Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1907, p. 4

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r ViltMUK i4 1607 THE FLESKERTON aIjVANCIC â- ^ ^Wfc'WWWtf F, T. HILL & CO. WWWWWWV> ^ This Week we are sho\vring I Many New^ Lines in I Late Styles :3 niso many Cines at Prices Cess than you will pay elseivbere I ^ Special sale Of Cadies ttlor$ted'lii05e ^ . ' • 40, 45 aud 60c Hues on sale at 35c a pair or 3 pairs for 81.00 ^ Tlit» is an occasion onwliicli we would like to bring Lome to you very strongly tiie great value that ^ Tliia Bpi'cial otferiiig means to you, the niauufactiirur nc-edod the money, the quantity was lar;,'e and 3; WG secured a big discoun* Lence the reason wc say 40, 45 aud 50c ladies worsted Lose on sale at 35c LADIES' MANTLES Just received a shipment of the very latest styles. This week we are Bliovyiiig some very new styles in ladies winter coats. This is a late shipment of th« deaigiis that arc on the market for the first tbowiug. If you arc interested iu securing the Tery latest styles in yoar winter maut'e we have ihetu properly priced at 7.50, 8.50, »nd 10.00 11.00 12.50 LEMONADE SETS Lemonade aud Water Sets on sale this week at much less than you will pay. This week we put on sale 50 Lemonade and water •eu. Tlifj consist of sii fine tumblers and the JTig in desoration of gold, fancy floral designs, be- ingrcgalar 1.25,1 .40 aud 1.50 in price, ou sale till* week for 8c , • HALE PRICE Travellers samples in many lines at half prices. This week we pot on sale the traveller' samples of a leading wholesale house in Muffs, Ruffs, Col- lars, Caps aud Collarettes. Some are slightly soiled; others are just as uico as the day they were made. On sale this week at just half price as follows : â- * iJ. ^ W= EO YD * Grand Display of Millinery, Ladies' Tweed Jackets and furs We invito oiir iimny Luly f.lenils t.. our l>«auiifiil Millinery display on Thu.sday, Fiulay anil Sa.ur.iay, S.;pt. 2(), 27 an J 28 -Tli,< l^r-,v/, ftiul m„st beautiful <lis,.l.y ever slidwii liere. Miss E. L. AIcBEAN u in cli.u-o of the showrocMii. A i.MI..rs to ihy fair kindly givu us a caH-no diiroreuce wiufher you buy or not . .« 50c, lines on sale for 75c. 81.00 " - " $1.50 " .. " " §2,25 " " $3,000 " " 25c. 37^0 50c 75o $1.13 ?1.50 THIS WEEK Pi^Afmif MARKHALE Kwmm fhf 4ilts\trioti ^iliancc IipnblUkedvrery TburcUy &t fl.OJ {kt anuam UpaiJ >• aJruica, $1.5o it outto piUd. Owen Sound Very Thirsty Monday'i World cuiitiiin.s t)u< follow- iug: â€" Oireo Soarid i.s in iho ruidat of n 1 (]a'>r »cn»tti'>n in which hotell(oo|ier«, \>:ii le.'<wea tnd prominent oiliztMiH are in ditcriinio^ikctj mixed Tho cage somI'H oflf iu tt,« police court Tuesday niDriiinn. (iDTcrtKneiit Dectivpa HulUiKi ai.d Hey- •ort Tidited tho t iwn and tlio rcMult fidloir*: a)(tiiii>t tho I'atuiSDii lloutie, tlireo comiil»iu;s; »i{aiii<*t I lie Duncan lioose, three criuip!»int>i; ugaiii.st T. C. n*ttun, dru^ijiit, onu con, plaint; against Mr<. Uy»n, a luborban hoiid, one com- jliint, ao^ one lOiipUiut ench H<,'ainat tliH Paeibo Hottl, Central Uctil, Cumtdy HoUM, City Ho'ol, OuuUon Hhumu and Alhi'ia. Th» honor prizi> t'oi's l<> tliu Roynl Hoiol, of which Jimhua Warnlow i« propirelrr. He •Ime will not appear comp'jlmirdy Iu the puli^n court Tmsilay. Kratwinal interest inikjr cau-so him to peep in, ho*«*ef. CompUinta have been Uid tU>» Kf;aiDat a Dumber if more or less prorninent cifiauns who are chnrxed with (iniGh uinic liquor in unlicen^tud premi.se.s. Wtdl-knowB uierchitnta h.'kVH i;iit their I'luH ptpert. A leadii.^ Couuerrntivo iuwytr U »!