Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1897, p. 8

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-^••(aiS*- •!!)^K^^«I>-MM«SS u-- gt-Mk ; agffi ^S^ DECEMBER 30 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i. ! D. McTavish i FLESHERTON IMUiU iU STUiUX . CtQQQif KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS Fur JfaMey-Hnrris. Noxon, Floury and Wilkiiiinn farm irniileincrits. ^] Flxiiry aiul Verity pluwti on liniid all Uio tiiiii% hIho nil kindN of ii^puirs C\ t'lr th« s»m«. \V» iiinnufivoturu Wngons, Buggie», CutterH, Sleiu'lio. etc. Jii Horjii"«lit>«ing prDiiiplly atU-ndoJ to*. Spvcinl iitleiitii>n to lencler cc"- i fh tnotfcl feel. lj")egiiis{ and I'lnw Chuin.H cuiistiiritly on hiiiid. tit inJiSQihrSiiiinMniifLriiuir^^ i •*.»â- â€¢ Biig^ios, Carts. Wagoiia, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds snd rt-pairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse Bakes and Corn Scufllcrs and rrpans. Citaius of all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty at •Jl?" John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms ^'/» .SI'^ S'4^''- •>'* •*!'*• ^'' -"^ **• Owen Sound, Ontario 18 THE VERY BEST PL.\CE IN C'XNAD.V TO GET A THOROUOH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip ;i'^rT.':ri„;.'i Cullc^fli anil <;<>uimero;»l DopnrtniBuU in (;»ti»d». then Tim the Sortliern Bil.luatis CoUogo ; el»iiiUio • Terylbiiitf tU'jiOixlily. U w. (»ll to (>roiluc« the niJJt ibo-oiiKli. complete, jirnctic*! »ii-l .xtoiiiiva couriia of sludy; tb« l>«»t coUeg. ^eiiii>«« kill] tho ben aad moat ooinpUte aud n34t auiwi'ile (iiniUure and appliances, we will Kivo >n« a full coiirM FUKK. Kor annua! •iiaoiiaceiu^uti, giviog full particular., fr.. i Jilr.M C. A. FLEMING, Principal W. BARNHOUSE W i.lii'H ti draw the altttiition of the I'ulilic t4i the followliiu : HMH IN BAGS Photos â€"TAKEN â€" .\T THE I Flesherton Photograph | Gallery | jl are done In fir«t-cla«s style and ni ^ ^ l.iwitst rates. S|>e.'ial «ttouli<iii jp ^ uivttn to copying. BahieH' photos, fe j| a .tpeciaity. Picturua frnuitMl. ^ f MRS. BULMER f 9 IP Of nil nhe* niid a* Cheap a» the chcnp .OKI. Sjiuuittl ii'trgniiia in 3 aiiil 5 liarrcl 1..U. :''rmis and Con- 1 jctionery, Oysters la Season. ikoceries and Provisions. DOT and (.i)3N MiTTS and LEGO- IN.iS made (u oriler and on SliortuNt Nuticu. Pj?opez*ties FOB - SAL E â€"BY- D. J. SPBODLE, FLESeEBTOII <'Ouiit7 >«<>'l tli.strict The Patrons of South Grey hare nom- inated Mr. D McNicbol as ^hoir Standard bearer. Grand Valley has been incorporated a« a village, it having over the necetwary 750 roHidoiits. The Mt. Forpsk Confedfrate has ainin changed hands, aMr. Fisher of Stratford h ing the new proprietor. Thi- case against the alleged Slielbume perjurers came to a sudden end Isit week by thi- di.sco- try that it Wi« il!ei;Kl to irv the cases in Peel. Tliey will tlieri'fore eonie up fur hraritig in Oran^ovillo next Hpriiig CoK-ninn, who was found guiit_>, will b<^ allowed out up n furnmhiusj tati.