Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1909, p. 5

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Jaxlary 14 tdtiO THE FLESIIERTON ADVANC'E i If :l ' \ ' -V. THE STANDARD BANK ~~Eb(|^lid>"l 1873 Fimcrs' Institute Meeting OF CANADA SI Btmtkm is a Bank of iige and strength. It has a record behind it of 35 years of soynd and successful business, and is strong in resources and banking experience. We invite you to join the large number of prudent, successful people who have found banking relations with it both agreeable and profitable. If you have not yet begun to save your spare dollars Bake a start to-day by depositing One Dollar or more im tfff Savings Deparlment. fXESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell. Manm^er LNCBXS Al«90 AT DURHAM AMD BARR.IATOM. The animal winter nieeCing of the Farmers' and Woman'H Institute wrru . _,i • En u . u J Ik I "• nave UHca VvHauil-rrUtuia UOiiKH memteay held II. Fleaherfon in Monday afternoon | ;„ „y ,,„,i,y ,,„ ^^„,^ jr,„.»„d Wefooad and eveninx- The farmerH* iiifetinK in it csperutlly effective for croup and wbuupiag ^ _ I I. â- â€¢ If 1.. I... \ir 1.' l>:_i 1 the afternoon waa held in the NonU Croup Aad^hooping Cough. Thn iDotheni n{ young childn^n hav* uo iMcd to fear tliwie diaeiwcti if tbc? keep Chamber- lain's <Joui;h Remedy at hand. Mr. M. Davenport, of Pauh- Vallt-y, Ind. Ter.. write*: *1 have ut*«d CtiauiLerLtin'a Cou^h Reaaedv I coi)gh. " hnt sale by W. K. RichardM>«. Weak KldncvSi '""' '"^'* * "*"* J I porsale cheap, or rant, inimediata poaaaniaa. * I* Lxit 3a,C'oa.l4,Art4>iuiMia,about TJacrsi olaar. Bros", hall. Mr. Geo. Carlow of Wark worth, the apeaker, wan iniroduced by the President, Mr. W. H. Guy, and apoke on â- ' The eradication '>f weeds" to .ibout thirty farmers. The discuaviiin waagt^id. Many question* were fired at the apeaker and were clearly ami conciaely answered. As fi'.r the eradication uf weeds, the ob- server could not but ba struck with the Annual Meeting The annual lueetnv/ of Edit Grey .\|{ri- cultural Society will be held ii> the town ball, FlesheitoD. on Monday January 18, I 1900, at one o'clock p. oi. for the |>urp4Me | of receiving ai:d passing the iinaunl re- | port, elecLiou of officers for the ensuing year, and the trana:u:rioU I'f such other imptefsion that haid work was needed 1 '""'','>«»» '^e*'"**! •>'^««»''y id the interest j ' of I he society. D.tT8D AT Fl.B.><UgET!li( J.lNt,-ART 4, 1909. R. J. SPROULE, Secretary. VICINITY CHIPS W. A. Armttron^ issuer of niarria<;e Kcenaes. C!ar of fine Kilt arrived this week at F. O. Karatedt's. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker of Cale- don. and Mr. and Mrs, John Irwin of Heathcute, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Bent bam last week. Croup positively stopped in 20 minutes with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One test alone will surely pr^ve this truth. No voaiitinir, no distress. A safe and p!e:,&ing syrup~5Uc. Sold by all dealers. Two merry loads of Dundalk young people drove up Friday evening for a Mr. Willie Wilcock is »t'.er.ding » hixh •eh obi in Toroutu. Chopping done every day at the plan- cgibill. Thoa. Blakely & Co 'skate on the npen-air tink. This in- Horse for Saleâ€" Good heavy work stitution, which i:i run by Mr. Patton, appears to be giving the young people a great deal of plesture. The elements this winter hare been very favorable to above alt else. The meeting was of un- doubted vslue and those who stayed away nrssed a lot uf good information. Mrs. Colm Campbell of Windsor wasj j^^ (,,,„ Stmad Poultry Clnb is hold- 1 greeted by forty cr fitty enlhu8ia.itio^i„g jt, ,„„„,! „hibition this week. I Women Institute workers on Monday i .i,. ,. . • • . . « .