Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1898, p. 4

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JANUARY 6 1898 tHE FLESHERTON A D V A N C ii i BSTABLI5HED ./SB/' _ 1 r ^A© Advance FOBLISIIKIl WEKKI.V AT THE OFKICE, HVI) ENUAM AtUKKT, FLKHHEKTON, ONT., BV W. H. THUKSTOM. $1 per annum strictly in adrance Advertising Rates: tteUolumu, 1 yuar. »r>0 ; half col., 1 quarter uol., one year, $15. Transient advertiBeiiient cbarf^ed at the rate • ountK pur line for first intiertion and 3 eout each f.dliKO'qHcnt innortinn. THE HUMDER PIGGERY The Hninber piggfry case has now got far boyond the amuHing point, and its extreme seriouancHS is apparent to all who have followed it. Farnisrs arc asking lliemselyes what jusliiied the government in entering into a apcculatiou of this nature, anyway ? It was not to serve any scientilic pur- pose, and evidently only to speculaie in pork and incidentally to give a position to some supporter. The apccnlatiun luriiod out poorly but the " position " siill remiins. The To- roijio biar ,a supporter of tht govern- lUfaut, Las the following sober and fttinsible stuleuients to make regard- ing the manor, which we cauuot do iKiiior than quote entire : Tliia pigiieiy ulfiiir Ims gone bt-yond tli<« joKe HtHije, Hii'i even OiuukIi l>ibt rnlti tuny luugli 111 tlio charuui piuHuiiied, in Uicir hkOui m< iiNi'H ihey inUKi luUiiil that tlio Cioveriunciii bus gut iiHulf iniu n very diriy uivas Jt f^cwlijii, the man wliu butchurod the Ii<>.:h, in tullin j the truili, Uiu cliurgu.t ai^ u|'{i.illiiig. it n piixnte inihviUiml huu liKCii )iUiiiy ut tiUuli a cuursu <>I uvtKJii iiii<t iniiiv.uiiiti wciuUl lie in jail u> <lay. Hut, 01 CKiii'Hi', only »iiu HidU Iiun been Learu.anu ii ihh<> dilticult tj believe that a Uoveniineiil otUoml would ni'ilur di-aU •iiu ai^iiig |)ii;)< til Iju ihessiid, to ha b<>iU >« fi»><l, iH|<t;c'ially when thar dtliuial had not a cunt to inalie fur liiinAuli liy hucIi a iruiiKaciKiii, Hut, hetliataiit may, ihe UovoiunuMit JH Hiill cul|ial)lo. iSince elm eia t'kiMitul in that pi^guiy, not unu kiiiiual hhouiil have been Hold for food. Tiiu Ontiiii'i (ioveniiiient la sunt enouj^li that olIiKih HhouUl kot'p thu laWH I'f hoaitli, ai.d IN Nirict t'noiigh tu puiiiHh tlitmo who disobey them. ISiit here, il ih'i r.!port-< be ti uo, it lua<U iho way in VKilaiiii^ tliu I'UL'UiatiuUH of health. Ilia all aciao of eooiioiny run wild. To ilentioy 1I1M8O liouil tlio tJoveriiimtiil Would liavt) UiHt Hniiie 92,0U() at mout. Yit, III oi'ihr lu Mivu thai paltry amouiit an act wliiili kcuiiis ulmuHl au outra^u it ipoipttraiwl. This ceitaiiily in ucmKiniy which aliii"ht i'i|ualfl a criiiiu, and u a Very low fuim oi extraorilinaiy meaiiiicss. ISo iiiiiiiul hIiouIiI have lieen sold, but Miici) it wiiH di'cid d tu diH|>osu uf thiiii the utiii'ini car« hhoiild liuvu bien t;iknii. Thu (iovuiiimuiit cannot ^ei artiund iln^ m ttor l.y Bayinu that the vuieiinaiy uurjjeoii IH iua|"Misiblo. They alionlil ha\<i iNHiaicd and aeeii t^) il that cviry lu'K killnl Hlioiild have liccii caiBfully â- exaniniuil I" hen it waw biitrhir.'il. 'J'liB wliole moral of the hlrry ie the dcdiioiny wi.lch is duHirahle at ino.tt tiinfii uiiiy occa.