Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1907, p. 7

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Make a Frame House Look Like Stone Byfar lh« inott duriUe, mort Mfhtly oulnJe finiih for any houaeâ€" nukei i( wamer wintcn, cooler tummartâ€"wcathct>proof«itâ€"belpt EDake it fite-proof too â€" lK*t'> ART STUCL SIDING Hundrt^ of patternt, to luit anyiiJea you have,"" perfect intilation of biick, rut itone, lough itone, etc. Cott ien tKan you'd think lor auch value. Send (or lite book about mcdem metal 6auh. for all kinds of structures. It'i FREE. AddrcM 2:3 PEDLAR The PEDLAR People f^S Othitwa Montr.tal Ottawa Toronto Lon 'on Wlimlpe-; P WHEN NEW YORK ""' IN AT THE NEW FIREPROOF HOTEL NAVARRE Tth Ave. and 381 h St. 300 rEET WEST OF BROADWAY, Maximum ui Luxury ut Miuiiuuui Cunt AcoeHsIble, Quiet and Klegaut. Within Five Minuter' Walk »( Tlteatro^. Shupii aiitl (MubH. N»w Dutch (irill R.MiiDH Lar;;est iu City. Cable rara P&s.h Hotel to all RailrnitU! European Plan. $l..Vl per day wftb.iut bath, t'J.UU per day with bath. Suites 8:i.:i^ upwards. .Seud for booklet. STBAHNS * DAtiB, Pri,p» COMMANDRR OF Ll'SITANI.*. Cai I. \^alt XUle to Silence Too Inqiii- stlive Pussenuers. Ciipt. Walt, who commands the liner I.iisitania, is, nowlless to say, un cx- cepUonally able jiavigritor, says [/)n- (ioii Tit-Bil.«. Ho l.s ikjI, twi'hap.s. quite .so well known as wjirie .\mei'iean captains, who have wm jK)i>ulurlly among pa.ssengers, for Capl. Wait mainlain.s that the captain's place is or. tlie bridge, not in- llie .saloon, and ho believe.s lliat he be.sl !<<'rve.s their interest by In.'-'iiring the .safety of pn.s- sengei-s rattier than by looUiiip after llieir ent<'ita:niiient. A story is told o.' Capl. Watt, wlK) was being piled with uU .sorts of qucsti<iii.s regarding the .ship's progress by a loo iiiqiitslllve pa.ssengcr. "H<jw far are we oft land I his morning, captain?" he in(niired. "Three iiiiU\sâ€" llial is all,' replied the captain. "But ! can't .see it," put in Ihi! persi.stent pas-senger. "Recnu.se /on are looking the wixjng way. Vou must loiiU down there," and ho pointed significantly to llie water. M"tlier Ciraves' W<jrni Exterminalcr c'oe.s n<jt rctjuire the help of any pur- galivi! medicine to coinplele the cure. Give it a triul and te convinced. HIS HOPE. "Riil." said the clerical visitor, "do you Unow tlial even prison may have 11., hi-ight sUh'T "Sure!" replied tlie convict. "I know â- I lia.e." ".\hl you can soe that, then?' ".\'ot nov>-. bill I t.ope to some day. I mean the outside." TOSS OF THON ciinsumed each j-oar in maill. cine. In "Fern.vfm," tho heat tonu.; it is ae oleTcrly manipul.vted that the weak and sickl? (et all poisibis nuurishineut and beuetit from itl WHAT'S Till-: USE? What's the ikse of contradicting people I rudely, ewn if vou are sure vou are rifhl ? What's tin; use of being Inquj.silive iil.-(iut llie affai"s of even your most in- t'lnale friend? i Wh.il's the use fif nnderrnting anv- ' Itiing .simply bccau.se you don't liappeii ir |)os.si)6s it ? What's the use of Ix'lleving Ihnt every cne in the world is hapfiicr Hum y<^u aie? Many inherit weak lungs, and as disiise usually assails the wenke-~t p<iint. the-e per^OllR are cfjntiniiHlly j e\p4iKeil to allacUs of cold rnd pulinon- nry di.sturbnnces. Tho speedy u.so of Hiikles .^nti (;(ui>;uniplive Syrup will U f<]iuid a preven'allve and a prolec lion, .