt which claims to havo giiev^ ancef, against various countries roprc- s^nted, and when llii.s elcniciit became strong enough there was lihely to be an outburst that would be deplored by ad honorable republicaiis. The nioieiiMo of tnide which the Can- ftdiau I'atilio Railway has had on its <.>wcn Sound lirauoh is aliown hy the ship- uieiiu to and from Owoii Sound fur last nioriih. During Oolohur Iho milway Rh'ppi'd west ((Ut of Ow(n Hound 12,()00 toiiB of general freight, and shipped eaal 18,600 tons of gBiieral freight, besides haiidliiiK 277,000 busliols of grain, Dur- iuij Oclohur l.48t year the cunipi.ny hand- l^U a.OiOiona of general frei«ht west, II,- QQQ tuns east aii<i ^Tl^pOO bi4buiH of Kf.iiu. IVIunicipal Notice. To tbe Eloctora of Ward 3 : Ladikb and Ukhtlkubn, â€" Having been re- quested bv a large number of ratepayers to allow my name to go btfore the public as a candidate for Councillor for Ward No. S, I hereby publicly announce that 1 aiu in the field and respcctfull) ask your support in the comiUK election. JOHN 1'KUL.\B. Arteuissia, Dec. 6, lHtl7. TENDERS WANTED Sealed teudttrn will be reci ived by the iiudoi- Bigued up to Due. 18th. Inst., lor 40 corda of K'cun bnech and maple wikhI 2 teet louf;. pluutp, to be dolivcrtid at tbe ecliool house, Flotther- ton, on or before the I5th of February, I8y«. Also an offer for 10 cords of dry wood, to be delivered at ouce. W. 8. CHBiaTOE, rn3 M. Richardson & Co. /Vo(/ce to the Public Notice is hereby Riveu that no person is authorized by me to collect moneys owinK me for threshing, and that all payments must be mailutotho undersigned direct, otherwise no credit will be givou. K. WHITTAKEB Arteniesia, Oec. 4, 1897. Farm to Rent or Sell The undor«i(jnod has for rent or sale lot 179^ im, K. E. T. ,& S. K.. Artemusm, containing lUO acreH. Tliis a good farm and will bu looted low at a suitable tenaut. Apply to W. U. Krowu, Btayner. or JOHN DKOWN, Fleahorton.P.O FlesbertOD. Doc. t, 1HJ7 VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR "sale Park lots in the Village of KuRonla, oomt>ris- in;; 'il)^ucruK in two bUii^ks. On llie«e are erect-- t! 1 a filnne and a lo« house. Thero^ is a good cellar, orchard, two liarn II. EiiKuiiia, Doc C, 1WI7 IK. etn. Apply KE.NWICK, E to ngeiiia. 'Wais.ted. lodiiittrious lueii of obaractor. The LilNBCOTT Coiuiiauy, Torouto. rame totho premUo** of the uni*erHluned, lot 29. fon. lU ArteiiitJHia aV>oiit Nov. 17 I as* Bevtiti huad of \onti<{ cattltt. Tlitj owner U rcqui^sted to prove propuity, pay rxpen-^Hft and taketlio HUOII FIDDIS, FtiRenUP.O.NoTS). *97. eauii) Away. FARM TO RENT OR TRADE Lot M, roticeftKion U, AitemcFia, contaLiiiiit; l(JOacri;(>, 10 cloarid. A ({ood Htock farm, wt*ll vraterud, pai t:i needed to clovur. Ooutl iii^w fi'iitii) ho^ise. Well at di^or. Hno\\ b:irn. iind t'tuhle. Would rout from 3 to 5 yvarti Would tlaUo for town ur village propurtv. J.K. UUADHL'UY, Kugeuia. P.O. Nuv.M. BOAR FOR SERVICE TnrougUbrAil Rorkiihire Hoar for service on lot U.coii. :i. W.T.iV W. U..Artiine«la. Pedigree on n|>|ilication. Torus <1. T. hNllLLi, I'lop. Nov. ;ki,'U7. ^ IFsiic^Tn to Ren-6 Jliindi-ed acio farni Hituated