^ioiially grow inlo a erimu, ai d frc<i;iuiil.ly ilevehii) into yrcat iiiea.iiio-.H. 'i'lio Toioiiio News, disouB.iing the jaine subject, says : Jiy liuiliiii'j the eiKiuiry into Iho Halo of diMcani'il jiork from thu llninl er |.i;i goiy, the I'loviiicial Cio\eii Bient iias VMUiH'ly pleiidcd «uilty to the cliaiwe brought liy Mr. Ht. .lohii, not, howov, r, liufore lie had HiiliHtaniiaU'd it by at least •»inu witiiLNH. Tlie |ihiiMul(ipled by the ('lown in the invesli;{il:on waa, to nay thcloa.sl, niosi pecu i.ir Afior tlio ro..ilirn< <.f the uJl.tige the coinmitlee iiroceeded tu call 'Wit .e:,iO'< to |)ii>\o that it waa not trui jinil t» d'Ni!i<dir, in ai'.vaii'e, lliu iiutn who well) called to tostify to llui eoiruct- iieaii uf the cliariji B iiiaiie by Mr. St John. Tho positim taken by the (iovorinnoiit it •.imvaluiit to that of a jiidgo on the beiioh H ho refused Ic hour thu winuKMeH for the prohci'Uiioii till after llioau fnr llui do eiicu li.nl iOHlilied. Such condiiiit of the caso U prima faciu <>v;<len(:u of tliti guilt of the accuaud, and tbii peuj'lu uf Untariu will viuw it aa NUcll. The Toionio World claiiui to ha^d iQBriied that iho Ontorio eieolionii will '.ako place about tbo Inst week in f ttbruary. ^r. Carman in tialtuiUjr 's Glob* «cln)tuiRteied a B«v«re rebok* to tbe -ranowDcd anti - prohibilioniit anil prinoipal of Queeu'a OoUeg^i Kiuy* â- tone. Dr. Grant. Di .Garmsa points Out that it is Queen's College and the position of the man that gives weight to the Btateraeuts as published over the principal's signature. The same f.entiments expressed by any unknown man would never be heeded. King- ston appears to be very prolific in Ecclesiastical curiosities, and few cities of its size can boast eif two such iutorestiug specimens as Dr. Grant and Mgr. Cleary. Were it not for these gentlemen that little ciiy would only be kuowu as tlie i^etreat of bad men who wish to retire from active life for a time. With them the country is also kept in toueii witii its Uiurai qualities as well. The Elections Counciloruâ€" F. HarKcnt, L. Mathews, W. J. Benson, J. Spn.ule. Tru«tee8â€" Dr. Ego, W. A. Annatrong, U. S Rae. Glenolgâ€" Reeve, Staples by accL; Dep. MeFadden, «ocl. ; Councillors, J. Will- iams, J. A. McMillan. Jon. Finh. Protonâ€" Reeve, McKenzie ; Dep., D. Wilson, accl. Couiieillurs â€" Oorbett, Cooprtr atid Wright. Artemesia's council for the present year wdl beconiposedof Reeveâ€" Dr. ChriHtoe. CouNciLU)K8--VVard 1, D. McMillan ; Ward 2, T. K«IU ; Ward 3, D. Mc Tavish ; Ward 4, G»o. Thompson, accl. The vole on Monday waa probably the laigost over polled in the limiury uf this township. The weather was line and C'lld, ihe roads fairly good and voters turned out in full force. In Wbrd 1, Mr. Muir came within fourof defeating the old repieseiitativo, Mr. McMlllen. Two yearn aijo, when these two ucntlemen ran aKainst each utlier, the difference between thum was eleven. This shows that the popularity uf the two men is very evenly divided in their ward. Mr. Beat t;ot snowed under by Mr. McTavish, the latter gentlemdii taking a majority over both his opponents. In the Kugenia ward, althuUk'h nu vute fur councillur waa required, • large vute fur reeroship re.