THE FLESHERTON ADVAfCE JANUARY 13 1898 V^ici^rtV CHlDS f'n* Jaiiuaty iliaw i» With ua. C»c£<*ristlrs of the Past Week 4'ar«-fa4ly (.'ulied Tor tbe Curious -g -^ B<niHeu in>tie)i anunig IocoIa tcUl b* + chintcd at tkt nt^'. «f X'li c ntt t jjtr lint for raeh iiutettitm. A t re-bir.liim xirill 6e made un con- f Uacif for 100 Ihifs -yr over. H\VB you rent- wi-J yiiiir siiSscriptioii ! U)j;^l;M;>r waatuj â€" Fur infonni- lioii a(ppiy«t thhso8ii.-c,. Meaf >r 1 li:i.i <1 j -tJ iil th»t its Htree^a aad (ta'ks Are not oxr pastures. The'C wil' ha a poWlic rcce(>«i"n serv- ice in the Mcth< diHt church ou Suiid.iy •â-¼eiiio^ next. For sVe cheap, one Taylor Ko. 6 tirv- pniof 8Afe, Apply to R. J. Spruule, yt««herloo. N. ClH.k Wallace, M.P P , will »Feak «t ail <.<r:uiK« tnrertiiimuenc t' bo given in Miii'sli's hall, Muikrtaic-, ttrniiiht. Mr. .1. M Davii cif Eupliissa was dt- f j&.ted 'ly nil*- vofe iairtcsd of liriiiif elected by four a« was ai.u>>cncr<i bust week. The annual tnect'Bg of the L. C. As- « loiatinn ><{ tistt Gtey will be ht-ld in Markdalu M-m^Ttow, Frid.»y. a: 1 p. m. Mr. W. Cadwell and Mr. M. Thiicle waire, );ravel r<^>id, have >ouDg piga which «ilk thec'iws wheiiev ithey uetaa "ppnr- tunily, and have b.-^r 1 '»u^'it in the act Tlie C P. R., which hM its cjse. liiouglit Vy Mr. John Best fur the loss ••f a horu", at tb«s Ute Division Court, lu.nle applica'io'i for a n.>w trial, hut Julgc C'!'e;t»>r has mfuiieJ lu gr.>nt th'8. At Wil-on'a B- aver Plariin; Mil!t>, >40i!ei!iii, y-iu c«n net your<;h"( ping dono 1 1 first c'a's Older any day <f llie week at »'lo very low prioe of f.ur cent* i^t \ms. We lea:^l in thi^ branch of our bus'neu. Eugenia Mutlii>di-t Sundiiy »cbo< 'I will hold Its aiinonl cn'ortuiiiniint on Friday ( to-morrow ) evciiin,'. Spcechea, re i- tation.i, diafogufs, v. cal aiid instiumeiital ii.UHic. Children loc ; 4()c a couple. Every one of our subacriNtm d'iut>tk'S8 will, tLis wft'k or ut-xt, r.ceive a 8.->ni!'le « ipy of the Toronto Weck'y Sun. L<>.»k it over and see if you do not think is w..rth 30 cents a yiar. It is clubbed with this ('iiper at tliis fiyuteâ€" $1.30 for tlic two. Mr. V. Defoe has a tioe opeu »katii g rink in ruining order on the p..i.d at the Riiuth end of the vill.i:ie in rear')t M-.'s»rs lU»t and BUkehy'i res d«'.ev^s. Wi 1 be <»pen Tueadiy, Thursday, and Saturday evenings and Wtdnesday afterD<K>iis free. Try his ice. Mr. J. T. Siiiison,. ifavel rovl south, Ims iJUrchastHl the lid h^nicitted fnnihis father. Mr. David Stin.s> n, tlie la'ter hav- ing diirii'g >Le p' ituiumer [iurchuscd te acres of the old .WiKjre homeuttad und er roti'd a C"inf iitublu brick house thereon, where he will reside beicfirlb. Mr. \V. J. S»r»in of Great Falls is spi'iidiug a wee'ii or »o with lii.s parenia iii town. Mr. Strain is on his way to pur- •hace t;"ods in New York. Miss Cara AtBu'tne accompanied him tl.ii far, it l.e ii)4{ her iutentiuu to takea course at Alma « dlege. Ari auction sale of hiuse hold furniture, vehicL 8, etc. wdl be held in Spioule'.i I'l'ick (Ut>* Hili> store ) on S;»iurday Jan. Ijth at 2. p ni. At th^ same titne a No. BTujrlor xafs wilt lieolfereti for sale. S»e (•ills for