Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1907, p. 5

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*%'' THE FLEES II ERTON ADVANCE -*:f Decembbh 12 1907 K8TABLI9HKD 1873 i; TTiE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - . - Toronto The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Brandies. 19 FLESHBRTON BRANCH George Mitchell, MTana^er 8R.i^NCBES ALSO AX D-U?-HA>fi, HAi^-RSSTCM Ann PRICE-VXI^LK Viciivity Chips Apply to W came astray. Ownor Benthani, Fleslieitoii. contracts for acliuol liuuses. Good roaidense to rant, A. Armstrong. Chopping done every Saturday.â€" G. Cullliison, Ceylon. Division Court will be held in Flealier- ton on the 18th innt. See Mr. W. E. Richardson's Chriitinas announccmeuc in this \m\ie. Mrs. McGraw and Mrs. Sinims of Cor- bettoD visited Mrs. Oorbett last week. Hound bitcli plcuse call. W > Bornâ€" At Flesharton, on Wednesday, Dec. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bellamy, a Bon. Rdad tlie Xinas offer of the British Canadian Business Collu(;e in uuuthor column. Mr. Al. Littlejobn of Markdale spent Sunday with his 8iuter,Mr8.Juhn Wallier, in town. Mrs. Mdsier, who has been in Toronto for some time, returned to her home here last week. Good comfortable house and lot in Flesherton for sale or rent. Apply to R. J, Sproule. Mr. Jas. Chambers of Owen Sound is staying at the Munshaw House for a couple of weeks. The various township councils will meet on Monday next, Dec 16, to wind ap the business of the year. Subject at the Baptinl church next Sunday morning: "The Vision Splendid" Rev. Mr. Kipp will preach. Fifty dollars reward for the return to this office of a roll of bills lost on Deo. 3rd at or between Ceylon and Flesherton. Park Lot for Sale â€" A nice four acre park lot, well fenced, with small atublo or shod on the property.â€" W,\V.TrimblB. C. E. Tryon â€" Practical Painter and Decorator, will receive church decoration and Pricoville, Out. Get your choppinor done at the electric plant, EuRonia. Customers will pleaaa noto that wa will do no grinding afler 4.30 111 the afieriioon. Mr. Emerson Bellamy, who has been in tho general hospittil, Toronto, for the past seven weeks, is still unable to sit up, but is improvin;^ slowly. Mr. Geo. Watson, who moved to town recently, informs The Advance that lie will have bi.s naw-mill in operation here about the lirst part of the now year. Mr. Charley Bellamy visited Toronto last week and while there cimsolled a physician. Charley is not rocoverin;; from his wreck injuries would wish. For saleâ€" Bull calf, thorout^hbred Durham exchaiiuo for «<>lt or young aiock. Peter Muir. lot. 20 2nd N. D. R. Arteraesin, Ceylon P. O. 4 ins. Carey Bros., onterlainerR, will give a concert in the town hall, Klesherton, on Monday evoninir, Dec. 23, under iho aus- iricea <ii die Epworth Tj(ja(iue of the Methodiat churcli. See bills. Rev. Mr. Perry of Toronto proached tnotniiiu and ovuninc; in the Methodist church on Sunday last. Mr, Perry was stationed on this circuit thirty-seven years ago, leuvinK three years later. Methodist Sunday School anniversary and Christmas tree will bo held iii the Methodist church, Eugenia, oh Dec. J9. Admission 16 and 26c. A good pir>«r8ni will be given. Tea served from 5. .TO to 7.30. Tho little boy whom wo nirnlioned last week as havinu run away fn.in his homo, is recovering nicely under good nursing, and it ia now about certain that no part of his feet will have to bo ampu- tsted. Municipal matters are exceedingly quiet, only a few rumors floating around like bubbles that cannot be captured. The time is short for ambitious candi- dates, if there are any such, to announce thainsolves. have been home for the past 6ve weeks. They will spend the winter with relatives at Kimberley. Tho construction train of the Canadian Pacific reached hereon Thursday last and is now makini! way towards Hannver whiuh Ihey will aorm reach if the weather continues cpen. â€" Durliani Chronic-le. Wo have decidtd to make a run on a speiiial line of small oinamental copper clocksâ€" re<;ul«r price 83.01) â€" will sell for 82 while thuy last. These make an elegant Chri.st mas present. W. .