/ ' ^^«^^ October 3 1907 THE FLESHERTON ADVAJfC vy ''4 Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does It send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood â€" Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. One fmflo«nt »»•• of bad blood It 5 fthijt;gt»h Itror. This (iindttcea conttlpaUun. HoIxoduua •ub«tArv(*4Mi Kn> th«*n aliAortHHl tuU> th« blood. &(M)i) ttiu hnwuli upon wKti Ayer's I'llU. BKsanacHBxsBaaesiHiaMBaiBaMiB TXmAo br J. C. Ayer Co.. IxtwoU, SUao. Also nuuiuAoturQES of > HAIR VI008. AOUE CURE. CHERSY PECTOHU.. yers W* liaro DO saoreU I Wo pvblUh Ui« fonuaUta of all our UMdIolnea. Sbortborn Bull Thetli(ir.iiiKlilpiP(l Sliorth"in ItuU, "I'livo itp," U223,'i. ii(fi)r<-i;rvic»' oil lilt 27-a*,"_'tiil ran N. U. 11 .ArttuiMia. l*edi(;r<eiiiiaii|)licatiim TfrmH«1.2.'> \LKX. McU.\K. CVylon Business Cards M'0Ul.L.OUOH .V YOU.VO liankir MarkiUlo Oo a gi^iieral baiikiii;; bUHiiiuHB. UoDey loaned a ruanuuablu tale Call ou ua. TCHIKI-KTT, • i'ustuiaster, '"oylou. CominibMiuiitjr iri II. C J , Convevancer, deedu, uiurtRMKet). Itiahi-H, wiltH utti.carvfully drawn up CulluutiouB maiJ3. cliar^tis rcaKonablo. Albo grooerieB, Hour, feud etc, kevi lu stock, I'ricka &J SPltOULE i'oiitii:astpr, Flesliorton oouimia«ioiior in H.C ,7., Avictioueur Con- veyauonr, Apiiralsor and Mouoy Loiidnr Hoal KBtate and Insuriinco AgtMit. Deeds mortffaKea, loaKitfl and wiltti carnfully drawn ap and valuations luadu on fliurtoHr nctioe, ijioniiy to loan at loweHt rates ijf tnteri'at. Col BCtii>[ia attouiliid tu with proiiiptnesH charuus low. A^enl for Ul^uall DoiuiuloD Ut»aiuabip Couipany, A call sulicitcd. DMcPIIAICi, TiloeDsed Aiiotlonocr for the • County of Oroy. Tarins niodurato and satisfaction ^ituraiitctiil. Tlio arrantfriiionts and datos of saloi- ran Imi niadt) a*. 'I'nK At>vam'k otilce. Ktialduiica aui I'.u., Cuylon, Toluidioiie connuction. Ouc. 0,07. WID BOUEUTS. liconsoi! ftHctionoer for "" " " â- â- itloii KiV'!n all AnauKouiuuts M Oroy County. rroiii|>t attention KiV'!n all saluH entrusted to my care * oau bw uiadu at this ottioe. GliO. O. LUDLOW, Licensed Auctioaeur for the County ut Uroy. I'rouiiit servico aua (•asonabl* terms. Proton Stauou P. 0. nil- I HAIIVEY i'KKKiOK, Keversl.ain ** IiiHuraiicti, Iteal estate and Htoeka. L* Teyniiour. Loans and Collections, Write fur rates on Kiru, l,if«i or Sick benefit iUKiiraiice. Kettor rontracls and lower iatu» on llreln- Burauoeuow, Societies 4 O U W iiietits 01, tliu last Monday O 111 eacii month, in tlieir lo(i»;n room, ClirlHtuu'H block. Kleblierton. at H it.in. M.W., P'raiik Cbavd ; Heo.. T. Itlakely, I'MiiHiicler, W.J. Hol.ttuiy. Viiiitiim bietbici: iLviiud. PUINCK AKTllU'K LO0(}i;, No. rfi.'l. A.K.A A M. msetii in tlm Masunlcball. Htrain'n block. Kiesliertun. ovury I'riiliiy on or liuforo tnufull luocn. W A.Arniatronij, W M.; Herb. «uiltb, tt«Lratary, noUKT FLKSHI:nT(.N IW-V I. 0. F. 11 eels in ^ CbrlHloB's ItlucV the lant U'odnoBdav eveiiinij of eaeii uio'itli. ViHititiK KoresteiH lienitilv wilcouie. C. U., Ur. iMurray; U. B., T. Iler.i); Kin. See, C. N. liioliai'<lKon. t'luanu pay dues to