Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1909, p. 5

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March 11 1909 THE F L E S H E R T O N A D V A N C: E RECORD OF BUSINESS The standard Bank of Canada FiiiMicial SUteai«ntforthe Ye»r Eodii.g$Otii Jftnaarj* 1909 â€" PROFIT ASD LOSS ACCOLSl â€" tn.9K.«a DiTiatmda paid *t tlie mU of 17 per CMt X9U0LU0 C'JLtrlbuttdtoOfllcrra' t'onalun Fund • I Trini irrt^ U> R»«TYe Fund .... TimoafriT«d to H«wrra Ynnd tnm Prtaium «l aB9.085.n N>w St4>cl( .... ... fMiJiT*â€" Owflad Fonrud â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢- ac« from Slit January. 1908 . â-  . • dum <^ New Slock ProAU for tbe YHr mtlmr prnTtdllur titr IrWrast oa DvpoalU. Bad luul Doubtfol DcbU. ExpcMaes •r MaiwcMM&t, eGc I of ths Bank la ClrentatiiHi Svposiu Dtrldend. ^jrable !gt Fvbruvr. 13M Banks and Baflken ... t3*7.7gT-« â€" GENERAL STATEMENT â€" rr4>ld uhl SilTcffGolB J LcCal TetMlen Arteaiesui'Council Aitemesiu township council met on Saturday with all the members present, the reeve in the chair. MinuteH of ses- sion of Feb. <i IjiBt were read and con- tinued. An iiccuunt froui Mrs. McAr- thur for gravel used on riuuls was pre- sented and rend. Messrs. McKenzie Origin of Riiode Island Reds Antwerina a qupt>ion as to tha crinin of tb* Rhode ItUnd Red breed of fowl, ihe editor of Farm Poultry sayi: The Rhode laUiid Red ia a fo«rI that has h««ii produced in and about Little Coropton, Rhode I«!ai)d. The cummun- 1 ity is Uri^ely auKagnl in the pruductiou . »1.1«.X7.00 - U.0K.3IIT.K! 4a.aa(7 CapitA] p«M up > Fluid â-  |l.sllI<u.no LaCMaja ir.Mi,aac7 teteto of [bUTMt OB BiOa DUcoonUd - fnttt vxA Lam Accoimt .... ftoronto, 30th January, 1309 3.es.iwi.M 4I«M.I> •^ 77; J r J ^^' Odds and Ends ^ and Carson a.s a committee to inquire | ^j ^g,, fortniarket Klioda hlaud lied into the treasurer'.s securities pre.sented j j^ ,,5, fowl kept by newly all .f them. their report. Tlie securities consist of a ! but you occanionaliy sen a, Sew Li^ht I bond of the London Guanintee Company i Brahmas and Barred Plymouth Rock*. ; for *4000 with premium liaidt.) February] ,„d „,jar8 told that at one time you I 1310. Bylaws 711, to appoint certain | g^uij ,ee some R. C. Brow. i Lsahnins. I municii«l officers, and 712. to amend j aU these varieties, and more, have been : Byb»w 710, were introduced .iiid reiul a 1 u.ed in making llie Rhwle Island Reds. tirst and second time. Byhiw 711 Wiis g,„„e Rg^ Malays are said to b« chietiy read a thirtl time and ordered to signed, ; rwpt nsible for the color of this breed. ^^^^^^^^^^^_^^^^_^_^ sealed and entered on the Bybiw IxMjk. ; Years ago the « m»le» were jmruduced - Duncan â€"Wright â€" Tliat the committee , and crossed on ditfereiit birds in this ri- ,/!fr ' " " ' """i^^â„¢ '^^^s^ 1 rei^ort on the trea.surer's security be re- cinity. Tha poultry farmers took a fancy VICINITY CHIPS ' i <^<^'^^ "Oil adopted. Carried. ; to the red ci^lor and always bred fioui tUAUtM KotKorudrhniimonoUHTBulu - - - W^ISS Batmaoo. due t>y oiher }uak* - . - â-  • 6n;sn7l Gov^nmrnt »iid ljUkt B^tndo i.(aOMf.H GUI Ltfai'S on lUjtuu *ud StocJu - . . . l.;aM.4alM Dopooltad wiUi CoTerament to SM-ore Note Or- cixlatlon Cl.MaM L11HB4 to oUirr B.- ''I In ranadi »M-urwl . SElLlSflklr Loftsa and Ducounu • 13.U1.tf4.a Bank PranUn • S».S»i«» B«al Estate lo.uiaoo OUicrAaaeta * . . . . < 3S,4SS.w tl\.t*i.tiJ.4» GEO. P. SCHOLFIKLD, General Jfanaser. The Family Physician The best medicines in the world cannof take the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken ill. If the trouble is vith your throat, bronchial tubes, or iuoes, ask him about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. A Wc pubUati our fomolAS f yers Wa baniali aloohol ttQnx our mirfltriTTi â€" W^« area 70T1 to consult your doctor \.