- ..^i ' I The hrst ihtpiuent of doias«lic cattle < aflernooD to hear her address on "Cann-', ^ j . . .u i .. • i... â-  , j for Guwgandi Wiis sent north last night j me fruits and veset^bles. The many ; .1. r- â-  o. 1 v -j v.. . * " 'from the Lnion stock I aids. It cnnaitt- luterruptions and questions she recaived j,,.-.. 1.1 i.uruc!i. „. J ..u-.. •. _ _• . .-_ ^.__ led of thirty head, Uken by W. H. Stuart, the pioneer butcher ot Elk City, The W-^k Kidner-). sorely point to weak kidnev Borr.i. TtiB KiilneT!*, Uku the Henrt. and the Btomaeh, dnd their wiiakiiisss, not in chu orsan Itself, btit in the nt^rv*-*! Uuit coiitml and guide anil stn-ngthen th«m. Dr. Shoop's HiistoraUTM is a me4)u-Hie dpf'Ciiicallr pr»>piiT«d to n^u:h tiiese control lias OHrVHS. To doctor the iCidn^ys alooai, is iutile. It id a wastti oi time, and of mooer a* well. If yoor bark aches or Is w^ak. W the oiina scalds. oriaiUrkaivi.-^trncs. Ii youhav^syizipcoina oi Briffhta or oiher di^sCressing or dangerous kid> n«y dliea*:. try Dr. Shoop's lt.^storatiVf a monthâ€" Tkblftts or Uquld â€" and yf whai it cun and will do iur you. Drxxg^Ut recummuud aad sell Dr. Shoop's Rostoralive porsale cheap, or rant., inimediata poasassiaa. â-  Lxit 3a,C'oa.U,Art4>miMia,about 75 acrsa olaar. eoinfurtablu Iok bousa aad frame l>arn. Appir to h. J. K|iruulH. rliMbcrtou. or John J>^ Vi acrosatbe lo&dfroai saiJ lot. T uU E. JH and 9, Cou. U. iu thu lownahip •'-'0«pr«y lao acres, larite cl»ari04(. »ood fram' l)arn aod stai>ias. good dwells^ aad well' apply on thapremiaea or to W. J. BsLi.AitT, Plesharton. Xpor isle cheap and on aaay terias. goodooin- -*- iortahle frame dwelttoR. stable aod drivius house, with three viilace lou, in Ceyloo. Dwell- ing well built and fljiisbud. and good orchard on the property. Apply to R. J.S<>aocut Flesherton b««Xii« Lota«5. l:i5 del El Dorado Farm. Of Sbnrthum cattle and xheep. Bulla and heifers 8tiaod KTcoa.S. Arteiuasia, iriO acraa, eared aaj under ctiltivacioo. all feoead. : twc good orchards;, large fraiue barn, bas imeoS barn aud outar frame barn 2< z J8. frame I dwelling. This will be made a good thing tor the right aiaa. '_ W. H McWAgLY • Partlaw , porRent. lot JT. con, l.'Artematia, 100 aoraa. ^ SS to 9Sota*red and in coltivatioa.comfort- ; able dwelling, bank baru. tfione stabling, in * first class fwttU.-D>ent. aud well worthy tlie at- teation ot tiuwe reqniring aocb. B. -i . Braaci.x, Fleshartoa showed that it was an interesting subject to her listeners Mrs. Campbell not only | teaches, but seems delighted to receive hints and suggestions which are new toj cattle will go by (iranj Trunk and T. and N. O. as far as Charitoo and from there ill b« driven in over the trail a dUtance Leicester T 0ts54aBit3S. con. 3 9. D. R. 160 acres, 6S ... on hand i â- "^cleared. 19 Acres pasture, t»alaace good btisb, for sale, also a number of sinf^le and rose comb J Barn 6J x a*, driving shed, good frame bouse, t brown leghorn, aad single comb white leghorn J'if' ' »*" °' orchard and stone wail under cocke«? I^t3'.' Con. 5. Ch^. Stafford. ^ J.-^^.