Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1898, p. 1

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Jfksb^rfitn ^iriiatta TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL. XVn, NO. 877 Flesherton, Ont., Tlnurgciay, January G, 180S W. H. THURCTOM, ^""'JS^ii PIIOI'KIETOB XMAS GOODS r hav, |ur,t added to my already larfje stock a new line o" 7 iamond an.l Opal Rings, also an assoitraent of the fam f)us Dueber Hampden Gold Filled Case, Ladies' and Gents' including the sniaik:st watch cv.ir made in America. Also ; new line of Silvevwar?- and Opti-al Goois, all of which 1 anr {.oing to sell, not be.ow cost or at cost, but very little abovt cosi. Call and gel my prices before purchasing. -'^>=^*â€" ' Wati^li Repairing" a Specialty. W. A. ARMSTRONG. MA RK D AL E Sr^.:5k'^bw'a^>:g?sv:r>;;tfr-v^ 1897 Jzas Sone 18 98 is With 7/s We start the year with very special values in every department. You may judge intelligently our en- tire stock by these few items = Dress Goods = Amfkzon Cluth. Dark Culor, 38 inches wide, â- â€¢pecUl (wr yard |0 14 Ploid Dress Goods, 5 pjitHTiis, turillod, very proity, xpucial p«r yurd 8i Uoavy Tweud Druu Guodn, 'M iiiclius wide, wurth 'iiV, Hpeuial per yard ~.. iD Tweeds Bmvy All Wool Ttreeds, splendid rantfo of pattortis, ui>exceTI*d Ttluo*, at per pi;ryiird... 25 He«Ty All Wool T veed Suitiii:!s, would b« good Talue at $1.00, » big lot to choo»e troiii at pur yard «.« 7& Unbleachi"! Tahl.- Liiien. ;;ice qiiiiity, purs linen, apecial por yard li Uieached TauU Laiea, 72 iijcli<»» wide, regular $1.00 ijoods, Hpuuial por yard. .. 78 Our Stock of Linens has no equal either in quality cr price, the asssortm^nt also is perfect, and every yaid as good value as these. Kajt quality Cotton Throud, a» ii -ual 2 for Very (;ood qualay Ltnen rhc'.ui, Kliu:k, Gray or White, each OROCErilES- so IbH pure niw Su^ai tor. . . , ,.. .. Dinginiiii'- Kledr c rf "tf, npumi per Bar Japan Tea, uncoioruil. .s.itcial t> ll)s. for « 1 00 4 . 1 00 A clearing price in every Overcoat, every Sla.ntle, and every JPvir Ga,J?i:rxei:i-t in the store. Any day this week will be a jiood time to buy MARKDALE Eugenia. From (Mi« cm uwn Correspoitdent News haa )>aen rathur scarce uf lat«,the oliilaya liaving pjutmd over I'cry (loit-tly. Vuddmg brila liave been rinxiag chimes w ^1 widen the hearts nf some of our uung people. On Dec.«22 Mr. Andrew icaham WHS united ni m!dlook to Miss .lura Wdaon, eldest daughter of Mr. Ti-'mpsoa Wildoii of fhis^plnoe. The .•reuiuny was performed by Re». .Mr. .luiiter of M.'trkdalu. Ttii-u on Dee. 20 lev. Mr. Tlium tied the nupiial knot for dr. John II. Janiieson and Miss Agues lislop. As both of tlifst! youni! coupli^s ire Very highly esteeiued iivihis Ooiuiuu- nity tiit»'besi wislies ot all for a happy iiid pr<>«perous liie ^re extended lothrui. Ml'. Pooley of Toronto spent (.'hrismnis >ith Ilia Slater, .Mra. Walton WiHihiua ' Mr. Robert Purvis and Mt. Luther t'ediar. Miss Mary Wdliams uad Miss Viice Walker, returned froiu ihe city tt» .[lend tliu lioliduys witli their purunts. The .MisseM Hislop uf Siratlord aia vis- .tiiig their aunt, ^a.. Mislnp at the Valley. Miss Ada Sloan his returned from CoUiii^wwid on a visit t»lier mother. Mr. J.'tnies W^dker of KiinUtrley spent Cliribtiuas at Eugenia. The officers uleuied bv Euitenia L. O L. are: A. 8. Motliil. W. M.; John tiowernian, Dep. M.; VValion Willuuns, Kec.Soe. , Ueiiiy Cairns, Fin -Sec ; James Williams, Truaa. ; U. Purvis, D. •if C; R. Campbell, Lecturer ; Henry Wiliiaius, Jawes Caraun, Comwittvo ; F. T Carr. Mr. J. Hiuklihgof the 8tl) Un» haa added forty feet to his ahiDKle niill| his new machinery is now re»dy for opera- tion, and he is also i!ettiiii> in a lar<(U itock of material. Custom work is rush- J nx in, and as he says, first come, first served. lituru to fffice for another year. He hod ran bad entertained the visitors by recit- a close ahavp, however. We are sorry mg and Hingini: and the teacher had that our townsman, Mr. John McArlhur, treated all to