ii^it. R. J. Sproule, auctionn^r. At the animal meettni; of the District <>rnn»c Lo.".;o of Arteii es a, he'd at Eu- |{eni» ou Tuesday of this wevk, t!i« fo'- loainsi officers were elected ; D D M.. N. Ia<r nee : V. Chap . F. T. Carr : D Rec. S>c.. D. Mathuwson ; D. Fin. Soc. S. Btiwles ; D, T' -as , I. B. Lucos ; D.D. »(C., I: Puivi. ; 1st Lcct.. S. J. Hal- b«it ; 8nd L«ct , James Brodie. UcFHrland Sou's matchless prices: 1000 boxes n]:tu:ht>R, full count, 5 cents ; bt»s regular i>: ice 10 cents; 895 setts â- ^less •tKil.*, Scents ; sett regular price, 10 cents ; 31 pounds pur* yellt w itugar, \l-Ot) ; 'i6 drill eyed Ed;;! s'l 1 wing |lt<hl'«H for 1 cent. MoFar^and & Son, ^{(artdale, Wway* Icids iu l«w prie*. Court Vaiidtleur, No 487. has isHaud l)ilU advt-rtising their aiiDu.J t.-a and eii- lertalnnieiit to te held at Vundeieur on Tuosilay, Jan. 25. An excellent program is Icin^ prepwred. S' me cliree town do'.;» wc-o placed h'Ts decoml-irt; by pois •nin-.r l.v-t week, and oBfc by alahbiuif with a pitchfork or sou e similar in.'^truiiienr. Who is tlie hean less coward, anyway ? There is evidrn ly riMim here f'-r,;i.-iy for the prevention of cruetity to ai.iuial». PER50NALA Miss Emraa Wr-glit of We»ton is the ({uextof Mr. and Mrs. \V,n. Stnui. M.S. .J. N. Fawcoft of T.ironto is vis.t ing Mrs. A. B«ecrc*fi. Mrs. Roe and .VIrs. Eton of Crystil City, Man., are visi'ini; their parentK, Mr. and Mrs John Shaip. ~ Mr. and Mrs. WiB. Jackson of Stayner visited their consios, Mr. .\. J Beecroft and Mrs. D. .M. Talbol of this place Mr J. D. Sled, accompanied by h.-s s'ster, Miss Maggie.of C«I;ingwo<id, viai" ed with Miss Elfn Wickens and Miss Ai - llie Diiiwofidie the pajit week. Robert J. Stiiisoii, yoangest »<7n of Mr D. Siinson, -this township, has secered the p' tition nf second master is the Pickering hiah school. Mr. D. Srinsoii i.s %u <.ld resilient of Arten>«sia and has reason to feel pioud of the family of seven hoys which he has raised, live of whom are in business, teachina or clerk- in:;, and two still stick to the farm. The latter, too, are d«>in:{ well and are con- sidered lery sound tinanciully. Farmers* Institute .Auain has Fleshrrton scored a very succe^ful Institute nieetin;^. Un Wed nesday of Ivst week Messrs. Wn;. Reiinie, superintti.dent of theOutarioAgiiculturiU CoUi-ge, and J. I. Hobson of Guelph, composed the delesistion wh:ch addressed an auiltence of 75 a»»oiiilile«l farmers in the a''teriiuon und a crowde»i hull in the nveiiiu^. The afternoon aldre«ues were full >f vidusble inf. rniatioii which it is imp. s ib!e for us to itive in full. Oue iiii portal t j>..iui w^is brought out in re- p:y to a quesiiou frum Dr. Chri-toe in re L-ard to the vitluo of hyi ophospha'es as a fertilizer. Mr. Uobeou rev lii d 'h;«t few f aimers used it now throu::h> ut t!:e provetice, and it was practically useless when pro[)er method* of fanniii); and rotation w>>re in vogue. Mr. Seunie iu liis aldress on soil ftrfiliiy Kavu the f.d- lowing aj a proper rotation for four years : Two years hay or pasture, third year com, not*, potatoes, rajie or p<a», and the fourth fall or spring gruin ai.d seed down. Have one half uf farm uiiJcr oif- fcrent tteatmeut <;aoh y«ar. Atr. U.jl>- son's address on "Success or Failure " was listened to with tlie dee]iest atten tion. Ht. believed that ewly tmmin * had much to do with after success. He ur^ed the necessity of cultivatio;; in the youri'; faculties of observation, and the cultiv-ition of a taste for the callinj: for whicli they were most suited. His method of luaouriuit was to pat on ami hiirrow in the fail, thus giving an even distribution. .