Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1898, p. 8

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'T JANUARY 6 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE riwiiwnniiuiwMiwn niMinniiuiuMwaiMMiiMi^^ D. McTavish FLESHERTON KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS For Massey-Harris, Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implemetits. FItmry and Verity plowH on liaiid all tho time, a'HO all kiiidx of repairs for the xaiiiH. We iiianufacturu WagMin, Buggies, CutterH, Sleighs, file. HiimettlioHing promptly utteiidod to. Specia) attention to tender cc^- tracted fuel. Lougiii^ and Plow Chains constatitly on hand. airuuiii. . AM. M. :»)«• j>& ^t«- <»)«. v«<«. â- >», Sllft^k.^ ^ •>"â- ' ^'^ ^*&^l'^ i't- '^tfr ^t' vM& ji& jtb^b f ^^ v.? '/,i? W "71? ^If ^<? W^WW '/I? -^i^ •»!? -^i?^? w^^/i?'5i?w mPw' ^'a ,'.'<. .'I?, -^tt vM^ Dnjjtjies, Carts. Wai»on8, Harrows, I'lows of tiie best kinds and rfpairs. Biiidois, Muwers, Horse Bakes aiiJ Corn Scnfllerg and rcpane. Ciiuiua of ail kinds. Horsesliocnig a spuuiitlty ut $5 John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms ct'- »'.'{» â- !'^ v>i^ .«'<. o"j vM*. >^'4 .^'^ At/.. .>t<. »rf<. jii^, .sit, At/t. j,!/.. .ji', at/, a'«. .^v, .^'/- a"> jiij. ,&!<, >•.!/.. ^v, a'k, ifft* -ii? -vii' V,? Viv' ^1? •>;? '/i?^rt' ^1^ ^iF ^iS? VI ? '/, ? Vi'? •>!>? W '<i ? 'ii? '/i<? '^^^^ ok Owen Sound, Ontario IS THK VEUY BEST PLACE IN C.\N.\DA TO OKT A THOROUGH BLSIXESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip r,[V?erTlri,.o'i __ Cojlfijeii niid Couiiin)ici:il nnpartiiieiit« lu f'liiaa*. tlicii *lsit ttj'i Nartlii'rn l<u«liiiisii ('c-lle«e ; exainino •vmvl'liiix tlloroiKlily. If wo Uil to I>i-o,luci. tho most tlioroutih. f!o?nplelo, |iractic»l «nil • xtflii iiv» coiirsu ot stiiilv ; tli« l>«>.t collw« |>raiiii-io« r.iiil tlio b '«t ami most cuini'l'to and Bl'JHt Hiiit4'>l« fiirnltiiro aoil ii|>i)ilaiKO«, wo wni RivD v.m » full â- â€¢oii.sB KUi;i;. Vnx annual uiiianMriinsnlf, giving full particulara, (ruo >d')r..ii C. A. ri.EMING, Piincipal W. BARNHOUSE WinlicH to dra«' lli« iiltontion of till- I'liiilic to tlio folloftini; : • FLOUn IN BAGS Phot>s â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph Gallery Oi 'II- !ii/.<"> and a« Cheap a» tlin clniap- cat. S^i.-"3i«l liaiifaiiia in '3 and 6 H.itri-1 lol4. aro done in first. dans style and at ji l,<w<'Ht nitus. Spei'ial attention JF u'ivi'ii to c'opyioc. Katiios' pliutos. jfc a .specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULMER Pi*opex*ties FOB - SALE â€"BY- B. J. SPBOOLE, FLESHEBTOH Fru>ts and Con= fe::tionery,Oysters hi Season. r^roceries and Provisions. DOO and ro)\ MITTS and LECKJ- INOS nmdi) I ' .«rd>T and on Hliorlosi Mottco. Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton EUGENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works Ciiniayiori mndo and repaired, ftlso LManinf{ and Maloliin;^, Band Hawmji, Wood Tiiniin.Q; of every des- Boripliiin. I'lming and Or aiiiCliop- pinK done wliilo yon wait, for llie Boavor turnn tlio whuol. T. W. WH.SON, Manager ir YOU WISH TO BVT puopebty coksvlt THIH ilPACK. Foil SALE ohoap nnd on eaay terms, one mile from Fliwhertoii, Di acreN hiii and on which is a gixMl 7 rooniH fraiii dwi'lling, well aii<t uomfortnldy linislieti Ntoiiu celler niulorneath, and gtN>d wel' and piiniii ill kitchen, good frame nIjiIiI and driving hoiisu, hIho lirick lined hen lion.M!, NMiallorchanl coinmeicing to hear. Apply to It. J. SPKOfl.E, Flesherton. A DEAD HAKOAIN if wdd diiring pi-e.