â- V. Arm- strong, jeweller. Having leased the E'-igenia saw mill for â-  his .'reason I nin prepared to do all kind of custom .sawing. I also want any quantity of lath <^imber foi which higliesi c.-ish price will he paid at tho mill. â€" Th..s. E. Fenwick. Mr. Wood, who was tho Fruhi- bition Conservative Candidate in (he last DufTerin election, will occupy the Method- ist pulpit next Sunday, a in., and p. in. Mr. W'lod is known as an eloipient speak- er. Don't luias him. Red and white steer came to the promises as fast as hu 9 months old. Would sell or Tho Winnen's Institute will moot on VVodnead'iy Dro. 18, at the residence of Mrs. Robert Moore, at 2.30 p. ni. Mrs Price Tenter will uivu a report of the Provincial Convention at Guolph. Visit- era welcome. Woher, jr, of Moosojaw, Came astray, rising two years of uiidei-signed on or about Nuv. 1. Ownor can havosnniehy paying expeni-es. >M. .J. Monre, lot 170, Idt. west, T. and S. R., Fle«her'on P.O. Wo would again remind our United States suosoribers that it will be nnces.sary to make prompt renewals, in order that no cDpios may bo lost. Tho re'5eiitpc»t;il regulations inuke it nooe.ssary that .sub- scriptiona should be paid strictly in ad- vance. Farm for sale cheap, lots 155, 6 and 7. con. 3.W.T. and S.R.,Artemesia. 145 acres 20 acres bush and swamp, well watered large frame barn, comfort^blo house, good orchard. For price and terma ap- ply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, or John Stewart on the premises. Diedâ€" In Osprey, on Tuesday, Deo. 10, Carrie, wife of Wm. Osborne, 8th con., Osprey, aged 35 years. Mrs. Osborne was ill wiih pneumonia for only three days. Shu leaves her husband and four siiihU children. Mrs, Osborne was a daughter of the late Wm. Buckingham. The sclioiil concert to bo held at Port Law on the evening of the 19th inat. , promises to bo the best ovor hold in tliat section. Amoni; the numerous good things tlieru will be dialosjues, recitations, drills, ohoruses, music by the Port Law string hand, etc. Tl is expected that o'ltside talent wilt also asMHt. Don't fail to at- tend. See bills for further particulars. Admission 10 and 13 cents. Me8.srs. L. C. Knrstedt and H. Down succeeded hist week in aolling S840 wi.rth of hotel stock. This will leave aome S2870 yet to bo raised, but $1200 more would place the affair on a sound financial foundation. Tho 8870 raised last week will ))lace the property beyond any im- mediate danger. The canvassers could not spare any more time, but would ask that volunthry subscriptions be handed in to any of the directors. The Swiss Boll Ringers gave a concert in tho town hall last Thursday evening undor tiio auspices of the Ciiizons' Bund. This company has appeared here on sev- eral previous occasions and the verdict of those who heard them this timo nun " better than over." The ball was pack- ed with an enihusiastio audience which was treated to an uxcellent program, in- cluding in addition to the bells, trick violin playini;, marimbaphone, muslcil glasses, aluminum chimes, musical rattles and comic singing and acting. There is an advertisement appearinu in m.iny of our local exchanges that to (iur mind no honorable newspaper man should wish to pu'olisli. This is in the form of a reading notice with no adver- tising iiiark.s to identify it and gives nhnl is apparently an innocent prescripiioii that can be lilled in any good pharmncy, making 4 sure cure f<ir certain ills. This preaciipti<m is made up i f a number of iiigredi'Jn's, but one of these is a propri- etary article and the prescription ia given simply to sell that article. The reader is put in such languago that it appears to he the editor himself who authorizes its publication. It is surprising that editors wdl lend themselves for money to such a prostitutiim ot their caUing. Any med- icine that cannot stand on its own merits without resorting to such underhand moans of foisting itself upon the attonti'in of