Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1909, p. 8

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V T II r: f l e s i£ e r t o n advance January 14 l9o9 â€" sâ€" â-  Makes Broiling Easy It ismar^i mare co:ive:iicnl to do your hr.-iiiiij^ by lirting this Key Plate, tlian to lit I'jc fover or use lli'.- bioik-r door. \\>u liave i:iorc room ami {jel the iiicatdirfctly over the coals. Notice ibe Low Wanning Closet, a sixicial fcatnrc of this year's "Peerless PeniusuUir" Ranges. Uaylij;lit Oven, Adjustable Damper, Removable date r>.;r>, Therniomcti-r in oven â€" •ire only a fi.-w i,l the con- veniences you shovtld ask about. 8ltp ill at any Ume&iht 1:0 t-vtr ihc "l*r*rlr»s PoniiiMilar*' U-ingo. i.luU lu ckpUtiu Ihcir tiniiraTCinciit^ to yui;. 72 P. 6. KARSTEBT. (S) FLESHERTON Flesherton Carriage Works Cutters - - Sleighs. U .- t J * Ft h Now is the time to buy your Cutter or ynnv Slc-ii,'!). If you intend buying call on us before purciiisinj^, us v/o iiave a complete stock to choose from, and pr.ces iljiit Euit. First Cla^s Horse-Shoeing a Specialty D. McTAVISH, ^ FLESH E R TO N. Prop. BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. If you ever had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until tiie virus or poison has been removed from the system. You may have had some disease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Some poison still lurks in your system. Can you afiford to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used indiscriminately-they may ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe specific remedies that will positively cur" s" bloC J fjjseases of the worst cJrixacier, ieavinjj no bad effects on tfcs 3y ste m . Our New Method Treat- mentwill purity and enrich the blood, heal up all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, »nd swollen glands will re- turn to a normal condition, and the patient will feel and look like a diflferent person. All cases we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com- pleto cure if instructions are followed. Realtor if in doubt as toyourcondhion, you can consult us FREE OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years. WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and Secret Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. if unabl« to call write for a Queation LUt lor Home Treatment. Drs KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan % Griswold Sts. . Detroit, Mich. ^^' i^ CTH m YWbB W(' ^^R i ^^ Aa Owen Sound Murderer Th» tiiitn imint'il Lnfuyotlo DjIo, who 1 w^K H! ruMoil ill NobintkH ovur a vn'ck I a{ 1 'iiiachHrgu nf iiiunlfiin^ Vnlly Mniin, hill A l(iii|{ UMiiiiootiiiii ttiih Ovtcii Sound. I DaIi'N iiccuaeH h wntimn of the name of Siuilli, with whom liu was travelling, us j bein)( >lie prrputrator (if the duuil. 'Ihu tr«20ily (Kscurrcd easl of Nnrth Plalti*, Nebrfiiika, whi-ro the C'iu|ile met Mitnii â-  HririnK h'** I'tairie xclioinier iicrou the uuutury. Muiin jjavc tin- cnupU a ride, I Hiid on the-fvi-iiiiiK of tho Hecniid day. J wliil'.t Mann uiti as:uf>p, ho was shot I through tliu hca.l. I The woiiiHii Siiitih l(>ld till! police that ! O.ilo!) Ijiid donu I he deed, wlulu on huiiiK itrrt'Hted Dull H ili'ulnred thiit lhi< woinan j had for two duys ur)>ed hiui to commit j tho murder, iti ordur that they might obtain Mhiiii's hutseK, At the critlcHl I iiiomeiir, howevur, hm nctve had failed I hitii, and tho womni) had taken the revolver out of lii.<< hands and shot the Hleepiii" man. DaloH came here iihout twenty yeiirsago niid was knowi) nn one of iho beitt atone. cuilei'K ill the diniiiet. He was given to drink, however, nnd »piH'aredfiei]ucnt- ly in the Poiice Court. Kvontualiy he WH.-* accused of loohing a farmer of a watch, and ui: being liberated on bail am"UiiiinK 10 81,000, tied from tlie town. That 'vns about eight years a;2o. His wife and two grown-up daughters, one of whom is muri'iud, reside here. Five years ago \m *ife received a C. (). D. patce' contHiiiing .1 mtc aiul a bundle of clolh' iiig. The note was to tho tffoct that the clothing belonged to her huhband, who had died and been buried in Youiigat town. N. Y. Mij. D.iles Imd her doubts us to the truth of this sliiletnent, and since then has icfusod .several ofl'ers of marriage, being always under the iin- I pr(a:iii)n ih.kt her hushand would turn up I iigaiii. She and her daughters are highly respoL-led here. WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia st ock « ° Bes t Stoelt Bells, Blanlute , Robes j P'lir lined coats, pocket booka, aatchols, | razor strops and other leather goods. ! Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everything I in the harness line. I W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. ( Winter Term opens Jiiti. 4th Arianga now to attend the fsinous TORONTO. ONT. Tliis^ichooLitniids to-day without, a superi- or ill till! iJoniiiiion. Nearly all cuil>*Kei! elaiiii t'> be ihe lient but clainiiiig to be do, diH!.^ nut n uke thcuiau. (i<-t our catalogue. Head it on. cover to cover. .Seeforyour- nelf »ii thin college is doinir and tlie advantages it offers. \V. .1. Klliott, I'Hiicipal Younge and .\lcxander .Stii. The People's Store. Weliave emerged from the holi- day ru.sh mid are ready to do I'uaine^si with you. Call here when you wisli to ho pleased with your Groceries, Flour and Feed, or anything in "ur 1 111". We have a full lupply of Bran, Shorts and Cliop. Froth (jtoceriiK always on hand. W. L. WRIGHT Flesherton. t ''.Tf Shorthorns by Auction In the Village of Markdale Tuesday, January 19, '09 AT I p. M SHARP, Dr. C. $. Sproule, m. P.* markdale Ont. Wi'lsil' \i l!ie MarkJile ll.puae, Mnikdale, his entile Herd of Forty- Five (45) Head of8"i.tch»nd Scotch Toppeil Shorthorns by suction, without rescivo, •moBU whi=h are 7 bulls, pure Scotch and .Scotch-topped, from 10 ino.iths to 2 yearn nf »(;e. High claim herd hrertlers ainnng them. Tho females are Floras, Margarets, Ijidy .Janes and others, tracing to Beauty, imp., the whole inakiiv; an offfring of high cIskh i|uality, breeding and clnt racier^ TERMS: 9 months on approved joint notes: 6 p. c. ott tor cash. Catalogues. CAPT. T. E. ROBSON. Auctioneer. I Toronto Daily Star Now in First Plac e. .An epd.h in Ontario neivspapor de- '• v.lopaient h'.s been recorded duting the litt year when The Toront.) Daily Star jumped ini" lirr'. j,I,.co in circulation, thus ' fur^.i^hing another climax to a record of growth that is iiuiteunparalii'lod in Canad' j I iiiii journalisin. It Is only nii.o yrara < since tho present iiianagenieiU assun:ed | I coi.trol. At that time the papir had a| j daily circulation of around (i,()0(). For the ' I year l'J08 it averaged well over jC.OIMJ i copies a day. That the growth is ttillj goii'g nn, and going on ra[i;dly, is ahown ' by tho fad that the iiicre.i.so of 1111)8 over ,' 1007 was over «,OOO.copies ilaily. i In its oditiiiial policy the Star has yailled^l ropulatljii for sanity and fair- ness, 'and while it has Htrong views it never berates those who.se views are difl'ercnt. ; Wlien it coinos to ncwscatlKiing, The ' Si ir cm gemrally be depended upmi lo I Ici'.d tlie way in enterprise. That il does : not spare expense in :erviii^ its readets i was illuttiatud insny times during fKc â-  year, a iiotalile illuslraiion being on tho I lljiiipic games, when it sent a moinber Of its filnff from Toronto to Knglsnd to I cover Ihoni specially by cabljj and letter for The Star. ' Tho Star n>t only gets the best news, i but It dresses it up so as to make its { paged bright and attractive. It is a lirm believer in'tho value of striking pictuij^. Tliess are .some of the reasons why The .Star is now supreme in its tinjd. One of tho latest fssturei of tho paper hs!4.b«en a scries of articles on cmnbines, which has been attracting very wiilo atten- tion. These articles are being ipioled and oommented on eforywhere, and one subset ibsr wrote the other day to say that one of the articles alona was worth his whole year's subscription. 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Tbadi Marks Dctior.s COPYRIOHTS Ac. Anrone nndlns a nketcti ar.i '."