^ent month. Two improved farms, one <i mill! fioin Prieeville and tho other Hiniie di'-tiinco f.oiii Warehani. Simdl payment down, lialam* on VKltY vnny forms. .Mho a hundred and' lifty aen farm and mill Kite one mile from Flcslier toll, principally hardwood IiunIi, :^5 acres cleaii'd and fiain.' dwiOling and stable. Any iieiHon wanting « ducidcil Imrgain apply (luick to aliovo. BO YEARS' PERIENCE A New Year AND IJIllCH At a B-iij^ain to. the nt;xt 30 days. Sfivoyour order 1 r»r â- ii m i Mils - -AT THK FLESSiERTON Toft & Talbot Trade Marks OcatGNa 'fr?^"' "â-  Copyrights Ac. Anvonncpnilliiti a phrtoh i«nM iloftcrliillon may qiilrklr iis<'crtHlu tnir (M>ln1on froo whwluir nil liivnniion Is pro'mlily p.'iiiMitrtblo. rommunlrA- tUnmwirliilly comltipntlHl. Hiindhook tm PstmiUl i*r.l, fri'H. (Hiti'At jiKcm-v for sf-iiriJin imlunlM. I'afohlM (iiliiMi Hintiitrli Mmin X ('»». ruoelve tffiUil ii -n.r', v.itbnnt cliurm*. In tho Scienfyfic Jlsnericnn. H(»ni(*ly IllnstratPtl waeKIy. I-'iraefit rtr- n of iiMV hcUhHiHo Innrnivl. T«rni». $3 n ;mr months, ^1. HitVi by all newBib^HU'Ta. N&Co.=»»'««'°''"'"- New York rail omc, fiS ir St., Wuijhln»toii. U. C. iirbuoli nomination, and appointiDS Depaty Re- tominx officers as f(dlows : Div. No. 1 Firman Irish ;Div. No. 2, Jogiah Oamoy; iv. No. 4, Lindsay ; Div. Nc. 6, Thus. Scott ; Div. Ko. 6, Tho-s. Freethy. Bylavr No. 358, paying township of- ficers for service in 1897, »» follows was passed : W, J. Monauhan, Reeve, $16 00, road coiumiasion $20 00, postage, 84.00 ; John Clark, Deputy'^Reeve, $16.00, road amiinitsion JUO.OO ; John Speers, De- puty Ree.\e, $16.00, road coinmi.^sion $18.00 . W. H.Guy, Councillor, JIS.OO. ji.ad commission $20.00 ; Irwin Morri- son, Councillor, $1(5.00, road conimias- ion $2''.00. Council tdjoumed. THOa^Srorr, Clerk. i^ r â€" , Renew your Subscription For 1898 Time Table Following IB the substance of an ad dress given by Uev. Mr. Humphreys of piVrNorr Iw H.'perigo i'd PriceviUe to the E. L. of hia church on New Years evening : "Take this child and nurse himfor me" â€" E». 2 9. To morrow will be 1898. Another new time-child greets us, and, like all these time children, comes to ua from the hand of God. Mosos was not the lineal child of Pharaoh's dauijhter, but iu her sweet womanly symi^rhy ahe rescued the babe from its peril, claaped him to tho royal bosom, cUiined him for her own, and yet because she loved him and for his good she put him out to nurse. This is paiabidic pieturinv. Our God hands over another infant to our keeping, luve and nurture ; and on his I row isi written, n.'t iho W'irk of the beast, hot the name of God â€" the year of our Lord 1898. Ye.s, It IS a new-born ctiild that is put into our aiin.s. Into it, alait I will intrude ike V ces we moBrn, the tyrraniua f rom which we revolt, and the anii-christ that haunts tho world. A.i III God's woi.droim