X'in. Heo. beforo tUo (list day of ibe nioiitb. CHOSEN Fhll'.NDSâ€" FloBlierton <;oiincn of CiioMiiM FriiMiils nieuts in Clayton'B liall IIikI and tblri) Wudiio-^dav ofehcbinont N p. m Pay aHBuHsnientH to tlio lieroider on or before tee f)i'8t dayof uacii luotitli. t'liiuf Coillicillur, T. lliukuluy;l(eonriler, W. II. Hunt. Medical DB CAKTKR M O 1' & S Out. Phy-Blcltn, Snrh'eon, eto Olllva and 1 uslileuue â€" Polor al., Fleaberton f\K A. T. HOKD Oradiialt Toronto UnlverBity, ** tiradualt Toronto University. Mem- bot of Ontai io <'iillu|.'o oj I'liyHlcllans and Sur- ||U3Ui> ••--â- "â- â- 1 r^-- -> â- â- - 'â- • Maxwell. Oiii. riiicuosHoi' to Or, Kcutt. t P OTTKWHiiL * Voteiinary SiiiKoon Oradnate of Oitario Veterinary CoIIoko. roKiduiice â€" sjoonil door soutli west on Marv street. This (treat riiua eoutb PreKlivterlati (ilinreli. U VVILHON, lllneksiiillb "• iiaiiiiato oftlie Veterinary Boieuce Aasnoiatioii. Iteaideiioo, Durham ifereet, op- posite Boyd, Hickliug'a bardwaro. Le(3AL IJOA3 WniOHT * MpAKDI.r-, Hari'ist ira Solicitors Cnnveyanoitra, eto O'linesâ€" Dw.n Bound, Out and MarkdaUnnt â- " Whii 111. M<?Aiibi.K I II LuiAs olllc«, UUcbcll'a Dauk VV H N »â€" Fleshorton every Salurdav. Dknti.stry D.. G. C. MURK AY I,. 11. H , I'ental f nip'on lionoritrsdiitite of Toronto Uiiiverfiitv and U"val iTolleiitt uf Dontal rturtfi'oiiB of Ontario, (las a-lniiniMiftvod for teeth cxlrantinn. olHue at resideiice. To roiilo street Fl3i*harton, Shorthorns, Bees and Poultry Onr bans haw wiiiternd well and we have a numb ir of ciilonioA f.ir rale and young awaiina kfter tile first of .liiiio. You stionld Reo onr pen of B. i/'.Hrown LeBhor''e before gcttliiK your e«ili for hatchinK; 50 cents for 1.1 omi*. 1,9* 170, ;nd B, T, A d. B. FUibertou. H, ALLEN Ceyloii Mr. R. P. Legate, who hits been ill for wiiiiu weeks, is iiiipn^ving and wu truHk ahe may Huun be around again . Mr. Andrew GilchriHt met with In Borioua accident ut Mr, Dan. Muir's tliresliing last wook. Just an tlioy were stoppini^ for dinner in coming out of the mow ho made a mis-step and slipped into the mouth of the inacliine, gelling Olio of his feet badly torn aud bruised by tlie cylinder. Urts. Carter and Spioulo spent about four hours in dressing it. lie is doing as well as can l>u expected, and groat hopes are held out for the safety of his foot. Mr. R. H. Whitney visited friends iu Li.stowell last week. Air. R. J. Brodie has secured the jio- sitioii of (-rain buyer at Goldstono for the Hay Bros, who have a good elevator at that jjlace. Bob's many frienils h ill ho ple.ised to hear of liis good luck in se- curing so suitable a position. Mr. T. Mauario got kicked by a horse in the leg wliioh proved not to be so seri- ous as was fearetl, iind he is able to gut around though somewhat laniu. Mr. O. Carlton of (iraiid Valley is visiting at Mr. Jas. Sproat's. Ii[iilil[IS, CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEK. EACH OiUs 43 '.o 4.'! pH\s 7u to 75 Ivirlt-y 50 •:â- > 50 Wlieat 8010 85 Hay !â- < (W tola IK) Butter '21 to 21 Eu'gH, fresh I'J 10 ID Hund reds of Sliidenta of llio Popular and Kucceesful, 3LLI0TT r 'fv'.