^f^ NOVKMBER 28 1907 THE FLESHEHTON ADVANC HHHB^^^ For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap- prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard coufh* Th* bMt kind of » tMtimoBlsl- **Bold lor over lixtr TMra>" /€ br *. O. iTJf C«v yers >. SARSAPAtOU. mxs. W* k<T« no Morvla ! W* psbltok th* IbnnalM or all oar bi ~ ' Ay*r'* Pill* keep the bow*ls regular. All vasetable and genUy laxatht*. Sbortborn Bull TliethHTOUKlOired Slmrlhoni Hull, "Faro ite," 62235, in for HerviciMmlot27-28,2ndran N. D. K ,Artt!iiiesia. l'«iigr«eonBi>ijlication Terui»«l.26 ALKX. McRAE. C«ylon Business Cards M'CUUjOUaH * YOUNS Ul Hauker Markdale Oo a Rouaral bankioR buaineaa. Moaejr loaned a ruasooable ratu Call on ua. TCHI8LETT, • rostiiiastor, Ceylon. <k>umi>i8ioiior lu H. C. J .Convevancer, doods, ixiort#(at;o8, lu&fiuf*, wiHh otc. carefully drawn up Julluctiuus mad:', cbarijea reationable. Alio Rrooeriea, flour, feed etc, kept in stock, Fric«a rlKbt. RJ SI'BOULE Fottmastet, Fleaherton >x>umiaaloniir In H. C J., Aaotionaer Con- veyancer, Appraiser and Voney Lauder Heal Ratate and Insurance Agent. Deede mortKaKea, leasee aud wtlla carefully drawn â- p antf valuatiouB uiado an itaorteit notlca. money to loan at loweHt ratea of interoat. Col eitiona attended to with proniptneaa charges low. Agent lor Ooe»n Dominion Staamsbip Company. A call aolioltod. DMoPHAICi, l.lceus«d Auctioneer fot the â- County of Orey, Tornia moderate aud aatisfactlon Kuarantenil. The arrangements and dates of tialuH can be made a*, TaR Adtascb office. Hetldenca aud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone 4!onnootlon. Due. S.07. DAVID BOIIRKTR. llceoaed awctloneer for Orey Count y. Prompt attention Riven all anleu eutrutled to my care, AriauRoments can be made at this office. 1 EO. (1 . LUDLOW, Licenie^A uolioneer (or tbe r__...Jl CouDty of Oroy. Prompt service aud -^ ^able tiiruia. Proton Htatiou P. 0. hIbvi f HiTBVBY PEHIOOB, Feverataam *' Insurance. Heal eatate and stocks. Con- vtiyaticur. Loutts and Coltoclioufl. Write for riituH un Kint, l^ifo ur Hick buuiitlt Uiaurauco. Uetter roiitracta and lower rates on Aroiu- > aurance now. Societies AO U W uioets 01, tbe last Monday in eacii iiioutb, In tbulr loURe roou). Christoo's block. KleHherton.at 8 p.m. M.W., Kraiik Chard ; Kuc. T. Itlakuly, Financier, \V.J. Iluliamy. ViBltiDR brethreo icvlted. PiUNCK AllTHUU LODIIE, No. H33,A.F& A M, meets In tliu Uasonicball. Htraln's bltKik. Kioftbiirton. every Friday on or before the full luocn. W A.AruiatronR, W M.; Herb. dullU, Hecretary. pOUKT FLKSIIKltTON OW. I. 0. F. iroet* In ^ Cbi UtOti'a lllock tliw laat U'edneaday evuulnR of itach month, ViHltli)){ Foresters heartily wfllvoiiici. C. It., Dr. Murray; U. B., T. Henry; Fin. Hec, C. N. Itlchardann. Please pay duce to Fin, 8ec. before the Brst day of the moiitli. CHOSEN FhlKND8-Fl(i«herton Counoll of (;nnst>n FrinnilH nieotH in ('lavton's hall flrst anil tliiril Weilne^dav of tibch mout H p. m I'lty aMSDHHuiuntH Co tiiH Htu-ordiir on or before i"u flrst layiif uauli mouth. Chief Councillor, T. UI«ksley;Ueoorder, W. II. Buut. Medical DH CAKTBB M CP& H Ont. Phyalclan, Snrgeon.etc UUlue and residenceâ€" Peter at., Klesherton Dtt. A. T, HOND Orsdnatf Toronto ITnlvors'.ty. Ucm- Imr r>f Ontario (^olleRe o; PliyHlcilans and Hur- ye ;us. Maxffftll. Onr.. rtnccessor to Dr, 8cott. Jp OTTi;wi;i,i, Vutorinary Hur|;eon Oradnate nf Ontario Veterinary CollsRe, r«Hldeitce â€" Hjuuiid door south west' on Marv street. This atraet runs aoutb Preshvtsriaii Church. â€" HWILHON, Klarkfmltb • traibiatn of the Veterinary Science Aasociallnn. ll>'f<l Innco, Durhaiu itreet, op- pi»lt« P >yd, Hidkliug's hardware. Lkual LUCAR WIIIOHT * MrARDT^R llarrltttorH Sollvitnra Conveyaneers, eio omocsâ€" '>w.ui Sound. Ont aud MarkdalaOnt W H Wbkiiit, Mc<iiDi.a I H Lucas N n -FI«8hi>rton nfflco, Mitchell's Bank •vary Saturday, Dentistry ly. e, C. MIIRRAV !