Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1897, p. 5

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mm ^ :"«^ w^rmmm mr- W THE F L E S M E K T O N A D V A J C E DECEMBER 23 1897 e Vicinity Chips €Jiiir;irteri.:tlcs of the Past Week ^arcfsilly t'ul'ed for the Sfui^na itoticai amiMi^ locaU will h: *" oh-tryd <it f/ie rata of ten c^nts t per hne for each insertion. A + re'lurtiim vnll be made on eon- + tracts for 100 lines or over. Goiid sleigliing. C.nlcwoi;(ls, A Rid« in M-.ro.xo, Wanleii of the Pliiiiis, Tho BritiMli Uk'n, Sultan to Sultiii), Ai-Miiml •»)« C:i:up Fire. L.trrii- ^ !iiiO-E<|i!ii:ity l.y Be.'Uiiiy, Kn;ght ..f the I Ne's. l'ri.siin.-r<of C.iisH.ieiice, In Pursuit . of t!i>" Hrure Boar, House B. at on tlie Sryx, 21 volumes of the K sie hooks, M.;rriB(l lif.>, Mr. Monlmoiet ey'a Moimy, On^y anil (;<,ltl, M«rley's Tiusi, Mis« D xirt Poetryâ€" DreailVi.yHge. Ficti..nâ€" 1!> vo'uiiics of E P. Roe'H \\ orks, Nuinlii, Sli:«'l..w . f .1 Critjie, Piiiwo, Th« Sowers, .\libie C'.n»r>iiiiin, Earnest Maliriiver.", MiscijU.iny- -Boyonil tlie Ci'y and other Rtnii,-H, Great lieiuplatz Experiiutnt and other storKfs. . For cheap cotifi'cfioDsry v,n to R. Ped- hir's Soiiiniti'>sl-« M"nfl>iy, Doj. 27 ; fclec ^ion >Iini.'l.iy, Jan. .3. Pr â- 4iiei;t» are hri;{ht f.>i a itenuineCan- â- diuD Chri:irii:aH this year. R. Pedl.-ir'n is the place tor Mouth Ora- mw, jack kiiivu«, |ii|)(m and violin atritigs. We iiiiv inj 1 j:ih lei) p istii|{o ii'anipa \iy the 100 or ha f doxen at tlii» office. Division Court will he held here on huraday, ("-o day) Jud;;u CrtUHor will l>reHiu». Mr. W. P.tit..n,South Line, h'lH sold his Lhor'U.;!il»red l)i»ll, liut purposes pur- chasing aiKiilier luimediatuly. Jlr. (le '. \V<lter of Kiniberly has leas ed do Pneeville roller mils from Mr. llcGo'.van fur a term >>f years If you waul a n^ibliy pair of boota or vubhwTH for Ohristiu is you oau i^-t supplied nt the ri'.;l>t prices at R. Pudlir'n. S^ttciat valuua in fiiia, ladies mantles Hud iire«< g »'dii at UcFarLind A S'-U'^, Jkldrkd.tie. McFarUnd & Soa wants im>ue<li:itely 1*») iiouiils No. 1 ){oo.ie fo.tthjrs iud750 pounds (iuek leAthurs. Mr. Tfir linger i.H lotting hia candid.it- i)ro for tile Keev.sh'p run itself. He is tl in uie!c vis:ti> g fiiuiidd in Creeuuiru luid iVkhi-1. Dr. Mab.iti returned last week from t'laikslur^;, where he was taking ciiars;e ot Dr. Laitje .s iraciice w.iile tho latter w aa abseiii in Europe. All hands h.ive boeii extremely busy a* M. Riclmriihron & Go's , and have not v\e:\ had linij to nuku ihuir uiual change » f aJverl;»eii>eiit. Thii Hail Empire h.\.i is.tueJ an c.\- treiiu'iy cred. table Cnns'tMi;i» number, lirtdii M mt^.rtWB I in pi u'ni will li"d iii it half a doiioii e.tv'cl.eiit ju'je>.t!» lu colors fur vupyin:;. • The folhuviiii; oftiners of t ho Y. P. S. -C. K , Prehbyli'iian tliurch, were recently Mojti'd : I'leHidoiit, I\ev. L. \V. Tliom; Vice PreKidcnt. Mrs A. T. Heron ; Ru- vurditii; S,.