^rSt-, ^^^-"^^^ ^^-k^o^^gj^ 3 miles from Proton Station; For terma appir oa paemises to Scottish Pride 66274 1 '"""^^ ^ ''*^^*' The young bujl Scottish Pride will ttaod for ' J^ot 3, con. _J-I, Osprey, 100 acrea, well of appir UtOet. , Proton 8tatio> koTse. Thos, Fenwick, Eugenia. Miss Maria Chislett of Ceylon is visit- ioa Cleveland friends for a week. Mr. Fred and Miss Ella Karstedt spent Sanday with friends at Homings Mills. Good ow for sale, due to calve in April. Austin Shackelford. Flei<herton, open air exercise of this kind. Rev. Walter Daniels, B. A,, Travelling Secretary for Baptist Missions in Western Canada, is to (.reach in the Baptist church next Sunday morning. He will also de- For Sale cheap- 2 second hand cutters, liv^r addresses at Pricevi.le, CeyU.n and R. J. Sproule, Fleaher- \ r^,, jh,,, ^^ j^e usual hours. Mr. iMie almost new to-j. Good girl wanted to do general house- work in family of three. Apply at this •ffice. Daniels '.tm for came years a very suc- cessful missionary in the wist and is a very iutrrestiug apeiker. t her. For the benefit nf our lady readers , , .,.!-• > rrt. i_, ^ . a ,. I,- » 1 j "•*"""'•'*'? â„¢'**' '" """'S'""**' ^hey will be preceded by a team »f oxen haul- ing feed and will be given plenry of time so as to arrive in good cocdition . "There are from lOU to 150 men going into Gow- gat.da over the trail every day," said Mr. Siuart, who hai several claims himself m the new country. â€" Toronto News. . There is no Quinine, nothing whitever Dr. Sproule of Markdtle advertises » harsh or sickening in Preventics. These hig sale of shorthorn cattle it. fhis issue, j y^^^^^ Candy Cold Cure Tablets ;tct as by 1 Look It up, I magic. .\ few hoursâ€" and your threaten- i Noticeâ€" .\ll accounts must be se'tted ing Cold is broken. Candylike in taste, ; •n or btfoie Jnn. 20, next. James' preventics please the children â€" and tliey j break the feverishness always. Aud least of all is the economy. A large box ! â€" 48 Ptevi-ntics â€" 25 cents. Ask your idruiiiiist. He kn'>ws I bold by all \ dealers. Paltison, Ceylon, Underwood typewriter aim .«t good as â- ew, atao parlor oza^o for sale. Apply â- tpoetothce, Ceylon. Bout and iihoe Uepairing promptly, tbeaply aiid well done. H, CHrrington. Armstrong's old jewellery store, Flesher- ton. Rev. L. W. Armstrong, wife and little son, of St. Paul's church, Toronto, Oilled o'l Mr. .Armstrong's aunt, Mrs. John Clinton, here last week. Mr. Arm- Dr. Bi>ndot Maxwell htsdecide<i not strong was on his way to Oivcn Sound, to locate in Shulbunie after all, but in- where he preached oducatioiiitl sermons stead will take n post graduate cuur.se iu m Sunday. The rev, geutleui.in goes to iiew Â¥<)rk. the Metrnpo'itan church, Toronto, next A t|u*niity of uood, iry inch hemlock ' y^*"" h invitation, lumbeniiidaciuantity of ilry 2 iu. hem | Onediyla.st wiek Fred Brown was hwk plauk for Side in Flesherton. Apply drawing water from .\. Stewsrl's. in the JoplS 'suburbs, when the horses took fright and lo Jtthnston CjIIcd. 30 d«ys specinl low ptices in suits and Ida'ihe.l out the lane. Fred was knocked pants in iiidii/o sergc-s. p!ain and funcy, down and run over but did not leceive Iwecd and worsted suitings. U. Alex- serious diimage. When the team-got to ander, merchant tailor, Feveriham, Out. the road they found the curve too short {and smashed throug't the fence into ' Pickel-Ks field, and making a circle came Property for Sale at PriceviUeâ€" A brick bouse, eight rooms, barn snd fivu lots. Also lot 10, con, I, N. D. K., Aitemesi^, 60 acres. Apply to Catberino Scott, PriceviUe P, O, tf Being in the 8j>w null business at Eugenia, I am prepared to do custom aawing. Will also pay c«sh at the mill tor spruce and balsam in twelve-foot lengths. â€" J. W. Deagie. M. G, Orr, Collingwood gravel, lot 175, has a sow that raised 35 pigs iu 13 months. The U.'it litter, from his large York hog, was farrowed the 15ih of