Flesherton Advance, 26 Dec 1907, p. 1

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v-?l^' "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOE." â€" " PEIiSCitLEb ^0T MEN. VOLXXVl, tiO 1357 Flestiertoii, Ont. Thursday December 20 IQ07 W. H THURSTON, EDITOR ROl'KIETOR Christinas Gifts â€" -% Choose for your irienda fiom our holi- ti>r cf the Meaford high school, ia d.iyinn ii^ lis puental home here. Mr. Jamea Duncan of Proton station, accompiiiiiud liy liis sist«rs, the MisifS Einuia :iui Flos.-ii; Duucaii, word quests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geori<e Hiuchiiison, during ilw past week. Weaie sony to rep'Tt Mr. J. F. . „i, T,i.1iPB' liiiishes. i ^^eber on the sick list at present but immense stock- LaJies liiiisues, ^_^ ^^^^__ _^^ ^ .^ ^^^^^^ ,ecovery. I Silk Umbrellas, iSlanicure belts, .^-^^^ ^i^_.^^^ j^,,.., ,^„^| Kranc-s Hurd of 1 Necklets and Locketsâ€" very pop- Meaford hi^'li .school are holidaying it i t I n„„ne ^vfi-a their paruniiU home hern, nlar this yearâ€" Jewel Cases.exUtt * j^.^^j^.^y^r and the Misses Eva and specialâ€" Ladies' Companions, Sil-' Rosie G.liiorr of VandeWur were viutors , T â-  „ ^ -.A TTnrkq i at Mr. •). R. Fawtett's duniiLj tho wuek. ver tJyoous, Kuivus aad lorUs.^a ^^^ „,„,y H„,a h.,^ g,„^ ,„ Detroit Ladies' Long Guardsâ€" epfccialr^jy^j. ,j,jj ii„|i,i„y« and will bo the «ue8t of Rronches LookmL' Glasses, Read- his dauuhier, Mrs. D.i..l(le, whde there. iirOOCUes,J-.ooKi b „,,„i, xUderman Black of Thnrnbury was m , ,ug Glasses, aud a thousand and j ^^^^ ^^^^ j.^.^^^ ,^^^ ^ one tilings iu gold and silver ware j MisM Mau Wickms of CoUingwood is °. 1,1, f^.,. bnliiliiv ffiflB. I hi'lldayiiiu at bor parental h>me. very 8uitabl3 fot holiday guts. ^^^ '.i;^,„„,,,^ ^,\,,i^ „ud .Mis, Rhuda ; We Lavo nice Christmas presents | g^.^j^ ,,{ Ouucau visited friends here on ' from 25c to 8100. We are bead- , Sunday Uc. ^ ., , „ ,„,,,,„ Messia. sRoy Fawcett and Herman quarters for Banta Ijiatis. j j^^j^^n „f Heathcote were visitors htre i I oil Sundiiy last. %-%T A A ^.««^^«*^«^rv I Mr. J. I Graham of Vandeleur was a| W . A. ArmSirUng. ca!K-r in our vUliisie one day b.st week. Mr. Kiaiik Hu;chinson of Toronto is ^^:zz-^:z-â€" â€" -.i::^ | hohdiiyiiig ai the parental hoiiiK h.re. Euseaia .Master Walter Uurritt gave a l.-iilWay . I party to a nuin'oer of !da yoiinj; friends Mr- Editor, . merry Christmas to you' on Tuesday evoun^'. Nov 17tb. A ve.y Wr l!.attor, y ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^.^^^^^ e:.j..J'ah!e time w..s spent by a 1. was excellent and was heartily encored. A dialogue, iu throe iict.s, entitled "Wife From Home" by .\1i«a Winters, Bertha ^V'illtcrs, 3Ir. and Miss McGriuies, Mr. and Misa Alice and Ha>;el Slenzies and llobt. King was given in good stylo and well acCod. Proceeds of concert goes to purchase a boll for our school. McFARLAND & CO. Rock Mills Mr. and Mrs. Simdy Hoy of Toronto are spending Chriutinos at Ml'. Jaka Parliament's. Mr. Gainey, a teacher in the Stjinstead, Que., Business College, is visiting his father, TUos. Gamey. Mrs. Ed. Carr, Ai'cola, Snsk , and Mrs. Perrin, Hanover, are viuituig at Mr. Alex. Cameron's, 8th line. &Jr. Harry Genou returned recently after working a short time in the shanties on the north shore. Alisses Ettie and JesHie