Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1909, p. 1

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mm^ TfiUTH BEFORE FAVOR.' â€" " Pttl^C^IPLEb NOT MEN." Flestiertoi:*, Ont., Thursday, Januiiiry 14 IOOq W. H TIDRSTOM, PBOPMIFIOR «)ui il SUCL'KSsful ires hi're to- I'l.roiito . hus boeii uu- Dviiiii '<l<->wly . mwiiis( brick t hou-se next c iiiihturtiine liftirij; a Imi- i! fioiii herr at Drouiiin- biis been vis- tor the piiBl Moiiiliiy for C. ,aw. e of thei)l»jrcts ^iiiiiei- of tlie ni({s ill iimli- the aiiii>uiit I'f Hid othiir habit Isi'wl of eiicli ChiiiilKilaiiiH iUR-<i tiuit their these ilnig!<, H fully (jiovou, (111 the label, the -••afest, but ;hrt ;inil cMk. rimd iiucvtioii eeii in !<«I1' rnl •ilnou. Vandelenr. Mr. .loim Cliirk of Mill Creek speiit Sunday iu our burg. Mr. nad Mrs. John Bolarnl spuilt Sun- day with friends at Euuenia. Mr. Will Love, of Toronto', renewed su<luainUQce.s here Xml week. Mr. iind Mrs. Wtll Tiitiinir.a of Glcnelg Tisitod at Mr JuUii \Varlini;"a reueutly. Mr*. M, Beurd, who has bceu vioitiiig lit IViiiple Hill, returned home on Satur- day. Quite i\ iiiiiiibur front here attended the F. I. nieetiiisi at Kiinberley on Saturday evenini;. Miss Edith Ciillis relumed to the city liwt week, after spundiiiK the holidays wiih her father. .Mi.vH Aiuelia UxituhiiiM)U,who has bpeD wry ill with iiiH.kiiiiuatiou.is. we are glad t 1 say, recovering. Mr.s. Wm. .Aiit'erson of Glenuijc return- ed home on SuiiJay nfter »peiidiii<; .1 c luple of weeliS with her .soii-iii-la», ,Mr. George Hutohiusou, jr. p! eastnt for nn aiiiuiiJ. it bee to a time w»8 liill was the here fi>r a iixwell, and quests of lnr!;e iium- aitd luid a "•JlJ^irs-siV ry sermon at next. He /ion and feci very utsiders are Ls while they Better get give them a lirutty horn* >aie of Mr. pacticulHrs where.' All gratulations wi«h them iiiver.tsd a •r- propel led to run 100 expraasod v« entirely Singhampton Mr. Ed. Gutnell left la.st week on a tiip to Wishingtoii State. Mis.s .\nuio McKiuiion is coiiKiiud to the house with aii attauk of toiisilitis. Birth- .A.t Siuxlmmploii, on Dec. 23, Co Mr. xnl &lis. David Gaedk«, a dau<>hter. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Neff spent Christ- ui IK ill Toronto .vith their daughter, Mr^. Donnelly. Mr. .lames hii.H a lnri;e force of men and ti'.'iiii3 eiitia^od drawing logs to the veiieeiiiii: mill. Messrs. D. S. and Lester MuKitinon 'iiid Xeil MuLeaii of thn C. C. L are lioiiiu for vacation. Mr. and Mr«. Kdipir Jaiuieson spent the hulidav at Uoueywuod with Mrsi. .la uieson':- parents. Messrs, Clarence and Percy Stiff and George Taylor who spont the summer in Suskatehevvan have returned hninc,. Miss Kvins of O.-ikville spent "Christ- mas with h-i siaier. Mix. PhiaiistCr, and later left for Bradford, accoiiipaniert by Mis. livans iind Miss M. Kvain, who have spoDt the past iiiontlis at the jxir- sou8$te. .\fter several week's illness Mrs. Con- lin died un Saturday, Dec. 2i>, at her homo hero, an'jd GO years. Mrs. Cuulin was a most estimable laily fend her death is much re{(rettetl by her neighbors. She Is survived by a !;rown-up family of three sons and three dauj'luers. The funeral Was held the Moiidny following to the R C. cemetery at Stayner. The concert held Christmas night under the auspices of the Presbyterian church was very succewful. The draiua, " l)ur Tiiu, " by local talent, was well given and well received. Miss Jean Grey uf Stsy- nei saii;; in her usual good style. A drill by •« niiiiiber of sjirls was well executed. The Ladies' Aid must certaitily feel gr«t- itied at r.h^splciidid attendance. hisp I*' me Shoulder. â- â€¢w^^,y- - -'mniun fonn uf iim^onlar rlieii- l"?