THE FLEESHERTON ADVANCE 'i V C8TABUSHCD 1873 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office .... Toronto The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Brandies. 19 FLESHERTON BRANC5I Geosrgo Mitchoil, tit^nsi^sr BRASCIIES ALSO AT DtiRH^-?^. M.'iK.2i.IJ5TCM Gjerdrum to Joseph They will reside at Quebec. Jamea Gilchrist. Thetford Mines, S»r'.?C''?v;t^3LF. Vicinit/ Chips Tha!iksnivin<; D-iy hits bi^ea set fur Ocrob'.T 31. Cow for sale, -P:irt Jersey and part Ayshire. R. Wright, Fieaherton. Mr. J. J. Lillis, i.f Hamilton is visit- ing bis cous'ii, Jlr-". J. RunsiaJler. Muster Harold Scully of 0*-en Soui\d ^ touk ill the full fair here List »e»-k. ' Mr John Whitten of Turoat.j to.k ia (he fair htre last wejk • Kor money at lowest rates, land secur- ity, go to K. S. VmiDusen, Fleshettna. _ Mr John Dein of 0-veii Sound is the guest of Mrx. Jolin ClintoD. I W<irdrecfi»ed fn>in Miiw Josio Rich- I ardson, who left fcr Ei><;laiid recently, ! states that she had a moFt enjnjahle trip across the pon J. j Lost â€" Between Portlaw and Flesher- i ton, pair of bootii and wire pinchers in I bag. Finder please leave at post otBce, Portlaw, or this otBce. I C. E. Tryonâ€" Practical Painter and Decorator, will receive contracts for church decoration and school houses. Pricoville, Ont-. For Sale â€" Second hand ensilage cutter, , No. 8, with carriers and all attachments, Sylvester m.ike. Apply to David Madill, Ceylon. Mr. Mer%'vn VanZmdt and his sister Mr. T. J. Sheppardof Toronto Juiictioi , Ritaâ€" Mrs. U.ilmes-of Tjrontn, visited spent a few days in town last week. I frienda hero over the fair Jays. Mr. Ed. Bentham is in Toronto this week. Chopping done every Saturday.â€" G. Colllusou, Ceylon. Rev. L.F.Kipp's subject next Sund;iy morning is "A Young Man's Prayer." Thoip Wright of Toronto visited the EaH tirey fair. L. H. Wilkes returned to McMaster I'niversity, Toronto, on Monday. Mr. Ptrcy Trimble returned Tuesday. He has been out west for some time. GIANT TRIPLETS -'Currency" "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewion Tobaccoes. n big ptuus. Quality always the same. MissG. J. Jahp^lon of Owen Suuud fpcut a few days with Mrs. W. A. Ann- strong. For Saleâ€" One youna general purpose mare and two oolts, all sound. Apply to Robert Riehanlsi.n.Fleshetton P.O. Mr. and Mrs. H. Down and family of Hatherton, visited Mr F. G. Kars'cdt's over the fair. Mr. John Whitten will remove his his family to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Legard and family returned home to Toronto after spending a few weeks with friends in this vicinity. For Sale,â€" Brick dwelling and eood stable known as th« Elder property, Fleslicrton. Apply to A. S. VaiiDuscn. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Neff of Nottawa- saga spent a few days with Mrs. Bulmer during the imst week. Good Liocoli) Pedigreed ram foi sale, 4 years old; will sell for ?15. Apply to Robert .\Uitt, Roc'.; vale. Henry Holman, Port Law, is confined to his bed as a result of the injuries he received in the wreck at Caledoii. LOST. â€" On Suu'liy last in town, a linen culT contaiiting a l'i Id i-utf link. Finder please \eavo at this olhoc. The FleshortiMi Biml is supplying music at the Markdilo f lir today, Wed- nesday. For QuAlily and Quantity a>k your deal- er for the now big plugnof •'hobs' "stag' and "currency" Chewing Tobajcoes. Rev. Mr. Kipp attended tho Local Home Mission Boiird meeting in Owen Sound on Tuesday. Collie bitch lost about St'it 9ihâ€" dark sable, lyearold. Finder please commun- icate with Mark Wils.ti, Fleshoiton. Strayedâ€" A large white do.», with black apt>t8, came to of undersigned. D. McTavish, Floshevton. LOST,â€" In Flesliertoii on Fair day, one dollar. office. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Guest and child of Henderson, Maine, are visiting for a month with Mrs. Guesl'a mother, Mrs. H. Richardson, in town. Mr. Andrew Wdson settled last week with tho C. P R. fur injuries received hy hiinsilf and sou in the Caledun wreck. The consideration was 8500. Strayed â€" About .'\ug.24 to the premises of the uiiders-igned a large white sow. O.mer please prove ;iroperty, pay expenses and take away. Jos. Badgernw, lot 173, con. 3 Arteiuesia. Osprey fair at Feversham and .Arte- iuesia at Pricevire come otf to-d&y and to- morrow, Tbursdny and Friday. We wi-h them tlie sainei;ood fortune wo hud here last week. Prizewinners at Eist Grey fair are re- Huested to can fully examine the list us publi.shedin this is.sue and if any emrs are discovered to cummuiiicate tho same to the secretary without delay. Such errors are easier to rectify if attended to it once, Farm for sale cheap, lots 155, 6 and 7. ooi). 3.\V.T. audS.R .Artemesia. 145 acres 20 acres bush mid swamp, well watered large frame barn, coinfortablo house, good orchard. For price and terms ap ply to R, J. Spioule, Flesherton, oi John Stewart on tho premi-ses. Tho concert in the town hall on tlie evening of f't-r day would have been a record-niakii.t; affair if the building could have held all the people who desired ad- mittance. Number* were turned away from the d^uirs wlio could not got in. The entertain inent wiu said to be first clafis and the proceeds amounted to eighty dollars. Tho Atlas Assurance Co. of London Kng. are olfering a nice present frei' to any "ue s»>iiding in tho date of expiry of iheir B'lre Iiisuiaiicj (providing same e.xpirea wiihin 12 month-.) also Company on risk and rate paid. Call or address postal to I. Harvey Perigoe, Fire Agei.oy Atlas Assurance Co., Feversham, Out. One dny last week D. McTavish, b'ack- sniiih, and bis assitant, H. Focster, were woikingat a piece of iron when a hamnu-r flew otf the handle and struoh Foester over the oyo, cutting a nasty gash that rei|'.iirod three stiiohes to close it up. It was a iiaiTOW escape from souHthing worse. Aitkinâ€" Carterâ€" In Artemesia, on Wednesday, Sept. 23, by Rev. J. C. Little, \Vm. J. Atkin to Miss Margaret Mary Carter The newly married couple will reside in Glenelg. kt the regular meeting of the EpwortB League on Monday evening a report of the District convention was given by the delegates who attended. Miss G. John- ston of Owen Sriund sang a snlo. A, S. Thurston was elected President for the remaining months of tho year. A Fowl, Supper iSD Harvest Homb, will be given at the Eugenia Presbyterian church on Ocober 16th. A splendid programe will be given consiting of Rectit- ations, Readin'.', Vocal and instrumental music, ppeakin-i and lots of everything gnod. Tea served from six to eight o'clock. All are cordially invited. Adm mission 25 and 15c. Mr. Mark Wilson had quite an exper- ience last week over a stolen dog. A Col- lingwood livery employee took Mr. Wil- son's hound. Butcher, home with him, Mark swore out a warrant and he and Bailiff Wright went over to Collingwood and interviewed the man charged with the result that be gave up tho doe and "conghed up" twenty dollars to cover ex- penses. The party pleaded drunkenness as an excuse fur his act. Mr. Andrew Gilchrist, who lives near the station, got his foot into the cylinder of a threshing machine on Thui-sd;iy last. Tho machine slowing down for din- ner and Mr. Gilchrist was getting down out of the mow when his foot slipped on a sheaf of grain and ho was thrown so that one foot was caught in the revolving cylinder. Had the in,ichine been travel- ling at full speed Mr. Gilchrist would have been