„ n. n , ilontal •nmeon V hnnoi'R>«(luat« of Toronto I'lilviirsltvaod Rnyal ('oM,*u<t of Otuital Anrs^ons nf Ontario, 0as adnjinlatHred for tenth estraotlnn. < J >â€" •! reslilanee. To ronin street Plashsrtoa, Shorthorns, Bees and Poultry â- MBl 3r. €tmw bees ha*« wintered well and we hara a barnfeolonlaa for sals and yMM avaniw tbs arat of Jane. You sbaaM â- •• oar pea A Sus^gestion Of Rare Value A diseased condition of the aurfaceo of llio air pnS4aX'''B oauiieH bad breath, but more commonly emanates from digestion »r ftny impure condition of the blood. Thoutauds of casus prore that Dr.jHamil- ton's Pill8 through their specifio action on the secretory and elirainative organs, not only cure bad broatb.biit to thorough- ly purify the system I bat anything su^eat- ire of blood or digestive troubles is iui- (KjBsible. Througb Dr. Hamilton's Pills the skin grows rosy and clear, activity of thti body and mind increases, and bound- ing health is established, (old everywhere in 25c boxes. iii[liy£is. CAREFLLUY CORRECTED EA H WEEK. OaU 46 '.o 45 P'M 80 to 80 barley CO to 60 Wheal 90 to 90 Hay 14 00 t..l6 00 Butter 26 tc 26 Bugs, fresh 26 to 25 Potatoes per bag 76 to 75 Oeeso 8 to 8^ Ducks 8 to 8 Chickens 6 to 7 Turkeys 12 to 12 Our Clubbing List The Montreal Herald have withdrawn their paper from our clubbin<; list. Advance, and ToronUi World, daily $2 60 Toronto Daily News 2 80 Weekly Globe 1 80 Miiil-Enipire 1 80 Family Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Farmers Sun 1 80 Farmers Advocate 2 26 Weekly Witness 1 70 Saturday Night 2 55 BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE (Inod training. Small cost. Oond post- tioua. Free Catalog. U A Farquharson U A, oor Tonge and Ulocr Sts, Toronto. IDS FURNITURE SEASONABLE GOODS IN The large.st and IniKt stock of Furniture over shown in Flesbeiton. TliiH without feitr of con- tradiction. Come and see HtJino of the nice tilings ill Side li<uti'dH, Dining lloom Chairs, Parlor Sotts, I?ed Room Setts. A Kpociiil reduc- tion juNt now on overy- lliing, in order to re- diico the wtock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER ESHERTON Winter Harness Goods I liavo in stock all kinds of Harness, ndlB, hiankets, Robes, Wlijps, Sur- cingles, Uoof Oiiilmcut, Oall Cnie, Plusli Rugs, Dash Aprons, Trunks, Valises, etc. llcpairiiig dono promptly aad uoatly. 6. W. PHILLIPS KLESHERTON, ONf. . V/ ANTED . flt.«1.Hrown Lasbarrx hefma aattiM foar 0gt tw balsMnc: H ewnta ter U •â- â- s. 4»tl«l tod a. r. *|S. B. risahertea. S. AUBR A National Live Stock Convention A meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Live Stock Association was hold on Thur8<Iay, November 7th, at the ofhce of the Live St<jck Coinmis- siont' r, Ottawa, to connider the calling of the next convention of that body. The meeting was attended by the President, Hon. Jfihn Drydcn, Toronto; Vice Presi- dent, Robt Ness, Howick, Que. ; Messrs. G. A. Gigault, Quebec, Que., Arthur JohnsUm, Greenwood, Ont. and J. G. Rutherford, Live Stock Commissioner. Owing to illness the