IfoiKMBlR? 1907 THE FLESKERTON ADVANCE If /• ^yywwwww f. t. hill & co. This Week we are skewing {» Ulso many Cine$ at Prices C^ss tban ydu will paye1$ew8)$&a Jackets ana iyrs We invite Of.r iniiny 1 dy f'li-mls In our ln'HU'iful M.lliiii^:/ di^pliiy on Tliursdiiy, Kiid.iy niid Siimrlny, S>-.!>», L(>. 27 "nM 2H -Th.- I llâ- ;;^s^ ?.iul iimst leftutifiil ili.S|ili(y fVfi' t>!<j'.>ii Iu'M'. Miss C L. AlcIiKAN i< in cliiuyo of tho rIiowiouih, ^'isifcirc to iIia fiir IdnHiy j>ivi< us a oiill -no <lili'e-'eiv;e wlitti.or you buy iTiKit. Special s«!lc cf Cadies OlorsUd E^ose - â- " â- â- "â- 40, 45 and 60c liiiea on sale at 35c a paii- or 3 psirs foi- SI. 00 Tliisis an occasion on wliicli we wouM like to bring lioine to you very strongly tlio great value that This siH'cial oflering means to yon, tlin mannf.ictiiror ntiOtlcJ the money, tlio quantity was large and v.o secured a big discount hence the reason wc say 40, 15 aud 50c ladies worsted hose on sale at !55c LADIES' MANTLES Just received a shipment of llio very ktost styles. Tliia week we arc sliowiii;? soino very now styles ni liidits winter eoala. Tliis is a late sli ipmept, of the designs that are on the market f)r tho iirst Rhowing. If you arc interested in securing tho very latest styles in vonr winter maiit'c wo have thoni inopeily priced at 7.50, 8.50, 10.00, 11.00 and 1--50 LEMONADE SETS Loa^onacle and Water Sets ou sale this week at much less timn you will pay. This week we putou sale 50 Ijemonadc and water sets. I'lioy consist of six fine tniublern and tho jug iu decoration of gold, fancy fluial designs, bo ingregular 1.25, 1.40 ami 1.50 in price, on ' this week for HALF PHICE Travellei's samples iu many lines at half prices. This v.oek wo put on sale tho traveller' samples oi a loaJiui^ wholesale house in Mniis.Rufi's, Col- lars, Caps and Collarettes. Viouio Rro slightly soiled; others are just as nica as the day they woro made. O.i sale this week atjnst half pnco as follows : LAUiDS' alo 88c 50e, lines on sale for 2oc 7.")e. $1.00 $1.50 §2.25 " 83000 " 37 in 5:tc 750 81. K{ $1.50 THIS WEEK mm MARKHALE m^mÂ¥k la i)uUi«lied every Tliuiwlay at $1.IW ihi.- anuuiii ifiKiid in advaiiw, *l.5o if iiotso l«ucl. Artemcsia Council Tbc Muiiicipul C niiicil of llie Tnwii- (thip of ArU'iiiivin imt in llio town hall, Flesliet'rii, oil Saiuidiiy, Nov. 2. The lueiiibfrH wort) nil |)ivsfiit, tho Itccvu in the chair. Tlio iiiiniirus oNhjI .session won) lead »nd c .nfTiiiiMl. CoiiiiiimiicH- ti'iiiH lis fu!|.i«H wore imseiilej imd reud: The Chrk i.f I*i!iice, cuitiliiMlo nstojiir- askcd lo refund the amount to IhisTuwii- Kliip aH aurL-eU â€" Carried. McLoui^hryâ€" Mi-nds â€" That the account ..f W, K. Uicliiitdson for disiiifi'Ctants siippiuil till! luuil l5o,ird of lli'idlh nnd Aud ^tiiioimry for this council, $7 10 bo |iai.lâ€" Curriod. C!arHim--Meiid3â€" Tli.it Julin Uullaniy IjO piid sixty cents fcr hatiyiiii; door mid ri'|i;uriiig wiiidors of town had â€" Ciirriud. M,iid«- McLiiU'j;liiy--Tlial theucc-'uni of J. & W. iJoyd for hiii;iiK mid ijads for t')ivii hill d'jor ha paid â€" Caiiicd. .McK â- iK'.ie-AK'i.dH -That Mr. iMc- houjhry n-poic on ex[)oipdiluri! luhniUlin^' hriilfjf iiiul n p'liriiiji culvurl.sijii (jr.ihain'H dmiiitiiru ho nccivid the. tliu fidlowipg ho piiiil hi loiiiiertinii with lliu sniiir, \\v. , II I). l\li-Lou»Iiiy,i,vetsooinL' wi)rk..