-r i^'f»'^ _«â- •1v;:^* *â€" -^ e voni'.^;:-:?. i:K?. (Cor. Yoti;<.j and Alexander Sts.) Have micurod po.'.itions this year. Demand is fur creator than tlie supply. E'lucato for busineH4 positions aiitl you will «ct them, but the eiluo:;tioii must bo (irst-clttSH. .*>tw(b'nts ati milted al :iny tiino. \V rite for cntah.guo. W.J. ELLIOTT, I'rincipal .«».^ >.T-,-. .;-.:v/^ '•••5 VEANf. "^â- i>(>''i''i'T'» t/ESiaus ''T*'»*t)'H Copyrt;cHTi&c. Anft^nc*'n t»ng a Bj:»^rh andrtwirHwifi mn; (T-IrVj/ 3*'-(.itftni Ditt ijf'ii;'.' n tto'} T»l.t*tlior }\r. if.v.nrif.r. u rrnlial^ly tnUinTni^'o. ('» iiiimi.il-'A. li ni« -.i.'*etlfCf*iilrtentluI. (iiiriihookoii I'u'ci.La I'AtainU uif-vT i*jr-".i.'H aiuni A. Co. tccclTC ejwcHiiivJW'j, nnh.iut cht.rso, U. •;.o A >i^ni1rKvmciy U'ui^tmted werkly. l.nr[;o'*t clr- colaitwt '.f unv ^câ- .t;I!tlfl.! inuniul. 'I -â- int!!. ^:^ a vnu ; four Monthd, yi. ti'jltS If all TiewmK'ii'i.T^. i>riTij>- ut'.loe. t7r> V tt.. \Va:th^:.;iiiu b, <•>" ASONABLE IN GOOD FURNITURE Tlic laiofst iiiul Ijcst sloek (if Funiitniii ever Rhown in Flesluuton. This witliout fearof eon- ti;idictioii. Come and Bee .siiiiiii of the iiico things in Side Boards, I'iniiig Room Chaini, I'm lor Setts, Bed Room â- Sills. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to ro- lUuo llio hloek. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER FLESHERTONi li IT Enjovint^ POOR HEALTH? r" If Bo it is [irobably caused by poor bakingâ€" our flour is the best on ilio market. We sidl Kurd's I'llmi, Five Itosos, am) .Mornii g Olory. Oar (iroceiiis are llie bei^l ntid the prices hiw. Wu have a l«rt;e sup- ply of I'tacliea, I'lars.lMiims, ('iah Apple*, Orapen, and Ti-maloe.''. W. L. Wristit, Fle^herlon. ^^ ^\m EastOrey Fall Fair Continued from front pige linmomado wool blankets, O Walker; (Jontleman's shirt, VV Buskin, Mrs \V 'White. ' PL.A NTSâ€" Coll. cut flowers, named, J IGruhain, Mrs. Blackburn; Tuhle Bo- qutt, W H Thurston, Mr.s. Boyd; Hand l)(;iiuer, W H Thurston, J I Ornbnm; double geranium in bloom, (i VVyatt, Mrs Boyd; single geranium in bloom. Mis. Boyd, Mrs. Blackburn; Fu.schia, double, J P Ottowell; fuschia, single, PLoucks, W Orr; Amarilla. J P Otte- well, Mrs. Wilson; rex begonia, C Rich- ardson; beyouia. any other kind, C Rich- ardson, J V Oltcwell; Coll. of foliaije, not leus ihaii 4, ii.imed. Mis. Vandusen, .1 V Oltewell; house fern, Mrs. Blackburn, J P Otlevvell; hanging basket., Mrs. Van- Dusen, J P Ottowell; hydiaiixia, J 1* Ot- tewell, Mrs. Wilson; siM'.;le plant, any other kind, E Walker, Mrs Wilm.n; Cdj. of alters, W H Tlmr.ston, Mrs Bl.ick burn Coll. begonias, J 1' OilewoU, Mrs Black- burii. EDCCATION-P.-niiinnship. F Kar- stedt, P Loueks, U Radloy. Free h.if.d drawing, 11 Radley, P Uastie, MG Orr. NOXIOUS WEEDSâ€" Noxious' weeds in bloom, named, .J I (jrab.im. DAIRY PRODUCKâ€" Comb Honey, Walt-r lUrtnian; Jlimey extracted, II \Vataon, I' biiuckH; Butter, fort:il)le use, Mrs White, Jo.s (Jliver, A Stewart; liutter, tub, .! Oliver, jVlri White, TQuiKtr; liulter, p^iil orernck, IJ Har- row, -Mia White, T l/niw; Fruit Cake, .Kd Thmnpson, .J Oliver, Mrs .McTuii»h; Jcllv Calve, Mrs G Mitchell, I) .MeTavisli; Bread. lumiemaiU", Mrs White, IJ Hanmv; Baker's r.re;i(l, I'M ThoiniiBiin; bomenieniaileUnnH, j Oliver. T Quigg: Tan.