Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1907, p. 4

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>r4 1 im ».W ' ' I •imtfliflttm^llll^^ :r»~- October 3 THE FLESKEKTON ADVANCE miiiii^\'iW.% ^WWWWWW F, T. HILL & CO. Pall Coats and Skirts BIQ ASSORTMENT - - flODERATELY PRICED See tbe very large variety of new styles that wo are allowing in Ladies Fall Coata and Bkirta. Ml the new prevailing styles are represented in onr showing and nowlicro outside thi# store in Grey County will you find such a largo variety of styles to make your selection from. Everything that is fashionable we are showing and all are priced within reach for the most exacting buyer. We would ask you to visit these departments of the store and see wliat we oaudo for you. Grand Display of IVIillinery, Ladies Tweed Jackets and Furs We invito our iimny I.idy friends t^ our beautiful Millinery displ.iy on Thursday, FriiUy ami Saiur.lny, St,pt, L'B. 27 tiiiri 28â€" The l-irgBst atid must benutiful ilispUy i-viu- slionn hero. Mias E. L. ftlcBEAN is in change of the showroom. VL-iitors to iho fair kinuly gi?e us at'allâ€" no ditTtircnce w hi'ther you bay or not. STi^LISH FALL COATS at $5.00, 6.75, 7.50, ft.50 and lO.OO. STYLLSH FALL SKlKfS at $2.75, 8.25, 3.50, 4.50, 5.50, 0.50. New Clothing for Boys This week we have passed into stock two linndred and twenty-five boys suits, all the new pattterus in fancy tweeds and worsteds are included in tho lot and the values are better than ever. See the Boys' Suits we are showing at the following prices. They are the best values you can buy for tho money. 2.75, 8.25, 8.50,3.75, 4.25, 4.60, 4.90, 5.60 and C.50. Big Sacrifice Sale of Mantle Cloths This week we put on sale aboui 1000 yards of Mantle Cloths in plain and" fancy curls, basket clothB and beavers in colors of cream, red, fawn, hlue, black and grey, suitable for infants, girls and women's Cloaks, and they are all on sale at half regular prices. This is a big opportunity right at the beginning oi the season. 75c Mantle Cloths for .S7J cts $ 1.25 Mantle Cloths for 62 1-2 cts $1.50 Mantle Cloths for 75 cts 81.75 M>tntle Cloths for 87 1-2 cts $2.25 Mamie Cloths for 81,12 1-2 82.50 Map*'" ^-Iqtha for $1.25 Be on hand early, the best always go first. HARDWARE We carry a full line in this Departnien t in exchange for all kinds of Farm Produce. "MW MARKPALE WWW^ LADIES FUR MANTLES- We havesn uxo< Heat ninjje nf For Miititles â€" tho best we have ever shown. We can show you n. skeleton .Jaclic whioh shows how every Kciu:iii; iiioh I'f the Jiicket is niiide- -and «e yive ynu h full ijuanintee with every garment. We^lso h.ive a beautiful r.-invc of Ladles' Ruff.., Matfs, Caps, etc., Cull ai.d inspect our Fursâ€" prices ri^ht. L.AUIDS' and MISSES TWEED JACKETS. This year the Htylei and paHerns are stapli'. You can't make s uit.stako in luiyioy one of our .Jacki-t.s. Oiir prices are rea.sonahle and the Jacket will appeal t'l you as beins; n good sensible art.cle to buv. Prices ill Lilies §5.60 to $14 50. Mlsji-s ?5.00 to 810,00. itte Is imbli.