Flesherton Advance, 28 Nov 1907, p. 2

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> * FATAL ENDING OF TO RACE A Port Dalhoiisie Vessel Was Struck B3? â- v;;;'::'';-::^;'';;::;:,,:?;-^ a Barge. A dcsprilch from SI. Catharinre says: A IprribJc ueclJonl oreui'ivj uu I.ak*' Oiitiiraj, Wn inil06 below rvjrt rmllKiii- sii', ahmt 8 o'clock on SiituiUav i)if«lil, whoroby (hrei^ |i\vs wore lost nnd Itiiei^ ';tlu>rj liud very nnrrv.w o^mijk'.s, wh.n llie tug Ks.xjrt wui *imk by bring slriit-k by the In.rno Hhi-iumju. in Ujw o' (he KU'iiiii.r Vvojilmoun4. Iviirly iji 1hi> ftvoiiiiig (h<^ WftstiiKuiru uiitl biirgo were tte«n flway <iowii lh« lakp, ii'p- pionchiii^ |\j|-l naIhousii>. Two tugs, lliL Ksiort and n-ildcn City, slarieJ ouL h\,m \kA\ ill u nici; to swinvj Ihf Iwirgi.-, Illifi-e liiivijig Ux^n grciit rivalry bo- ilwo'ii Iho tugs t-) s^cun.' lf,\\.s. 'llie l>-'irl ua5 in ch(irg<; <jI Ciipt. Hurry niJiilop and tlip C-.lden City in chi.rg"i> <>f Capt. McC/iijpiii. They raced nlxiul ten miles down Oi<" l«ko before meet- iiiK th<* WesLiiMiUiit and bai-K*-. the (:<,1- <l<'ii City slightly in Ih.; k-ad. As tihcy ap|ir<i«cliPd the har-.'e the CKildeii City Jiuul<> u cirrlo 1. 1 (kihk- aloiigMdc of tier, hut Ihi- ICstnirt to save linie oiulcavorwl to iirt n-poss the 1k,w of Iho tinrt,'<-. lo- 1w<'en thf W'l-^liiijunl and llarnis«-)n. which w*'!!' going about ten ttviios an hour. Th<' captain of IJu- Ivssort evi- dently ir(!iscalcula!c(l the speed or <lLs- Vance, and the huge .s'Utel low lini cauglri. the pilot house of the Ksoort, leering it jiway. Airno.st Linniedialely after the IUl^!l^iull Klruck the tug ainid- stiip.s, CHp^i/.iaK her. She sunk, carry- ing down Cupl. HiuVy Diuilop, Engi- - ler Albert Duntop, and a cuiihI Jii'l-per named Charles Chivilmns, none «t wh- .m were seen aya n. Three other- .â- n t;oanl, Melvin names, the fireman Herman (xwk, di-cktiaiid, and Miti. Annie Harllelt, cook on «ie lug. were re.-;cued with giciil (iidicuKy "by lixis. or, the tug Co'.den City. Ttie We liii'iiint had .slackened *r-ceil unintxlialely when Kie aceid.nt occur- red and every efiorl was made to re.scun lh<i.He on tK-jarJ the ill-fat.^1 lue or recover the bodies of tbov drown- ed, but they liave not yet l<t^n recov- crel and it Ls ppohabl*; lliey are im- prisoned in Hie wreckage of «he tug which s-aiik in o hun<ired tiiid twenty fe<!t of wtiler. After erui.'^ing aivjund for .somo â- time t|lic WKStinount came on to IVirt fln.lhoiit-le. and tt'e lug Colden City, with thr rescued on board iTiugliit in the n;iriL<Mi. [LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Torunlo, Nov. 26.â€" Ontario Wheal - "«»o. 2 while or red, 96Xc to 97c; No. ! 'nixed, 96c. MaTiitolta Wheatâ€" No. 1 hard, noin nal; No. 1 northern $1.13 to $1.U • ance; No. g, $i.io. Barley No. 2, C9c lo 70c outaide; Vo. 3 cxlj-a, 67c lo t»c. OalA~No. 2 while. 50>^<; .lo 51c, oul iido; mixed, 49i' lo 50c, outside. Rye- 85o outside. I'eJisâ€" 87c outside. Corn- .No. 2 yellow American, 69c. '.'ownto freights; No. -S yellow. CS^'-^c Buckwheatâ€" f)Oc to 6.';C, oitlside. Branâ€" .'»