THE FLEESHEETON ADTAKCE KovziiBEB 28 1997 CSTABU«l;^KO 1«T« ^,. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . Head Office - - - - Toronto , The Standard Bank pays interest four tinnes a year on all Savings BaAk deposits. Savings Bank Department in Connection with afl Brandies. 10 FLESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell, Manager BR-ANCHSS ALSO AT DURHAM, IlAR.S.I.rrOM AMX> PRICEVT^.f^K Vicinity Chips Apply to W Swiss Bell Riniiers. Good residence to rent A. Annstronjj. Archie MoMilUnot Montana ia yisicing hia father on the South Line, Pricevillo. See our new fall stylesâ€" Tuc'^er, the tailor. Mrs. W. Boyd is in Toronto thin week «nd attended Padereweaki's concert. McDonald has opened a new gro- cery store in the Bolger block, Prioeville. Mr, VVm. McKee moved his family and liouschold goods to Toronto this week. Mi-s. Robert Btst visited her sistar Mrs. Spence in Toronto iast week. - Mrs. W.H. Bunt visited the past week with friends at Woodbrid^e. Mrs. Bert Birds^-y, nee Misa Nellie Harrison, and little son, of Silver Creek, N.Y., iro viEitiu*; relatives heri". For Quality and Quantity ask your deal. «r for the new big pluf s of "bolMi" "stag" «nd "'currency" Ciiewinj} Toba^icoes. Alex English, Rock Mills, left on Tues- day for Furry Sound, to spend the -winter in cauvp near that place. GIAKT TRIPLETS "Currency •'Bobs" at-.d "Stiig" Chewina Tobacc<)e8 in big plui^s. Quality always the same. Miss Willison, the Rock Mills teacher- was unable to tuacb last week, beiui; on the sick list. Comfortable house and larye lot for sale ill Kleshertun. Apply to Mrs. Boyd Thonipson, Flesheitou. Mrs. VanDuseu ia spending two weeks with her dau,'hter, Mrs. Douglass, in OolliUj-Wood. Fancy Vestings and Christmas ties â€" not. seen every day â€" at Tucker's, the tail- . or. Bornâ€" At Hannah, North Dakoti, on Nov. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. James Bowler, a daughter. '' Tucier, the tailor, has a very fine se- 'e 'tion of suitiugs for Christmas suits. Order now. .,j.. ^ â- _^ . . Do not oveilook the B;«pti8t church «atertainnieiit in the town hall ou Dec 9, particulars of which will be given next week, â- â- • 'Dr. Caldwell's sermons for next Sun- day â€" moniiug. Voices from Calvary, evening. How our young people may be- come popular. For Saleâ€" Two acre lot and house next door to .John Bellamy for sale. Apply to Mrs. M A. Moorhouse, 1240 College St., Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Allen, who has been sick for the past month, 'vas removed to the Wet-tein Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday lust, to under^jo an operation. Hurry! Hurry! Huiry Iâ€" There are 2 Short hotii bulls left for sale at Maple Grove Farm. G. H. Burke, Maxwill P. 0.,Qiit. C. E. Tiyon â€" Practical Painter and Decorator, will receive cimtracts for church decoration and school hou.H'.<<. Prioeville, Out. d^et your choppinsc done at the electric l>laut, F.ugenia. Cusiomera will please note that we will do no griuding afiet 4.30 in the afternoon. LOST â€" Account book lost last week by the undersigned. Finder will be re- wtided with ^100.00 in cash by return- ing book to Cha.s. Wolfe, Proton Station, Chopping done every Saturday. â€" G. ColUiiaon, Ceylon. John M. Eunlish, Ceylon, ia about to establish' a temperance house in that vilUge. He is building a stable 30 x 40 feet and expects to open up hia business soon. I An excellent school concert will be held in S. S. No 9., Artemesia, on Dec. 13ih. A good prorrraiu of recitations, diuLiiiues, drills and music is being prepared. Ad- mission 10 and 13c. Lost â€" On October 28, lady's oat, be- tween John Gott's side road and Eugenia Finder please leave with Wm. Gott, Epping. Next Su.iiay is the anniversary of PriceviUu Btptist church. Rov. L. F. Kipp will preach in the afternoon at 2 p. m. Special sirit;ing for the service. Monday evening a grand concert ia being held in the church. See large bills. Came astray,â€" Red and white ateer rising two years, came to the premises of undersigned on or about N«v. 1. Owner can havesame by paying oxpunces. W. J. Moore, lot 170, 1st. west, T. and S. R., FIciiher'on P.O. Yearling heifer came to the premises of the undersigned. Spotted red and •white, about the middle of September. Owner please prove property, pay ex- penses and take away. Robt. Mc Mullen lot 1. Con. 3, Euphrasia. dec 5 Mrs. Built and Mrs. \V. Buyd prepar- ed excellent papers on "Clieerfullness in the Home" which were read at the Institute Meeting on Tuesday. Mrs Price Teeter was elected to attend the Piovincial Convention to ba held in Guelph Dec. 11 and and 12. U.