^trengltieiiing the organs .so lli:it they ar-e not so liabJo lo derangeinenl from exposure or abrupt alniO'spheric changc-i. Dickie's Syrup is cheap and goo<l. The Great Provincial Charity, The Hospital for Sick Children, Calls On You For Aid. Rememljer thut thin Hospital in not â-  local iiiHtitution, but Provincial. It cares for every sick child in iho Province of Ont- ario whose parents cannot afford to pay for freatment. Busy dollan arc better than idle tears. The sym- pathy that Weeps is good, but tne Hospital has to have -J the sympathy that "I I.IKE I'lircKKB" Works. Lost yeiir there were lO'J^ patienta ad- mitted. 01 theBeST* rjiino from J.'jl places outside of Toronto- -uU were children of poor people who could u?t aiToi-d to |)ay for treatment of their little ones. Each child was in the Hospital 474 <^y8 at a cost III |l.:il each per dav, or i«-2.22'for Uie47}da>s Ktay. If your dollar ciuld (trai i; ti t e n the feet o f a little boy massaub or girl with club feet, you would gladly ive it, and your dollar will do that. •re wore 79 cases ol club feet treated Two frogs strulling one day fell into Ihi' other was an <iplJniist. The pessl- illKM Iher was aii opliuii-l. The pes.si- ]n;\s[ began to sipical. and after one alxirlive ettorl declared "Iheie wins ii< way out,'' and Ihcreupon threw up Ihe spiingi' and was drowned. The other, renuiiking that "while ihei'e's life Iln>i-(''s hniif." paddled and da.sli(>d around and iirouiid the pail, uiilil he eventually r<iiind liim.sclf slaiiilliig on a pal of bui- le.-. Moral : IXml be downhearted. ITCH. Mange, Prairie Scrnlches and every form of contagious Ilcli In human or animals cured in 30 nunulei by VVol- frrd's Sa.niiary l.olion. 11 never fails. S<dd by all di'Uggists. "N;nv that you are married, my .son. lisUMi lo me." "What is it. dail? ' 'Try It be a husband, nol an c.\-bache!or.'' "(Tf course. doot<ir. Oriiinn iiica.sle.s are si Idem .seri-jus?' "I never uiet but cne fatal case.' "I-'alai:' "Yes; it was ,â- 1 I-'renchmaii, and when he di.scovor- ed it was German measles thai he had iiiortiliculion .set Ln." BcroRB. ArrwR. lut year. Out of the 70, about M were from the couatry. If you know of any child in your county wko li aiok or haa club feet, and whoae pereeta eao net afford ta eky, (end kb* naaieto the enital Secretary. The iteck beeki are epeo. Won't jou let the Hoepitel wnte your Bene down for a few •kerea in Ueaven'i own verk of heating Httla ekiMren ? A great mine of Mercy v4ke mining (took that thrijra pays dividendsâ€" {â-  boecbt with lb* mcney that kelps The Hospital lor Siok Children to ex- trnot the Qold of Life from the Querfx of Death. Pleads send oontribationi to 0. Ro* Robertson, Chainnan, or to Douglas David- no, Sjc.-Tr«ns., of the Hospital for Sick /bildrsn. «°oiloee Street, Turoata EVK CASES. BK Sl'RR YOU nKT imc KIND YOU IIAVB ALWAYS HAD. ,''l'hu D & I." .MiMltllol I>la.Htor. For rheumati.tin. ueurHlido, etc., uithiug is belter. Uiule only by Uavia & Uimranue Co. GE'ITI.N'c: AT IT. It Is well known that iji Judge Hali- liurlon, the aulhoi- of "Sam .Slick," Nova Sroliii pioiliu-ed a fuiiKii.'s humor- ist, but Ihe iieiglilKiring colony of .Now- foundlaiid had a hiinioilst in tho late Jcliii II. H- one, who, if without the mime giiincd by Italiburloii, was quite as gre.il. Ijoonc was n barii*-ter. and took a malicious delight in inyslifying the Ik'ncli; in wh'ch attempts his hu- mor was often culled into play. .