Phillips, of Tor- onto are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and .Vli-s. Martin Phillips. mid your a.ssi»taiits ai:i- , . newsy paper still cctiiiue to cheer llio hearts ot Its ni.i:iy readers and be a wel- ] come visitor m many a distant borne for the year we are about to entor into. The wedding bells are nbout to iing fur some of our youny[ people May the new year bring thetn much joy and bftupine.ss. Rev. Mr. Laidliw has gone to spend the holidays with friends at Maytield, near Brampton. . ; Miss Riilf.son has gone to visit her par- ents at Wyandotte, Mich., during her vacation. She is re-eujiauLd to wield the birch for the coming yeir at Eugenia. She is ft.4««««ii*M*ltfi«»_witli bU. iHiss Mabel Carr of Toronto is vicltliig hor many frieiuls at K'lg^ina, We are pl-.tistd to •tate Sarah Paul, who has been very ill for some time, is much belter and able to be out again. Miss Gertie Paul is home tiom the city on a visit to lier parents. Mr. Arthur Walker has been very pooily the past svin-k. Mi.t Martha Wallace of Winnipeg is home at pie-icnt on a visit to her father, at Eugenia. Mr.' and Mis. T. E. Fonwick have uoiie to a lend the h.'liday s-asoii at Paisley I Portlaw ! Weddini! bulls are iiitercumir.gliiig with joyous Christmas chines .Marshall SberwiMxl, the little 'wy who : .vasKo bully frost bitten, is recovering as fast as can be expeotud.but we undersuind he has Imt two ir three toea of one foot. Miss May Jamiefiin v.sitid fiicndsin Miss Siniih of MfiiforJ is the guost of this i.oiuhliorho.id Inst week. Mr-». H. Hurd. j ' Mount iiion Sjutulay Schjol held thi-ir Miss Sadie Pluwes of Ueathccto p-'Ht- Chtisinias irej euieniinin-nt on Tuesday ottioj spent Suiid.iy la=t at her parental -"i-MMiing of last wrfk which pmvcd a tine home hnro sucaiss from eveiy pi.iiu ot view. The MihS S^idio .\bbot, from Uncla Sam's ! pmgiam was a-n.iu the avcr.ij.B and con- doniain.s, is ^-isicing fricmls here. j sisted of choi uik-h, rtcit^itons, di.ilogues, Messrs. .-Vlf. Plewcs and •)• C. Gal- ; etc , by Iho Mol><«d, solo* by Ur Munay, braith of Cnllinewood are holidaying at ' tiladys Ci rufield, and Ciinrles Haiu.-s, the formers [Hirental home here. , an address by A;]r. Gaudiii if lleathcoie, Drilling operations have been tempn- , and a Keuerous supply of excellent music rarily suspended. After getting down l>y the I'n.ton Station orchcblra. The about IGOfoet it was found that the pip- \ pasun-, Rt-v. Mr. LniJlaw, occapiid the ing was not sulliciently strong and a new \ chair, and dropped iu rich iiugyets of wit Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE XMAS GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY Come Everybody and let us help you solve the Christmas Gift problem, for we know its a hard proposition at best. Doesn't matter how much or how little you wish to spend. Makes no difference who your gifts are for, you'll find this store stocked as never before. This week we take practically the whole space to make a few suggestions: that Miss im.' wisdom bet A'eeu tl»^T*nQUiber8. Santa i Claus had hfaid of lh« eiiteit.iinment ami ariived in time to ili.strlbute a lot of pre^n's ru the school children. On Thur.sday eveiiinu last our annual school concert was hold. The weather put considerable obsirucii jn in the way, but this