providence MoKcs' nurse was Moscb' mother tO", so wu with faitiiful mothor-hive t-iku this n- w-l'orii year from the hands of our g acious Father. To the true mother, U.'i/.ing into her iufant's face, comes a >hoh' woild of iniMgi ry. forecast iii({ the pnibahiliiies, the poaaiMliiiea. thar are w it ten there. One thin'.; the child iaaure til bring is Opportiniity. Whatever tho obj.clivB of each hour may be, each 'urn '•f the kah-idoHcope presents us nith (â- j>- portunity in over varying line ami form. Into ' h .(u>er pat t rn ttie circuinsiHiices may fall, whetiirr pain or pleasure, h.ss or L'ain, encouragement or disappoint- ment, iiiaxelike perplexity or sinipled re- >'ealiiii!, all gvis opportunity for turning the traiiKient scene to everUsting account. To each of us G<>d Inui now given another yf-ar full of o|>portuiiitiea of growth, vic- tory and tidelity to his kiiigloin. Shall 1 not iittlier say. Ho ha. Uxned it. He m.iy resume it. It may be our laxt. We may precede it into the invisible, the silent bind. But. while wo have it it is a H ilemn as well as a graciu ~ t' trust. Gi^d gives into our arms this new year aid says, "NnrHuit for mtf, which do Miaiida our atfectinn, vigilani Dur^iose, un- sleepiiig self denial, perpetual cutwecru- Min, so that into every (Missing hour we may put its own appointed dutiful idessud muaiiing. Spiritual ennui, pessimtsui, .lespair liud no houis in the diligent soul, but agtave, and noble ji>y xrows steadily, ^urely in:o a soleinn, tender glory, when wu render back each time child redeenied fr>in sin and vanity and clothe<l with n liuly heavenly beauty. And then we sliall have uur w,iges. I know that hive .wk.s no wai'Os. None the le.Hs, but nil llio more they are forihcoming. We iiave them in g'-od p*rt now, the •arnest of the Bpiiit anU tho assuied hope of etiTiial life, and in tho ulorious endless future a perlecl coii(>ecrntioii and wider laniie of service and a fuller sharing of t:ie Master's joy and an aliund " ent- J r.ince into a heavenly home. And for this Time, venerable but not decreptd, bears us onward lo Eiernity. " 'Tim a lying spirit that goes back- xaid "â€"Dr. AriioUl, §u$iuws (^atds Ll CUtXOUOH M YOUNO "* Banker., idaikdal. Do a nensral banking brntinous. Mon.T 1 at » reaaouabU rale. Call on us. A 8 VANDCSEN, J P ** (Mork oth DiT Court, Co Grey l.fuer .f Maniacs Licensfs, Cnvnyaiiee* Notary. Public, .^uctioueor. Monay to ioaa at (roui 5 to 6 por cout. Cbarj-BS luodorsto. FL.LHUEitTON r 9 nEBTS COLLECTED ••' Tbo uniiertiRDBii is prepared te iin.lertak. lliecoUeetlou ot ail kinri. of At\}S Note, boutjbt, occuuntH colnetud. etc. K .N HENDF.KbU:;, Flosberta« T eniSI.KTT *• FlKshertoh Rtatloa Postmasfy, Co-aicuissioner In H V J, Convfj- ancHr. D.eUs, ji:ort8a^«« 1. ksl-s buJ wills urawn. Mono) to leoil a: r,4 por ct>:it and np- Debtscollocted. Chaises uioaturat.. waada. Flesherton «ii B K, Liceufwl .KinHcrr.trr- OOINO SOUTH. Markdalc â€" 7 35 a. in. Fleshertonâ€" 7.48 a. in. GOINO NORTH. Kle.sherton â€" 12.07 p. m. Markdaloâ€" 12.20p. ni. 4.40 p. 4. 52 p. ».1H p ni. 9.30 p. m. Advance and Weekly Ghibe $1.55 Mad 1.45 " Farm and Fireside 1.4o All three above for 1 80 Advance ami daily World 3 Uu Globe 5.05 " " News 1 80 •' " Star 1.95 * and Montreal^tar 1 80 The Markets. D J SPHoCLR "• Poscniaster, ;,""'"''''•«"•" _.