"TilUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -" PElA^CIPLEb NOT MEN." VOLXIVI, RO 1352 Flcsh-erton, Ont. Xliursday NoYember 7 tOC)7 W. H THURSTON, EDITOB KOPUIETOB Ladies' Gold Guards Necklets, Lockets Bracelets. A run cm these things now. Never Juxi as Urge ft sUick, and can sell at lower prices than ever Irefore. In addition dur other lines "f Jewellery are mora completo than ever. W. A. Armstrong. very intoreslini; jviper on the need of â- liigher educritii)!i fw women to make ' ^iiiHi hmin.f!. ' Rev's Ba'lnntyne an<l Stanley, and Dr. , Bond were presLMit and addres.scd the Kimherley Mis-s Viol.'t McL:.':i:i of Ilockv4le was the must of \\n ai^ter Mrs. I). L. Weber daring the past woek. audience in .Wery pleiwini,' niauuer. The' '**"•, ^^- '^^ ^'^"^"'â- ^ visited T„ronto ' miisicid iwrt of tiw prosjram Wiis of the , fr'^-'WH hisl week. )jyxt:_ j MiM ii-ttiu HfiJ of Collirgwood is the j Jlr. T):k. Kairey favored the audience ^"«''*' f}^^- «"<* ^I"- J- K. Smarr, East ' with a nuiiiher of comic selections. | "louii'.a.n. i Miss Ar\-illa \Vhit.;.«ik sinu asoloand' Mr. Asa. Hulltn.-t of Oaron, Assa., is , her sister Mao accnmnanied her on the : visuuii; friends hero at hreseiit .ind is the : vic.liu. ! ''"°;' "f *'''• '^"'' ^''â- ^' Henry Hurd. Mi-s. Ballantyi-.e and dau-^hter •,'ave a j -^'i'- H.dluirtof Thornbury spent Sun- duet which was V.i^'hly appreciated, also , d-y »ith fnei..l.s h.-rc. Miss Alice Field siiug a .^>lo and the: . Mr ami and Mr.-.. U. Ball of T..roi,to : G!e« Club Kang a couple of m>od Canadian , 'is"ed .rieiids here during the p.r^t we.>k I aon-js. Recitations were given by Misses , ''"'' *«'â- « '"« !,"»sts of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'StJitford, Laiu-a Biownridge and Etta "'''• „ ,, _ 'Spofford I *'«•• ^- Knott McFARLAND & CO. M.VLJKD.-LLE ON-r.-\l<IO The Institute here is a live organization ; anil const;intly growiiig in nuuiburs and j in interest and such gatherinii as tlio »n- I iuial suppers are of a very s<x;ial ohi|niC- ller. if Thornbury was in town on Monday last. Mr, M. K. Hammond, one of our merchans is having his store remodelled j whijh will add very uiucii to its appear- j ancp. I Mr. Lynpfs Fawcelt and Miss Ida -â- ^^ti'v - I Sullivao of Klesh:'rti)n spent Thanksuiv- StfltfCtYour Hedicine with Care, i *"'- '^'y "' <•''" foruer's parental home herre. In debility and w,>akn6.ss medicine i A nomhcr fi-nm- here attended the con- should be tniil and f.-»r rsichinj;. Many , cert nf Markd.\le oii Thanksnivii-g iiiirhc pdls and pursj^'ives are too h.ir-«Ii, aiid i Wij. arc K.-rr;,' t > drastic inste.id of c-.iriitive. Exci^sivi, SciffSod Portlaw ', ;icM<.n is always foll"«ed by deprei>si(iii, i a' d knowiii'.; this. Dr. H-iiiiiltun devi.icd ' hi* jj;l!s of Mandrake nnd 3ut^?riut so as lo niiklly incteuso liv. r and k-Jnoy act'.viiv, flush ouh the ideuieotarv cinid, 1 t-ine "nd reiU'ato t'." h<i-,v!e^. Thu.s do (Dr. Haiiiihoii's PiHs eIiiii:i..to poiao'is i from iho l^o^y, restore clejirness to the I skin, btiri;; sttenu'h and that s-veet re- storer of health â€" sleep. Bust medicine ou arlh, 25o per txi.x at all dealers. â- >: r> n-p rt Miss Mary on titc .ticV list at pre.-iciit, but a speedy recover. East Kouiitr.iu Everyone iu Uiis busy ta a (Intended f-r la-ot wo,-k.) Since last writing death has been in our midst and taken av.-.-iy ono rifjo iji J wirs ill the person of Mr. Henry Blakio. Dece;\sed, who w;us over four score, came to this part thirty two years ago from tho Township of Uxbridge. After residing here a number of yeiu-s he removed to .?'