Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1897, p. 5

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V / i-> Vicinity Chips CUuracteriAticH •( the Past W«ek Cstrefufly Culled for the CorioQii â-  â-  â-  THE F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE DECEMBER 30 1897 verti»emeiit. At the 8»rrifice of much luuney it has atuA true to iu hifjU priDciple, and stands foursquare, a tower of ulreiiKth. ngsiimt all tho wiuda that blow." Oiuiuett nolii:es tmong locnlt xvill h'. + charged at tlu rate of ten <^.nts t per line for each iiiserti->n. A + redtietion icill be made on con- t tracts for 100 lines or over. We Wiiv as»] JMb;le'j p.>»t«g9 stamps by the 100 or hi'f dozen at Uiis office. ^f. Richiirdijon & Co., A A the hi(T..'e3t Chiistitms business in tlicir experience }ai.t vteelc. Rememlier the Meth.dist Sabbath •chi'ol annirer-ary on New Tear's ive:i- II i{, Saturday next. Miss Hanniih St^ff-.rd and Mi'^s MfttV^o White iif Miis township pa»sed the mi'dul school exaniiiiationat Meafnrd. Tho annua' met^tiug of ih« di-trict of Artein-sia will be held in tbf (Itange Hall at En 'enl-i, the aecmi Tuesday in .Tauuary. 1838 All Huotioii sale of live .st.iok, vehicles, lumber, eto., will be held in Pticovillc oD Tues.lay, Jan 4, the property of Mr. R. McG'xran, See bills. Mr. Andrew B«riitliam of the suburbs haj clie index finger of hia rijcht hand «.^mplete!y severed at the knuckle on Tuesday innrning by a circular Siiw with whioh lie w:w cuttir.^ wo,kI. Dr. Carter dressed the wound. Kinibeiley Methodist church will hold their Aiuiivrrsary on Monday next, Jun. 3r-J. A spleiidid prngiam is being \re pared. The spe.iker8 aiuuiunced are Revs. Simi^ison, Scott, Pepper, and Dr Bennet. The Flej-herton choir will render music. BiJ« though late, will be out this week. A four d:iy'» special aeivics wiil c m- inence in the Meiliodist church mi Tues- .Uy, Jan. 4th kt2.30 p. m. andatiV.30 p. III. Revs. Simpaoo, Fi.Uis, Humphreys ai.d Pluiikett are e.\pi-ctcd to as!<i.';t in these meetings. The public i« conllally invited to beprosei.t. W J. Malian. Pasfor At the aoniikl meeting of tho Method- ist Ladiea' Aid on Tutsday evening the fiillowi:)g tffiL'ers were elected for tlie ytar 1898: Hon. Pre.^., Mrs. J. W. Arm3troii.i ; Pies., Mrs W. U. Flrslier ; S.'c, Mrs. W. A. Armstronx ; Trens., Mrs. R. Pedliir . Pars. nape Com.-â€" Mestlames J. W. Armslrong, Klosher and T^iwrencs. We wish to iniiirass upon our suliscrib- era the iieoessity of being pR>iupl with tlieir renewals this year. At least four hundred dollars should 1-eseiit us for this purpose during the next two weeks, and we re- quire every cent of it. This is the sea.son «if year when oui- laigu payments are due and we rely upon our subscriptious to Tipe theiu off. Please do not fail u«. Tiie young people of t ha Prusbj tcri»u church, aoconipaniid by the pastor and Mr. A. M. (Ubs.m, on Monday evening liistiiftiT Eihloavt.r lucoiing met at the rraideo'.-o of Mr. Jos. Blackburn and {.resentfd Mis. Ubickburn with a puree in ncognition i( her services in ilie choir, ai,d more imr'icularly in connection with the lato eiiterlainmeiit. The present.itioa WM made in a tew well chosen word.s by llieR"V. Mr. Till in, and reinforced by a few nu'ro by Mr. Gibson. Mr. Black buriiicplied in behalf of the recipii-nt, who was thoroughly suipviseil, fir their j;ijotl will oilViiiig, and wishing all a very happy and pnsjiorou.s new year. After iih>l{iM'.i a liynin tho gatlioring tiiip-Tsed without availiui! theni.scU es of an invito tion to await and part.ike of lefrishnierits. We find in the MethiKlist Young Poo- • pie's paper Onward the folhming emiucn'ly