Our Thrilling Adventure. riutteraJ down upon us Itke a bene-jshowa, was very s»aaltiya to anything of a p*trlatia cb&rauter, h* threw up hia head and tore alon^f wt such a rate that, before we realized it, we ^vera ri«iht ia the midat of & ttra yard, iirhere a tbresbLng oxa^hine was clat- diction. A|{nes explained every point of In- ter«Ht as we drove along. Her infor- ,.»- ., „ .. , :_u«_â„¢.-«.» mation wa« wide ami varied, but,. alas, Now, Alex,' said Agnes in her most j ^^^ veracity was a very doubtful quan- l»ity manner, as she too'i the reins tity. i teriau noisily in the barn, and a fussy from her brother's hands, and ierlied | "This is the Klondyke," she said • black engine was puffing and rattling . . ... J 1 ..,„ „!• ,.i,V„.,inâ„¢ turning Diamond Jubilee down a lit- 1 away within a few feet of our road, her liorse .^ head up, by \> ay of thow mg | ^j^ ^;jj» jj^j.^ .^ woody hollow, where he j Uiarnond Jubilee promptly got upon her superior knowledge of horseman- wadeil almost knee-deop in a rustling, his hind, legs, and we all three gral>- •hip 'you may deposit your body ' golden .sea of leaves. And certainly 'bed the lines and Lmpiored him to come , , ., , \ t„ .,,„„;♦ it looked aa if King Mi.las himself down. This very sensible procetsding on ann lonea on tliS gate post to Jwaii j^^^ ,^^ exercising his magUi touch our part, only made him dance and leap, our return, so that you can open the ' upon all around. \Ve stopped for a I was meditating a 'e; u over th*- <ia3h- lie no steps to oarrj tiM i^tatons up and down. I woujd mi^e the bouse I fourteen (net wide, insi'ie measure, and of such length ati is m.'ces.sary to bold VVITAT SHALL WB DO IS WINTER, j the amount you wish to store. The iu- What can ^ve dp in Ui» way ox horU- "''« arran«ein»at should be two rows culture during Uho winter, wl.en vege- \ot bins, five feet square, Btandiag out Ublo groftvth ia susiwuded ajid active i 'our inches from the wall on aithei opera, ;o„s in orchard ami garden '^>^'^''il,:j^l'^!^^,:^Z:^^^ be c-arned on only at a dian ivaniago ? |,y ^xl studdinR. wt so aa to give a To meet wibh the greatest success in four-inch veniilaling sjiace between cato immedi:iteiv for you know we! moment to take in all the beauty. The board, Minerva was on the verge ot ! any 1 ranch of aericullure, savs Coun- i each two bins. Thu floor should also suu pierced through the leafy glade, hysterics, and .\gnea was standing up Iry Genilcman, those engaged in it I '"e raise-l four inches uom Uie ground mu.«-tu't be kept waiting. ; lighting up theplace to a golden glory heroically sawing at the lines, and wel"" ' "'"°" -"»-» • •- j ^nd if ihe ba<-k atutlding is set edge- .Si.e waved her whip majestically, and and making the few patches of green were all there scieamimg with terror, must manage to 1» irofitably employ- ^^j^^ against the wall it will give a Diamond troUed out of tiie lane into grass, visible here and there, look like when a great, big, burly man, with his »;1 all ihe yejir roiini. In < oiiimerce, I four-incii a. ace there. 1 estimate that : "^' Yetlt'^ t\e«t\!,"ndyklTwhispered ^ ^^.^i^J'^^J^lI^'.^^i^ \ --^'^-u- • -aas,.rtat on, . anking. : e-h two and on^h^f feet o^ length "Ob. certainly," said the young man' Minerva, "only far richer. Who us. I and tii the l.aruea proie.