-cretary A. McMillan ; C-urres- peadiu>< sccrrUiry, M sa Ella Stew.u:S< Treiwuier, Mr.s. Jos. Ltiackburu. The following olticorj jVBfe'eloct.jd on Moiidiy week lor tho Prebhyl-iriun Sab- l^alli school : SiJiiri-iiilei.d'jnt , Job. Black- bum.; A>8;.«t.int,, A. M. Uibsoii ; Secre- tary"*l'reas, K. VanDiison ; .Vs.ii'-tiut sect. 11. S (?w.irt ; Ijiiira'ians, Mi»< AI. Neil Jind F. D:iMio'(lic;Tvuih''r.v-- Ihlih.' cl.i.s:<, Jiev L. \V. Thom ; other clasKiK. MjhsA. MoMillao, Mt3. A. r. ilcron. Mi.-*. J. benthani, Chas. Slcwai^, A. T. Heixj-i. The adjoninod lue- tii:g of the arbitrat- ors re fiiii foiniaiim of a new school sec- tion on (ho Ea.st IJ.nli Line, takin;; hugely frmii llie JNl irkJule neciiou, wa^ lulU on Monday afierin>on .ft M.iiktinie. Notwith- stanoii;; strenuous opp'-siiiui by the iVlaikiiau people, the arbiliht â- !"* granted tlio peiiuon. Th, , in-w school section will be kin^wii a-s No. 14. The arlmiaiofs were Dr. Sprtdtk', Ur. Chrisioe, .Jud!.'e Cieasor, Jutiii Nichoil and N W. (Jmup- Ull. Feverslniin },. O. L , No. lOS"), held their arnu ii meetiiiK on tho 8t!i of Doc 'the fcilhi'vii-.g brellieni wn-e elided olii- ctrstor'he inHuii.g • i .ir : .John Ediot N*. M. ; SHniu.'l Paik D. M. ; An.trew AlcUiirr, Sen. Clap. ; Samuel Cohiuitt, Kec. Sec. ; John Gritfiu, Fm. Sec; Hy. Hei man, Treas. ; A. Conron, D. (J. ; (ieo. Elliott, Lecfc. ; Thi.s. Park, J Otte w ell, A. lokster, S. Roberts mid Tho.n. Periijo, Coniinittee. '^ho olh.era. were in- stalled by J. Mulen, VV. M , of Rob Roy i-odae af'"r winch the lodge cloK-d I'l due fonn ami the brothem eiijnyeil their an- iiu.tl oysti-r supper. Ti)i.s lodge is in a rt"Ursliing coDilirioii, the Ticasurer's book abowiu/ a baliince ot ft)') on hand The following list of books hiLsjiist been »ddcd to tho public libiary: History â€" Uoyal Ediubuigh, Sioiy of the Union .Jack,Tho Humoi-s of '.i7, History of Sep- urate Scliods, History of Cnnada by Roberts, Under the Red Robe, My Lady Rutha, The Grey 'vlnu. G'lnlleinen of France, Quo Vadio, The Forgo in tho for- •Mt, Heniy 5 vols. Biographyâ€" Life of I>. J, Macdonnel, (^umpaign Echoes, Travel â€" Farthest North, Nanseu ; Across the Sub- Arctics, Tjrrel ; VVheels of Chance, Captain Couragious, Crime of the hallenger. The Klondike Country, An Auiericaii njrl in London, Tho Swint; uf »h» 9ea, Cast up by the Sea, Maro<ine(i, Dorothy â- Â« Duuble, A BufBiuu Blocad«, A liittte Tour. 1 lie Black Watch, Wm and Pmm«, Here and There in the Home ytlKA^<)><>>V'* Pf Portuue, Lust iu the The Methodist Sabbath school anniver- sary will liikt plitce this year, on the ev^ enng of Sal unlay Jan. 1st,, New Yeais Day, as usuiil. A grand pnii;raiii is being prepared. The anniversary services will he pieaihed on Siltiday, Dec. 2tiih by the Rev J- hii Power of VValters' Falls. See iiirge bilU for full particiilarih At th« annual meeting of the Metlii;d- i.st Sabbalh -chool on the 13th inst., the f'llowin^j i.lKcers and teachers were elfCt- ed : Su[>enutendintH, Mr Wm Barii- houseaild .Mr.M. Richa doon ; Secretar- ie.