=. l^ W. A. .Vnnstion-^ issuer of marriase licenses. R.xid Cart for saleâ€" Dr. Caldwell, 1 Flesherton. Chopping done every day at the -(..laD- ing mill. Thos. Blakely & Co Hemlock loss wanted at the sawmill, Eugenia. Cash pa:d. J. W. Deaale. GrownMow Charming colt for sale coming 2 yearn old. T. Lever, Flesher- ton. .35,CC0 dry lath cut from stock 1«» summer to dispose of. J. W. Deagle, Eugenia. Lostâ€" A small Methodist hymn book with owner's name inside. Please leave at thi« office. Two good olts for saleâ€" rising 2 and 3 years old. Apply to Robt. Richudton, Flesherton P. O. Wantedâ€" A few thousand feet of first class dry hemlock- lumber, twelve feet long. H. Holman, Port Law. } All accounts not settled on or before March 20th will bj placed in lourt fur collection. R. N. Kinncar, Maxwell. Orders for paper and paporhangint; ordinance. Rev. Dr. Caldwell presidina. promptly attended to. Sample books to Afterwards a choice supper was ssrved to selectfrom. Clifford BkkeUy.Fleshertcn. the guests, about eighteen in number. Boot and Shoe Repairing promptly, The A. O. U. W. held a well-attended cheaply and well done. H. Carrinsitcn, op<.n meetii^g in the town hall on Tuesday Armstrong's old jewellery store, Flesher- evenina. Several speakers were present ^P. from a distance who put forth the claims Miss J. J. -Mian, evesight specialist, of the society in a convincing manner, win be at the Park House. Flesherton, There was a shott musical pro»ram. Mr. on Thursday March 18. Hours 10 a. m. W. K. Richardson occupied the chair, to 5 p. m. ^Jr- Ed. Thompson, who underwent an A box social will ba held at the home "U«fal»«" f"' *P''nJi'^tis in the general of Mrs. Rov, Rock Mills, by the Meiho- hospital, Toroulx), was uiacharced from dist church ot Eugenia, on Tuesday, ;''»*' "'"''"""n "" M""'^»y»"'l'»^'8'''"S Mr. and Mrs. Fred McOlocklin vieited their former home at Durham over Sun- day. Great quantities of poles still contiuue to come ill and the buyers are takinjj all that offer. Fred Kar.stedt. jr., Miss Ella, ai:d i\ha Vida Rundle. tf the postofficr. visiteil with Dundalk friends on Sunday. Tueiday was a great day for moving loads. .\ sleet storm made the roads very easy to travel with heavy burdens. The Meaford Mirror, one of our news- iest local exchanges, has entered upon its 28th year of publication. May its bright reflecting properties remain undim- med for another 28. According to the minute*, .\rteme«ia township council have arrived at the point where they consider the purchase of a stone crusher a work of necessity and economy, but nothing definite has yet been done. A baptism on a wholesale *:ale was soletuiiized at tha residence of Mr. .lohn Bellamy on Wednesday afttrnoon of last week, when »h little ones received the Carsonâ€" McKenzieâ€" That Mra. Mc- ' ^td males. Whenever they inlroiluced a Arthur be iiaid *8.')0 for gravel u.sed on <=»os» they always saved the red mules rfja.l, as certiliea by overseer for l'.)07 f''""» ''^" '='"'^ *"^ ^"^ '•""»• ^^ "'"* anil 1908 Carried I tlie bleed establi-shed h:id this red color. >m <-. r> -r. .