-to.ons, winter ;<>* /""s '•"/*« «'M ""''^ '^"•;,'''V^'»®*^,"' meekly is he fastened the gate. "U would exchange this for all the gold in , Ami tjien we forgot all alout our in- ' â- - -- '-â- â- â- 'â- â- â- â- â- '•• - â- ^ 'â- I-o"^^"*" ^ «•"« ^"^ "<' ^^"«^ ^^ ^^â- ' ,,,.', . , . ,f „ „„ f ,,,,„|j i Alaska?" dependenceu and .Agnes' giorves, ami looks like rain, but of course I «ould- [ "i would," respondedthe practical Ag- gl.rieked ^r help ia ciuite a dependent n't mind getting soaked waiting for _ nes, an we drove once more into the manner. three such charming youug ladies Is j ro-"l '"*,''"*' ''^^^ "S"' 'i'>?° I. co"''' The giant grinned, and leisurely tak- , , 1 i.i ' have a little grove like that m my inâ„¢ hoid oC our rearimr ateed'a bridle, there anythm? else you would Hkeme , back-yarl,. an.f at.tumn leaves all the '^ ^ firmly upon his four feet^lS depth of about five feet, i-yovide for is as fruitful in reeiuits a.i is summer â€"if anything, muris .so. But, because I i borough ventilation by a good win- the cultivator of Uic soil cannot till in | dorw at eacli uoJ and a ventilator in winter, he is ala lose to turn his time i l-^e ""oof, for the da^iger of loss by , , , , . t , i frcsjt is trifling compared to that from anU la-o«r 10 goo I account, siaijle ma- j ^^„ ^j^,^ a temj>erature, which will to do ? I might run after you with' year round if I wishe<l. Go on hor.se." ,/ jjg i^^ \^^^ ^ i^y aniiual out of aure. fresh from the stalls of idomestio ! (^ause sprouting. 1 would make the your dinner on a tray if you were late ! And &«»/ ^^e flew once more over a (joahs Ark. ' rum uiuuci una i.i»j j u |^..^l gf^gj-^jj ^f j^^ ^itij the breeze â- 'Skittish, ain't he!" from Kempenfaldt bay ruffli.nP her ^ ratJier suspicious enough. 'Want to. "Oh, you poor thing!" cried Miner- dark curls an<i setting her little red gg^ past f ra, who was not, his sister, and who! ^''^^ j"'^ ",rK>n one side. ^^^ ^ looked very licautiful ujder her wide winsome as when she vnia d" blue hat. "We shan't be so exact- ' with everyone. We knew j,^„ ^„t, „.„-,,„,y „. .u. ......t ono-ine" vo <!« log You may read .vour look till we | much of this she maaat, so we both ""."ously at the bla..k engine, ^.e de return." animals, can be hauluJ an I s.read over roofn with a ceiling not more than sev- he a.sk6d with lae roots ot trees, shrubs, "c^mes and ! ««» fe«t }^^- » '' «^'ll '>f easier to . . _ , , , control the temperature tl:an with a vinea. of perennial ulanis and ui>un high ceiling. Keeii the ventilatore open lliit we had suddenly begun to think 'ground designed to be plowed and' in ilu» fall until fTMjzing weatlier, and Vsa^"eU^ our diive had been long enough and 1 ,,1^^^^ i^ 1^,^ j There is no bet- ! all through the wiater watch your ' just how - °-r"l/"*'''-J-f„'' «'r:'!'5.;ter time to apply manure than when i thermometer. _and_«u.rd against ex- Iremes. The noerer vou can keen the iighe<i and agreed with her. 1 "'^^'^ ^^'â- ^ 't^ waa time to turn hom»- 1 it "s made, an I no bettor way than temjierutiire to 40 d^rees the better. T^en wo came tu. the post-office and | ward. upon the .surfai:e in wini^jr. A great If the butlding ia utile ot lumber I â- Xo, jou'd Ijetter not," responded his I store, with its sharp little bell and i So our rescuer whirled us round, and many of our ma»i inieiligent and sue- would mak^ th« wails a foat tiiick by itj'T "Yrai would be sura to iretin- '*^ untidy windows, crowded with a , away we flow one more, leaving f. a^riciilriiri^lH n...d bortivultur- 1 "*-"8 "'"'^'''^K twelve inches wide, and iter. Yon «ou d be »"ra t" 8«' "> i miscellaneous mixture of dr^ goods and thanks and bless ngs heajied upon the i '^'^'-'^'^ ogrituliurista and horiivultur | hoarding on both sUies. and ia.king the •ister tiereated in it and forget the gate. Keep a sharp eye on the road. Tell mother to have chickem pie for dinner. Don't go into the parlor with your j jar in Uie window. muddy loots. Don't smoke within a read the conversation lozenges v. ere temptingly displayed in a glass | groceries. Agnes went in for the jjga^,! „( jjjg ajnu.sed fir.'man who was | ""^ t^*^^" ''«-'ome comimed. from re- gj .