*. .\lr.T Buluieraiid Mr (jeo.Wickens; Trias., Mr T Clayton ; Libraiiaiis, Mr. T. Clayton and W. A. Armstroni;. Tea.:her« f...r the boys' classes were elect- ed as fo'huvn : Miss Christoe, Mrsv W. A. Armstrong, Miss .\. Dmwoodie, Minj B. Sini^h, .Miss L. Smith and Miss M. Irwm. and for the girls' classes Misx Ida Iiwin. Louiwi Armstrong, Miss Keefer, .Mis VanZaiit. Miw A. Howard, Miss G. Bulmer, Mrs TliiirstiNi. Mr M. Rich- ardson will lead the Bible class. Dr< Jamieson tor 5. Q. At a very largo and enthmdastic meet- ir.gof CoiiHirvaiives hold in Durham on .Monilay, Dr. Jamieson was unanimoui-ly chosen as the standard bearer for the Liberal Conservatives in the forthcoming Legis. alive election. There were no oth- er laiidulates nominated. The meeting was the most unanimous and enthusiastic ever held in the riding and aui{urs well for the Doctor's success. Priceville from our oum Correspondeut The ri.He in the price of â- iS's last week made farmern smile. At 25 cents a bushel thare is some cliauce at making a living but when the coiisilerati>>n dri^ps to 17 cents, the outlook is very di<coiir.igin'.j Another fair lisy lia.s conio and g mo with the sa'iie result of many of its |)re- dtC'j.~8ors. Njt an animal wa8 oile o I f 't sale. ' A few of our citi/.en< Attended the tea- meeting in the Pi O'oii Methodist church last Monday uveuiiiti. Tiny report an exceedingly pleasant and instructive time. S rine of uur poliiici.iiiS went over to Durham last ILmd.iy to attend tha Cm scrvativo conventi.n. A lur>;o numljef from other places [j.issed tlirousjb our bunt eiiroute for the same p'ace. We have been inforinoil that Ml . Robt. McGowan has rented his mill to .Mr. Geo. Walter of Kimherly. We trust the in coiiiim: miller wi.l prove him.self as elti- cient lis Mr. AlcGo-.van for a Hood miller lia* consitlerabu ii. do with the prosperity juf our vi|lig.'. El. Neil McLeod of Ili(>noi8 is v'sit.in<j tile south line. Miss M. E. McLean of Batavia. N. Y., is home f-r her Xini;s holi>i:iy<. The Methodist and IV sbyteriin S. S., hold the aimtial eiitertaiiinients ne.\t Fri- day and Widnesday evenitig, respocive- ly. See bilU for iiurriculat.s. "iri'Mid Slurkilale From Our Otfn Corri.'ijmtul'-iif. Tho Mar'idilt rink is bus lina aloi'g at present. There was a bee on Sri'mday at which over lUO men were present- ]t is expected to bo ready for skating on Ni'W Years. Mr. Win. Luc.is has piirchaiied Mr. Theaker's l..t on wliioh ho iutiinds build- in!/ a two story I tiilding. Mr. W, .\. TucU, diy goods sa'esnmn at M Farlaiid's, is at pre>ent under the weather. Sorry f^r yon, Walter. To eh'ctiic sei vce lias int been of tho best for aliMut a week. A man is ncoiled w!io knows how t i run it. Mr. Munis, who baa (jcin very ill for some time is out and nroiind again. We are glinl to see his .siniliii!