^CTiption m«T oplnk'U free w he:' lu.co,"-.. •(. ,ri,-uaiiij paleiitnHle, ConiniuMica. tloniBtrlctlrmniidciitriil. HANDBOOK onraii-ats Qnlcklr ascertain our optnk-a free w InTenoon Is prnb^iiif paieiitnhle, " â€" her AD Coniniunlca. sent tttio. Oldest acencf fur securioff patont.i. Patonta taken throuKh Munn 3i Co. taoeirt nxcloi notke, without c liarg a, la tha Scientific Hmttlm. A hanilsomely Uluatrated wcokly. Larnest clr- ouailon of any â- rlentlilo Journal. Terma lor Canada, tX75 a raw, pontaso prepaid, iiold bj •U oewMealen. \ THE UPRIGHT HOUSE Great Reduction Sale! In order to ir.sks room for our nfiw Bprini; Block, which we ex|>ect in the course of a few weeks, wo are inakinif a Special Sale. All O'xids reduced to rock bottom prices. If yau want Rubbers for your- •tilf, girl or boy, wo know we can isiisfy you in <(uality and prioo. tkime selling below cost. Come and aoe for yourself the lurgsins. Space will not permit us to make special Disntion of numerous articles we have reduced. In OrocsriM we oarty high cUss Stock and almost every thing you want. Tryabigofour famous MAPLK LEAF brand flour. We also carry in stock the following brands-King Edward, Canadian Beauty, Ford's Perfection, Uaird'a Msnitoba Patent, Royal Household a.id Glenora. We have Hran, Shorts, and Low Orado Flour. Salt by the arrel or sack. STEADY EMPLOYMENT | For .\ Reliable Local Salesman j RKfRESKNTlNti I Canada's Oldest and; Greatest Nurseries i IN Flesherton j And Adjoining Country. You will llnd there is a uooil ilsuitml fori Niirnerv Stock on account ot the lilKli prices tbat Ki'owers liave i'«ali/.«ilon tb.ir fruit thin' seaflon. Onr saleitnien are tnruiiii{ ia a biK l>uiineaato U8 tills year, neoue of tlieui and earn good waces tlirouKli the winter niontlis. Territory leacrved. Pay Weekly. Free sample oiitnt, etc. Writa for particularn. STONE 4 W E L|L I N G T () N Kontliill Nnrraries lYiO acrea) TORUNT(> Ontario IF your IrakiHg goes wrong, * investigate â€" lincl the cause. Look tt) your stove, your yeast, your baking methods. If you succeed irt pinning tiie troitbiie uown to the flour â€" then take up the flour question in dead einicst. Consider that f.our, to be successful from a baking standpoint, must bej&r/ to produce light bread or pastry, />«r^ to make that bread or pastry wholesome, and ric/i in nutriment to make it nourishing. Ogilvie's Royal Household has these three qualities in the greatest degree. Ogilvie's Royal Household is mtUeJ by the most modern methods, and made only from Manitoba Hard tV heat which contains the highest percentage of nutriment. Royal Household Flour never disappoints. 20 •flUvie Flonr Mills Co., Limlled. Moitreal. Thompson's Bakery Our Bread is delivered regular" anl kept for salj at Cjy on, Priceville, Eugenia, Kimborley Maxwell and Fereisbam. Business Cards W.\ltf:b loucks nuiider and Contractor For Hrick, Ston. and frame residence?. Ra- ti mates cbeerfully furnintbed. Flesherton P.O,. ' Ontario. 34^ ULLOUGH * YOUNQ Hankers Markdale Jo a geaeral ban kinfi business. Jtoney loaned at reasonable raUf Call on lis. T<JH[Sl.KrT, • Postmaster, Oeylon. Coniiuissiouer in K. C. .J .Convevaucer, deeds, luortKageH, leasea, wills etc. carefully drawn up .Collections uiad.>. cbarges reasuaable. Aleo groceries, doui-. food etc. kept in stock. Prices riylit. RJ SPKOULl': Porituiastir, Fleeherton ^ouiralssioner in H.C J., .\uctioneer Con- veyancer, .Appraispr and Money Lemtor Kcal Katate and Insurance j^gent. Deadi iDortRaKes. lease, and wills carefully mrawa ap and valuations made on shortest nctte* mcDey to lodn at lowest ratca of interest. Col •jotioui atteudud to with prouiptDc«a cliarues low. A;:cnt for Ocean Domiuiow Staauisbip Company. A call solicited. D. FURNITURE 'I'hi' l^u-gij.sl and l)e.-;l stock (if Fnrniluio ever sill iw 11 in FlcNherton. This without fear of con- liadictiiin. Ooiiio and see Noino of the nico things in Side Itoard.s, Dining Kouiii Chairs, I'aihu- Setts, Red Uooni Setts. .\ special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to ix-- dueo the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNTURE DEALER Flesherton McPH.ML. I.icense.l Auctioneer for the County of Oiey. Terms moderate and satisfaction ^uarantcM'tl. Tho arraiii^emento and dates of sales can bt) made a^ The AnvAxm olllco. Kesideucu and I'.n., Ceylon, Telephono I connection. Dei-. 117. T W KAITTINO. l.iconscd Auctionser fo» '-â- '• " • the couutips of tirev and Sinicoe. Farm and Nloik sale.* a Kpeciulist. Tornu moderate tatisfHotiiin Kuarantted. Arrauge- iiients for dates may be inade at tho .