- WjS jANL:ARy21 10U9 THE F L E S II E R T N ADVANCE â- !~^W r -T- THE STANDARD BANK ErttblUhed 1873 OF CANADA SlBtanch- Banking Made Easy There is no formality about opening a Savmg-t Account with this Bank. Courteous clerks will make the first steps easy for you if you wish to begin saving your spare dollars. Not much money is needetl. One Dollar will open an account, and entitle you to a pass-book in which your deposits are entered. No delay in withdrawing your money at any time, with interest to date. 89 FI.ESHERTON BRANCfl George Mitc£\eII, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT DVR.HAM AND HARR.ISTON. V PERSONALS VICINITY CHIPS ^.i licenses. iasuLi- of uiurriu'''> This p'lper ciuaot publish obituary poetry unless paid fur. Chopping dune everyiday at the ;)lan- og mill. - Thos. Blakely & Co . Horse for Sale â€" Good hv&yy wur'.i horse. Thus. Feuwick, Eu^uiiia. Good CUV for sale, due to calve in April. Austin Sluickolfoid; B'letheiton. Fur Sale cheapâ€" 2 second hand uutters, ouc almost new. R. J. Spioulo, Fieeber- toa. Grownslijw Cliaimiug colt for sale coiniu;; 2 yearn old. T. Lever, Flesher- toil. There is no Quinine, nothing wh^itever harsh er sickenins; in Preventics. These little CanJy ColJ^Curo Talilets act aa by magic. A few houra â€" ami your threaten- ing Cold is broken. Candylike in taste, Preventios ploaso the childrenâ€" and they break the fevevishness always. And least of all is the economy. A large box â€" 48 PreYi'utics â€" 25 cents. Ask your dru2";ist. He knows 1 bold by all dealers. A duspatch in the dailies of Tuesday annDuncei the niakitJi; of a 500-pound weddini; cake fur the wedding of Miss Ai'een Davis of Hamilton. The bride is a cousin of Rev. L. F. Kipp of Flesher- ton. The cake was manufactured in Good girl wanted to do general house- \ work in family of three. Apply at this C''"""g" â- *"'!"« ':omp..sed of 'JD puiud ^jgjjg of sugar, UOO eggs, (iO pouiidi of raisins, ,, ,, .r .1 »r G2 pounds of citron, 37 pounds chopped A eood two-year old off, Slerry Mason i , ' , .„,. ' „' ,, "^ , ,^ , , , ,„, ' ^ almoiid.s, 120 pounds of flour, lA pounds colt for sale on lot 1(J2, con. 2, west.; , . ,. , ,-' . , J „, p , of spice, lo quarla of cognac, lo (juarts of I sherry wine and i'-pouii J of biking soda. Uuderwood typewriter »!''<08t good as j^^„ „f ,,,^ f^.^j^ „.,^, ^^^^^.j i„ |j,|„j^ f^^ ten days. new, also parlor organ for sale. Apply â- t postotliuH, Ceylon. Norris Bros, advertise this week a special grauiteware sale, it will pay the ladies to e.xainiue it. Boot and hhoo Repairing promptly, cbeaply aud well done. H. CarrinKton, Armstrong's old jewellery store, Fleaher- tou. A full line of staiiouery and lej;al oouveyancing blanks always on hand at iiproulb, Higginbotham <& Co., Flesher- tou. Large quantities of polos aud sawlogs are coming in. The winter has been Tery favorable thus far for timbering operations. Keep an open date for " Aunt Joru- sha's Quilting Patty " about the luiddlb of Februsry-an entertainment by the ladies of the Methodist church. Wanted at Eugenia â€" A number of good men to Murk iu the bush. Good wa^cs will be paid to first class men. Apply to J. W. Morgan, Eugenia. J . O. Patton's open air rink cuntinuos in favor with the young people. By reason of favorable wea'hcr he has a cleared space of moat oxcelleut ice orer 120 X 80 feet. Notice to the public â€" Having disposed of my harness sto^k, I have a few setts ef heavy and light harness to offer at right price) for cash. W, Moore, flesherton. Property for Sale at Pricevilleâ€" A brick house, eight rooms, barn and five lots, Alaolot 10, con. 1, N. D. R., Arteraesia, 50 acres. Apply to Catherine Scott, Priceville P. O. tf Being in the sjbw mill business <^ EuKeuia, I am prepared, Ufc-«te custom uwing. Will ajiio pay cash At