* .'^u.'. x^li^Ullenlal treatmuut is iieedtxl. ' Apply ChiuiibWaw':> ^^,''utnt fipcly Iwico a day and a qiuck cure is ' certntn. 'i his liiii- lueiit has pmven esiwcially valuable for luiiAeulat- ana chronic rheuniatiKni. and is siiro to Dive quick i-«lief. ChamlH-rlain's Liniment i« iUho uiost e.xeelluiit for spniing and brui>wi>. Price, aifcontu; large siaj .TO cent*, fc'oi snlo bv W. K. Kichanfaon. cold do not imes chronic attack of on itdeservos 'Iain's Cough â- oinpt relief. lUKl use uf all parts of laiiy forotgn lie cure* of this wide >r »nle by nio bothet- Proton Station Messrs. Will Hazen and Joe Medau;jh Sundayed. at their home* here. Messrs. 0. C. and George MoLoaii apent Sunday with friends iu Pricerille. We .-ue pleased to report that Willie Heddaugh is recovering nfter his recent illness. Mr. mud Mrs. Will Orr and family. Flesherton, Sundayed at the home of Mr. Uu^b Uodgins. Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Aclieson of Duu- dtlk spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Litdlon. Misssa Minnie and Margaret Pickett of West Toronto apent Friday and Saturday with their brother, Peter. Don't firgetthe Sunday school enlet- tainment given by the Flesherton Pres- byterian Sunday !>chool scholar* in the Orange hall next Friday evonin{{. On Friday last a very pleasant evening WA.1 Kpent at the home of Mr. Peter Pickett, when he gave a party to about fifty of his friends. We moat certainty congratulHlc Peter uu his aucceasful method of entertaining his jolly coinpany. Maxwell Items Miss Slay Whiteuak returue-1 to To- ronto on Monday. MisH Linahan of Toronto is alio visit- iny; her auii', Mrs. Seiners. Miss Maud Spolfurd of Areola, Sanik., is visitiiii; at her home here. Mrs. Fenlon of Cullintrwood is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wiit^jpuiers. -MisHcs Lizzie and Maud Guy visicud frienda at .Mclntyre on Sunday. Mr?. Morrison of Markham is visiiinij with her aunt, Mrs. John Kertou. ^Miss Liiszii? Guy attended the Institute meeting in Fleahertmi on M<vniliiy. Mr. Alex. McLean of Aleliityre spent Sunday at Mr. George Wliiie-iak's. Mr. .Mid Mrs. Fi'e<l Hawton and family of Siayner are viaiiin^ their many Irieuds here this week. Mr. Herbert Clark entert«ned a i. um- ber of hilt fri'uuOs last Friday^isjht to an enj.ijable party. Some of our yoiiny people spo'it a very sociable evenini; at the liiiiuc of Mr. Pote Somerilost week. Rev. Mr. Stanley preached a very iii- ti'rtsiin(f sermon Sunday eveniii;; to a very larjje coogregaliun. Mr. Will. U. Guy is attending the inter uieetiugs of the Fannci.s" Iii.->ti!utc his capacity of President. We are i-l-til to report that Mrs. Robert Kinnear, n ho met with an accident by fallinj{ Jowti colla r la w eek auo".Mo(idny iiigiit, is iiaproviuy T.very Tapiuly! Dr. Rykmaii wa.s called and dressel the wuuiid.s, which wo are glaU to hoar wvre not very serious. The Fanners' Institute will bold mtet- ii>gH iu our village Satuiu.iy, Jan. Iti. Mrs. Uainnboll will addn^ss the ladies in the afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Methiv ilist hall. Sirs-. Campbell is nn excellent speaker anil t ho ladies will ni.ike no mis- take in e iiiiinj out to hear her. Every- body IS welcome, whether m>^nibcrs of the lii.stituto or not. The gentlemen will hold their iue<>tiii<{ iu the Omi^e hall in the afternoon and in the eveiiin-j all will join toi^ether and a tirst class program will be provided. Kimberley. Wo have beaulitui weather a; present. Skating biM commenced uu