!!1 to fili ini bulk ouls;:<le h'.ris, $23 to $24. Klourâ€"Onljirio winter wheat. $3.9* •i^Kcd. .W.85 bid; Manitoba pate;it.s â- *!>eeiul brand. $.i.s(i; si'conds, S5.20 strong bHk<?rs', $5.10. FOl'LD'.S WILL KOIM). llie nomaiilk- Story of a Winnipefl Kstate. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Old- tiri'eiis r^ineiiitur Llie late deorge, hViuUls, builder of Itie I'oulil.-. block and owner uf several oilier very vnlualili' piopeiti«'.s. During hi.s life he ucijuircd toiisiderablc property, whieh he I. ft to Mi.s. liowler, cutting out lii.s family. A siilisi'fiueiit will has t>een dLscovcred. by which the eslalp rs hit lo FouKls' children, and a slati'iiieiit of c.aifii has l>iM'n lU.tl on t»o- hnlf of <ine uf the children by .Mcsjcirs. Macdonald, llaggart, .Sullivan & Carr, peeking to 'â- el a.'.ide the will giving the esliile lo .Mrs. Howler and asking that prolialo tx) <lire<.ted of the last found will. The estate jis estimated at alxiut SiSWI.OOd. It is imdersUvid the wUI was found in X'ancouver, In an old trunk amongst deceased's papers, and narrow- ly e.sriiped b<'inB bunie<l with what was coilsidereil w<irlliless <lociiments. PUKC.MiTION.S AGAINST PL\«IJK. I'ears ol Irifrrlioii by Hals From Ves.sels llcarhiiiji Vaiirouver. \ de.spal/h from dttawa .Miys: The Cfivernment is taking every [.vissible piwaulion lo previ-iit IIk- huLvmic plague fixxii getting n footing in llie coast cities <:l Unlish fVili.mhia. Mailers are In had shape in .'^an Francisco and .Seattle. In the former city since the ISth of .August llierc linve l*eii eighty-tour ca.se_s of p'ugue and fifty-four <iealh.<, while one dtath occurred in Seattle two weeks ago. Dr. Nt-jntizambert, dlre<:tor general of public health, is now in Hrltisli Oiliuii- hlB, adVLsiiig the locel qiinrantinc and medical henllh ollicers as l<i the preemi- tU'Us will -li may be incf.ssary to prevent I'le s|)iead <if the iiialiuly Into ("jinadn. It is po.ssihle thai, in addition to the precautions which are being taken with resn-ct to vesM:ls, tluil iiisjiectors may b-' placed at the various ixiints where l'i.' railways cross the International bf.undary line into the D<iminion. 4. nKs'iituvi:!! c/AU's I'lCTnti-:. Tlircfl Men Were Hhot for This Crime at Odessa. A despatch from Odits,sa Rnys : 'I'he tiial by a special niililary c*mrl of Iwenty-seveii men of the tith Nicholas I. Ileg'ment, on charges <»f mutiny and in- frillordinati<'in. came lo an e.nil on Wed- nesday. Two .vrgeariLs and one private, who hud destroyed ti plcliire <it l'',iiiiM'ior N.cholns. were sentenced lo death anil at oi;ce .shot; nliie other men were sent oul lo the mines tor lite, twelve were sent to the mines for ten yeai-s, and the Olivers were ii •(|uillril. TIIK .MOOn LAKK WHICCK. Jury Places the Blame wi Driver of Liglil Eiiul»e. .A do.ipatch frcm I'cinbroke savs: Thur.-day night, at the 'lown Hall. Crown Alloiney Mete ill and r.>-.p.-irer Josephs opened an inquest into llie death of -'')lin .\ade.nii, fireman, one of tiK' victim.s of Ihc N4fK)r Lake lra;'e<ly on the C. I'. !'.., by which seven Lives wore lost. Only four wilncs-ses were called. The jupors were only out fifteen niin- ul(\s, uji I reiidenvl the folkiwing ver- <lirt. which placit. the reiponsibility <.!