the mill for spruce aud balsam in twelve-foot lengths. â€" J. W. Deagie. BAr. Oscar Phillips has purchased the bainess stock from Mr. W, Moore, and DOW has the harness business all to him- self. Mr. Moore will look after the bus and express busines-i evcluaively. A snap iu photos from now till Jan. 31st you can get 15 photos for tho price •f a dozen, Dou'c miss this chance, it only lasts ten days. W. A. Uawken, photo artist, Flesherlon, Several loads of young people from here attended the Owen SouudrMurkiale hcokey match at the Utter place on Vridajr evening last. The home team won by a score of 4-6. Croup positively stopped in 20 minutes with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One teat alone will surely prove this truth. Ko vomitintr, no distress. A safe and }deiiaing syrupâ€" 5Uc. ^oM by all dealers. A night cap social will be given under the auspices of the Ltdies' Aid of the Presbyterian church on Wad. evening, Jan. 27, at the home of Mr. J. E, Wright weat Isaok line. Rigs will be provided to take all who wish to go. Adiuisaion It cents. The Flesherton branch of the 0. W. I. will meet at the residence of Mr. W. U. Bunt on Tuesday 26th at 2.30 p. in. Mrs. W. L. Wright and Mrs. Albert Stewart will take up the subject of " Cake Making and Icing; " and Mrs, W. A. Armstrong and Mrs. Thurston will discuss "Games and Home Amusements for the Young. '' Yuung ladies are invited to visit thu Institute. All veloome. On Monday evening a number nf Mrs. Henry Woods' Sunday school class met to spend the evening in music and frolic. Miss Etta Thompson aud Misa Pearl Ridley, on boha'f of the class, asked Mrs. Wood to accept as a slight token of their appreciation of her labors for their welfare a very beautiful china fruit dish and vase, and wishing iheir teacher and her husband a happy and prosperous New Year. Mrs. Wood thanked her girls, and hoped they would long be privilegeU to enjoy their pleasant associ- ations in the Sabbath school and the Master's vineyard. If your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys are weak, try at least a few doses only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In live or ten diiys only, the result will surprise you. A few cents will cover the cost. And here is why help comes so quickly. Dr. Shoop doesn t drug tho Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. Dr- Shoop's Roftorative goes directly to tho weak and failing nerves. Esch organ has its own controlling nerve. When these nerves fail, th(< depending organs must of necessity (alter. This plain, yet vital truth, clearly tolls why Dr. Shoop's Restorative is so universally successful. Its success is leading druagists every- where to Hive it universal preference. A test will surely tell. Sold by all dealers. One of the juUiest sleigh.ng parties of the sesson was that given by Mrs. John Runstadtler on Fiiday afternoon last when twenty-six Flesherton ladies took advantage of Mrs. Ru nsRidtler's hospi- tality and were treated to a drive to Dun- dulk with a choice suppdl at the Grand Cactr%L hptel, wl)«ro fttiue Host Bolgur supplied an elegant and much-appreciat- ed menu at Mrs. Runstsdtler's instiga- tion. One of the "girls" let out that thu occasion was also the 26th anniversary of her wedding, when another of the ladies prerent institutetl a most careful search of the aforesaid lady's pocket to see that she did not lun sway with any silver- ware. NoDundalk detectives have been seen here, so we presume pilfering was reduced to a minimum. After supper a hearty vote of Ihaoka wasgivea Mr.