Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1907, p. 1

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V-/ "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -" PKI^OIPLEb NOT MEN." <y L. VOL XXVI, RO 13S Flesbiertoii, Ont. Tliursday November 1 4 t907 W. H THURSTON, EDITOR BOI'UIETOa Ladies' Gold Guards Necklets, ockets Bracelets. A niu oil these things now. Never had as large a stock, iiiid cwi sell at lower price:* tlian ever before. In addition our other lines of Jewellery are more complete than ever. W. A. Armstrong. s;ues(s. At half past three the bridal p.uty eiite'-eJ the umlor K) the strains of iht wi'iljinij mnicli, playi'd l)y Miss Miiliel Youi g. The hride was pri-tlily {;iiiviiuil in criam caslimoro with triinuiini^s '. of .ii k laiii'; while tlio bride's niaid, Miss ; Al;i;e Mou.-.ies, cousin of the bride, was siiuiHrly uttirud in â- * suit of cream , alliiirri.sH. Tlio Rroom was assisted ' llirou;jh thii Irj-iny or.Ieal by tlie hiide's \ lirotlior, Me, Smimel Gi-umuuHl. The lyouas; couple hive t lie best wislies of a I largo ciicle of fiicniis iiud acquanitanct's i Rcfui^e j for a inns aiul happy niai riuii life. The prii.suiits wuie iiiimwions and suifalile. ' III Uu', even nw a reci;piiiiii w:ia h'ld for I dIu) yMUnji; fi-iemls and aoi|U:iiniances of I the luide and !;ro ini. Miii-ic, giinn'S and j dancinn were \,\\\: pleasures of the eveniii!,'. Thiy will be at h.niiH to their friends and acquaintances afitir November 20th. PRICEVILLE Fine November weather. Farmers busy plowiim ai.d the farm stock doina A Good Liniment Whon yon need a (.Mod reliable Ihiiment try Chaiiiljorbtiu's I'ain Balm. It has iii> supi'riur j fiirHpiains andswflliii;;a. A |>iece of tlaiUK-l ! sli(»htly dampened with Pain BiUiii is superior [ to a ]il;iKter for luiiic b:ick or pains in the side I Mrs. (Rov.) HiMTy visited her sons I or chest. It also relieves rheumatic psiiisuiid , TopiUto last weeK I niiikes sleep and rest pussible. Kor sale by ! W. E. Uic'hardsim. well ill the fields. A laiiTO number of the ratipaycia are Rrumblmn at the hii-her sohoul taxes this year, aiithorizod by tha new Provin'jial ni;ta and it is ])ariiciiliirly irritating to sonio jf the old bachelors. The latest sensation is caused by thi Grand Jury's report on the House of at Marlidalo, and the people are I an.viously waitinn for the tinai report of j the investiL'ation. Wa have lal'.ced with 1 inmates of the institution and ahso with j memhcrs of the Oiuiity Council ai'd we do not see where that jury li.id i;round for such a report. If the (jiand Jury's I report turns out to he a. fjrand mistake, I or iiicinri'ct in thi» main then Grey ooun- I ty should never rest quiet under a scan j dal and if a dozan men <iot mulcted I SIO.WO dainayes it would likely I check on [)oliiic»l wire pulliiii;. ll.iilway constructionâ€" Steel 7 ; miles wi-st of l^iiceville. with be a in s ^jw ^ ia Guy, Guy their MAXWELL The Oransunien celebrated the 5th of Nov. luber by holding a grand concert. Mr. I. B. Lucas and Dr. Sijroule were {.reseiir. .^r. Lucas till.-d the chair in a most able m uiner and the Dr., w<dl known as one of the foreiiio.st cf plalforni speakers, gave an e.iceili'ut address on Oiiin!.'eism. Miss Gardner ofKcm'ile made a mo-.t favorab'o impression. She has »in eSCi'Ueiif soprano voi^'e, whioli .shows careful trainiiii.' and she 8ii'!j;s with line expreS''ion and artistic tinish. Her voice throut;h' ut retained its freshnues and purity of tone which yoos to siiow the e.Ktcllencc of her method and her coni- niand of it. Miss Mae Whiteiuik cre- ated a most favorable iniprcssiun wilh her violin playing. Master Russoi Morrison, Uarry Miss Daisy Kerii.ih;«n and Maudie of Meaford spent Tliauksgiviig at hoiiiis. Miss Mary Heron of Floshortou spent Thai.ksyiviiii; at hot home. llr.s. Ibirnctt of Oiani{eville and Mrs. Small uf Weston visUed their brother, Mr. .AiiL!U.s Morrison, last week, Mr. 