Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1909, p. 1

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k 1 r~,r-7 I I M iiiiiiiniiii II .III. -r " _^^«^nanqgpnii;nPKi^M'^a«MnpiiPV»<)iM||||^ JFksfertirn ^Jijatta* "TRUTH BEFORE .'\VOR." â€" " PPJ^OIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXV, NO 1377 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursciay, Janu.^ry '2 I IOOq W. a, TfiDRSTON EDITOR nud I'KOPKIETOK Jewellery ! Jewellery! Biggest, - Best and lowest pric- ed stock in the country. Reli- able dealing. «/«/»^^^ W. A. Armstrong FLESH ERTON. Prrceville Liist week enileil widi the oMvat wealhei- of the seasou. Our mails have been ciiriied hy the C. P. R. since the first uf th» month, and it is » very unsiitis'actoi-y service, ant} if our good i>e<Jijlo woiitd W!il( e nj) and demand a ijit)per sevvice, they would likely piet it. Mr. Hcct'i- McKinnon has l>een threatened with an attacU of appendicitis, aiid therefore unable to resume his normal school studios, but we hope the ailment may pass away without any «!ri<)us consciiuenccs. Died -Mrs. \V. KonoM, who has re- sided some t hreo miles west of the vil- lage for a nuniber of years, pissed »way uii Sunday, Jan. 10. Some ejf her chil- dren had to come fr(jui the Pacilio coast to attend the funeral, which took place «ii Friday, January 15, when she was bid beside her mother, in Ebenezer cemetery. Rev. J. A. Mathestm otiicL- ated at the interment. The annual niectinu (if the Firnieis' Institute w,vi held in Watson's hall, on the 12tli. Tlie W.imans" Institute has not held any meetings for some nionllis, hcnoe there was no ariangenient inaile (or Mrs. Colin Campbell of Windsor to address the women, but .several ladies of the village and vicinity turned out and met Mrs. C. at h»r hotel, and then came in a body to the former meeting in the hall. Mrs. C. then addressed all present «n "Poultry." At the close of her very interesting address, a retpiest was made, that the Woman' Institute be re-organized and after a few arrangements were made, all the ladies .idjournel with Mrs. Cauip- bell, to Mr. C. C. James' re.-,idenec, and a new Institute has arisen. VVe cannot re{>orL the proceedings, but understand that Mrs. D. Stewart, north line, was elected President, who will be ably sup- ported by Mrs. Goo. Patttrson, 5th line. Miss Maggie McLcod was elected secru- tjiry. l'"rom our acnuaiutanco with the present olliccrs and members, we feel Bure that the niei'ttings in tHe future will be conduct.d in a businesslike manner, orderly di.scussions will be en- cimraged, but all go.s.sip, or other unwise conversation will be strictly tabooed After the ladies i j iiiii j__ J»l|"'''''^'i â-  W,4ii,Gu^JnjLnKJ[jlHlriHB'r. Geo. C'atlow of \V.ukworth, wIiii gave a very in- Btruclivc address on "The eradication of weeds." Many (|ucstions were asked and a prolitable time was spent. The evening mce'ing was better aUcnd" •d, but other meetings in the vdlage the â- aiue evening ke{)t many people away. .^fter some plcasins: music on the bag- pipes by Mr. H. McDonald, th« eliair- m-in called on Mr. Carlow, who gave an excellent address on '"Tlie cultivation of the soil." Many ((ucstion.s wore asked aid satisfactorily answered. Just before the chaiiuian called on Mrs. Campbell the pipes struck up " The C.-intpbells aie cowing," which caused a pleasing sensa- tion. Mrs. Campbell appreciated the inti-oduclion and gave a very interesting address on " The housekeeper and her importance to the state." - Lame Shoulder. This is a common fi>rm of U'uscular rheu- «»»t.ism. N'o internal treatuiont is ncedod. Apply Chamberlain's Liniment fieely twice a «iay and a tiuick cure i^ certahi. 