Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1907, p. 8

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KoriMBER 14 1907 THE FLESHERTON A B V A K C 5J Then tell him about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how It cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in the house. Tell him to ask his doctor about it. Doc- tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. Tha bolt kind o( a tostlmonial â€" "Sold lor over oixty years." £Z«<20 by J. V. Ay«r Co., I-ow«n, Xaas. AlftO m&nufiMturcrs of yers 9^ SAtSAPAUOA. PIl.LS. IIAIK VIQOS. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will haoten recovery. Ce«fly laxative. Sbortborti Bull Tlietlmrou^'hlirtil .Slidrtlinrii Hull, "I'livo itc," t>'J2.T), it for ccivice (.ii l(.t 27-i*<,2iid ran N. IJ. R , Arteme«ia. IVdiKreuonappliciition Ttrm«*1.25 \LKX. McRAE, Ceylon liUSINESS CaUD3 .;.% M'CULLOUaH & YOl'NO Kunkor Mui'kilale Du a Koooral baDkiiiR budiiiueii. Money loaned a raasonablo rato Call on UB, TCIUSLF.TT, • IVntiiia'tor, Ce\\nt). Coiiiml««iom.i lu H, ('. J .Couvevancor, doeils, luurtKHtiP", leasun, wills utc. camtullv ilrawn up volloctioiis iiiail/. cliart;en ruanonablo. Ali^o (jiooarloa, Hour. foeJ otc. kept in Btouk, I'r icus rifiht. RJ SPnOUIiB I'oatmaBtor, Flo»hertoD . niuiiitasioufr in H.O .1., Auctioneer Con- voyancur, Appiaiour and Mouoy l^onder Itoal Katatn and luBuianco Agent. Deeds tjortijajii;:!, I'janus and wlll« caiefnlly drawn up and valuations made on sliortwHt notice, moudy to loaii at lowest rato** of Interest. Col e.jtioiin attoudud to with promplneoa ctiiri/os low. Agent for Ocean Domiuion Ktaauiship Company. A call solicilud. DMoPJIAIL, Iiloenao.l Anntionour fo( the • County of Crov. TL-miH lufxlerato and fatUfactlon [:uaranti"d. The arraiiRiitnonts and rtatus of salon can ha iimdo a*. TiiK Aiivamh olUcu. llenidence and I'.O., Ceylon, Telephone connoction. Uoc. 0.07. DWID KOluniT.^. licunsed auctioneer for (iruy County. IVonipt attention Kivon all lialen xntrua'.ed to my care, AnauKeuieuta can i)^ made at this otUco. Gi;a. (1. bUDl.OW, J.iconsoil Auttlonoor for the County ot (irey. Prompt fiervlco anu reasonable' terms. Proton KlatioD P. U. T IIAIIVP.V PRItlflCR, KeviTBliani ^' InHuranci*. IttMil eHtato and Ktocki*. Coa- veyaueur. Loans and CcliectionB, Write for rate:^ on Fire. Life or Sick b'-netit inBuvance. Ilettor contracts and lower ratex uu lire iu- fiurance now. Societies AO U W meets oti the last Monday ui eacu month, in their tou^u room, Clirlstoe'a block. Kleiilicrton. at H p.m. .M.W., i'runk Chard ; Kec, T. Illakely, Financier, \S'.J. Bellamy. VisitiuK bietlirea iLvited, PltlNOU AUTHUll l.ODUK, No. S33, A.F.& A M, meets in the Maxouicball. Strain's l)loc!c. I'lOBlierion. every I'rirlny (in or luitore the full luucn. SV A.Ariiistiuuit, W M.; llurb. i-Jmith, Secretary. noi'ItTFLKSriKllTON 1KW5, I. 0. F. n ent» In '' ChiisUie'M llloelf the lust Wodnewday cviir.iiij; v1 each month. X'iBltinu For<iBt« rn h()a>-tih' W"lci'nju. C. K., Dr. Murray; It. S., 'I', llei.ry; rin. bi-'C, ('. N. Itiuhrir.U.ori. I'lea'^e pay dncH to Kin. Hcc. before the first da I' of the mouth. piIOHI-iN FUIIINDW-Fleiiherton (Council of " Cuosen FrionJ.s meets in Clayton's hsll llrnt i>nd thlril Weilnosdav of euch mnut H p. ni l'*V assiiKsnienta to tiie Ifrrordor on or boforo t re flrs'u ii.iv t'f ench month. (Uiief Councillor, T. !l,akeloy;Ueeurder, \V. H. Hunt. Medical DU CAUTI'.n M C P (ft S Out, Physician, Surgeon, etc OlUiie auil rosldoncttâ€" Potar at., Flesberton DU A. T. HONU (.raduats Toronto UnlvorBtty. Meni- li n' of Oiiturto (*oUeue oj I'livHieiianH and Sur-- (, j.'