September and marketed on the lOih tf January weigh ing over 200 Iba, apiece. The annual meeling of the .'Vgritii'tiv-.i Soci-ty of the townshin •:! Arttraesia will bb-heW ii! T'sivii Hall, PriceviUe, on Wednefdar, Jan, 20th, 1909, at 1 p. m. All parties interested are invited to atleiid. N. McKinnon, Secretary. Last Week two or three CBpiee of The Advance were returned owing to the out to the road, knocking down the feiic.' once iiivjre, and ran a mi'e and ii quarter before being stopjicd. Not a do'lai's worth of d'tmage was done to horses or outfit. Mr. C Stafford delivered a bull to the drovers here on Monday, the delivery of whicli was attended by uDusu;d circum- stances. The sleigh acciden'^ally collided with a telephone pole in town, breaking â-  he box .so that the animal was freed, aud took it into his head to make a sprint for home, byit mistook his latitude and loDgitudJ and brought up in a few minutesMt the statitn, just where his ^'ilaiit had wanted to plant him. The horses did Dot bfc.v" '" draw him that mile and a half, that is all. It was a joke on the bull, that ho did not appieciate. Irwinâ€"Armstrong Matried, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Armstrong, laWs having ken accidentally torn cIT- , Busenia, Miss Maggie Anustnmg to Mr. If the subscribers who missed their paper ; John Irwin of Heathcote, on January 6th will drop us a card wo will see that they j 1009 The brides pastor, Rev. G, C. gel theui. I Little, performed the ceremony very Notice-Having disposed of my prop- ' ''®'='*"'^'>'' The bride, who was dressetl trly and pr.tctice at Maxwell, ail t hose ' '" *'»''® *'"'' trimmed with chiffon ruch- kaving accounU due must settle by csh i"K »nd "hover lace, entered the parlor or other sati.sfaotoiy arrangements not ! •*'*°'"« "" '•" *"" "^ ''"'^ ^*^^^'^' *•»" 'e might I riefly quote some hints she gave : Have fruit froah, (jerfect sealers, sterilize the glass rans by boiling them for half an hour, use silver, woixi or granite s(>oon but never tin. If cans when co<.>ling are laid on tha aide and moved occasionally fruit will not rise to the tup. Use the best sugar. To test, take one cup sugar, one cup witer and boil. If a bluish grey scum riaet> to top it is not 6t to pieaerve fruit with. i The evenine sesiion was of more gen- eral interest. Reeve B<'yd was chairman. Hr. Carlow s(>oke at leiiKth on "Cultirii- , tiou of the s III." We cannot deal at ! lesglh wirh this interesting supject, but speaking of underdraining he said ar- ranfrements had been made that any per- ^ son desiring to have a tystem of under- drainine on their farm could do so by ^ simply boarding an expert who is paid by | the government and may be secured at will. The expert will make a map of the system aud will estimate as to the prob- able cost. Particulars may be secured from Mr. J. I. Graham, Vaudeleur. | Mrs. C. Campbell spoke on '' The housekeeper and her imp'irtance to the state," Her address was witty yet full of good sense, iiistruc.iveand not pnsaic. Rev. L. F. Kipp by re<iuest gave the , recortl of his 16 June-hatched single : comb Browr Leghorn pullets, for last , year. They Liyed 3150 eggs, or an â-  average of 195. The cost of keep was ! $15.77, or 9{)c each. The product w.i8 j I $42.43, or $2.65 each, making the profit ! *l.f>5 per liirtl. Mr, .M. K, Riuhardiou being called on gave » short, 'oterestiog, if impiomptu, â-  iiddreiw. I M'jsic was supplied by J. O. Paton ai>d .Miss Edna Paton. on ihe vi<iliu and 1 org^in ; and a ijuartet Ly Sirs. K. Moore ; and Mis. [W . U. Bunt, Messis. Rob Moore and Dick