'J his lini- ment has proven especially valuable fur muscuLu- ami chronic ihemuatistn, an#is8ura Co Rive quick relief. Chnmlierlain's Liniment is also mi»t excellent for i'\iVttinH and brui.sof. l*ricr, 2"H;ents: lurfrc size .W cents. l''oi sale bv W. K. Kichai-dson. Thirty manufacturers and dtj/dci's in citndy at Montreal have been suninioned to answer » chiH-go of selling brandy chocolates, which is selling licjuor without a license. Solomon Boyd died at Kingston, aged • little over one hundred years. SHADOWS versus SUSSHTNE Or ihe Tiibubitii>n and 1 lea.uures uf a Famdy Man The above is a picture of Mastei R. X. Coriifieid of Fle.shettoo, smi of Mr. and Mr.«. Jostph Cornlicid, and I is family of fox ter'icr puppies. The picture was »kcn by our own stuff an isb. C l<l J 1 I\ aL I "' Tliornbury cemetery, on Sunday. He OCSlaeCl to Uecltn {leaves a widow .ind six chih^-n, the I oldest ei'.;!iteen, who have the .sincere Matthew Ferguson of Kimberley the'symp.ithy of the entire communiiy. Mr. ' 'Ctltn I Ferguson was a hard wm-king nnm, nie .Matthew Ferju.son, a fanner living at who looked after the interests of his Kimberley, met with a shocking accident ; family, and esteemed by everyone who on Tuesday of hast week, wh'ch resulted came in contact with lii'U. ill hi.s death 4.S hours afterwaids. He had arranged to kill pigs and had prepared an inclined scaffold on a level with the boiling cauldron of water us'-d for scalding. Tliere were some boards overhead that re(|nirod removing. Mr. Proton Station Mr. D. Doyle, Dundulk, Snnikyed in town iiere. Mr. Toui Ryder,Toront<>, is visiiiig at Rev. Mr. Watson, Knox chuii:!i stinl- ent, T ironto, delivered an excellent Ferguson asked .Mr. H. V. Gaudin, his tne home of .vh-. , I. C. Wright. neghbor, wh j w.as assisting him, ^ A lie social is being hold in 'he 'hango to go to the houfce and sharpen the knives hall on Wednesday exVyiing, by the v.hile he arranged the boarda. This he Church of England. did and a few moments afterward heard a I scream, lluiiiiing out he found Mr Ferguson l)iiig in the snow in e.xtieme j ^.^.,^„„ i,^,.^ g,„„i,jy i,jgt_ agony. He was taken to the house and _, , , , , i i â-  * â- ' , », Favorable wcathfr, good ro:ul5, busi- two diK'tors h.i.stuy summoned. Mr. â-  . â- â- .• <• i i •' i ness active, i[uantities of logs, poles, Ferguson was fiightfudy scalded all over , u • i • i • = -â- :> J I woud, etc, are being d. posited m sav the body, cJcciKing the head and breast.! ... , . ,â-  , •' I e> null and stat K)!i yards. In spite uf the cold weather, the .S. S. entertainment , which was held in tlie He was unable to give a coiicrcnt account \ of what occurred, but it is sui)poHed that j while standing on the iiicliiiud platform ^ . ., ' , , . , , â-  f , i; Orange hall hist Friday evening, by the hxing the overhead boards his feet slip- " .' t»i j ed and ho was precipitated into" the Ixiil- ing water. He sufl'eied extreme iigtuiy Fle.sherlon S. School, was .i great success and tlie concert was enjoyed by all. for 48 hours, when death kindly put an j Mr. Thos. Wauchob hiul a successful end to it. The deceased was buried at woodbce Wednesday last and also gave Thornburyon Sunday kst. He leaves ' the young people a party in the evening. a wife and six children, the eldest of » hom, a girl, is 17 years of ago. Ho was a kind father and a man who was very highly respected in the neigh Lorliood. The .sad event has cast a deep gloom over the entire vicinity. Deceased was 47 years of ago where dancing and games were enjoyed till the "wee sina' hours of the iiioniin'. ' 8th Line, Artemesia Mis» Ina Me<jee spent last week with fiieudsin Kimberley. Mr. D. Geiioe spent a few days with Clarksburg friends recently. We are sorry to report Slias May Parliament very sick at present. ' Mr. Bert McGee of Flesherton Suii- dayed at his ;,arenlal home here. Miss Dora .lud Mr. Louis Pedlir >.f Mc- The Pure Food Law. ecretary Wil.sonsays: "One of thenbjucts of the law i.sto iiifoi'ui the eunsuiner of the presence of certain liarniful drills in iiJidi- cine". ' The la.v re<|niie» that the amonnt i>f ehliuvjfiiini, o|)inni, morphine, and other habit fonnintj druus he .stated uii the Iu'm;! of e,ach bottle. The mannfactureis uf Chauiliuilain's Coniih Remedy have always claimed that their I , ,, ,, t. , .ir , remedy did mit contain any of these drugs, liock Mills spent 6unday at Mr. J :uifl tlie truth of thin claim isv.ow fully iimven, j Gee's, as no n.eii^ion of them is made on tile label. , This remedy is not oii.y one uf the safest, but Mi.ss .