^^e with some good nonconducting mail and we amused ourselves trying to evidently convulsed with supiiressed seated experiments, that letter results 8u))stance. .sawdust, ooru ihaff, or lea- * ' laughter. I are rta.ized from using manure in this ''es will answer. The windows at ihe •We've had our adventure," gasped j „.. ^ ,^^ ;„ ^^^^ j^ ^^.^,„^ ^^^ enda should have frames wide enough She soon returned with a bag of candy i^merva. I irroun 1 s ^.enervlv f,n,«n s., . 1 a.t criv- '**''''.. '^'^ "' *".f'*'^n'u''' '^'â- '.i? and a wonderfully thick letter, writ-; Oh. my gloves,' groaned Agnes." groun i s gener.cli fiozenso tl.at ..riv- ^ .j^,^ ,^^ outside. There should be mile of my room; and don't forget to; ^^^ jjj a bold masculine band. We "^^ y°^ girls hadn't screame<l so," ing or\-or it doup not cut it u.>. and a siorm door cnriloainK a aj-ace large â- ^ " ' ' ~ â- "" "^" _ â- -.. 1^^^ enougt to si.'inri in. and two doors, una oyening out ami one in, so that open the gate. Get up, Di lee! iamond .lul.i- : recognizeil the hand-writing and the , I suggested, knowing all the while tue ftTtiiizing ci>nient:t are all in, I Toronto post-mark, and being very that my own voure bad soared a' ove , lo e&a ^ a« s<»m is fpnnyntai sympathetic in regard to such mat- all the others. They immediately ''**'"'"'"**â- *' '^ =^" '"' """""'•ai ^^ , ., . . , I sympathetic in regard â€" -â- Vnd v.-e trotted gently down the road, i^^^ Minerva insisted ufon driving But Agnes seldom lad her satisfac tioQ in teasing; sc she pulled up her horse again. " On, Alex," she called back; "tell May to give the kitten some milk; â€" I forgot; and Alexâ€"" "Well, what on earth, now?" "Don't forget to open the gate." "I say," cried he, coming hack, "you'd better take ma with you, so I'll be ready to open it wiien you get osck." 3Iinerra and I looked quite agree- able; in fact, Minerva looked delighted, but Agues was disduiuful. "The ideal \VTiy, we just started on tl.is drive to sfao^v you our independ- ence, and " "And you can't get away for fear I'll forget tc open the gate. ' white Agnes devoured itj contents. I'erhaiis Minerva was consiuering' pense. that when she received letters from ' in zero wfaiher you c&n go in and out quenched me howev^^. and we ended i^ommenece. The ra.na and u.elung .^J^l „„, ^^^ i^ ^^^^, ^,,,j j [ |,„j. culled by laughing heartily at our own ex- suu^vs of winier dissolve the ylant lood oak lumi>«r fur ol! .such pur< a.ses aa and wash it into the a)il roa ly to be "i^a for Sa-'i I pr tlousiuid feet, and as 'I is .sound, an t lasts much lietter than mai. wnen sue roce.vea letuei^ w.mi j ^ ^j^ farmer's double buggy ai«.,rti«.l bv-r.H.t.. af i r«i,« mi 1 ulanta " '" ''''""J- «" ' '"^'^ '"'^'> "«'«*'' than a certain young man who at that mom- rattbng briskly past laden wi^h *'**>'*«*t ^i ^oota of trees ana plsnU ;^^ .