.i*. Muxw-jll. On^ riuccesaor to Dr. Hoott. •T P orriiWI'.l.L w Soti^rlnary BurKeon (li'aluate of Ontario Veterinary Colle^o. resi-io-icj â€" Gjcoud door south west on IMar/ birefjt. ,Thi^ street runs south Pitts.ivtfi ian (Minrrli. U WILSON, lllackBhilth • 'irudnatn iif tho Volerinary flcionoo AtuioiaMon. Hosi hoieo, I>nrham street, op- ponite iio>(l, liicKlii.K's hardware. Legal LUCAa WfllUHT <«• MoAllDI H l^arrlstitrM Hulieitors C'Onvejanoera, etc ')WcM»<â€" Owiiii Bound. Cnt and MarkdaleOnt VV J! Wuif.iiT, Mi;Aiini.«i I 1) Lucas N II -Fli-hhurtoM ofllco, MitchcU'a llauk •very Haturdav. Dentistry ry. R C. MURRAY L. r>. R , dental snreeon '- Ii'Omi. u'Kdiiivtn of 'Poriiito Universitv and )l >v«l I'lill.'it.i of D.iiital rtnruiMini »f Ontario, (!'<'• ahnhil<reri>d for teeth eJfrai-tinn. uXHud at residence. To ronto street Fladhortoa, Shorthorns, Bees and Poultry "sr ^f«« h*«« •hiXrefl neH »n 1 »• »!••• a u^ntit^r of coYofii«4 for #•!• and Tounii swains Mfksr tha 8rs4 c^ Jana. Ton ahonh) sa« oar psu alM. <'Hrci«n I.a«li»rn« baforr eatliuf fuai mlia l«r li«MMn«a»«iit>f»r l**l|Ra, 4^«ri,«.i4 «. A 0i. Ik. r.artiaraau. It, 4U.a» Mr. Clias. Thexton met with a painful accidunt at the furniture factory on Fri- day Issr. In operating the buzz-planer hi8 h<iiid cnine in contact with the knives and had hia thumh and first fiiiKera bo bndly luot'i'slud that amputation wa's ueceasaiy. Tliu operation wiis perfotincd by Dr Ileminu und tho patient is iuipiov. iiiK nicely â€" Mculprd Express. Josoph Stovcll, a teantstRf, working fur Airth and Gaibinith, lumber mercli- antH, was loadiiiji a c.ir lit tho C. P. il. station at Chatsworth when an un- iriiie scared Ins team. One horse threw Itself backward falling upon Btovell and so lirnily wm he cauyht that the haiiicMS liad to be cut from ilie hor.so before lie could be rele.'ised. His collar bone was Idoken as well as several rili8, and there is n fear that he ia seriously injured in- ternally. Jntnc.s McEiTen, 8th line, met wiih a serious mi.sfortuno on Thursday night last iu havino his barn and contents destroyed by lire. 'J'he c jntenis consisted of live horses, sixteen hoo.s, all liis iinplenionti, and thi.s season's crop of grain and hay. Tlie insuranro »ill cover about one-thinl tile loHs. Such a liluw is stajj^jerin^j to a man in ordiniry < ircnmsinnceM. Next iiiorninK lie found p.ut of a set of hariie-;» lianging on tho fence in ihe Line and tlio huircut od' the tail of one of his horfes, which would uo to sliow that 8')inebody had been plajini; hallowe'en tricks on him. A liotited inatch may have been the cause of the (ire. â€" Creeniore Star. Ill[iIR|[IS. CAREFULLY CORRECTED EAH WEEK. 52 '.o Oats P'M 80 to 8(1 liarley 00 m (iO Wheat 95 to 95 Hay 17 00 tol7 0!) liutter 2ti to 2(i E'jgK, fresh . . 25 to 2.") Potatoe.") per bag 76 to 75 (leeso 8 to 8 DucUs 8 to 8 Cliickei's 5 to 7 Turkeys 12 to 12 BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE <lood training. Sititvll coat. GooJ poi.i- tion.-*. KreoCfttalnt.-. K A FartniharHnti b A, c )»â-  Youye and itlocr Sts, Torouto. ^ SEASONABLE GOODS PyRNITURE rr!:!«3iaL'Ka 'I h.: I.ir^e.'.t .".nd best stock of Furniture ever f-how^n in Flesherton. This without fear of con- Ir.idiction. Come and see soiiifi of the nice tliiipjs ill Side Hoards, Diniiij,' It.oni ("hairs, Puilov Setts, lied Uooiu Sutta. A special leduc- tnni jnht now on every- thing, in oilier to ro- diioe the htock. . . wTTTuNT FURNITURE DEALER FLESHERTON #1 Winter Harness Goods I have in stock all kinds of Harue8.