?"llingwood lown-Hhip. About a year.f^rUMn^ up t\i^i, __ (^o, feeling the infirinitios of age, ho | good c: op with many am I e back and spent his remaining d-ays with his son, V\ illiiun. He leaves a fam- ily of two sons and foui' daughters. He wa.s .i kind father and obliging neighbor. Miss Lila Love is recovering from a severe attack of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. J. NV. Bates of Toronto visited at the Taylor homestead. Mr. A. Shemvtt has left for New On- Mrs. Parker and two children of "Mid- land visited with the former's parents, SI- and Mis. Thoin.-vs Hutchinson. . Mr Thoiii.as White ,and family h.ave I bee. Al; report a very enjoyaolo time, left for their far-away homo in Uhdio. I M,.r« fun rlun tiie'e were apples poel<.>d. Mr Edward White and wife of Colling- 1 Mr. toid Mrs. E. fi- Chmi i.n.1 Miss wood attended the funeral of the hitter's j Alui-» Humbe-stone of Wiartoi. luid Mis* father, Mr. Blakie. -Ma-y llmnbe.stone ct Miunt borestare ♦ Up-iidii'gThanks-i-.ii gHt their parental ._,,..,. I home hero. A Good Linim'.nt | ^ \V h«n yoH need a (food reliable liniment try h<i|.u t.'i I:e'ir Don't L'se Greasy L.inimeats. A century a:;i> they wnre popular. Tâ€" lay pr) •pl.v-ivMiit s<m-.!'hipg eaay to ^'i'p'y- eerJaiii ijvpiviubs, and above all n c I'H'i liiji:i:r!i-. \V:; a Nerviline is appli- ed ao'- s i;!u p-ii:;R d;.i-ippeai' as the p-ires hIj-s- rb i'a soo;5:i»ig bi'i.iin;; p:opnities. Nei vi'.-na ;H.mriM:>-'o ilm ci re of th«! pa'ii, ea-'.H iiis:.-v;j;ly, ai.d ie.-ives no oily I a<t siiicHmi.^ i.vi.ir. >• b'h'ii.l. Guod to t'\kf in, «<pit:»i i-i ru I Oil, i;nd live liints Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE !f you want Style, Quality, Value and All-round Satisfaction In new Furs, Dress GoorLs, Ready-to-wear Skirts, Men's Rea(iy-to-wear Clothing, Mantles, Golf Jackets, etc., it will pay you to see what we can do for you. nior-s powe ai!V oily !i laru-u 2S-J 1 fu! i-i â- 'ii stpoing pain ihan doitii.ts Xhu'i fitil tu i;ct a Vl<:li!iy !3 . FoLuuus Kis a > Turiiii>3 are not, . Wa'ilCfton more than lialf a crop. | ^ _ Mis3 Olive Camack is spending some i Wedding U'fa are ringing merrily on time wit'ti lur sister, Mrs. \V..J.i\luiiin. ' our hue tiiis week. More particulars .Mrs. W. 1 IT ^inimouj and dauylitir. Mrs. .lohu Smith ei-rertained R..me of the ladiis at a nuihiug bee one day last week. Mss. Milton Neil who haa been on tho sick list for some lime pist ia slowly ri'coveiing. Miss A lien, our V. a. Teacher, l-s spoud- iiia Thanksgiving at her home. Mi^H C a-a Siiinh er.fcii-t;iined the >oun!{ foliis of tiiis iiei«hborhood to a paring Mrs. J ?I Mrs. Dow Chcunberlain's fain B.ilin. it b:i» w snpi'n.ir f.ii-siir»ins .ii:d swellings. A piece of ttannel isli'htly dampened witli Taia B.Jui is Biipciii<r tiwi pl".ister f.ir lame back .ir pnius iu the side orcbe»t. It also relieven rheumatic pains and makes sleei) .ind rest pi>siiib!f. i'ur sale by W. K. Richardson. Vandclear Mr. S. OsKun purch.iscd a car load of ajiplos for Benson Bros., <.>wen Sound. Mr. Charle.-; Ciuike has been threshing clover in this ncighlxu'hood for the iKist two weeks. The yield is uot large. Struck By Lightning. N..'atly des-.Tibej the celoiity of Tut- iiain's Corn ExiracHir. Hoots crns out in short oid'-r. Cauies no pain, leaves no scar, and givo<( perfect sarisfaclion. Renumber th^'io is only one ""oest" â€" that's Putnam'sâ€" hfiy years in use. ^»4»> I » Ceylou Mrs. Wni. Ca,.'8-ir and .\udley, came hom-J on liff little son, Tiesilav. TuJ Mj-s. J. H. llolley spent Thanksgiving little fellow h.is been gieatly improved ith friends near Toronto. by the operation li>i has un-leruone, «nd Mr. John Warli!)g is having ft stone 1 ^^ trust peruiaiitly beiu-litted wfUl built under his barn. Mr W ill Holley is the outiivclor. Mr. Fred Boland sold his fiuin recent- ly to Mr. Milne of this ]>lace. Miss Miuy St-ifford of Kimberley visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Ed Baiier, recently. Mr. Dunlap returned to Toronto on Mo.MtUy after .spending a month with friends here. A Reliable Remedy for croup , â€" , ,, ,.