siilTorers can be put down every time as useless. It is born of fraud and can- not be anythina else than a fraud of the first water. Its success is bound to bo Baptist Anniversary The anniversary services on Sunday last in the Baptist church were consider- iibly marred by had weather. Rev. .1. H. Cameron, B. A., B. D., of Collingwood, conducted both services, preaching two stnint; sennona. The concert in the town hall was also imfainrnbly aflVcled by rain, but those wlio were present oiijoyed a procram of rare o.'ccellenco. Short, pilhy,humoi'ou8, addresses were delivered by Rev. Dr. Caldwell, I. B. Lucas, M.P.P., Rev. Mr. Liiile,and Rev. Mr. (ianieroii of Colling- wood. Recitations of more than ordin- ary excellence were given by Mi^s Chris- 'eiie Richardson and Ellwond Genoe. A couple of .Socptch choruses were rendered in line style by the choir and Miss Lee gave a mandolin solo. The star enter- tainer of tho evening, however, was Miss Eita Irving of Owen Sound, who gave four Bcdos, among them being "I Love You," "Spring is Coming," and "The King is C<nniiig." Miss Irving has a clBar,»trong, sweet soprano voice under perfect control and of great calibre. Should she favor us here a'/ain .st»e will meet with a hearty reception. Rev. Mr. Kipp fulfilled tho oneriius duties of chair- man in a perfectly satisfactury manner. We would like to re|)ort aonie <>f the gidden nuiigeis of wisdom that foil from the lips of the various speakers, but space forbids. The proceeds nf this, tho first public anniversary of the Baptist churcli, although the edifice has been erected over twenty years, would piiy oxpenaes and still hnv.- a little to the good. Had the weather been propitious the receipts would probably have been doubled. When to Go Home. Banner: Mr. John cphemcial and the papers that publish it 8Mk„ arri'ved''here''W'odn«d«y'^7oniiig will suffer in prestige when tho public f4 last week. M% Weber and ohildrfln "Pe"* ''« ^y^ '» '•>« imposition. From the IMutfon, lud., Banner: "When tired mit. go home. When ynu want consol- ati<m, gohooio. When ycm want fun, go home. When you want to sliow otliers tliat yon have refnrmed, Ro home and let your family get acquainted with the fact. Wlien you want to show yourself at your heat, ^nlxune and dj the act there. W'len V"n fe»"l like being extra liberal, i^o home and j>ractice on your wife anil ehildren first. WI.en ynu want to .shine with extra hrillancy, en home and light up the whole hoUKehiild." To which we would aild, when yon have a had cold (jo home and take Chamherlftin'a CoiikJi Remedy and a 'luickcureis certain. For sale by W. E. Richardson. Mr. W. H. Dodson, of Buffalo, N. Y., haa sold to Mr. A. E. Hojikins, of Eu- phrasia, the Rocklyn hotel property. Mr. Hopkins takes possession next spring. A young clmp.namcd Dixon, of Tarbert while practising with a shotuun Iho other day for a shooting match Inst tho middle finger nf the right hand by the gun ex- ploding. The list of munioipaliticg in Ontario which will vote on the local option hy-law in January has now passed the hundred mark. Of tho 101 now in line 35 are in- corporated towns. The total number of liquor licenses effected is almost three hundred. All of these, with Hie excep- tion of five, uave majorities, for prohibi- tion in the referendum. ' ' - Have You Warts? You can euro them painlessly by Put- nam's Corn and Wart Extractor. Never known to foil. Be sure you got "Put- nam's," in 25o bottles. On Friday evening last Mr. Thos, Silver, of the townline of St. Vincent and Collingwood, suffered a sevoro loss ill tho burning of hia residence. The fire started from a defective chimney. Moat of his household furniture wis saved, but noiwithstandinif Mr. Silver is a heavy loser. Wo understand he had 3000.00 in- surance on the house. â€" Reflector. W. J Ferguson, a prominent firmer living about two miles from Sholbiirne was drowned Tuesday morning in a well. Just how the accident occurred is a mystery, as no one saw it. A neichhor called to see Mr. Ferguson and his wifo sent him to the barn, but ho could not