„„,.=.. ., ..„,.^,rr. to-ive^iirc^r. ,<ppi»ii.cr ami tUnev J;.asdrr, H«al KBtato ai,.i InjuraDce Agent Deeds nio-tKBpea. luaneg an-i wills diu»n .,p an.! valuations ma.iu on tho.tiht nrtiee. Auetiuu â- -sles atlotdc'i to in any part ut tl,« i^uoty 5.one> to io«n nt lowest ratot i,i o tirest. Col- U-ttl.,n« Bttonced to »itb p,<,mi.,nif» aoif despatch. l-l„rtrK low. Ate,,t i, r L'cn.iiiioB Meaui.liip loa,paiiy. ti.iap liatts roa lleali.))t.^u to l.nvipoDl, ola-Koiv. ItMu'ciror any ."• t„o liritibli poim. Pu.:i^3 Inteiidlim to VI. It KiiKlan.i, s.otlaud or Iru ant wil p.^i.s« aak laU'a btluro punihmuia. thkii- titketa eldevLere. ^oci tir,s A O U AV moots every first and third Monday. . !" .*•'''; aionth, in thoir lu Ke rorm strain a block, Flesl.orton, at S p ui Pri«» Tootor. \V.\1; A M tiiison. rei...,,„r; W .1 Hellamy.fluaiiclor. Visitintj biothiot iuvito) PRINCE AKTHTK X.ODCE. No 33fl. A F . 1 , ^J:^' '"•«'» in tho Masonic hall. Strain' dock Flesherton. every Kiidav ou or befur II'B full moon. K llctiill, ' W M W liellaiuy, Sooretary. JcutiiStvii rhito. red . rarerullv Corrected Each Wc«K Fidlowing are tho market (|iiuta'ions for Flesherton for tho presxnt week, corrected up to 10.30 of Wednesday : b'hmr. Oats Whoat, Who Barley Peas Butter V.'i'zit, fresh Potatoes bag Pork Hay per ton Hides 8heepskin* (leese â- ...•....••• Turkeys Chicken.'* per pair., Ducks per pair.. . Woul 14 70 to $6 (0 23 to 24 80 to 82 84 to 80 80 to 30 44 to 45 15 to 10 15 to 15 60 to 50 6 76 to 6 DO 5 00 to 6 0(1 7 00 to 7 50 26 to 60 6 to 6 9 to 9 20 to 80 40 to 60 17 to 20 T P UAB8KALL •' M D 8. D D S. L D S, Visits Kleshertoa the lat and ird Fiiday o( eacb moDtb. I a CAMPUKIL " L D s, D D 8, Dental Sorgeou, Markdate OIBoe over VcCullou«!h A Youuks bank Hour»-8.j0 a in to e p m. VlsltH Flpsheitrs the seoouil and fourtb Thuoulay of aaok monUi. Office at Muusbaws hotel THENDKKSON D D 8. M D S lUoia MedalistI will lefsionallv the ftrst Wednesday of ea'ec'monlM and Duudalk the foUowiuK day (Tburauay.) Dentist of Toronto visit Flesberton pre- %m\ JOHN W KR08T, L T, B " Barrister, Solicitor. ConTryancer. etc Officeâ€" Next te postofllco. Kciouloii block. Next te postofllco. Hpioulo's _.„.», t'lesheiton. ^very Satnrlav and court days. N Bâ€"nwcn Scuid oaice, Kr<,Bf» block M I'oulett street east. n»o«»a*oao< Osprfy 4'oiiiicll Cash : for : Hides! Khoe|)skliii anil a'.l kinds of furs pur- chiised, for which highust market price will be paid. I i iiii j i I 111 sissa u s u i â-  ii u w>3eo.oeosg | i Gray's I I'llSi Curiin Hoinsmnde saatagea on hand, alee all kiuda of nicat.i. M. WILSON FlaahartoB Meal BnpotiaDi Winter Goods, The Council of Osprey met in Maxwell ui Doc. loth according to Statue. 