• Heiidrie. tlic engineer wtio was m charge of Itw light engine: That J- hn .Nadeau's death wai; due •<• Ihe ivcklessne.ss of F.nginoer Men- dre running past lia-'^.s I.ake siding and trying to make NRxt l.<ike si<f- ing, thereby running on Ihe time of .No. 8 passeng<-,r tram, and meeting No. H in e<^illi>;i<)ii 1% mile.s east ol .Moor Lake slateoii." 4i ItKLLCVIIXK S<:il(l()L (.ITTKD. Convent liuildiiig (V>nipictely Destroyed at Loss of J!i2'i,(!eO. ,\ despatcli from Hei'eville .savs: l''ire broke out Mtxriut U.MI on .SiindHV lugtit in the i'onvent .School building iirre, com- pletely dP.sli'oyiiig it. Ihe Uiss with fMiii-shlngs is tvsiiitialed at .Â¥35.1M)0, wilh insurances of $7,500. The origin of the till' is a mystery, tlie caretaker having let; the .scluKil about four o'clock, after llie .Sunday school sessi-m. The furnaces wi'ie of tiie most modern o<in«lruction. The lire is n .serious blow lo C.atliohc odiicali.in, following as it doe.s Ihe re- cent destru^'lion of .SI. Michael's, Ihe re- building of which bus N'eii a serious lax on llie ixv'-<iurc<A of llie Catholics ooni- munily. IFISEERY' LAWS VIOLATED COliiVTRY PRODUCE. Bulterâ€" The nidrket continues ea.sy iji tone, due lo heavier receipts. Creamery, prints 29c to 30 do so''ds 263lo27e Dnirj prinls 2Gcto27c do solids 23c lo 24r Ch^•'^<i^._s'cady at U%o tor 'lartje and V.\y,c for twins. Kggsâ€" Pioduce houses have reduced thoir quoliilions .. c^-nt. a,nd sftoruga. nre rio'A' 23c to 21c prr <lozen in cas- lots. Ncwlairl at al>iiil 300. F'ouHiy â-  CI:oi,.<' chickens. <K- to lOc' i:^fer;or, fie ti 7c. Choice ducJ<s and geese steady at Xc to 9c: fat, clean, dry pic! el turkeys, 1.3c lo 14c. f'olatoesâ€" Market is firm at 75c Ic SOc in car lol.s on track here. (tcan.sâ€" I',asifir al $1.75 lo $1.8.") for (•r'mes and $1.85 lo 81.95 for hand- picked. Moncvâ€" .Sfraino.) s'eady at lie t-i 12c "er »....• end comt«s al $1.75 to .S2.50 per dozen. Venl-opâ€" n!i:dquarlers, lOc to â-  lie; rrontouartera. .V: cai^Ni.ses, 7c lo 8e. f'ec'in's nro fairlv large. Ba'ed I lavâ€" Timothy. $18 to $19 per ton 'n cer lots <^in track. na'e! .Slrnw-Firm al $10 to $10.50 per Ion on track. ASI'IIVXIATED IN A WKLL. Thren Men Lose Their Lives at .\yte«- bury, Sa.sk. .•\ despatch from Craik, Snsk., says: ..\ terrible alfair happened on the farm ol James Allen. lliriH) iieles leyond .•\yle.sbiiry, on Friday morning, wiicn Hire.' men. \V. J. Forfar of F.llesrnei-e, M. 11 Craig of I'illow. \. K., and I,. Hiswokl of llanley, w- re asptiyxiaU'U by gas while altempHi o re^iair a weM. f'raig was tlie llisi. victim, ui'-l whi^ Forfar went, to liLs a.=.si<1aiico 1k>, to I. wa,s oveivoiue. Hiswold Ihoiighlle-ssly f*dlow..