\t one lime an Italian, who l-ecamo dis,satislk'd with his po.sitioji as a lele- grophist. went into trade, gave loo much credit, and came to grief. He engaged IVj<jne in order to be declared iiibolvent. "My lord." saiil Boone, "may it please this lionorable Court lo hear me on be- half of my client. .Mr. TarduccL He comes fivjin sunny Italy, my kinl, the land o( Kiiuance, .selence, and glorious lileialuie -Ihe Iwme, my lord, of the illuslrioiLs Michael Angelo and the di- vine Itnffaello; birlhi)lac<; of! Tasso, Ario.sl<i. the iniriKirlal Ilnnte, and the humorous IVcarcio; the prolific mof'er (if art and science, bii Ihplace of (ial- Yiiui and Ihe nnirlyr Ciali'ei lialilro." A!tM' B c.c had s|Kiken a liltle more ill this strain the judge began to gel res I ive, "Whal has nil this to do with the case, sli?'' he ill Issl grullly inquired. "Merely n few prelijiinary <d)serva- loiis. my l<ird." whs Ihe solemn reply. "My client from sunny Italy, home of Ihe piiiiiler and llic .>-ciilp|<ir. begs this h.inorable C/.urt lo anply lo him Ihe vt;ry lowcsl form of jiicloiial art. My tord, he prays to be whilcwa.slicd." HEVIVAI. OF 'HIE KILT. Gi'owiiiu Demand in London for lligh- laiid Kvening Dregs. When in .Scotland the King is a regu- lar wearer of the kilt; so, too. is the Hi'ince of Wales. The general revival of the wearing of the kilt may therefore be due lo the force of ixiyal example. "Twenty years ago," writes a coires- p<^.n<lent to the Times, "the kilt was prac- tically unknown in Aberdeen. It was indeed held up to universal ridicule by th? townsfolk. That has quite changed, end on iny last visit lo Abeideen 1 dis- covered tliat even Ihe schotdboys have ivturned to kilts. 11 has become a recog- nized arUele of evening dress, and, wtiat Ls more strange still, many of thr- young men of the better-tc-do classes are learning to play tho pipes." In l.on- duii, too, there is a growing demand for Highland evening ilress outfits among the large body of .'Scotsmen who belong lo the vari<,us national societies. The .Scottish evening dress is picturesque, but has tlie disadvantage of being costly. An outllt would t>e cheap at 8150, the averiige price ranging from $200 to fB22.5. But ill spite of this and the proverbial caniiino.ss of the .Scot the vogue is in- creasing. Of course Ihe ICing does not sjxjrl his Highland dress in London. Mr. Kipliuu's C4inadian Tour. Ontario and all Eas'iern Canada iii deeply disappointed tliat .Mr. Kipling. up<jn Ihe occasion of his ccent visit lo Canada, .should have only .seen "Tib; West Imtn a Cur Window' and the lOusI nol at all. The older pjxjvinccs are always proud and never jealous o.' Hie West, into which tliey are send- ing their shekels and their .sons. With all his powei's as a word painter, it is hardly !o te expcch-d that Mr. Kip- ling can do justice lo all of Canada. He has not seen Ihe thriving cities and towrijs of Ontario, with its .'f^ilendid railways, mills, and manufacluring in- dustries. He had only a Heeling glimp.'ic of Toronto, ami saw nolliing of Ihe score or moi'e olher industrial centres of Ihe Dominion. It is too bad, Cana- dians N'lieve. that he should liavespent Uie most of Iho time which he was able to give to Ihe .study of conditions in Ihe Pominion lo Ihe troubled shores of Ihe racillc. \\ ith no desire to mini- mize the .seriousness of the labor dis- 'iirbances out there, or lo disguise the fail that Canada is in .sore need of more men to carry forward Ihe work in hand. Canadians would have be<'n proikl o( .some pen picliirers by Mr. Kipling of llie industrial i:asl, where !hr. ptsiple are pro-.perijus and happy. This convicli<jn is by no means local â€"it is widespread, universal. "Cana- da,' London. Eng., Nov. l«!h. I!)07.) The Demon, Dysnepsi.i.-^ In olden limes il was a popular belief lluil de- mons iiKjved invisibly through the am- bient air, seeking to enler into men and Irouble them. .\l the present day Ihe demon, dyspepsia, is at large 'ii Ihe same way. .seeking habitation In llio.