-;. R. for the very pleasurable outing provided. The ladies return ed hcnia to their sorrow- iug {husbands at *an unreasimably early hour! Messrs. Joseph Cornfield and W, Richardson chaperoned the parly. Port Law Miss Florence Shier has gona to Toronto. Mr. Charles Croft is recovering from a severe attack of pleurisy and inflaination. Master'Cbarlie Wilkinson visited for a week with his grandparents at Heathcote, Some of our enterprising young men, acting on the advice of the young ladies hava prepared an open-air skating rink on the mighty Saugeen. A glotioua time is enjoyed. Messrs. Wm. Fisher, H. Holman and Charles Croft aie getting material on the ground for new barns. Mr. John Gibson, we understand, has the contract for the erection of the three buildings. Croup And Whooping Cough. The motherH of young childrt-ii have no need to fear thaae diBeanca if thfV keep Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy at hand.. Mr. M. Davenport, of Pauls Valley, Iiid. Tor., writes: "I have used Chaiiilerlsin's Cough Reinedv in my family for sevoi at years and have foimd it eBiicpinlly effootivo for croim and wh<M>i)ing cough." J<*()r sale by W. K. llicliardsou. Miss Ruby Trelford of Proton has been visiting her sister in town. Miss Carlottit Rowe of Dundalk spent Sunday with Mi-s. W. A. Armslioiig. Mrs. Graham of Burlington is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Caldwell nt the parsonage. Miss Pearl Lee of St. Catharines it) visiiing with Miss Flo. Richardson for a few weeks. B.'V. G. C. Little was called to Both- wel' on Friday to attond the funeral of an etfiii-besror on his former charge. Mr; and Mrs. W. Challenger from Manitoba are visiting the hitter's brother.'!, Messrs. J. A. and W. J. Boyd. Miss Emma Quigg accoinpar.ied Mr. and MiK. Brooks to Harriston on Wed- nesday, and intends remaining for a short visit Rev. Walter DanioLs, travelling Sec- retary for Baptist. Missions in Western Canada preached to uti iuteri-ated audience in the Biiiitist church in. Sunday. Miss F. E. Thureti.n, who \\\\h been in Toronto for sumo time, leavot this week for Chicsgo where she will remain with an uncle! fur ar. indetiiiite period. Mr. Walson, a Knox Collejjo Student, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday and in a very interesting iiianntu' preeentod the work of the Knox College Students Mi.ssioiiary Society. Mr. John Hale, who has lioen einnloy- ed at Sproulo and Higginbuthain'a for some time, has returned to his home in Ospiey. Jus. Coinlicld is tilling his place for a short time. We are pleased to HUiiounCH that Percy Trimble, whose back was so severely injured by a full from a tree last fall, is progressing towards recovery. On Sun- day he was permitted to leave his bed for a short time. . We understand that Mr. John E. Walker, who hia buen in charge of Boyds' haidwnre department for .some time, bus sevsred his connection with the above and has purchased a grocery buiiincsa in Markdala. Mr. W. P. Crossloy has been confined to the house through illness since New Years day, but is on the mend. Mrs. Win. Reid has been ill for some weeks, and ia not improving. Mr. W. Trimble has been conlined to his bed with a sore knee for the past three week.s. Altogether, Now â€" Boost ! Though nothing has been said of late about thu resurrection of the |>ublic library, still several " thinkers " have been busy with the problem. The vacancy of Will Moore's hsrnesa shop affords a suitable place fur the libraiy and reading ruoin. Mr. Moure will act ai librarian and will rent, heat and light tho place for $75.00 per' annum. We think his terms are reasonable, and everything possible should be done to upan up this vsluabla attraction once more. If tho citiisens will work up a little public spirt of the proper siiidâ€" the kind that brings along the cashâ€" ivs may be able to put it on its feet again. An eflbrt will be made to circmlate a subscription list, and it is to the interest of the fathers and mothers of Fleshorton and surround- ing country to dig up