did not prevent » t;<iod attend- ance. Rev. Mr. Kipp occupiid the chair. A lengthy and varied program was ren- dered, ill which the pupils h^ured most prominently, and acipiittdd themselves creditably. Among ihe numbers were drills, dialoi;ue8, choruses and recitations by the scho(d,*inusic by Portlaw string ba! d, M . and Mi.ss Osborne, Messrs. .John .Molieo anil Riiy Pcdbir, dutta by On Tuesday cvoviiig, Dec. 17, a Christ- ! Rev. Mr. Kipp and KILvood Geiuie, solo hole has to be started. About Digestion- It is not the iiuantity nf f.i.id token but the anKmiit digested and assimilated th.^.t Rivts sirenKth and vitality to the system. Chamber- lain's Stonnich and Livur Tablets luviKoiate t'ue stnnach and liver and LMiable Lhein tu nerform their functions. Tli'J rtsult is a relisli for your f«od, iucreafied strength and weight, gro'.iter endurance and a clear head. Price; a") cents. .S^iniples free. l''or sale by W. E. Uichai dsou. Sjuggestions for Ladies Wear ffancy collars, 10, 15, 'Ju, 35, 50, and 75c Lawn handkerchiefs, 2.^, 5, 10 and 12io Fancy lace and embroidery handkerchiefs for 10, 12A. 15, 20 and 25c. Silk Lace and embroidery handkerchiefs for 25, 50 and 75c. Silk waists, 3.50, 3.75, 4.00 and S4.75. Silk .shawls, fringed and feu wool, 1.50 and S2.10. Golf Jackets, 2.25 and 83.25. Fur Ruffs. 2 00. 3.00, 5.00, 5 50, 6.50 up to $15 00 with muffs to match. Fur Caperines, 3.75, 6.00, 7.50, 10.00 up to Sl8 00. Fur Jackets, 1750, 26 00, 35.00, 40.00 up to SliO.OO. Fancy velvet atid cloth -slippers, wool iiflwl, 85o. l.CO. 1.2tr«nd $1.50. Mantles. 5.00, G.oO, 7.50, 0.00, 10.00, 12 00 and $10 60. Rinsrwood Gloves, nil lenguhs, 15, 20, 25y 35, 40, 50 and 7oc, etc. Hatha rton "'i'T^^twiS gar 'birthday mrU:; w^sW in Xe Orange hidl m : by Miss Os. rue rcc^aUon by Mn. mS ;.. a few of her fricn.U rec.nty ,„„nection with our union Sabbath .school , lb. onas Taylor. M.ss h.affo.d, Mr. ml &osTLose ndaUtbenth.r delic.- when an enjoyable evening wa.s .spent by fM-Hs McL.an and fc. Oenoe. M.s.s ci Tiheseas. A splendid aupper the ,>:vrents and friends of the little folks. ; S' afford is to be coiigral ulated on w orvec? and 1 joyed by ail present. A short program was given, presided over success of her concert. wTtl mu'can.l Jmes a very pleasant | by Mr. Arthur Browiiridge of M.-txweU, W 111, mu.ic , ha.id«oine who g.ave some very helpful idea.s in con- Suggestions for Mens Wear Tie.«, 12i, 25 and 50c. Wool Lined gloves, 58, 75,LOO, 1.25,1.5 and 82.50. Mitts, 50, 58, 75, LOO and «1.50. Sweaters, 50, 75, LOO, 150 and |3.00. Way mufflers, 30 and 50c. Quilted niulflers, (JO, 75 and ^1.25. Fancy suspenders, boxed, 50c. Plain Handkerchiefs, 5, 10 and loc. Plain Linen handkerchiefs, 18, 20, 23 and 30o. Silk Handkerchiefs, .50, 75 and $1 00. Cuff links and buttons, 10, 25 and SOs per piir. Fur caps, L50 to JllO.OO. Fur collars, 5.25 and 85.50 Fur mi \ 3.C0, 4.50 and 35 50. Fur coa 35. t 20.00, 25,00, and 860. 28.00, 33.00, To Shop with most ComfPit, Pleasure an forenoon Satisfaction do it in the McFARLAND 81 COMPANY F^'i;7 -3-;^j-;Sci?jC«5»g«5L^5i?