r, ' 1", " 7^5J'. I'i^;- â- «s"»»rrTr-' h^lftvlon Xh^antt. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINClPLBb NOT MEN." Fleslierton, Ont., Ttiursday, December 3o, 1807 W. H. THDRSTON, VOL. XVn, KO. S76 EDITOB A PEOPBIETOR XMAS (iOODH 1897.1S98 Anotbcr yeiu- is aniiiiig, { Low alnkaits setting aao : TUtt Bbxlaii 01 nisbt descending Decl«f eti its soorse is run. I. T.111. Ill .1 1* r« i^ecisf es lis soarse is r hav_ just aflilad to ray already large stock a new line ofwhiiewftu spaaus the voio»orbM»tm / iamond an.j 0\y:d Rings, also an assortment of the fam- w<is»y«»rew«ii tc niuety-seven. (•us Dueber Msmpdcu Gfild Filled Case, Ladies' and Gents', with contrite hefcrt- r«Tie.ing ,,., ,', .< 1-A At I''*" I»tlu our teet ha,v» trod, includin^the smAllest watch ever made in America. Also a Wbwoaidi.etouud rene»iog new line of Silverwar/ and Optical Goods, all of which 1 am onr coufl<ienc» in uo<i. â- I ^1 .. .I_i â€"r^..! U Wo piaisa himfor rich blesslBja gi»an toing to seilj not be.ow cost orat cost, but very httle abo e Throu,b.jith«d«y8of mu«tjM..«.n. cost. Call and gee my prices before purchasing. JTh«t.«wrmi tight behoming { W I' iciiUiail direct uurwKf, -«5a»-*^\Vatcli RcpairiniT a Specialty, '''':!'j::tl7o:Y'lTa{ W. A. ARMSTRONG. LL&GO. HARKDALE Year's day. For needittl strsuKtb on Qod we wait Avd thus ws wtlcome nlnety-eigbt. May graoe and peace and blessing To aU mankiod be suown ; May tboite the truth poeseaaiug Delight to make it known. Clean hearts may Oo<i in ua create To do hie will through ninety-eitiht. Colborne, Deo., 1897. T. WATSON. r To our Friends and Custorncrs Flesherton and Vicinity. in i!^ ^ INTX: isrxsH ItOXJ A s » ! ^ y. » H 1 IB 1 i â-º^ 1 s DD At the close ol another year, marked by unusual in- crease in business, we desire to thank you for the gener- ous and substantial support given us. We are thankful too for the confidence you have placed in u.% and our highest ambitions will be to so conduct our business as to be worthy of its continu- ances. Let us express the hope that the pleasant relations existing between us as cus- lotners and merchants, may continue and that our trans- actions with each other throughout the year upon which we will shortly enter may be mutually profitable WlSi IVISK YOU » d P ncshertea Station From Our Oxon CorretpondetU Mitw Cushuie is spending her vacatioD in P&inley. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Toronto are visiting ar Mr. VVaasboni'a. Mr. J D. Morgan and family^ sp«nt Chriatiuas with Mr. J. B. Etjan. Hi.Juhiiuie Cuoke spent Sauday at R. Cuok's. Mr- Robert Ijegata cam« over from Durham Frid«7 totp«nd his Xmas with his parents. Robert has accepted a position in the Orey Reviaw office. We wi«b him every so^oeea. Mr. S. SiBwart hitd a family gathering (in Chrietmas. Mr. and Mrs. W. Burnett hare the dmjp sympathy of our village in the sad loss of their little boy, who took sick on Tuesday and died Thursday. .\ number of sympathising friends followed the re. mains lo Fleshercnn cemeiry. Mr. and Miss M unlock of Caledon are risitiD); friends here. Our Uni(Mi Sabbath school decided this year to give a free offering instead of havii.j{ the annual entertainment. We are vlad to be able to report that we have realised more this year than for some years back. We are thankful to the people who eave so generoiwly towards this offering. We wish you all a bright and prosperous New 5fear. .The annual S. S. teachers' meeting was held on Sunday and the following teacheis and officers were elected. J. E Moore, superintendent ; S. Hemp hill. aKsistiint ; H. Wilkeison, secretary; S. Hemphill, teasurer ; A. Cullen, librarian ; Miss M. Chislitt, oraaniet. Teachers,â€" S. Hemphill.Miss A.Cushnie, M. Cook, J, Cairs, A. L»wr«nce, Mrs. R, H. Cook, Maxwell. â- sea riARKDALE P.T.Hill & Co. Fiom our own Corrinpondent. Fine sleisihing for Christnms. Many a sleigiiload of happy people wdro seen pss sing through thevillaire on their way to some friends' home for tlieir Christmas diiiner Wfdnesday of last wevk was clo.Mng day in our puMicKchooI E.xamiuntiunR were held nntil about 3.30 p ni., after which the cliildrt-u treated a large number of ladies and gen'lemau who hud visitod the school th:it afternoon, to a 6>-e proi?ram, coiisi.