$iS.yO; Miii-liiil Hoiinl, woik, SKi.Ull; Hid (jil- hert, word ^'tj.OO; K. Harn.s w.,rk, gii.Ott; It. Onili.iin, iviiiU, £>1 1.2.'>; K. (iraiiiiiii, Charity and Local Option III spito of tlio groat influx of pour peopls lioni thu ylil coUlitiy the iiiiio-jiit, upeiil hy Owci) younJ t. lulp the iio.dy ii .sttadily duurwisiinr, H.iyi Tlio .Sun. Tlie ligurcs for iho tii-.<t nuie oKwiths uf the pii-it livo yoaiK are : IIHW 8528.50 IWi jis.au I'^Wu â- . . «55.t)l l'.»i;C (local i.pLioii) -li.i'J.50 1UJ7 (local opuuii) 410.70 ^ladi'r .McKi'iiziu â€" McLoUKhiy â€" That elieiki hi! iiiiied to the Trnsteo.s of the hovoimI Srho d iSccliona of Iho TMivi.shi|i for ani'iiiiit uf ueneral sch'Hil »atn and trustoi'-s r.itf.i fur 1007, lo he piyahhuis mioii as fiiiida lire luail.ihlc by tho Tivasui'-ir â€" ('iiriicd. daiicil a.lj.niiiicj. ' ';•, Lingering cold Withstoiid OtliiT Tri'ivtiiRiit lii;t Qiiiekly cured hy ChaiiiliuilaUrH CuughUfUiwlv. "r.,ii.t «inltr 1 cuughl a very nnvt ru c-old Hhiih liii('ruil fur wccki," say.s ,1. I'rijulnirt, i>f /.I phyi. Oiilario. ".My onij^li was vi ry dry null liarnli. Tim luciil dt'uU'rrucuinnu'ndud (liaiiiliirlalii's ('im^;h Uinifdy and f;iiuri<nti9cd it, so i RUM' it u tiiid One niiiall Ixitllt' of it • iiird 1IM-. I lii'licvo ( 'haiiihci Iain's C'oiiL'li litiiaily to III! tli'i iRst I Imvi' ever nucd." Tlii.i ivimdy i.i for sale liy W. K. UichariUon. What's to be Done? ors of rji)8; \V. E. Kicliardson, account for a.aiiif.ciantsand stationery, J7.10; J. | s. tJilieri, ' repahiiiH' culveit, ?1.25; E.' & W. li.iyd, a';ct foi ldMi«cK for hall door i (jpaliain, siiwin^; •jnihor, S:!.i!0 -Carried. Hiid nail!-, .')l c; J.lJellatny, liaiii;iiii!door, IMJc; Peter Muir. acct. loi (•r.ivcl, ^55.50; K. iMcUinmll, crtilicalu a.s to complclioii of dit.cli hy C II. Love; II Wil.^iin, acct. for repai.ju'.^ urader, 85. ID; U. D. Mc Liiughry, report re l»ridt;e on flndiani's deviaiiipii; rep.it of C iiiimilteo ro Kulier's roiiJ: \V. J. Mcada, rc|,iirt of wailix- peiiditme; .\. Muir, leport ro ColUiihon diloli; li. Mcl>«all, ac;t. ro ruiyhe hridv!". I'yl.i* fii'l 'd appoint deputy roluriiiiiir odi.jis and pull clerks waHiiitio- duced Hiid rea.l a tirst liiiie. M rKeiiiii â€" McLiiimliry- That liy-laiv C'.)3 he now rcui a leicoiid time â€"Carried. McKi uzie Meada- 'I'hif this cumicil now i{o iiiLo coijiiiiitlce un Uy-I:iw TiiKi -- Crtrriod. Council wuiit iiita niininitteo on llylaw ft'Xi, Mr. Car.ioii in tliu chair. The coiii- iiiitleo 11)0; Mr oaimii proMelited hy law C'.KJ, h'leil 'ip Aiih ilie fuUowiiiu p(rnon.< do.jul.y rituri.iiig ollicei*, viz.. Division 1, W. McLoiiuhiy and II. M. liwiii; Div, '2, T. Cliyton and ('. .1. Il.Uiuiy; Div.lt, \V. H. lloud aiil Geo. .Muuie: Div. 4, A. (jiilohiiil and F. I'ulliii.suu ; Div. 5,1). (i. MoLoan and .'