< -^ • • ! BO matter w hcther the foreit»n blood in- The t. r. Railway Comptiny s engm- i eers served on the council copies of plan.s j of railway cru.ssings on the W. & L. 1 briinch of the C. P. R. for approval or I objection within ten days. I McKenzie â€" Duncanâ€" That the reeve ; and Mr. Carson exaniiue the railway cros-sings on the W. A" L. bninch of the C. P. R. and forward a copy of their re- port to the chairman of the Railway Coin- troduced had been Lit>hc Brahma or Barred Plyuii.utit Ruck ; but whatever it bad been, the red always predominated, aud theiie poultry raia>.'n always clun^ to it. It sbunld be bt;rue in mind that this was years a>»o â€" twenty, thirty, or in some cases even hfry years ago. The intro- duction of the R. C. Brown Leghorn va- riety is said by many to be respoi .lible for the rose-comb variety. The fact that mittee through the township .solicitor by ^jj^,^ i^rmara were not as particular Lamed. jj^^ stlectiao of the females -vi they were -Dunainâ€" Thiit in the opmion in the selection of the males, is uudoubt- lu the 14th inst. W'right- of this council the time hj«s come when etlly what ba> caused this breed not to breed as true as others, until possibly very recently. this council should invest in a stone crusher, and the clerk is hereby author- ized, to communicate with iliHerent man- ufacturers with a view of purchasing the siime. Carried, i Bilious attacits, sick-beadacbes, indiges- tioo, constipation, dizzy spells â€" these ire some of the results of an inactive liver. Ask your doctor if he endorses Ayer's Pills in these cases. The dose is small, one pill at bedtime. ^^-Xadabrt^eJ. C.AyavCs., UnraUtXaw.â€" I MAKE MONEY. ! Selling Pelhani'd F«*r\estt Fmit and Ornament su trws, ^hrulis. etc.. dm^nit the ninternjontlis. We •.ffer ynu stfaily and proiicable <;ii4i>l'i}meat in vnur nwii district at iiimkI i«v. WE' HA\'K OVERtiOa ACRfoof choice mmwry stiwk wliich T >u will stW direct to your ciu>t«>ui«rs. No 'Ji«!a!M?<l or dt'ed out Aiiieri(*an stock ynppUed. Kscabli^hed over 30 years. Write for pai '.icilurs. Pelbam nursery Cd« Toronto, Ont. I A by-law to honut a company to build I a drydock and shipyard at Sault Ste. ' Marie vraa passed by the ratepayers of tilit lowu. I C!ark M Hannah's grain elevator at Oraiueville was totally destroyed by fire on Saturday. The building contained between fifteen and twenty thousand imshels of Kn>u <uid was only insured for «20<JO. Mortgage Sade Of Lands in the Village of Eugenia. Under and by virtue of tbs powers of «ia couuined in a certain mur:«a«ie which wiil t>a produced at tba time of saJe there will bcoffcr- eJ for aale bv pubiio auction ac Manshaw'ii Hot*; in the Vilfa^is cf Eugenia on Haturday -,rij illh dayo* ila-xlj. A. D.. 1S»U. at tlie hour of two oclock in the aft«rnoon. the fullowmc Mropaitv uaiiielv â€" i.ot uumlwr twinty-one ou tiie toiih side otPalliiier Street in the Town I'lot 3f Euye-ia iu tne Towuihip of Artemeaiii in tiiu County of Grey, exceptiau thereout that portiouoftha said lot now owned by tha trustees of the Eui,'ooii. Metbndi^t Chare.*!. t'pnQ the premises &r^ said to be a black - stuiih ^liop. also afnuue shed. rKBMS-â€" Ton per cent, of the porctaaae niQiicv to be paid on the day of the »ale. and liie ljala.ice io oaa one month thereafter with-. out iiitiirdat. Fur further particulars and ccnditiotts of aaie appv to \V. H- WBIGHT. __ V»udor's Solicitor, Oweu Sound. Dated Feb. £nd. KXO- FLOUR & FEED. I AT W .WIGHT'S GROCERY. For thi se particular people who want the best Flour <& Feed ob- i tainable, we are prepared. Wa I have a full line â€" Ford's Patent, . Perfection Bleud, and Morning I Glory Flours, also Bran Shorts and Ch.ip. A full stock of Fresh Groceries kept here ar prices that tend to hold