«<> tucluded. Km era) coni- ]i)aint!4 hara beou made K<{ainst propriet- ors who h»*a b»en previously cmivioteil. 'niere in no option of a Hue for a Hucrnd olfetice aud Homebody may have to ^o to jail. A Methodial Miniiier recommends Chambiriain't cough remedy Wc h^iT* ntrd (Th»nil>'rlaiii'ii (.'"iiKh Item.- dy ill niirhomn for seTrn y«\r.i, aint it has h1- waya pri>*<^ to he • reliatila retnrdy. We have liiiind thai i* wivilt) (Iu morn than the maiiafactiirtr* chwra for it. It in eHpeeiully (fiCHil forrmnpand whiHminL'con>;h. Iter.J. A. Uewia, iVstor .Nlilaca, Mhin., UK. (^iinrctt. (')ininl*rh»iu'aCou/h Remedy in spld by W. S. RichardwD. A. 9. VanDuMR Daad Fluahorton Uwt • very prominenl citi- >ifn early Tueaday inorniiig when Mr. A. 8. V«iiDu»or« died after an illne.s.H of Hb<iut two mouthn. Mr. VanDuaen was tmrn in Pieton, Prince Edward county iu 1S40 bnt at tho ago of twelve yeai"* hi« parenta moved to Owen Sound. .Su- curii)){ a teachur'a curtiflcato, he tauj^hl in Iho publiu achoola for ubout throo yonrH, resigning then to enter the ollico of Ben Allen A Co. of Owen Sound. Tliia (lohition ho gave up later to enter into bu6inoiu< for himxelf in tho villa^^o of Arnot, near C'hatHworth. In 1805 ho was appointed hailitf, an ofFico ho filled for thirty years or until ho was appoint- ed clerk of the Divi.sion court aa well »« a jualicu of tho peace. Soon after he wat appointod haitilf, ho moved to Flesh - •rton, whuro ho resided until his death. JJr. Vanl)u.>jeii was a Pawt Maater of rr&ico Arthur Lotlgo A.F. & A.M. and LADIES FUR MANTLES- We have an o.\.'. llcnt ranpe (,f-Fur Manlles-tho hcKt we have ever shown. We can show yon a skeleton .JacUyt which shoivs how every .square inch of tho Jacket iti made- -niid wo niveyou a full (jiiaranlee with every garment. Wo also have a beautiful ranao of Ladies' KuIFh, MuHr, C\ipH, etc., Call ai:d inspect our Fursâ€" pticts rijjlit. LADIDS' and MISSES TWEED JACKETS. This year the stylea and patterns are staple. You can't make a mistake in buying one of our Jackets. Our prices are rea.sonahle and the Jacket wdl appeal lo you as liein;.' a jjood sensible article to b•.l^•. Prico.s ill Ladies $.5.50 to $U. 50. Misieu ^o.m to $10,00, TreaBurer of the order when he died. In religion he was a Presbyterian, being a prominent elder in the church here. In ItW.t, be married Miss Jimby, Owen •Si'und. who survives him as do also two si'Db, Clarence E. of Chicago and J. F. of Duiidalk and one dj.ughter, Mrs. Doug- l.Ui, CuUingwood and Mias Cclia at home. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon and be in charge of tho Masonic order. Q&od Reasons for Its Success. The majority of catarrh remedies are UJioless. Hut one that don euro is "Oatarrhozono." It clears the head of all mucous discharge. Putrid matter in the nostriU, phlei;m iu the throat, and disea.so germs are coiuplotely swept a>Tay The cause of the disease is destroyed, it's results are deitroyed, and the system so thoroughly cleansed of catarrhal poison that cure is pormaneut. All types of c>it<krrh, throat and bronchial trouble, colds and coughs are moro certainly cured hy Catanhozouo than any thing else. Two sizes, iJoc and 4=1.00 at all dealyrs. The G. T. R has been running a ci>- iiienl train from Duihaiii on Sundays, :his summer, and with the consent of the Attorney (Joiieral of ( )iitario an iiiiorma- tiou was laid against ibo conipaiiy tot ruiinmu' a friMglii train from Durham on .\u'.;. 