* i There is one rrof that laves moaty because it will last 100 year^. Guariinteed in writing for 26 years. "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Thib roof saves you wurk because its no easy to put on (Jo it yourself with a hainiaer and suipsX aiMl save you worry bccauM they nreproof. windnroof and weaiher-f>riX}f th« building they cover. Write us about it nnd hear all about ao7 ROOFING RIGHT. Addreu The PEDLAR People ^2 OibaiM MonUeal Ottaw» Toroato Londou vni.ntv«s "^rrT NEW YORK *;f THE NEW FIKEPRuOP HOTEL NAVARRE 7th Ave. and 3« h St. 3M FEET WEST Of BROADWAY, Maximum of Luxury aX Minimum C-'St Aeeanlbl*. Qalet and Elegant. Within Fira Mlnutaa' Walk of Tb6atr«(i, Shops and Club*. Naw Duh.'h Urill Ruuma Larg"»t in CI17. Cahle Can Fua HuCal ti all'iUilroads. Enrupaan Plan. $1.50 par day «ithoot bath, t^oa par da; with bath. Suitaa t3.S0 npwardit. Sand for Buuklat. STEARNS A DAmB. Propa STRIKRS STAaTKD BY SPOOKS. .Many Oilier Trades Than Miners Are Siirilorly AHecled. At the momeni ot writing, all Ihc col- lars in the great Abhooz coal-pit near Licge, in Bflgiuni, ore on strike, the cause of their ctosniion of work being n 1 apparition of a ferrrale ligure draped in whit<». This, of cour.se, is no new thing, for miners are provcrbiully superstitious. Indeed, it is only a few years since a piecisely similar occurrence look place at the (Jlyncorrwg (xilliery in Glaraor- gan.shire. In this ca.s<; the "wotimn in \vh:le." as .she acil to be called, wa.s the CRi.se of H loss to the neif^hlxirhood from which it tias even now hardly en- I tirely recovered. I In Warwickshire, ii(,''^in, in 1R7.3. oc- k'i;rred a ttrike which lastcii nearly a 1 year, ami cost over S150.WK) in wages ! alone, the alleged cause being a "lumin- lous boy." Thft apparition hnunteii, it was suid, « ccTlain disu.sed drift. Into this drift one day, a nuner, tx)l<ler than 'his fellows, venture I to penetrate, with 'the result that the "luminous boy" wa.s fcund to he nothing more terrible lliun a post. clothe<i in decaying fungi. It must not be supposed, however, that these spook-induced strikes are entirely confine<l to miners. On the conti-ary, til? British blue txKiks on .strikes, which ar? publis'ied annually, 'Vintain many in-ilanci\s <.t other trades being similarly aHlicted. Thus, in North t>oMilon, not long since, a ninnber o' buil(ier= ('eclip'-d to continue work in a "haunted hou.se," and a similar occurence was, alv.ut the same time, reportfd from Glasgow. There has even been recorded a strike of stf:ved<'tiv:s due l»i an alleged ghost in Uie hold of a vessel 11 ev were unloading. 4. E.MERr.!; FROM CIUtVS.ALlS. Women of Turkey Daily Becoming Modernized. Compared with flftewi years ago, even tht- outward appeajance of tlje women of Turkey has changed appreciably. Thr' Yaehmak. or v«il, is being more dis- carde'i, and when still worn conceals much less cf Ihe face and figure than be- f< i-e. Dress generally has now a distinct western kuik atout it, and more often than not a modem belt is w<jrn around \*-i- waLst. Perhaps the mo.st noti«»able feciure of Ihe altered conditions of life is the comparative freedom with which rr'Oilem Turkisti women move iboiit in I'liblic. Formeriy kept under .strict gi-ard by the eunuchs, they now show themselves frer'ly in the company of male relatives and friends. Hhysicians 81-.; no longer debarred from administer- ing medical aid to Turkisii women at Iheii" own iKiiiiesâ€" an unheaiil of prac- lii,e less than twenty years age. IIf':RRINi;S 33 A PE.\NY. F.ATAL SLEEPING SICKNE.SS. Prot. Koch Finds That Crocodiles are Ibe Cause. Professor Koch has given a most Interesting account of hij> recient eK- periments in Kast .Mrica to a special corresixjiidoiit of Ihc Lokalunzeiger, of Berlin, Germany. The professor, who is in the be.