-rses L.stâ€" 1 year old colt, gny, wiih white foot; a 2 year old light bay coll ; also an aged bay horsf, strayed on Monday, Oct. 28. Finder please com- municate with Thos. Taylor, Port Law P. O. , lot 72, con, 1. Artemesia. Best Bros, have withdrawn from their bars^ain to talte over D. McTavish's blacksmith ohop. Mr. Jacob VVilliHins of Eugenia will lake their place and move bis family to town th's week. He has leased his shop at Eugenia to Harry Fcester, who has for seme time hi en blacksmith with Mr. McTavish. Farm for sale cheap, lots 155, 6 and 7. con. 3. W.T. and S.R.,Artemesi.i. 145 acres 20 acres bush and swamp, well watered large frame barn, comfoitaUle house, good orchard. For price and terms ap ply to R. J. Sproule, Flesheiton, or John Stewart on the premises. Mrs Thorn and Mis. \V. S. Christoe of Waldemar were the gueHts of friiuds here last week. Mrs. Christos'a friends here were congratulating her on the ar- rival of her 83rd biitliJay, which event occuired on Mondriy of thi.s week, Nov. 25. The Advance also wisl'.os her many happy returns of the day. Four Owen Sound Sport^s â€" G. Matron, F. Rickard, A. Rolston and H, LePan, also three dogs â€" came down on Monday morning to slay rabbits under the services of a local guide. The slaughter was not grea', only four bunnies falling to their unerring aim â€" one for each niau. They moved on at night to a swamp nearer home. A missionary Society was organizeo in the Presbyterian church on Thursday evening last, the object of which is two- fold â€" the deepening of spiritual life and n forward movement in behalf of mis- sions. The sympathy of all members and Centre Grey Farmer's Institute has be- »dheranta will be solioitcl in behalf of the come amiialed with The Fat Slock Show, I project. Officers were elected as follows; Ouelph, aid all members will b*' admit- , President. Rev. O. C. Little; lat Vice ted free by presenting member's tick, t Pres., J. F. Chard; 2nd Vice Pre^, Mrr ^oxWa. jj. L. McMullen; Sec., Chas. Stewart; Be sure and keep the evening of Dec. iTreas., Mis Eva Loucks; Finance Cum. , 19th open. Port Law public sebool in- Joe. £. McKee. T. R. McKeoiie, Mn. tend holding their annual concert on W.J. Stewart, Mrs. Mo.Vlullen; Program that date. Something unique, don't Committee, Mrs. F. Tucker, Mrs. W. (ni^« i^ ]p«ntbai}i, Miss C*>Im YauDuaen. Mr. W.F.C. Arlidge of Meaford write* a lengthy letter to the pteti juatifying the action uf the grand jury, of which ba was a member, in reporting as thfy did upon the house of refuge. Mr. Arlidge'* letter certainly shows up the institution in an unfavorable light and thoroughly justifie* the action of the grand jury, not" wiihstandiiig any report to the contrary. The result of thi* little tempest which has raged for the past few weeks cannot help but have a favorable effect on con- ditions at the house of refuge. It will let the management know, at least, that they are noi lost to sight in the public eye and that the pnblic demand humani- tarian treatment for the unfortunates placed in its care "Cedar View" Farm, west back line, was the scene of a merry party on Tues- day evening, Nov. 19th, the ocassion be- ing the celebration of the marria'je of the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, which was solemnized in Orang- ville Babtist church on Nov. 19, 1902. Mrs. Wright received in her wedding dress. About forty guests were present, British Columbia being represented by Mrs. J. Foster, while Corbeiton, Flesher- ton and Ceylon were among the places from which the majority haled. The dinning- room was beautifully decorated for the occasion. In a neat speech. Rev. G. C. Lit tie proposed the health of host and hostess. After dinner the party was entertained by all Eoris of parlor games. *0' Public 3chool Notes A rather costly accident occurred in the school house furnace last spring which has recently bnen repaired at a cost of 974 00. It^ was one ol those cases where nobody could be blamed particu- larlyâ€"mure from unfaiuilianty with the action of heat and cold wacer than any- thing else. • lu the last inspector's report the care- taker's work is pronounced to be "wed and carefully dune generally " 1 he inspeotor alho reported of the work in the school: "The classes have hardly yet begun to realize what hard work means. The seniors, however, show a decided improvement. They now study ijUietly and appear to have lecognized in Mr. tieath a master bund. Miss Kane's pupils also are doing excellent work. In Miss Young's room the pupils do better wi^rk ih^in one would expecc with the oc4«r prevadiog. The order is, how- ever, a gre.t improvement o>er that of lust term and I hope it may become better iu the near future." Letter of Condolence The following letter has been forward- ed im behalf of Prince Arthur L<jdge, A. F. &M.: Mra. A. S. VanDusen: Deak Maoa.