their share. Shell out and help s good cause along. There is no person whe can argue that this is not a good cause. The value of a well patronized, wtll selected library in any community cannot well be overestimated. " If you can't boost, don't knock. " 1 0th Line, Osprey. | Intended for last wct-k. j Well (he holidays arc over for a time and wo may settle down to business again. The Rev. Thos. Seott spent a few dnys visiting in this noiuhhorhoud last week. We understand that hliss Ruby Cooper has gone to teach a school iic-ar Clsre- mont. Out. We understand that Mr, Richard Dtt^- well is makiiiL' preparations to move out west this spring. One of the finest winters on record so far is iha veidiet of everybody, when discussing the weather. Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Bewell of the town- line, i'peiit the holidays at the latter'a home, iicur CuokbtuKn, Tho smiling face of Mr. W. G. Moffat is seen around again, after a year and a half sojourn in the weat. Miss Ada Kaitting and her friend. Miss Cora Taylor, spent Sunday at Mi.ss Kait.,ing's iiuniu on the 12ih line. Wo welcome Mr. lUibsid Moiiison as teacher at S. S. No. 5, mid believe tho trustees nisile no mistake in their choice of a teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Chumbors, who worked for Mr. Hugh Wiiglit duriiijr the summer, have moved to McKean's mills, on the (ilk lino of CuUingwood. The people in this part of the town- ship nre well satisfied with tho newly electeil councilinen and wo hope they may prove themselves worthy of the cuufidence placid hi them by the pejplc. (This Week's Items) Sorry to report Mr. Jus. McK^nzio's little son seriously ill with bronchitis. \ Mr. .Joe and Mis.s .\tha Heron of the 8th line, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. R. J. Culijneite. I Mr. R. J Cidipietto has !»one 'o Collingwuod this week tu undergo treat- j luent for throat trouble. \ Mr. Richard Brackenbury, sr., has! returned after spending tho holidays with his son at Parry Uurber. I Mr. Jas, Thompson's little buy is ill with bronchitis. We hope to .see little Jiiniuie well again soon. Mr. Geo. Julian of Fevcrsham is aysin slocking Ins saw mill with logs, and draw- ing logs is the order of the day. 1 Mossis. Thomson and Thomas David- . son of Rub Roy and Regiiia spent Suiidny with Mr. and .Mrs. R. J. Colquelte, at B'airview Farm. Mr. Dan Sinclair of Yellow Grass, S.xsk., is renewing old acquaintances in this part at present. Dan loeks as though the prairie province was agreeing with him. At the annual meeting of tho Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. Limited, on Tufs- dry the former olticers were elected by acclamation, via: Jas. Buckingham ; Director.^, Jas. Buckingham, J. K. Kernahan, and William Duncan; Audit- ors, Jos. Irwin and D. K. Preston- Perinis('ion was given Richard Brackeu- bury to erect a steam saw-mill on the company's property. Agricultural Society Annual Meeting The annual moating of East Grey Agricultural Society was held in the town hall ou Monday afternoon. Mr. J. A. Boyd, President, was in the chair, and reviewed the work of the past year. The financial statement showed a nominal balance ou hand of 928.58, but a few small accounts had not bean received, which would propably reduce the balance to something like $10.00. Tho Secretary read the statistical and financial state- ments, which were adopted. The total smcunt paid out last year for prizea was 9440.20. It was decided not to send a delegate this year to the .Agricultural and Arte Association meeting at Turonto, but to give credentials to any member who desired to attend and would pay his own way. The election of oflicers was proceeded with and resulted as follows: President, Geo. Mitchall ; 1st Vice President, D. McMillan ; 2nd Vice