- fuctory bail, 0;d Mary Randiill, a disrepirta>ile cliai after who lias lived tho latt tdity yirar.' iu one part or lither of the comity â€" prin c:pally in jail here â€" iKiiii innmteauhiuih f- wiutiir, blif IB suft'urin^ from par.ily- 8 and iier prosent tirin aill prot'wh'y Ijeliei la^t. Shf (lid llireii yrar.i tiioe at Kings'or: I e .iteniiar> for arson comiuitted at Hun- over. â€" Tiioe^j. , TheBehools in the In?p-'ctor»tu of South Oroy will rem-ivo this year ' fioni the (jovurninent the foUowintt urants for su- perior in>tr>.ct^oii for Oout.uuHtii u classes : Durham tUX), Murkilale &50, Uundnlk $•-'.">, nnMov,r^S-'5,Priceville«1.6, aOlemlg 825 I'uhiic Si;hoi>l LeMVinj : 5GleiKlg 95, 1 Glunelit $5, 14 Melandhon $10, 4 O»proy 8f>, Artemesia No. 11 fo, No. 2 $5, No. 4 $r., No. 5 J«5, N... 6 t4, No. 3 NoriiMnby »,'), N... 11 «!10, No. 4 «10, No. SEureinont 8.5, No C $10, No. 9 I'loton 85. â€" Durham Chronicle. Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton EUGENIA - - - I^ills and Caft'iage Works Ctniages made and repaired, also Plaiiiii;^ and Matcliin;,', Band b*>viut{. Woiid Turning of overy d«s- soi'iptiou. Planing and QraiiiOliop- ?iiig done while yon wait, for tho leaver turns the wlioel. T. W. WILSON, Manager ir Yof WISH TO BUT pnoi*eBTr consult THIS S^AOB. FOR S.^I^K cheap and on easy trmia, one mile from Fle»Iierton, JtJ acrcM land and on which i.i a good 7 moniM fram> dwulling, well and comfortably finiahed Htouo culler undornealh, and good well and puni]) in kitchen, good frame atabh' and driving hoiine, alao brick lined hen houNC, small orcharil coniinoi'cing t4) boar. Apply to R. J. SPUOULR. Fleahcrton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sold during present month. Two improved farm.s, one a mile from Pricevillu and tho other Hniiie distance from VVareham. Small |M\yment down, balance on VERY easy tcrma. Also a hundred and fifty aero farm and mill sito one mile from Fleaher- lon, principally hardwoiKl buah, '2b acres cleared and franii* dwelling and stable. Any i)erHon wanting a decided bargain apply quick to above. 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE auction sale of recovered goods at Ciled.in East on Saturday last. Others refused to divulge their transactiona and auveral ar- rests have fid^owed. Huch Il-'n'V, Archi- bald Hicks, Irwin Wilson and Tims. Bow les are charaed with conspiracy to defraud in connection with taking of a horw, bull, cow and colt. A writ has l>cen isoued a^ainot John Sanderson, cutfte dealer of Slmlbrrno, c'aiiiiing heavy damagus for trifling with the afieotionx of Ann .J, Irwin of Mu'nior t ;wn,ship. Sandetsnn was a widower an- il a month ago, when he iimrrie<l a Tor- o to township lady. Mis* Ir.riii, hiW a er, claims that he made love aiwl pro. p i->ed to her « Idle he ,vas yet »n imp es- sionablo wid. we^and th.it t'leTiuHirage w.-xBtohave t.tkt'iipac* duiiiig tie last ToroiUo exhibiiii.ft, JohiiM k-tt.'r to tl-.e M diiim* maiden will p'ore interesting re.iding when Lawyer Vance prwlupvs tliein at the OrangeriUtf A>-si/.t;s next spring â€" Advertiser. J^ rs^ ClassT/faple AND BIRCH £" I^iO O R I 2\r G At a Bargain to the next 30 days. Trade Marks DEtlQNa Cof>VRiaHTS &c. Anrnn.Bf^iidlnR afkclch and (ItiHcrlnllon may qnlokir aSf^prlAln onr opinion free wfu-tlipr an Invotiiton It* proh.lttjr T"»o^nt«i>l*». roniniuntra- tlnitflKlrtctlji^lindntiltal. HaluUHtokon Patents arnt fren, <;Mniit aur>n<-r for net-urlMK palenta. l*M(«[it^ taken tRrouuh Munn A Co. rMalve tiircMfMtlu, without c lianr s. In the Scientific Hmerican. A linndtinmnly 11lii<^trfttfl<1 wooklj. I nreest dr- nilntlnii nf iiny nnlcnflflc louriial. Term ^. 