Customers. W. L. WRIGHT, FLESHERTON. Charles Wilson, Ereretf, Unt., has been miaeing since yovember 15, 1908. Ade- scriution of him is: Heit;ht about 5 feet McKenzie-Carsou-That»1240beap- g i.,cl,„, weight 140 lbs., dark curly hair p.. M.trch 16th. for a CMUple of days with his brother at propriiited to be expended on the high ways Of this township in 1909, a.s follows, said sum to include work on town lines : Div. 1, 8300 ; Div. 2, 8300 ; Div. 3, S340; Dir, 4, 8300 ; and the members of this council ate ap{X)inted commissioners to exjxjnd the siuue in their respective di- visions, this appri ipriation not to include work on briilges costing cjver $25. Tlie said commissioners are re<juired to sub- mit their report in writing to this coun- cil of such expeniliture before being piid their commission : that the sum of 8125 lie expendetl on the valley road between Louck.s' mill and the townline of £u- phra-sia. and the reeve esjjend the same. Citrried. Tlie reeve and cmiimissioner of ilivision in which work on bridge costing over 825 be a committee to oversee the Thompson's Bakery ^ and heavy black mustache; dark eyes; occupation, mariner; age about 38 years He was l»st seen in Fort William about November loth, 1908. Any person hav- ing any knowledge of the said Charles Wilson will coi:fer a favor by sending it to Mrs. Noble Thom.is, Cullingwood, or or Barry W'Uaon, Everett. :!i Week i 42 to 42 ; ' : Stouffville. He will be home this week, j nj further expenditure be made on new Very Fine Shorthorn hull calf for sale, , , , , , . , , , , , c ... . r> • 1 1 . >»e are pleased to learu that his recovery 8 mos. eld, bred by Scottish Pnde, ^rand- , , ^ ., . ' »^ > ,â-  V r> -v- I. I _ has been rapid, stm Detby (iinp.) F. Nicholson, <' Flesherton. j Duncan, the 8 year old ton of Mr. John Hnaso and double lot for sale ou Syden- j S. McMiJ'.cn, Ceylon, met with^a painful bam street, Flesherton, Tjiglit roomi, ' accident on Wednesday of last we^k, by to Kobt. Rich.-irdson, I ^e'tiny his|ihumbin the wheels of a cream I separator. The thumb was so badly ' mangled that it had to beanipotatcd. Dr. Dixon of Pricevillo performini^ thuupera- tioii. The hand was also considerably lacenilcd. stable. -^I'ply Fleiher^on. Property torSale at Priccville â€" .\ brick house, eight r(iouii=, barn and five lots, for sale reasinabie. Apply to Catherine Scott, PriceviUe P. O, Mar.ltf Wanteil at Eugeniaâ€" .\ nuiubor of food men to .nork in the bu'^h. Good wages will be [i.iid to tirst class men. Apply to J. W. Morgtn, Eugenia. Paper hanging and interior house de- toration executed in first ciass .style, by nen who know ho " Hangers, Flesherton Advance Office. j ^y|,igI, j^ad as foll.iws : Cement Work- .Any person liaviuj! ; Ye matron, Mrs. W. A.Armstrong, sends Carefully Corrected Eac! tMt» Peas So to 85 ' Barley 48 to 48 ' Wbeat 100 to 100' Ha V 7 00 to 8 00 ' 20 24 .".0 10 10 14 Our Bread is delitered regular- ly and kept for sale at Ceylon, Pncerille, Eugenia, Kiniberl.y Maxwell and Fereisbam. ! Ed. Thompson. Flesherton j For The Spring. We have a uomplete Une of Htrnees j^nd HarnessSundries, Whips, Bells, Pliish Ruge, Robes, Curry Combs and Brushes, Hoof Ointment, Gall Cure, Harness Oil, Trunk.s, Valise' Telescopes. 1^ Blacksmith'sApruns. Look iu and exninine our stock of Horse Blankets. ReP.%IBI>G PltOMrTLV DoSB. 0. W. Phillips. FLESHERTON. ONT. Butter 20 to Eugs, fi-e-sh 24 lo work, and Potatoes per bag 50 to ,. â-  Geeso . eys. It) to 10 to to 14 to Thimble Party j Mrs. W. A. .