our new rink, Mr. J. R. Fawcett went to Rwklyn on business Mouiliiy last. Miss Gertrude Caesar of Markdale is a visitor at Mr. M. R. Hainuiund's. Mrs. Ju.seph Dixon of the Northwest is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Wni. Scott. Mis< Magne of Salem is the gue.st uf her coui-in. Miss Iiia &Iai;ce of this place. Mils Jenuiv Muiullo has returned to Toronto after a plea.ssnt holiday with her parents bore. Quite a niniibsr frrni Vandeleur attend- ed the Faraicre' Instiluta uKetio(i« here on .Saturday last. Mr, John Plewes attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Reid, at Uorniugs Mills, on Friday last, Mr. .lames Galbraith of .Michigan vis- ited his uiicUi aud aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Geori<e Mundle, recently. Miss Mart(ur«t Tlio.tipKon, wh<> Iiiih been viKitinK friends here for the pa.st month, has returue^ to Toronto. Mrs. Hugh Luuitbead, who has been oB an extended visit with friends heie, has returned to her heme in the Sault. The C. O. F. concert given on Friday evenini( last wua a decidiHl success, ."dr. L«>e, the society oi-ganiiicr, f roi» Colling- ivood, was prevent and occupied the chair. The Farmer'.s Institute meetings held here on Saturday last were well attended. The afternoon session held in the public hall was addressed by Geo. Carlow of NVarkwcith, his subject being " Selection and feeding of the dairy herd. .<tit the ssnue time a meeting for the ladies was held at the home ct Mrs. J. K. Fawcett, the speaker being Mrs. Colin Cum(.bell of Windsor, Unt. Her subject was " Poultry raiaing," and was very inter- eeting a* well aa instructive. Mr. W. H. Guy of Maxwell, President, presided over tho former, while Mrs. G. H. Walter, president of the W.I. branch here, pre- sided over tho latter. In the evaninii a joint meeting was held iu the public hall. Mr, J. R, Fawcett, 'Vice President of Centre Grey Farmers' Inatitute, presided. The tame speaker* were present and gave addiesscs, Mr, Carlow on " Cnlliv*- tion of the soil, " whe.luindled his tubjcefe 111 a inort excellent ma&Der. Mrsi Camp- bell then gave an address on "Tbito^use , keeper and h "Nd^mv- j^tJitji.-'T which was the beat ever <^ veil in Kimber- ley by any Institute Udy doleuale aud we hope to have the pleasure of lieariin; Mrs. Ca:upbeII again in ilie near future. The evening; program was iu'ei sjiened with choice music by local talent, arsisted by Miss Gertrude Caesar of Mark.lule. The'tuiider leaves of a harmless luii);- healiiig niouiitainona shrub, give t • D.'. Shoop â- â-  Cough Remedy its iiinrvelons ••ur.ittve properties. Tiah", tickling, or distiessiii^ C'lujjlis, ipi okly yiidd to the he^lini;, southing notion of this aplcndid prescription - Dr. Shi.op's Cou^h Reni- e<ly. And is s<i i>ufe and i{ood to child- ren, its well. Contaiiiiiii! no opium, ci'lonifoi-iii, .ir o'.h'-r hunnful iliu'^s, mot hers slnuiM in safely alWHys (ietnaml Dr. Snoop's. If other reiiiclies arl^ otter- ed, teil them No I Be your own jud;:;e ! Sold by all dealers. An I.iistioge Item On Ji«. C tlio League at Inistio^o] wh« visited by the Mavwel<*Lea-^ue. The topic, "-The duty of making ijood resolu- tions. " was discussed by Kev. Mr. Stan- ley of Maxwell. Seveisl iiwuibuis of both leagues spoke ou the topic, esuh on a liilfi-r. lit resolution. Mr. Browiiridge of Maxwell uiade his talk vnry iiiteresf in.;;. A. .solo was given by Misa Field of Maxwell. .\;ter the pronraiii refr^^sh- menls were served. McFARLAND&O M \LvM-CIJ.