-»t o( health, said that he had iKvn living tci- the last eighteen months on a de- solate island belonging lo the .'h'ssc group, in the middle of N'ictoria \> an- sa, with an army mettical sergeant ns his so'e while companion. They dwell in a straw hut similar to those occupied by the natives and saw only three £ui»a,peaii5 thr«jugh- out their slay, two of them being Viennese doclors and the third a Ger- man ofTlcial. Tlu'ir only moans of cciitunmiioallon with the world was a (jrimeavnl na.tive ixiat fash:<ine4 out of a tree trunk, which conveyed them lo Ihi- mainland. .•Sleeping sickness Is particularly pre- valent in the Sesse. Islands, the inhabi- tant* <if which are gradually dying off through the ravages of the dl.se.i.se. r'rofe-s.sor Koch has ascertained that wherever croc<xliles are found tho' dis- ease may tie discovered, hut -only in places near the banks. The blood of ci-owidilos forms the chief nourishment of the gtossina palpalis, the insect which conveys the germs of the disease. The in.socts suck I ho blo<jd between the plates of Ihc animal's hide. The extermination of the glossina Is inipossibU', but the same cud may bt reached by destroying the crocodiles 01 by the removal of the hushes and undergrowth where (he animals lurk. Professor Koch made attempts to poison civic«jdili's with prepared meat, but had great diftlcully in preventing Ihe natives fwm seizing and eating it. The principal outcome of r^fessor Koch's investigations Ls thai there is a possibilily now of making a certain diagnosis of .sJee.ping.^i(ikness and of fi<i<ipliiig mtthods to combat it. .Suhcutane<iu.s injections of arsenic tiave prcA'c-d ellicacious, but Ihe chief Tiieans of fighting the disease lie in con- Blant medical attendance and in pre- venting patients from going into hith «rto unitifei-ted parl.s. DODDS ' KIDNEY !.>v PILLS .•vxv. ISSl^ NO. «- «. ! Sixty .Million llerriiins f inde d at Var- I miMith Oiii- Day Recently. j There were reiruirkable .scein s at Yar- j nsouih, England, the i)tt)er diiy. The [ town was full of henings. It is esti- ! mated thai 60,000.000 flsh were lunde'' j [roni the boats, and prices dropped lo \a~ low as 2s. 6d. per cran of 1,000 her- ; rings^ â€" thiily-three for a penny. I The work of unloa'ting pr<.«efded that < night along a stretch of nearly three ; riii(»s wi'h Ihe aid of thire lani..s. Hun- dreds mt horses and carls were ocx'upied till past midnight carting away fi.sh to • (be curing hoi'scs. and the Highland her- i ring girls, pursuing their work with llie jaio of naphtha torches, lighkiied their lal-ors by singing choruses. .Some bijals were diverted to Grimsby ! to ease off the i-rc.ssure. Hundreds <if j baskets and barrels lUlcd with her- I rings had to remain all night on llie j quays. Every nifin in want oi a job was I able to find one during Ihe day. One linn report that the average catch of Iheir (leel of a hundred iKists was 1:10,000 fish. The sea under the inllueiice oi a go<)<l IWe and a full inocn seemed lecining with tierrings. SIMPLrPRESCRiPTlON. FASILY MIXED AT HOME AND CLRES ALL RilEl.MAIIS.M. I''ull Directions (o Make and Take Tliis Simple Ilonie-.MaJe Mixture -- Makes Kidneys Filter .Acids. When an emiiiciil aulli^.rity announc- e.t that he had found a new way lo Ireut iliat dread American disease, lUieumu- ti.sni, with ju6l oominon, every-dav diugs found in any dnig store, the phy- .siciuns were siow indeed lo allJich much importance to his claims. This was only .1 few months ago. To-day nearly c iv iiew.sfiapei' in the yoiinlry. even Uie metropolitan dailies arc announcing 't find the splendid results achieved. 