'r. lUakely and wdu of Corbetton vif.iied the litter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Linley, » week ago. Miss Small of i^helbu^ne is visiting with her cou.-sin, Miss Lily Prieatly ar present. B'red McKechnie of Markdale visited bis uncle, Mr. Marshall Morrison, on Sunday. We are glad lo rep.at that Miss Pearl Field who bis been been voiy ill for oome time is able to be around ag.ain. A nieeiiiig of Wonien's Institute will be held at iho homo of Mr». Chas. Long, Nov. 20. at 7 30 p.m A number of our young men from here are away deer huiitiiif(. Wo wish the boys greai: sucooss. Mr. .'ilex Hudson h,is returned home from the West and speaks very highly of it. A Reliable Remedy for croup Mis. S. Kosinthal, of Turner, Michigan says; "Wo have used Chamberlain's Conyh Medicine forourselveB and children for sevcr- jil years and like it very much. I think it is the only rBinedy for croup and can hiijlily rectmiuiead it.". For sale by W. E. Kicboi don loth Line Osprey (Intended for last week.) We pot our tirst tisto of v/inter on Sui.day last, snow fallin;; qniie fa.^t all day, but as it melted as fast as it came there is none to be seen ut time of writ- ing. Mr. and iMrs. T. Davison of T.jrontw visited the l.itter'a parents, Mr. and Mis. R. Broivn id Feversbani 1 isl week. ^^i^s Ma^i^io .â- Mlisttr of Wexford, Yorl: Co., vihited her sialcr. Miss IClla, over Sunday, Mr. A. Heron went to I'lantforcl last w'jck to attend the funeral of his brother, Mr. Jas, E. Heron, who .lied from injur- ies received while assist ini; at the lire in the Linscntie residence in Brniitford ci'.y two Weeks ago. Mrs Jus. Park is very ill at prcsKiit. Horn -To Mr and .Mrs. Ebj ih Wl•iuh^ jr. (Ui October .''0th, a dauylitiT. Whooping counh is very prev.dent aniuDg the children in this vicinity at present. Mr. and Mis. W. Sovcreen of Brmi'- ford, who were visiting fri'Muls in this [jait last week, were called borne ,Hiidden- ly by iherieatli of tnelaftor's father, Mr. Jas. E. Horon, of Brant ford. This Week's Items Deer hnoliiig is the order of the day now and the hunters are about twice as many in number as there have been deer setn. Wo undersliind three deer have hi-eu shot. Twenty o;io shots hiive boi'ii iirod at one deer mir Laily Bank audit not clear away. Must liavo been excited, boys. Mrs. Geo. .fiiliannf Feversham is slow- ly recoveiiiif' from a severe attack of br.iiKihitis. We hope to hear of her com- plete lecovery soon. Mr. Wm. Brown visited his sister, Mrs. F..I.Hawloii of Stiyner, last week. We under stand that Mr. Th is. Thorn- bury of the townliue lias sold his farm to Mr. .Jas. Conn of Si nybainpton for $4,000 Mr. R. Rrnckenburv, sr. has leased Mr. Patrick Burn's (arm for anotliur .5 years making the third term of 5 yenrs each. Wo undersfaiid that Mr. D.ive Roberts of the. Lady Bank bunt club had the good | luck to shoot a 2i)0 II). deer last week. j Mis. .1.0. and Miss McTiincs of Che- boygan and Miss 51. Fi-rgiiMiu of Price- villu spi^iit Th'uiksgiviu^ wuli Shelburue friends. Mrs. iMcInnosand Mrs. T.A.'For^fUROu lire visiriug their brother, G. L. \Valson, in W^.liuis Falls au I other frieiula in Iv'orth Grev. Biinibci'Iey Born al Kiinh..rley Nov. 11, to S' r. and Mrs. W. L Ellis, a dau^'iur. Misj ifireid.iss B.ookkj of C arkaburg, is vitii);; friends hcrj ai presmt and is i the giic.sr ot lii-r g; udmodur Mrs. K. Burritt. j Messrs. Fiai.k 'vVolier and William Walt- ers who have been in tl.o prairie province for some time hiivo returned to their homes here. Miss Frances lluid, student of the Meafo.d Hif^li Scbool, spent the past week at her pHren'^al home here. The meini.ers of the