-.,,.„... „. ».r,. ThKiiKq-'iviDtf wuh his inol.ter Here, M.-S. 8. Ko.sinthal, "f Tui-ner. Michidau ' y'*'"*"-'*''"*. 7"' ' ' ,„ , ,«pn S. nnd «,y»: "We l.avc used Ch.m.l.e. laias Cough has r. tu tied to h.s «..rK in «en S- u ml Medicine for our»elvc8 and childnu for sever- 1 .M..ss Mane Chisle t i.f n«e. S> unU al yeaisaud like it very much. I think it is i visited h^r pan nts here on Monday, the only r.'Uiedy for croup and can liinhly ; jyjp w,,, K,.,ley has riiiioved iillo ~.~.,..in»nri i> 'â- Viir HivU liv W.E.RichaidoH ! ' Mr. .Jas. Puttisou, our enterpriPinii merebailt heie, h.is ere-:ted an open shed forihe bencfitof his numerous customeis. Our luw firm, the Col iujim Uri«., Seem to be d-iiii! a voi d business. Mr. R .1. Tucker has returned lo hi« studies in t)»iMi Siiuiul. Mrs. H. Tucker spent Tliauksgiving with Jher son, Mr. O.'orgo Cushuio of Mount Eore»t, I Mis. Nornriii McLcod, having spent. ! Thanh Koumuiend it.". For sale by W.E.Kich»idoB MAXWELL of the Women's on V\'eduesday, The annual supper Institute here wm* held OotoVier 24, in the Methodist hall and w.is a very enjoyable event. The hulies, as Ls \ yicir custom, h id a biuintiful spread. s»iiicb the married women shared with ehpir biwlmudsand theyouug Udiesshiir- tA with their best friends and the com Mis Sinclair's brick niyleMce here. Miss Margaret McArtluir i,'oes to Toronto to-day (WediieRday) where she intends to .>?peod tho winter. Mrs, H. P. Legale and family spent ThankativinK with friends in Liurham. Biliousness and Constipation Herearj Some Clearing Lines That Should Interest Y'ou- 75c DRESS GOODS and TWEEDS for 38c. .\botit 800 yartls consisting of Fancy and Plain Dresa Goods and Tweods, all of which are in good shades, etc, and suitable for Fall ami Winter Wear. These goods have been selling freely at 50c. ()5c and 75c per yard, and there are uot many yai us of any one cloth left; the balance of ahout 800 yards lutist be solJ quickly, lience we have placed them all together on bai-gain table, vonr choice this jreek per yard ' gg it e, of Fort Law visited with last week. .MiiU Beitl:a Wihters ."pent, thanks- uiviiii! with her i-ister, Mrs. Croinbie of Ci'ouibic-'s cro.ismt;. Mr. George Lou/heed and sister Slary of 3th line, Os;)rey, spoilt Sunday wirh their L'ncle, Mr. Joliii Louaheed, and also vi-dted .jiir Sunday Sihoid, Mr. Th'js. (Jrummctt and sister, Ethel of this plicc and tho Misses Grumiuett of .South line vi.sit^d with Heallicote and Blantyrc f.-iends list week. Rev. A P. S-.anley, Mis. Staii'oy, baby .Austy and M.-ister Fletch 'r Sln.rpe of Maxwell, also Mr. and .\l;s. F. C< KiU-- sfedt, Jl-i^'er Harold and I'ttle .Jae!; of Flesl.erton s|ieiit Thank-s^i^inK with .Mr. and Mrs. Kl. Down, Boniâ€" To Mr.and Mrs. Eirnest Hayes, a sou. C •iisirati.laiionj. On Tue.diy eveniiu-, Oi'tohor 20, R?v. A. P. Stanley and .Mis.Stinl-y entertaiued ihj Metliodist choir of Mi.xwell at il.eir home where an- enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. Uiii/li y.iuiisra-.d «ifehad a family gnilieiini/ on riianUsL;iiiuj. Mr. t.!eoi!iO Gruniiiieit .-o'd a bunch ol cattle, hous and lambs a shoit inn.- a«o which will briii;ihim in the iieiuh'-orlMod of $.'}60 and besides he h.as sold a lunibei of his thoroughbred lambs for a hiah price to prlvatM indivtduais. We think we can boas; of liaviiii; in tliis neiiMib ^r- hood s.)»ie '.f tho linust iiuses, cattle, sheep ai.d hti-s lo bi( foiiiid in Osjire) . Besides We h.-ive siuiie veiy fine birns with .