TilE FLEES 11 ERTON ADVANCE December 26 1S^7 T / ESTABLISHED 1873 THE SIANMRD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - . - Toronto The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Brandies. FLESHERTON BRANCH George 2"ASicKci3, Manaser BRANCHSS ALSO AT r>uT\iT.A?T. -ijy:xvi':rc.v A^T'^ 5»RI».- '•'"'S^X.'^. V lCA£\lfcjr ^^l\ll^v^ fpit, t1< insula iviiil oirpec, warm aiid com- fur able at Claytons. Sirs. (Bav.) L. F Kipp len»e.s on Sut- I T^ n u ii' .. o i J » • â- . 1, _ .u _ :„ f t-,i.» ' Dr. CaldweU s sermniia next Sunday: uraiiy to visit her mother in hetrolea. ,t ru o i ij i i â- ' M)r:iiir^â€"rh>' Sunday Soli>ol serin m. Dr. Muiviiy, wife and family spent t lie EvoiiiMijâ€" Old Y'ar .Me;iiorie6 and a â- Happy New Yoa^ â- I H ivia^ leased the Eui^enia saw mill for [thm .season I am preputud to do all kiud .of custom sawinir. I also want any quantity of l:iih 'iniber fm which hijiliest cash prii-e will be paid at the ruiU. â€" Thu«. E. Fonwiok. Chr;stmas holidays at W^rehaiu. Mrs. John Whinen of Tomnto ia vit.it in^ frieud.s in town. The Mcaford Express issued a credit able Christums supplemeat last we«k. Heavy and light sle'nhs for sale. D. Madill, Coy':on. | ^^^^g [he Toronto vUitnrs here for Sum of money lest iu town Friday ev- 1 Christmas were: Mr. and Mrs, Ben. enii;« list. Finder please leave at this | \V1l30n, Mis.sos Mary and Annie Wilson, (^^geo. iCharl-y McTavish. .^niiie Howard,Annie Mil M K. Richardson h.s returned iG'l'^Pi^ Arnold Thurstnn, Dr. R. Hen- ."" 11 • . .;,!, i,„, ^K',1 ;run dersou and wife. Mari'uenta McAuIay after an extended vus.t with her chd.ren ^^^_^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^. ^^^_^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^y^ IU Toronto. aa I .Mr. and Mts.G. Wi.kenc ' * lot of men's oil tan moccisiiis selling ; ..,--,. 1 ~ ."*â- 'Ui "'â- '"= , , ,^ .^„], . ,„ ., 5n„ Farm for sale cheap. l"ts luo, C and 7. cheap. Also a lot for small b«y8,al oUc | __ ^^^^ andS.R., Artemesia-US acres perpairatClaytoDb. 1 20 acres bush ;ind swamp, well watered Mi.ss Delia lonson and Mr Wilbtrt l,,^.^., frame barn, coiufortahlj house, lonsoii oi Scatboro Junctioj^ are guests g,^-j orchard. For price and terica «p uf their cousin, Miss Leni Duncan Mr. Joe. Grainger, Toronto.spent a few days last week with JetT. Thirtieth waite, returning Saturday. Lost -Six dollars, at the station on Sat., Pec. 21. Finder please leave ;it thisottioe. Mi.»8 Caldwell of Sand Hill a visiting over Chris^tmas with ber bnther. Rev. Dr. Caldwell. ply to R. J. Sproulo, Flesheitoii, ot John Srewart on the premises. Mr James Pattison of Ceylon has a htoro that oualit to be culled " Mu'tuni in liarvi'," a." it is filled j:niib full Dt new. fresh and saleahl') stock. Heinforuia us that he will build an addition to his s'^nre ill llie spring tnmake niiin for li's gruw- in^ business. Read bis advertis.ment. Mrs. Speiice of Toronto »nd driu'jhter, I Miss Clara, arj vi»itioi^ with friends here. Mr and Mrs. F. A. Tucker are spend- I Mrs. Spence Ifst two bttle daughters ith the former's mother Iduriti;; the past fall within six weeks of ing a few day^ wi each oihtr, and her troublt- has souu-what iiuderniined her health. Her many frit-nds here deeply syiupatbise with her ill her sore trial. at Peterborougb. Rev. Lewis V. Kipp will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday. Subject â€" What shall we do in 1008. .. „ .- • t» . ^ . ,, t 1- u .:„ *'f- McKer.zie Duncan of the west Miss KafeUellan.y who has been vis- ^fck line has bee,, in the general hos- itins; Toronto fiiends for eome weeks, I _^^, .j,^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^j^^ p,^^^ ^^^^^ ^.^^^_^^ reliirned home on Vnday. UuSVrinij from an affl ctioii of the aim Reineaiber the Methodist Sabbath which has puzzl.'d the speniali->U. He School antiiversaiy on the evciiinp; cf has uiideriii-ne two ofieratioiis, the last New Years diy See bills fir prUcubirs. jon Friday of l-ist. week, and is assured by , c, 1 I • f,,,.. -„,.. I'lie pbysicians that he will not lose his Park Lot for Sale--A nice four acre' ^.