Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1907, p. 7

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:.i, I > i - t • » HEALTH I TYPHOID FEVER. Typhoid (ever is a prevenlnble dis- rasc; so absolutely pwvi'ntablo, indeed, that it Is no ex»igj{eratioii to say that «« meb<idy is to blame for every case Ihal occurs, although, so devious are V'i ways by wliicli the germ ta-avcls fr<.m its Source l<j its destination, it is ofl«>n very dilllcult to place llie blame ulieie it t)el<jii).'s. It is, bwadly speak- irij!, a coujilry disca.*i!; that is, th<' lirsl ca.'-es ill an epidemic in a city are al- riiosl always attributiible lo a contam- ination of the niilU-supply. or of the â- waleivsupply at its origin or along lis c<>uii6;' in the country. After the dis- ease has g.jl w<:'ll under way it iiciy ! tc spread broadcast by ctluT iiifansâ€" â- flies, f'jr exumple. In ciM'taiii parts of the eounlry it UMially prevails more or less all the 1;ine in lh<' form of isolated casos, but in cities it often breaks out in epide- mic form. .\part from the wati-r <..r n.ilk contamination, typhoid fever is n«)l infrequently curried lo the city <ui saluds' and vegetables that are eaten raw. The disease begins in from lo two wwks after the infecting material has tfen taken into the stomach. The lir.st syniploms are indednileâ€" headache, loss of appt'tile, .s ,imetijn<'s slight ehill.s, and a general listlcssness and loss of slienglli. Tliese symptoms incrojise ;n fceverity for a week, accompanied by steadily rising fover, higher in the even- inp' than in the morning. Diarrhoea is frequent; the hcaduclK' is often e.\- ceedingly acute. As the disease progresses the physi- cs' forces iu'c greatly depresseil. The l<;ngue and mouth are dry, there is ex- cessive thirst, and there may be deliri- uin. In very severe cases the patient I'e.s on his back, low in the bed. mut- • tering indistinctly and plucking aini- Ies.sly at the bedclothes. In favorable cases improvement conies in the third or fourth week. The fever declines, ttie tongue becomes moist, the patimt lakes an interest in his sur- roundings, and as convalescejicc us es- tablished, begins to clamor for food. In no disen.se is cnceful nui-siiig -'o important as in typhoid fever. Indeed, in many cases it may he said the pati- ent owes his life nxire lo the nurse than lo the doctor, allliough with equal liiith it may b<' .said that in no disease is the constiaiit watchfulness of the phy- sician more needed. Bui the duties of the nurse are not confined lo caring for the patieiU. .'<hf has the grave responsibility upon her of prol.cling others from contagion. Thf pois<.n thr<iwn off in the discharges from the Ixiwels and bluddw. and these (ihould be kept for .it least two hours i;i a vessel containing an oqual uinounl «..f some powerful disinfectant befoi-e be- ing thrown awiiy. They sliould never tn; Ihiviwii on Ihe ground in any place where the rain would wash tlK'm into . u stream or well or cistern. They had beller be thrown into a liole in which is put at the satiie time a iiuanlity ' f copperas or uii-^laked Umc. To Cure Chapped Hands.â€" Have a <l!Uggisl prepare a solution fi'<im equal piuls of alcohol, gl.v.cerin. and witch hiizeL Keep the preparation by the Jdtchen sink, and after wiisliijig the hands and wlrl« they still arc wet p<:ur a IHIle ol Ihc mixture into one palm. Hub <iver Ixith hands and dry on Ihe U.wel as usual. To neni'ive Hug from l^ar.â€" Let pati- ent lie d<iwn Willi bug side up. Then drop in water, a drop at a time, slowly. A< the water riM-s the bug will work cut unless Ih'mly held by wtix. in which ca.-^> a syringe or forceps may b«' necessary. Help for Iii.s<iriinia.â€" \\ it a cl.jth â-  r hi.i'.dkerchief in cold water anti bind around IIk' wri>l, lucking Ihe lo<jse eiul ill securely. The cold cools Ihe blood before it reaches Ihe head and what- <'\er draws <ip c<ki1s Ihe bl<xid will -e- lieve Ihe brain. ria.ster foi' Burn.â€" Cover the burn with sweet oil. then apply cake of «t<ii!gh, made of Ih'Ur and watt'r. It will draw -jiit Ihc fire. Home Made Hair Tonic- T<ike one <iun'-'e .sage, sleep in boiling watiT for >,alf hour; strain and add two ounces glycerine, quarter oimce powilered bor- ax, quarler oimcc lac sulphur, and a liStle iierfuiiie. An eminent doctor recommends tiie r<illowing as a cure for sore fi.'