-' homemade, A Stewart, D.\Ic'riuiKli;l'uuipkiii I'ie, h<inieniai!e, J (.)li- vyi", A Stewait; X^mon l*ie, bonu'iiimie, W'm .Miinre, Ed Thompson; Cmitnrii I'ie. Imiiiemarle .(Oliver, P QuigK; Kuspberrv Wincj D-MeTuv- iuli. Ceo Mithchell; (Jiape Wiiio, 1) Harrow, llMcTavi-b: Rhubarl) Wine. I) McT.'.vish. A Stewiirt; Canned Frnit, as.iorted, .A Utewurl;, O Walker: Mixed I'ic-kles, Mis Wilson, I) Hnrrow; Maple Syrup. .1 1 ' Jiahain, E Wa.ker. VINK .VinVSâ€" J-uinting ou Silkor Satin. water coliuH, \V Buskin, f )\V'alker;dii in oil, () Walker, W Boyd; do on velvet or phisb, O Walkei, W liu.skin; painting on nm.slin or liiilting cloth, watereolorB, O Walker, WBus- Idii; painting on glass. O Walker, M G Orr; CdltpaiutiiigHor drawinifi). W I'nvd; oil paint- iuK-s W lioyd, C Richardson; Pnintin^,', water ciilor, C RulianlBiui, DWalker: fiivvmi I>raw- ili^':(; Riehaiilnon, W Boyd; Pencil Drawui^;. KThistklbwaite, 11 Kadley; roll Photos, W A llawkt-,1, W H ThnrKton; jieii and ink sketch, W N Haakett, II Hadlev; pninting on weiKl or slate, .Mrs W Boyd, Mrs li .Mitchell. Afflicted with Sore eyes for 33 years 1 hive I'eeii alHieted witli sore eyes fur thirty tliiee years. Thirteen years agn 1 lietsuin tiitally blind and wiis lilind for six years. My eyes were badly iiiHauied. One of my ueiijh- Isirs insioted upon uiy trying Chniiilierlain's Halve anil i.':ive ine half a box of it. To my suriiriee it healed iny eyes and my sight cniue liiick to me.â€" P. E.arls. Cynthiana, Ky. Chamlierlain'ii Salvo is for ealo by W.E. Rich- ardson. :> - •-«»• - Thompson- Hill A very prutty we«ldiiig took place .-xt the homo of Mr. aud Mrs. .lames lli'l, Kimlierlcy, on Thursday. Seiilembor 2tj. whet; their daughter, Amy, was united hi niirriago lo Mr. .Samuel ThoiMp.soii, also of Kiiill)erh!y. To tlic strains of tlie wedding iiiaivh played by Mi.ss Vera Gaiidin, friend of tlio bride, flie v. > ibling puiy entered the drawing room, whoso llie nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. J. R. Wilki.siiii of Rocklyn in the presence of Mime tii'ly giusl.s, iuiiuediale fiiends anil neiijbbors of the contracting parties. The bride was atteiideil by her .Hi.^ti'r, while the gidoin was attoiided 1 y his fiieiid, Mr. Wesley Abbot. The bride loolied buiid.soiiKi In a eostuine of blue silk with liiminiiiga of Isee and riblnui, »hilii the brldi'sin.iid also looked pretty in a co.stlime of blue c.epo de oliene with .similar triiMiiiings. After the usual con- gratulations and beat wishes of their as- Miiitlod friends and relatives the wed- ilii!.; party rejiairod to the dining-room, which was lUicorated foratod for tho oceasinn, where a dniiity dinner was .served. The girMim's gift to the bride was a gold w.iteh chain and the bride's ^;ift to hor maid wasa silver jiicklo caster. Tho best man reeiixeil a gold w.iteh chain and Miss Aein Gaudin a brooch. Tb.o hrido ^«is the lecipieiit of many useful and costly