^hedi'MTy 'rimrKilay at Sl.lhl ]>â- <•• annum ifpaid in advanco, ?l.f)0 if notso piiid Lots of riiin at presont. wciithor coul, thi'oKliing nhiiMHt ovur, point o dig!,'ini,' is now in oidur. The ciiip in goiuMiil is Very poor, ati thu tuljiiHaro very .small. Mr. John Williams of Paris and his brido are on their wedding tour and at present are visiting tho formers parunts, Mv. and MiH. Henry Williaiiw, near Kngenia. Messrs. Tliomas and David Gonoo and nister. Miss Holla, have gone to visit friends at Stratford. MrH. Williaiu Sproulo of Winnipeg i.s visiting hor Bist«r, Mrs. Adam Hislop jr of the valley. Miss Hmith of Now York was a visitor at Mr. Charles Tumor's for a few weeks. Miss Gordon of Toronto was alsou visitor at Mr. Tiirnuis. Mr. Filwood Purvis of Toronto is visit- ing at Mr. Jolin K Williams. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and daughter, Doris, spent a few days of last week visiting friends at King City. Mr. James Hhiploy is visiting friends at Creoiiiore and attending Collingwood fair. Mr. T.J. Shepparfl of Toronto Junc- tion was a visitor liero last week. Mr. and Mis. I'edlar of ".Suinnior Hill" have rotuined homo after a plo.isaiit visit with friends at I'lekcring. Mr. .lolm Sloan of Proton was a visitor at Mr. Paul's. Misses Seliiia and Maude Hawkins i^f Eppiiig are visiting at Mr. l;)onald Mnc- DonMd's. Mrs. Muiishaw has returned after hpendiiig tho past low we(^k visiting fiiends in tlio city. Mr. Francis Gonoo is having his houso improved by putting a collar umier it. At last tho tunnel can Im) seen through. Though not V... «• <-!.'• â-  - •â- jj„iij( ful in winning a number of prizt's at ihe Toronto and Sherbrook Exhibitions. Miss Ella Knight of Toronto renewed ac(iuaint«ncus hero last week. Mrs. Neuly sr. is ill at pieaont. Dr. Enii is ill attoodaiico. .Mrs. (ieo. Wright who was injured in tile Caledon wreck has so far ricovired n» to be able to sit up for a few horn a each day. Wo Hie jileased to hear th;it Mrs. (ii-o. Warling who underwent an operation in the General hospital some limo ago isini- proving nicely and will soon be able to return home. Mr. J. Gilbert, and his sister, Violet, of Kiuiberl.y visiied their sioter.Mrs. W.,I. Uutchison.iecent- ly.. Miss Eva (illbo-^, who is learning Miliiiery with Mrs. Sproulo of Markdale, relurnud lo her duties last week. Mrs. S, Gilbert relumed homo last week after a two week visit wiili friends in Toronto. They Give Wonderful Health. None are so healthy, so buoyant and full of life us those who regulate with Dr. Ilatnilton's Pills. Even in one niuht they work wonders, fur and coating they lake from the tongue, headaches th«y regulate to the past, biliousness and stomach disorders they prevent and absolully cure. Think what it means to have tho system cleansed and puritied by Dr fclamilton's Pills! A true la.xaiive, a perfect tonic, harmless and wliolly veirotabie in C(iiii- position, they do yon noo.1. To feel and h>ok your best use Dr. Himiltou's Pills. -5c at all dealei.s. House Furnishings A full range of Carpets in Tapestry Drussols, Wools, L'cions, also Linoleums '•â- ^ and Oil Cloths Bcu^ht at the old prices ai.d as tlien^ has been a big advance in these goods you will lind it worth your while to innke your purohase.s while you get the benefit of tho