\iâ€" At the regular meet- ing of Prince Arthur Lodge, Jso. 333, A F. ife A.M., held ou Fridiiy evening the 15th iust , a resolution was unainiously adop- ted, instructing the undersigned coniiiut- tee to couvf y to you the lieurtfelt sym- [wthy of the lodge in the great bereuve- iiient which you have l3een called to pass through by the death of your beloved husband. Prince Arthur Loilge mourns with you because uf the loss of a nieinljer ;ind an officer so valued and a-i highly esteemed as was Worshipful Brother V'uiiJJusen, who hail tilled with much honor to him- self and U> the craft the highest p<jsitions in the gift of the lodge. We inuiu-u wo sliall no more at our lodge meeting.s see his familiar face, hear his voice in words of wise council and be helped by his true fraternal fel- lowship. But much as we feel our loss we are conscious it can be felt but in a small measure to that experienced by you and your family as you view the vacant chair in your home and "sigh for the touch if .1 vanished hand and t le sound f a voice that is still.' Therefore the deepest symimthy of the lodge is hereljy extended to you and your family in the loss you luivo sustained, and while earne.stly pi-ayiiig the Most High to greatly comfort your sorrowing hearts we would remind you of the consoling thought that: "Death i.s but the gateway to a higher life, A life tiiui^ broader than the one we .see A volume grand, rewritten and revised Of what we are and what we are to be." On behalf of Prince Arthur Lodge, J. Blackburn. M. K. liichardson, T. A. Blakcly, Committee. Flesherton, Nov. 20, '07 A Denial To the Editor of The AUeance. Dear Sir â€" In a late issue of your paper I notice a list of the injured from the Cidedon wreck who have settled with the railway company. Among those is my name. I would say, so far as my name is concerned the statement is untrue and misleading and might work an injury to others similarly situated. My injuries are of too severe a nature, and, I fear too bistiug a character, to admit of set- tlement as yet. Will you please give the above named statement a complete de- nial over my signature. Pnceville, Nov. 86, 19U7. COLLINSONS' CEYLON'S NEW STORE. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes and Hardware. Flour and Feed,â€" Bran and Shorts. Special reductions on large lois. T Come and inspect our stock and give us a chance to prove our worthiness of your PATRONAGE. Collin son - - Bros., Ceylon. i rhompson's Bakery Bread delivered regularly and sold at the following places: â€" CEYLON ft. Cook'* and Jas. Paltisou's. EUGENIA H. Cairns, R. Parks, F .McDonald. KIMBERLBY T. Weber and M. R. Hammond. MAXWELL R. Kinnear & Son. FEVERSHAM Eli Robinson and Ab. Hutchinson. Best Manitoba Flour for sale. <Ft^. U/iompaon ^leakenioa GENUINE BARGAINS at Ceylon. Having bought a lot of goods away below regular value I intend giving my customers the benefit thereof. See the following: .. . Boys' Overalls from 25cperpairup Men's Overalls from 50c up Boys' Tweed Pants, lined, fnm 50c up Big Bargains iu Boots and Shoes to make room for Rubbers. Ready-Made Clotbiugâ€" a large assortment â€" Overcoats â€" also some very prettj Ladies' FURS. Call and see tbem. Highest prices paid for Farm Products. Windsor barrel Salt, fine and coarse. Floar and Feed always on Land. Jas. Pattisoa, - - Ceylon. 3« 3^ ^ ^ ^ THESE YOU WANT: Worth Style and Wear, . . and Strength Choice and Cheapness We are offering in our stock of new goods, thinifs desirable for winter wear, Boor*, Shoes, Slippers, Overstockings, Legging*, Telescopes, and Sliiie dressings. which includes most Ruliheis, Overshoes, Trunks, Suit cases Our Boots & Shoes .\re from the best faototies. We have Men's Leggings that are gjre to give satisfaction. Call and see our Pl'NCTl UK PROOF and MALTESE CROSS Rubbers No better to be bad. CLAYT0N5' Flesherton. .•^-Wn^JvO..- . .v::^^.•:^ /rwi:v^ -^. ..•..â- -": .^.^^/r. â„¢^^%^ Gentlemen's Tweed Suitings You need a new Tweed made to order suit for Christmas. We have just wiiat you want iu tlio newest goods. Gents Over Coats We cannot be surpassed for lashioiiable overcoats, either iu Milton or Beaver iu black, or tweeds in brown. We Lave them at the tight price. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets WeLave just what you want, iu a lady's Jacket, either astrachau revered with sable or without, or seal, and below market value. Gents' Coon Coats "They are the nicest coat.-f on the line " is what a gentleman said who understands coats. If you want a good coat "call and get our price before buyiug. Saws I Saws I Saws I We have them and you want them. We carry the Maple Leaf, Buffalo Bill and Monarch in stock. GLOVES Just arrived! Our large Hock of Glove.o, either in dressed or nn- dreited kid ir buck, lined or uuliued at the moat rcasjuable price. F. e. KARSTEDT -4- FleshjBTton