^ ^ e.c,nomictkl. This lum- ?h« ^a7e-nZ'~raaentlv*awa?tfn^ our t^ f^m.ly and a li.rral car^ of <^ ^a ^ gro.viJi ;s renewed in tba ,^r has small w.,rm 1 ol«s. not large the gate-post patiently awaiting our arrival. But I already knew how use- less it was to speculate upon what my pretty friend held behind those great brown eyes. So I gave myself up to the delights ot our surroundings. butter and eggs and bound for Car- ai*riurf. In the warmer days of the enoagli to admit a p'n. which causes rie to do their Saturday's shopping. latter i art of wiuUr aud early spring. Then we drove through the go den prun.ug and grafung may l» done. I silence of the Khmdyke, once more, = = o .• and turned into the "dd churchyard "lave i rimmed a,/i)le trees in feijruary. it to t-e clansed as cull. I think In the dry Kattsa-) soil ojte might sim: ly make a ("it, beard up the sides, an I I'Ut a tem- i UU..HU,.. «.. â€" ^^..^..^^.^a-'- -- -^ - ! ;>r:iry roof over it. cover it with Now," exclaimed Agnes, .suddenly, at Shanty Bay. There is a lieautiful ^'^^ would not aivjie doing it exia. t , rairie hay i>r roru fod-Uw at a nominal aa she divesd int,o the candy-bag, "1 1 old church there with the scarlet-leav- «*> the lui.dcr Hys. lor it is j our ecou- exr«nee, and .senirely winter potato- wonder if the nimter will bo mean ' ed ivy. clinging to its roughly-plast- â„¢'^y '*• run He riak of colds, iierhaps gg, jjut ^ pc^rmanent house sucii aa I enough to say t got a man to help me i ered walls. We tied Tiamond to a .."«" .u^»u-a, lor .ue ^a-ti ui au uiUb a | dascrilte is not exiensive. iVn oil â- when I bougnt these candiesi" 1 rail of the fence and slipping thr<)u.;h Hnle time. 1 fcavo choi.ped wood in atove or even two large lamiis can be "The nigger," Isthe appellation she ^jjg gj.pajjinjj gi^ j,,^^ entered the dim- » luickly-timbered woot-lot. jrotect- mjed in zero weather. had beiito>yed upon her brother be- | |jt building. It was old and damp, ed from tuc win 1, when it would have cause of hid tall form and black curly | ^^^^ ,,,^j.,j discoU.red walls, but the l»en dangerous trimm.ng a lew* sliel- 1 •'We shan't tell him." said Minerva j '^ht shone through a l*autiful stain- lercid crcuar.l. Hut if luc horticu.l-ur- | XEACHING HORSICS. TO WALK FAST, promptly. "Gv on with your letter, Aggie." We drove nearer the bay, and a ffust of wind sent a cloud of flutter- ing leaves down to envelop us, a fact sd window at one end and lit the plate :si cauuoi, at all times in winter, work , .,,.., » n. with a soft radiance. An old pipe or- out of acors with im, unity, he can per-! Ent«>n'ri8 ng farmers are not satla- gan stood in one corner, and Ague.'? form ine.lectual iai.or, uialiing plana fiea wiih sIoav horses, siys a writer: and I slipped into one of the high- and iretaraiions for Ihe work of tne n makes very little difference whet- :)a^ked pews, near the door, whi.eMin- ensuing wason. One can go to woric'^^j. j, ^.^^ ^^^^^ j^,^ ^j. „^,(. i,ut *rva played a .solt low melody that in the spring with much gn^atcr ala- 1 . ,, „•â- tu mingled wondruualy with the moaning triiy anl effectiveness if ho has bis ">«? must walk. When a man witn of the wind outside and the »oft light i-liins ajl workt i out, fully matur^l in , one pair of horttns gos-s with his cul- froui the windows. ui nJ. roaiy for uiaierial expros- : tivator into a fiedd of corn containing iu-reir.rd to the letter Its contents ' '^ seemed almost like desecration to s.ci. If J,e m intending to plant ; f j;,^ ^^ ^^„^j,j^,„ a«-re.sha III reg.ira to tne letter. its contents pm^j^j^ jj„ ^^„ shpped out and waded Iruita. oitiicr Umt faamly use or for had evidently been very . ^satisfactory, U j,,^ , f ^^^ ,,,,„,., ,j. market, he can carofuLly measure i..a for her spirits Ixsgan to rise as fast aa ! j » ^.