old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum best quality at, per sq. yd 50 FLOUR AND FEED W e have a full s'ock of Houi and feed includin);. Bran, Shorts, Feed flour, and FIVE UOSES FLOUR made by the Lake of tho Wwds Milling Co. Koowatmâ€" Every bag of this flour is guaranteedâ€" the best Hour iu tho land 3 â€" no other can equal it. -â€" ttmtt *- Where Does Cosumption Begin? That hrst little tickle boconios a cnui{li, the cou^h severe, is iienlectod and iravles down 10 the lungs. Tinal throat trouble before it yets severe. Catarrhozono heals, allays iriflaination, cures throat and bronchial trouble quickly. A marvel worker is Caiarrhozono which 'prevents th >usaiids of Catarrh victims from con- iraclinn consuiuption. Reconimeiuled by doCoi-H, proved by time lo bo unfailinu. Cat.irrliozoiie is just what you need. 25c and 81U0, sold everywhere. Auction Sales An auction sale of farm stock and iiiililemeots will bo held on lot 5 and C, con. .'1, Aiteinesia, on Thursday, Oct. 10, iho property of Tlit'inas White. Ooo. Liii'.low, auctioneer. M.'. Matthew. Leitch, of Rockvale will hold a huge miction sale at his place on Oetidier ID vlieii a lurne amount of live atoeU, farm iinpleineiits fnrniluro will be sold. ;t;t, con. 7, Arloinesia, jMePliail, auctioneer. ^nauciioii sale of household elTecta, wid he htdd by Mrs. ,(ohn Whilten premisiH on Friday, October lltli. roiile, auciioiieer. -trains and Swellings cured â- r, P.lDl, I c.iim'ht eoM un<l had .My throat was HUi.llen so 1 could ' 'â- sJM"- I Hpjilleil ('hainlierlHJii'.s Pain ^Mt ifmW\y,. me relief in aulioit time, lit ,n j'oorly tunimll rii{ht,"sayh Mis.I,.C\msiii8 coiiltorl. r.l< iilllidivih Chamberlain's I'uin liiiide and hoiisehoM M. jjeiteh, lot propriot )r. 1). Ho 'liiiliU"'Ui' it ajipc' "^•â- '•l .9,!-a6en, it and \! espocia|ly v»hial>l« wellii.trs. For sale by W. K. ip 111 < oon- it fe«- ft rosi- moved I from *f' Limerick Competion Cash Foh Mail ant Emi-uie Reaheks. The success of tho Lini<>riok Compe- litKMi, which haa been running for tho past few we^ks in the Toronto ftlail and Empire, has been so phonomunal that they have decided to raise the amount of prize nion.y in the coiitei>t, which com iiieliced Friday, Sept 27, to JIiH) (10. The person who sends in the be-it sug- yeslou lor the last line of the incouiplulo Liineiiok will roceivo 8,1(l.0(). The other prizes are as follows: the second, 8:J0, 00; tho third and fourth, 810 00, each; the liflli and six h, 85.(M) each; and ten con- s<dation prizes at C'5.00e»ch. It is prob able that thee conteta nill be continued from Week lo week, and cnndilions govern- inx thoni will ho found in both The Daily and Weekly Mail and Ginpiro. HONOR ROLLS ^ Report of Ceylon public school for Soptoinbor. TV-Kato »IeLeod, 'WiUa McLood. HI -Myrtle Hemphill, Lena Legato, J. J. Patti-son, Melville Rutledge, Jidiu Hemphill, .Vuslen Mc.MuUen, Etiie Chi.s- lott, Forbes Rutledtjo, Annie English, Percy McLeod. 11 -Edna McLeod, Murrjiy Legate. Roy Rutledgo, James McMuUen, Muriel Legate, Sliowdou McLeod. U pt. .sr. â€" Arnel Love, Goldwin Mc- Mulleii, Lizzie Ridley, Lizzie English. 11 lit. jr. -Willie Pattiuon, Pearl Whit- noy. 1 ST.