Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1898, p. 5

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The flesherton advajce JANUARY 6 1898 IW T- L. Vicinity Chips CCiaractcristirs ef the Fast Week tarrfully Culled for the Carinas " 'Mutinest notices tmoiig local* will hf + chirijed at the rate of ten cnts T per line for each i)uer<i»n. A + reduction will be matle on cuii- f tracts for 100 linn or eeer. HomekHnp'T wni'edâ€" For infurniA- lion apply at thisofticp. Meiiford haHiiiess lueii liave furtned a indicate tu purchas- grain. The pul'llc scliiml re opened on Monday with P. in';ipil TumliiiSDn aud Misa Irwin ••t their poiit«. Spajial S'»rvi.-;'S heirnniu th« Hetho<iiHt •bureb «in Tiiemiay wiih two lueetiiif;!!, kiiernofm aod uTenini;. Mr. W, Trinihle took charge of the Durham iithge route on Safurday Ia«t,ar,d aow takeK the trip daily, rain or shine. Councii'lor MuMillan itavo an oyster tapper tfi hii frit-ivls at Boli;er's hotel, Priceville, on Monday evoniiit( after elec- tion. The annual i{>^neril mee'tngof the Oup- r»7 Farmers' Milling Co. ( Limited ) will â- V) held in the Or-mge Hall, Feversham, on Tuesday ,Thu 18. h. Rev. J. Mahan will preich a special Mrmon on .Suuday eTeninif next in the Metliodiat church. Subject â€" '• Turning •*er a new leaf." The annual m^etiug of the Li bend Cnc- MTTative a«srciiiti(ia of ea»t and centre fJrey, will beheld 111 Markdale, on Fri- day, January 14th, at one o'clock p. ni. "Mr. W. Thomiwon, Prenbytcri.m '«iinU-or at Proton Station, give :i shori, •irnctic and ri-ry acceptable add n-Bs I., the Preab} turinu cliurch at the Sunday even- Mig tervice. At the annu'il sch >ol meeting iield on "WedDCMday of liwit waek the r«!tinnj{ truatee. Dr. Chriit-je, was replaced ly Mr, Geo. Mitchell. Dr, Christoe had â- erved on the board for niue year*. Kimberley L. O. L. >'o. UtO will hold their annual concert iu the Town Ilall, Kimberley, on Wednesday, Jan. 12. Revs. J. V Plunkett aiid J. Mali.m and Dr, Sproulo are announced a« Bpe«kers, Keo Ur^e billnfor full p.ir:icular». Du3brin Lodge, I. O O. F. elected the followin;r othcerH at their regular fort- nightly meeting on the eveninj; of Tue»- day, Dec. 28: N. G., .John VVliatcn ; V, G., J. C, Adams ; Rec.-Sec, 11. N. Henders.'U ; Pur. Sec W. Moore ; Treas., D. McTavi.h. We met with a peculiar ini«h,ip durinjj the past week by which som-i c.py fniii our Proton Sta! inn cor got accidentally orcmatcd in the stove alofj; with other papers. A.s the article was a justiScation uf certain statements niadi by our cor, a couple of weeks ato il« Ions is nil thii ni'Te BjCirravataiij. Will the corrvsj-omi •nt kindly rewrite it f..r next week's iasue. A very auiroiaful tvameetinij w»s held in the Metliodint chunrli, Kiniberli-y, ••n Monday evening, t)>e procee.ls «ni<Mintins< hi soinelliina over thirty dollars. FluKh- •rtuu eh->ir wai the stfnnu aitmctioii of the evening, giving eleven pieces, and these were apparontly appreciated. Most •f the 6i>eaker:4 tailed did not put in an appearance. RlV. Mr. Sc.itl of Mark- 44l« and the pjstcr, Rev. J, V. Plunkett, were the speakers preaent. Flesherton young people are in the dol- Jruins this winter 0:1 aicount of hjiving MO skatii-a rink on which to while away the long evenings. Owiinf to a few iiidi viduaU working nt cross pnrpoaes, the drill shed huj been refused for uae as a riiik. It la time a joint stock company â- was formed to build n rink for this town, atid suitable fur boliiiiig; lanje (;»t.heriiii(;« in the uuninier. In the meantime this winter the youiigst-ere have to put up with •tt uut-of diHir-riiik, which the Moeier Bt^if. propose to keep in running order. 'Sth* old style of portraying famous |N«pl* throui:]! a " sketch " or " biog- Myhy ia to be nodemised ia Tha LadiM' H^m* Juornal during 1696. Fit* of tk* .