<iultcd. Dr. Christoe has again been called to preside in the reeve's chair, al- though by a somewhat reduced majority over the figures with which he gained victory ill years past. Taken altouother we (>eliovo the council for I8U8 will be very fully worthy of the contidenea of thu electors. Those of the old council who have been relumed have found rocks from which it will ^e wise to steer away and the vote thisy. ar lias been produc live of good ill many diroctiuns. Wo be- liero that no township in the county is iiioie fully alive to the welfare uf their own municipality than is Artenies:a. The very large reprntentation at nomina- tion and thu lar.;e vuto polled 011 Mon- day fully demonstrates this. Following IS the vutcs in full as recorded by Clerk Bellamy : FOR REEVE Christoo. McArthur, r.D. 1â€" Priceville 20 141 " 2â€" Orange Vallsy 43 27 " 3â€" Klo8herton....U4 60 " 4- Eugenia 90 44 " 5â€" Proton 74 42 " 6 -Tliompsuii's . . 27 14 •' 7â€" Stone's 11 24 " 8â€" Vandeleur . . . 28 63 Totals. ... 437 405 Majority fur Christoe, 32 FOR COUNCILLORS Waid 1â€" M^Mil en 107 Muir 103 Mnjuiity fur McMillen '4 Ward 2- Kella 104 Gibnon 52 Majority for Kclla 5J Ward 3- MoTavish 171 Best 63 Pudlar 63 Majority McTavish over Rett 108 Majoi iiy fur MuTaviah over Best and Pedlar oouibined, 15. Ward 4â€" Thompaun by acclRinatlun. ELECTIONS ELSEWUERK Euphrasia â€" Reeve, J. M, Davis by a inajoriiy of 4 over hli oppoituiit, Erskine. T.io old Council was returiiod by accl. Dmdalk.â€" Reeve J. 8. 8h field. Counodlurs â€" Fred Roumo, R. Ilaaaaiu, A. Henderson, W. T. Ruiidle. School Tiuttees for two yearsâ€" It. M. Mitchell, W Bell, A. W. Rowe by aoc. ; for one yaar, p. U. Hammond. Ouprey â€" The old ouMaoUlon were all i» elected. MatWdale.-Hwve-WilUaia Imekwon. «00 maple tags waiittd at Flenlierton Station â€" Ironi 11 to iflfeel louK miiBt be S» or ii3 i relies in iliainotei , board ineaHure. Price #7 per M. aoj r >ck clin lo({«--Hauie length, from 15 iuob- «» n|>trardit. Price 47 pel >1. LoKi can be delivered either at Proton o> FleabercoD liatioa. E. 8ARQE.NT Camo to thi-premiaea of the undoraigned, lot 24. (on. 7, Aitenieaia, oue piK. Th* ownurcan liavB the same by proving pioperty and payioc expenses. K. OKNOK. Kleahorton, Dec. lUtb, 'VI. Factory For Sale Saab, door and planinR factory includiDKrun Krain choppinj; atones; very clieap ; two liundred down ; balance eaay teruia ; water power; all couiplet ; doing good buaineaa ; aailafactory reaaoua for aollinij . building and niaoliinery only aold ; long lea>« power; rent low; no oppuiitiou. Apply Box 100, riealisr^ ton, Oiii. M. Richardson & Co. VIARRIAOR LrcRNCES At Oovernnient prices oltheiu-: Now Veraioa claaa: U, K. and Jubilee SlNULEperSoo, iu PAIKS at a tiuit. B. McLbah Pcjidv, laser a. doseus Flrat For Or Six SaoKNxa. MISS SARAH STRAIN. «•• Teacher 00 piano, pianoforte, Organ, etc. Hojd.t first cla-B teachora' certificate in miialo with honors from Alma Coll^-e ; pu|>il of Prof. St. John Hytteurauch of ('oiwnhatiuu Denmark. Residsnm cppoaite Methodist chucr.b Kleshsrton. rju.ml>e]:*fox* Sale A quantity of 1-inoh hemlock lumber, also •caotling to exchange Jor cowb orcaab. LUKi:HH\DHl'KY. Fleabertoo Dec. 