\t the evening niseiinm, in the absence of the aivettiscd chairman Dr. Christoe oli.-iated very ace ptably. Tlie Vai- iirk'ur string lond, com p' 'Red of Me."«<rs. .VIcox, Gilbert and W. and E. Hutcliur ^on, rendered several p.ucrs in a manner which gave the h'ghest of »atl^^lctloll, judgiutc by the rounds of appliuse which i^reeted each number. The chairiiian in his iiitrotluclory Sivid he though t the afternoon meetini; the most iuteMsti lu hu had ever attended. Mr. Dougl .s, a student of the t). A. C, g:ivc a iliscrip- tioii of the coIUvc and its work. The peeches of the evening were niven by, .Vlr. Hobson on " Lt-ssoiis learned while travel ii.g" and by Mr U-nuie on â- â- tifjing the fiiriu." The former gentle- men had trsvellod ex'.enaively thi-oui'h- out ths (jrcit Canadian Northwest and Biiii-ih Coluipb a and some of the thin;;s he h:ul learnul wore : The Chinese in Briti h Columbia are a social necessity WhiiC a urt-tst out.^ry h;is been made against them in Ihu K'V'<t he had not iieara a single «ord uf objection to their presence in the Pacific province. The are there to stay. His .•vlmira- tion for the Northwest mounted j>o!ice, with whom he had come in extensive c in- tact, was very great indeed. They were not appteointeti as th*y imght to be, and unfurtiiiiately were made a football by both ^••rties at CHtawa for political puri>>«e8. They were as brave and hardy • lot of m->n as the world p n â€" i i as c d, and app«ar«d indiffervnt to bodiir (ali^U/x or danger whou duty calUd ttt^w lo ftsM tt» They have Ian known in travel 24)0 m.lcs wiihout aroppin..; except for relays .if liories. Tlierj wasd s .rder in several lain n>i cainimaBd f«ur police weBt in and q le.letl it The presen.;e of one or two i.i Huc:h canes w.ts always etfective. ThK Bra:. doll &iid Indi.m H ad rarms came in â- r a larje mea 1 of pinit«. B-- liad been in Muiii-obn three yeais prernias and on this occasion was simp'y aniaz- d at the wond'-rf 111 change that h-ui tik'.'n place during that time. On hi- lirB< visit he thtught th" method .if frtrmiii'.; th-re was wrong F» mars th.rre sow d wh^-at after year, fa lure or n • failure. Now lie knew he was wron-/, and had to itdiuit that Manitohi farm'-rs knew their busines'. Their proi.peiity proved it. We Were apt to th.nk the Manir.iban life • lonely one, but such w.ia not the case. The social happiness was fully up to our standard, and in fact l>eyond it. He he- li.'ved the intellectual giowrh theer to 1« fully equal to that in Grey or Wellington. Tlie Maiiitobau got the best literature to he had and studied it. Thn speaker wound up a very interesting sketch of tr-ivel by advising the young peopJH 10 s'udv hard if they wish to succeed ; the real education of hfe conies after leavino s^hiioL Men who have mad.' great suc- cess in life were enthusnists in their line Develop a I'jve for your calling. Parents sliould aasist in helping their children aIoii!