>l nnd shared In Uie melaiiclioly fate of his rompuniojis. His b<Hly has t,<'en rec.vfred by tlx; aid of gi-uj'pluiij iifjiis, but llie corpses of the others lie al the bolt .'ui of the well \'Mi loe't hi'liiw the. .suriHce. KILLED Disaster on Construction Work of Trans- continental Railway. A dMpalcli from K'eiK'ra. Ont.. says: C. H.' WelJiiers sub-eonlraclor'.s cnnii> fcix <if l.'ie Fa.slern Construction Cxim- pany's 5«-mile c/inlracl on Iho Trans- fwinlliie'ilal, W mile.s north-eust of Drvden. was Ihe a -enc on Wejtne.sday iiflern«Kin of the wx.rsi accident in the liisl^iry of tlu' ixiail. .Seven foreigners were killed oulrlghl an.l several slight- ly injured. The foreman nn<l p<iwderman were loBduig u hok' ttilh tiKick powder, us- ing n woodi-n lamliiiig slick. The foreiran went for nxjrc jxiwder, 4ind oin>*.»t inim^sliately afUT Uin fljy)lo- I sion took place, k lling Ihe i>owder- man, and six olhers in the cut below W'ere cnwhed by fulling ivick. All were lAuslrians. Tli« foreman, who escaped, lis nisi an Austrinn, and ex|>erle«ced I in Ihe work. Only n few minutes before the work I wu« 1nspecle»l by Uivision Kjiyineer Hichnn, (Vndractor Wehsler, and F.n- gineer MacOillvray. They were right 1 where tlie iiieti were kilUvl, and hud a r<irtnnale e,v:«|>e. Ihe hole.? had bi>en sprung the day l^elore. and were lial I t/i ty perfeelly cool, and tKi one can even oonjccliire a cause. The names of Utc dead are not svatlsb;*. I'novisiONS. " .Smoked and Dry .SuiVil Meatsâ€" I>ong clear lia- n. He io HV;e for Ions and cases; hams medium and light, 15c to 13Xc- h-avy. I3k;e li Mc; backs. If.Kc to 17c: slioulders. 10c to lO^c rolls, 10V<c lo He: breakfast bacon, 15c lo tSVc; green meats oul of pkkle, Ic h-'.s than .<;inoke<l. |)rcs-;ed flogs -$8.50 for lightweights and $8 for heavies. Por1< -.Short cut. S2?.75 lo $23 for t.arr. N- mess, $'0 to $11. I.aixlâ€" Finn. tierces. 12X<^; tubs. 12?ic; pails. 13c. MONrniCAL MAIVKETS. Montivil. N<iv. 26.â€" Choice spring wheat piitnts, 50. 10; seconds, $5.5(i: I wint<-.-r w'leiil patents, $5.75; sirnighl I ."oH-rs, $,V'm1: do., in bugs, $2.60 lo If 2.65- extra, $2.U5 lo $-M0. j Mamioha bran, ^ii; slwrls. $;'5; On- tario brim. .$23.50 to $24; middlings, ! ^5:7 tio .'ii2;i per U^n, Ixicluding bat's; } iiii!lcd moiiilU'. $28 lo $32, and pui-e I grain m<iuille. .$35 lo .$37 per Ion. I IVilled oats at $3.t7,V5 per bag, and ! C'lrii meiil at SI. 75 to $1.85 per bag. I Very tittle activity is n<diee«lilo in ! the Uical cheese market. l-^arly fall iw.steni make. ISV^c and Uile nukes 1 at 12>4c; townshiiis, 12>tC; Quebecs at ' Vic. Hutter ixjnlinucs active. Cras." poo-'s are llnn at 2«c to 28>iC. niid .sluU-fed from 'XVc. lo i1}ic. The loal <!eniand for ftgg.s continues steady. Newly-laid slock, SOX^c lo 3?c: s<'!c;t(xl, 20c to 27c; No. 1, 23c to 24c; .seconds, I7e to 18c. 'the 'oeal (Mil maikel remains steady. Maniiola. N<i. 3 while, CiOc: Ontario nnd Quebec. No. 2, riik- to .')9>i;c; No. 3, 58c to 5«'.ic; No. 4, 56Xc lo 57c; and Quebec rcjerled, aOo per bushel. ex-store. I'rov's'oi'sâ€" llaireis. short rut me.ss. PS2.V1 to $â- ?:'.; hairbaiT«l,s, $11.75 lo .«;U'.25: cleiiT fat back, $23.50 Uj $24.r)0; long cut henvv mev.. $>1 U< 9Z\; half- barre's do., $IO..'iO to $11.25; dry salt U.ng clear Ixu-on. lO^ic lo ll^c: barrels plate bt>ef. ,SI3.5'.) to .?I5; half-harivls do.. $7.'.'5 to $7.75; ImrieN heavy mess bi-ef. $10 to $11: hall barrels do.. $5.50 I" Sfi: compound lard. lOc to He; pure l.'ird. I'Kc to 13c; Keille lenderel, n'-^c l<. I*.