^ ^^^ „ ^^ ^ tonilvstones gro.iad whic. he inten si the wind; so as we were just entering a â- '., . , , , . „,..•.„ > i _ ">^ â- »"«^" <â- • - , . , , . , lonely littlo grove we all started to "^°"'t "J » â„¢^uer surrounded by a nM,.e a. M^« of it upon i.i _ »f the gate and losing la-ogbiugly at . sijjg. gro\e of gnat oaks. mjiie iJie distam-^ a, art tu plant ti:e his .siitcr, "tnat youi wont come back i we bawled ••The Maple Leaf Forever" ' Agnes was alra.d Minerva might I e- viir «un s| acies of fruits, largje or without having bad the s.<isistj«nce of | and "The land of the Map a," in a '•â- ome (Mjet.cul again, so she dragged small, and the exact pluus in the plat ilinorva and 1 laughed, but Agnes ! ,^at sent Diamond flying along in quite was no means disconcerted. a reck:ess manner. ••That's for your own good. You said '^'AK,?'^''" ^^jf""! ''f opportunity to ,, ' ,,.,., . scold Minerva for furious 'irlving , and you believed we couldn t take care of deprived us of the chance to tease her i mirseWes, and we're just going to show you." 'I'll bet you a pair of gloves, Ag," he said, leaning his arms on the top wiints that learn to waJli ra; idly and 10 ilant and a»»'y- ' â- "">••â- '"^^^ ""« '''''? "°t»l 'r deter- ' 'i"''^ ^">« °^^'^ 'en a^-re"' â- »""' some- times twelve This must to dine in ten hours; thera is no iid\aniage in maJiing a working day twelve to fif- ana laie land oi tne Map a,' in a '•'"""> i"'>:<-i"> •«uiu. »« -jud uiokh^'"^ ^•^^.. ..uu luo ciaui, ijiuom m uuc jiiai. .^^^"^^ ,,_,, â- • f",.n,«r« <li,l fifty I manner that made the gr.at solemn 1 us lack to the buggy ..nee mure. that liiey will occupy, and then calcu- •^''n hours long, as tarmers aia i ity "Girls, I call j depths of the go. :en-bi own forest ring. I We went out into the wind .tgain laio h<»w many tr<-88 and tdnnts lie Jears ago. i ne^er go juo lun iic»« » man." â- Donel" she cried, yeu to witness. This 2(.tli of October, [Agnes was eiven starting "Upon the to I'ind that thu hlue sky hint all iii.s A.U., 1897. What kind would you ad- j Heights of QOeejiston, " when \v« once j appeared; Kemp, n elilt lay grey and vi.se mc to have^' "" "^"^ <-•-'â- ' I thlni: 1 shall have driving gloves," taid her brother, meditatively, so that I can take you out for an airing occa- •ionally." • Well, good-bye. I shall decide what color they are to be before I get buck. Don't forget about ttiu chick- coming. You shall see. will rwjuire lo fil' it. He .an t.ben as- ' »n il ] o'clo-k_ ceral.i i be num ier of l rces an.l plants ! mu'^f 'f 'l'>n'^ ^eforo sunUmn. I lUto of Die dirf,.rant speciej and varieties 1 o w ork a . »»lt some a, txvo years oUl. At night every chore I like lie ivill waiu. Jorree, ond with reliable at en pie; and don'c forget to be tie " But Diamond pat an end to all this nonsrnse by trotting demurely" down the I'iU facing the lake. The young man, however, did not leave tne gate immeui.itsly. HestixKl leaning easily against it, and ligbt- iag his cigar, and gazing after its un- til we t'lrned the corner and M.inerva'8 blue plumed^ hat disappeared among the yolden leaved trees in the hol- low. I could s-e it all from my vantage ftroun i, on tue low front seat; but, >Hing very discreet, I made no re- marks. Minerva nnd I bad come down from cur town liomes to spend a few days « ith Arfncs and her large family of brothfers and sisters, 'Ihey were a merry group, and she the merriest ol all, full ol fun and frolic, and at once the boMom companion and; torment of kcr brothers. We bad set out to-d.