â€" Everett MadiU. Miss J. Wilson, Teacher. I3oar For Service. Tbovouglibred Yorksbiro boar, "Orchard' Home llos:." bred from D. t'.. Klatt's famous Vorkahire Hera of Miliirove. Terms oiio dollar. \Vm. Camebos. Lot 35 cou. 8 Artomcsia. 1 uio, Report of Eugenia public school fur September. 4- J Sloan, R Park, W Plmt. 3 sr â€" L Fi.sher, Elsie Arinstoii:,'. 3 jrâ€" L Hi.slop. M ruriiei and L Sloan, L Ctmpbell, K Plantt, M Campbell, M M. Park, W. H.a.^. 2 .sr^A W illiams, C. Park, (â- . Fisher. 2jrâ€" S. Leoiiard, J. ArmstroiiL', E. White. Sr pt I â-  L. ^Viliialn.s, M. Williams, N. WilliAnis,W Willi;,ms, W Lniiiier,and E ^vhite, C, William.-, R. Leppaid, U. Arm- striuig. Pt 1 A-M. Park, D. Wilson, W. Wil- Ron, L. Jainieson. B.â€" L. Pedlar, W. Arinstroiiv;. Câ€" W, McVlaster, J. Williuns, W Walker. Aveiayo attoudanco twenty-seven. B. A. RoLFMON, Teacher, They Make you feel good TliO ploa»aiit purgative etfeot exiierienced by all who uho Chaiuljoilivina Stomach and laver TalilcLs, anil the healthy coiulition of the tiiidy and mind whicli they cre.ite makes one fuel jo.vfnl. Price, 25 cents. SuiiipKs free at W. K. RiuhanLsun's drn>; store Williiui llanes liied at his home in Diindalk on Suod.iy, Sept. 22, aged 82 years, lie lived in Proton neer ln.^tioge for about 15 ye.irs, luiivinu from the faun to Dundaik in 181)8. lie was a member )f Ihe Method mt church. â-  n â€" I m~ Jumping With Nerve Pain. That's how you fcil with nouralaia. Rut why lie aw.iko at night, grumble or complainâ€" get busy with » bottlo of Nervibtie. It does act like magio, seeks out tho pain and destroys it. Harmless and certain, instant in effect, nolhiuK is .so popular as Nervilino for ache< and pains of all kinds. Tiy it for lumbago, •est it in rheuinatistii, prove it in neu- ralgia, (jlourisy or eolds. You'll soon ackliowlodiio that Poison's Nerviline bents them all. Sold everywhere in large 2do buttles. Tarm for Sale Lota 171. 2 and 3, l«t con. N. R., ArtenieBia. 125 acroB ii] aU of tlrat class fariuiuK land in a j good statu of cultivatioi). situated 2.) miles I scutti of FloRherton, short njilo from hcUooI.' clean of iiexioiiH weeds and well fenced. 10 acrsB of marsh, 5 acres o( hardwood bush, bal- ance in cood skate to work all kinds of machln- erv, well watored. '2 oruliarda, a Rood houso IH [ X 'io veuefitxl inside, kitchen Id x 2^^, wood- i shed 10 \ 1'2, new barn oOxGO stonu foundation. I This is onu nf tho best farms in the towuDhlp ! and uuu be bcui^Ut xiyht. W. J. CASWELL. Tartn Property for $al;« T.ot.H ;t8 and 30, couQossion 8, 2i)0 acre^: Lot :t8, concettHion U, 100 acres; Lot ^, concession 12. ICH) acres; Lot 37, concession lii, westerly 65 acies. Tho afurusai*! are a 11 in the township of Arteniesi-i and will bo sold at reasouabU* prices on oasv ti^ in^. J.F.HUJKLLNG. Box 807. Collingwood tenders Ulantcd TEXDKUS will bu recfivfd hy the undorsigne'l up to Oc(t>bt»r 15, iy<)7 for the eorectioii of a wire fence atd supplying of f^fty oedar podte uud ton l>races ati'urt Iiaw sch'iol. TKNiU'KS will be received for whole or part of CO ntiat I. Tie lowest or any tender not doc* ussarily accepted. For plans anl Hpecitieations apply to