iireseiils showing tho esttsi'iii in which tho young oouplo is held. Wi^ join with the ninny friends in wishin^j Mr. and Mrs. Thiiiii)(.son a longiudpros- pijjous j;iurney Ihrough life. A Certain cure for croup- Used for ten Years withcct a failure' Mr. W.iMi.il, i.M.irf'ily, Ind., harilwa.o iherehant is"n'linsia'itie in hispraise of Chaui- licrlHin's (.'ough Ueniedy. Ibseliildren lave nil been Bubjrct lucr jiip and he lins used this remedy for llie pasi ten vearB, and though they imieh feare I thceioiip. bis wife and he Klwaya felt luifo uiiiiii ri'tii'ing when a liettli) of Cham- I'arlain's (ViUj'h Hemedy wa.s in the bouhe. IIiB oldest child wiu; subject to severe attacks ef cronii, but this ri ni.'dy never failed to etfect n speedy iMire. lie has reecoinnieudcii it to lii.s friends Hud nei;,'lilioiH and all who have used it say that it is uiieoiialled for croup anil whooping euugh. For kbIo by W.E. Riehard- 8, in. Since the Ca'edou wreck, tho Canadian Pacific Railway liis issued circulars to the Iraiii crews id the Toronto division, drawing aileniioii anew to curves, grades, etc., and imprcst-iim on enyiiieers aiitl conduu'ors the imperative iiecussity for caution to insuii^ pui Mc safety. The Public Is Often Faked. Unscrupulous di-.!ios actuated by large piofit often rccoiiio'iid corn euros "as food as Putiiim's. " Phere ia only one geiiuiiin Corn K\.i actor and that is Put- i.am's Painless wli.ch ia a miracle of etiici- cnoy and prompt ness, Uee qu o^hef. Mrs. Mueller aud children, who have been visitiog here most of the summer, returned last week to their home at Mont.lair, N. J. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Rutledue and family, who have been gueits of friends here for son.o time, leave to-day fur their home at Muutckir, a. J. THE LATE E. T. HAMILTON, The death of Edward T. Hamilton in the Western Hospital, Toronto, on the Bithinst., removes another of the old pioneers of Grey county. Deceased Aas born iu Bath, Ontario, 62 yeiirs ago and when quite young moved with his parents to Meaford where he attended school until 17 He then went into his father's shop and learned the carriage aud wood- working bvsiness. He was a member of No. ;i Co'y, ,'Ust Begt. for six years and at the time of the F'enian Raid was stationed tit Sarnia for three months. Shortly after returning from tho front he and his brother, iI.H. Hamilton, if lowr, entered into a parlntroihip business for tho manufactiira of carriages and sleighs and also carried on a genei-al repairing tnuh', which they crmducted for 12 or 14 yeari. Of late years ho has been a ruB:- dent of Toronto, being in the employ of the City Dairy Co. as builder of their delivery rigs. In religion he was a mem- ber of the Presbyterian church. Ho leave8'"a widow and family of thr. e .'ions and two daughters â€" Roy and I'ercy, of Toronto, Herbert at Heathcote, Winnie and BLanche at home. Interment twik place in the Union Cemetery on Wednes- diiy last. â€" Relleutor. Fall Fairs Fhe fellowing are the dates for faH fairs in this vicinity. FLESHERTON. Sep. 2ii and 27. PncoviUo October ',i and 4 