^y with the firm dcterraiuaton to assert our ij dependence anl at the a.ime lime have some sort of nn adventure. â€" Agnes was more emerged into the sunlight aji<l i angry, vxa.s la^shiug up aguii.st the civilizalion. and had to settle down to ^ l«u,,ii and the wind hail risen to a "^.^rli^'"' i"'"'"'*'. '*'"*'â- ,. ; perfect huriicano. Diamond threw up ii'irseryinen and pla e his or<!er where Its strange. Imt we don t se,-m to Uj^ head angrily, aa a cloud of wet lie lin.ls lie can .io beat . 1 have known H V-T""'"'^ '*" f?" ^^^' °'"'"""^" leaves dashed into his fa.e. and away furmers to declare, when the delicious "vTr w^™„'k?^![> „.'„* » -,»„ ,„»,« W8 flew with the rain .spla-^hing into .summer fruiis were in seasin and their No, but we haven t met a man who i _ , ' " /»;.„ i , ,. __ • ., .,. . », ' hal to help us either," responded our | '~!: /â- "â- ««• ,. . , '""}f "<â- " ^nj^i' "f "'«"'â- . ">".•- t''«y I river gaily, "and the adventure is The .mly living creatures we saw on would no. allow another sir n« to pivs.s , -• â- â- • our wild ride home were a donl-ey in without pluuting an .osiortment of °V,"" ^^^' "'' ""•" '•'* m-iiic_ huiot. I hitch him to a riding cultivator with a fast walliai: and then nee that I'.e ko6] M up He niusl n< i be wbip- ie<l. but he will msed t.ouciiiiig up hun- drela ot tijn»>8 the first day and per- haja fi>r several days. Tho ma n thing ist to make him understanl that ho ^BSflookg.rlT There ia aomethii* i a crim.son .strewn field, and a y. ung fruit, but wliBn si-ring arrived, tiiey i When be un, « le.vr„^ facing the water 1 "Graves t" whiapered Minerva. "Ves. That ia where five Indian braves are buried. They were Algou- (itiins. and lost their li.ca helping tho .Jesuit missionaries, when the Iruv^uois attacked. At least so the story goes." M:nerva stood up and looked long at whirling maze of siarjet leaves and Hying haw-1 erries. and Ihe next vo were lost in a shnver of gold from .some dLsmaatled tree. We vera ' e- g niiing to have apifrphonsions of a more scru-UB odventur'- in tho share ng to 1 'kpI gi.'fs some time of course, to iiink- ng 1 ians anl prepara; ons, but 1 tl ink l;« ofien (luds t iieiu inioinp'lete. in many rftSfCcis, wiw^n the lime for ao- iii>n arrives. If he .sbould etop'loy his iiini; w inter even ngs anil .stormy 'ays 01 falling tre*<8. when at last we got in stud.ving the liiLsiness, rcaliiiK <n 'v., attviid.ng liort '.cultural me4-ting.s. consul! in^.eiiierienced fruit -groivers, in order to ascerta.u what si'ecios are would lie a fine thing it ."wme elow, imltering farmers cvald move a UttI* tasier. A GOOD PLAN. Kxrmpiliic Wnrkmrn'* Home* rroiu Tnxa- linn In many iiarts or Europe th^ loi-al mi «( profitable, and what varieties are auth.»rities at>e strivimj to ameliorate goins to prove to us that country ''fe ! ^a I .â- an't aftor the !onolv gieen graves lying close to a wel-omo glimpse of Hay View House the moaning shore, with the great t reea ' sot on its tree-clod hill, and th" iie.vt Lending piotectingl^ over thorn, moment wo are driving rapidly up the "Oh, gir's. just think of it I What a ' sloiie. beautiful en.iing U> all their years of | 'flu fathful "Nigger" is already at im«t hai-dv anl productive and meet tho ci>n»liti.in of th,» workiiigmen iind atrUell'o lie there in this peaceful spot, tbe -tie. .iiid anot -e l-,rothei- is w ,ait- wiih readiest .vale, he would find, in eQ,.,^ratfe thrift .•ind industry by of* under those great lr«-8 wtth the sun- ing on the verandah to take our ,.be en-.l. that the time bai l*en rrofit- f~.i„ , j;^.;.,, c„,,,,.,.,„..uts tx, those l.