\rmstrcug gave a uiitfjuc ! party to about twenty ladies of the town j on Friday evening of la.st week, the ; nature of which will bo better understootl Address P»P»r by cjuotiiig from the printed invitatii'U, cement work to do this c 'luing summer should communicate with T. Lever, Flesherton. Window sills ai'd tile made to order. Hound foundâ€" Young do?, cama to my pay ex- Moaior, premises about two weeks ngo, is r^'quested lo prcve property, penses add take him away. C Flesherton. All those suffering from defective vision, cross-eyes, or headaches, should â- ot fait to consult with Mi.ss J. J. .Allan, eye sight specialist, on Thursday next, March 18, at the Park House. Don't forget the W. I. social at Mr. John Tcetei'*, east back line, on Friday night. Rig« will bo at Mr. Bunt's furni- ture store at (!. 30, to take thrse who have no other conveyauci;. Admission 15 cents, or two for 25 cems. For Sale St Eugeniaâ€" .\ fpiantity her greeting unto yuu, and begs your presence ac her home. When other friends will congregate in friendships true and hearty And join her in ye pleasures of ye olde time Thimiile Party Owner j'Xwill favor her if you'll recite ye dear old-fashioiied rhymes. Or sing ye son?, or tell ya tale ot long forgotten times. Perhap.s some bit of old-time garb I'pon your form will be: ' But surely bring your sewing, and pre- I pare to stay to tea. I The ladies all pronounce Mrs. A. a j most charming hostess and the evening [ 38 one of un.'kUoyed enjoyment. Nothing in the way ot a Cough is iiUite so annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheez- ing,bronohial Couj{h. The nuickest re- lief comes perhaps from a [jteseription of known to Drugsists everywhere as Dr. dry scantling and lumber, for cii.^h or good Shoop's Cough Remedy. Aud besides, paper. Also a 16 horse^power Waterous j^-,, ^,, thoroughly harmlMs that mothers PAIN pain In tha headâ€" pain anyn hopp. has it* oatisa ^^n iscongystion. t>uiJiIsbloo<l i)rt'#>«ir»?â€" iioiUmi else tisually. At least, so says Dr. siioo-,). and to prove It ho has creut^l a little piiik^tubltt. Thai tettlet-cnlied Dr. Shoups Ucoaathe Tablet:- cixises bloixl pressuru u-.vay from pain ccntei& ItsefToctijclmrmins. pii'UsinBlydoIightiul.GeiiUy, tboush sa'L'ly. it surely uquaiius tho blood drcik lation. If you havo a headache, it's blood pressnro. II It's peinlul perioils willi women, same caus* It you are j!ix>ple*s. n.>t'.,bs, nervoiis, it's l>lood eoogestlonâ€" blood pr«s#ur«. Tiuit. surely is a Certainty, tor Dr. Shoop's !K>»tlaiho Tablota stop It in 'JO miiiuk'N M.A the toblels simply diatnbuJe the miiuitural b;i»i pivssun?. Bruise your ting'T. and doesn't it (tot twj. ana twcll, and pain you? Of course it d>x>s. It's coti- â- estion. blooil pre^sore. You'll And it whow pain W â€" always. Us simply CoraiSiin Sense. Wa sail at 25 cunts, aud diucrlully reconusoad Dr. Shoop's HeadacHe Tablets "ALL DEALERS" engine and Ooodison Sarnia separator. This engine is in good condition, and to a good man asnap will be given. Reason for telling, I want to go to New Ontario. Apply to F. N, Field. Auction Sales. An auction sale of farm stock, iinp'e- nienti, etc., will be held on lots lt>8-169, W. T. & S. R , Artemesia, the property of Jos. H, Dunc.in, on Wetlneeday, March 17, 1909, at 1 o'clock p. m. Mr. dues, advised the master or noble Duncan is giving up farming and will move to Flesherton. D. MePhail, auc- tioneer. An oxtenidvo credit sale of farm stock and implemeiti.s will b* held on lot 13, con. 10, Osprey, on Wednesday, Ma«ch 16, at 1 o'clock, the property of Jos, Irwin. The proprietor has leased his farm. Sale at 1 o'clock p. m. Wm. Kaitting, auolioneor, Richard t>it9«ell will hold a sale of his farm stock and implements o:i lot 9, en. 11, Osproy, on Friday, March 19, at 1 o'clock. Will. Kaitting, auctioneer. give it with perfect safety even to the youuiiesi babes. The tcinler leaves of a .