Wilco.x. i Rev. Dr, Caldwell spoke briefly, I During the singing of the National .Anthem at the c'ose a number ot jver- , CO its went on, but only one man left the hall. As a result of thn meeting* about thirty-sis new membeis were added. If your Stcusch, Heait, or Kidneys ate weiik, try at least a few doses only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In five or ten days only, the result « ill surprise you. A few Cents will cover the cost, Aud here is why help comes so quickly, Dr, Shoop doesu t drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys, Dr, Shoop's Rei'torative goes directly to the weak and failing nerves. Esch organ has its own controlling nerve. When these nerves fail, the depending organs must of necessity lalier. This plain, yet vital truth, clearly tells why Dr, Shoop's Restorative is so universally successful. Its success is leading dru/gi.st8 every- where to give it uuiversal prefeivnoe. A test will surely tell. S<dd by all dealers. service at Mr. F. W. Nicholson's, lot 3T..OOD. 3 Artemesia. Scottish pride is sired by Scottish I Priuce, a giandsoa of the wonderful ahow cow, | Gem of bellachiu. Imp, winner of eigiit priiftes . at Toronto and London. l>esides being ohMup- { too female. She weighs over 1900 pounds. One of this cow's calves sold fur $lTZ&iXI. ' Hoottish pride is oat of Lady Bella by the Toronto first prize wtoucr. Capt&iu U&y Fly. imp iSbSh. This youug bull has prtue him- . self a shiiwbull having gained an enoourauiog ' record this fall at Fevershaui. He wen tirstS prizp as best ball caJt, also diploma for best ' bull any age. Those baviag pure ortd cows / should see this grand bull before breedtui! as ^ thby cannot do t>ettertt>aa ose hiin. .% limiV^p number of grades will bu takenat ai.-lS; For j tanbered. For teTma,etc. opplr to R.R(>b- erls. Latfy Bank. pore brads. #4.00. I he K^ough of Consumption Your doctor will tell you that fresh air and eood food are the real cures for consumption. But often the cough is very hard. Hence, ve suggest that you ask your doctor about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It controls the tick- ling, quiets the cough. A W* pabliAli our ftonaulâ€" W* baniali ftloohol Wa ore* jon to eoaault yoor dootor ijers liEjyiyEis. Carefully Corrected Each Week Oats 36 to 36 Peas SI to 81 Barley 48 to 48 Wheat 88 to 88 Hay 7 00 to 8 00 Butter 22 to 22 EL'g*. fresh 25 lo 25 Polaloea per bag 40 to 45 (»«£.•«>.....,..... 10 to 10 i»ucks .:r-r*.^. 10 to 10 Chickens . . . ."Tl .".. 6 to 8 Turkeys 7.:. 14 to 14 Notice to Creditors In The Hatter of The Estate uf William Spencer the elder, late of the Town- ship of Osprey in the County of Grey, Farmoi, deceased. N^ICE is hereby given pursuant to the re- visedStatates of Ontario, HOT, Chap. 129 that all creditors and others having claims agaiaaa I the estate of the said William Hpencer.daceaae'* I whodiedonor about the eleventh day of May 190H, are required on or before tha 2Sth day c( Jaauar\ . A. D, 19C8, to send bv poet {prepaid or deliver to Meaars. Lucas, Wright A McArdle, Owen Sound, Out., solicitors for the ' administrator of the estate of the said deceased, ' their christian andsuruames. ad<lreeees and de- scriptioDS, the full particulars of their claima. : the statement ot their accounts and the aatorw of the sacnrities (if anyi held bv them. AND FVRTHEh TAKE SOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said admois* trator will proceed ti distribute the asseta of the deceased aaiong the parties entitled there- to having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that