President, W. Buskin ; Directors â€" Alex. Muir, D. McTavish, W. H. Bunt, R. Allen, J. A. Boyd, J. Runstadtler, Mark Wilson, F. G. Karstedt, R. J. Sproule. The newly-elected president in accept- ing the office with relnctanos thsoked tho incmbeia for the honor. A discussion teok place upon tho question of holding a spring show and paying of prises. The ttentiment appear- ed to be that prizes of some nature should be given. W. J. B»llainy and Joseph Blackburn were appointed auditors. After the general meeting tho Board elected J . A . Boyd as secretary, instead of R. J. Sproule, retired, When the Hair Falls Stop it! And why not? Fall- ing hair is a disease, a regular disease; and Aycr's Hair Vigor, as made from our new im- proved formula, quickly and completely destroys that dis- ease. The hair stops fallins out, grows more rapidly, and all dandruff disappears. Deti ml change Me color of the hair. A yers Firnul* witn e ach boUto Show it to your Aootor â-²lie liim about it, than do w ho s*js V Thompson's Bakery '.' râ€" ^ Our Bread is delivered regular- ly and kept for sale at Ceylon, Priceville, Eugenia, Kimberley Maxwell and Fovershara. Ut. Ed. Thompson, Flesherton ^ The little book in each package gives the formula of our new Hair Vigor, tells why each ingredient is used, and ex- plains many other interesting things. After reading you will know why this new bair preparation does its work so well. MiHi kr tua J. (1. AfK 00.. lioweu, Kass.â€" • f â- ^^^- -*'^^^ â€" A Growing Business. Uiuini; liouyht lliu sloi.-k of Wm. Moore, I am better prepared ilian ever to c»ter to the public. Wo haven complete line «l Harness .â- ind HnrnussSunurics, Whips, Bells, Plush Rugs, RoLts, Curry Combs and Bru.she.s, Hoof Ointinont, GsU Cure, Harness Oil, Trunks, Valises Telescopes, & Blucksinitli'sAprons. Look in and e.xamine our stock of Iliirsu Blankets. Rep.vibing Pkomitly Done. OBPwanBvaMVBaanniii'inanaaaa^nwsan 0. W. Phillips, FLEEHilRTON, ONT. FURNITURE The largest iiiid. best stock i)f Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without four of con- tradiction. Come and see some f)f tho nioo things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on ovory- tliing, in order to i-e- iliuo thu .slock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton TERM OF 1909 British CA?JADIAX Ten per cent, cheaper Bl'SlNKSS ten percent, better foi COLLEGE Business, Shorihnnd and TORONTO Matric.booklot free. R A. Fiiiipihar.son, B. X. I'iml, Corner Y')N(iE k BLOOR .STKEETS. We Have It What ? The bsst stock of fresh Groceries Flour and Feed of all kinds, and at all prices, and avorything else in our line, that is on sale in Flesherton, We also have the prices that suit our cuitomers, and still suit uh, as they enabln us to turn our stock over in a shorter torm than with the liii{her prices, and thus we keep out stock fie^h. W.I L. WRIGHT Flesherton. Scottish Pride 66274 Tlie yoiuiK butt ifcottiuli l*ride will htand for service at Mr. F. \V. Nicliolson'a, lot :i7, ecu. 5 Arteuicbta. Scottisli pride is sireil by Scottish Prince, iiK<au<l»ou rf tlio wonilorful show cow, Qeuiof llellacliiii, Iiup., winner of night prizes at Toronto am) Liouduii. besides beinu cbatnp- ioD female. Bbe neighs over 1900 pounds. One o( thi» cow's cslvos sold for S1775.C0. Scottiah priile is out of Lady Delia by the Toronto llrst prize winner. Captain May Fly, iniji 2»8.)