\dv8QC« ortice, orA. T. Hutchinson's store. I* eversliam, or by adilresslnj,' iiio at Fevetsham, Onf. L«t 13. con. I'i. Ostirey, DUDl) MATHKWK. Markdale, Lioeusad ** auc'.ioneer for the county of llroy, Good service at ronsinahlo rate^â-  Dates can b« tuade at 'I'be Advance. 1 o (U Medical DR CAUTFH .M C P & S Ont. Physician, Surgeon, a OtUce aiKl rosiilvuceâ€" Peter sC, Flesbertou T P OTrKWEl.Ii 'â- ' Veterinary Surgeon (iradnate uf Ontario Veterinary College, reaideoce â€" sjcoiul door south west. on i .Vary street. This street raus soutli Presbyterian Church. WILSON, Itlacksmith 'iraduate of ae Veterinary Scienea .\Bsociation Kesideuce, Durham street, op> poslte Boyd. Hicklii.s's hardware. H nil CC get imnedlate relier fron rlLLJ Dr.Shoop'iNngkOlntmeiiL TERM OF 1909 British CANADIAN Ten per cent, cheaper BUSINESS ten per cent, better for COLLEGE Busiuesj, Shorthand an d TORONTO Matrio.booklet free. R A. Faiciuhaison, B. A. Ppal. Corner YOUNGK & BLOOR STREWTS. ^ EgTS Ceylon's Leading Merchants CoLLiNsoN Bros. Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY I.. J. S, dental surgooB honor graduate of Toronto University sad Koyal ColleKe of Dontal durReons of Ontario. Gas adeduistered for teeth extraction, utlice at residence. To ronio ac.uaiilf'lijliartea Legal LUCAS WRIGHT & McABDLE Rarristera Solicitors Conveyancers, «Sa Otncesâ€" Owen Sound, Out and MarkdaleOaS W H WnioHT, McAbdlk I B LDCA N H'-Fleahertoii office, Mitche auk •Tarv Saturday. W. J. O'NEAIL 15 arrister. Solicitor, Conve.vancer,ete. Olficeâ€" Spronle'a Ulouk, Fleslierton. True Ecomomy Societies AO U W meeta ou ill: !ast Wocda/ lu escu month, in their loage room. Chrisioe'a block. Flesherton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Frank Chard; Rec, T. Blakely, Finanoier, W.J. Del. amy. ViaitiOR bretbrsD invited. PBIMCH ARTHUR LODQE!, No. ;<33, A.F.* r A U, meets In the Uaaonio all. Amt- Tbat's true conooniy when you can purchase a range that will heat the house aa well as do tlio cooking and baking right, those are the most im- portant features of a range and Ox- ford ranges possess those with many other superior qitalities. They are built of the right material, by men who know the stove business, and are sold at right prices. Why buy a range you have never heard of before, when you can get one of tho Famous Oxford Ranges and run no risk of be- ing dissatibtied. See these high olaaa Ranges at "NORRIS BROS." Hard- ware. ,W.l atronu's Hall Flesherton or before tha full mocn. ThoB. BlakelYr llerb.Smith, Secretary. COURT PLBRHERTON, 993. I. 0. F. ireeU â- â-  CUyton'aBlook the last Wedueadav evenlnn o( each mouth. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. B., Dyson; B. 8., 'V. HeKrj; Fin. See., O. N. Richardson. Please pay dues to Fin. 8e«. before the ttiak (lav of the month. CH08BN FKIKNDR-FIeahertoQ Council ot Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's ball ftnS and third Wedneaday of each moot 8 p. m Pay asaesam,entn to the Recorder on or befor« tbe first day of each month. Chief CouuoUloc T. Ulakelev: eoordor, W. H. Runt. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Levlnias and Wlmplea, the beat of breeding and qnalltv. Bull, cows aad taelfera for sale at reasonable pricea Lot !K>,oon.S OHAS. STAFFORD. Fteahertoa Pure Bred English Berkshires aod Tamworths. X have a fine lot of yuunfr pitra bred from priie winning stock, for sale. Write me for prices. I can give a bargain also guarantee satisfaction on all taail orders. fJeo. W. KOSS. Maxwell P. O. Golden Legend Pare Bred Tain worth Boar for aerviceoa Lo 170, 2nd E. T. A 8. R. Torma 11.00. RICHARD ALLEN For Sale One hoise, 5 yean old, carriage; one mare ' .'iyear old, in foal; one mare riaiug 4 ysani, iu , foal; one mare 1 ising 4 years; two spring colts. Lot 170, oon. a N. K. T. A S. R. R. Alien NORRIS BROS., Flesherton. 1 For Sale One span of Lightnii.g Colts coming three matched. Heady towork. Also one Shorthora Hull f liibtoan months old, bie<l by Uco.Bristow, ItobKoy, numbo!-58»i.'), lo volumoiJl. Nameâ€" Villago Captain. AMIFRT £• HANLEY, Lo» 4, Con. 10, Osprey, Feversham P. 0.

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