93 % TK'ir; f«Mir iitont.b«, |L Hold by all TiowB(1f«al«rft, MUNN &Co."'»--"'. New York Branob OiDoe, SB V St., Wasblo«ton, D. Ok AT Til a- FLESHERTON Pec^rpn & Talbot Cash : for : Hides! Two you>>g men of the Ti.wnship of Carrick', have for some time been com tinu a farmer's daughter of the same tmrnnhip, and a« unual tho girl has a prefercnc- . When thepri fttrenc* waal>e>ngen'eit.4ini;d one ni'.:kr of last wt-ck the y.^un;: people were suddenly itartlad by a loud crish and the ymiig man rxperien'-e I aB<in);io|> souHaliiui on (1(3 right cheek. Hastily turuinit t^i bis* sweetheart ho dt)m;>:iri<'d to know what she did that for? F<iran- â-  wer she pointed to the broken wiiiduw and a large itone cii the floor. The n ti.se awoke the old faruur, who armed himself with a gun and s'arted out on a still hui.t. He has not bit^'g d hisgaine yet. hut in- sists on his dsui;hter pulling down the blind on courting night. â€" Hanover Post. The following extract will aid people in dealing with esttay auinials : The law provides that persons takini; up entrsy sL'>ck shall give notice that such auiinals arson their proniisis by publish- ing three times in a newspaper publishvd witliin tiie section where the es'rayed was fouiid, and if the prot>orly is m t ..l.iiined within t!ire« wteks after the in- sertion of the notice the Bnder shall %n ui a justice of the peace and make oath to lindiiig and advurtisii'g. If the pro- perty is not claimed within a year and should not exceed $&0 in value, it then bulongH to thu [larty uu whoso property it strayed. If w .rib over 850 it shall l>c advertised by the justice and add an<l t le rxcoss of all eX|>oiises shall be ptid over to the county treasurer. Any per- s <n taking up an estrsy and netrlectitiL' t" otusii the same to be adve'tised and appraised slkill he liahio to a Que of i'iS). Mr. John J. Laj'bourno. who owi'sa farm near Rivorvew, baslHicnme viulent- ly uixaiie, and wan taken to Oraii'nvil'e Ksol Monday t'Tcniiiu, as the lirst .step in having him sent loan asylum. Iiayhourne Hrst attracted piibMb attention at lirair^p- ton during thu recent trial, hy tlircaciii g 'o cut his throat with a tahle knife in oi'e of the hotels lait Thursday inornins, TI c object of his Koititf to Brainptm has n< t been made char. It was at first said tt i;t he went there to give ovidenco, hut boih Crown and defnnce deny th s statemo t. lie was sjiit home by tr»in tlial mornin: , reac led Shelburne all right, bnt fill o' t of his rig while drivintt home, ami thi n w Iked the r'iuiaining d stancf to Rol f. S nith'a place, sdjoinin^' his own. It m 1 â-  f lund iii'Ct'Ss iry (.â-º secure medical atti iid- Hiieo I ho wtme day. Wo are inform^ d that a 'ialir ol Mr. Lsyhourno-'s diid un- diir a like ulfliclioii.