Collingwood, Sep. 24 to 2i;. Clarksburu, October 1 and 2. Durham, yeptemher 24 and 25. > Dundalk, October .S and 9. Elmvale, October 7, S and 9. Fevershiiin, October ;i and 4. London, September G In 14, Meaford, September 2l3 and 27. (Jwen Sound, September 13 and 14. Rocklyn, October 3 and 4. WAR^JINS Notice i.s hereliy Riven that any per*m taking gravel and undennniing my fence will be held responsible for danigea. â€" .f.VS. PATON NOW FOR BUSINESS COLLEGE t": Po.T't delay. Got freo catalog at once. Boat coilogo.tiest terms, best results. R.A.Kaiiiuhaison, B. A, Hritish Canadian U.C, THO Yonge St.. Torout j. ^ Yorkshire Boar for Service Yow are a Funny Man if 3-ou have Kidney or Bladder Trouble, and wont try Bu-Ju. Because Ba-Ju is the one remedy that is guaranteed to cure yon. Yon can get your money back if Bu-Ju does not live up to every cl.iiiu made for it It gives relief from the head- aches, piin iu the back, acliiug, swollen bauds and feet. It heals and strengthens tlie Kidneys as nothing else will. It etbables the Kidneys to filter impurities from tlie blood, allays irritation of the bladder, auj gives grateful help in Rlienmatism and Sciatica. TH.\MIJSVH.I,E, Ont. "I have taken three Ixixes of your Bu- Ja Piils, and feci greatly benefilted by tlieir use. They have entirely removtd the p.-.ius from my back, and Ui« spots be- fore niy eyes have entirely disappeared. My aiixles were b.idly swollen, aud now I Icol quite wcU," \V:d. McKexzik. 50C. a bo.\. At (Iruyji^sts, or sent direct on r..-ceiplol price. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED WINDSOR. ONT. â- . : a The undei signed has for service on hit 103 L'nd W. T. & S R., Arteuiesia,, a thoroughbre Yorkshire hoar, '"Lakeview Victor," No.l8-I20. Teriiis .'Sl.iW. ThiL-ougbreilscttra. AspUsn- did stock getter. IdecOr THOS. QUIGG, Prop. W5NTER HARNESS GOODS Bsg St cck = = Bes t Stock Sells* BlanketSt Hobes Fur lined coats, pocketbooks, satchels, razor strops and other leatjier noods. Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everyttiing in the harness line. Flesherton Ont. Clea ring Sale Kverylhing in Dry I'.oods. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware iiid Tinrfare must be sol I loijardiesas of ct ^t ..3 I am leaving Port Law. Gotieral Merchant aui Tinamiih Tort Iitvw - - Ontario In Sleighs, Buggies, Wug'goos, iruiTows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- (Vrators uml Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard' s Carriage Works ^^V^H^^K^f^Sf^^&X: Flesherton Carriage Works ^^^^k^'^ «/^^k^^w% %%^%%^%^. If ytm iiro tluiikiiig of buying a buggy be sure and give me a call be foie buying elsewhere as I have a first class selection to choose from. I Guarantee Satisfaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing All kinds of ploughs and plougli repairs on hand; also lepiiiis for Massey Harris, Noxon ai.d MoConniek farm implements. A^ent JFox*' CREAM SEPARATORS P. llftoTil.YISH ( I keep a stt)tk on hand al- ways and anyone wanting a cream sepanitor {ilease drop nie a card and their wants will bo attended to. ? r f lesltertoii *W^^