Kiiuberley, branch oftheO. \y. I. will hold tlioir animal fowl siipijL-r oil i.iie evening of .Nov. 14, at the hoiiie of .Vlr. and Mrs. A. E. Mylvs, .V good lima is e^cpcoted. Don't you wish you were ii uieniber? Mr. Robert Pliinit of Eugenia was a caller in oar village on S.iturday Inst. At the October meeting uf the Kiinber- ley branch of the O. W. I., Mrs. G. 11. Walter, President, was appninted dele- gate to tlij Women's Institute tyonvuntion at (Juelph ill December. Mr. Tiios. Bio iks of Clarkshurj^ vi.dt- ed friends here on Friday last. Mr. Asbl.'v Kawcelt of Flesherton .spent Sunday at his parental homo hero. McFARLAND & CO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STOEE If you v/ant Style, Quality, Value and Ail-round r C ? Satisfaction ;;^' ; In new Furs, Dress Goods, Ready-to-wear Skirts, Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing, Mantles, Golf Jackets, etc, it will pay you to see what we can do for you. Here ars Some Clearing Lines That Should InteresD ^ou 75e DRESS GOODS and TWEEDS for 38o. About 800 yards consisting of Fancy and Plain Dress Goods and Tweeds, all of which are in good sliudis, etc., and snitablo for Fall and Winter Wear. These goods have been selling freely at 50c. (iocand 75c per yard, and there are not many yards of any ouo cloth left; the balance of ahout 800 yards must be sold quickly, hence we have placetl them all together on bargain table, your choice this n'ceif per yard yti Stop timping, Cure the Corn. Quickly done by Putnam's Painless Corn Extraotor. Acts in ouo day, causes no |iain, removes eve^y trace of soroiiess. Fifty yeais of sutcesa proves Putnam's is the best. Refuse substitutes. House of Refuge Alright East .Wouiitaiu. Miss Netiio iMariiu and Miss Clara Smith left lust Friday for Owen Sound, where thi-y will spend som** tiin*', Mr. Pettr Thompson of Owen Sound, «ccoui|janied by his nephew Mr. John Williams, of Biitish Columbia visited with Mr. J. J. Martin the past week. Miss Iiizzie Maitin who has spent the pu'st cuuplu of months hero, has gone tu vi^iii in Thornhury. There is some talk of a scrub hunt auloDg the boys of this pirt. Particular^ next week. Mr. John McKitterick of Thornhury, Bpiiut Sunday at Mr. W. J. Martins. Hatherton • On November 6th the home of Mr. «^ Mrs. George Grunmielt was the «<00iio of a pleasinK event, it being the t fringe of their eldest daughter, Clara «, M> ^- Robert Arnott. Rev. Mr. an, Aoglipan miuister of Duudalk, oiiitQd'itt the ^(yj^euiouy wbittt wm, Lingering cold Withstood Other Treatment but tjiiiekly cured by Chamberlidn's CouBh Kcinedy. "Last winter t caught a very severe cold winch lingered for weeks," sa.vs ,1. I'niuhart, of Zephyr, Ontario. "My cou(jli was very dry and liarsh. The local dealer recoiinnendud Chamhurlain's Gou|{h Ruiiied.v and gimnuiteed it, BO I gave it a trial One small bottle of it cured me. T believe Chamhurlain's ConRh Kemcilytobe the liest I have over usod." Thi.s remedy is for sale by W. E. Hieh.irdsjn. The Youth's Companion Calendar for 1908. The publishers of The Youth's Com- panion will, 08 always at this season, pre- sent lo every subscriber whose subscrip- tion (SI 75)' is paid for 1908 a beautiful 3iloinl ir for the now year. Four painl- Dr. U. W. Uruce .Smith, Inspector of PioviiK'iiil Hospitals and Charities, has iiivesti atod the allegations iiiado by the Grand Jury against the nmiiugenu'iit of the Markdale House of Ilefngo. Taking the eharijes cateuorically, he Kn^ls little or no reason for coiiiplaii.t. Maiiiigor Har- ness' system is ecdnomical, but, he coU- cludes, "I have luilod to lind that the in- mates have Bulfered on account of the superintendents, perhaps, too ligid ecoiioiiiy. The County of Grey is to be congratulated oil baviiiii oni of the best Uou:esof Kefu!;e in Ontario, and the result of the investigation clenrly indi- cates that thi^ iiianagenieiit and discipline of the institution are e\cellent, that the otticii.ls are capablu and cHicient, .