^roiniuant â-²lueriatua Imv« Iwan clii'M<-n for the departure : President Mc- Kiiiky, Mrs. Cleveland, Mark Twain, Jo8.^ph .Jefferson, and Thontas A. EJis >n. Each will have aflpecial article, which will coi sist of about fifteen or tweirtf (nah, Qupubtiiimd ateries and anecdotes atrtiug tfgetlier, each anecdote ahowinu soine characiertHtictraU Or p-eseufcinv; a different side of the 8u!>ject. The idea is to show fain'>u8 personalities through their own doings and sayings, and to make these articles accurate the, relatives and oiosest peT.'<onul irienda ilf the subjects have as 8i3te<l and given to the Journal the beat •tiiri«8and anei:diites within thoir own kn->wledje. Each article will thus re- present rhe closest view of theone sketch- ed. N.I authorship will be uKa^hed tu any of the articles. Fl-sherton came within an ace of ha»- it.g ihe m 'St serious conflagration in its history on New Years morning. Mr. Fred Tucker, tailor, occupies rooms in the Ricliardson block over the bank and bar- news shop. Frid.iy evening a visitor emp- tied a live pipe into a sawdust box nxed as a cuspiJore. Early Saturday mnrning MrM. Tucker Wits awakened by smoke and the roar "f flames. Qosiily awakening her husband it was found that a lively lire was in ijri.i.'res.< and had communicated to the window curtains. Fortunately a quantity of waer was at hand and the flames were extinguished before any serious damage was d'.iie, but the call was close and two or three minutes more would have placed the lire beyond control, the consequences of which would be too terrible to con te.'nplato. PERSONALS Vr. and Mr*. Mirk Wiilaon spent Now Years day w:th friends iu Durham Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and a lady fi'ieud. of Lucknow, spent N*w Year's day with friends in town, Mr, Goo, Mitched ate his New Year's dinner with relatives iu Allistoa. Misj E:la Stewart returned on Monday from VLsitiiig frinuds in Gait. Mrs. J. D-indiuan and litt:e s.>n of Rich- mond Uill are the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D, McKeuzie, Flesherton Stntinn. Mr. Oli.is. Munshaw has returned t.. his studies at Owen Sound business College. Rev. R. and .'VIrs. Kebfer of Linwood spent; a few days of last week with the furiner's parun*^ here. Mrs J,>s ^mith is the guest of friends in Claiks'jurK. Wedding Bells John H. Jamiesou, eldiast son of Mr. aud Mi-s. Oivid Jainids.>n of Artainmia. '«8t Wediicsd.ay d^red to prove t p his bachelor friends that it was not good for man to live alnne, so ha joined the ranks of l-'unedicts, which be decided was far bettor, by taking to himself a life p.irtner iu the person of Miss Agnes Uisioj , youngest dauithter of Mrs. Hislnp, *â-  Valiey Home ", at whoi<e home the event took place. There were present only tlie ruliitives of the bride and groom. The nnpti^il knot was tied by Rov. Mr. Thoni of Fhshorton. The briJo was artired in fawn silk trininied with chition Ihco .iml rilibon and wore the usu.d bridal veil oraiiuo blo.s.soois and lilijs of tho valley and wis a-^jist-id by Miss Mary J. Jaintcsun of Toronto, .â- â€¢isier of the groom, and 5iiS3 Muggie A. Hislop of Stratf..rd, cousin uf the brido, who were suitably altiro<l. The grooiu w:i3 supported through thpiryin.; ordeal by Mr. Ad nn Hi.-.lcip, hrthor of the bride, and Mr. Will Jainiesuii, brother of tho groom. After tho cerniony was sulemniztd the tlio guests sat down to a sumjituous re- past preparisl by the hi-iJe's mother, to which tiiey did rtiiiple jiislico, Tho bride was the recipient of unny beautiful gift.