tha said administrator will not be liable for tha said assets or any part thereof to aiiv person or . persons uf wboee claims notice shall not havw ; been received by them at the time of such dis- tribution. Dated December 17th, A. D. lOBL Lucas, Wright aud McArdle, Owen Souui", Out.. Solicitors for John Spencer, admiuistia- tor of the > state of the said decea One of Ayer's Pills «t bedtime will ciuse an increased flow of bile, and produce a eentle laxative effect the day following. Formula on each box. Show it to your doctor. He will understand at a glance. Dose, one pill at bedtime, ,^ Had* by tht 3. C. Ayer Co., L«w«U, lUm:-'^' Notice toCreditors later than Jan, 16, after which Mitatandiiig aceuunts will •ther hands for collection. date all gave her away. The bridesmaid. Miss be ulaced in â-  Theresa Armstrong was dressed siuiiliar- A,T. Bond I '' '" '^® bride. The groomsman, Mr. j Albert Irwin, conducted himself gtace- The young people's Guild of Presby- fully. Many handsome aud useful pres- terian church will hold a Necktie Social ®nts were received by the bride, and the at Ihe home of Mr, Jerry Thompson on usual congratuUttions were tendered by Iburtday ere, January 21st, Teanifi will •!! present, before sitting down to a he provided to take tho.se going from the su^nptuous arid well prepared wedding village. Come and get a beau for 16c. •"PI'*'", afwr which the guesta departed. The inaugural meeting of Artemesia The relatites from a distance were: Mr, Cunncil «a. held on Monday, presided »"'* ^'^ ^^- ''• ^^'*"'^^ »»"* daughter ever by the now Ueeve, Mr, Boyd. Mr. P**''' "^ ^'''•^"" ' ^' •â- "»*' *""" ""'-â- '>â-  C. BoUar-.^ was again given the assessor- ""^^ »«""»>*»» "f Flesherton; Mr. and Mrs. •hip, the old auditors and board of health ^'â- *'" """^ **"« ***> ^"'''° "^ Heathcota, wer* also reappointed. The will be printed nest week , minutes and with other friends, numbered about thirty-five. The bride's guing'away suit was a nice blue cloth with hat to match. A large numlier of new subscribers xhe j oung couple will take up their have been added to our li.st during the ,es deiico on Spring Creek farm, near IKwttwo weeksanda.o still coming. If He.tthcote. whore both ,tie very highly yuo are not with us, git in line. We ex- Irnd the h lud of hearty w>lco;no lo those who h-ivo eorolM.l ihwir names nnd trust the friendship thus begiui will be long Maintained , respected. A man is known by the company he krepR, but a gill should not be judged liy the roinp.ihy ^he has to e'llertain. The Meifoid Express has entered upon its fouith year of existence. The baby ailments (if it h«d any) have not impairej its robust cunsiitutioii. The mill owned and operated by Chas, Mclnnis at Yei vilie, abi-ut five miles from Holsteiii, was entirely destroyed by file Satuidty morning. The stock of tinibei in the yard was saved. The loss is abou>. $4,000 ; insurxnoe $1,000. In th'> ni.ilter of the esttite of PatiiLk ^ Buros, late of the t iwnship of Os- prey in the County of Grey, fatmer, ) deceased. [ Notice is hereby given pursnsnt to The Be- ' vised Statutes of Ontario. 1S07. rbapter 1J9, that all cnKlitorn and others having claims againat the estate of the ?aid I'atrick I5urui>. i who died on or abetit the rioeteenth dav of August 19U8, are requiriMl on or before the ^th day of January, Itwe. to send by post prepaid, or deliver to kiessrs. LiU''as, Wright •£ McVrdle, Ow.