^^^"^ park lot, well fenced, with small stable â- • • '- "' "' '*' '^'- ' The Carev Rrotbers gave amoving h.H'l auspices of or shed on the property , „ _ „ 111 ,., â- pi'-''"'*' entertaauiient in the town Mr. Emerson Bellamy, who ha been |n„,a,,v evening, under the in Toronto hospital fi>r some weeks, re- • • - •â- '-:'-- iiuproved in Since May last we have had to place 1 one cent etanip on every copy ol The Ad- vance «â- . inn lo the United Stiites. This burden wa.s placed on us by the ijovern- nieiit and meant that we lost money on eacb subscMber fi>r the past year. Of CDU'-se we did not expect our C. S. sub- aonbers to reimburse us, but had hoped to rutiiiu them all at ihe new rate. A gralifyii g cumber have already renewed mid Miie Gentleman, Mr. J. L. Ludlow of Port Huron, added 30 cents to :iiver cost of poa'ajje paid since May List. VVe wish til tbtiiik Mr. Ludlow fur his kind thiughtfulness and also for the kind words iliat accunipanied his remittance. » »I« H « Why Liquid Catarrh Remedies Fail. They 20 direct to the stomach, have very liitle effect on the lininnsof the nose and throat, and entirely fail to cure. Only by clcansintj ihe air passaues by relies i!'0 the inflmimation and killing the gi-tms is cur's possible. Xo combination of Antiseptics is s) successful as Catarrh- ozone. Li breathing it, you ser.d the rich- est pine balsams right to the se.it of the disease. Irruatinij phlegm is cleared out, hoarseness, couiibiug and hacking are cured. For a permanent cure for catarrh, nothing equals ^atr.rihoz ne, 25c. and 8L00 at a;l deal.Ts. turned home on Frid.iy health. Mr. W. A. Armstrong ha? received Ihe appointment of issuer of in irriage licenses for Flesherton, from the Ontario government. Claytons have all kinds of winter foot- wear, overshoes, oversluckip g<, light and heavy puncture proof and frost proof. Try theiu and you will get eatisfactii.n. Mr. J»bn T. Wiillace of Lonami, who attended the funeral of his mother at Eusjeiiia last week, was a welcome caller at this office on Thursday. Ram came asrray--About Nov. 26, to lot 4, on. 5 Osprey. Owntr please call and identify same. D. .McE.ichnie, Max- well P. O. Get your choppina done at the electric {dant, Eugenia. Customers will p!e«.se nite that we will do no griudiiig afei 4.30 in the afternoon. Misses Lulu Mitohdl. Lily B.>yd, Willa \Vri«ht and Ruby Trimble, and Kendall Mitchell, are home from Owen i^ound Cil'egiate. For any of the ordinary diseases of the skin Chamberlain's Salve is excellent. It not only allays the itcbins: and smarting but effects a ctre. Forsale by W. E. Kiebardson. Mi-is .Myrtle Thurston.teiicher at Lion's Head, is bono for the holidays. She has I'eoonsidered her decision to res!-;n the E[)worth Leigue, t^ a s.nall audienc Th'' w lid snow storm of the evening kept m:iiiy at homo. The entertainment was worthy of a full house, as it was probably tliB best i>f its kind ever shown here. The picture* were of a new c'ass, very claar and interesting. Mr. Fred Hickling of Collirtgwood WHS ill town was in ti-wn last week and aave The .Adva'r.cea call. Fred h >s put in the past suiiiiner pmspectiuB in the north country and showed us some nice speciments of rich oold bearing (piartz from the Xiahthawk lake district, »!;ere he registered a c aim. He was within IDO miles I'i J.imes Bay. I am now prepared to tike custom sawinj of lumber, shngles and huh, at uiy mi 1 in Fleshorton. Also cfo'iracts for spring and summer sawing in i|U m'lty iu any loc n ion. I have a tirst cNs-s moveable null and can guaiantee satis- faction. (}.