killed; as it was, the fixit was Wily lacerated, but Dr. Carter, under ~wlioBO care he is, thinks the member will lie paitially saved without amputation. Epv^orth League Convention Judgo Widdificld held a court of revis- ion on the lt)*>7 -Vrteiiiesia voters' list in the town hall on Thursd.ay last, Sept. j 26. Thirty-four names were added to , the list. It is oxiKwted that an elect ion I will be hold on this list, which accounts Finder pl-asc leave at this i for tho large nuiuW added. From a ' political standpoint it is impossible to The Epworth League District Conven- tion at Chataworth last week was Well attended and every session was of great interest and help to those present. A splendid paper )n " The Forward .Move- un.'Ut for Vlissions" waa read by Mr, J:is. Mathesou, President of West Street church League, Owen Sound, in which hg gave an account of '.he life of the Forward Movement and a review of the work ac- complished by it. Rev, J. S. I. Wilson of .Markdalo preached tho convention sermon, taking his text from 2 Samuel 10-12 â€" "Bo of nood courage and let us play the men for our people a'lJ for tlie cities of our God, and let the Lord do as seemerh Iwra well. ' Ha treated his subject in his usual masterful manner. Rev. Chanildr of West Street church, Owou Sound, gave a rousing ini.s.sijnary address, voicing a strong appeal for more men for missionary work in tho Canadian northwest and in Cliina and Japan. Rev. Dr. Crews of Toronto conducteil the Round Table Conference on Tuesday afternoon and was the source of a great amount of information on the working of the leagues. In the evenie.g \\} gave a decidedly interesting address on "The League Count? " Tho President addro.<sed the meeting on behalf of the exccnrLve. The re(«>;ts of the Leagues of the District were very encouraging, one le8i.'Ue .showing an increase in per centage of mis.sionary givings from 8c to 75c per member. The Flesherton L ague stood third highest per moinber of mis- sionary giviugs, averaging ab<iut one dollar and thirty coots per member. The following -jfiioers wjre nominated by the non.inatin^ ctMnniittee and elec'cd by open vote in the convention: Pres , Rev. J.R. Wilkiii'on, Rocklyii; 1st Vice I'res., Mr, H. J. .\rms'rong. Markdale. 2nd Vice Pre«.. Miss Edith Connor, Cor- bel ton; 3.-d Vice Pres., Mrs. W H. Thur- ston, Flesherto:i; -Ith Vice Pres., Miss .\. Kiiburn, Owen Sound; 6ih Vice Pros. Misi S. A. Squire, Brookholm; Sec. Treas,, Miss M. Primmer, Owen Souud; Represt iitative to Conference executive, Rov, J. W. Tribble, Corbetton. THE SCOURGE OF CGNSUMPTIO Thousands are Dyingâ€" If Tired, Lui guid or Bun-Down Get f rotection Before Too Late. No child, man or woman is safe from consumpi ion unless their blood is pare, rich and nourishing. Allow the blood to become thin, and immediately the whole system grows weak. The lungs are deprived of resist ing power and tho ever-present tubercular bacciUi develops. The most piisiiive protection against consumption is Ferrozone, which restores the blood to Full strength , Weak organn are instantly strengthened. Wr.inoutj tissues are rebuilt. New life is given to) the lungs and all danger of consumption is destroyed. Mrs. E. J. Richardson, Manotic. Ont., tells as follows of her enormous gain in health from Ferrozone: "For two years I was not well. I waa thin and anemic. Towards spring I fell into a conditi.m ol nervous exhaustion, k dead tiredness hung over me. House-work of any kind I simply couldn't do. A bail cough developed that worried me greatly for I thought it might he tubercular. When I first read of Ferrozone I was convinced it was good. I took it regul- arly for eight weeks and the change in condition was wonderful. My