11 is so simple than any one can prepare it n home at small cost. It is made up as fiillowK : Gel fi-om any go«^d drug gist Fluid Extract Dandelion, one- lialt ounce; Cc.npound Kai'gon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. three oimces. Mix by shaking in a t.ot- tlo and lake in teasr ;:ful doses after each meal an' at btulijie. These are a:i siniple ingredients, making an ab- .solutely hartnless home remedy at Ultlc c<«st. ilheumatism, as e%Ty one knows, is a symptom of deranged kidneys. It is a condition produced by the failure of thi- kidneys to properly titter or strain I from the blood the uric acid and other n.atler which, if not era'Jicated, either i;i the urine or through Ihe skin pores, remains in Ihe blood, decomjxises an.1 lornis about the joints and mu.scifcs, causing Ihe untokl suffering and de foimity of rhcuinausm. This prescription is said to be a splen- did healing, cleansing nnd invigmaling Ionic lo the kklneys, and gives almost immediate relief In all forms of bladder and urinary lixiubles and buckciche. NOT A (HIiKHFUL BRAND. "Haven't you any milk that is more cheerril Itian this'?" queried the new boarder as he poured some of Uie liquid into his coftee. "Why, wh'ji do ycu mean by that?" qreried the landlady. "Oh, nothing," rejoined the n. b.; "only this milk seems lo have the blues." .A Successful Medicine. â€" Everyone wishes lo be .iicccssful m any uiider- laking in whic'r. he may e^gage. ll is therefore. I'xlreinely gritifying lo me propiiie'o-s of Paririeiee's Vetjeliible fills lo kn«)w that their efforts to com- pound a irn dicine which wouUI prove J blessing lo mankind have been siic- ces-ful beyond e.Np<;clalii;ns. The en- <!or.sation of lliese Pills by the public is a giiaranlee that a piil iias b<-en pro- dr&d which will fultil evcrylliing ciaijncd for it. B RICK'S TASTELESS •• IVenovates the entire system. Is palatable and can be easily assimilated. Cod liver oil is nauseous â€" • >; IXnocks out tlie stonaach. So that very few persons can take it Take a dose of " B.-ick's Tasteless' ^Lnd noie how pleasant it is â€" ' > . ' Starts you eating at once â€" relieves ;' '; • That tired feeling which â- Every one speaks of from time to time, and the Languid feeling disapp>ears immediately. E^very t>ott!e taken is guaranteed lo show improvement ; So why should you hesitate to take it ? See your druggist today about "Brick's Tasteless." Two Sizes â€" 8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce botde $1.00 "Halloa. Jack, old b'ly. wr.ting home tor money '!" "No." "W hat are yuii taking so much trouble over, then '' You've l)een fussing and fuming over it f<ir the last two hours. ' "I'm trying to write home without asking for money. A.V UOLT P.wnLT nt skin dlwaMa la tIM nnt fiauarailydaaciiUeJ by the woni Ecuima. In all ti fitnnd it r«*i<»ta urdinary treatment, but ii c.^mplataly cnrad by Waavar's Carat* naad in oun- uactiou with VVaavar'9 isyrup It's Simply iiTcsisliblc the way a pucker roosts on a pretty girl's lips. A woman detests a man who (latlers almost OS much as one who doesn't. The.s*' two desirable quahiicrtions. pleasant to the lasle and at Uie same lime effectual, are lo be found in M'llher Graves Worm E.xtermiiialor. Childnm like it. Gathering cabbage is one kind of head work. Some people's charily consists in giv- iiit' advii'.e. If CM. Mnngc Prairie Scratches and every form of c^'n agious Ilch on human .1 hiiimals cured in 30 minuies by Wcl- forj's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. .s<.>;.l by all druggists. Vany an inn seems all right until it !!> found out. Talkative women arc naturally open- faced. A Cartfully Prepared Pill.