(oJ f:u'ilitie8 for sawing bara limber. .A small quantity of sliinole timber, spruce and tlenilock logs wanted Dry lumber and joists for sale. George Watson. Flesherton. \Va direct till att.'Uti->n of our rendeis to the advertisement of the p.pular El- liott liusiness Collej;«, Toron'o. The opening .'f tbo winter term occurs on Jan. 6, wlieii a iaige number of new s'adenis will be enri lied. This school i.< under very ubie m ina;euient, and h is a con- stantly increasing paironage and is Irain- l mg liundieds of students each year for and will return t J Lion's f load after the I business posi. ions. The college h.is an h >lldays I excellent reputation for tirst-clais work. At the rpgular monthly mooting of tb.e ' .Vt the last mof ting of Ceylou L.O.L. Worn Ill's Listitute on Wednesday of l.is' j the following otH.eis wore elected for the week Mrs. t'rice Teeter gavo a very in- t.nsi,ing year : W. M.. G. II. Cunur'n ; terestirg and inslrucive report of thejDep.ti L. ^Vbi^e ; Chap., R. fl. Whit- recent convention at Ouelph For salsâ€" Bull calf, thoroughbred Dnrhmn 9 months old. Would sell or exchaniie tor colt or young siook. Peier Muir. lot 20 2nd N. D. R. Arteujtsia. Ceylon P O. 4 ins. Mr. Charley Best hud a narrow escape from seriom injury tliiouu'h g^ttiin! caujht in a cutting box be't one day last week, bur, fortunately only muscular strain wis the re.sub. in<y ; I'n'A''.. John Suell ; Rec. Si'j , W. 'Swaiitoii ; Fin. Sep., J. E Wright; D. ioft'.. A. Ferguson; L'ct., A. Sproat ; IF. Com.. G. A. Chtiis ; Comâ€" W. L. IWii.dit, D. McLeol, Geo. Snell, Janes Snell ; Tyler. Jaiiies Sar-.;eam. I Doisi.m Cimrt was held hire on I Wednesday of last week.theix' were 01 ly a coUiiU- of s'u.ill cases tried. IVrr-n Plow 1 Co. v. John AlcQuay was an actiou on a Patton â€" Reid A (piiec and pretty Ciiristmas Eve wedding look place at the Methodist par- sona<»B when two of our highly respected townspeople. Mr. Jaine.s O. Patton and Miss Minnie Reid, wore unitei in the bonds of wAlock. Rev. Dr. Caldwell pciformed ihe ceremony. The bride li>oked charming in her pretty wedding cosiume. The yrnomsman. Mr. William Reid, and the bridebiiiaid, Miss Margue- rite Dow, Iwth 'if Ceylon, stood up for the happy couple. After the cerein ny and congratulations they all repaired to their residence in town where a dainty repast and many friends awaited them The town and The -\dvance extend their best wishes to the happy couple that prosperity and many Christmas returns may see them in life together. Are Your Children "Croupy ? " This trouble is deadlyâ€" mu^t 00 sto[i- ped ([uickly. Nothing is so sure as the Nerviline Treatment. Give it internally, rub it on the throat and chest, put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. The marvelous piiwer of Neriiliiie. both as a liniment, and iu plaster form, will surprise you. For sore throat,oou>jhs,eolds,aud plcuiisy alone, it is used by thou.snnds every day. Invaluable iu Ihe home, espeeiiHy for treatin? the iuin"r ills that ad children are bound to catch. Larue bottles 25crs. e:ich. Nerviline ITasters same price, at id dealera, or N. C. Po'son & Co , King- ston, Oni^ Stiortl^orn Cattle fcr Sale l^vEnios and WimplBP. the best of breuOins ami quaht-'. Bull, cows aad Ueiters for sole at reasonable prices t 32,oi 11.5 CH.\S. STAFFORD. FlesherloD F'ca.x*m fox* Sale L..ts E.JH aiul 0, Ceu.l3. ia tbo township of Osprey IJV acres. lai;j:o cloArhw, K^otl Irftiiie baru au'l s*'aUloi. tzool divelUQij au<l weU> Apiily ou ibc- pr«mtse8 or to \y. J.Hblluct, Flsflbortou. Slabs $ Eddings for sak Wo will stiU the 4 fc. Slabs anU I-Mgiugs at our mill ou cjp. 3. Ar^euidsia, at ?1.U0 pt-i* corU. By apl'ijing t*» Mr. Jno. laTliament, opposite tho uiiil. h*j will tueasuro sad rccuivo casli lor ihe woo.l wheu takeu away. Wo will turther pay a rewar.l of *1^.00 for proof otauyoho taking wood from tb©ieinthe pai^t.or wbo may taUe wnod iu tlio futiir* with out our authority or Mr. ParMamonlV. KEEN'AN BHOS.. Liuiited, tf Owen fSoU'J i l^eiUr eam^ J!