26th '97. "shingles for sale" A qnantitv of abinglca for >al« at my aiill, lot3», con. 9 Artemeaia. Alao abingloncut on ahaiea, would exchange a span of horses for ahingle timber. J. HICKLINO, Uaxwell V. O. Fci.x*iYi foi? Sale For sale cheai>â€" I.ot 37. Con 12, Arteraesia. Apply to H. J, SPROULE. t'leshertou Flesberton, Nov. IS, 1897. Stock For fiervlce The undinciijned baa a fine vonng thorounh- bred licrkslilre loar for .ervice on lot 171,T. * .s. K.Art nieaia. Terina, 75 cents. I bavu alao a part Polled Antjus bull. 1) veara old, weighing WM Ilia., foriorvicb at 75 cent. Ueo. 7, «7. W. O. ORR, proprietor Notice to the Public Notice ifl ;i u it- tio p»rfl»n ia ftuttjorisud by mo to collect luoneyH owiiiK mo for throshiiii;. mid tliat all payiiiuntA iiiiivt be taa<Iutotho iiMilerBigDed direct, otherwise no crudtt will bu giveu. B. WHITTAKEB Artumosia, Deo. 4.1t»7. Farm to Rent or Sell The nnilnraigiiedliaa tor rent or sale Kit 179- IK), N. K. T. *S.H.. ArtoniM«i», oontaiuing IHO sereH. Tbia a good farui and will be rented liiw at a Huitablo tenant. Apply to W. H. Hrown, Stayner, or JOHN HKOWN, FleshortOD.P.O Fleahorton. Dec.4, IH07 VILLAGfi PROPERTY F0r17vLE Park lo,ta in the Villiulnof KuEeniii, roniprin- ing '.^ii acres In two bloiku. On tlune are eruct- el ti rraineand a lug liouKe. I'bero is a good celUr, orclianl, two bariiM, etc. Apply to H. FhJ.NWlCK, Uugenia. Eunonia, Doc 0, 1«07 VU- a ntOCl e„'a";«.er.'"" ""'"'" The UNSL'OTT Cbiupau.v, Toronto. FARM TO KENT OR TRADE T>ot <U, cotio^RPron M, ArtiemoKiA, cotitainint{ Ii)Uuut-'-H, 40cteKr d. A tfood Mt<K'k farm, wel wnttrrud, paitii Boodud to duver. (iood \iv>vi fr.nu J lioiitj. W'jII »f. df>oi-. U.io! bifu. and KtabU- Would rwnt from il to .1 yoar^ WuuUi tiudo for town or v'llH^'tt pto|)«rtv. J. 11, iil^AlUlUltV. KtiBeiiia, P.O. Nov. 30. BOAR FOR SERVICE TordHfihbred RSrVatiire Boar for aervton on lot l4.con.;i,\V.T.A s. K. Artetuosi*. Peligioo on application. Tornia 31, T. 8N ELL, Prop Nov, »0,U7. Fci.x*m -to Resit Hundrod acre farm aituatoti on the l^oronto A Svdonhani road, in tliotownHhipof ArtomeHia, Ii inllea atinth east of Flesburton. Un the iirentisea are a good brick bouse and a frau.e barn. For further particulars apply to John WUIOHT, kR., Fifsberton. ll/ANTF.n A Mperiencod canvasser to YY •»»' ^^" travel and appoint agenta. No canvnasing. Salary and oxpunaea paiil. Th« llRAivLKV-OAHiiRTaoN Co., Ltd., Toronto. TAMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE The nndsralgned baa a tboronghbred Tatu- wortli boar for service on lot l:i8 y(), T. and 8.R., Artenieaia. PEDIORHEâ€" Brntna. farrowed May 10th, IR«7 Hred by Jobn Hell, Amber, Ont : aire DorchBatrr Hero, .VI7 (bred b> H. Sutherland, j-'., Dorcheatar Htation, Out.), daiu Agincoiirt Queen Ml (brad by W. ,1. Ravmood, Aginenurt, (>t« », bv Algernon- STSâ€" (bred by J O.Nichol. Aubrev Ont.,1 lilsa Kennedy-Mf -by Hang«r~aSâ€" Mid. eielon Mloiolsa (liun )-t>-(atM. by Iftddlsios Uomrsh (116-.), MiidlsSoa Msh (MM,) by «k* ^Bir• (Mt) MtdAlsWa May (IM8). rtsBMâ€" 41 tm tb« ssMoa, VBBO B»OW>, rreprMw. Compliments of the Season - - We take this opportunit)i of wishin,^; our customers a Happy and I'rorperous New Year and thanking