18(li, Contrary lo tho Lord's Day Act. The case came before magiitrales Melunis and Snanston at Holsicin on the 2;ird and :il)ii of October. The company was found guilty aud u fine of Sl'(X) and costs inipcuL'd. J . .Vrnistroiiv', cri'Wii at- torney, prosecuted, and .Mr. MuMullen, of .Mount Forest, and .Mr. Pope, of Mon- ti eal, appeared for tl-e compHiiy. Diet not the Whole Thing. Your tible is loa.Ied with food--digest- itile anil wholesome, yet yon never i-aiii strength. \\\,^^'» the trouble? Look w.thin, and what do you liiid? A lazy liver, st:niacli ove; loaded wi'h woik- uselo.sa work liecanse the liver is not sullifienlly active. Keliof in (luickly MiippliHtU-Oy Dr. llaniiltoo's Pills. They mak« wtak folks stroiiy hy r<-nv.ving the eansc of Iho weakness. Dige.lion im- proves, c mstipatioii leaves, liver takes new life, kiilneys wako up,- tho whole system i« onlivened tiy Dr. Hamilton's I'ills. No better medicine for the sick or well, 2.'>c aV all dealers. may John Shn'e, of M(dland. while hnntin<j with a eoinpanioii ne.ir S'oki's' I5ay, on Thanksuiving I'.ay ,vas shot and danger- ously hurt. Full particulars are not to hand, but it seems that while going through the hush, the other young inail stiinibttxl over a log and dropped tiis ritle which was disehaii;ed. Tho hul'et enter- ed .Shnte's hip rod pi»8ed into tho how- els, rausiiig >i .serious wound, which result fatally. A firo, which for a timo Ihrratened to develop into a repetition of thedisastroui conR.agralion of April lS)fh, 1!X>4, which wiped out nearly half of tho d.iwn-town wholesale district, deslroyed a wholesJile house at 7fi Bay .Street on Saluiday even- ing, inflicliig a loss of $100, (lOO or m.ire on five wholesale and mBiiufaoturing firins. The Japanese eoverniuont intends to spend $75,00O.00t) durini? tlie next t^ve years on railway construction and ciiuip- inent. Aniouu other items, appropriations arc made fordoubline 830 miles of track, and for couitructing 90O 1 leomoiive.-i] 1,000 pasHonger cars, aud l'J,(J(H) freight cais. A Kansas City judge decided that Jews who liuve aUsys observed Saturday a< a day of rest may transact business -m Sun- jday, but that those who once adopted j Sui) lay as their day of rest are not entit- I ltd to tho privilege. I On Thuisday morning Mrs. McLaugh- j-4iii who resides on second street, ini t ' wiih a serious accident hy fulling down t the stairs at her home, ller left leg was broken in two places and tho aged^lady , was also badly lauised. Dr. McKay re I duced tho fracture and the patient is now doing nicely.- Collingwof d .Nnws. William Hanloii who was orr(.'<ted in Schomheri; a few weeks ago, on a warriint chariiiiiir him with forgury and obtaining money hy fraudulent nieana, was seiileii- ced by Poliite Mairistrate Pattulo of OiangeviPe to three yvarsai.d six month',' iniprisonnieiit in Kingston Penilentiaiy. Hanlonistho man who victimized the Oraiiifeville branches of tho Sterling Hank and the P.ank of Commerce out of §100 and $2<)tJ respectively by parsing hims^jif ort' as Patrick (jirrity, a prominent Cale- do« Township farmer. Mr. Thomas E.llohinsoii, of this place, met with an accident .VL.nday night. He was bringing some apples in from the cimntiy and was sittiui on top of a milk can on the rig, when tie horso stumM d and ih.i suilden jolt tiirew him out upon the load on his lieail resulting in a liadly disfigured counteuauoe. -Norwood Enter- pns.). Ki'her run a town with a viiu, or just sell out and leavo. One ihiiii/ must ho done -run a town for all its worth, got up steain and keep it up. Do you want trade'? Uid for it. Do you want business to cmiio to your town? Encoura«o what you have. Do yi u want a prosperous town? 