true ex|>re*sion aK.ut tie 0»n;idian press. We agrco wi:h Onward in »â-  ying thai thoprtss of Canada, k«ken f> r idl ii' all, is ua h'^h toned as thnt of fuiy Cuuiitiy in the w^rld. Our readeis will havo no dilKculty in recog- uizin^ (ho Motitrtal Wituo.s as the paper specially referrcil to. " Nowheie, we thi»k, is thir* a press of higher mond tone that of our beloved cuntiy. It UkiMessea, we think, the unique distinc- tion of having a leading journal in its tili-gest city which for oeer fifty years has tN^i a monl e;-u*ader, a champion of te tita. In all that time t has uot publish^ •^mM Un*ot or tobkooo, or iMatn^ttl td- Tl^e O. S. Advertiser is printing an ad- reniseiuent that would dirgrace the col umns of the P'.licH Gazeite. How any self respecting pu'Jisher can admit such filth lo Ins cuiumrm isa c^nouudrum to ua. We have been asked time and avain to quote jiriceHfiTprintiiig (his aaveriiseaient of thei«lnnin, but we have nevercomplitd. Tlie company of Detroit doctors have not enough niuney at iheir liack to buy space in this paper for such a purpose. Division Court Jud,'e Creasor held Division Court in the Town Hall on Thursday last. There Were two jury cases, the most important or" which was that of J. Best v. C.P.U. Plaintiff sued the company for ?(iO for the loss 1. fa horje which was killed «n 'he tiack. A Tor into Uwyer handled the case for the uoinpany, W. H. Wright for the plaintiff. The jury, after being out for ten niinut< s, returned with a verdici for full amount, $60. Tiie other jury ORse was Federal in- sur.ince Co. v. Mamhall. Dvf^ndaut gave a note fi.r first |>:>yiiient, $38 55, and suit wan bri'uuht to recover this amount. Veidi. t fi.r |..Uintiff. There were several cases of minor im- poitMi.ce which it is unnecessary to men- tion. Institute Heeting: A regular meeting I 'f the Ceiitre Grey Farmer's Institute will be held in Flesh- ertoii on Wednesday, Jan. olh beginning at 1 p. ill. The principal speakers are Wm. Rcnnie, of the O. A. C, and John I. Hob.-<ou of Uuelpb. Tho subjects will. ai usual, be of much value to farmers. Mr. Rennie will speak ou " Restori ng and maintaining soil fertility." The evening meeting « ill be presided -ver by Mr. M- Richardson. Music will be furnlsheil by the Vandeieur Ktriug band. .-VU will bf freeaod it is hoped largenumUrs will avail themselvfs of the valualile poi.itors t<> be uaified by attendiig these meeti-*gs. The same speakers wll attend a uieetii'g at Tliortibury on Jan. 13th. Burned to Death A sad xccident occured about four miles ea.st of Flcsliertin on Tuesday of last week by which an old woman named Helen Smith, aued 70 years, lost her life. Mrs. Smith lived by herself in a small log house adjoining the residence of her sop, Mr. Is'iac Smith. On tho morning in question Mr. Sur.tli who was wcrking out^ide the liousa BUielte<l somuthiiikT burning and g'> ing ill found his niollier's cbthini; on tire with her breast badJy burned. She ling ered for several h"ur», when death SMded the terrible tragedy. It is supposed that the old lady, who w.-vs quite feeble, had placed a ch.itr cushion on the stove :ii d then put-ji up'U hef ^.reast to warm I or- self, and that sie was incapable of under- standing the cause of her suffering. Presbyterian S.S. Entertainment The Presbyterian Sabbath bcIio"! here passed 'niotber milestone very success fully on Chri>tina8 evening. This annuul entertuininent h,is been the source of many enjoyable evenings in the past and this year's vras e<|ual to, if ii. t better, than any of its I'redece.ssors. Tho even iug was tine, the sleiijl'i'g good and when the hour had arrived for cominencini; the program