^ht ^d the *y- horse. ably s,ent. There are tew market ^o'-'W «1*^'''' 'n''"",^'"';"'^, ^f ,â„¢ -That will do now said Agnes em- | .p, ,j „,other ci.mes out in the fruit-growers who do not realize Hat who sliow a disposition t« help th.'m- wUh t^}'whiu'"^Yo^, .ilaUn«''ocea^^^ 1 '*^n ^" ««l-"- "« "''^'^'^^ »â- "• ^"^ â- '«>"'•« °f '^^i^ v-arieties are inueb more felv«s. One plan that is iK-ing tried with thewh.p.^^^\ou^^geltin«^poeur^L.|^.^^,^^^ ^^ ^^^ door si«cch'ess with profilable than others, and tbnt, it La several cities in Belgium soems to sistance of a ( locti'r to''°take*you hoiSt ''^"ff'^-t-^r "«• ""r delat.idated appi-ar- their orchards were a'd pUmio' with 1)0 regarded ivii.li guneral lu.or and 'ord to lU Ihoie «love^." a^-'e- . H^e moat rrofitable kinds, their net pro- may.h^ adopted ,n ot-ert^unl r.e-s. It ->-,., J •â- .. _'i, iojiv. . >«.ii I €..i«rd to lose those glovea." , anre. . , . , - â- was tar more lively and exciting, than] "Reaily you have no soul." exclaimed ' "Vou certainly must have had your fits would lie greatly augmento 1. f i njvidivs for the oxemi'iim of woik- lljing lit .a^ town, so we were lothquilej poor "lvii'ner,^i"ook'L they all .say. "And from imvo v'ia7ted tire groan is of many of ingnifln from the p.iyment of buiUiing, t ,.> n._.ii ,„ ... 1^1 ^^^ I eautiful spot your appearance, I should suppcso it prepared for soinetluag thrilling to oc- cur. I •Haven't I. though? Hoie, Martha, ia ' was a tumble into the lake" «ays May. There could not hava been more fa- something that will suit you." .-Viid she | "Did you liring my gloves, Agl" voralde circumstances lor a drive, nor | stopped once mora Ijeside a great field! asks tjie "Nimier" 08 he lifts her out. But she is not daunted yet. "Cer- tainly not. Why should I? There wasn't a man " Minerva who cann"t possibly tell a lie, says, "Oh, .\gnps!" And May cries. "Hid you see a yoiin«r man on a less li'felihood ot anything untoward 'of flourishing, strougly-smelliug tur- hajjoening. ' nipa. Diamond trotted meekly along, his i Minerva, and I uttered expostulatory footsteps falling softlv upon the gol- ; shrieks, at the incongruity. But Ag- <len-carpeted road. l'"nr away ahead ' nes stool up in the buggy and waved s: rotcbod a long lovely avenue of trees i her whip Irngicaiiy towards the offeni- In .all the"' gK rv ot their October dress, sive vogetablea, and to our left the blue waters ot | "Oh, girls, just think of it I" To lie .. , , ,,. KempenfoKlt bay spiirklod in the ' there iu this peaceful spot,, luider those ""'.y's fV» 5'""'' return f sunsbine. 'Jj^o sky was .is clear as.if it great clo.la ot uarbhi. | .'Vnd then Agnes suggeaU that were June, with hure an 1 there ju.st a i "A'e were just pi-eparing to throw her few fleecy clouds drift injj gently with out of tho buggy, whenj Diamond merc- thc breeze. It was an ideal autumn ifu'ly interveiie<l, .storting off with day, but with none ot the autumn ha, e ; (I suddenness that set our orator down thpre was rather a .su.spicion of spring most emphatic a ly uixju her seat; andl In the fresh breeze audi the clear sky. peace reigii>4il once more. Xhcr'e was nowhere a siyn of anything .But the wind from the bay bad risen to (ii.sturb Its calm, but Agnes said to quite a ga'e and threateuing block we must have an adventure, just to c'oads were begimining to pile up in 8how"~Alex how i apnbla wo woi;e ; so aa the north THE PKHOXIDK FUTILITY. It is an unsettled question wheth- er Itleaching tlie hair leads to softening she Wits our hcstosa we both lA)ked to ''Oh. dear, it's going to rain, and we I «* ">« '"'aia, or .'