<i, IJells, lUaiiKcla, Itobes, Wliips, Sm- cinolcB, Hoof OiiUineiit, Chill Cure, Plush lUigs, DftsU Aprons, Tiuiiks, Vulisrs, etc. nopitiriiig done promptly and neatly, 0. W. PHILLIPS FLESIIKRTON, ONf. . WANTED . A Iteli.ililo Anoiit fi.r FLESH ERTON and surronndini; country, to soil our FAMOUS PKIiUI.lL.SS APPLE TUEKS A I'lt; haidy red winter apple that sells on aiflht, also a i>oiieral line of fruit and oriiaineuial irurs ii<clu<liii|/ other valu- able spacialtiM. Oood pay wuukly, out- fit frrr, etcluaive trrrilory. Write now to PBLIUM NrHSEIlYCO. Oro«rr« of hitch yrade uurauiy stock T<)ttOHT«. OST. v. ft., ftttraial lartiM la suit agaul* HONOR ROLLS lieport of Ceylon public school for October. 3rd sr- J J Pattison, A English, Lena Locate, Myrtle Hemphill, Eftie Chislett, Melville Rutledge, A McMuUen, Percy McLeod. 3id jrâ€" John Hemphill, Forbus But- leune, Wm Dar)<avel, M McMulien. 2iid â€" Muriel Legale, Murray Legate, Roy KuMed){e, Edna McLeod, James Mc- Mulien, Siiowden McLeod. I't 2 sJ â€" Arnel Love, Lizzie Englifih; Uoid win ^IcMulIen, Lizzie Uidlep, Pt 2 81â€" VViU Pattison, Pearl Wtiilney. Ptrl jiâ€" Everett MjdiU J. I. Wilson, Teacher. Roport of S. S. No. 7 Artemesia for October, 4 â€" Annie Muir, Emma Meads, Annie McMillan. o â€" Ella Oilclirigt, katie McMillan. Clara Oilchrist, Jiniiuie Oliver. 2 sr -Lily AlcPhail, Eddie Dingwall, Walter Williamson. 2 jrâ€" Lottie Muir, Arcliie Whyte, Ralph Willlianison, Pt 2â€" Wilfieit Parslow, .limmie Mc- Leitii, Ktliid Gilchrist. Pc 1 srâ€" Robbie tDinijwii), Mary Wl.yte, Pt 1 jr b â€" Hobs Meads and Ji'nmio Wliyte, Willie IJond. Pt 1 jr aâ€" Elvada Ueiider.iou, Fraukie WiUiaiuson. Elizabeth Scott. Teacher. Mary Turner, Lily Caiii|.>lieli, Plantt, Addie Chnrlio Fishor, Report of £u;^6nia Public School for October. IV â€" Jaki<> Sloan, Herbert Fi»her,We»- K-y Plantt. Kussell Paik. Ill sr. â€" Laurie Fi.^hcr, Eloie Ariu- siruiin, 111 jr. â€" Leila Sloan, Louie Hislop, Mue Park, Millie Campbell, Fred Wilson, 11 sr.â€" Allie Williams, Charlie Park, Wes. Annntron^, George Williams 11 Pt.â€" Jiinniie Leach. 1 .sr. â€" Mabel Williams and Wen. Lat- imer, N<'a Williams, Lizzie Williams, Willie Williams, Edtjar White, Robt. Leopard, Charlie WilliBins. 1 (a)â€" Leone Pedlar and Margie Park, Delia Wilson, \Vo». Wilson, Lela Jani- leson. I (u)-Wilfried McMaster, Joe Wil- liainc, Willie Walker, Wallace Ariu- sttouj;. Miss B. Rolfson, Teacher, How Consumption Starts Tired When You Wakenâ€" Ijaiiguid All Dayâ€" Nerves Woiu Out â€" Sii.ip All Gone. Your limbs feel â- â- dra),'i:y" and wxcessive- ly weak. A. night's hlrrp seldom brings 3atint>ilii; rest. Coniinuous headachrs, txhauslion and nervous sen.sati )nsdt'sroy your lie.d'li. Sfiii every sp.trk of vital- ity is uncJ op. Then you catch tuber- Cllll'Sis. St lit to-day. Build up, >{et new nerve ftiee, and ovcrcnie tliis process of decay. I'se Ferioziine, which phy.^iciiio.s coij.sidei the inosi \italiziii-.!, up lifting tonio ever oiude. Feri-izoiie cures bec!>u>c ii can furnish I be biidy with Bulliciunt nutriment and linildiiu' inalerial. Think of the instant effect â€" at once tlie appe'ite increases, deli'.'htful color in the clioeka proves lli.it ricli, red bl.iod is •leiiiii cinuliited Tirrd muscles aro in- viyorattd, tl.-sb and wcii:lii are added. Nerve force devil. ips, anil boundin'.», juyiiii.-i liei'llli is tiriiily established. Tins is certain -Fcrrozono restores failmi; su\'iit!tli fioiii any cause Tin- experience of Mr. Tlios. Down, of Sclirei- bui. Out,, pri'ves tins: "H oust hold wonioa and care.i had about e.