<l: Alum, three ounces; tannin, one ounce; Ijnnvn I rvuiogar, one iwnt; i-osewater, h^lf a \''n\. Mix and aj'pl.v p little as lotion efter wn.stiing the feet,. g( npolT! attached them lo wire clamps, driven Into the flesh of the birds. So intlignanl were the judges that they gav« .Morgenroth a severe thrash- ing befora handing him over to the pijlice. SEniOI'S (X)NSEQl KNCES WERE AVEaXl^D AT KINGSTUN BY ZAM-BL'K. Blood p<5i.son might have proved seri- <.U'- in the cb.'* of Mr. Tlio.s. Foster <,f Kingston, had il not been for Zam-Buk. .Mr. Fosler says; â€" "Last fall I lia<! a nasly .sore on my f<iol cau.sed by the irritation fixim a pro- jecting eyelet in my shoe. Before I was aware <if it thfi colori'd .sock I wore had |xii>i<jned Ihe fles'h and I suffered much in consequemie. I tried a goeid many salves aiul ointnient.^i yet there was no improvement until I began with 7.am-I3uk. This ointment drew out all Ihe ln(lammalioii uiul poisonous mat- ter and healed the sore in several days afl<'r applying.' All skin dis«'a.ses q»ii"kly yield lo Zam-Hiik. S<iid by all f.Uires and medi- cine vendors at Wic. a 1t)x, or post free from Z;im-Buk Co., TCTonto, 3 boxes $).i'5. A writer says Ihnl w>iipping a boy may make him stupid, it may he, but it is mote likely lo mai»,' him .smart. A man was deeply in love with a "lady fair." lie met her one evening nl a crowded ball, and, as he could not get an opp<irlimily of talking lo her, he contrived to slip into her hand n piece of paper, with the two words, "\\ ill you ' written upon It. The leply was equally brief, "Won't I!'' To Those of .'Sedenlary Occupation. â€" Men who follow sedentary occupations, w'hich deprive them of fresh air and exercise, are more prone to disorders of Ihe liver and kidneys than those who lead active, ouldoor lives. The former will llnd in Parmelees \ege- tnble Pills a restorative without ques- tion Uie most efficacious on the mar- ket They arc cosily procurable, easily lidien, act e.xpedltiously, and they are surprisingly cheap considering their excellence. "You should never lake anything Hiat doesn t agree with you," Ihe physician t<.l(i Mr. Marks. "If I had always fol- hiwetl that rule, Maria," he remarked U) his wife, "where would you be?" Vou mre rljht In marcUnc errslpiilM u a dangaroui itiMMe. ^Annalnt tlie swollen, itching Help your children to grow strong and robust by <xiunleractiiig onylhing that causes ill-health. C)no great cans; of disen.sc in children is worms. Re- move Ihem with Mother Graves' Worm E.xterminalor. It never fuils. Mr. Hardup (entermg l^e nursery)â€" "Why, what ar<' all .you children hid- ing for?' Small Hoyâ€" "Please, pppa, Tvinmys Ihe bill collector, and he's called with an account.'' Nearly all infants are more or less subject to diarrhona annl such com- plaints while teething and as this period <if their lives is Ihc most critical, mo- i li.ers should not be wit'loul o b<illle ! of Dr. J. D. Kelloggs I7ysenlery Oir- dial. Ths medicine is a s|>ecilic for such complaints and is highly s|)okcii of by those wlio have 'i.scd il. The pieprieUirs claim it will cure any case of cholera or summer (tinpluint. fNh«>-"I cant sci.' \Vhy, because a w< man marries a man, she should take hs name." Heâ€" "Juft so. The poor fellow ought lo be alhiwed lo keep something he could call hiS own!" ITCH, Mange, Pralrlo Scratches and every form of conlofiious Itch in human or onimals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- tord's Sanitary Ixihon. It never tails. Sold by all druggists. A crank is a man who knows all about ;i subject which you know nolhing al.oul. .\ Good Medicine reipiires Utile ad- vertising. Di'. Thomas' Kclectric Oil gained the g< od name it now enj<iys, !.'â- : tlir<;ugh elaboriite advertising, but < n its great merit as a remedy f<ir bod- iy pains and ailments of the respira- t< ry organs. II has carried its lame with it wherever il has gone, rind it Is prized at Ihe niilipodes as well us at home. Dose miiuII, effect sure. r FEATIIEnS WEBE PI.N.NED ON. Poultry Breeder Was Sent lo Prfeon tor Cruelly. Al Sonneberg, Ce^m^ny, the other «iay a well known poultry brcQder named Morg<'ni'olh, was sentenced lo S'x weeks' imprisonnient for having inllicled ierrible suffering on a num- ber of fowls rxhihiled by him al the recent great German Poultry Show held in that town. MongeniMlh hoped lo secure firsts in certain of the highest cla.s.sos with his birds, hut tlie leathers of a number of cocks were not in accordance wilh the regiilali^'iis govtrniiig Ihe exhibils in lh<i,se classes. Ho accordingly pliKUe<l Ihe hinls. and. having pivciired a siif- flcienl quanlitv of lli<^ correct feathers, ftisl-.ii'd them skilfully lo the dish of the fowls with pins. Il' orler lo keen the Inil fealhers ef < •• â-  :.:ks ill uii uj'iiglil j!