on the Toronto Sc Sydunhaiti tuail.hi thotowiiKhipof ArtcinuHia, 14 uiilen south etiRt of Flu-hcilon. On thti pieuiitiCH aro a f^ood brick hfjusn and a fiau.e bavu. For further partienlarn apply to JOHN WlilOHT. SK., Flpahortoii. WANTEO A pxporloiieed canvaHuur to travel and appoint ant'uta. No caiiva^iHin^. Salary nnil itxpenHes paid. Ths Itiui'i.Kv-OAKitETsoN Co., Ltd., Toronto. TAMWORTH BO^ FOR SERVICE The uudorBignod has a thoronqhbrod Tain- woi Ih bn,ir for servioe on lot 138 30, T. and 8.U., ArtsnieniA. VKDIGUEE -lirutus, farrowed May 10th, IW7 Ihoil liy ,I(ihn Iloll, Amber, Out ; sUe Doiihiihtrr Horo, iifi7 ilii-ml 1»> H, Hutherland, jr., I)i>i(!ht>ster Station, On t.). del 11 Auincourii^tieen Clil Hired by \V. .1. Haylooiid, A|!iu»Hli't, l)l.t.), bv .Mc.innoll- .'i?:!â€" (bliid by J. 0. NIuIidI, Aubrey Onl.,).Mi»» KtmniMly-Ji7â€" ov lialiLei'â€" 2Hâ€" Mid- rtletuii IMiniulus (iniji )-l(Jâ€" (.â- Â«!«. toy MidiUeum M iiaicb (lUill, Middlot'jn Mali (>««»,) by Tl}o Siiiiii'iiiriilll Mi.ldletou May (l.'iSni. Ttrnuâ€" 41 for llin peason, iKF.D nuoWN. Proprietor. Factory For Sale Rash, door and plftiilng factory IncJudingrnn BMin chciiipiii!! Btnuos ; viry chrap ; two liiindred ilowui ; balance easy tiinns ; water power; all conipletn ; doing ijood linsiiiess: satisfactory rea«iin« for anllini! . Iiilkliiig and insclilnery only sold ; long loaio piiwor ; rent low; nooiiposltlou, Apply Hoi 100, Flasbar-. ton.Ont. Christmas, 1897 FRIBNDS, CoOIfTBTMlSN. â€" " I'm with you still, I hold to you the hands ye first beheld thirty years atto." Spokihere or Somebody elit. I've got it mix'd again, but tenerate I have Kot the biggest lot for old Santa Claus this time you over saw. I'v got sweets, and nuta, uraiigcs and suckers, hearts that are sweet and will make the kids sweet all over ; Cupid's whispers aud spring guns, air guns and piHiols, h irses â€" horses urey, horses hay and horses black, horses with wagons and horses with sulkies, horses made of tin and of iron and of soniethiiic el^e. Dogs â€" woolly dogs, Newfoundland dog!<, mastiff dous, eotlie dojis ; and other makes of dons. Engines from Sc up to any price, and if you want a real C. P. K . engine I ran get it furyuu if you have the dust to put into it. Trains â€" yes, 'tin trai:i8, iron trains, bakst trains and passenger trains made of good strong iron. 1 have cups and saucers for the kids and lea setts fur tlie youn<i ones Shaving mngs and tea jiots, watciiug cans and h'ji'su wliips. Tin horns and fiddles, nuloharps and tin whistles, Hutu8,picolos, miiutli organs, lifes, Hurdygurdy's diums and liuneH, symphomionsund jews harps; full bands titled out in musical inscru- meiits, building blouks und tools, sleighs und and wagons, bureaus and sideboards, banks, puzzles, gameH, caru games, XmKs caidN, Now Year's cards, birthday c.irds, ard those picture cards, you know. I have L'ot doininots, and checkers, lotto and iSackgauion, Cheville, Triamjles, Carum and Oioliinoio. Tops (hit spin with striugi, and tups that spin with spriiigi. Chirping canary birds in glass cii;;es, flyi'ig birds and ciimtiing monkey.^. A mnn with a balloon wavin;^ his little tlag. lie say.