â€" Shelburno Ec.ino- mist. Bradley Case Revived .i.kXc A year ago Peel county was agog w^th the Calodon Eaut noospira.'y case. Clark wtnt to Kingston and BradVy wa.i relta.eU on actouiit of ill health after un- doritoiiig one half his yeftr's si-ntenco. Since thou frtth«<r and son, Tom, have i|ua ruled uvei th- sp. ils an 1 tht '•â- to 1 «• uiaiiu a clean hrrsat of evuiyihing inipli rating a d< sen or ' more of the nui»:hlior b lod. KoHte gtveiip their LradUy pusso*- FUsborloa ItMlEiupotiuai aioii^auH .-•:^U«« ncir.rn«<. Lad a bij( HhuppsKins atid all kinds of fins piir. chsMid, for which highest market price will bu paid. HouiPiiiade aaukagea uu hand, alts all kinda of meats. WILSON ^:& Renew your Subscription For 1898 :iin ii -.] | ii l i %>\mi$^ €mU jLI'CULLOUOH 4 YOUNQ "* ' Aaiilieri, Maihdsle Do ft (wn.r*I banking hi>»ino»s. MoRsy loaiu><t 41 a inafouabls laie. C»n on us. A 8 VANDUSEN, J P ** Clark 5th lJi» Court, Co Grey ISfner .r Maniajn licenses, Couveyareer .Notary, Prtbljc. Auctioneer. Money to loaa a' Iruiu 5 to 5 per cent. Cha,-fie!i luodorat^:, FLKSHEP.TON P O nKBTS COLLEtlTED J . , '",'• undert'gned l» prei>ared tn undeitake the collection irt all kiui.a o» UobSs, Notuu buUKlit, eeccnnis coVtrted, fli.' II N HKSDEB&UN, Klesberioi." T! (;H1.''I.K.TT *â-  i'loafa'erton HtatloQ rrmi,).i»ter, Co:nnii»»ioirer in n C J CrnT#r' eni-.>r i)eu(l>, inoaj!i»j>«, 1...^,.^ and will* ,i«»n. i.'onej to lend at ,";* per cent end up- worda, Lobta cvUectwJ. Cli».ij«a uio.l«rat». R J SP$()L'I,r: *•> 3'<y<tm«Btir. Flesherton ' oraini£?l.,n«r in B B, I irec»ed Acrticprer Heat ' KHtata a II i^ioairce Aytnt. ir,fi». .alnnliou* riioae on tliorto»t nrtice Ai (cl..ii salei attL'iioed to in any 1 art ol il,e e,.ui,n \lon. ) to loan M loweet iate« ,.J ji.i.jt,, iti lec-l,.,», attended to a-itii p.cn.p r" s .^ ,) .loM'at.b, th.irp.low. .ip*r,t fcf l.o,'i.,'o â- ?'"""•>;'»> f".p»".v. (hoap ti.ketK ,c» M'V.'^" HrltStb port.. 1-ariii.s iiitei.dlnK M -"iHit Knsiand, Stctlaod or Irec-icl wl i pl«»»« ask lates before . 'â-  • liukt'ts eiaewhere. piircliasii,g tbcir ^dfictfr^ Time Tabic aOINU SOUTH. Markdalo--7 35 a. m, 4.40 p. m. Fleshertonâ€" 7.48 a. m. 4.52 p. m. COI.VO NORTH. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. m. 9.18 p ni. Markdaleâ€" 12.20 p. w. U.30 p. m. Advance and Weekly Globe $1.55 Mail. 145 " Farm and Fir«iside 1 .45 All three above for 1 80 Advance and daily World 3 05 " Globe 5.05 " " News 1 80 " " Star ..... 1.95 ' and MonlrealStar 1 80 The Markets. CarcfuIlT Corrected Each fl'crk Following are the market (|uutati(>ns ,'or Klesherton for the presunt week, corrected up to 10.30 of Wudiie«dny : Flour |4 70 t.) f6 CO Oats 23 to 24 Wheat, white 86 to 87 WliBsi, red 84 to 8(5 Bi.rley 20 to 30 Pas 45 to 45 liitter 16 to ]6 E,'i;a, fresh 15 to 15 Potatoes bag 60 to 60 P..rk .. 4 50 to 4 76 Hay per ton D 00 to 6 0(i Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins Soto 60 Geese 6 to 6 Turkeys 9 to !