^ faceauaiii . Tlioto was a nutice in tho Standard rccintly re sliovell'iig snow otf the s:dH- wallis wh.i'jh slniuld betaken notire of by the Council. Alarkdale stores look charming, owing to the neaiapproach of Christinas. Wni. Currie of of Mr. Forest was in town this wiuk. Bom- On Satuplay, 11 tJi, December, to Mr. slid Mrn. W. H. King, a son. [ The above was intended for last week. -Ep. ] illap.ie €rove From Our Own Correspondent. A little more snow would make good sleighing. There was a nice paity at the residence of Mr. John McLaughlin Inut Friday night. Only a few from smund hire wore present, the rest being from Egro- nimf. All enjoyed theinsolvps tiipping the linht fantiistic. The music waa sup- plied by the Long Brothers. Rumor has it pretty well to the front that Mr. Alex. McLeod will.bo uruecl to accept the nomination as cnuncllloT for 1398. ana also Mr. John IjlicArthur of Priceville for r«ev«. Mr. McAirthur is a much stronver mau fur inuni.opal hoii- urs than he was when be Ikat occupied tha Guunciliuf's chair. He is uot only slirewd buiiine^s man with sufficient sia- bil.ty to Command the respect of all ulai.sca. Ho v.ould never bring dishoi.or to the reeve's chair. A mertiiii/ ol company machine share- holders is called for Wednes'fay night at Alt-.x McLei'd's, Maple (irove, to wind lip businotis for this year Let the Cmiserva'ives of the Grove be up and doinu'. There never was a bettei cliaiic than tlie present to elect a Con- seri "tive to represent iis. 'Iho school book monopoly, our timber hinds being wiiMted, and ev>-ry appointed otlicial in tho country a Grit suppiny out of the ijovermneul tmasury, let us be up a> d doing. We have nood men to tight f.^r us â€" I. B. LucHH in East and Dr. Jamie son in South Grey. The holiday season is with us and suv oral festivities are being arranged. Amidst the Christmas carols will be the chime of wedding bulls. .Mr, York Richard.-on of Chatsworth, is thts t'Uest of his son-ill law, Mr. A. C. McLi-an. To sing a soiiii or crack a joki few tan compare with York. The fioet- ing days still leave htm unclmnited. A certain highly respected young man of Fleiherton Station drove his paiticular young lady home the <?ther eveninif and while ho was in the hou^e enjoying a so- cia! chat, the horse broke htise and went for a strull in the lane. Before it could bi- caut'lit It lay down in the shafts and did considerable damage to the harness. Put your liotso in the stable next time, .Toe. A number of farmers are using their induence in tryiiiij to estalilLsb a beef rin^ iu this community. Mr. M. Henry, who has been laid up for the past few weeks with a very sore linger, is ahlj to bo sround again. What we would like to know : Who locked Alex, in tho stab'o, and wheie Donald was uoing on horseback 7 Who was the young man that forgot to take off his hat in church last