^ ty" tht evening was spent, presents v^ere given, which shows the es-, teem in which she is hi Id by a large circle of friends Mrs. Ed. Carr and two chiUreii ot Stoughton, Sa.sk., ikx-isitiivj her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ayiieron, Salem. Misses Ci.ra WiUiaiils and Annio His Lip are home from Tborribuiy to spend Chri.stmas with their paiciHs. Mr. Gen. go Gordon has gone to visit friends at Shclburn^'. nection with S. S. work. Mi.ss Anderson of Wareham and Mif~s Field of Maxwell sail" several solos which were heartily received. Mi.sses Fhirencc and Nellie JamieKoii .sang a duet very sweetly. Miss Laura Jainieson gave a humoiou.s recita- tion which provoked iinich laughter and applause. The little folks did their p. r s as well as the larger ones. Each child received a present and candies off the and refre.shiiieut.s were served dur- A home made happy by Chamberlain's cough Remedy About two months ago oin- baby ijirl had ineoelus which settled on hut lungs an<l at la.n resulted in a severe attack nf bionohiti.s. Wu ii.nl two dotturs but no relief was obtainml. Everybi.dy thought she wmilil die. I went to eixlit diifereut stores to tin! acertaiu rtineUy which hiul been recommended to nie and fail- ed li> getil. when one of the storekeepers in- sisted that 1 try Chainbcrhdu's Coiigh Reu'edy. I dill SI) and our babv is alive an<l well today. â€"Geo. W. bpeiice, tlolly .Sprinj^s, N. C. For â€" I tree, , - - - -, Th« Misses Sarah and Ella Pedlar are ing tho evening. \\ e are pleased to say sale by W. E. Kichaidson, lionie fn^n the city to spend -he l:o'id..ys our school is in a pro.sperous condition - Hilthcir paivn.slt Eugenia. | and will be kept open. during the winter .Matter Albeit Slum is lume from 1 month.-- t.)wen Sound coilesriat I We tire pleased to Miss Sadie children Large's pi i,f Mrs. Elwin Lirge and Maikdale are guest of Mrs. enlsat the Euuouia House. Misses Georgiiia and Evelina Smith of Toronto are hor.io to spend Chri»t!iuis with their parents liere. The leaiueeting held here last we.k was the best of theseasson. The p-ogniin waswellrei.aeredaiida ui -st enjoy.ibl- Born time «as spent by those prescDt. a son. '«â- ' 'â- "â- " â- ' -ffiui K*.." str:. ; "iirA a,»« ^y ,* ..«,-.; arrived houio for Christ uias. | ing time with his see Scilley able t*) bo oat again. Miss Alice Fields visited with her aunt Mrs. J. Griimmett during the pa.st week. Mr Herb Irwin of iMarkdale culled on friends lost week and attended the school » ";';^/^;;;';i^ ); cuncort. , , . . , ... Mrs. Finley of Markdalo visited with It was announced by i.ne of istors 111 a neighboring town a HgM t!mt he would pr. ach hor mother last wcel. ^^^^^^^.^ ^^.^^^^^ I „,,,^,.,„.t „,„ the iiiln- fcw «eek» the subj ct ot "Uell, and Who Will Bo There." Before Sunday came around, he received lette 8 from three lawytif--, two nierch- hiits, two tnwn (ilHoials, and an e.iitor, ) sue him fur sl.iiider if he in -ntioncd any names iu ihe discourse. of the The asiinition for publication -To of all lias returned home M 8RI8 S. Lang, Sask., How [Jiphtheria is Contracted One "ften hears the espression, ".My child o;in({lit a severe cold which developed i'. to iliiibtheria," when the truth was that the cold 1, 1,1 simply left the little one nartieularly sus- (â- â- â- l.tilile to the wiUHlerimt tdiphtheim g.^ni. I When Chamberlain's Cou»ch Remedy Is given quickly cureu the coli and lessens the I danger eKliphtheria or .inv other (term disea-se I bidiig contracted. For sale by W. K, Rich.ird- |«on. ^^__^ Kiinbcrley A merry Christmas to all. Mr. Arthur Walter spent Christmas rith Toronto frieiiJ'. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fawcett of Col- lingwood visited at the former's parental lome hero on Wednesday Ia,st wiiid-niill, which is alFached to the Urn and became unuian- a'cablo during the teriil sent to Jlr. ible JJr, J. E. Hammond, ooinmercinl mas- music by Messrs. sorui. A message was scu .u ..... -Ubert Ann- strong of Uundalk.wh.. drove out through the blinding storm, and got it reguhited before any serious d,una!.'0 was done. On the evening of Dec. 20 the twiehers and pupibs of S. S. No. 11. Osprey, gave a conceit which w.is a decided sncces.s A lengthy program w;i.s given presuleil over by Mr H- <-'"-V "f >''^»"1' *'»' , made an ideal chairm;:ii. The little folks all did their parU well. Solos by Ethel I Winters and Alfred Down were sweetly sung • A solo bv Miss Whiteoak was well received. Mr. Fairey sang some line songs and soniu huinoivus selections which were heartily encored. Uo was accMiHHUiied on the organ»by Miss Elsie Brownridgo of Maxwell. niuniuipalities is becoming [ui^e iieneral throughout Oii- tati.'. Ai a remedy for the many injus- tices ih-it are apparent in ev.-ry asses.*- iiicnt, this seems to be tlie best yei pro- po.sed. There is nnlhiin like pnhlieily to expo>B tilings that are unfaii-. Given the oppeut unity of conveniently scrutin zing i,iin wink of the assessors, iho rati pl^o'S will s. on d scover wbetlier (bey are fairiy assessed. The plan has been tried in some munidliditien siii-h as the lovn of Bariie and Ihe ci y of Hamilton, am! was the means of doing inticli lo eipializc Hie assessi.eiit. The imiircision is gno- inn that t> printed iw.seisment roll is n-i dcd a-i much as Ihe printed this country.â€" Ex. >* -A >-! < < ^m\W^w'm\f^ Stoves and Ranges 1 his is the time of year to think of purchasing a new STOVE or R\NGE. We carry a full line of both, also coal or wood heaters. Ouv prices are right, also the line of goods we carry. Call and inspect our stock before buyiujj. We have just placed in stock a car-load of Royal Household flour, also Bran and shorts. As feed prices arc bound to go up you will do well to place yonr order for Flour and Feed eariy. Reniomber we guarantee our Groceries to give satisfaction or money refunded. Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce. Bentham Bros., Flesherton. ' ^-•"•:^^-^-, ! ^ * i ' i : -r^^F^ ^' ^ ^^^sg^^ Think how much easier U would be if yon had voter's lists in ^ The long winter evenings are at hand when the busy honstwife must do a lot ot .seiviiij a high grade, THE noiseless. ,'!it N E I>R 5pccUllst In UIboucs of ho Instrumental Gordon and Whiteoak Eye, Ear, Nose and Throaty ^ N O R R I S Oltics^ 13Kros-ilSt. - <1vvonc«ouinl , ^ At the Markdale house. Mivrkdale, 1st | Ig^^^Vj^^-T Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. «)=^»^^.»ft>»**'«P"**' ruiinitig Sewing Machine. W HOME aoeiits fjr the colebnttod IWROID Examine it before buying elsewhere. We carry a full line of TINVVAHK. granitwnie. Pumps. Sink.i, Etc. Rep'iir workprompily atitendod t.i. Wu wi.th all ouv Cus- loiueis a prosperous NEW \E.\K. BROS. Is that mat^liine. We arc HEADY KOlL ROOFING. /I r-" K

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