-", testifying to ttio higli esteem in which she was held, auioii;^ them being a fold watcli and clum, the gift of the groom The happy couple will remain in the valley for asliort tiiu • prior to their leav- for their future home in the States. Sabbath School Anniversary Tho snnunl S.'iMvith s.hool anniversary of Flesherton Methodist church took place on the evening of New Vsan Day, and as is usual was largely attended, the proceeds amonutiiig to $tJ5. The program was carried out in its entirety by the pupils of the school, and the sinitijist enpeeially re- flected much sredit upon the trainers, M iss Christoe and Mr, Barn houaa. Instead of aieutioniug the {urogram in any kind of •f detail we will gtva soma (iguires dealing with tbetchuol. which will import a good id»a at the flottviahinf eunditjoa ihia •eb«ot «tm s^ataiM, W« woaldy however, like t<> fapecially mention k duet by little Misses Edna and Laura Pedlar, also a solo by little Miss Rubey Trimble, which were very sweet. The Itbrarioa's report, wh'ch baa b.<en placed in our hands, shews that the library con- tains 450 volumes, with an average of 3.5 bfx'ks exchanged each week during the year. Iu addition to these there were di-itributed 5,200 copies ef the NiTihern MesHeiiiier, 4^6 copies uf the Pleasant Hours and 240 iiannera. The Creasarer's report showed receipts for the year of 9iU 17, and expenui'-.ure $7845, leavin<r a balance on hand of $4.72 The aecre- t.iry'8 report gave the following inf .rma- tion : There are 190 names on rhe roll Tile school had l)een open 48 Sundays durin^^the year. There were 81 removals and 58 new n imes added. There was an svei'a;'e attendance of 10 leouht-rs pur Sab- bttli and there were 336 visitors during the year. Ibe nuuilierof vurses coniniitt- ed ro memory wa-> â€" boys 49.14, girls 68<i0. C.ira Bellamy reciti-d the largest number of verses aiiK'iig tiie girls and Charley Hiles among the l>oys. Minnie Bellamy and Ella BarnhouHe stand best in attend- ance aiu..ng the girls and WilUu Bei.tham aud Bert Barnhouse among the buys. Bora McKaeâ€" la Ow«a Sound . on Dm. 98. to Hr.and Mrs. Joliu McKod a sun. as 4^ille4 at London, London, Out, Jan. 3. â€" (Special.) â€" The greatest cata:>trophe that baa taken place in thin vicinity since the Victoria disaster of 1881, i>ccurred tiiis evening in the midst of the jubilation tliat followed the municipal election. The returns were late in coining iii.and it was forty minutes p:u)t 8 when the Mayor and Aldermen- elect and their supporters ihronged iut 1 the City H.ill, which was filled to its ut- most limit, A dozen speakers had ad- dressed the enti.u.iastic crowd and Mr.R. M. C. T lothe was about to go on the platform when there were loud cries for Alderman Parnell. In the confurion that f.dliiwed Mr. Tooihe pressed forward, and, without the slightest Earning, the platform and the floor iu the northeast corner of rh» hall gave way, precipitating about 100 persons to the floor below. Xaar tlio pla'form stood a very large iron safe, whch, g'lin.; down with tho floor, .Wded its t'-rrible eruHhiiig woiubt to the 'nlliiiK timlwr* and pinned fast the unfor- tunate victims, who might otherwise have had a chance of escaping. The scene that followed was one of in- desciilHkble confusion and consternation' the cries «f the injured and the groans of the dying mingling in aiipalling chorus. The tireinen were speedily on the spot and rendered all the a-ssistancu p.'issible, their etfoits being gectmdud by hundred.'* of williU'4 hands. AH the doctors in the ci>y weie suuiiuoned by telephone and every nearby eab and sleivh was called into requisition to reintwe the dead, the dyino and injured. The news of the dis lister s.ion spread throughout the city and thouHaiids of curious and hundreds of anxious peoi<le packed the entire block 00 Richmond street, where the City ilali ttands. III Ilia C'liifu^ion and pan.c thit followed the catastiophc the wililest re- IMirts were crcuhitvd, but tho truth itself IS sad eiioUi;li. .