secretary, Mr. West- cr\-elt, was unable to Imj present. The Hon. Sydney Fisher attended the meet- ing during the early part of the day. ArTHngeinents were made for the hold- ing of the next conventicm at Ottawa, on February 5th, 0th and 7th, next. These dates were selected so as t*) permit the breeders from Western Cnnadin and also from the Maritime Provinces to attend the meetings of the cattle, sheep and swine associations, most of which will be held at the end of January and during the first few days in February, as also the Horse Show and meetin^jpi of the Horse Breeders' Associations which are arranged for the week following. A programme for the convention was informally discussed but not definitely aiTanged. A number of subjects will probably be dealt with, but it is likely that the princii>al discussion will be on the advisability of amending the regu- lations governing the admission to Cana- da of pure bred stock. It is also pro {K>sed to take up and discuss the l)es means of retaining for our Canadian breeders the Canadian market for pure bred 8t<K;k and it is proltable that a num- ber of specially prepared [utpers on this subject will be submitted. The future exixirt trade in pure stock will also be discussed, while it is expected that con- siderable light will be thrown on our ex- port trade in cattle and sheep for slaught- er as also our export trade in meats and meat food pnxlucts. The fact that a majority of the live stock meetings are to lie held immediately prior to the convention will render it (Hissible for these bodies to definitely in- struct their delegates as to the stand they are to take on the various subjects likely to come np fordissussion. While this advantage will not l>e shared by a numI)or of the horse breeders' association it is to be hoped that the latter will hold special executive meetings for the pur- pose of instructing their delegates to the convention. TIREDNESS MEANS DANQER! ndicates Faulty Blood and Worn out Neives â€" Build (Jp, or Total Collapse will Surely Follow. When you're tired all (?ay, bothered by tiifles, eihau!ited with nervousness, be sure there IB iioinething wrong. You need bracing up, need more nourishment in the blood, need a power- ful medicine to vitalize the nerves and disiiibiite force and staying power to all over-worked organs. The most marvelous .succcfs is Ferro- 2oiie, a nnurinhing tonic ao'scientitic as to be the adiuinitiou of evory phy.siciiin. Ki'rrozoiie performs wmidors for people in poor health; it acts directly on the lil'iod, enriching it with strength and new life that is at once dispatched to all parts of the body. F'crrozcme feeds the nwrves and vital eriergies.BupplifS force, determi- nution and joyous buoyant spin.s, A case whore there was la8^itude and lai'k of strength is told by Mr. David llrown, of post-olHco box No. 30 Be tton. Dot.: "Ai)()ut a year ago my health commenced to fail. My hands and feet .seeini-d alAsys Cold. I felt worn-out and I'xhauMted, weak aj a little chilJ. My fiice twitched. My linibx and arms com- menced to lose their senae of feeling and finally ny left side was perfectly numb. All my color lift. My appetite ran down. Keirozone was the first to give tne any help. I improved with it very (juickly. It toned up the blood and stalled circula- lii.n, so that the numbness grsdually disappeared. My condiiion was perfectly cured by Ferrozopo, and I have lu'en Wfll ever since. (Signed) D.ivul Brown." SPECIAL NOTICE -To «et satis- factory results he sure you (jot Forrogone only. Fifty cents per box or six boxes f.)r"«2.