â- iiinple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy i^s remarkable curative effect. .\ few d.Ays' test will tell. Sold by all dealers. One wonders what would be the position of the fraternal locielies, and Mason.*. Oddfellows and others, if they depended upon the general publi-: for maintenance â€"if members, instead of p-iying their grand to hold entvrtainmeuts for the benefit, of the loitges, to meet the direct (obligations which rightfully only belong to the members? Does not the very independ- ence of the lotlges add to theif respect and prestige, which, alas, the church in many places cannot gain on account of the beggarly condition she is obliged to | h"ld? The church needs emancipation | from the entertainment fad, aud that her j people may imbibe the Vlcssedness in I direct giving. - Ontaiio Ohurchiiun. ... ^ . . Ducks . . brulges except m oa.ses of emergency.savo d^jckens by rew^lution of this council, and that a Tutk byhiw be prepivreJ and submitted at the ; next meeting of this council. Council adjourned, OVERSEEBS OF HIGUWAVS Wm Purvis, .\lex Henry, W J Beatty, \ Chius. Moore, Chns. Stewnrt, C. Ekins, ' Jos. Blakcly, G. W. White, T. M. BiUii'On, Jas. Lockhml, W. J. NichoU, H, Purvis, H. D. MvLoughry, Jas. Foster. Wm. Cargo, Geo. Clark, Johnson ' Cullin-s Thos. Henry, Rithard Meu, ; Sam. Shires, .'no. McXcvan, W. J Cove, I W J. Reid, J r.Thibiidwin. Ben. White, ' Jos. McKee, J. E Wright, W McMuUen, Juo. Stuart, We.s Bu.skin, Jos W:ii.son, Geo Binnie, Wm Ludlow, L McDougal, D McDonald, Jno Williaui.son. W J; I Meads, Juo H-incy. Donald MoMillaii, j Will Patton, Aiuhew Dingwall. James | Viui.se, R G Wiirling, Daiald Stowitrt, j .\lex McRae. Jno Wilkinson, Titos Irwin, ' R Whittaker, Jas Fisher, Wei Bailgerow, R J Uontphill, Stephen Martin, J:is Russell, Thos. .Atkinson, Levi Betts, JnoFlynn, Donald McDonald, W C 11 p- pcr, J .M Armstroiiit, Elijah Paul, Ch;is. Hare, S Gilbert, Robt Gorley, Wallace Grsdiam, Robt Cooper, Thos Freeman, Henry Sewel, John BrauitT, Alex Ctr- ruthets, Sam Fi-sher, Robt Graham, Goo. Howies, This Gilchiist, S Hemphill, Juo Adams, Wm Foster, Geo Ik'st. 1 j Andre w Dow, Robt Akitt, Thos Howard, ; Pnder and by vrtue of the powers vestoii Jos Ferris, J C Wright, Chas Boland, ' in the Aiiminis-lrator of the estate of Irwin Fawcett, H. LeGiu^ Robt ^^'{^^Z'l^l^ ^I::^'^^. bell, Thos Butler, Robt iciris deceaeed, there wjU bo offered for sale bv fESCKViEWEUS public auction ,t the Teiuperacce Hotel ii, i the V lUage of rcvorsham lu the County of .A'ex McRae, R W Whttaker.D Mc- j Grey ou tfA'lL'RDAY rHE :ird I).\Y OK MiUan, Jxs. Blair, Jno B<.hmd, Alex I -Vi'^V^'.-^- "^l' '*"'• " t^' '""^'^ ''' '«« : ,, ,» • , r- ^ ,. „- !o clock m the afteruiHia, the foilowing ! Henry, Uavia Fosier, Geo Moore, "os | j,f^,p^,rjymu,piy._ j Bieon, J S McMillan, A Carruthers, W. j Lot twenty-five ('.'.->) in the ninth Con- ' S Hemphill, Robt Plant t. I cession of the Township of Osprey. in t::« [ I County of tJrey, coutainuig one huudred \ ror.si>KKF.rEB.< | acres, more or lesa, | I Will .Aldoorn, D D McLaughlaii, Geo j Upon the premise- are said to be a !..g : Shannon. Fred Yoik, J A Thomiwon, 1""'-'^ aUo a fraine baru, 4uMio, with sto„» ., - , . ' ' j fouudatioa audi tables under ue.