\i Inst accounts the tol.'d iiuiiibcr of killed is at least 28, while the injured will be fully three limes as many. rnr'O reporters wi-nt down into the .Itbriti, but t'eriuaately none of them w.is -iTioiuly hurt. Ottawa despatches state that Canada will adopt the postal sysieni iu voiiue the I'nito 1 li.ingd.iin. Paper iMtes about the ^\i'j of a bank bil' wdl be printed on thin milieu pai 1 rof ihef liow nL;ileiiomiiiatioiis' 20, 2o, ;!0, 40, 50, 00. 70, 8<J, aiul StOceuts ?«i, *l..">i), $2 00, JS2.50. e;l, 54. 85. The Cost of oli<a:niiig thus'^ notes will bo one jeiit each up'o40cents, two coutsbet ween that h^uie and ;$2 50 and thr>-e ceius each for all above ihat. Tliesu po«f!il notys will replace ih-) posrolKce money orderi for tho tr.ansniiNsioM of ad small suma through the post. Tiic present m.incy ovdcr system it) a cuuilicrsoinu ai.d iii<*>i'oct meth Hl,and w.i.stes iimch lime. It will be continued, however, with .some iinpr .venionts for lilie traii-^inissloii of sums up t'l $100. These postal iiot^s will serve a i>reat public con- venience, doing away with the payment of accouiiUs in postai^e staniMS, the postal notes being payable at any money order oQice without the iduntiJicatian of the payee or any condition other than the presentation of the note. It is expected that the rates, low as they are fixed, will give a small prolU. The system is very popular ill England. A yoium i|t*o &MM(1 Aa(«ik. MeCaig, I^^^^SiOafeg^^ L-T^.^ A'&:&^g:0!!^^^rf;:%^^.^rvâ- >=^^-^^-^.Ci>'lV/ A Large Stock . . . ... of Footwear In Ladies' Mens' and Children's Boots and Shues, also Rubbers, Overshoes and Felt B(h>U Custom work and Repairinii attended to promptly at CLAYTON'S, - - Flesherton. Agent for Dominion Money Order Express $iOOO $000 BIG SALE Of New Parlor I Bedroom Furniture One thousantd dollars' worth of wel! bought Furniture to be sold during the next 30 days at slaughter prices â€" that means that during the month of January, or as long as the stock lasts, we shall sell at actual cost, and in some lines where goods have been on oar flcors longer than we think they should be, at any price to clear them out. -* This is thfi best offer ever made to buy real good Furniture at l«ss than wholesale prices. . UNDERTAKING AND PICTURE DE.ALER, FLESHERTON WANTED, AGENl'S ,Z?.:iZ'' r-srin'^i" sand oo|iiuti sold- Thrco tlii>iii«<«i):l flvo hiittttrud or<!iir«d fi-oiii Auptr&lia ; larve quautitv ^tiue tu Suulh .\frica ; goin^i ku wiM-flro in tran- %(la. Lui'd Loriio, Hor MaJMsty's ftoii in-law. nays : " Tlie bt^st popuUr life of the Que* ti I have s«eti." aud thoiiitanilti aiidoifio the Ktat»- inoiit. Oiittlt free tit cauvastiurH ; pxcliiRive tarrituiy ; bouk on timu; oa« to make S5 daily ; aoinu make twice that. The Bradloy-Garrutsoii Torouto Agents sell "Klondike Gold Field" I.iktrii wtiirlwiud. l^xptirienot.'l rattvarrer roupiii^ *.tiu rie best harvest of tlit.ir )lvn8 ; new bi^Ktliiiers .iuing wuildurs. Nearly uverytKxly siibi«oribt>8. One yuuiic fellow oq a farm at tl'J a nioutl) is utaltili^ 97^. A lo^ly tvpo-writer St *J a wuok is clvaiin^ *U .\ m-cbsnic who hail uarileil $l..tu a day is cleAiin:^ >.'â-  a 'lav. We w&iit more ait«HM. CauvaA«inK outfit :3Scts , «orthSl. THK IIK.VOLKY-G.^KKKISON Co.. Ltd., Torouto, Ont. Farm for Sale Farm for aalo cheap. 91 scr«a. well watarvd ii iu'Im aftst of Ihia rilUKa. kuuwi. u tba ?•â-  nick farm. Apply to M. Uicharddon, auicCM 'VuriintAfi Throo Ltutea to intmi1uu« luo a tioQft*- ,. Kplaii.itrl rotiirnfl to co;ui.«ttiiic poraoiis, OAlXOVV.iY, Torooto. ill the employ nf Juliii Rouse, eighteen luiit'ji north of L uns Hoiid, in the tuwu- ship LiiidHky, shut hiiii.