â€" \furh tin-ie and attention were expcii 'cd in iho c.\;criii:en!ing wflh tli*? !nj.Tp«li- cnts that enter mJ-o Uie Ciiiiiiio.';iliop • â- f Parir'eloc'.s Vcgilable Pilis before Ihey were brought to the sUilc in whi- h they w-ere lir- 1 off<Tcd to Ihe pub'lc. Whatever oilier pills may be. Parrnelcj's Vegetable Pills aiv Ihe ve- suit of inuch expert study, and all per- se ns si:fer ng frtan dyspepsia or dis- ordered liver and kidneys may confi- dently accept them ns being what they are i-enre.senled lo be. ACniCULTUnAI.. 'Thought you said you had ploughed that ten-acre Beldr' said th« ni-.st fann- er "Oh, I see; you've merely turned it over in your mind-' It is possible Ic draw out a man and riake him intspeRling-biit it's differ- ent with A sernion. He is indeed a rai-o youth who never sent his best girl something soft â€" fruit, candy or letters. . "I must gel y«« another chair for the kitchen, Katie. I eee .v-ou have only one." "Shure, you ni>edn't mind, ma'am. 1 have jK>ne but ginll«maii callers." Clerk; This letter is U>o heavy; you must slicJ< another stamp on." Woman; "But voiill only ntake It heavier il you do that" "Fine feathers," remarket! the man with Ihe qunlntion habit. "d<. not muk'- |in. *irds.'' "N'd.' rejolncil the father of s'Acn griwii daiigli ers. "but they make f.ne fortuncis for niiiliners." FRRROVIM, WHAT IS ITT It is the nams ot the btiit. tonu: It bulliU up Ihe »> ta.'u, jkb- ii«w Ufa, m^Uaa ^upla wall and sttoiif. lie suie yiiu get the (aauiue " terroTim." Popular music is probably .so ealUM Iccause il soon becomes unpopular. Ign<iranc<' in.iy not he bliss, but it generates a tot «1 contentment. When all other com proparatkms fail, ti'y Holloways ('orn Cur.-. No pain whalever, and no uujoiiveniencc in using it. A CAPHI'^IOUS APPETITE. "It's awfully Irving, this catering lo a sick girl." .Mrs. Ucuglass ooiifessed to th.! friendly visitor who had called to in- quire for Amy. "1 believe this convalescent business comes harder on ine than her ival sick- ne.ss," conllniied Mrs. IViiigla.ss, with n deep sigh. "I'm that pul tn it to gel sciniMhlng that she'll eat with a relish, I get all riled up M)mctini<.6 trying to tempt her. " The visitor murmured something sym- pnthetic. and thus encouraged, .Mrs. rViUgla&s went on. "Only yeslaxlay,' she said. "I got her a pork chop and live cents' worth of marshma'Wiws for her dtTin«r. and if you'll believe me she l^imcd up her nose und «aid she coudln't eat a niU« I' Builders of air castles do itot have b) worry about Uhor etrikea. FACTORY Power, Heat, Electric Lijht, to Lease for a Term of Years- Central location. About tan thousand squara feat In four floora and basamant. Exoallent shipp ni facilities Standard Fire Sprinkler Systam. Low insuranoa rato. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide St. West, TorcntQ M.VKES A DIFFERENCE. "If a man loses his ptickelbook." said the inoralizer. "he thinks the chap who finds it is no better Ihaji a thief if he doesn't return it.' "Y'es. " n-joinod the demoralizer, "but if he finds oome other fellow's pocket- Lv-okâ€" well, it comes like pulling teeth to give il up." The efficacy of Bickle's Anli-<>)nsump- live Syrup in curing coughs and cold.s i.nd arresting inflammalicn of llie lungs, can be established hy hundreds of testiinoniuls from ail » ris and con- ditions of men. It is a standard rein- idy in Ihejic ailmen's and all affeo- l.ons of the throat and lungs. It :s highly icc«Mt!ii:eii<led by meui..ino ven- ders, because they kiKnv and appreciate its value as a curative. Tiy jl. .