<M), at all dealers, or N. C. Poison it Co.. Kingston, tint., snd Uartfuid, Conn., U S. A. A Reliable Agent fur FLESH ERTON niid surrounding country, to sell our FAMOUS PEERLESS APPLE TREKS A big hardy red whiter a|>)ile that ^ells on light, also a general line of fruit and nrnanieutal irrci ii>cludin|r nlhrr valu- able tpeeialtioa. G<mn1 paj weekly, out- fit (r»c, â- icluuva territory. WriW now to PBLUAM NU.H8KRYCU. <2r«»*r« of hign «rad« BUfMry akock Tl»RONTO, OHT. M, B., Byaaiil M iâ€" I* rail aflaal* WMkiaf pM* tim*^ What was ch:iracterized by Inspector Ciiiiiptiell aa the '*ti('Ht rural scbiHdhouste Ml Grey County," is that of the new pdi- lioe of S, S. No 7, Egromont. The liuildiou exemplifies inost of the modern id'-ati ill sohoid >ircbit< ctuie. It is solidly liuilt hii'l Will Kni^thi-d. without and with- in. Its exteiii>r is picluie.oiiue and pless- Iti^ and it iiiUrior is bright and c< nveo- lent. It has a basomeiit that can bo used for a pbiyrooui in bad weather and is sur- mouiited by a belfry. It is hented by a fiiinace and has a complete and thorough system of ventilation. Its liuhting la ideal, tbe winilows iK-ing to the left of I he pupils. It has oilecl hardwood II inrs, white painle.l wood ceilinv, and »hund- Riicu of real sltto bUckbaard. Its outer doors open ootwards and ila inaide doora awing both ways. It has tepanttu cloak rooms for boys and giils, oaoh with a lunch closet. There is a rumn for sup- plies and the teacher* private ase. It is the intention we believe to farther beaut- ify the interior with picturra and other pictures of art, and einlMlliah the sor- nmiiuings by layint; out the grounda and plaii;iiw tiee*. The school i* o«rtaiuly one 4if which the aiHilion may be proud, a credit to ill enterprine and the oare aud for«aifiht with which the troat^ea and at«hlt«ot have carried out the woik. Th* new Mhool will eoat ovnr fSOOO. Almost Dead of BroncbitU Few people have suffered niorn th»n Jno. P. Taylor of Dyment, P. O., Oi.t. Today ho i.^ well and write.-<,â€" "I mmt tell you how much Cstarrhozone lias been to me. I was ho bad with bronchitis sometimes I thought it would soon be over with me. A apell of clirtking would Come on that left me prostrated and weak. Since using Catarrhozone I have hud no trouble at all. It strenglhcuetl my throat, Miopped the cough, gave me free lireaib- ing and entirely cured." Just the ex- perience. Catarihuzonp invariably cures whether Bronchitis, Asthma or Catarrh. Two sizes, 2&c and (1.00 at all dealers. Dairy Comrotssinner J. A. Ruddick has been lelliiig the Ottawa correspondent of the Glolie that tlie present high price of butt<ir in the eitie* and towns of Can- ada is just about the limit which can be cbart>ed by tbe producers in this country. He explained tlia^ any further rise in prices would be m^ by imporlatii ih of of butter from Dunniark or other Eumpo- aii Hources, which can be profitaV)ly plac- ed on the niarkei. here at alxiut 30 centa per pound. Thjre is a plentiful supply of Dairy products in Eurnpe this year and the effects of hijih priceHiii.w pr. vail- iug ill Canada has already resulted in considerable ex(«irtatioii to Cunada. The ruling price of good butter in London is now about 24 cents per (xiuiid and it can be sent across the Atlantic mul iiiarkoted here with a fair maniain of profit at an additional coat of five or six cents per (Miuud. Yon are a Mighty Funny Man if yon have Kidney or Bladder Trouble, and wont try Bu-Jo. Because Bu-Ja is the one remedy that is guaranteed to cure you. You can get your money hack if Ba-Ja does not live np to every claim made for it Some time ago a saniide package of pills was I, ft ut the r. sul-nce of Gabriel Sto. Croix and it was biid a>ido without iny being u.