a liberal supply ot candips, was defeated. the presentAlion was maile by little Jaiiie The teachers who spent Xmas in our Mavev, acc->iupaiiied viith an nddress burs;,have left for their respectiveschoolc, which was read by Misa Minnie Hanley. As Mrs. Cairns, Master George and Mr. Coulter, in a very pleasinu and touch- Miss>Jennle, of Elesheiton Station, were ini; reply, thanked the donors, expiesning returning home last Sunday, tbn cutter wishes for their future welrari- ami happi> upset, causing the horse to run aw^y. nus^. He was a faiihful and piiiis taking After a run of alHiut two miles the animal ttacliur and an indefa'ii;al'i« worker, not was ouuuliC aud n-hirned to the owners, only in the Sablistli scliU'd, bur in every- Neither the bnfse ur cutter received any thing p>-rtaiuiiig to the chu ch. We pre- damaue. , diet for him- a life aliouodint; in christian Mis. M. McAuIey of Toronto, is visit- ; usefulness. The following is the address, ing at Mr. C C. James at pnscnt. . 3fr_ Coulter : Mr J R. Atkins<ih left for IVonto. D^^ Sl'pbkeitbndbkt,â€" We, the this week where he is attending the Den- , loacliers aud scholaisof iku Sunday school tal College. ' have met hero this iiit,-ruo..n, ere yon We uiiderstand that our new miller, i take yuur departure from aniongst ua, to Mr. Waltec, took possession "f the Mc- Uowan properties hereon Mmday. i^winton Park fjotn C'Hr Oi«i VomDp'jiuleiit-. Tea aieetini;, soeial and Xiuas trees aro the order of tluj day. The annual tea- , held in the Methodist ,|„.reh t K^""''""'«' »»'^«'^'"^'*' '"»*« "»' f"'*^^'^ ex\>naa in aoine uieabiire. the esteem in which you have been lield )>y us all during your stay in our midst. We feel w* would be very ungrateful il we fiuled ere you leave us, to express our appreciation of the valuattle services rviuUreil by you, ill cuiiiieciion with your '>itice aa su|>eiiii- teiident oi our Sabbntli school. We re- Town Line A. and B. mei-tint(i Monday eveniQ'; uf lost werk turned out a success. The 8>-niioiis delivered by the Rev. U. J. Fallisof Dundaik, the Sun- day previous, was very in.structive and much appreciated. A social and Xmas tree was tiiveii for the Sunday school children on Thursday evening Quite a â- umber were present to aiijoy the itond things provided and the children were highly dulinhted with the «ift8 ,hey 1 »«»'''_. hl^P'-'B ""«^'j''"y 'yy "^'^f " t«ceir«d. The proceeds of all amounted to about $15. Quite a number of our oitizena hmk in the Xmas true in Priceville Friday niithfe last. Miss L. A. Dundaai is holdaying in the Queen City. Blakeston of with friends From Onr Oicii Corre-p tic/ttii Mr. U. VVyviUe bad a successful wood l>ee last week. { The Sunday achool entertainment held I III the townline church on the 20th ult., wasa vary successful affair. Proceeds $37. | Mr. Tlioa. Bolnud of Markdalu bouijht ' .\Ir. G. Hutchinson stock of shipping | lumber and waa out culling it last week, i Tile Wodehouse freight tr;iin has been | making daily tri|is lat ly loa lad wi h luiubur from Mr. James Wylie'g saw mill. Lawrence of our duties more faitlifully, and hope you ••lil pardon our ni');l<-ct. We feel that y,>4r. departure will leave a vacanoy whiob will be felt kef nly by us all, biu we feel assured that your waiiu-IieHrtt-d, kindly manner and christian teaching will not soon be forgotten. Asa :4liglit token OP tlie esteem in which you are iield by us, we present you with this Bible and Hymn a eininderof your frijiids here. Far con- cluttioii we would, one and all, wish you »11 needful earthly bleseinKS, and if WQ never all meet here again, may we re- aaaemble.an unbn.ken Sablialh aohoof^ where partin^fH are unknown. Signed oa behalf uf Siuiday sclioiil : Mrs. Will. Hanley, Mm. W'n Mci;ee, Mis* M. A. Bopper, Miss Bella Meldrum. Taadelear Pru-evllle From our mmi Correspondtnt The Preshyteiisii S. S., held tlieir ann- ual tea-uieetinu on Wedoesd ly eveniiw of liist We<.'k and it was a g'liod Micoess in 'jvery particular. Tlirouuhoui the day a liretty severe storm