\. McUuiiald; Div. (i, !S. OiHuirt niul (leo. I'ntcliud; Div. 7,lo'o. Mehlruin and W. Walker; D.v. «, I.. II. Tliomptiiii ••"•d •' . K .M'Ki-e. MeaiWâ€" .Vlclv-li/.ie -That ihe lleeve Hiid Cicik no I'aid ?.'.(() each for si>rvico» ill ooiinimti-in w.ili SVilcock doviation â€" Curried. MuKii. z'eâ€" Carannâ€" Tliat the Rccvo'n roliort re Colliiison dilcli ho loceiied mid lirt b« piid!?o.00 ill coiiiiccli ii ihereivilh â€" Carried. McLiUjjhry â€" Cars'inâ€" That tho report <f .MeM>r«. Muir, Meads ami MiKenzio ipII road near .Mr. I<'i»her's bo ieceu.',l uud liny he paid $2.00 each for their a,*i vioea 'Jarriod. Meads -Carson -That lb» Tleeve h,- piid ifo.OO fur Hervices in conned ion with tho I'rutoii drain and (hat the Haiim he ili.ni^.'d tu ilraiii.a.'i) account â€" Curled. AloKci.iio -Carson -Th it Mr. Mo- I, lUj^hry bd \)-v<\ 8S> 5^) for noiiiiniss mi on â-º p ci.il ijtvaiit, ri- siMidnii Millars «ivaioy, Toion'o liiie--CMiriod. MjKui.zjo - .Mchiudiry -- That lb" lijovo, Clelk, and A seisor Iv paid i'iW) iicti for seleelilio jiirnts - tiarried. ftL'iidi -Cwion-Thit li. WiN.n.'s B:et. of S5.(5'J I'or repnitiii; ynidor ho p.tid â€" Cirriuil. Cursonâ€" McLoushvy-Thiit Peter Muir b.) paid 8.5.00 f I itravel lor road as cer- liticttes I'y iiVerHoorâ€" Oairied. MoRd»- -Carsonâ€" That ('. II Lovn ho pai 1 SH.-vOO f. r iliK".«i"« d.tch on C I'. Ky. l.iildH, lliJ eiivilieer in cliir);e havlni! eol- VljyJ iho ii..mo, and ihe O. I'. Uy. ho One of the Saddest Stories, First it was n co'd, ncgh'ctod of eoursu aiid catirrli diMeloped. Nothing was 'doiio iifnd coiisiiiiipii..u folbiwed. Watch . thu little cold, keep it fioni i,'rowitig l-y liLMii^ "C.itarrlio/.uno." ^otliiiiu simpler niol, •'il.T »; It. (iialiaiii, liniliir, S-O.Otl; j ihaiijnlialiny t'lo gorin-liillin;,' vajior of •'ill KiBiul riinudy. Cid.U and cat.Hvrh lice a.s hi'fore til o. Every traco of rhroat McLoiighry- Carsoii-'l'linl tlio uporl j and hrouchial Irouhlij yields iniiiiediiitcly. of .Mr. Mia^Is on expeiulimre ill ward 3, j C.it,irrhozoiii! is .seiuutiriic aud ahsolutely ho leceivou mill he ho I'liid !?2!t 17, com- iunaraiitocd fur previ iiiinii and ciirin:; iiiisHidii in S2'.)l. 71 expended and 8»S. 00 j catnrih and kindred ids. Two si^e,^, 25o fur throe (lays stiperiiiteud. 11(5 work wiili [ ulul 1^1.00 at nil dealots. R^iliinery, Ladies' LADIEH FUR M \NTLF.S-We have an exe. lleiii ran;,'e of Fur .Maiillos â€" tho best wo '.iv-j ever .'.l^uvn. Wu can show you n skolotoii .l.icket tvbicli .show.15 Imw !,:â- ,â- Kiiuaro inch uf the .fackit is nia>lo- ai •! we nivo you a full gu.iran'eo with every garirijii'. Wo a'.';o have a boTnliful ranuoof Ladies' l{iifr<, Mufi's, Caps, eic, IJall ai.d in.xptct our Fursâ€" pi ices rii/ht. and MISSES JACKETS. TWEED Thi-i yeif llio stylos and patterns are staple. Yuii can't iiu.ko a mistake iu luyiiio one of our .Jackets. Our prices are roasonahlc aiid'ibo Jacket will iijipeal to yuu as heiiisj a '^ood se'.i.