-.e who by careh'ss or unwise liv- ing invite him. And once he enl<MS a man it is <lilllcull t<i. dislodge him. lie that liiuls himself .^o possessed should know that a \Hliniit friend lo do bai- lie for him with Hie unse* n Uie is Par- mel.es \'e.!:;elabl.' HilLs. which are ever ready for the trial. Mugislrnle ito pri.soner): "ICs some time sini'c I saw. you here." Pri.soncr f\irluously): "Yes. sir; I've been quiet an' Inw-abidin' since lli- larsl lime I was up bcfor'^ yiiu, and Ibat wer' liout si.x UKdiths agij." .M.-igistrale: "Ah, yes. I remember. I gave you si.x nviiths for stealing a lirm. it's n venr this time." AT,r.KN'S T.l'NO BALSA.M is e..poci.aIlv i„f,„A, od t.i liro.-il< up neglected c.rusiis ami maiiy li.ipo- lessua.<o» have been savud by its use. Contains UU upium in ouy form. "Marquis, is it fio.ssible lo conllde a seeret lo you?' "Orlaiiilyl I will be a. silent as Ihe grave." "Well. Ihen, t have ab.-^olDle need of Iwo thousand <lollars.'' "Do not fenr. It i.s as if I had heard nothing." A Medicine f<i!- Ihe Miner's Pack. â€" I'rosiM'clors and olheis going into Ihe mining regions where do.'tors are few niiil drug slores not at all, should pm- vide lh<inselves with a supply of Dr. TlK,ma.s' Ecleclric Oil. It will offso': Hie offecis of exposure, rediioe .sprains, and when taken internally will pre- vent and cure c<ilds and .s<jre throat, nml as a lubricant will keep the iiiuseles in g<K,d condition. Bridegroom (on honeymoon): "I have- n'l the sliglilcst objection lo your giving ah your time to Ihe dog. my own, hut i wisii you had made it (|uite clear, when yju suggested bringing it, whether it was you and I who were going on our honcyiiux)n. and were bringing Ihe dog, n." who! her il was y<iu and the dog who were bringing mc." " Brick's Tasteless »» t' REGtsrE^iro I f is an exlxact of fresh cod livers, containing all the virtues of fresh cod liver oil without the nauseous grease, the compound syrup of hypophosphites, nutritious extract of iuaU and the fluid extract of wild cherry bark. ^ purifies the blood. I np makes the weak strong. II is a specific in sore throat and Tung diseases. is so prepared that it can be assimilated without the least digestive effort is sold under the positive guarantee that a decided improve- ment will be felt after taking one bottle, or your money will be refunded by the druggist from whom you purchased it Can we be fairer ? Two Sizes â€" 8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ouiKe bottle $1.00 FACTORY Power, Heat, Electric Li^ht, to Lease for a Term of Years. Csntral locatfan. About te.i thousaid square feat In four floors and basement. Exoollent shipp nj; faoilltles Standard Fire Sprinkler System. Low Insurance rate. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide St. Wost, Toronto Tv.o famous models of the f iimous Starr Skates. The "VSLOX" is our new hockey skate ^ and embodies 42 years experience i:i skate making. â-  LADIES' FLANGED BEAVER " is an old favorite â€" that is better and more popular than ever. If yoar dealer docs not hnndle Starr Skmcs. write for free copy of our 1906 Skate Book aad natue of the dealer lu your neighborhood wbo will supply you. Tlie Starr Manufacturing Co., Limited DARTMOUTH, N. 8. CANADA. 22 BRANCH OFFICE - - - . - TORCNTO, CNT. :arr aicales I.IKE w.