-; liatii.s nVjjr lo (Co. atx.". nling lo size' hr»-flKfast liivon, 14c to tfic; WMid.'ior li'dul, 1.5c to Kic; fre.sh kil!«il nl:i"<jir dres.sej hogs, $0; alive, $5.75 U> .$6. BHFFAI.O MAHKFr. Huffalo, .Nov. 26. Wheat .Spring easier; No. 1 norlhem. eiuloids, $l.09»-i; No. 2 rwl. .HI; winter .varee. (Virn F.H.sH.r; N i. 2 wlitl-, fA'ii-; S>. 2 yellow, (•-!c. Oals- Steady: .No. 2 mixed, 4fi>ic; N»i. 2 white, 54i-ic. Barley 95c to ijil.lO. lUt- No. 1, 87c c. 4. f. l.lVr; STOCK MABKKT. Toronto, Nov. 26. Kx|>ort<T.s' f*llle were imported steady, with few eales. and prices ranging from $4.50 to $4.75 to :â-  the best, and $1 to t4.40 tor IlKht and meilliim. Biiteliers' animals of good quality sold well at $4.25 to $4.50 per cut. Ntedium butchers' rattle brought $3.25 to »3.75 ; c<iinmon, $2.25 to $3; good cows, t3.U lo SS.50; euiinei'S, 50c to 11.50 per cwU l.lifhl sl<ickeis were steady at 12.50 to S2.75 por cwt. CtKiloe stooi(«M tad iu*> .Several Boats, Many Nets and a Large Quantity of Fish Seized. A despatch from SauU St«. .Marie. Ont.. says; The rno.st important sei- zures of fishing boatt^. net and fish -'ffected by Ihe Dominion Civivernnicnt officials in yeai-s, have been made in lie neighborhood of Killarney, by Capt. \. C. Duncan. Dominion Inspector of risherias. n i.s pxpected lliat whoKsile ,)rosr'culions will be instituted by Uic •'~i"iverniT!eiil. .Many Ihousunds of do!- ars are involved in Ihe scizuren. Capt. Duncan passed through Ihc Canadian "Poo' on Thurs<1iiy on his v.ay west, afler iaspccting {i!>heric.s i:nder his jurisdiction in Ihe efUiteni livision. During his operations in llie "cightxjrhood of Kill«rney. just bekiw Ihc "i^oo," Duncan was a'c^jnipanii-d y a lumiler of ollicers from the "S<^o.' 8n<i the lloliila under his charge, (x)n- sisted <,f a lag, a sailboat and a ga.so- ine laimcli fn nearly every instance f'apt. Dun- can found that the fishery laws were Ix'iiig violated, the result being n large umber of seizures, .some of Ihem con- sidered of Ihe most important nature. The largest number of infr.'iclions ol the law consisted in catcliinp whitensh and livjul out of .season and having Ihem in their possession. One of the lugs, belonging to Purvis Bros., was seized, as well as a large number of pound nets and two gaso- liike launches, belonging to Gaulhier; o' French ftiver. James Noble. Dominion Fish Com niissioner, it is alleged, was found Ui- Ikave .freshly caught vvtiiUVish and troul in his po.ssession. Noble claim.j to Ihc fish were caught in the opeif sepson and had t-ecn kept over, bul the <iMi<:ers claim they were fresh. F.ven had they teen caught in th« manner de,>;eribed. the offence is none lli.e less llagrant in the eyes of ttie law. which distinctly slates that none- .,• the li.sh mentioned shall be in Ihe- p.<jssessk.n of any parly after the clas-; iug of the season on Nov. 1. Jame.'i R< ek. a tlstierman .