--ihlo article li> i):iv. Prices in La lie.s i'O.oO to J^U 50. Mlses *.5.00 lo 510,00. .V full ran.;i! of Uar|ii t< in Ta]i'stiy Htiissels, Wouls, t'i;lons, iilso Linoleums and 0.1 Cloibs Biu^bt at ihe â- Kl prices and i»s there lia< boon a bi;4 .•.di-anci; ill those i;uudM you will fiml it worth your while tu ni iko your mrcluses while J oa S't the benefit of ibo old pnco. 4 yd wide Linuleiiui 60 AND FEED S\o have a full s'uck uf lluui an! feed iiicludiiit!, Uriii, Sh -rts. Feed (hiur. and FIYK UOtfKS FLOUR made hy the Lake of the Woods Milliu;^ Cu. ICeewatuiâ€" Every bag of ihiaHuur ia guaranteedâ€" tho best Hour in the land â€" no other cm eijual it. tho lonij yuu youii;.' AdUitlona! Locals '/'..(/<• EUhruf Thf. Ailatnce. "Hoiv ai-e yuu '^oiin; t 1 apiin wiii'er i!veniii4!i? Where arc peoi'lii to nioiii for loitortaiiini.Mit ihi wir.tery' These i|'ie.slions- ind in. my iiiiet' of a similar character were asked the mliei day liy a visitor in town, what C' iild I imsMer liiiii? Only that wo had had H doli.itiiiii Rociety, a chiiral ehiss, riLo a pnldic lihaiy hut that iiuw tlieit^ was nut (1110 I'lgaiii/atioil of a po[iii'ar nalli e in Kloslnilon. Wo havo soci. ties nadir the variui chill chos lint thiso ap- peal alin'»,t onlirely to thos.i ri'hsiioii ly ineliiicd and of the particular deuumin- aiiun. KIcshtrion neeJii aimu form of popular enti riaiiiiiieiil and instrucliuu where the p'ii|i!o of all ihe ton 11 lan meet aoiasioii- ally, wliy not h.ive a di lia'iiii! or liieiary society, niueiii')(, Kny, overy two »oel(s( I die nut the exuet nature of the ornani/.- atioii only let iis liivu soiiii"liin<<. ity tho way, what'a h.e .iii" of thu [iiiiiln! li'iary! Since iho tel •phmio o(Hc« wiiH ehani;od, ihe lihaiy has lueii elined. Nu one HeoMis ti) ^p ill ehaeyo of it or oun«lat is it-i fitef Where is the trustee lioanU Oenileuien, phano ivukti iipandupi'ii till doors s • woiniyriad the loin{ eveiiiiiKn. I'll" town will not lic-eil yoii if HI iiiey is iioedoil tu iii.ike it u'o nsjpiiii. Gi\o it niK tber tiinl, pleaco. -K. Mis.s C. Oaidner of Kenildo vihited with iILh. W, 1L Tluirsloii on Monday. Mr. Andrew Wickens lost one of hi'i woikin>{ bciiaos on Saturday by farcy. Mr. Duid.ip of Toronto vhsitcd last week with .Mr. .1. McLuckliH. .Mra. Uolit. Uieiiardaoii. sjient a few days of laht week with hor parents in Vaiidcliur. Mis» May Juiiieson reluriiod home this ivo-k fur ,ia extended vi^it with her mi! her here. Dr. .Sproule is haviu;^ the tail-race, frum the plaiiin;< ludl in town, budt. Wo hope soon lo hear iho busy hum of industry from thi.i factory. Mr. T. yied, whiio helping t> move a Ihroshiug inauhiiie, slipped and ihj fiMiit whtel pm.'d iivor his f iit bally broisini; aiid injuring hit lu m. Sto'jk .''or Kale - One guial driving; p<iuy; one younj cow due to cdvo iu .Imiuary; will be M.ild reasiiiahlo and oil tonus to luiii purchaser. â€" W. W. Triintle. The fresbyturian chuivli shod hii.s beou reniiidulled wlunliy the hudding i-i trans- lurnied iii'o a c(iinniodious,eiiolosod shed, iiisieiul of the f inner L shuped one This i>i luov tho Hues! chuicli «hel in to. VII. Tho lollowiiy iloloii;ates from here aie attending the W. M. IS couvuiition of the Ovtcn tjouiid dihtrict ni Owen Sound this week: Mrn. Jos. Clinton, Mra W A. .