\li,vu«ted my strength. 1 W"i8 weak and misi'iab'e. My cheeks lacked ill ' cnlcir if health, and o'^asicmally I had -p. lis of rluHiiiiiiti-iin. Then iiiyappitite fell I II, and notbiiii; could tempi me to car. Worn-out feelinj^s, chills and de- spinidcncy tilled my very bein(<. 1 became aiiaeniic and dwindled down to a shadow, consuiiipliiiii was very near. Ferrozone put sMeiiijlh in niy bo<ly with a rush. It i:uilt iiiu up, sU'oni;, virvile, and happy, ever since." Ferrozone cures sickness by curing the real cause â€" lack of blood and nerve tone. It keeps' people at their beat â€" lit, ready and anxious for work. In 60o boxes only, six for $2.50. at all do ders, or N. O. Poison & Co., Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., and Kin};«ton. Ont. »4«^4.^ A little three-year-old daughter of J. J. Me.Vrlhur, Ed^ai', was ti'ani|>led to death by a lioise. Tlie child was playing; out'«ide near a team thai had been left stairliivn for a few minutes. Tho liorse.s Ux'k liiKht at .somelhint> and started suiUleiiiy, one of tlieiii tramping on the child. A ease ot intererest to hotolkeepers was iiied al recent sittini,' of the Division I'oiitt ut Oiillia. .\ cummerlcial traveller who Wiis a rejiulal p'«iroii of the Oiilla House lo.^t an ovi rcoal and he sued tor tb"lo.ss. lie liun^; ihe Nioat in a place wbieli lie wa«accu^tome.^ to do, but did not K've in to tho the care of the proprie- tor <ir any of bis a.ssistants. The coitt was stolen and tho traveller souitht to 111 iko the proprieti'F of ihu hotel respons- itde, but f.illud,l>tilu^ iioii-suiiud by.ludge .\idanh. His Honor t-ases his dicisiun ori till! fact that Mr besney had provided a pluoe for valuaMcH, and has disclaimed rrsponsitiility iu his retdster for any ap- puarl not placetl iu the custinly uf ihu bixel clerk. â-²( the saiue time, It wh« held that tbare wan lesponsibie K'ound {ur the tratroUor's contention. When Illness Conies Have yon near at hand a remedy that will alleviate pain and help till the doctor cometi? A wise ihin;; in fo hare risht in your home a boltlc of "Nerviline" which cives iiistaiit relief, .md prpvcntti diseaaii from spreadiii!;. No'liit.p i<iri'vin for (he stomach and bo.veU rhnt equals Nervil- ine. F'or cra-nps, indigestion, heaitburn and headache, it's in lispen.-talile. For fifty yiuis Poison's Nerxiiitie in 2on hot ties has been a family btand by. Get it today. A Kansas editor, .since tho ruiioL! of the Interstate coinniision cut off hi-i pis.s, has dropped tho tiincMnblo from his paper and prints this lino:â€" "Trains aro due when you see the smoke." Cliap{)ed hands are quickly cured t>y apply- iiiK Chamberlain's Halve. Price, 2.5 cents. For sale by W.E. Richardson. Tho extent to which our wide-.nrake neij;lil>ors to the west of us were interest- ed in the recent N'lth Wellin.;ton bye- eleoiioii may be ;;albered fioiii the fuUow- in;; para^n.ph in l.ist week's Hniri.itoii Review: â€" ''Tho ."Cettiin^ exciti'inenf over the election on TiiesdMy would not eclipse a sidlitz ponder lo any (;i-ear exrctit. Lots of people within b.dr a mile ot" tho poll did not know there was any election and lots more did not know who was runiiiii'_' or what House they wererunnim; for."- Ex Gutlpb Mercury: A hUsky lonlitiig .voiinp fuliow named Ilnni.of Prtlniuiston, an ex l>iMkeraai) and tlreni:'n of tlu' Grand Trunk, eime dov.o ij C sile .McN.ll, in charue (.f .1 c-iin'iiMij, this tiv.'nniii.i to 3|ipnd I lie winter. Hiint, it ai'pjirs, while a very ijuie" feliiw when »olK'r,t;oe3 out on II toot occasioii.illy. Oil M oiday last he tackled tlm (laid extract; of hops and u>it in'o a |.eck of trouble. He was out with the boys and had ioibibed rather freely, when â€" im he says â€" he was yiven srnie nioa|diiiie pills. He then started out to piiiit thj town. My tho time Ihiiit struck the 'Ji.'eii's he wa-s >;.i.ii^ like a wliirl«ind and siMjn male the hous"} look as if a eyclo:io had p.