<..silion, .Mor. Customerâ€" "Look here! .All Ihe but- I. ns came off this coal the first time I wore it.' .\aronhcimer (the lailor) â€" "^«'s7 So many bi^jple admire dal coat ('at you shwcll mil pride and burst lU se button.* off.' Weak •â- <â-  Sickly People enry thnxa In rohnal hoalth. No need t<.i »tav nick when by the iitte t.f the bent Ionic, " Kernivim," yau can gel rich blood and renewed strength vnd vigor nichieâ€" "Lo<ik at me! Twenty years ag'i a poor boy. working like a dog, iiiid nowâ€" t<xik at me! See what I have made myself." Smarle â€" "Yes, sir. Do y< II '- Is this meant as a warning jr an example?' You cannot Ix- happy while you have c<irns. Then do not delay in getting a III tile of Holloways Corn Cure. II re- moves all kinds of corn.s without pain. I-"ailure with it is unknown. HEALTH HINTS. Lockjaw Relief.â€" Warm a small qunn- i;iy of siurils of lurfK'ntuio and |x)ur uiim Ihc wound. Relief will follow in le.ss Ihan a niinine. For C.inder in the Eye.â€" When a cin- der Hies into one eye immediately clo.se the either eye. pi:t linger on it lo keep it clo.scd. Then keep injured eye open as far as possible. Don't give in. but Wep it lip. Cixiup Relief. "Melt a small lump of butter in a .serving s|)oon over Iho lump. Add a lensiH>inful of common mal oil and pour slowly down Iho throat. This gives inslanl relief. . DODDS 'h iKimWEY^ ekin with Weaver's Cerate Syrup internally And take Wearer'a A .NEW IGNITION BATTEBY. Owing lo the constantly increasing severity of the ignition problem, llie NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, Clo- v( land, Ohio, dc<'med it advisable to de- sign a battery e.speeiallp for this class of work. The Cxjlumbla Ignitor "Red Top" Dry Cell which is the result of Hieir experiments is without question the highest type of ignition battery on Ihe mork<'t lo-<1ay. These cells give a h<i' snappy spark, recuperate rapidly and have long life. They are made in three sizes. This company will ne p'foscd to .send their booklet "Kinks," which treats on all Gas Engine trou- bles, free lo owners of a\ilomobiles, Launches, Gas Engines, etc. ALWAYS WON. Jacbâ€" "How did you make your for- tune?" Isaacâ€" "On horse-racing." Jacob â€" "What! I never know you betted?" Isaac â€" "I didn't. I started a pawn- siiop just opposite the entrance lo Ihe ri'.cecour.se. for Ihe accommodation ot fX-ople who wanted to gel home when •''(» races were over." Qyelng I Cteaning I Vee Ue VMT kaal •ea4 fww weft It Ike ••BUTIM AURIQAM OTIINO M." &M* «w afeat la r«af toww, -r iia« Mtrnm Mâ€"l w l j Tfoata, OtUws, QMk« Tom Smith was street accompanied tail he had recen he met Will Scudd the stunted tail, laughingly said; â€" saw that b<'fore." plied Tom; "dogs' hind.' walking down the by his dog, whose tly "bobbed," when The latter, seeing pointed to it, and "W'hy, Tom. I never "Of course not," re- tails are always be- A Sure Cure for Headache.â€" Blltoii.» headache, to which women are mor« subject than men. becomes so acule in s<ine subje^ls that they arc utterly pros- trated. The stomach refuses food, and there is a constant and distpessing ef- fort to free the stomach from bile which has become unduly .secreted there. Par- melee's Vegetable Pills aiy; a speedy altrative, and in neutralizing Ihe effects of the intruding bile relieves the pres- sure on the nerves which cause the head- ache. Try them. Ye Olde Firme of Heintztnan & Co., Limited. Established 50 Years. Wonderful Bargains IN UPRIGHT PIANOS. Act on the Motto, ;: â€" " Do It Now '' The statement is plain and bold, because absolutely correct, that here we offea bargains in fine â- well-made, good condition upright dianos that cannot be matched anywhere else. MASON A RISCHâ€" Upright Piano, with 7 octave*, hand- earTed panels in top door with nicely turned tru«8C8. a very nice piano in SrKt-cIase condition, having been tliorongblr oTcrhaaled in our factory, fully guarantosd. Regular price $375.00, epecial at t21t.M KILCOUR - Cabinet Grand, 3 panels in top door, ewing music rack, full scale, rosewood oase. This piano is in A I condition and is an Instrument that will gire