chcsks filled imt and beciune clear and rosy. I gained eight pounds and now am strong and vigorous as possible." Ferrozone feeds, nourishes and tones up the bodyâ€" it sends the thrill and vim ot robust health from head to fooirâ€" makes you feel better at once. Won't you use Ferrozone? Price 50c. per box, or six boxes for 82.50, at all dealers, or N. C. Poison & Co., Hartford, Conn , U.S.A., and Kingston, Ont. â€" â€" â€" â- ♦ » Owing to severe spring frosts in the United States, Great Britain and West- ern Canada, it looks at it the demand for Ontario apples would be very great this year. There is a good average crop this year, ranging in price from $2,50 to 63.50 per barrel at the point of shipnieut. .\merican agents are in the country, making larg« purchases for export. Pure Bred Catnwortbs Jfnd Bcrksbircs forSaU I bavo a flno lot of voui.g EiiRlish Bcrkdtilroa ! rioir- two to-<U weeks olrl also somu «ooil Tan)- 1 worth sowsruaJv to bn-ort. Satisfaotiou cauran. teuil on all mail orders. Write for what you waut. October 3 1907 '' â- " â€" J-i- Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, daily f 2 60 Toronto Daily News 2 30 Weekly Globe 1 80 Mail-Empire i'-l 75 Family Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 jJO Farmers Sun 1 80 Fanners .\dvocate 2 Weekly Witness 1 ^j Saturday Night 2 ?" Montreal Herald 1 ?^ r* -j" Sl:\ortt\orn Cattle fcr Sale Leviniasand Wimples, the best of breeding aiul qualit". Bull, cows and l^Uers for 8ai» at reasonable prices y^ t 32,coD.5 CUAS. ST.VFFOHB. Flesherton Loca.1 Saleszn.a.31 For Flesherton and uiijoininij country to represent "CANADA'S GKE.ATEST NUR- SERIES." .\ permanent sitnation for tho rijfht man, for whom the ttrritory will hf reserved. Pay weekly. Free equipment. Write for part Iculars. STONE and WELLINGTON FonthiU Nurseries Over rtOO .iores TORONTO - - ONTARIO Thompson's 1 BakerV Bread delivered regularly and sold i at the foUowiug places: â€" CEYLON R. Cook's and Jas. Paltison'e. EUGENIA H. Cairns, R. Parks, F. McDonald. KIMBERLEY F. Weber and M. R. Hammond. M A X W E L L R. Kinnear & Son. FEVERSHAM Eli Robinson and Ab. Hutchinson. Best Manitoba Flour for sale. CThompaon ^rlasherio (5c). Boots & Shoes The time for bargains in Summer Footwear has arrived. W'o are now offering all kinds of Ladies' and Children's Oxfords, Sandals, Button Shoes and Patent Leathers at a big re- duction. Genuine bargains. Call and see them. .\lso a lot of Trunks, Suit Cases. Telescopes and Shoo dressings at bottom prices. In .Men's and Boys' wear a good range in Dongola, Box Calf, Patent Leather, also heavier lines. Call and wo will try to give SATISFACTION. Mastsr' Kendall Mitchell Sound Collegiate spent a few week ab his home here. Mr. and Mrs. B Osborn? and family of Collingwood visited Mr. W. J. B>ill- atny last week . Miss Maijorie McWilliams of Dundalk visited over Sunday with Mrs. (Dr.) Car- ;ter. of Owen locate tlie new franchise owners. days last I Farm FoB Salb-LoU 39 and 40 in i the 13th concession and lot 3fi in tho 14th concession of Artemesia containing .S08 acres Good stock and grain farm, well watered, fair buillings and orchard. T, E. TuoRSBfRY, Lady Bank P, O. Gilchristâ€" <ijerdruni,-.\t the residence i i>t ,the buide. Carleton Place, Maty Keefec \ Canadian Rural Life Canadian rnrnl life is presented in a reali.stic and wholesoiiie way by Aiiison North in "Carmichatd." the notalde Can- adian story of the year, publication of which .as a serial in "The F.arinci's .Ad- vocate and H<mie M.M^nzine," of London, (hit., is just being begun. Its readers are to bo congratulated upon the literary treat in store for them. WATCH! THIS SPACE Next Week. F. G. KARSTEDT Flesherton. Ontario. IT^ 1 V '>2 m