\I.K 0^'TA1<I0 This Sale Lasts On 1^4 Eight Days More. ^^ C.ipi. Hirry K. black died suddenly at l?.irr.e. llr. W. X, McKiin, T"wii C!ork of tJoderich, died sudJeiily. BenJHiiiui J. .Matsli, an ohl pioneer of Clurksburj;, died recently. Dr. S. McCallum was again eh eted Mayr of Thoruhury. The doctoi is u s'rong local option iiian .ind although opposed by buth an anti-local optiouist and a local optiunist. he polled within 7 voles as utany as his two opponents. Womanly ptiiiis, head pniu.s, in fact any pain anywhere can bd completely stopped in 2i) mii.utes with one of Dr. Shupp's P^iiik -.J'tiiii T.'blots. Ask your Dijctor or Driii;gist about tlio formula. It is printed on tlie box - and it ciin't be bettered. Try otiodose and befconviuced. Box 2i)c. Soli Uy all dealers. The columns I'fslutf that some of the Tor uito dailies have been ]mb!isliiii!j about Tom Longboat's baptism and marri- age is enough to make the a\eia};e citi- zen tired of sporting heroes. There is very little toadiiiire in this very ordinary specimen of the savage. «ven if he pu.s- aesscs enough endurance to travel 25 miles wiiiiout stopping, and his private life has no interest for the general public. Sam Duck of Giaud Valley was tried bcfcre M.igistrates Uichardson, Tato, and McClelland, and coiiviiicod and lined for an infiaction of the Act respecting the inspection and sale of food. Duck had .-; get- tich-<iuick scheme. He got ijunnti- ties of oidiiiary butter, which he branded as cruaioery.lHe also secured a supply of wrappers mi marked which he supplied t<i farmer.s' wives, and a ihrivinsj trade wtis done. The butter mostly found its way to Toronto, where it was contiscsted. but the brander was hard to locate. Tho man was tinally run down in Grand Valley. .\ecordiiig to the thrown, the fraud has been sioiii^ on for years. The defence was a stubborn one, but the offence was clearly proven, aud a stiff Hue was iiu- puse,!, wi'h coals amounting to over forty dollars, NOTICE Tremendous Crowds Attending McFar- land & Co.'s 15 Days' Sale. r!.:i' d|)Fpn>^^^M.irkii.i'o aiiu vicunty liiive bf ii tatking ailvar.taije of M-- F.ii'..uiuM^-""-'-'* L'^K'^n'Sale bai l-eeii iiiaiiifot from the larue oiowds in-nVN'i'd- aiict! .since the opcnlh t4»y. The iw-p'.e appieciiiie gdisl ineitlMtndise at a Bar:; i'n Price, and they ar.-»gf"ii li. ir ai-pieiMUnoi d.iil^ by e-n-ryii.g avv^.y iuiUHi..-.e Diirctuses liy the nriiilSt. Ibis sxl* only las's nuhi da^s iiioic and p >sit|Vfiy rU) ts Satnr-liiy niylit, .Wi'"a') -orj. To •h.;.u' who hats not .ttte'lded tilts a«lj' »u vvIkIi III say I" you iMf' y u â- irvmis-ii.g a grvat <p-,^, rttiniiy oi s«c-uriiiK f ' yourself weminu' apiMrelaJl^homeiieeJs at uieatly redf.c»<l prices. Extra ..sa. - people have a'l-eadv belli an^'d for the !;,sr euihl days .if safe in on.lej? to .uivd ihecrowil-. l.'.iii.Md.'râ€" and !»:'•''"'"»' 'his sale moans to yi'U, asit is f'iiii**. >" the height of witiM r soh.soii, whlai X'J" »eftl the uoods oiu wciiiiig ^i.fj^^rel tche ino.st. ^ft â- \il Dry G'ods iu till hniisp.^j':"""'" ""'ho'eX'i'i''^ 'â-  's. .S'>4irls. Men's oid Boys' KurnishiU'.'s. Kurt., M.i. t!. s!^-'''^^'^""«r. Mens and -l>v.^' CJ..tli;iia,.&J.apli*-, House Furniahiuis Boots .mo Sl!iwl^^"'''"'~ '' ''Amy :.!•.! t.lnssNvarv, etiS.. -.ue bcini; .sidd at s-iciitioinu price- â€" Ever>'T Fr.*i ret.iarks heard oi; all sides t bis gilsllli^" lal. now uomh. on at MeRur.- laiid A Co.'s store ia pn-viiij x Vini.bie fe-irt jW'"' li-bo «baare nev.r .>.L..vv •,. app:eeia!« bii! larsain.-, the cr-wds attendiuK h» '>' - tti.tl.in.