\ prcfes,sor was rejiroving a student for his idleness, when the latter said : "It's no use finding fault; 1 was fut out f<ir a loafer." "Well." replied Ihe pro- ressor. surveying him critically fnmi head lo fivit. "whoever cut you out understood his bu.siness thoroughly." WBLCOME AS SVNSHINB after stnm ti the relief when an obstinate, pitita.vi cuugh iia4 been jriven away by .Alien's Lun^ Oalsaoi. Nu upiuu in it. The aood effect Witt. If you feel like shnUing a friend when lie is down, shake his liand. .Many a mans belief in his superior wisJom makes a fcsjl of him. Ghcapcsl of All Me<licine.<. â€"Consider- ing the curative qualities of Dr. 'I'homas' Eclcclric Oil it is the choap- ist mediiine now ol/ered lo the pub- lic. The t;o.s»' required in any ailn>enl if small and a bottle contains many dcse.s. If it were valucil at the Lv-nefit It confers it could ml be purchaseil for many tiniiv the price asked .ifcr il but lner<'ased <X)nsiunption has simplilled and clieapeiied its monufac- turc. AGENTS WANTED. MAKB MONEY, Bjra juia (lirla. lallinr Ulia Pcn>, writer .tvi words wahc.ut alppln/ In ink. Hamplen iO cents 1 ilter). Big prohta. vaJuabla pniniumafree. tAMPBkLL BH3t., Auburn. N.V. Fear of alimony is one reason why sMnc men arc shy abcut iiianying. MAKB A NOTE OK it, " The D * L ' Menthol FtaJ>ter is gtiaraitteed to cure the w.jrst ca^ of baekauhe. bea<l&clie. stitches. .\Toid Hubctitutaa Ciet the (enuln« m.^pe by U.iTi!i A I.awrence Cu. A teacher who asked a girl to purchnse a graniinar. received Ihe following note fivni the litlte girl's mother:â€""! do not desire Ihul .Matty ingage in grammar, and I do prefer her to ingage in more useful studies, and can lc«rn her lo wTite and speak proper my.si'if. 1 wetit Ihixjgh Iw'i gnimiiiars ami cant say as Ihcv did iiu^ no good. I prefer Matty to ingage m Gennan and drawing, and vokal music on the peano.' Special Notice, SiaS-OO caah will buy naw uprchl ptanoa, fatly warranted. Write .VJajI Order DepartmontL THK LKACH PIANO CO. Ltd., Montreal for Illustrated catalogue. Dyeing I Cleaning I 'erUe<efT keM Ma4 re«< *«rt to the Murma amirioam ariiMa aa." Itaah far mmi Ib rew Iowa. e> tmmi 4fawe*. M«atrMl,T«roato, Otuwa. Qocka* CAPAC COLD MIMES CP., LTD. Capital Sio.ooo.uoo Shares Sio. Pa^a 4*4*; UlviUaua. 100,000 aharfls loft tu be aold ou Uiu luUuwiDg ;ernii : !^o'^, upon lubftcrlption. 25;. P9b. I, ivt«S> J. J. VAN NOTK. Trfas., Ifil Sunuiter St., B^i-^ton. Ef dry WomaB 11 :at«r««t«<t Uk<\ ui>'al(l know aoomt Um wondarfol LMARVELWhirlin T6» new Ta«laal DmIâ€" 11 vti o<Mi Ten. II de Ami u be eaiittot eappiy iM MABTaL, »cct»l BO otfatr, bat eand liaaia for Ulaatrated bock-aeaud. It civc* foil pardoalwa and dlrecUoue m- eKlltaM4» to IsHlM. '*^Ha WDIWOIl 8UTP1.T CO.. WlBdt<ir. Oah Oeoaral .Axeaita fur Cnne^la, aOLB WATCH ANB RiMa FREE AoAmefleaB Moreaitnl W«t.-ri wit* Uald riated Cut, warr.uled t* kerp oiirecl Um«, «i»>il« â- " ajiptar. xnci to a Solid ttal d Wau;b wa r, i&nud for 20 7t.Arl;alftoa Odd F!1I«J tint •« wiU a Si>ar«!lnB , both f!T«n fTM for teti'nf ^„,_ only M Jewflry UoTeltiea, at »•«. «aoo. Senrtyonr aaiaaaad addreu for Jrwtlry. When Kid wnd n« tbeH 40 »='! "*??12 2'i2 e wateh and rinf, -â- •»«•â- «'•â- VBIF.NB Orrt. 4i8 Boeto NOT EMOTIO.NAL. .Slaying at an inn in Scotland, n sb.o«)l- ing parly found th-'ir sport much iutor- fi i-ed with by lain. Still, wel or line, the cld-fasliioned barometer, hanging in the hall, perT>islcnlly pointed to "Set Fair. " At length one of the pniiy drew tt;e landlord's attention to tlie glass, say- ing : "Don't .vou think now. Dugaid. ihere'.'i s:)iiieLhitig the mailer with your gla.ss?'" "No sir,'' replied Dugaid. with dijiiiily; "she's a good glass and a powerful glass, but she's no inovcil wi Inlks.' Repeat It. Learn It. Know It, Shiloh's Cure Will Cure Y Cold <3