prevailed and the- prospect.s fiir a laiiio audience »er« aiiy- thiiitf but eneourajjiiig. Idownvur. the sua of faces ^hat â- ,i'. eted Superiiilondent Currio, asho lOok ihu chair, evuleuced the fact that the wind and .nnow had uot kept the people of the vicinity at home. The proi(iaiii w.is an I'Xce-di. gly interest- ing mill iiisti uciive uou The rucitaiions by the clii'dieii wore eiiiurt.iioiiig aud the siii^ting l>y tiK* choir was excellent. .V riblion diill by twelve girU drexsod in white was one of tile most attrnctive num- bers on i he program. The first jiart of the drill consi.sied of graceful niovement^ to music and the luttir pan ol i -lerioa of beautiful aud .suggestive tableaux. The most iiiteieiiiiiig feature of th>* > veniiig was the reai^iiigs given by Mitia Annie Richa d.sun, the tideiitud elouutionist of Floshertoii. .\moiig her s>*li>< tiona wero, •'The obstnii'livo Hat;' "Tlie l:<laiid of hho Sc..t<;" Three Chrmiii.W Eves;" "The little Boy Blue." The pioceets aniounteil ^50. Piic viIIl' P, S.. intend hoVlin); their ooncci't in Watson's hall next Monday eveniog. The pupils ai e piv|>arinw a good program for til o occnuion. The municipal elections p'v.s.sed ••If \'*ry quietly as fur as this ward w;is concerned. Wocongr»!uli.tc Mr. P, MoMi lun on hia Mr. aud Mrs. W. J. Priceville spent Christin here. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fleshert'jn spent Xiua< at the latter'a parental home. Miss Bulla Ferguson of Toronto it Tiait* ing friends here at present. ^"ot" Ovr Oion LWrr:,po,uunt^' ' Mis-i Ma^e Ferguson is visiting Mr Geo. Pritcbnrd bad a alight attack friends in Holsiein. l *^' inflauiutioii last week, l>ul is able to b« Mr-.. .Moore of Toronto is the guest of •""""^ "?"'"• Mr. J. Hiirdy. ' Mrs, Robt. Wvight is v«ry ill at prea- Miss Saiah Fernuson of Balsam Valley | *"*• waa the guest of Miss M. Ferris last! **" Plowea from Melita. M.initoba, ^qqIi. visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson. Bom-Dec. 15tli, to Mr. and Mrs. ; "»â- â€¢' ''^'^ *•"''• Jo-oeph Black, twin daughters. j Ml. R.hl. Shannon of Dundaik, visitod Diod-Doo. 15ih, the infant daughter j •» » «""• ^e"'!{«- here last week of Mr. J. Black. I The I.jidiea .Aid of the Moibodis: church Died- Dec. 23rd, Mr. Win Millcran, ' hold a very aucces-tul s.^ci»l here on wh.) has been aufforiiig under a linuering Wednesday evening, at which they re- di8ea.se for some t>ni>i, Doce.isod leaves alizwl flO. ayounn wife and two Hinail childion. i Miss Lizzie Anderson of Glt-nclff, i« ttis remains wore laid aw.iy i.. the Pres- »i«i<i'i« l>«r sister, .Mrs Geo. Uutvhinson, •^ j . byterian oeinatry Priihjy last, tRo Rev. jr. Mr« Uarrimin of Dundaik condiioting the the fui.oral survicos. The b.-renved wife and childieu have thg deep sympathy of th 8 coniinunity. Mr. Uobt. Kiiinel, beini; Ure>\ of the bacln lor life, took to himaolf a hi Ip- mate last week in the person of Miss Ncilson. Wo wish tliuiu a pleaW»^ journey tlirough lll'o. Miss AI. Scott, P. S. teaclier, who has been working in i>ur midst for some time, j returned lo her home in Durham last { week. Miss .So->tt will be very much missed in the Loagite and church work, to which iilie has been 9<i helpful. We wis I her success wherever her lot may be caac. proctor ^ O The Tailor Address and Presentation. On Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 28, being the •'losing of school for the year, some of tlie nieo>l>er« of the Sunday school, which haa been held in the school room of S. S. No. 9, since its organization some years sgo, and supeiiiMended by our esteemed teacher, Mr Coulter. f<ir two yearn, visited the sehool to bid farcwe I to the teacher and present hiiu with a handsomely bound Bible and a Methodist Hymn Book with music. After the child- Will supply you with a nobby suit fi>r fall. Work- manship and lit guaran- teed. Stjind â€" In Clayton'R Brick Block, Fleshevtoik >^, If' <5 The TaUor iPrietor ^, mmk di^A ^M

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