Sunday'? Ask Freddy. And how the lime business is ? And if the jolly little wheeUman got his dogs for the Klondike yet. Died . PiLBRtrTHâ€" In Flcsheiton, on Dec. 11, Gar- ret Stiiiford, itif&nt son of Mr. aud ^rs. j. Gal braiiU, o^iiHl J uiuuihs 13 ilavs. â€" â-  I i»i I â-  Grand valley has a po[iulatioii of 7515 and will be incorporattd. IPig Astray CatQO to thf> iireiniKuH o{ tlia uinJoi-siKnod. lot '24. Cou. 7, .Arteinesin. nun pit;. Tli« owner can have thosaiuo by proving property atiU payiuit HXpensos. It. GK.N013. FlenhBrtou, Doc. lOtl). '97. Factory For Sale Snsb. door and planiin; factory iiicUnliin^run £:rnin cliop;nt>;7 .;toni's : vrrv elieap ; tw«» huriclrfi.J tl( U'li ; balaiiOB easy terms ; water powui* ; all coiii|?li't.- : c'oiin; ^;omi hiiHiiiess ; sa'-isfuctory r.gtsoiiH fni-atilhiiK . bnlldiiiK ami ui-ieliiuory only hoM ; loiin leiiye powor ; rent low: uonppasitiou. Apply box lUO, Fl«>b<r~ tou, Ont. \TAKIil.AGE LICENCES ' .-Vt (juvcniintnit pricos of thoni ; New Vtirsioii class; I^. K, anil Jiibflo* .SlMiliEiiorsun, in I'AIIl.-l at a tiuit, R. McLba:« I'uBOY, Ustjr t. dOKr.ns Fh-st For Or His Erur.NiA. MISS S.vn.\H STRAIN. ^.A Toat'h.T on piano, pmiiofnrte. orRan, «tft. IloM.4 flrst <'la-s tua-jliurs' ctirrifioatu in music Willi honors fi'i.ni .-Mina Colbiij,) ; pupil tif Pi-of. St. John Hvt>tt;nraucb of (:op.nilnu.'en. Denmark. Kesiiloiice cppusits Uothodisl cbacr.h FIcshortoo. rj o T I c ACU Tbn nniinni (icliaol tiidutirn* fop snctloii 5 rieviltt'ituii. will bu liuM oil Wiftlmisdttv. th»» â- .?.ith rttty of L'tfCtMiil»i»i-. iMFt.. ftl. IU o'cK cU a, iti. ^iinr\i. \V. (UUttSTjK. .Soc.-Titi*». KluMherton.Doo. Ul, 18i»7. I* %\| hi ilm Colds, Broil- ^V^"^'*''^ chitLs, Sore f??JrJl throat, etc. CJllsfj Kenny, WATQOSI 4 CO , Pnapr.i.-Ten, Uoat-TSSAL. â- <Cii^'- NOTICE ! For Fine Tailoring call on - F, A. BAKER = Next door to Christoe's drug store. At I h,-»ve tho latest MEW YORK and LONDON FASHIONS Style and Wurkmanahip guaranteed as ususl. ^= â€"7 J^ j{. SSaArer TKm.. HKiH (;la«a tailor f^/r/^j^^^iZ-:^ZtZ'2^^^^ i 'A '^ In Ladies' Mens' and Children's Boots snd Shoes, also Rubbers, Overshoes and Felt Boots i Custom Work and Repairini; attoiided to promptly at A Large Stock . . ... of Footwear s I ii ^^ CLAYTON'S, » = Flesherton. S Agent for Dominion Money Order Express CLA^A THE FLESHERION FURNITURE WAREROOM. CHRISTflAS 1897! Our specialties for Xnias gift department are becominit more and mtre inter- esting each year â€" thisseiisi.n wo have been very successful in our endttavours to supply our ever increasing trade with a larijo variety of goods that c» t fail ti give the fullest satisfaction and plcasure^whilo at the same time the prices are, well just come in and see, we will notijuoie them here because you would think the goods too cheap to be good. Our stock ranges to mee'; every need, from tho humhlust kitchen to the most relined parlor. Organs ! Beautiful Organs I at Holiday Prices ^m - An exc'ediiiu fine lino of ART GOODS in fancy lines of furni'ure. PICTURES EASELS, SCREENS, MEDALLIONS, MIRRORS, HAT, PAPER, MUSIC >m( HALL RACKS, etc., etc. . UNDERTAKING AND PICTURE DEALER. FLESHERTON WANTED, AG£NrSH:;,S:'R)Sl:rJ!;;'' HiiiMl coi-ius Holti. Tliif-n rliou-iiiid tlvu )iiiii<trud ordcrod from AuHtniiiB ; 'arir- t|iiaiitity Hoiio to Honth AfiicH ; .qoiri.' ke wil l~flre i;i ('an- ftdiL. Lord Lorno. Her Majescv'ti non ii>l ,w, Hftjs : " TliH bt'Ht p(»{M.Hii iiio of tlio Qnet n I havu Been," and thonsaudB undone the state- inuiit. UiUrit fieo to cauvaHKSis : oxclunivn territory; book on time: oas to maku t$j daily : Huuiu mnkf) twice that. The UraJlay-Giurxet&oii Toronto Agents sell '*KlondikeOoId Field" liiko n wliirtwtn>i, I'xpoiiutK-ml cHi.-VhH * r r«3utHii^ thu ri«;huKt harveitt of ttiHir liv>>H ; new bctfitinors duiii'.{ woiidorH. N't^arly uvfrybody snbsui'ibes. ime yniniK follow en a farm at afl'2 ft month is iiinkinc t75. A lady t\po-writ«r ut H'.i a wuok is uluaiiuf; ^11. A ninchntiic who Iwid uarued .^l..Hi a day \n nlnariiitt S'l a day. \Vu want moi'o iixents. CanvtirtHit)}^ ontlttt^taH., worUi *I. THK ISUAULKY-UAKKK.TSJ.N Co., lAd., Toronto, Ont. â- !i Pill ii H. Ili.l I .MA.N, I.SiJ. liioraltar. .luuo \0V. DbAR Slit, â€" I woiliil l)()t1oiliq a.l iiijilsMco ^.o von aiitl tbt) puUiic iiut to inuk;) Utn.wn tlin l>eni:tlts 1 receivo'i triaii your rLnm-iy known <.-, "L-iittilno K IViia Huutur." 1 bprsinu 1 my aultlijvui} b.i<11,v, a short time attcr it Kut vo y Im.l df,'ain. I 'was nuabiu to uot ai-oinin fur nl>out liliee liioutlis. Kil.st 1 tt iu.l oim ilo«tjr tho.. linotlier. anil otlim i-"nii."li''s to no oii.i. 1 wad Mo.n ly uiviie] uii in iluniair wlmii yoii ; xavu mo ilit)«.'»t bottlmf •l.iBl.tniiiij t-'iiii Hunter" to'ryitou its mo;'itn;lo my sininiBi' i not iiMwiu'iiiuu rulief â-  ml in about thriu \vu«ks I ti'iiaii luoviiiKaroioi't. unn shortly attar w<mt to work. I tiniiik Uni "ay I b<i.;a" usiin! your LiKlitiiinu I'liin Hniimr tliat sui ino on inv (fit .igniu. Wo ll ivu usuil It for burns, sciil-U, liniisfrt. C(.uaits.so.-f»t.liroiiL. «oi"u slloiiitU^i's on tliij lioini's unci cutis in wiiiber. yet I !mv"fai!«.l to b«Uit;appoltitoil wIlHti applif I. Ill t'ft It is our lU'iisuhol 1 voint'lv ninl I woulit n.t bo uithwui. it. .\nvoin- wisbins! to wiituino direct 1 willijlii.lly answer tin,!!). WisliiiiK yoii HVMry succes.s 1 romaiii. Yours truly, .-\,'C.V)K._ .l.ove is OIK' Ol tile nmiiy bmno'flil t*'stiUMiii» sis iiniii lilt' ill. tc-lliiii,' of tliB curativu iJow.!is of Lif{littiiiiK Pniii Hunter. Sliippeil toaiiy sdclrcason roroipt of I'rica. Korsal." in Kleshcrt"n at Pr. Christoe's Midicil Hall and at Flesheilon Sta'ioii by .T. B. Emiii, L'eni'iid store. ONLY 'Sj CENTS A BOTTLE FLESiEBTSS SIMIIG PMLOB J'. jCoffarcl - - !Prop}-ftor Monuments, Urns and Vases The nnilei-Gigncd has sectiretJ t.Iifl agency