.oft<>iun« of the brain go in to dinner. Orillia, Out. Martha Graham. our most .-.uccesrftil fruitgrowers, but pavinff and sewerage Ui.ves wncii the have vet to ni.et the t rst one who is huilding ere-tol or tiansformcd is pertec"tly ^at.isfiod with allot bi.s vnrio- do3tiiu.'d to be itsed as a dwelling tor ties; wlK. would not chnng« some of the l>uildor and is upon property se- them w,^re Im to plant ag.iin. It ia <!"r«l "">'«â- • <-ertain cMidilions ac- wilh marked fruit-growers the .•,aim> as cordoil t.o workiuymon. 1 ne advaiit- 11. is with a dairvinan. waose profit â- •>!<«â- •♦, /'f '.â- !"« rtguiation a.e extended comes iiminly fnm'i i ivrl ot his herd an' [^' "H â- â- ^>-'«t»tts it^so^-ia.ed with the suv- comes maSiilv from ran ot his herd .anl "W Imr^-.u .>t tho KO^ernment. which who tries to WH-d out the poorer ones | e"^-' «»'• iriUK-form Imi .lin.<.'^ by one ot that all may bring in a profit. ItU-i* m-tho,l» prosi^nbed by Ihe bureau would be well lo wco 1 out tho „u-ro- : t-l'er.-by a.sMvtiu t workm.<men to tiie filahle kinds before planiing, but, fail- , !"vji..>rsbip of owellin/ hou.cs. am to iiW in that, in som^ »im.do8, varieties invorixM-ated as.s,s-i«t lon.s, oiyani -ed for can he quickly' changed by building or grafting. A STORAGE II0U3R FOH POTATOES A reader asks for building a storage house for potatoes in which to keep them for winter. a perioil of at loa-t ton years, which ftrect buiklinws de-.tined to be rented to workMiurmen. and which agive in their chait«r tn-it their ili.idemU* »hn<l not oxi-ved .') ix>r cent. Ot ouurso, directions tor i Uiew priviltijcos ar« guarded by re- st ri<Ui>n to piovi.>nt tloir abuse. l''or imU'iiiro, i-r lira workingmin does not nctutlly occupy the dwelti.ig within her to provide the excit«ment, what- , haven't had our adventure yet I" cried I '«aJB t* bkaching of tlije hair ever it might he. > Agues. 'Sot up there, Diaauond Jubi- Wo Bwept alon^Jf through stretches i 'oe I" ot brown farm biud-s, •villi their com- It waa quite impossil>le to keep from Portable houses nnd barns. In tleir , singing, aa we flew along in the e.xhil THE SUSPECTED WIFE, writes Waldo F. Brown: Such n tlirw» uv>nths niter it is eumploted, if house can b«? ca^sily and ehea-dy oon- crlxuson and 'golden sotting of trees; iiating breeze, so we broke into "The i „ _^, - .„ ,i„v« over hiils that «uve u.-» glorious gliuiu- La.n»l of the Maple, once more, as the o"^^â„¢' '»'« '"-"ay L oC the great'*blo« stretches oFlX scarlet e.iildem of our cour^try, diMioed i ^ Cnmstm eak-> ee; do yot, .supvo«> Siaicoe; and down into tairv-llke bol- merrily about us. ! hes Iwen iryuw to sdiav» himself, or !©wu, whers the golden-tinted leaves Diamond Jubi;ee, who, as her nama ' o»a Ins ivife corme home* h* cea^:os to inrcupy it within iivo years, , .,, ^. , I or tr9.n'>rcres tlie ownership to another slructetl an-l niajy Iw rather entirely , jj,,^ o^titied to exeniptimi, „r if tho above ground, or i artly below. In | j>remi««* are Ui»ed for the sain of Yeast.â€" Iiid you notice those cuts on ! dry soil it will be chwviwr to excavate ' liquors, tho tax«\s are payalile a.s in the and mak« it partly unler ^r,Hind.I,':''-*'>f â- â- 'n^'.nt.h^r property. Tlm« far ,, , ,u!^.,.L . . this plan, with seine mot'i'ication.^., htia would pr«»fer that it be on slopmg | j^^ adoided in Revpniil place-t, and in ground, so tJint at one owl tlicrH will ^ all apiiaren/tly with »p>od results. »v ...^ 4>'