^f Killarney. was caught with whiteflsh and troul iij- lii.s |,<i-.'eiisioil. The llsli were all confuscaled by the officers, end the boats which woi-c seized were liberated after the ofTicers had obtained a receipt from the own- ers lor them, which practically means that they are sllU in ttie hands of the- (Kjvemment. Capt. Duncan did not feel incline^ U-. deal offhand with the case, considj ering the extent of the seizures anc? their importance in the eyes of lh«i Govcriiraenl. He accvirdingly referreit llie matter to the Governineiil. which will lake action in the near future. diiiin weight feeders were selling around $3 to $3.-i0 per cwt. F:xTK,rl ewes. $3.75 lo .ft; bucks, .$3 lo $3. .50; lambs, $4 to .$,^.25 per cwt. Hogs are weak. Selects at .$o..tO to .$5.60 al outside points, and .$5.75 T<.iv)iilo. . Harris (|uole.s .s<'|ects jil $5.75 !o 155.80, mc<liuin al S5.50. and tliin liogs al $5 per cwt. MVE Bl!nNED TO DEATH. I'ennsyivani.i Oil Producer's Oliildreii Perish in Flames. .V despatch fiora Titiisville, Pa., says: Awakened by the barking of his dog early on Thurmlay. Thomas W. Ztiver. an oil pTOducer, living east of hope, found his hou.se in flumes, and wilh dillicully he saved his wife nnd their hab.v. Two sons escaped from the sec- ond storey, but were bailly injmi'd. Five children. Kniery. ag.'d 12: f^oland, aged II; Martha, aged 9; I.etlie. aged 7. nnd Nellii', aged 5, were burned lo (hath. Nel.son. aged 14. will probablv die. The fire is suppose<l to have ori- ginated in Ihe Ikjor beneath an over- heated gas ran go. WUen Zuver was awakened by the (!..g he sp-iang fmni his ted. to .see the flumes lilliiig Ihe sil. tmg-room. He forced the window sai^h out, calling 1-3 his wife lo triiig llie baby. Climbing lo the porch roof, lie met one of the older toys com'n.i; through a window. The boy fell sensc- les.s on the roof nnd ilronpcd to Ihe giouiid. Flames prevented Ziiver fi\ini rc-enlertng by the window and he also dropped uni^on-scious from the roof. * SHOT HIMSKLF IN A HOTEL. Wrote Letter lo Swcolhearl Before Com- mUlinn .Art .May Keeovcr. A despatch from North Bay say.s : f'arnell OCxinnor, aged 21, shot himself oo .Saturday nighl with suicidal intent, ii bullot from a 32-calllbre revolver pa.ts- ing Ihrtiugli hi.s right limg. fX'/oiuKir was a guest al the North Kay Hoii.se and l>«-f<ire making the attempt. <.ii his lile wrol<.» a letter to his sw<>ellie«rt al (o- lall saying Wv^y would never iin'el again on earth, and bidding her u lost fare- well. O'Connor is still alive, but his re<'<ivery is doubtful. Ills parciiLs live In Dakota, and he has been einployc<l in N< rth Hav and Cxilialt lor two vears. MENDS A BHOKEN SPINE. Surgeon's Iteraarkable Operation io- Hospital al Montreal. .A de.spalch from Montreal says: A r<-inarkable operati-.n was performed al the General Hosp lal on Friday af- terntsjii by Dr. .\rnislrong on a woman who had f-ir son.e time "been given up- as a lioseless cripple wilh a broken hi.ck. Tiic woman. .'Vfrs. Hudolphe Hayle of \'anixiuver, B. (".. tlie wife of i> C P. 11. telegraph operator, fell (kDwn- .slairs :vnd was believed lo have broken her back. She was bromflil lo liie hos- pital wilh her lower limbs completely piirslyzed. For nearly three hours sh« was under chloroform. It was found that the spinal cord was not injured; but that Ihe vertebrae had been dislo- c:iteiil and broken. Ihe result bein^ I'lvat 11 p<iitiin of the splintered back- bone had p'ccssed upon the spine, thus e.iusing the paralysis. This Dr. .