'I'hen never permit tho jealon.f- ies to rule your actions, but work to- gether for coininoii prosperity and mutual lieneRt. A rascidly trick was jiorpetrafed ai, W ebsterwlle on Hallowe'en. The 8t!i lino syndicate's threshing machine and ongine were brought to (M-orge Rovers' and set all ready to c"ionie'ao woi;k Fri- day morning, Durmi; tho nixht, how- ever, someliorly. who should be tauglil a les.soii, if discovered, let the water out of the holler and turned tho lap to lefHin wh.it was in the gauge. When the fiie was started under tho hoiler on Friday inoriiina the flnes were hadly burned and damaged before it was discovered that there was no water in ihu boiler.â€" Star. The lower town hotel keepers, aciiiia (puto within their lights, but with miest- loiialde wisdom, have struck o,it against tho signers of ihe hical option ])etilion. I'heliist to he aimed at was ba^er Geo Stinsor, whose distributor, Mr. Divitlsoii, was told on Monday by one of them he neo<l not call ayaiii, the reason being pl.nnly i/iven: Mr Siinson's action in put- UOK his iiamo wh»<n> his conscience (iic- latod. The powor of the liquor tiaflio is not small, hut Iho "boycott" is a weapon that will not serve them loiii/, and it will be unfortunate if it arouses a spirit ol re- prisal as it is almost sure to do. â€" Duihain Review, House Furaiskiags t'uU rantjH of Carp.. Is in Tapestry Bru-jsols, Wools, Uf.ions, also Linoleums and Oil Cloths Bcusjht at the old prices and ai tliero has been a big advance in these goods you wil! tind it; worth yimr while to nuke your purchisc.-i while you get the benefit of tho old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum best quality at, per S'p yd â-  50 FLGUR AND FEED Uo have a full sNick of lloui and feed including. Bran, Shorts, Feed (lour, and FIVE ROSES FLOUR made by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Koewatinâ€" Everj^ bag of thistiour is guaranteedâ€" the best flour in the laud , â€"no other can equal it. nmmi The copper niaikct inu.st have taken a rlecided advanco Tliank.sgiviiig Day, at least that is tho opinion of half a dozen youth.' who look a drive to Tara Thurs- day. When about live miles distant from their det^tiiiation tliey came in conttct with a herd of bovines, and one of fhcm haviiisj attached lo its ne<'k a cow-bell, the boys thought the piece of metal would make a tittiiij;, .souvenir of their trip, so proceeded to deta:ch it, which they did, not conscious of the farmur's watchful eye being over ihem. Arriviim at Tara they Were surprised to he confronted hy tho police. They were taken before the magistrate and a Hue of §3.(10 was im- posed. â€" Owen Sound Times. GROCERIES... Onr store is full of high class Gro* ccrics. Our prices are well aud favor- ably kuown. The groceries we sell are the hcsfc on the market. We have just placed iu stock an amount of excellent Cranberries. feed FLOUR and FEED The usual full stock of flour and on sale at popular prices. W. L. WRIGHT Choice Tarm for $ak« At Kitnberiey North balf lot No. 10. Kuplirasia. 100 acres. Dearly uM uinlor cultivation. Five acres ola orchard. well watoiDil. Threo thouHumi will buy 'iu'" 'l"'*^'' ""â- ''â- â-  *""» down, balance t,e suit. Thin IS a aeci(iu.l barxaiii. Aiinlv to Mrs. J.M Thurston , 431 Wollusloy St., Toronto. CK.