^nitie Carson retui nod Iioiiie after one „i the best in nse 'fyr ^'K.'"'';""' ^^l'''; „ week's visit with lu r sister in r.)»ven It s ynbie h as been ljniVcii^^y;ou^. jjxutWiin ^J" ^ir'iii'if ',*cT.v3^S^rr*:ir]i«H'i>eL'ii in ({unerai p??a>n\il. use. For salt by \V. K. Richardson. I mi.; i n i r ii. i/i.i . i â- ' I Miss surah laid of (he KhI'., roturncd East Mountain ' home after spending a few days with li.T sister, Mrs. K. U.Mnliam of Kleslierton. Horn- ill Wiarion to Mr. and Mr.s. j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hawkins gave a E. (i. Cross, twins. ' party on Tuesday evening hist to a iium- Wr. Tom Allen of Barrio, is renewing j ber of their young frientls, ail having a acMuaintances here. j delightful time. Mr. Thompson Allen is confined to the \ All the young folks in the neiglibor- house for .some lime with a .severe col 1. j hood attended (he polity given by Mr. Miss Mary Jlraniff has been engaged to ' «'"l ^''^ '^orley .f Eui-eni.-i ,i w, ek ago. teach in R;,ckvale P. S. until inidsuimner. : "'• reiiort ing a most deligbiful ti me. Mrs. Hninboi stone is on a visit with! Womanly p.iins, head piins, in fact her daughter, Mr.s. E. •!. Cross of Wiap- any pain anywhere can be comiilei.ely ton. Miss Nettie and Mrs. J. J. Martin visited last week with friends at Redwing and Heat'icoro. Mr. Lee, the organizer forthe C.O.'LF., was in this vicinity last Week wnrkin;' for the interest of that order. stopped in 2i) niiuutes with one of L)r. â- Shoop's Pink Pain Trtblels. Ask your Doctor or Druttgist about the formula. It is printed on the box- and it cnn't be bettered. Try one dose and bcconviucod . Box 25c. Sold by all dealers. I When Ship-keeper William Diijfgilt of Mr. Peter Thunipson of Owen Sound Colliii?wood was going around his steam and Alexander Thompson of Battlefm-d are the guests of their sister, Mrs. J. J. Martin of this place. Last Wednesday the sad news reached here of the sudden and terribly fatal accident which befel Mr. Mattliew Kergu.son .f Kimberley. Ho was prcfiaring to kill a pig, when in some 1 way. standing beside a caldron of boiling j water, ho hist his balance and fell in backwards .sca'ding almost his entire body. 'I'wo doctor* were called * once i but could do nblhing for the suiForino: I man. He died about four o'clock on j Tkursdny and the remains were inferred I •r at the Grand Trunk n harf one inoniint; last week, he noticed a man's op on the ic« by the side of the steamer City of Midland. Upon investigating, Imeka wcr« found to lead to a hole in the ice. As tiiore were no rcturnina tracks a grap- pling hiok was used, and after an hour or'^o,, the body of John Smith, a fanner of Kirkville, was recovered. Th« un- foi lunate man during the night had evid- ently wAiidcred down t» the docks. He had been diinkiog lienvily,and late in the evening had wandered, in an inloxicatoJ condition, into the stables of C. W.Lana. A bank book was f<mnd with money in it belongmg t« Smith. Hatherton Miss Louisa Black returned to Toronto ! hist week. Miss Liiuiic Sterling of Maxwell called on Mrs. G. Grnmniilt lust Fiiduy. Dr. Ottewell, Flesherton, paid a pri'fe.ssioiiHl visit in our bui-g one day fust week. Mr. Jolm Wiiitera of Alberta is visit- ing his mother and other friends here at present. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Fawcett of Rr.ck- lyn visited with the former's fister, Mrs. Down, last week. Eva, the little daHi;htt>r of Mr. James Arnoit, hud l4ie niisfortniie to f.dl on an axe and give her foot a nasly cut. Miss Myrtle Thur.ston, Flesheiton. has been engaged to teach ii; the public school until a regu ar teacher can be obUiined. A number from hero attended the Woman's Institute and enjoyed the splendid address given by the speaker, Mrs. Campbell, on poultry raising. .