$tray Cauio to tho pr< iiiiiirs of the uni'orsiuui, d, lot *J8. con. S. Artttiueitiii, about Nov. 15. Tbeowuor is r«que«ted to prove pi-opurty, pay ezpeu:^os and take awo^'. J0:=. HAWKINS. Eus-eina. Doc 21, 1907 NEW- YEAR . . Greetings . . Before another issue is ort' the pnss the present year will be past and g-'Ue. Tnis has been a busy year with us and hew cou'd it be otherwise. We sell none but the be^t of cvi lytlii.'g in our line â€" Groceiies, Canciies. Flour and F.ed, etc. and the prices in a 1 small lines are r g'lt. We wi.sb all iiur hmui. roiis cusonis A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW W. L.'wRIGHT p;Oiiiiss ry note Judgment for plain iitl'. s;W 60, anj costs. JlcCalie v Drow- " Yuletide " is «n pxco-dingly neat iBy, iictioo on account, di<iiiis.sed wuh (juveiiir publication of Siielbnrne coiilin- eivsts. .A couple of (jarnishees and a num- uatioii class iu tho pnlili-- .school. |( in of cises adjourned, compleied the busi- a credit both to the »chiH>l and to tho no.ss of ihe Court. It is announotd ih .t Econi mist i>riut ^;llop, where it was horeatter ibis Court •ill open at ',» .1. m, ipanuf.ictured. ' jnstcid of 10 o'clock as iu the j^st. / Tho mpson's Bakery My Bread is well and favoiably known The i|ua1ily is the linmt. Bread dobvered regu- larly ai^d fold al the folbiwiiig id.-ieeR* places: Ceylon. U. Cook and J. Patti- son; Euaenia, H. C.iiins, U. V:irks an.1 K. IVfi-Diiiinli^ â- Kit,,. R'diiii.son and \h. }' Best Manitoba Flour f< r sale Ed. Thompson. Flesherton XMAS BARGAINS^ Come now and select your ChristiDus presents bet re the tush. Stock are complete and assortments have not yet been picked over. We are going to make some SPECIAL REDUCTIONS In tho clothing line, also Men's Working shirts, flannelette and duck at 20c and upwards, also a lot of remnants at a little over half price. - - We have a - • Fresh Supply of Groceries In fur the Christmas Trade. We tidnk we cau supply you with Everything you need in the Christmas Line - AT THE RIGHT PRICES Jas. Pattison, - - Ceylon. C r Worth and Wear . . . Style and Strength . Choice and Cheapness Wcare offering iu our stock of new good.s. which includes most thinirs desi'able for winter wear. Boots, Shnes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Slippers, Overstockings, Lei£giiig«, Telescopea, Trunks, Suit cases apJ Shoe dressings. Our Boots & 5hoes Are from the best factoiies. We have Men's L-.'gings that are sure to give Silt isfaclion. Call and see our PL'NCTL RE PROOF and MALTESE CROSS Rubbers No better to be had. CLAYT0N5' Flesherton. F. G, Karste _^ CHRISTMAS BUSINESS }\ The 2Jth is tlrawiug nearer and you have not com- pleted your Christmas buying, Tho folowing will give you the faint'^st idea of our enormous lange of goods suitable for Christmas gifts. Christmas Handkerchiefs Gents plain si'ik handkorcliicfs gcuts iuiiialed silk handkerchiefs gents fauay bordered li.iudlierchicfs gents brocaded Landkercbiefs Ladies' Swiss embroidevtd baudkercbiefs Ladies' silk baudk'fs Ladies' laro edged LaudkercLiefs Ladies' hemstitched Laudk'fs Gloves GEN L'Sâ€" Kill, Mocha, Buck, all wool liuowood gloves. L.\L)IE8 â€" Kid. mocha, titiduislied kid with cuff, and all-wool ring- v.ood and inosquitana iu all siiadcs. Slippers Ladies and gcuts fancy felt and leather slipper with leather soles. Christmas Neckwear Ties for gentsâ€" Wo hive a full line of flowiiifj end, hook ou. string and bow ties, gents silk scarfs with fancy printed Jt plain borders. Ladios f.tncy collars and lab^ iu all the latest styles. >> Embroidered Goods In Sideboard Soirfs. I.^oylies. Pillow Shams, etc Liueii Towels with fiingcd edges at different prices. Holiday Groceries We liave just received a lull stock of Cliii^tiD.is gr •_•• seeded or unseeded, eun ants, peels. flafoi\'''~""' lemons, nuts and icing sugars. F G. KARST Flesherton "''"'%^ \imic, 1.5 p.c. lo In ftdl p.c. lo date Into ution In full >> \ slnco o *'*/>r Ihom id in 0110 ». . «»?><'•. fiiiali soiiciin