for the new MetKllie Plate Glass .Moniuueiit, manufiicMin I in Toioiito, one of tlie finest nioiuitiicn*-! ever pieseDtPd- to tlip pnlWij;. h is praiioniicod by oxpo;ts to Do tba brst moniiineiit inV llie uitiritet. The in- sciipiion, wliicli id patented, wiil Inst for tt!,'es, iiiij will bo as perf. ct in % hunihed yeurs »h tlie li;bt year. An inscription iu ginnite or m;ii ble.whon piU on iu gold, silver or puintcii, will h;st only a short liree aud then have to be done over again, Tlie old P(">d not put on t^icir spectacles to read our irsciiption. Tin so monuments arfi of bjiuitifnl dosigps, graniu-izcl in tftil or gi-ey, and are within tlie rcaeK of the pooiost.' An early oall soliciKjil Wil. HENDORSON iyeiit. Kesideiicfi opposite the PiTg- bjfeiiua cburcb, FlcslJIeiton, Ha'rdressing in tho Latsst Style BCISS0R8 SHARPENED and RAZORS HONED in first class style. t^ .\i/;ent. for Rolstin's Laundry and Parker's ])yo Works, Toronto. ^jaw<«f>tai1 Three £ia<1i«i tolntrnduanftbonsA- snraUttiU. . Bplonilirl rsturns to coiupcteiitiiorsoDS, G.iLLOWAY, Toroato. COW CAME ASTRAY •WooT>'5=» x*rio<m»KOT>i::^E. The Great li^nslUh Uemedy. Six racl-agca Guttra:itrc't ty promptly r.nd p'Tniaiicntly euro ail forms of Acrtvjus ^ycaknca8tkn^issi'.ln9.Sp^ rm- <itorrhiia\ Imjxitcni.ii n mi all .«^ cSTcdRof Abucc L-r h.rcc'aes, ^4-^ Xcntixl Worry, cx^'CMfira ms-^ xjfy ore muc ^ijrcj . ^„,,^ ,^,^^^^ ^^^^^ ,^^^ ^^ ^^_ firmdvt Insatiitu, Cone^trnpUun and an car^u gr.rvf, BnKbfcn prescribed over G^«yonrs la thoi:--^nn'l8 cf cases; la tho oaZy r.cUah'o and ITonL^t Utrdicine knottnu /.skdrui,'ststfor Wood's rhusphoainc; if he offers Bonio worthless mcdtcinp In pluic of t'lls, Inclose price in letter, and wewUIsondby rctura mall. Price, ouo package, tU six, £5. Ono «•(*! pJcazti, aix ivtU ty\irc. rami)h:olafreo tonay aMresJV The Wootl Contv^iny* Windsor, Out., raaa.liu Sf»ld i»i Floshorton and evtM-y^vhorc in CiiDHda by »ll robpoiisible dru-iKists. Farm aud Mm Site lor SalQ For snie vury oliBsp and on very easy toWiM..- Tihibor farm, IM aorns. two niilos from Klusli artoii, kaowM as tbo Wm. HoKusHWintl) pii.. liBrtv.ftiiiloii wliiah is an oxoBlleiit wiit.r i>o«vor. foiiii.ial.ion of saw rnil), Jam suii uomi ai'd water whoul ill plscu and all roaily for puUii.i mill on. About !."> iicrua cleuioil, ;iO anruf ilnibiir uiostoll. 'mlaiira well tinibt)recl,ini.xiii) timbur Tliis farm will 1)8 sol. I at a barKuin if sohl »» oiioo. Small pay luoiii down, balance ou Tsry e..8y terms. Apply to B.J. SPBODLB, Vleshertou. Oat ra-T • to th* about Dm. toiarOTapr anlW«! awar. praqUlM* of the nndsrslgnad eo#.' Tbs owner Is reqn<)at«'d I a^ •TbaRSM and take Ui», 7 A«»r. Farm for Sale- Farm for aalo cheap. 91 acres, well watereilf 2^in<los MUt of tills villaK*, kuowu ai tba Fea wiekfarm. Apply tn M. Biohardion, asdRna; . Boar for Service' â- rVa«B<l«nlaM< k»»a

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