every possible satisfaction, and is particularly good value at «M.H STANDARD â€" Toronto, full size Cabinet Grand, in wal- nut case. Boston fall, beautifully decorated lop door. 7 1-J tctaves 3 pedals, practically as good as new and thor- oughly guaranteed. This is an elegant instrument, and one that will give every possible satisfaction. Regular priro M75.00. special at tI31.0t PRINCe â€" Beautiful walnut case, with full-length music rack, nicely deeorn^ed ton door, with 7 1-3 octaves, Boston fall, 3 uedals, thoroughly overhauled and in flrst-cla.sR condition, fully guaranteed, special at t23S.N MENDELSSOHN. Torontoâ€" Beautiful upright walnut ease, with full-length music rack, nicely decorated top door, handsome truBPes and pilast«rs. 3 pedals, elegant piano and while advertised as second-hand is prn'cttcally new, being only slightly shopworn. Fully guaranteed. KeKu- Isr nriee $,^!i0.01, snecinl at $2]>.0e MENDELSSOHN. Torontoâ€" neauflful upright mahogany case, with full-length music rack, nicely decorated top door, handsome trasses and pilasters, 3 pedals: an ele- gant piano, and while advertised as second-hand is practically new, being only slightly shop-worn. Regu- lar price t37S.0a, special at I241.N UXBfllOCE â€" Upright Cabinet Grand, beautjful mahog- any case, with Boston fall, handsomely carved music rack, three pa/iels, 7 1-3 octaves, 3 pedals. One of their best instrumenta. in flrst-class condition, thnruughly overhauled and fully guaranteed. Special at . tt45.M COURLAY â€" Upright Cabinet Grand, with 7 1-3 octaves. Boston fall, nicely decorated tup door, used about '>iie year. In firnt-class condition, and special at t26S.M WORMWITH A CO.-Cahinet Grand, 7 1-3 octaves. 3 pe- dals, including orchestral attachment, supceptible to banjo, mandolin and harp effe(>t8, nicely decorated top door, in elegant condition, practically brand new, Ave- year guarantee. Special at IMT.Og NEWCOMBE A CO. -Parlor Grand Piano, in elegant oon- lition and a piano that will give every satinfaction, 7 1-3 ot^taves, very suitable for a musician or concert hall. Thoroughly guaranteed. Regular price $600.00. special at »4H.0« STEINWAY A SON, Nstw York- Grand Piano, with beau- tiful rosewood ease, handsomely carved legs and lyre, overstrung scale, etc. The make of this pinno is in it- lelf a gnarante* that the article is fIrst-claHS. Has been thoroughly overha-ulcd. and is in A 1 condition, fully guaranteed. Regular price $1,200, special nt .. tSM.M EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. Pianos under S2SO.OO~$10.00 cash and $6.00 per month. Grand pianos, $25.00 each and $10.W per monrh. Quar- terly or half-yoarLv payments can be arranged if desired. If special terms ore required wire your selection, at our expense, and the piano will be held until arrangements can be made by letter. A handsome stool accom- PAniea each instrument. Freight prepaid to any point in Ontario, and reasonable arrangements lv> other points. YE OLDE FIRME OF Heintzman & Co., Limited, 115-1)7 King St. West, Toronto, Canada. "05HAWA" fa^ilvanized STEEL LSSIE NO. to 07. Shingles Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner's shears,â€" can't go wrong. They lock on all four sides, are self-draining and water- shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire-proof, weatherproof and i)roof against lightning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28- gauge toughened sheet steelâ€" only one quality used and that the best- bent cold and double-galvanized. Last longer with no pamting than any other metal shingles heavily- painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ouarht to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in first cost ; far cheaper in the long run. "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a square, 10 ft, X 10 ft. Tell us the area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest roof you can really aflPord to buy. Let us send you FREE booklet about this roofing questionâ€" tells some things you may not know. Oshawa Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty-Five Years Ought to Last a Century 131 Send for FREE Book "RooUn(} Right" Get Our Oflcr Before You Roof a Thln^ PeoplB i & Cana.da Address our Kearest Warehouse : MONTREAL 821-3 C-ralg St. W. TORONTO n Colbonio 3t. OTTAWA LONDON m Dnndrvi St, WINNIPEG 76 Loiiibartl 3t. VANCO'JWn^ \.

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