\l the animal luceting of Hatherton Public seli'ol Mr. .lohii Winters was .ippointcd to take the place of the retir- ing trustee, Mr. R. Arnott. Mr. John Loughred was apiminted »ec.,trenK. At the .iiimial ineeting of Hatherton Sunday school held at the home of Mrs. E. Seeley, Tuesday evening, Jan. 1211i, the foUowiiig otliccrs wore elected: Mr. Down, Svipt. and Bible cbiss teacher; Mrs. James Arnott, Mrs. E. Seeley and Xh-s. Down, teachers; Miss Berlha Winters, treasurer; Mr. J. J. Jamieson, secy.; Mr. John Seeley. .-lasistant secy.: Miss Mabel Young, organist. Ceylon Miss JcAii CoUinson is visiting friends in Durham. Miss M'lrrow of Duiidalk is visiting her aunt, Mrs. .J. L. Woods. Mr. J;m>es Sproat and son, .Andrew, ha\e gouB tiuibeiiiig in- the neighborhood of North Bay. Mrs. Jauies Spnat is spending a couiilu ofmonihs visiting her brother at West Toronto, and friends at Grand Valley. Mi.ss Ulga W. Coniiell of Manitowaninu is spending a few weeks with Donald McLeod and friends. Rev. W. Daniels of Albeita preached a very in'erestiim .sermon to a very atten- tive audience in the hall here on Sunday. M!ss Mari-.< Chislett, who has spent a week or so with her uncle, Mr. A. T. Down, and family, at Cleveland, has returned home. We are pleased to hear that Miss Sibyl CoUinson is getting belter after an attack of toiisilitis ; also Hun. Balfour, wlio was laid up with a scveie cold, is around ag-iin. Uur enterprising school board have ordered a library for our school, which will no iioubt bo highly appreciated by the reading and more" intelligent portion of the coinnuinity. Vandeleur. Mr. Win. Gaudm of Uealhcole was a caller at Mr. Kd. Baker's on Saturday. Mr. Sid Gilbert left last week for Grilliihs Island to work for the winter. Mr.s. John Foster Is visiting her nephew, Mr. Will Foster of ihis place. Mr. Charlie Buchanan of St. Vincent is spending a week with his parents here. Born- Oil. Thursday, January 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B.dand, a daughter. Mr. E. McMannus of Newmarket is the guest of his uncle, Mr. John Boland. Mr. John Allen and brido, of G'enelg, are â-ºpending part of their honeymoon with tlicir cousin, Mr. Geo. Warling. Miss Bello Allen, sister of the groom, is also visiting frie.ids here. Friday evening was the " big " night for the schulais of the SabhiiLh schojl heie, beinu the occasion of the yearly cntertaiiiinpnt. The wonien of the church provided the eatables, and. in doing .so almost made an eiror. So attrictive were the viands that the popu- lar tendency wa« to linger Icng at the tables. Asa resul*; the pi-oi/iam coni- nienccd about 9.I50. However everybody appeared to enjoy ihouiseWeH, the only drawback boil).; the late hour nl which the goodbyes were Said, for ihe program was not over belore twelve. Theprojiran was varied *nd inlorostiog tliroujicut. Recitivtiona were given by Gortio Smith, Leila Warling, .Mbert Buchanan, llarjld Baker andUitii Davi.«. Tlio silcw and duels by the I'.irls wore e.\eel!ont, and. gave evideneo astofhci McFARLAND&CO. :MA1^1CUA.LI3 ONTAl^IO This Sale Lasts Only Eight Days More. Tremendous Crowds Attending McFar- land & Co/s 15 Days' Sale. That the people of Markdale anu vicinity have been taking advantage of Mc- Farland tV Co.'s 1.5 days' Sale has been manifest from ilio huge ciowds in attend- ance Riiieo the openi:ig day. The people approciate good merchandise at a Bargain I'rice, anil they are sliowinn't heir appreciai ion daily by carrying away ininienso purclmses by the armful. Tlrs sale only l.