->tiiig of siiigijv» and recitations Great pi aistf was giveu Mr. McWhinney for the prognss the school i^ at present making. A Suiidnv School social Ls to t«ko place at Mr. C. M. Field's residence .Tan 14th. Mr. McWhinney left on Tliiirsday of last week to spend his CliriHtmaB holidays at homo nour Hanover. Miss Riuhardson is engngvd hy the Praahyieriiin Co'igreaalion fortheir enter- talxmeat Wodnesday evening, Jan. Bth. A treat is in store for those who attend. S«rvice wan held in St. Mary's church Christmas aftemooo. NnmiDaiinns for the Township of Os- pr«y took place in the Orange Hall Mon- day last. The following w re nominated Dp. Raeve.Juhn Clerk accl ; 2nd Dop. social was held in the Stone's 3elt!ement S.eeve,J'>hii Speers accl; Councilmeu. VV. latt Mondiy evening where an exceljfnt H. Guy, Irwin Morrison, Wm McDougall. | pr»grara was also rendered. The total proeeedb amounted to 320. Inistioee From our otni Corrctpondent The folliiwiiig are spending their holi- diys with friends in this burg : Miiia The good sleighin^' that there i-i at the Fanny James, of Metz ; Miss A. V. Roiw time of writini/. is very acceptable at °* Mimico ; Miss Jenny Jones of Cum- liiis season of the year. j """'^ ' **'"â- K- ^"" ^^ Y«»"ville ; Mr. The Sunday school entertsinment, ' ^*"«'" Nichol of BimthvUl, and Mr. which washeW a week ago Monday, was j ^"'"'y H"'lP*«h of Whitby. a yrand succosh in every particular. The ! Messrs. John and Joseu McKechnie of eatables as usual were plentiful and of j ^**''/^l"'' *" '•^'^'"» ^''l* fr'eada ui the best quality. It will not be nuces- sary for us to mention the various selec- tions of the proi;ram,iia all of the Kch-dan gave a pood account of themselves by playini: their various parts iu a very able and pleasing manner. Mr. G. Arnold, who is visiting friends in this locality, preached m the luistoge church last S»bbath. If the facts of his discourse could be brought to hear upon the minds and hearts of the people so that they would put them into action wa believe that a good work would be done alonu this l:ae. Ha took fur bis text Math. 18 23. Mrs. Harry Gardiner is stopping for a time with her brother, Herb. Nicholls. Mrs. J. Galbraith spent Sunday at the parental home. Mrs. McGilvery, Flesherton, visited at the home of Mr. T. McQuay. Mr. W. Lonaeway, Shelbume, caliad on friends here but Sabbath. Miss B. Nicholls, Dundalk, spent a couple days with her brother last week. Mr. J. Winters, Dundalk, was a guest at the home of H. Armstrong, Esq. ,a few days ago. Xmas passed off very quietly in this vicinity. Vandeleor From Oiir Oicu Cormponamtt. Xmas passed quietly hero with the usual ifood feeling and good will which that seanon always brings. Quite a number from here took in the school concert at Kiniberley last Wednes day evening and report a good time. Mr. John Holley had a very successful wood boe on Thursday and a party at ui^ht, Mr. J«>hn Milner of Cooksville spent Xmasal Mr. John Warliuit's. Mr. Isaac Holley, who has been work- ina near Bolton for some time, is home. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kelts spent Xiiias with their daughter, Mr<. A. Mvles, of Kiniberley. Mr. R. Wickens and family of Kim- heley spent Xmas with their uncle, Mr. John Alcox. Miss Sarah Johnston from St Vincent is home for the holidays. Our teacher. Miss Gilray, is spending her holidays in Toronto. Miss Reid from Victoria Ts visiting her sister, Mrs Jos. Buvhanaii. Mr. Anthony Stamborskie, who has been liTiiiuiu Manitoba for the last two yours, has returned homo. Mis. Samuel Buchau is visiting frientis in Caledonia. Mrs. Milligin had a very successful wiHid bee on Wednesday if List week. Thb Rev. Mr. Scott occupied the pulpit in the Methi'dist church on Sunday week and Rev. Mr. Poweron Sunday lii."»t. Mr. U. Diinglas of the Guclph Agri- oultural Collet^e is home for his holidays this vicinity. Mr. James U. Aikinsi-n of Mt. Forest is apendinit a few days at home. Mr. March, a tailor, hoa opened up a. tailor shop in our town. Messrs. J. D. Brown, R. T. and Leo Grier of Dundalk spent. Xmas with ua. Mr. Lanhlan McLean of Niagara, North Dakota, is home for a few months. PrcMntation Ou the evening of Dec. ^3rd, at tha re- sidence of Mr. Garson's, 8th line. The- scholars of S. S. No. 5, <Jsprey, prpnenfr- ed Miss Stafford with a l-eautiful ring and toilet case as a memento of her many friends in that section. The addres«, which was read by M'ss Annie Carson, is the language of her grateful scholars. Miss Stafford's reply will be long remem- bered by her scholars, for it wa« on» of good instruction! and well-wishes f >r their future Kreatnestt and prosperity. The followinn is the address : â€" Jfui H. W. SUiffitrd Dear Tbachkr,â€" We, your scholar*, desire in a special "-ay to cxpre«« to. night our heartifst appreciation nf tha unremitting and kindly interest which you have taken in our hebnlf during yonr three years' stay amonK us. We reiTwt that it is your intention to sevor your connection with this school, but ye^ wa can look back withplensureaodgmtiiu'^e^ if not with a little pride, to the years we were permitted to remain under ynur direct training. Not only do we feel greatful to yoa. for your untiring efforts to sdvnnce us temporally, but also for the faithful Christian admonition, instruction and example, by which you sought to m"u'd our characters and train us for the future. Wc remember that under great disad- vantages and difficulties, and oft.-n with much self-sacrifice, you endeavored to advance its in knowledsje. Indeed, wa would be unprateful did we not on sifh an occasion as this express our »ppi^cia- tion of all you have done for u». V'e beg, therefore, that, you will accept this ring and t<nlet ease, not for their io- tnnsic value, but ss a slight evidence of the sincerity of our aff-etions, uratitude and well wishes, and we hope these may be a souvenir of the scholars of S. S No. 5, Ouprey Sittned on bahalt of the scholar?. ASNIB GAK.<SOfr, Odessa Cbowpord, Lbwis Wbbwbll, Thorn. Coiqubtt. Feversham. Dec. 23, 1897 iProctor ^ O The Tailcr PrifeiUle From our own Correspo}ident The tcanieetiu^' held under the aus- pices of the Stone's and i'ricovillo Meth- od st Sunday schoi J on Christmas even- ing was a complete succobh both in roijard 10 the numbir in sttendiuice and tha merits of the entertainment. The ladies provid»'d »n abundance of good things for the intier man. The Christmas tree, loaded w'th innumeraMe presents, waa a beautiful and in.^piriiig siitht. Tha sudden appearanc« of Santa Claus at tha coiiclusiun of the program was hailed with treDnatidouB delight by tha younger Will supply you with a nobby suit for fall. Work- manship and fit guaran- teed. Standâ€" In Clayton's Brick Block, Flesherton. p irrion of the audience. Such a large R«««e, Wtp, MjMiaphun aticlamati.^n ; 1st amount of Mtablaa waa laft ovar th»t • /• drooler The Tailor