-u Sonno, Ont.. solicitor for tlie adujiuistra- tor of the estate of Ihe said deceased, thuir cbriftian and sut nauiea, addresses aud dt-scrip- ! tion?, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their account tnd the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. Aud further tako notice that after such I »t mentioned date cho said adaiinist ator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amcng the parties entitled thereto, h»ving re- gard only to thj claims o' which he shall then have notice, and that the said aduiitii«tiator will not be liable for the said a.-«set9 or anv part thereof to auv yersou or persons of wNosj '^ aim notice shail not have been received b> him at the time of such distrihutiou. Dated Uecomber 17th, \. D, 1907. Lucas, Wright A .McArdle, Owen Sound, Ont.. Solicitors for James Uichael Burns, Ad. ministtator ot 'he estate uf the said deceased. Our Clubbing List .\dvance, and TonmUi World, daily $ 2 60 Toronto Diilv News 2 30 Weekly Globe '.80 Mail-Empire . , , . -To Family Herald & Scar 1 80 Toronto Stiir 2 30 Farmer Sun 1 80 Farmers .\u .ocata .... 2 20 Weekly Wii,;e»f I 73 Satni-dsyNii{ht 2 50 'â- tiJiilii Special Reductions For CbisOlcek Only. Woolen Underwear Wu" .ire pu't ui on sale this week only, a larg-) number of Penman's .\!l Wool I'lishrinkable I'liderwear, regularly sell for $2 00 per suit .T ^Q Y..ursfor ". JL.^C? Worsted Suits Wn ul-jo place on sal.> a number uf suits, the very best you can buy. I is ii money saver. Regular ?17 VQ Suits 13 98 15 Ot) " 11 'J8 10 CO and 12 00 suits 8 5» Furs A lan-e reduction in Ladies' and Gent's Fur ,ind Fur L ned Coats, Ruffs, $ Mud's and Caperiiies. C II and see these RE.AL B.\Btj.\l>'S. F. Q. KARSTEDT, Flesherton. Oyster Supper aad Banquet, I After the reguUr business maeting of Prince Arthur Lodge, -A. F, aiul .\. M., on Fiiday evening, the members by special invitation, repared to the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Phillips, | where an elegant banquet and oyster supper bad been prepa.ed for them by Mrs. Phillips. Five visitors were present from Markdale and one from Mclntyre After tiie supper short speeches were given by M, K. Richardson, Rev. J. S. I, Wilson. T, Blakeley. Ma.sler. W. Heath and W. Tucker, An enthusiastic toast wa.s drank ti> thehi'stess for hei kindnes^ iu pnividing such an k'tboratest>pper,aill the gathering disjMjrswl by singing "At^l Lang Syne." Fall and Winter. Wc hate a complete line of Fall and Wiiiii-r Koods, consisting of Whips, Plush Rug8,Rott8, Bells Curiy Combs and Brushes, H'wf Ointment, Harness OiI.GhII Cure Trunks & Blacksmith's Aprons. Look in and eximine our stock of Horsu Blankets. We Manufacture Harness And do reparing Cheaper than elsewhere. 0. W. Phillips Recognized as the Best* Wi.NTER Term at The -in- Buyitid Toot mear Come where you cau save money. We remind our frieutls that we have a gootl stock of Kubbers. Overshoes, Loggings aud some felt goods â€"just the kind to keep your feet comfortable in the coUl weather. â€" frost proof and warm. Also a lot of Trunks â€" Telescopes going off cheap. Shoe polish, all the best kinds. Custom Avork made to order, first "] quality material used. Trv CLAYTONS ^^iH'i PILES get InnedUte reller Or. Shoop's NagkOintnent Commences January 6, 1909. Three Counesâ€" Commorcisl, Shorthand; and Typewri;in)! and Prep.trHiory. for those who»c early education h.vi been newlected. | IXFOBMATtOS FrEB I C. \ KLKVllNG. pRisciPAt. I fOwfii Soumt, ., 1 « In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, « « Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- « « arators and Wire Fencing, « HORSE SHOEINgTsPECIALITY S Heard' s Carriage Works

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