'Ihu iiiemhurs al pri-.seiit. Minutes of lasi ineotiiiK read and confirmed. Circulars weie received from IVivoicial Board of health, re report of local buanl ; from t'lovineisl .Vudiuu's Department re books for rrraauier ; from Â¥. S. Spence, Sec. of I'Oininion .Vlliiitue re aiiiendiiient to lie lice la* ; fioiu W. T. Oliitk, hill 40 cts. r I firing nraper ; from U,.ht. Heron, •>i 1 i)9 cts , no'e.'wariea furnished Aliti Stocks, indigent, ro case of diulilheiia ; U^Iioit from Spioial Coinniiitec, re 25; li siileii ad con 4 ; from Ju.siali Gamoy, Tro.i-.uiiT, detailed Ktiitemei.t ot receipt - and eXjieiiditmvs from Jan. 1st to date ; from Toronio General Hospital, itj Chas. Siewart ao'l M. iVlcKi iizie, invalid indi gents ; from A. (!. CamphuU, bills ^2, postage stumps to clerk. Orders werv iKsued on the President to fay VV.T. O'aik 4'' cts., repairing Scraper, A. G. G. Ouuipbell 82, piiBla;;o slaiinw o oloik ; Dr. Soott »2, Hy. Uoitnian $2, Neil MoL.au 82, Thos. Scoit «1. Roht. Weir $1, foriiMO of halls for iioldingeoun- cii meetings ; Tiiok. Soott ?2, assisting Treasurer on linnncial statement ; John Clsi-k and W. H, Uiiy, 92c«ch, examining and reporting on 25th sideroad. con. 4. Wm. J. Monaghan, $7, attending Ux sale at Owen Sound. By Lsw No 307vr»M t'asnal HxiniitheO • •nge Hall, Maxwell, M {>U9o for beldiUK ' %a8SSni&ker ^ Syrup of Red Spruce Gum , MofSiKTeaa. i... c scic«?.c<o«oeoflg r UCAS & WKUIHT " Karriaters, Solicitors, Conve>auoera, Owen Sound \V H WKKiHT N W â€" Klusliertou ovary Wednesday, Out offlca, Markdale, Dot 1 U LUCAS Uitcboll's Bank, rUCKBB A PATTKBSON * Barristers, Solicitors, eto Uolaou a hank, U»ou 8oaiid H^VKBY Q TUCUUh GEO ^. rAT't liBSOK A. G. MAl'KAT. M. A. >u>auoar, etc. Ctowu j.tloruey for Grey. ouicoBâ€" ao Pculett stieei. Owen ^ound : and .t.aiu ati'vet, Uuudalk, iSatur^iays Ir.'iu 6 p. la. tulip, m,. and ou iJlTliuon Cuu>taa>e. ^tteUical D" HLTTON MUCM, MCrJkS Out. Fricevill*. Htiue next door to Itrovn'H store ; voftkl«ttH â- lipusite ui tliu oUi pti.-it oljii't*^ rvHidviicf ol laW viux biowu. OtUce ua>ttâ€" ruuiMiays auaSukiur* ^ ' .M (.' r 4 8 Out. Physician. Surgeon. «»« letilferton ulllcuâ€" Straiu's block. MwideBoeâ€" .^unsUaW's Uutel. In Vogue at the Flesherton . . . JOH.N A hOOTT, M B .Meniher ColleKO Physic. & Snnteens, Ontario Utadnato iu .Meilicine of Toroufe i'niveraltv, l'ellowt«hip Iiiplenni. roi.t (,radTi- ate >\:oOieal HcllO'd and ito^pltal. i'hlcadEV DiRoaHCH ol evo, I'liv. nose and tloetit t'l'tciully. treated. hcdidoLCu. Maxwell, VLbits Kevurabsa ThurHdyas 1â€" a HARNESS SHOP1 BELLS, BL-XNKETS, SASKATCHEWAN and GOAT ROBES Whips, Rubber Knee Rugs, lined and unlined. Curry Combs and Brushts. Cluoioe t OoodLs At reasoiiahlo PricOi. Satisfaction guaranteed in repairing. J p o rTKwm.L Yoturuiary Surgeon Civftdiiate of Ontario ' Veterinnvy Keside COâ€" Second aoov sonth on we Marv street. This streets ruus south fi^ai Pi'esbyteriaii church. ro1)«M. vest siâ„¢ -SC: JRICEVILLE AND rUEH.\M STAGB WM. MOORK " flcsiertoa Ilurham stag;- leaves Flashcrlon Station 7.15 a.m.. vetiirnw 4.4.''» p.m. rrlt'ovillc sti leaves tho same place af. I2..W, returning nt Karo to PvicevilleanJ return. .W cent. : IDurhai »l.,')(Hor return ^^o. single fsro, LIvorv In neetiou. Orders may be loft at either hotel A. MoCAULEV Pr< n .a A OPlITn "ivH for vour Naino on M ll III IIIV Koautdfii! HIDDKN NAME II I Hi I \ C*UDH.Iovelv pictures, or* II I i! II III HandaoiimCalM'gCards. CaA U vCniv'with Older. 8tninp»*«»k», â- â-  Address, tjulario. CANADA CAHD BOl'SK, loe r

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