-iUi, .ilso a .M G t>rr, Geo L LaHuier. lean-to 10 .v Uo, together with other fr.»ine j Outbuildings, There is also aaid to be a The town- j small orchaid on (he premises, .\toiit I .>n«hir. i»'^"**^ es aae vWared, and of the kalanoo lowuiaip, I jjjj^^y ^^^^ ^, gj^i J j^ ^^ timbered with It has not a dollar of debei.ture debt, i hardwood, and ten a^rcs with cedar »rd ' sptnce. The propert.v is sikuated about three miles from the Vlllnj^e cf I'eversbaui. XliKMS;â€" Tfii per cent: if purchase money tu be paid on the day if sale, and the balance to lie paid into the BanK ot' Commerce to iho joint credit of the Oflioii.1 Uuarduui and the .Administrttur, ia tbiitv Jav's thereafter, without interest, The property will be sold isubjeot to ^. reserve bid, to be fixed ly the Offii'f,i! GuardinD. For futthot partiofUarsand coutiitioos ol sale apply to W,H, WRIGHT, Vender's Solicitor, t>weu Seunj. Administrators Sale . - ,11.' . - I JFarm I'roperty | IN THE - - ' Township of Osprey RG.KARSTEDr General and Hardware Merchant DRES5 GOODS. Arrived â€" a Ci^mplete range of Lauiea Dress G-. ods, including Ven- etian Voi'es, Ladits' Cioth, Krantha Goods in all the leading shades. Cill and See thmi. Prces ranging friin :5oc. to S2.50. PRINTS AND GlNQHAinS ARRIVED â€" A full assortment of Prints. Giigbams, Persian Liwiis, Mu.diii!', o'c. Everything iu Wash Goods for Indies and cliiMren's w»ar. Have a l.ick, MlLLliNERY Our Millinery ''ariours are thrown opon for the Spring Trade, under the able chargj of Mis,s Wilkinson. For early buyers who are iii't prejjared to wait for our Spring OpeniUj?, she will be williug to show the latest StyUs for Spring. HOUSE FtRNISHINUS Wo have thein. You want thotu. Everything in C.irpets. Lin- oleums. Lace Curf.>:ne, Blmds, Curtain Poles, Paint;" and Varn:she8, etc. Call aud see them befmo buying el.setvhere. • .. . BUILDING HARDWARE Briny yiur Hardware list for cither your house or bant and lee us figure I'll It. Let us convince you th:ir we can sell cheaper than any other haidware in the county. Get our prices on Portland Ctiiient and leave your order, as we are taking orders forspriog. We uuaointee the piicouul you get it cheaper by unloading off cars by wving the carters charges. SCE05, SEEDS. Leave your order with iis f')r seeds. ^Vg will put them away for yiu, »â- . that you can get them when you need them. We carry a full stock and they will be at lowest prices. Prices strictly Cash. Fk$bertdn» Ontario. The Stratford Beacon says: ship of Fullarton i« a model I local improvements being paid out of I yearly revenues. Last year it apont S2,5CO on permanent culverts and cement, covers to bridges; built three new bridges out of th« toKii.sMp funds, and two under the goinl roads plan. There sre now less than three miles of toVnship toads uot gravelled, and these wilt probably be dealt with this year. The township rate is somewhat high, but the ratepayers pre- fer te pay as they go rather than go in debt, tn a few years the municipal taxes will te so small that they will hardly b« ! -in- Buving Toot Ulear Come whoi'o you can save money. We remind our frientis that we have a good stock of Kiibbers, Overshoes, Leggings and some . felt goodsâ€" Jibjt the kind to keep your feel comfortable in the cold weather.â€" fro.-^t proof and warm. Also a lot of Trunks â€" Telescopes going off cheap. Shoe polish. all the best kinds. Custom work made to material usetl. Tiv order, first (piality CLAYTONS felt by ttxt) authorities. Datffd Match 6ih, A; 1909.

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