^ he h;i8 been to tho iioith |iolu and saw the screaming eaizle on the tip top of it. He has been Ihere for a long time waiting for some one to bring him the Star Spangled Haulier atid ho will pro- claim the whole world belongs to the U. S., that's as it ou.^ht to be, by jingo ! Full stop here. I've i{ot foolicap paper and false faces, note paper and red ink, enveh'pes ai,d ointments. ( tl, mixed again ! ) Will, 1 got the linust lot of Hutoi;raph albums and photog-aph ulliunis you ever 8,nv in a longtime, and so cheap thit when you see them you can't leave them. Mn.st have one. In di^llsâ€" G'lt them '( Well 1 should smile ! I havo them from one inch to thirty, with ha'r or without, China, .hipaiisB, kid bodys, jointed, from Ic np. Come and get a creeper for the (lirl. I've got comba aud brushes, atartt rs aud cutchui'i^, watches, chains, rim{3 and pin.s, pens and pencils and painls, purser, pocket books, wallets, satchdn, scIiikJ b.igs, [sachaiiowder, perfumes, the finest ttfcr shown here. I have Scott & Mc Milieus' perfume, Canadian ; Seely's per- fume , American ; Lubin's jierfumu, Paris, France ; Atkinson's perfume, London, England ; tho very beat makers if perfume. Then I have books, toy books, A. B. 0. books, P. S. book.s, II. .S. liook, Diblcs for old or you:ig or family, bibles with Prusbytoriau new hymns combined, hymn books, poets, novels, all tho way up to Mark Twain. 1 havo time books, blank books, minute book, daybooks and leiltteis.memo books, index books, bill books, blank wills, deaths, leases, Bgieements, bill of sale, bond to convoy, chatttis and other mortgages, blank nolo forma, wax candles, chimes, lanterns, ciicular combs, toilet soap, shaving soap and lather brushes, medicated snaps. Any who csn enjoy a good smoke I can supply him with a real good Cigar that won't make him sick. Pipes ! I havo from ton cents to a good decent, respectable wooden Brier, SterUni; silver mount at two doUara and fifty conts, and all prices between. POINTERS You are thinking of your Xmas shoppingâ€" where to go, and what to get, and so on. Let us give you a few pointers â€" we have one of the best stocks of seasonable goods in this districtâ€" 'We buy on the» spot cash systemâ€" we g've our customers every aovantage we obtain by our up-to-date business methods â€" we sell re- liable goods at reasonable prices. Why not do jour Xmas shopping here ? MAHKtAQH U0KNOK8 At tloveriituent prices of them; ^on Version clsiia: U. K, aud Jnblle* HINObE person, in P.VIIIS St a tim(. II. McIjKAH Vcbdy, IseuBn, doaena Firtt For Or Blx Buohnia. MISS 8AKAH 8TKAIN; Teacher on piano, pianoforte, organi etc. Hold." flratolas teaohers' oortifloate In ninslowilh honors from Alma Collnge ; pnpll of i'liif. fit. John Hytt'nrauob of (lov>onliagen, Oouinark Hesidonoe cppuslta Methodist olm«r>tt S («»))«>' Irpi) . . •%r 1*^ 21 1 :««.rkM..r ^A few days sinee »e bought Bonio dnzeiif* Xmfl.$ 1 lllliricry \ of Ladies- Felt Hats at a nominal A <• figure for spot ca.