«od A few nights ago a member of tlio family upset the box >«nd some of th- pellets rolled ahout the floor; A pup waa fri.sking about the room aod without being iio'icod ate the pi l.i. Shortly afierw.u'ds he was a "giner," ihu dose pioving too much for the dog's stora- ach. â€" Oriiiigevillo Sun. Biliousness and Constipation For yearx I wan troubled with hiliousnearf and con.itipatioii which made life miserable forme. My ap[ietite failed me. 1 lc«t my usual force aud vitality. Pepsin preparation* and cathartics only made nutters wurse. I do nut know where I should have been today hatl I not tried Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets. The tablets relieve the iU feelinj? at <Hice, strenKthen the digestive functions, heliiiii(f the system to do its Wt)rk naturally. â€" Mrs. R .sa Potts, Birmioffham, Ala. These tablets are for .sale by W.E. Rich- ardson. The Young man who has no Education always hits the hardest work and po<->reet pay. Remedy the defects in your edu- cation by a course this winter in the It gives lellef from the head- aches, pain in the back, aching, swollen hands and feet. It heals and strengthens the Kidneys as nothing else will. It enables the Kidneys to filter impurities from the blood, allays irritation of the bladder, and gives grateful help in Rheumatism and Sciatica. Thamesville, 0»T. "I have taken three boxes of your Bti- Ju I'ills, and feel greatly benefitted by their use. They have entirely removed the pains from my back, and thespots be- fore my eyes have entirely disappeared. My ankles were badly swollen, and now I feel quite well." Wm. McKenzie. 50c. a box. At druggists, or sent direct on receipt of price. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED WINDSOR. ONT. U THREE DEPAREMEXTS: Commorci.il, Shorthand & Typewriting, Preparatory. Winter term commences Jan 2. Write for information to C. A. FLEMING, Principal Owen Sound Ontario- WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia Stock = = Best Stock Bell$» Blankets* Robes Fur lined cofits, pocketliooks, satchels, razor strops and 01 h er le.it her n.ioda. Cutters â€" best makesâ€" and everythino in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton, Out. Clearing Sale AT I^ORTLAW Everything in Dry GooJ.s, nrocertoa, Boots and .Shoos, Hani ware rnd Tinware must be sobt reiardljs-is of cu3t j>s I am leaving Port Law. J. A. St. JOHN Gviei-a .\Iifjh»i)k uul Tiisimh Port r.aw - - Onta rio iS^XMXXXX%^fSMX^:»^S^^Xf»XX i^^l In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, Plougbs, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works %^%^V^^%% %^>«/«/%% %^/%.'%%^. If you are thinking o( Iniying a buggy be sure and give me a call before buying elsewhere as I have a first class selection to choose from. / Guarantee Satisfaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing All kinda of ploughs and plough repairs on hand; also repairs for Masaey Harris, I^oxon and McCormick farm iuipleuicuts. I keep a stock on hand al- ways and anyone wanting a croAio separator please drop me ft c»ra and their wanta will be attended to, « • f lesbiertoil MELOTTE [REAM 5EPARATCR5 I>. MoTAVISHC «