\nn- strong gnulually succeeded in over., earning, and finally closed Ihe wound, e«-invince',i that IIk' woman w<iuld com- plcte'y recovi'C. The o(.ier.iUon is re- garded as one of Ihe most remarkable «nd siiccc-Sislul ever performed al the bij; lio.spitul. * . _ SEVEN lll'HT IN COLLISION. A Passenger Train R.in Into Freiflhl t^rs at Slierbrooke. .A de.spntch from .Nkmlrcal soys: .Sev , '•ral i^ersons were injured in a collis ' ion on Wednp';day at Slierbrvxike. The: train whih leavers Monireal for thalj •own at 4.30 each morning was jusll rruching its destination when it t«V)ki 1 siding, running into three freightf cars. The fi-onl of tiie engine and one) • if ihe fi-elghl cars were smashed. En- gineer Fuller received an Injury lo one <'f hi.s legs. (Ainduclor G. O'Connor, and Baggageman F. A. Hungwfoid) were tolh slightly hurt, but were ablej l». continue at their \.K>siii after thein wounds had been dressed. The two; rtiail clerks, C. lieaudin and VI. Filion," were al.so injured, but not very .seri- ously, as were als<i two pa.ssengers, Messrs. Nightingale and Silverman. Nti olher passengers were hurl, though spveral were badly shaken up. YEAR'S T BADE OF D OMINIOl, Total Imports and Exports Show Big Increase. A despatch from Ollawn sa.vs : The animal report <.f the Traile iind Com merce Department for 1907 has just tief>n Ksued. While, owing to the change in the termination of the ttval year, froni jL-ne 30tb lo March 31st, the report in detail covers onlv the nine months ended March 3I,st, 1907, the trade figures have heen recompiled f-or the purpose of eom- pnrison. arid the result is summarized thus In Ihe r«>pcrt of the Deputy Mintstor: 'The total Imports and exports during tlio nine raanite cover«d by this report wna »465,f«3.WH. as compared with t550,H7S,&45 during llie pr«viou» year of lwelv« months, or $.^w>,7»7,(»0 during the corresponding nine months of th« previous yeai'; or, again, th« total 1rad« during Uie tw«lv« lucntlta to Jun« tOih, 1907 lunrevtsod ngwres), wns J«17 9ft4,Sftg, lis compared with $.'v.V),»7?,ft4,S &n sbOTe," A tuminary of tl'te trade of Canada iot the twelve tDcntb.s ended Sept. 30tl» •bowa total imports of $3ft2,i&9,W)7, a* against $200,3.10,543 during Ihc « *. ponding period of 1006, an incrn oJ »«;.100,364. Experts of Canadian piodi.ce ainc.unt- rtl lo 111244. 180.922, as against $214 796- 361, a decrease of $615,459. The duly collected cm imports for tUu twelve months ended .Sept. 30lh was »M,M1,(596, an Increase of $10,619,943, Exports to Great Britain amounted to SdM.tiOa.nw. a decrease of $7,403,372. '^iP*"'* '* ^^' I'nited State* U.lallcd l*ti.!*1.440, an merease of $4,788,110. It i.s to be noted, however, that an in- crpMe In exports for October will monc than make up Ihe comparative dedciency hi th-j tigui'«« lor the )M.:i'i<M| taken. IrniwrU from Great Britiin for Ihe twelve HKintlvs ended .S»pt. 30th totalled $W.,078.752, an Increasf ct 8t3.221,Ri?, while imports from the United states aruounted to •£23,0I0,(M, an tDcrease ol Â¥3tS,M8,U40.

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