> Chickens per pair.. . . SO to SO Ducks per pair 40 to 6i> Wool 17 to 20 A O U W meets overy flr«t aud rhlM »on4#t hlrahii block, Klwhsrtom at S h S J?ir» nellaiuy,l''iBaacier. '"â- â- tr-nf tn-rthrWiliiTtlsd. \r pRIVCE ARTHTH LODGE, No , K, , â- V^'• n>«ets in the Uatonic UauTi .u . f,'"horton, eTi.ry FrftJmv on or befor â- I"!, '"" "'"Ou- » Alclilll, W M ; W nollnuiy, Secretary. Jftttirstvij T P UARSHALL " M D S, D D S, L D .S, Vitite Flesbertou the 1st and Jrd Friday of each moDlta. t 6 CAUPBEI-L ^ L D B. D I> S, DentaJ Bttrgoon. Markdale OtBc. ovor MoCulIouith * YrmnR'. bank.. Houis-s» a in too p m. Vi.its Fleshert'-il the sueoud and foivrth Tburaday of aaak montli. OAce at Uu^sbaw a hot.L •p HENDERSON * D D 8, M D 8, D.nllst of Toronto (Gold Medalist) will viFit Flesherton pro- (cMinnally tho first Wednesday 01 oai.1; nioutfa and Dundalk tb. following day (Tbursdav ) ffOal JOHN W FROST, L L B " Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyacrer. t^n Oflleoâ€" Next to postoric, Rproule's block Fivshiirtou. OT.ry Batiii'Uy and court days.' N H-Owen Sound ottico, Frost's block. M roulett stroot ssst. fe s uyj ^ ma m mj m mMu m mt tm 1 For Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Sore throat, etc. Gran's Spp of Red Spruce Guii) KimiV, WATSON 4 CO , PnoniiT.aa. Mon-ratau H s w «i , i> i»T «aos n«m > u . M ws es c s « l >:«oosc^ Winter Goods, _ In Vogue at the Flesherton . . . HARNESS SHOP BELLS, BLANKETS, S.\«KATCHEW.\N and GOAT ROBES Whips, Rubber Knne Rugs, lined and uiiUnod. Curry Combs and Brushis. CHoloe X Ooodo At roasonahle Prices. Satisfactitin gtmrauteed in r#t airing. T UCA8 & WRIOHT ." liarriatars, bolleitors, Conrsyancers, ota Owen Bound, Cut W H WKIOHT N Bâ€" Flesherton offleo, every Wednesday. Uai'kdalo, Ont I II LUCAS UitctaoU's Bask. PUCKER * PATTEJJROX *â-  Ban-isturn, Holtcttors, 010 Molsou's Bank, Owen SoanA HABBY Q TUCKKJt GEO W JPATTEBSOM A G. UACKAT, M. A. "• Barristerit, Hollcitors, Notarv, (>ii< voyaucer, vtc. Cronn Attoruoy fcr Giey. oaiosaâ€" 80 Pculett street, Owen bound; and Main street, Dunlalk, haturoays (roia {(.>», to V p. u., and on l>ivisiou Court uays. ^^InUcHl 4- W DU BUTTON UOOM, MCPAB Ont, PrlesTlTl*. CJJtSCo' Ollice next door to Brown's atore . iip|iOHite at theiddpL>st otbco, residence Aitx iirowu. Ulllceua>sâ€" i'uesdavB aodbatos-, di%ys. rcFidenSo el lata U' ,R OARTKK U (' P ft a Oi.t.ThysiulaD, fiGrKuon,.«. Kcniduimâ€" r'levhrvton ofllce â€" btraiu's bluok. Uun>hawa Hotel TOHN A SCOTT, M B V Member Collogo Pby^io. A Snrfeoa#. Ontalio tliAduste in Mediei'ie of Toionio lUilversity, fellowship l>i)ili ma, lost (oKi'r.. ate iMwiical Si-hoid and Hosrital. t'bicairf. V»i?vaH09 of eye, ear, iiosc and Ihvoat spfciallr treated. Keaiderce, Ma.\well, vitits Fev.rshaWi Thursdyas 1â€"2 .S I T p oitf:wkUj o Veterinary Burgei)! Orndiiate ot "tlLtario Yelcrinsry t'oHwio. llenidu ve â€" Soi-ond uoor houth en wo»t sMn }Isrv Ktreit. Tbln streets ruu. south tMUS Presbyterian diuroh. WM. MOORB HarnessjBikw - - Flfijhorto.u >niOEVILLE AND DURHAM iiTAHH DurbsiU'Sta!!" l»aves Flesherton HtatlON a 7.1s a UI.. returns 440 p.m. Pricuvillr slri# leHvuA the naiiie plaeo at V.!.;m, rctu; iiinp at K 4A, Far»<oPrli.'uvilli'ai>d>t>tiirn.5Qeont» : L>urlii|i»i S1.90 for return. 7 V. single tare. Idvery to <oa â-  neatiosi. Ordon uiay be lui't at (Itber hotel. A.MoC.WLRY Fc«V Address, butfrio. JS I'sys tor yonr Name 00 M Ileantltnl HIDDFN NAMK CARPS, lOTeW ploturea, orpl Handsome Calllni) Cards, Cok^ . With ordor Stamps tsk^B, C.IXADA CAUO HOUBB, lBgH«{f •^>d:?5- 'â- X -â- â- Â«.. N. '*â-  ',->** y

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