\riii»tiontf, Mrs. Wi H. Thuis'on and .Miss Ella KaiYtedt The Ep.vnr'li Lo;\i»iie service in the Methodist church l.is'. Mon lay evening was unusually iiiierostini!. The foiiii of eiiurtiiuhieiit was n Mi.ssionary Salad hS.iiui. China M's< Oarduer of Kenilde Tho R^cnmahip JoIiinKwood, hiiilt ^ the Colliimwoud .Shiptiiiiliimi; Co., w.is successfully launched un Wednesday of ; last week. Th.e Colluiuwood is 40l> feet I loim, 50 feet beam and 28 feet deep aud| was bulk for the Furrar Transportation | Company. j Seveial oil and gis prosjicctora from Niattara weie in town last week. They have procured o|itions to diill oil seviralj thousand acres in the \ieiiiity of Honey- wood, UeJdickvillo Hiid Slirigloy. We ninicrstaiid they will also make smne tests iu the south of rrotuii, near Iveldou. and across the ti^wrlino in Kaat Luther The expiiiso they lire to sho'.vs faith in llioir iinderlakiiig. Wc uiidersland their plau is uivo a royalty on the pruduet of any strikes they may make if in sntli.'ient qiiaiititioj^ tu develop.â€" Duiidalk Herald. CE.M.F.n Tl'NDKltS ttilieB.»oil to Hio iinrtci- ^ KlKiieil. Rnrt omlorsud "'lYnitcr for Miafonl Ilailjimv WorliB," will l)o receive. I at tluii oilluo iiiuil Moi.ilay, Deciinber li. llli'7, ii.elasWcl.v fur tile coiiiitnietion of an exteiiinon to Ilrcali water, tlieietiioviil of iiiuinn of I.iiK.linK I'lev tlio constniotkin of a 1 lie unit I'or.ei'iitB Kovet inoiit Wall, anil » One ol toncuoil Rml (noovcil SI t riling;, at tho Town of .MeafoiiV Ooiiiity of Grey, I'rovinoo of Ciituvio, accoiilint; to a I'laii aiul s|iuuiacatlun to la) bceo at lliu (>llie of J (i. Kiiii;, I'nq., liosiiloiil Kngiuoor. ( onf.' deration I.ifoBuiliiini!, Teiouto, on mnili atlnu to tliu 1". bluiaster at Alenroril, Out., anil at tliu Department of fublio WoiUi, Ottawa. leiMiorD will \!ot be coii..itloro.i miloss uiatlo on lliB iiniitod form suii'.iUe'l. ami Hiniied witli \ llio actual ^i^llaturC3 of toiiuci-ers. Au Kccopteii elioqiie on a eliavtoreil bftliti.\'ay- abUi to tltu order ot tliu lioiiourabl^) the MliV i.'^ter of I'lihJic \VorI<9. for four tliousand dollars tSU.CHi tei uuift eeccnuiaey ift' li tci dor. The clie(;ut> V ill lie fo'ttitcil it tlie {icrHoii toudor* iii(! iioelieo lli^ eoiitrftct or full to uoiuiiKVe tlie Vv'o.k eoiilruct.d for and will b.3 returaed iu caKO of noo.ucceptacco of tuiultr. '1 ho Uepaviniiiit itoi-'S iii*t b<nd it julf to ac* cent ll;o lowent or a.iy tender. Uy o.' I X I'Ur.OHtXIX.VH Sccrot.iry L'ci>artuH'iil i.f riildic Works Otiuwa, NoiVaiilliur S, 1007 Newspniioii; will i.ol bo |i>iid for this alvcr- tisiiiuuiit if they Inacit It v,!:liout ucUurily fioiii tUu t)<!p,trttcei.t' Yorkshire Boar for Service favored the audionco three girls sang h tro. with a sulu and Road Closing Notice. Notice is lierchy >;iven hy tlio Muuicipal Cuiineil of thu township of .