^ "'"" â-  ' la lr i Dou't deliiy-l'uny in dud secure your srarcl>f tffc nitin^ Uargiiii»fc--nvviiKT!ip' you. - â-  - 1 ^\ ': â- â€¢ . Make;: No Mistake-Be Sure to Find the Right Place^L^trhti: for| The Bigi-rjin. -^1 McFAk^ AND & COA5J>A|JY •TT BIG^ REDUCTION THESPEOPLE. -is good for children. _ OOOO*. _good for the Invalid, licavy^ lli^siiviug ill Men's liidti wear. To whom (his may concern '. I hereby givej notice tjlat all accounts duo to Richard.son s Druu Store Ml'ST jbe paid l.v the tin-t of February, 1W!», ur they will be put in the hands i-f a collector without further lyitice. -g) 3- W.E. RICHARDSON Flesherton. ce»»»»5^»»:^ DR. BURT Apeclalist In disoasM of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OMloe 13 F>.-ostSt. . OwenSound At the Ucverc honso. Markdale, l«t [vidiy eitch inuntll from S te 12 a. tn. wcor, rogtilarbj and Sl.OtJ lines, selling at ...;.•. T.^fg^Jltt' Big sale of Men's aud Boys' elothiag â€" 10 only M«ir3 suits nicely 'liiiod and tiinuncJ Sergc'!?, worsted uiul Tweetls. selling at 20 per ceut.'oHU 1 â- '> DnU Boys two and tin ee pipco suits go on <a\e &l 'iO pt-v cent. off. A moo hue of Ladioe" sateen Uudeiskirts â€" Tl* kind yon pay •V.25 selling at ' V*'-' Millinery at half price. Ladies, now is lla- time to buy your AlilUucry. \Ve are sclli-jg all triimned Millinery at half price. Toques for the Boys and Girls for school, erea"iiug at 2 iat â-  ......uo Choice stock of fresh ijiocenos alwaws kept on UaaU. f>igbe$t I' rices paid for Produce. J. E. Large, e u g e n i a: Reduction Saie The Chnslinas nisii is over and gone aud we are settled tlowu to regular business again. Tiio cold wcatlicr iciiuutanents is tho nejU tljing to be thought of. Here are some good btiying opjwr^ities in titt^-liues:â€" Women's CurdiKaus were $1.50 for „ ,'„,^. 5y,._ ' Boys' Tea Joa Jackets were $2.50 for .$2.00 Boys" f)veicoals storm hood were $l.2.j for....-*.; „^ .18.90 Boys' Overcoats were $4.75 for .......^.i $4.00 Men's Overcoats were $G.OO fur »...a,.\ ..$4.60 Mens Overeoals were $7.25 for $5.59 Women's Cloth Coats were 810.00 for .^ fj ^q Women's Cloth Coats were 88.30 for ,!.$6.00 A few Moil's Uaiu Coats were $3.0Uitor tl.75 In DisjiKsâ€"Hixh Preserve Dishes were 50c for 25c Tuinbleis in ditleroiit designs at 25c pel dozou Glassâ€" Six piece sets for 25c per .set. FLOUKâ€" We have pure Manitoba Flour the Cieani of the West, best iu the land, for per bag $3.D5"" Wo would like to get a few nice fowl. We will pav highest market price, also, for Butter ami JEggs. Our iVlutto U â€" ''Small Profits and Quick Return«." V Egreinojit township has a^ain oxpress- oU itielf;unmislak»bly on the .|ue.stion of looal option. Thcx.by-law for repeal has been defeated by the very large majority of;«)0.~<>"theR«»'- M'*'-'*^''*- "^"W *"^ Little and \ lew loc»l helpers de^ed the work of holdiin meet in«s and orgauiz ing the carapais". T'ley. »" well as all who iTcre in sympathy with them have a right to toel supremely satisfied. Having secured more thtin a tlirce-tifthamaiority, in fairnos-s a three-fifths majority should now be required to lepcal local option. But wo fatiey another attempt it_topcal will not be made in a hurryâ€" Confeder- When l.:d. Legate, who lives north-c«, of tiown.Vas helping his brother butobe* ht.«s. several days ago, the knife accidewU ally e.ifcercl the ,^lm of bis hand. inflJeU '"« * *"'««' "njui-y. the tendon ot the httle fiiiKec being severed. Dr. SmitlJ, who attend*^ him. found it necessuy to adminiater chloroform while the eadB at the tendon were beinj- brouRht .toget..ii" â€" Shelburne Eoonomiat. SKATING On Nuhn's Pond, every nigllt weather permittinsr. J.Pttton. r -><*». •t-sf.*'' «;«* -•-'^Ji

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