-\s;s eiuhl days inoie and pisitively elo £s Satur lay iiiL'lit, January 2.'5rd. To rhose who have not atteuded this sals wu vvi>i!i to .say to joii that you are mis-'ing a great opvoitunily of .securing for yourself wenriiii; apparel and Ikuhh needs at i:rei.tly reiluced prices. Exti-a sales- people have already buiii stcuied for the last eiaht days ol sale in order to ^eIve the ciOwd<. Considerâ€" and iliink what this sale means to you, »s it is right in tlie height of Hin;er season, when you need the yoods and wealing apparel the most . Ail Dry Gnods in tin; Iiousp, which include Dress Goods, Skir's. Men's and Boys' FurnishinL's, Knrs, Maitlis, L iiderivear, .Men's and Coys' Clothing, Staples, Hoii.ie FurnishinLS. B»iots and Shoes, Rubbeis, Crockery and Glassware, etc., are being sold at sacrilicinc prices â€" Everything Goes. From remarks' beard on ,dl sides this meat tu.shtnlo now iioing on at MoFar- hind it Co.'s store is proving * vi-r/lable feast to the public who are never slow to a)ip:eciiiio bit: bargains, the crowds attending being something wonderful. Don't delay â€" hurry inâ€" and secure ynu" share of the many bargains awaiiins; you. Make No Alistake-Be Sureto Find the Right PIace..Luok for The Big 3ign. McFARLAND & COMPANY markdale:. BIG REDUCTION SALE AT THE PEOPLES STORE. OOOOO Big saving in Men's I'lidoiwear. Heavy all Wool uushriukablo un(ler> ' wear, regular 8u and Si. UO lines, selling at 68c. Big 8ale of Men's and Boys' clothing â€" 10 only Men's snits nicely lined and trimmed Serges, worsted ainl Tweeds, selling at 20 per cent. off. l.i Oiiij Boy's two and three piece suits go on sale at 20 percent, off. X nice hue of Ladies' sateen Underskirts â€" The kind you pay $1.25 for, â- jelling al 75o Millinery at half price. Ladies, now is the time to buy your -Milliuci-y. trimmed Millinery at half price. We arc selling all Haudkevchiefjifor the Boys and Girls for school, clcaiiug at 2 for Ho Choice stock of fresh groceries aiwuys kept on hand. I)idbest I rices paid for Produce. J. £• Large, e u g e n i a. Reduction Sale Tlie Clu'islmas lusli is over and gout and v.e are settled down lO regular business again. The cold weather icipiirriiienls is the next thing to be tliougbt of. Here are some good buying ojiportunitics ia these liues: Women's Canligaus were Sl.;'50 lor.: , sog, Doys' Tea .Tea Jackets were S2.50 for 82.00 Hoys' f)vercoats storm liood were $1.25 for S3. ."it) Boys' Overcoats were S 1.75 for.... 84.00. Men's Overcoats were Sti.OO fur S4.50 Mcu's Overcoats wore $7.25 for S5.50 Womeu'i Cloth Coat's were SIO 00 for $7.50 Women's Cloth Coats were $8..'»0 for .. .8G.00 A few Men's Uaiii Coats were $3.00 for $1.75 In Dishesâ€" High Preserve Bislies were 50c for 25o Tumblers in ditierent designs at 25c per dozen Glass â€" Six piece sets for 25c per set. FLOUKâ€" Wehave pure Manitoba Flour the Cicam of the West, best in the laud, for per bag ^2.95 We would lilte to get a few nice fowl. We will pay highest market price, also, for Butter and Eggs. Our Motto Isâ€" ''Small Profits and Quick;, Returns." tdont which is springing up in our midat. Tlnwe who I'ave solos were Ilhena Davi.s and Maude Thtnnpson. Duets were rendered by Sadie Warling and Rosie Dawson, and Julietta Davis and .Mbert Buchanan. Selections were niven by the S. O. T. orchestra. Addresses by Rovs. ' J. S. I. Wilson, Laidlftw and Caldwell. Two very pretty drills by airU were a; fan and flan drills. A pretty sacred] drill was given by a number of boys and girls. A dial )i;ue with a pointed moral was ijjiven by two Kirls. The Secretary's report was encouraging. The average attenJanco f>'r the year was 35. Proceeds of the entertainment amounted to 82d.25. The total ,>utput of Ontario mines in 1907 ag^'regated in value $25,000,000. Six Doukhohor women, who have boon confined in the jail at Prince .Albert fo» the {wst six months, and who at first refu«cd to wear chithea and insisted on .^itarviug tliemsolves, are now clothed and in their riaht mind, and are to be sent to their honie.s. DR. BXJRT .â- ^peciRHtt In diseases o( the Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Oillce 13FrostSt. . tivvcn.Souncl At the Revere hon.sc, Markdale, 1st r rulay each month from 8 i* 12 a. ni. >:-^. yc; I "/^mr^m^ffMfl «w''^^''*w^^i«w««i«i^i«i;ii^;j^^i^|^j

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