â- iin', what is mo-.t impel tiint,ilu'y iire kind and thoughtful for the comfort and Welfare of tho-e eiitrustod lo their care." There is no "dark liole " in the niider- (ii'oiind recesses of Markdale Uouso of Refuge, wdioi'iin inmatoa are si^crotly conlined in duiaine vile, as recently al- legeil by t!.e girtiid .jury of Ciey County. Ur. R "W. Bruce Smith stales that there is a locked room of good size where an Sue KID GLOVES for 48c, 37 pair Ladies Dress Kid Gloves, in assorted shades of grey, 2 dome fastonero-. These Gloves have beun selling at 75 and 85c. a pair, sale price for the week per pair .. , â- -: ,, , : . ,,_ . , ^go 50o VELVETEENS for 2Rc. Our stock cf Velveteens is too heavy, and in order to reduce same we will put on sale this week about 275 yards, regular -10 and .'jQc a pair, silk finished vel- vctoena in rich shades of green, mauve, garuelt, wine, lawn, etc., at your choice per yard 283 â-  â- 'â- - -'- Vl\ and Ho FLANNELETTS for % This week wo have on bargain counter a big assortment stripes â€" light, niediinn and dark fancy regular way at Vl\ and lie a jiair. Sale price per yard McFARLAND 8L COMPANY ''--â- â- â- â- /â-  M[^^M:]Di5.i:.E. ' â-  -' -â- â€¢- of Flauncletts ia Full .1!) inches wide which is sold in 9Jr0 %. ;?^ ingsbvailistsof distinction are reproduo- I '",'""*." """j''' **" Pl'f'"'. if necessary . - . â€" • . I "During the past eighteen mouths it was ;i MHfoiiCed in the preuni^ $>f about forty ed ill th.) four panels of the Calendsr by a process of color printing which has been recently brought to remarkable excellence. The Stat of the panels is an inspiring sea scene, full of the beauty of the wide ocean and sky, and the joyous rush of the homeward bound ship. The second is a fine CXI tie pieoo. The third pictureii au old mill at Zaandam â€" ty|>ically Dutch in treatment. The fourth panel depicts a •'iiiirl with Ro»e«" -a charming face, ex- quisite in color and expreusion. All the (Hcturei are worthy of preaervation lonn after 1908 baa paM«d uito the good old liotw. only necessary to conliiio two inmates," says the report, "24 hours at a time in this room for conduct that amply juKti- lied the action tukou by the Superintend- ent." BURT Specialist la Ulaeaaea ol iho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Oltioe 1 3 FroBt St. - OurenBounU At the Markdale huuse, Markdale, 1st Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. ra. i r >,^ }â- ''â-  '>'â-  >: ( I'- r-. stoves and Ranges This is the time of year to think of purchasing a now STOVE or Ii4NGE. We carry a full line of both, also coal or wood heaters. Our prices are right, also the lino of goods wo cany. Call and inspect our stock before buying. Wo have just placed in stock a car-load of Boyal Household Ilour^ also Brau and aborts. As feed prices are bound to go up you will do well to place your order for Flour and Feed early. Ecmember we guarantee our Groceries to give satisfactioii or money refunded. Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce. Benthani Bros. Flesherton. «u â-  -"^ J^ m^^ ^» .^W. -A^ ^m^ ^^ -^^ ^^ ... ''^ -^^ â- â„¢^. .^»- --^^ -*^ â- ^^_ -M^ Jt^ .J^ -*t .^». â- A.ii «y? Flesherton Tin Shop f. N $« Wo are now in a position to cater to your wants be they anything from a Boiler or Kettle to a Furuaco. Wo are agents for some of tho best Ftn-uaces 011 the market and you should get our prices before buying eke where. In Tinware we catr> a complete stock of Factory and Uaud-Made Ware When in Nead of Eavt Troughing call tn m. ORRIS BROS. K^^i^^^^i>^^iK>^9»UUm9^K)^)»)^j^O^^

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