«. This yoniig bull has prove Uini- Belf aHhowbull liaviuK gained an encoura^iDK rocori tliis fall nt Kovorebani. He won nrst I>rii:pa8 beet bull calf, also diploma for best bull any Rfie. Those having pure bred cows Khould Hoe this Brand bull before breediuK a« tlicy cannot <lo bettor than u^e liini. A llmitep number of grades will be takeuat 91l^; For pure breds. $4.00. Carefully Corrected Eacli Week Oats 3B to 30 Peas &1 to 81 Barley 48 to 48 Wheat 8P to 88 Hay 7 00 to 8 00 Butter 22 to 22 Bfigs, fresh 25 lo 25 Potatoes per bag 40 to 45 Gee.so 10 to 10 Ducks 10 to 10 Chickens t> to 8 Turkeys 14 to 14 Don't Take The Risk. j When you have a liail cougli or cold do not let it dratf alouR until it liocomes chronic b|onchitii<, or ilevolopes into an attack of pneumonia, but give it the attention it deserves and get rid of it. Take Chamberlain's Cough tKemedy and you ni-e sure if prompt relief, i From a small (ieginiiing the sale and use of tl'.is |>reparation has extondrd to ill parts of he United .States and to many foreign | countries. Its many remarkable cures of J coughs anJ colds have won for it this wide ' reputation and extensive tise. For sale by W. E. KichardooD. i Notice of Annual Meeting Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of shareholders of the blssher- tun Hotel Company, Limited, will be held at the Park House, Flesherton, oa Wadnesdsy, Jan. 27, 1909, at one o'clock, afternoon. j HU8INESS I 1 â€" To receive the repoit of Directors for til* past year. | 2 â€" To elect Directors for the ensuing year. 3â€" To make necessary arrangements in Connection with the Hotel premises. | 4 â€" Any other competent business. , By order of Board of Directors. i E. C. MURRAY. Secretary, i F. G. KARSTEDT, Pres. , Flesherton, Jan. 9th, 1909. ' W: Special Reductions For Cbis meek Only* Woolen Underwear We are putt'u',' on sale this week only, a large number of Penman's All /ool liishrinkable Underwear, regularly sell for $2 00 per suit. ("I A Q ours for '. JL.^v7 Worsted Suits We aho place on salo a number of suits, the very best you can buy. I is a money saver. Regular 817 00 Suits 13 98 lo 00 " 11 98 " 10 00 and 12 00 suits 8 59 Furs A largo reduction in Lmlies' and Gent'.i Fur and Fur Lined Coats, Ruffs, Mulfs and Caperines. C..1I and see these REAL BABGAINS. F. Q. KARSTEDT, Flesherton. 3^ Noticeto Creditors ^ In The Matt«r of The Estate of William Spencer the elder, lato of the Town- ship of Osprey in the County of ' Grey, farmci, deceased. NOTICE iabereby given pursuant to the le- TisedStatuiosof Ontario, IW, Chap. 129 that all creditors »nil othors having olaiins against tho sBtate of the said Williani Kpencor.deoesae' vhndimlonor about the olsvonth day of May 1008, are required on or before the iSth (lay of .lanuan, A. D. 1808, to send bv imst propsid or deliver to MoBBrn. Ijucas, Wright A McArillo, Owen Sound, Out,. Bolicitorn for the sdiniiiistrator of tho estate of tho said deceased, their christian andsurnaines, addresses and ds' Boriptions. the full particulars of their olaiuis, tho Btsteinentof their accounts and the nature of the securities (it any) held by theiu. AND FUUTHRU TAKE NOTICK that after such last inentioue.i date tho said admniB> trator will proceed t> diBtrihuto tho assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there- to having regard only to tho claims of which tbev shall then have notice, and that the Bald administrator will not he liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or iwrsons of whose elaiins notice shall not have been recuivtd by thoni at the time of Ruoh dis- tribution. Dated Decunihor I7tb, A. D. 1008. Ijuoan, Wrightand McArdle, Owen Bouut', Out., Holicitors for John Hnoneer, AdminiBtia* tor of tho tHtato of the said deoeasod. PILES let Imndlite rdler fren Dr. Sbo«p's Magic OintmcDL -m- Buying Toot (Uear Come where you can save money. We remind our friends that we have a good stock of Kubbers, Overshoes, Leggings and some felt goodsâ€"just the kind to keep your feet comfortable in the cold weather. â€" frost proof and warm. Also a lot of Trunks â€" Telescopes going off cheap. Shoe polish, all the best kinds. Custom work made to order, first quality material used. Try CLAYTONS