^elf WediieeUHy hist. It iippeats tho youim miui had been keeping company with a siiiter if Mrs. Uiuiso, who vrnn »Iho living thxrc. Uo wiute h letter and hnnded it to her, cuininaiiding hor nut to o|>eu it uiiiil he went uut to tha_ wouds, where he wi.s wiJi'kiiig, which wan only n shi.rtdi.^tMiico liuni tliD huuau. Shortly after lie left Mm. Ruusu and her si'iter, Mi.v) Bist- war<!, opened and read the lener, the o..ntents .'f which was biilding her ijoikI- hye for l^he last time, statin;; that lie w.is f^oiug tu Hhoot hiamclf. The inuiiiuiit they Were through reading it they heaid the report of a r:tle in the directiun he was working, and tlicy at once knew what Imd t:iken place. They nlarnud the neiahhors, and the first to arrive on the scene was a man n.tniud Jo.seph Whitehuuse, who found AluCit g l>i»g dead, shot through the he.irt. tie whs of a nior.>»e di.si.ositiuii, and bad on i BevM-al uccaaions threateiieil to take his life. Large numbots have called in »nd ro- netred their nubauriptiuns during the ptk>t week, but not one quarter of the number who should have dune sn, and v. hum no rolled uii. Many others, of cuurso, wi'K renew (luring the next two weeks, after; whiah we .shall trim our li.staacooidingly. Y'ou cannot afford to bo without tho local paper. Come iu and see us about it. John Fux was a firmer, aged ab.iut 50, living at Loon Lake, Musk.ika tuHUbliip. Friday after noon last Fux was in town and procured three bottlox of whiHkuy. Ab<;ut l)v» in the afternoon he wai seen reeling homewards. He managed to get withia a short di8tsno« of home when ho fell iu hig tracks, upon a private road lead- ing to his bouse. There he laid fur four ur fire hour*. Wbw he was found he »aa Utiibl; fr^wn. B« died wa Sunder j Fl ESHERON SHAVINQ parlor JT jCoyard - - ^ropt .ator Hairdressins in the Latest Style SCISSORS SHARPENED an<i UAZORS HONED in liist class style. 1^^ Agent for Rolstin's Laundry and Parker's Dye Works. Toronto. Cook's Cottofl Root Compound Is the only safe, reliablo 'monthlr medicine 6n .^vbicIl iiioiei can depend Iu* the hour and time of need. Is prepared ia two degree* of strength. No. f for ordinary case» is by far the best dollar medicine Loown â€" sold by drugfisia, one Pollarprr bos. No. S for i^pccial cases â€" lo degree* stronger â€" sold by dnijijjists. One box. Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollar*. No. I, or No. t, mailed on receipt of price and t-wo 3-cent stamps. Th« Cook Company* Wladaor. Ootwla, b»ld ill Floshert.in aua eveivuhure ia Cahada by »U renpuuiiblo Uru)i)iista. Farm aul Mill Site lor Sal© Kor Ral4 yory nhimp »n.l on T<>ry oaw fnrnia. Timber Iftrm. i,'>aa.;i«(>,twn niili>9 fi'>ii. <-'!•«(â-  ertoa, knuwf. a« tha Wiu. Hori; sawmill pi«. pmty, aii.l ol, whiuh is au •xoelleul w«t.>r )>ower. founilation uf aaw mill, dam aiil pouit aa& water wheel ill I'Ihcs and all re.i.ly l.ii (intting mill on. .\b.mt l'i>iuriiacle.u»<l.:!U.\ui'e»iiii)t>ei:. most o.T, ^ a] .4.100 wel] tint bored, mi.xe.) timber. Thi« farm will mi »i>l'l at a barsaiii if>if>lilat onoo. Small pay. Hunt down , bHlaiiuo on vel^' o..fiy tarma. .\pply to U.J. Spnoin.i; , Flesherton . Ook Hotioe of Meeting Tika noUea Uiat Itasananal msatiiiKof "fBMt Oray IKaorarivl l)i«irto»" Ajrloultmal SooiaO will na helil In thu Town Ball Flaahartoa. «* January IWh, li*S, at 1 oolook p. m . for th« t*. caiTiogan.l paaaiD)) on tha lluanl of DiraotOff ami Baaratkry-Traaniirar'a rai>orts for tba pMl raar. tba alaetiun of offloara for Iha an aalS T«ar,aod tuoh alkar lawful bnaiiaaa daM*M â- aaaaaarf In tba lnlar»««a •( )aaiA «««Ulr, t tall aitwidaa** la aarliall* iavitaiV B. J. nvMtrlK Oat*Aa*jaM*M>tMi,laH.Mh MIk. » riti

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