tb«i commodious church, artisti- cally decoratod with garlands and mot- toes, was well lillefi with what pro.ed to be a very iitlerly and sppreciativ* audi- ence. Upon ent'.Tihg the basement, where che> r and good will reigned, coupled wilh a "Welcome" on tho wall, the visitir was made to feel at home, and aitcntive waiters with abun. lance of pro- visions soon )«»ti^•Sed the iniuT man. The pastor. Rev Mr. Tlioni, took the cliair precisely at 8 o'cl icli and after tie open- ing sonii and prayer welcomed tho audi- ence with a few felicitous rem irks and at once entered upon the piogram The little folk, with but few exceptions,*wheii the Voice could not bo distinctly hesrd at tiiO ivar of., the church, sustiiiud their paats well and were quite cute and eiuer- t.i.iAiiig. .\ "Lullaby son;; " by six little giil.s and "Wisdom's treasures " by .seven larger girls, were pretty aud pi- asing numbers, and Msster Noiris Tucker's song, "This is the way at Cliristmas," bttiught down the huuiw. The choruses by the sehool wore choice selections, sung iu tfood time and altogether very well rendered, the whole teflecting great cred- ' it n^ioa l^« iudefaiii(aU«» workers, Mrs. Blackburn and Misa McMillan, who had charge of the childi oil in training. Mrs. Bhickburn and Mr. Archie Oibsou sani; a pleasing duct with chorus by the clnl> dien, and Mr. Tucker, band leader, reii- ileied a coru<:t solo with spleiuUd eff--ct, both being accordoil m>«x, hearty ap- phiuse. The program was pleasinuly varied with readings by M.ss Annie Rich- ardson, who, as we anticipated. deli<;hted her audience. Miss Richari'son, as many of our readeis know, spent the past year in London under^joinn a course of train, ins; by saino of the best lUiistera, and has made marked improvement in her art. In the foUowiin! selec'.ions, 'The Bish<rp ai.dthe Caterpillar," " Court scene from Heniy VIII.," " ChrLstuias afternoon at Pi.utoinime," and " The Revenije,'' she proved herself to be a clever elocutionist and pleasina entertainer, evokii.i/ en- chores after every number, to three of which she pKasantly responded and de- lighted her auHienee with " The Fishing Party, " "Cliris:ma.s Treasure " and "She Displaina it '' The secretary's report showed the school to be in a prosperous coniliiion. Proceeds of anniversary, $63, and collections in the school $14.50. PERSONAI.3 The following {larties were among those who spent their Christmas in town: Dr. E. K. Riciiardson, Toronto Junction; Miss Christena Richardson, Markdale ; Masters Fred Sproule, Fred Strain and Mervin Vanzant, Parkdale ; Mr. Charles Richardson, Woodstock Baptist colleue ; Miss Frances Beecroft, Georgetown ; Mr. Wes. Smith, Thoriibury ; Mr. P'raiik Cole, Markham ; Mr. Bert Field, Sclioinburtf. Miss Bert Tucker, of Orillia 8j)ent Christinas with her brother, Mr. F. Tucker. Miss Can ie Radley and her neice,Mis8 Pearl Radley, is spending the Christmas holidays with the former's mother. Mr. A. D. Thurston,Toronto Junction, spent Chnstman with relatives here and at Kiiiib<riey Mr. Ashel Hurlburt of Car.n. N. W. T., is ill this vicinity vLsitiug tho scenes of his youth. It is new fifteen years since he left Kitnberley with his p.irents to take up his abode in the great North- west. Ho reports times as goods up t'lere this year «i'h big wheat cnjps and the highest prices ever retibzed. He says oats are worth 50 cents. Mr. W. McWhinney, the etiicient tea- cher of Maxwell public school, called in ou Thursday last, while on his way to hia home at Hanover. Mr. McWhinney has wisely been re-engaged Tr the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bunt spent Christinas iu Toronto. BIrs. E. Vanzant