{ the right way He was an advocate of higher education iu the country. There was no condition in life so favor- able as that 'o be f.'und u|><)n the farm Mr. Rennie's ad'iress c insisted largely of his own experience in rusini: a family of large boys and describing how he had mide money by besu'ifying his farm. He lhou..!ht money laid uut to this end was a sure investment. He gave dia- grams of two farms to illustrate how the thing should b« done. The meeting closed with votes of thsnks to the speakers and musician.s and the National Anthem. Mr. Gamey Retires Frum ih< Tut'mlu Wuridij Sitn Readers of the Sun wili rujret to learn that Mr. Gauiey of Centre Grey is still in p.)or health. A'tbough lie has b^eii in the city durii.g the gruator part of the session he has found it i;i. ito.-ssible to give more than a few d.iys to his sessisnal ilu ties. I'ader these circumstances b.- thinks it 'iiily fa'r t> intoriu his irieuds that he cannot be their ca::didate in the c 'luiug electioir. This an:iouji>^rnu'ii: wiil cause regr»»t both to the independents in Centre Grey and to the Patron delei{i- tiou in the Legislature, as Mr. Gainey wilh nut only the strongest available cnn. i date in the riding, but «as a man whose counsel was always eagorly sajught by his a-.sociatesiii the House. Few men ctiii {toint to a longvjr or more hononble public career i<i the public .service tliji can Mr. Gamey. Ue nas fur 33 year.s reeve of his «wn township ; for three years a member of the jud cial audit committee for Giey ; he was a member of the board of county valuators ; fir one year ho was township ;.and for the last four years he has represented his ridinu! in the Lojislative .\aseiiiHy. On'y tA ice ill 40 years h:is Mr. Gainey been d.'feated in contest* for [lublic olbce. A convention to chous.^ snotiier cundidale for Centre Grey will be held at an early d«te. â€" â- I lai I < A young man residm.! not a hundred miles from Uepwoith, asked the Kev. Mr. Kuowlcs, of London, to be his b^i^t man. He consenttd and started ou his ji>urney but fur some roasou or other, he misHcd the train and telegraphed to t(e grtmni to that etlect. •\» soon as possible, Itvwever, he came i^u, and he to drive 15 miles when he left the train, but he ar- rived only to be told 'hai the brihil fmrty hid dejarted. The reverend g>.>nt!emsn was put to the expense of $20 over the affair, and that, with his'roub.ein getting theie, made him exclaim, ''The next wed- ding I attend will be my own." The followin;< u-nerui hint coiner fr< m an ex^^hange : Most peoj^le have well water ueur the house, aid can eiutily h ve ice mad.' in thu iollowiii;{ manner : (.>ii a very cold day pomp up some waier and let it stsuJ untd ir co i.nieiiccs ti> freeze then taken a pailful and wet the bottom and sides of the ice house thoroughly. .\ coating of ice will soon f nil. By repeating this a few times k water-tiifht tank will l>e formed, into which water may be poured, and it will freeze, s.ilid in a short time. At nig t several barrels of wat.