\LKD TENDERS aUicsPcil to the nnder- •^ Hifjuuil. ami omlorHod "Tender for Meaford Harbimr Works," will bo recei vu.l at tliU oOlco until MoLilay. l>uc«tuber ii. l'J07. iiiclusivoly, for tb© coiiHtruetiou of au oxtoiision to Break wati-r. thereiiiovul of p:)rtiorj of Lamliufi Pier, tile constnlotion of alilua-ul Cui.orote Kovut- inentWall, and tt lluo ol ton(,'Ucjil and fjroovoil st.uutPilint;, at tlio Town of iMcaford, County of Grey, I'ritvinco of Ontaiio, accurdiii^ tosa jtluii aud speciacatioii to be seuu at the otlice of J. G. Sinn. l--8q.. l.csiiieiit Klii:iiiuor, CoiifL'-, deratiou l.ifo KulKllJUi. Toronto, uii aiijilicatiou to the PxHtutaster at Mcafuril, Out., and at tbe Dcpattiiiuut of Public Work-J, Ottawa. 'i'LM'deiH will not bu considurod iniluss made on llio priucuil form Hiipnltod. and niijnod with thb actual Hiijuaturua of touilurei's. An accepted cbetpio on a chartered bank, pay ablu to tho order ol tba llonourabli) the .Vih-i and cau b isiur of I'ublic Works, for four thouaaiid dollar. ^ t-:?l,OOO.UU) iiiuf*t aecoinpany each ti-iidor. Tiro r cbe«iuu will bo fo''t. Itt-d if tne perHi):i tendHr- ; ^, ., iriK devliuo the col.tiagtoi tail lo coiiuilcte tho , cqCrtrJOril CattlS fcf SqIG work coittractMd for and will ba rclurnud in ! crtho tf lioij'acceptaiicu of Ivndfcr. 'tliu Uupaitment does nnl bind iMuli to ac- tcpl tbo lowest, or any ttilder. By ord r mUD «KU.NA8 Bocretary Departmcut of Public Works OtMiWA, Novembur 2, 1907 NeWKpapei s Mill iiol bu p.ii'i f'-rr this adyor- tistjiiiunt if thuy iiisttit It without autliority frqui tU9,i}eparliu.ijut' Tarm for Sale LotalTl. 2and:i Istcoi'. N. B.. Artemeala. 12.>aerosin all of flint c'.bbb farming land in a gooil stato of cultivation. sitnatoJ 24 miles sc ut!i of Kleshurton, short uiilo from achool clnau of noxious weeds and well fenced 10 acins of marsh, r, acres of hardwood huph ' baU ancii in kooiI atato to work all Uliida of malhin- erv, will watKiod. a orchards, a good houEo 18 xi» vunserad iii»ido, kitobon 10x20, wood- 9he.llCxl2, new baru .W X (K) stone foundation. This is one of tbo host farms iu the township b,.U|jljtri(iht. W. ,7. OAfiWELL. Lcvlniaaand Wimplep, tho best of brcodlna aiid qnahf. Hull, cows and boifora forsalo at reasonable prices t»3,oou.5 CHA8. STAFFORD. Fleshertoo Yorkshire Boar for Service Road Closing Notice. Notice is hereby Kiven h.v the Miiiiici]>al Council of the townstiip of .'Vrtviiicsia, tliat the saiil Council will alter four week? fioiii the hrst puhhcation hereof iu the Kleshcrton Ailvaiice iiowspa|ier, the date of which first |iiiblieatioii is the 7th day of Noveiiilx'r, |>io- ceeil to pass a liy hiw or bylaws for the closintf and (lia|>osing of llie uiKlerinentioned i rigirial alhiwancefor road and doviaiioii of matl, viz., 'I'he original allowance for road lying be- tween reserves 1 and .'t, aiul 2 and -J, liiiown .-us Simpson Street in the (oiveniinent town plot of K.nifeiiia in tho aaid township, also the de- viation of rond crossiii)? hits 22 and 23 iu the Tenth coneesai.in or HO uinc'i theieif as *.he council may c< insider necessary to close. All persons interested .-vre fiereby required to take notice and govern theiusi-lv'cs accord- ingly. Dated this 7th day of Novein'jer 1907. W.J.BELLAMY, Tp. Clerk. ... , it', M,'"'*'' '"'<"'^J hi's for Service on lot 16 V , 1- â- ,*'^ K., ArteiiieHia, a thoroughbre Jiukshiielsjiir, "Lakeview Victor,'' No. 1842 reruis .?l.«). Thorougbreds extra. A splen- did stock getter. Idec07 THOS. QUIGG, Prop. Get the Best It pays. Attend the popular and pro-, trressivo LO ELLIOTT T'^EfWTO; OHT. ^-^^ and he thorouxhly educated for business life. AD Kiaduatos of this pchool are ab- solutely sutoiif Retting position's. Tho demand is con.siderably greater than ibe cufiply. Now is an excellent time to enter. Write for cntaloeue. VV. J. ELLIOTT, Principal (Uor. Youge and Aleiander Sts.) ti:

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