is visiting friends in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mra. F. Kars'edt and Mrs. Down spent Christiu.is wilh fridtivls at Elinwood. Miss l^>yd of Conn is tho g'lest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boyd. Mrs McDonald of Durham is ti.e guest of Mrs. Mirk Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Henderson are -ilietiuing Cliristmas week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Proctor spent Cbristmas with friends in Rosemont. Mr. C. McCano of Bay Mills is the guest of Mr. Ed. Thompson. Mr. D. Oswald, with M. Richardson it Co , spei.t Christmas with his parents near Pctei boro. M;»s 11a Crane of Owen Sound is tiie ijuest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Triuiblo. NOTICE ! For Fine Tailoring call on F, A. BAKER^ = Next door to Christou's drug â- store. As 1 have the latest tiEW YORK and LONDON FASHIONS Style and Workmanship guaranteed as u>ual, ^ y Zf^rS:es:f>rs:e^^/^i^irS,i^irSii!gif:^ns/:^ A Large Stock ... of Footwear In Ladies' Mens' and Children's B->ols sml Sh-.>es, also Rubbers, Overshoes and Felt Boots Custom work and Repairing atteuded to promptly at CLAYTON'5, = = Flesherton. Agent for Dominion Money Order EiprBS THE FLESHERTON FURNITURE WAREROOM CHRISTflAS 1897 1 ^^^3^^^ Our specialties fur Xmas gift department are becoming more and more inter- esting each year â€" thi.s season we have been very successful in our endeav^ ers tu supp'y our ever iiicrea--.iiig trade with a lari-e variety of goods that cannot fail to give the fullest .satisf.ictiim and plea.sureâ€" while at the same time the prices are. Well just come in and see, we will not quote them here because you would think the gtxxls too cheap to be good. Our stock ranges to meC. every need, from tint humblest kitchen to the most refined parlor. Organs ! Beautiful Organs I at Holiday Prices ^" - An exc-edins.' fine line of ART GOODS in fancy lines of fumi'ure.PICTl'RES EASELS, SCREENS, MEDALLIONS, MIRRORS, H-VT, P.\PER, ML'SIC aj.d HALL RACKS, etc., etc. . UNDERTAKINQ AND PICTURE DEALER, FLESHERTON . WANTED, AGEN'TS Queen V.ctnrm" U hoointni;. Ei:;ht thau- sanil co^'iiis f^\d. Tliitfu thoiiKaiiJ flv) htiodrud ortlerutl from AUftrHlia ; lar>!e t|iianticv aone t*> South Africa ; goiiiir ka wi!d»ftro lu Caa- fttla. L«or<i Lortio, Httr Maiustv'a non in-law, save: *' The beat popular lifu of tUti Qtiem I bare seen," aud tboiiuLUtls eu()on>e tb« stat*- meiit. Outfit free tv) canvaswra ; exchuire territiOrv ; bouk od tiiuo : eas to maku 9^ daily ; souie uiako twice that. Hie Bradley-Garretsoa Torouto Agents sell »* Klondike Gold Field'* Likeii whirlwi'i'i. Ext*«*rit'nce'i csiivaSHer retiptiiK the ricbeat liarv«st of tb«*ir livrts ; new beginners Joiut! womleiii. Nuarly overybo.iy Dubi'vribuB. Onu v«<iuu fellow up s farm at SlJsuioiitli is iiiokiui<»7.V .\ l»»ly t>pe-writer at #3 a week in uloariiiK ill -^ iiirchuiiic wbo liul esruwl $l.:iOa <lay is cicsriiiii t'> a lav. \Vu want uiure sguiits, CanvsHhiiiii oiibtlt 'JSots . »oitb*l. THK mt.VDLIiY-G.lKKfcT8oj;Co.. Ltd., Torouto, Uut. H.Hi'-ll M.V.S, tstj. (iioraHar. June l-W. Deah Sm. -I woulil l>u .loiui! ».i iiiju»*.i«o to vou Slid tuo imliiic uot to uiuke ku«wu tho benulits I rocoi»o.l (roiu jour lumwly known *«-LmlituiuKl'»iu Hunter." I »iiraiueU luy snklcvciv bttil'v. » hliurt lime aftor ii Kot vo^ y bs<l stiiiiu. rwso unable toKetaruuuil for Hbont ibiee mouths. First I tiieil one doctor tbei. uuocher. and other rfaie'liut to no euil. I was nffarlv ijivlni! iii> in .leopair wUon you ga»e m« the rtfst bottle of •Li«htuin8 r»in Huulei" lo'ryitou its uiorit»;to my surprise I uot iiuuiu.iiato r«Uof •.ud iu about tiirw weeks I bunan movinnaiouul. am shortly after wont t.) work. I tbsnk tliu day I bojau using .vour Lialitniinj Pain Huutur tlmtss. iu« on my feet a»!!iiu. Wo havB ns.