-traw s'neds a'tached which +re haul to be beaten and some very cosy farm houses. Mr. Wi'l Wri'jh*, superinlendant o' tho Maxiv.-ll Pri-sliytcuiii Su-dav Schoid took rh."rs.'e of our Sunday Sehocd hete l.ist Sabbath in the absn co of our super :ii)l« ndeiiS who was visiting; tho FrcsKy- i teruin and Methodist Sun.lay School at liadj^ero.v, Owim; to lie exouiitiouaily h sjh and J ever inerea.sii g piice of vra n and the Iseuciiyif fee'! many faroiers in ti'is I part of the country are ijoiiK out «'f jr.iisinn hoL'sf-r ihe pi-e--oir. In fact we ! have lua;d of a i. umber of c;use* when. ' youni{ pii{8 have licen so;<l for a mvrf itiili.-. b'arn'ois declare there is imac j iiioney instlli-';,' lhe;;'ain than in feedini; it t-j hoys. Th s is a niosr uiiiiiuo siiu Ltioti and the soouel Is Isiuiid lo be a biu For vcars I was troubled wirh biliou«nes« short aa« ot.tnck .1. this country next and conHtipatii.ii which ni^ulc Ufe miserable iuuimer.â€" beeton v\ ..i !d. eu wiuii n».i. ...v-.. ••• . forme. >1 v ai>i>ctile f.ailed uie. 1 lost mv | ~:: : : n*ny. about one hundred and twenty m „^„^ f„f^ ,u,a vitiUity. Pup. i!i preparations I Tl'F? " 'BTJ liT niunber had an enjoyable time at the a„d cathartics only made matters wi>rso, t, .i.rjsr*- .»-j» ^-» ,».». fMbvo board aa well as duriui/ the after do not know wtirre I shonld hftv« licen tialav ] Specialist In Di»..os«» of ho K of the evening when a fir^t class ^^^'^:^^^^^^:t^;: ^^y ^OSG and ThfOat p*j)gmm was given. „. . , ^ . , . fe«li„K at once, Htioi.Ktlu'n tlie .'igcstivo : »-J*'> »-**"""*'" ** President Mrs. Wm. Wright the c.iau- f„„ctionR, helpiiiR the »yi.t«-m to doits work oxflce iaPro»tst. <^vvonc*o<ina aoJ jjHVo an excellent address on the pro- naliir»llv.â€" Mrs. Ho«a Pott-s, Hirinin(thiiiii, I At the Markdide hou.se. M.irkdalo.lst Tof Institute work in Canada. Ala. Tlie»e tablets lu-e for sole by W.KKieli- Fjidiiy o<wh month from 8 to 12 a. m. vreUu-y Mia» Lia* Guy also gave a ardsim, | S.jc KID GLOVES for 48c. 37 pair Ladies Dress Kid Glovps, in assorted shades ofgrev, 2 dome fasteners. These Gloves have beon selling at 75 and Sue. a pair, sale price fur the week per pair • ^qc 50c VELVETEENS for -iPc. Our stock of Velveteens is too heavy, and in order to reduce same wo will put on sale this week about 27 .j yards, rcjular 40 and 50c a pair, silJc liiiished vel- veteens iu rich shades of green, mauvo, garuett, wiac, fawa, etc., at your choice per yard --â€" »• «. ..-•♦-^v;' oSc 12J and Uo FLANNELETTS for 9ic. This week we have on bargain counter a big assortment of Flauueletts in stripesâ€" light, uiediuui and dark fancy. Fnl! 39 iuclies wide which is sold in regular way at 12Jaud lie a ])Mv. Sale price per yard 9^c McFAHLAND 81 COMPANY I V y y tf . >:- M y y , i I n stove s and R anges This is the time of year to tliink of purchasing a now STOVE or Pi\NGE. We carry a fall line of botii, also coal or wood heaters. Our prices are right, also the lino of goods we carry. Call aud ius]pecl our stock before buying. We have just placed iu stock a car-load of Royal Uousehold flour^ also Bran and shorts. .\s feed prices aio bound lo go up you will do well to place your order for Flour and Feed eariy. Eemeuibcr wc guarantee oar Groceries to give satisfaction or money refunded. High3st Prices Paid for Farm Produce. Bentham Bros., Flesherton. t.i I % f I? Flesherton Tis\ Shop . . . We are now in a position to cater to your wants be they onytliiiig from a lioilor or Kettle loa furnace. We are ai^euts f-.ir some of tiio best Furnaces ou the uiatLet and you should get our prices before buying else wheie. In "I'inwaie we carr) a couiplelo stock ul Factory and Hand-Made Ware, ....... When in Need of Eav9 Troughing call on us. r N O R R I S BROS Hi