find him there, and, in aearehing around thoy noliccd the woll uncovered, where the dead man was found in about fourteen feet of water. On Monday evening one of Dr. Caiiiii- bell's handsome diivers slipped the bridle ofi" her hold at tho drug store and ran away. Next morning she was found in Sam Piatt's farm with one of hor fore legs broken, no doubt caused by jumping some of the deep ditches. An efTort ia being made to save the mare, but it is most probable that her days of usefulness are over. Tho beast was a high spirited animal, an excellent hurdle jumper, and her loss to the doctor is not measured by monetary value. He prided himself in a good horse. â€" Grand Valley Star. Messrs. HicUling Bros, have disposed of their coal and wood business to Mr. D.G.Coopnrwho willcontinuo it at hia'pro- misoa on Huron street. M^e.ssrs. Hioklinu Bros, came here about a year ago from Maxwell and have since eujoyod a good business, but owing to certain changes in their affairs ooiicluded to accept the ofTor made by Mr. Cooper. â€" Collingwood Bulletin. To5top A Crying Baby. It may be cramps, perhaps colic, pain gas on iho stomach,â€" but in any ease a few drops nf Nerviline soothes the iiain and aiyp« the child to sleep peacefully. NervTlino cures minor ills such as colds, headache, internal and external paiiia as woll as any doctor, -safe to uso because a HiiiHll dosn ia retpiircd. .Mothora,you will tlnd Nervilino an invaluable aid in prov- ontinit and curing Kickness. Ket>p a bottle right at haml, aonio day you will need it badly. Sold everywhere at 25c. XMAS BARGAINS Come now and select your Christmas prosonts before the rush. Stocks are complete and assortments have not yot been picked over. We are going to make some SPECIAL REDUCTIONS In the clothing line, also Men's Working shirts, flannelette and duck at 20c and upwards, also a lot of romnants at a little over half price. - - We have a - - Fresh Supply of Groceries In for the Christmas Trade. We think we can supply you with Everything you need in the Christmas Line AT THE RIGHT PRICES v." .... Jas. Pattison, - - Ceylon. THESE YOU WANT Worth and Wear . . Style and Strength . Choice and Cheapness Wo are olfering in our stock of new goods, which includes most things desirable for winter wear. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Slippers, Overstockings, Leggings, Telescopes, Trunks, Suit cases and Shoe dressings. .. Our Boots & 5hoes Are from the best factories. We have Men's Leggings that are sure to give satisfaction. Call and see oor PUNCTURE PROOF and MALTESE CROSS Rubbers No better to be haii. CLAYTONS' Flesherton. ^ F. G. Rarstedt CHRISTMAS BUSINESS The 25Lh is drawing nearer and you hcive not com- pleted your Christmas buying. The folowing Avill give you the faintest idea of our enormous range of goods suitable for Christmas gifts. Christmas Handkerchiefs Gents plain silk liandkercliiefs ^jcuts initialed silk iiandkeroliicfs gents faiisy boideiud Imiulkcfcbiefa gouts biocatled liaudkorcliiefs Ladies' 8wiss embroidered Imudkorcbiefs Ladits' silk liaiidk'fa Ladies' lace edged buudkeicliiel's Ladies' bcmstilclicd liaudk'l's Gloves GEN'l'S â€" Kid, Mocjia, Iliick, all wool riiigwood gloves. LADIES â€" Kid, iiioclia, uiifinisbcd kid with cuil'. and all-wool ring- vvood and mosquitane in all shades. Slippers Lauies and gents fancy felt and leather slipper with leather soles. Christmas Neckwear Ties for gents â€" We have a full line of flowing end, liook on, string and bow ties, geiita silk scarfs with fancy pnuted ot plain borders. Ladles fancy collara and tabs iu all the latest styles. >< Embroidered Goods Iu Sideboard Scarfs, Doylies, Pillow Shams, etc. Liuon Towels with fringed edges at different prices. Holiday Groceries Wo liav.' just lo.ioived a full stock of Christmas groceries in Ralaius seeded or imseeded, currants, peels, flavoring e.Ktriicts, orange?, gars. ^i Icmoua lints ami iciu^ ^F- G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton Ontario. â€" ^- â€" â-  ^ A

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