\Tt:n. A lillle three-year-old, whose mother was milking a simple cougli nicdkine for hiin. walirlicd the process, and asked if il was giKd. Mi. was permitted lo taste, and exclaimed: "It's awfully good, mam- ma. Let's keep it all for papa." The never failing medicine. Hollo- way's C/i/rn f'ure, removes all kinds of â-  'orns, warts, etc.; even the n;o.st dif- tlciill to remove cannot withstand this wonderful remedy. UiSlE NO. M 97. It is often more salisfacHon nol to know things and have pioplc think yon do Hian Ij know them and not have anybody believe il. LAZY OI,n SOBKS. p.%inful and dlnfl^nrlni' wili not liiij;erlonK after treatment with Weaver 5 Corat (.1 liiu been begun : Al^io, cleanse the blood with Weaver's Syriip. "It's all very well, mamma, tor you lo draw lerrible pictures; but did y:)U never llirt when .vou were a girl?' "Yes. my dear, I did once." "Ami were you punished for it?'' "1 was; 1 married your fa I her. ' A Magic Pill.â€" r),v.>-|>epsia i.<i a foe Willi which n:cn are oon.sfantly grap- pling but cannot e\lfirininalc, Subdu- e<i, and l<i all api>enrances vanquished ill one, it makes ils apiwarunce in an- olhcr direction. In many the dl^e.slive apparatus is as delicate as the mechan- isni of a wiilch or scientific inslrument il. w Inch even a breath of nir will make il varintion. With such persons dis- orders 'if the stomach ensue from the most trivial causes and cause much Miff. ring. To these Pnrmelees Vegetable Pills are recoinnieiidt'd as mild and sure. BF.'S l-'On BL'SLNKSS WO.MKN. Re palienl willi cranks. He polite with kickers. H(f pleusi III to all. Ik." partial to none. IU; posilive lor principle. lie perbua.sive in nrgumenl. Be peacably inclined. He broad. Be personally inteivsled in Imsiness. "Halloa. Bodgor." said Thropc; "net a friend of yours the othei' day. He's U^en tiilking alxiut y-iii. and I feel il my duly lo lell .v. it what he said.' "Ah. well. I don't cure t'l hrar whr.t he .«ni.l. I know il was somelTih g di'.- agnvnlile.'' replied Badg*'!-. "How do vo!i know th.tir' "Becnu.se >oii it-'- v^ anxious to lell U. (iod inoiauii." FEATHER DYEING Cleaulm ud L'uriiniand Kid GIovm clmied TheM c» b« leet bjr poil, lo par os. the bent pisca it BAITISH AMERICAN OYEINC GO. MOMTBHAL. Every Wsmai »l)oat ttic wunder'iU iMARVELWhlrlingSuruy I ttm uew Vuiftnnl ^jrluff*. am: Tonr It he cnn»ot , I A II V E I., Boiepl no f'tlier, hut Kna kicup for lluitrated h,>sl;-Bf r.lod. It BlTes fall p&l-ltcalnra &nd dIrecUoni In- fall p&l-ltcalnra WiNDSon si; PPI.Y CO.. Wlnd'or. Onu Geuural AcentJi for Caituda. Kl'NTliRS KILLLD BY BO.VH. Woundod VniniiU Assails HiUiJiiers, Whom lie Fnlally (Jores. A tragic iiccideiil of Ihe cl:ase, result- ing in the loss of two lives, occurri d recently in the woiaN of Belion, in the DepurlmenI of Meurlhc mid .M.iSi'lIe, Prance. During a twar hunt n piirly <t spoilsmen came across an .dd Ix.ar, and a M. Rischler lli'ed, wounding too hon.st slightly. the IxiHi- charged, knocked t,i. W.'-ch. ter down, and buried his tusks in hig llcsh. .Another gentleinan. .M. Kiimciut, who stood a few yards away, fired at the hoar. Tlie animal lurned ii|>.in .\l. Frimont and ripped his side with ft.s tusks. .\ few minutes later olher meiider.s of Ihe hunt came up and Miccreded in klilUig the lionr. hut VI. Mischter dii-d tinll on hour later. \ doctor was s<-iii for to attend M. FrimonI, i,ho. Iiow- e\er, was mortally wounded, and died n fi w iiKirnings after. SHILOH'S Quicit ease lor the worst coujfliâ€" quick relief te ibe heavieat cold â€" and SAFE to take, even for a child. g~i Tliat a ShiloU's Cure. V^UPeS Sold under a guarantcii CoU^hS 10 cure colds and coughs jn |~»_^| J„ quicker than any oilier CI *_40«a.*» piedicine â€" or your money back. 3i years pf sni:ces« c»m»ci>d Shitch's Cure. 83c , |Oc.,$l sia QUICKLY!

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