<li. We can cell 3,t jl the Newest Millinery at wh.lisalei __ -^ ^ f 1^ • \ prices while they last. Don't luiiis WhOleSalePrlCeS # the snap of the season! Ladies' Jackets J Several large purchases of Mantles at a reduction of 50% to 33J% fn in re- gular tiade (iriceB enable ns to oU'er special prices for December. Our stock com prist: 8 the latest and must fashionable jiarmcnts. Prices v 82.75, 83.00, »3.50, $4.00 and op- wards , Hen's and Boy's Overcoats ?Onr special Frieze Overcoats, witii Deep S-toriii Collar, double stitclied seauis, wool lined, well trimmed. Men's sizes $4.7">. Our assortinent ef sizes and qualities is very complete, and we make a specialty <f reliable goods for Men's and Boy's wear. Winter Underwear ( â-ºSVo are clearing out balance of a maua- facturer's 8ti>ck of Men's Underwear at 25"' below tegular prices. Our values in Men's Heavy weii{ht jjnoda are unsurpassed. Don't watt for Some one else to pick out tbQ auaps. Come yourself I Silk Hdk'fs Ties Mufflers Eiubroiderwl Silk Hdk'fs from 10 cents. I tlents' Silk Ildk'fs in Cieanis, White* I and Colors. Uent,' Ties in tho new- I est shapes and most ortisiic colorings. I Silk and wool Mufflers at special I prices Xmas Groceries Now Season's Raisins and Currants, Candied Peels, Fiis. Fresh arrivals of new Salmon and Canned good*. We have mailo special arrangementi* in this deiit. for Christmas business. Kverything is new and fresh and bright. Quality tirst IftTMAT ABOUT «if .^ , Xmas Presents?? We are busy as nailers opening up beautiful new goods, and we can safely say that we will have the nicest assort- ment to choose from in the county. Fancy Cup* and Sancera, 10c each. Flower Vases at o and lU cents each. Fancy China Mucs at 5,10 and 15 cents. China Shaving Mugs at 1,") and 25 cents. Night lamps, a beauty at 15 cents. I'retty hand Mirror at 26 cents. China Cheese Dishes at 50 cents. Fancy Kgg Setts, only 3."> cents. China Cream Pitchers, 10 and 20 ceatS'. Cut Glass Fruit Dishes at 15 cenca. Te.i Setts from $2.75 to S8.00. Nioe Qinss Table Setta from 25 to 50 cents. You will find all these and a great many more at the geat Emporium of W. <?« Richardson ^^Xhe Drufifstore FIuESHERTON . >XZ'i5'55*i5'5i?'"»r^j'i55i5'i5^<^i? In fact we have heaga of uioe things from 5 cents each up. = OUR $i.2o Vase Lamp is a beauty. See it and get one Good Silverware Cheap Pickle Ca.'<tcr with Ruby Glass, special at ^ go A 1 Plated Sugar Shell in Plush Box at ..... , 35 Biscuit .lar, China Bottom with Silver Top at 1 25 Child's Silver Sett, Knife, Fork, Spoon, Ring and Mug at '. 85 Butter Knije, A 1 Plate in Plush Box 45 Bottled Silver Caster, only 2 60 Silver Soup Uvdlo in Plush box 1 75 Gold Lined Cake Knife, cheap at< /..•,'. 2 00 GOOD MAN Don't you think your wife would smile sweeter on you if you bought her one of our nice looking Cooking Stoves, that bake and heat to perfection. We have also a nice line ct Box and Parlor Stoves. g@@@@@i WE SBXJLa- Stable Brooms from 10 to CO cents. Indian made Mails, 10 cents.. Crosscut Saws, best makes from $3 00 up, all warrauted:. Best Axes you ever saw at from 65 to $1.1.5 each.. Gold Blast St«ble Lanterns at 75 cents now. Saw^ettB, all kinda, Whitings Universal, Liiiooln and Mapl^ Leaf: M. Richardson & Co. \

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