\rtemesia. tli.it the said Ouinicil will after fiair week â- fruni the lirsl pul'lieatiun hereof in the Fliisliert"!. Advance newspaper, the date of w-liieh first pnlilieation is the 7tli liay of NuvcmluT, pro- ceed to piLssaliy law or by liiws f<n the etosin^' and dispusin^ of thu tiiuieriiieiitioneil 1 ri^iiial idluwaiicefur road and diivialion of roBil, viz., The urii;ii)»l allo\\"aMee f.ir roail lyiii^ hu tweeii reserves I and It, uiul i: rOul 4. known as tSiiiiiwnn .Street ill the (^nv^ rii'iient town |ilot ot I'aiKciiia ill the said tuwiistiip. hIho the ile- viation of road ccossiiiK lots 22aiid I'.'i in the Tenth coiKi'Ksioii or so liiiieh thered as *he eomicil iiia.v consider necessary to close. .All larsuiis iiiterested are hereby rf<inired to take noticvaiid govern theinselvea accurd- iiiL[ly. Dated this 7th day of Noveiiitjer 19OT. W.J.HKLLAMY, Tp. Clerk. The xindi'i siKiiod has for service on lot 16 2iid W. T. A tl K.. .\rteiiifsia, a ihoidiinhhre Yorkshire hoar, "Lakcview Victor," No.l842 Terms i^l.Uil. Thoiougbi'i.ils extra. Aspleii- ilid stock getter. IdeeO- TU03. QUIGG, I'mp. It pa^s. Get the Best J the popular itressive * I - -t , • I- 11 ' Our store is full of Liglt class Gro- cc) its. Otir prices are well aud favor- ably known. The groceries we sell are tlie best ou the market. Wo have just placed iu stock an amouut of excelleut Ciauberrics. FLOUllaml FEED The usual full stock of flour aud feed on sale at popular prices. W. L. WRIGHT e;i)Oic$ Tarm for Sale* At Kimberley North half lot Nu. to, l-luplirasia, 100 acres, nearly r'I under cultivation. Five aevos old orcliiird.woll filtered. Thiee thousand will buy it on quick sale, ;?ieiK) down, balance te f-aic. Tills is a decided bar./ai:i. Aiiply to .\Jr.^. J.SI. Thurston. IL'l WeU'sluy St., To."on:o. ?ai m for Sale T.ots 171, 2 and .'I, lut coi'. N. 1'.. Artoinosia. 12.~) acres ill all of flist class furtnins Iniul in a good Ftato of eultivotioi], situate. 1 i^ miles sr.uth of Floshortoo, short mile from school, clean of DcxiiHis woods aiifl well fenced, lt> acres of niarsli, 5 aeves of hardwood hu^ii, bfll- aiice ill cood state to work all kinds of ui,i<-biu- orv, well watered. 2 orchards, a Kood hoiitJO 18 X !!«• venterod insiile, kitchen li5 x '211, wood- sluirl IC X 1'3, new barn .^)ti xOO stone fomidation. This is one of the host farms iu the towuship aud can bo b'-uijlit right. W. J. CASWELL. -l» o .» Ehortlior.i Cattle fcr Sale I.f ^-inlftS find ^vii.,),i..p, |i-p tjefit of bvofidiPQ aii'i qmilit". full, cuus LCd h«ifers for iiulo. at ri.-iitx'iiablo I'lices t :W,ioii..5 Cll.VS. ST.VFli'OUD. Flesherlon Attend the popular and pro- Kressive and he thoroui^hly idueated fur hiisinc-s life. All uraduates uf lliiH fcbool are ab- solutely sure of uo'tiiij^ pos.iions. The demand is viisidorahly yieater than tho supply. Now is an excollenl time to enter. Write for ci.taloene. W.J. ELLIOTT, Prinoipa' (Cor. YouKO and Alexander Sts.)