-r can l>o poured in, and will b« found one solid bliclc iu the morning. It will be quite a surprise to see what a l.trKe quan- ity of ice can be H da in this way by mm pamui ou a Twr/ cold day. Fy^j^^rwi^Tr^^^^-^-^-^-C^:^:?^ n >^ A Large Stock . . ... of Footwear | isi Iu Ladiea' Mens' and Children s B">)ts r.ndSli'>«s, ala<i Rubliurs, Overshoes and Fell Boots Custom worU anil Repainn'.i attei.ded to pruu|>tiy at CLAYTON'5, - - Flesherton. K^l Agent for Dominion Money Order Express Vi/^ \ $iOOO $iCCO BIG SALE Of New Parlor I Bedroom Furniture One tlitrusand dollars* worth of wel! bought Furniture to be sold during the next 30 days at slauj^hter prices â€" that means that during the month of January, or as long as the stock lasts, we shall sell at actual cost, and in some lines where goods have been on oar flt-ors longer t!ian we think they should be, at any price to clear them out. This is i\ip. best offer ever made to buy real good Furniture at less than wholesale prices. . UNDERTAKING A.ND PICTURE DEALER, FLESHERTON Hotice of Meeting T. ko notice that ^he »n n ual mMti m -•» " P. x-it GrBv tjilucorj Diatri-Jt" .\3rioultur»l Sooi ity nil.'oa belli in ttte Town Hall Klt.>sbarton, on Unnary 19th. ISOS, «« 1 o'clock p. ui.. f>r tbo re c-tiTtu(j snil pA-*«i"(t on ttle Boarl of D'''w:tor-i' and Socret«ry-Trea8ur«r*s repoi ti tor tile past vo»r. tliB ei.etion ot ofllrers for the en «uini{ V' sr snJ >ueti iiihtT lnwf'ii l>u^ a e*jajR<l utf. u.'usrv ill Itje it»t'ir.jfcts .jf «.4iJ ttOoi«:y. .V fuii a tuu'tauci; is corilialW iuv-ittnL It. J. »rB/-ct.V S«cretary DMsd ^ risshcrtoa.Jau. Uli 19K. STOCK FOR SERVICE Furui. for SlxIo Farm for sale cheap. 91 acro«. well w it«r«4 i\ ni'le* sa^c A tliit viilw^s, kuowu aa tbu Foa wieS fajTui. Apply to U. BicUaiiisoa. i FI ESHERON SHAVING • parlor J*! bayard - - Srropit»tor UBtilSTKKEU, ''â-¡â€¢Darbam Bull. One Burkshire Boar. Oua Yi:rkibirtt Boar. .Ml tor s-^rvica on lot S ao 1 M.N. I). R.. Ait.'Uiiwia. Turois o.ia dollar. W. VKAC8 Prlcuvilto. Jaa. lO.W. FARH FOR SALE The North Half of Lot i8. Con- cession 2, lownship of Nottawa. saga. Hairdressins: in the Style Latest SCISSORS SH.\RPENKD an.! R.4Z0RS HONED in first class style. %^ Ay;nt for Rolstin's Lnundry and Parker's Dye Works, Turoutu. One han'lre.1 acrra. iwil Kood clay loam, spleadi'.! orchard U» trvoa. oeTiirtaiiinK atr am croAsastja farui , w'li.-h i-i aaa'.ly til ulearo.l, -iud well feaceil. small fratuo b.>aMi, oofebuil ^ In.'saronot good, well tituate-i on t^* d ' a g ro hJ, two aud a half mites frum Stayner, wbiob la one of the bo«c in urke^-^ for all kiuda of i&. lu I pro.luce la Oatario; within half a mila t( ; ^cbrjol. Thirty airea of fall wbiat now in the groaad in axcellent c. q lition, all aiiuimer fallowed. Tbe .\boTe tarui in oue of the bent in the towaahip of Nottawasaija, and n well adapt ed fur mixed ftirmiug, t>eiug well locatjd near excellent markets wham OTarytbiag tvat le icrowo 00 tbe farmcan aasily b» dL^poT.ed of for ceah. The prica i9 9^X)iwbicb inclndei tba fall whe^t) aiidihe terms are 91500 casU, the bal- ance to remain on mortgage for dve yeaia at \\ per cant. iuttroaS. Fur furthor paiticulara apply Co i. A. CAMUbU.N. Stayner. Cook's Cottofl Root Compoond ^â- â- ^^^ Is tbe onlv >afe, reliable ^^^JHJB'nootlilj metiicine on which ^^^^^«r laJits can depend in the ^Hp ^^\hour and time of need. SBv. if Is prepared in two degrees W^ ^to^ of strength. ' -y !io. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicin; known â€" told by dmgiris's, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases â€" lo degrees stronger â€" sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars; two boxes. Five Dollars. No. I, or No. t, mailed oa receipt of ptict and t-wo 3-cent stamps. TtM Co*k Company, WlndJor, Ontario. (Sold i' FiB-l'.o:t.u aaii cvciyxi ui.:- la C^tiiada by »U re.>p>iu«!Li]« <lru^>;i9t». X.<o^s W£e,n.te<l. ^Gd maple loga wante.1 at Plo9bortoii S4att.->D â€"from 11 to Id feet long must be 'A) or i< iiebee iu .liamtiie. . bounl mea-sure. Priue •? iMir .M. 21J J r jok elm 1og-«'-.-^iiio leisj^ib. from 1-3 iucb* es Price $7 pui A. LoaHcan be delivered eitbor at I'rolou ot Ftc»bertou atatioa. ' E.8\KGEMT Carao to th»»prt>ruisei* of the un<lt.>igi{;Q»i1. lot i •iA, Cull. 7. Arfc«*uic«ia, oiie pi^. Tli« own tr c«j) havA tbu luuue bv pnit in^; propttrcv fttiJ paying 1 t it)»h«rtoo, D«c. t9tb. *97. 1 Factory For Sale! B&sb. ioor and pinning factorv inelttdiufirun Rraio cboppius Htoops: vury cb«ap ; two| hundred down ; Nilauco rasv Wrmi ; wat^ri puwur; alt complot ; ctoiii^ good bisiuoAC':] •A^infatitory rtanous foraeliiiie . buildlDa ftud loaohinarv only aold ; loug toa^a pottor , rant, low; no op^oaitiou. Apply Bos. £00, Fltsbar^ ton. Oftt. Farm aul Mill Site tor Sale Pt»r Pale Tory cheap unH on Torv eftifv t*Tm»- TiDiber rarui. l50.-koreR. two tuilox frum ?• If»»tli QrfioD. knowr %a lh« Wtn. Hocg^awuUT' i>r©- iwrty.aiid ou which i« nu oxceUeut water po^ar. foumiation of saw inilK dsui anri pond aud water Kht-^el ill plaoa and all ready fur puttioif mill on. Atvr>iit Uac^uscle:1^e^}. J04ijrvdtiiiib«a, uiost off, ^»viiinc« welt cimbervd.mixiH) tiitil>er. This farm irt 11 od Md at a bar^aiu if 6old aft oDoa. Small payiient dowu . balaucu ou verv e^sy terms. Apply to ft. J. Speoilx FlMbertOD. Obi WANTED, AGENrS ^Ji^TX l^i^^ ilcht fe linr nwantecl IwdnAirioiM nM««f ebaracter. 1 Tb«UNSCOTTCvui]^ii7.Torgfita. .., ' •anii coi ies sot-* rh<»o th<}iisau I Ave iinn IroU ordureil from \ut*traliA; lari;^^ q-mut:t^ i;oim to South Afnua ; goiny k> wild-flro iti f*&n- %da. Lord r.x>rne. Hur Ua) *9tv's toti iU'^Iiaw. savt : " The bt^t^t popular life of tbt* t^uc"^ n 1 bav«Men,"%nd thouHands eiulorse ^ha stat^^^ ment. Outfit fvfu t> canvas^wr*; *irh'fciv« territory: bi>vk on ttmo: eas to mak- #4 daily ; souid tuaka twice that. Tba Brmdley-Garretsoo Tnronto Asrents sell "Ktondlke Gold Field'* Like a whi'IwithJ. r.-\i»oriei.c..L i ... *»r re.i^iug tbe rtchont harviat of tbeirtivti*. new begmiierailoiim «>'a<lur«. Nnarly uvervbody aiibacrib^, Ono x-»xi« Mlow ou a (a-ui al • 13aDii>oth (a wakliigMfV. A la ly tt|ie-i>rlt*r at (4 a week la aleattun fit A in'oaanic wba bad earned «!..'<) a da; ia ol**rini| %i a lay. Wewant luor* afaala. CkiiTaaaiutojtattSola., vortb (1. TBK Ba^I>LST-G.VBB*TSOH Cg>. IiVL.ToroDtu, Oatv ,^J. ,MikMiifia..>.kdi â- •Miiiiiiai^ E*;-*<iwa