(ssed. He was arres'ed, and the mills of ju.stice did not delay in turoini; him out a four month's sentence. A fad acciileiit occuried a few ilays ayo on a Southern railway at Auburn, N. C. tthii.h resulted ill the loss (if three l.ves and the injury of a number cf other per- sons. V\ hen the conductor wan called before the Coroner's ju'y for exanii.iatiini he i-aid '"I umply fmsjot my orders- - lliat's 1.11" "That s all," as one ivriier Iia.i s -.id, "That's all, is all too much," "I foil.' -t it" is a p lor excuse, but an ex- cecdine;!y pojiular one. A youns; man in busiiies.ss has no bu.Nine'^s to fori;et. Ev- ery man oujjhl to liavo a memory system of his own by which the for(ieitiii'4 of certain iliing.s would be an ab^iolute iin- posoiliility. Success in life often pivots on a yiod memory. Biliousness and Constipation For years I was troubled with biliousness and ('oiuUpatiou which wade Ufe miserable forme. My ainctile failed me. I lost my iisnal force aid vitality. Pepsin preparationa and cathartics only made matters worse. I do i.nt know where [ siiould have been todjiy h.i 1 I not tried Chambwrlaiu's .Stomach and Liver tablets. Tlio tal'l ts relieve the ill ferliujf at odce, Btrenjftheii the digestive functions, helping the sj>tein to do its work naturally.â€" Mrs. ltos.-v P.)tt.s Birmingham, .Ma. These tablets are for sale by W.K.Kich- ardsoii. >€t^^5^?^ Tf Pays to ^^ is Ihe most coiniilete Sct.ool of iis kind in Can- ada. Tvienly-sevcn }-e.irs ** under the p. e.-conr oi.iua^e- menl. Special af'enliou given lo backward sud- ciits who need peisoiial ^ ^ â- gg help at their desks. ^ Write for information t > C. A. FLEMING MAKK OTHERS HAPPY Do not compel .someone to rub your aching back or limbs this winter, but start ri)iht iu and take It will c!. i \. â- : : '.â-  â- tin of Khemuatisni and all other Knlnoy di.seoscs, making you happy, cou-sequeully otlii-rs. BOc a boxnt CrusStoreiorby Mail. 92 Tke CLATUN COEKICU CO. United. WINDSOB. Oat WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia Slock - = Best Stock Bc!!$, BlanketSt Kobes Fnr lined coats, pockeilxioks, satchels, razor strops and other leather i-oods. Cutters-best makesâ€" and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. Clearing Kvciytliiiv in Dry Goods, Groceries, liootj and ."sliiH'S, Har»hvare lud Tinware iiiijst be sold lo-'aidlosts of cmt ..s I aju leaviiij Port Law. J. A. St. JOHN Gjiieral M.'ichuit anl Tinsuiirh Port Ltiw - - Ontario In Sleighs, Bnggie.'^, Waggons, iranow.s, IMoiigli.-;, Cream Sep aratoi's and Wii'o Fencing. HORSE SHOESf^G A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Fleshe If von are tliiiikiiig tif Imying a I'uggy be sure and give Uio a call he fore buying elsewhere as 1 have a ttrst ela.s.s selection to choose from. / Guarantee Satisfaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing All kinds of plonylis and ploiii;h repairs on hand; also repairs for Mossey Harris, No.xon and McConuick farm implements. A^exit For* M ELQil^ CREAIi SEPARAtflRS ]>, BAoTJLVISH I keep a stock on hand al- ways and anyone wanting a cream sepirator please drop me a card ami their ATauls will be attended to. • - JPlesl]iert9Pjp:|t if

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