P. H. MKLOai'M. Secretary Port Law. Summer Stock. I have on hand a number of Rub- ber Rugs, Dash Aprons. Duster* Fly Nets, Whips, Ax\e Greasa, Ho<.f Ointment. Ilarness repair- ing of all kinds done promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite Tho Advanco ofi8o«. Fleshertox, - Ontario Ther*- is a better po.sition for every yoona man or women who will attend the Notice to Creditors In tlirt niHtier of itie eRtat" of Aaron S.._vies, late of ihe towi.sliip of l)s- i pr .y ill tlio county of (Jrey, farmer, d' ceased. NO'l'lCK i^lieiebv given imrsnan' to tho ro- ! visedstatues of I'li'uiio, 1H<;7, 11 ae. ISO that all oioilitorH .iinl oiborti OavinK oUims ah'tilist the etttatit ot tlai saiJ Allien Hayre^, deceaRefl, ' whodiiKl un evhliout the tweuty f\ri*t day of i -Imio, A. 1>. liuy?. areri-(mi:-».<l'>n or before the i loth (lav of Ouolior. A. I>. '.Kl, lo s ed bv post iirepnid or deliver to (UH».'.;e iturber. Esq,, I Vever.shaoi I'. i\ (>iitttrl.->, o. leloi Thom^oiil K»(i., Kovuishiun, Out., I Jieeuforsot of the last win an 1 To8taniuiit of the sanl deceased, their christian and HurnaiiieH, addiuHHefl' and des- ' cilntioiin. the full iitrtleiilnis of thuir olainn, I and stnteineiitof their aeeoiiiitx ami ibo nature ' uftliH m'enritiea (it auM held by ilioui, I AND KfKlHl'.tt TAKK sen IC.K that after' sucli biKl niontluuo I date tho said ex- ' coiilorii will piooeed 1 1 distuhute theaeseta of the lie eauud a.iiooK Huiiiariies ,,iitiilod there- j tn baviuR regard only to the ebiimH of which they nhall then liavn iiotiee, and that the «ain cxeoutor« will not be linb e for tho said assets or anv part thereof to any iterson or' persons of who^e claims notict> shall Mt»t have j been received by them at tliu tiioHof bucU dU* tribution. Dated the aiih dav of AiiRust, A. 1\ 1007. I.uoaa, Wilkin and McAr.tle, Owen Souud Out. Solicitors for the I'ixtcutuis. OWEN SOLND, OUT. .AND Thoro luhlv ipmlifv iu either the Shorthand and Tyiewrilliia cr thoHiisiuess Oepiirt lorU. rhorooKli ami practiealcoiiisea of study, Up- to-da.te ineiuods of iiistniution. (."i.st olaas oquiiioieiit. Siiidunle aasiBtel at their duak?. Btudenn Bdinitted at anytime, Wiito for Aa- uual Aunouiieemniit. C. .V. KLKMING Principal. CANADIAN 5tcck for Sale. barge KnKliiU Itnrkshiro pii;a of both aex almost ready to W(i»n. Kasv feerlero, the riiiht kind; also some Oxford Down rain lainba for breedini; and luiiloiiHa geuae. ocia HI). MoI-.lUOHttY, Markdale. Greeu Qtove Stock Faiui Box i Additional Homcscckcrs '- Excursions To WlNNll'EO and all points in the North - West Speciiil Tr tins leave Toronto TUhNUW, Al'G. s!7 TIKSU.W, Si5R 10 Tl KSDAY, iSKP 24 TniSl)..\Y, t>CT. 8 'rn;.si>AY, OCT 22 Return aecoud-cl.'Js'.lickela frcnii Flesh- erton at vcr? low r'^te.s, ranemi: friau Winnipeg J;W (K),t.. I';dmont<)n,f42.50 f>ood for sixty days. TOUUIST SLEKI'IXO CARS on each excursion. Comfortable bertho at tiinall extra eoat. Obtain free paniphUt, tatus and full iiifurmatiou from \V, C':te)-«r. Ai;ent, Fleshciton, or froui C. B. Foater. DisLPats. Aat C. \\ It.. Toronto " â-  â- â-  â-  wmmmmmtmm » • » • * t « « M > 1

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