them. iQt their hberal patronage during 1897. We have just ch)sed a most succes?tL!l j-ear's business and commence the New Year with fresh energies and ambitions to make it liie best on record. Special Prices for Seasonable Goods Although we beheve the coldest portion of the winter )S yet to come, we are noi wa ting the advent of spring to put the knife into prices of winter stock â€" read our hst of season- ale specials for this week. > * Overcoat Opcciais , , Nfen's Frieie Coats, . - - 94-75, ^5-25. $6 50, ?8.oo. Boys' F"reize Coals, $3-85, $4 25, lipS-oo- -Men's Ovurcoacs, Tweed, Worsteds, Beavers ir m $3.00 5O SPECIAL HANTLES .After the -satisfiictnry sales of the past mnnth ive have only 50 Ma&tles left, which weint»nd tusoll duriiii; January, wo will carry iioue over. These piiccs will Compel ijuick aalua. Mantles from fl.CO A very nice range at ...._ ^ $2.50, rettulir $4.50 flt'svy Bfsver Mantles at .. $3 75, rexular 8o.£JB Girls' School Ulsters ... $1.9» - MILLINER Y • We are windini; up one of th« most succe«ful seaviiis on record by cli-ariiuf nut the bAlaiict) of oir Millinery stock at pricas regardlem of tirtit cost. Ereryifainj{ niuat t;«, and go quickly. SOOTS AHfjy SHEOSS This department has had a ['hcnomenHl turn over during the piMt year and w* coinineuced the lu-w year with snnie I'Xtiaoidinary values. On Monday next we shall pL'ice on sale an a.^t)ortiaant of Children's Boots at .. 20c pair Wo:iieii's IJoiits at ,..50c pair .Meti'H Boots at 75o pair \\ u aro g.iina through our very larno as.«ortmeiit of Dress Oomis and find after our heavy suason'rt business, we have some very tempting bargiiiis to place before our fedy customers at spicial prices. Fancy Winter Press Goods, Tweed utfects 10* Fi.!urud linu 'b's, ^o >d .style 20c special 16o Double Wiilth Tweed Paliorns 22o special 17e 40 inch. All Wool Colored Serges u St2c 5U inch Heavy Di ess Tweeds. 88c Dress Tweed, Extra Cloaking weights 38« HARUIWARE DEPARTnSENT Elections are Over ! ! Some pei'ple are pleased and others are not, but all of you will be pleased at the values we are giving in Clia'lengo Saw.?. 5J ft., at $3 conipletf. Syword a Ljinoe Tooth, iii ft. .S.'J complete Keen Kil,;.' Saw, ai ^.'i.Tn eoMiplofo. Butfalo liill S.iw, at *4.40 complete. L'ader S.-^w at J4.40 c niplote. ^l. L. Proinier Saw a' §4 50 oomplet*. M L. Riicer Saw, ai ^ 50 emniilite. Geod .\.\os at oOo, Cl'c, aud "I'C eaeb. Wfiiting Universal, Hope and Lincoln Saw Setts. Prices Right ' PRACTICE ECONOHY - We are selling a heap of Shoe Lasts and Economy Cob- blers, one of which every one ought to have. A sett of Lasts, 2 sized Lasts and Stands, only 50c. itconomy Cob- blers, con.sistin- of 3 Lasts and a stand. a Shoe Hammer, Shoe Knife, 3 Awls and handles, two boxes Nails, Ball Hemp, Ball Wax, all for $1.00. Oin YOXJ SAY ? ? You wanted a Stove or to look ai one, if 8'> come and see the beauties we have, they can't l.e b 'at for bakin..; and hsatinij. Our prices are very low and wo givemore m^^ better furniture 'ban others. line Tus m. mi veei foi sups ii vili mm We wish yo« all may havo a very Happy and Prosperous Year. M. Richardson & Co* <:;•

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