-d It for buiun. scald', hiuiscs. u<-Ugli».!«o.etliroAt. iore shoulders ou ibo b.<r»<>B and mi* in winter, yot I have failed t» bxrti-iainioiiitml whau apiiiiod. In (act ills our boukehoU ruuicdv and I would D>'t be Kitbi.ut it. .\uyoiio wiabimj to wiilBUio direct Iwill-Udly an-^wurtliam. Winhiilji you every 4ln;cc5-< I remain. Yours truly. A.iCOOK. hove is onnof thsuianv hundrod ti>»tim'>iii» •!•• Iionriiia iu. tellinn of the cuialiv* powers of LinbluiuK Tain Iluuter. SUipped toanv aJdruss on reooipt of price. Forsnle in t'lesherl'di at Dr. Chri.-too's M. die il II.ill and «t Fie«herloii t^taiion l>v J. U. Kiiiin, sjenerul sti>re. ONLY 25 CENTS A UOfTLE FLESIEBTU MM PJILi J?; jCoyaixt - - SProptiStor Monuments, Urns and Vases The nudersigncd has sccnred t!<e agency for the new MoUllic Plate Glass ilonuineut, in;iiiufactiiitJ iu Toronto, one of the tiuest uionuinenta ever prescutea to the public. It is pronounced by experts to Oe the Lest mouiinieul in tlie market. Ihe m- sciiptioD, which is patented, wili laat for ages, and will be as perfect in a hundred years as llje lirst year. A a inscription iu granite or marble, whtii put on in gold, silver or painted, will last oulyashoil time and then have to he done over again. The old need not put ou their spoctuelts '.o ruaJ our inscription. These monuiuciiis aie of beautiful designs, gruiiiteizcd ia led or grey, aud are within the reach of the poorest. An eaily call solicited Wn. HENDERSON .^g9nt. Residence opposite tiie Trca- bytcriaa church. Fleslierton. HairJressins in ths Latsst Style SCTSSOr.S Sn.\RPENED and R.^ZOUS IlONEDin lii st class style. g;;^ .\gent for Ro;.<!tin's Liuindry «nd Paikur's Dye Work.s, Toronto. -wwvanlai^ Tbroe isdics to Introduce a honse- SAraUWU - r Knlnnlld returns to oompsteot persons, U.VL1..OSV.VY, Torouto. Cook's Cottoa Root Compound Is the only safe, rel-.ablo monthly medicine ou which ladies can depend in the hour and timt of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. Ko. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known â€" sold by dniRKis"*. one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases â€" 10 degrees itronger â€" sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boiei. Five Dollars. No. I , or No. s, mailed ob receipt of fate* and two 3-ceut stamps. Th« Cook Company, Wla^Mr, (tetarK S^rtld i't Fleshoft"n jiu , c»\ _j^ > ore in Canada by s'l respoimille dru^•.ii^;H. Farm and Mill Site for Sale For sale vury cheap niitl on rery easv fcnsu^ Tlinbur t arm, 150 *crt.'H, two iiii!.»«"froin t-'le^h j ertou. kuowM a« the Wm. Hoi;i>sawuitlI pro- I portv.aurl oil whifh is an oxoolluut wntHr i>ow»r« fgiitidAtioM of SAW iiiill, tlam and pt>ud aud wiiter wbeol in place an<l allroaJy foi* M"^tiIl9 mill oil. About 15 acrua cloineJ.jO â- icrt'rt timbor» uiost oiT, *JAluDue woll t)tiibor«f(l,iiax<*(I timnor. This farm will no aoM at a bAr»:aiu if Aoliiak oiico. HinaJlpayiuout tlowu. balance on v«ry «.«sy tortua. Apply to Fleslierton. QxA COW CAME ASTRAY Tame to ib* pramlaeB of kbo andartifcnefl about L>i-«. vow. Tb« ow««r in requeaWd to Drove pr TH8 HIdH CUAfiA TAILOR « JXJ^"* % Farm for Sale Psrm for ssle cheap. 9t sorss, well wvHrsd 2i^ni<l«< east of tbis villai;*, knowij as tad r'«a witk farm. Apply to M. Biohardson. sssIrum Boar for Service ( SI aXboasM sud lu* l>>« Vh« *%am^tuA baa a Mioronabbrad Bwte. . t aires, sbir* kMt e^MintM Ml l«t Ut. u O.K. ^' r\ v.:

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