Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1909, p. 8

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n<WW|»MMWiii II tm« > j .<t<^ - ^»w.»>iM*<«»»w»:,y%».- THE F L E S I£ E R T O JJ ADVANCE March U 19.m Scottish Pride 66274 Th« youll^ Imil y.Mitnsli I'l ill! will •Uiiil ti «rtlc« at Mr. K. W, SiulioU.iu k, lut 37. con. .'â-  ArlouiBBl*. ScoUIkh prids la sire I l).v Bcol!i«li I'liiicc BKvaiiiUuii <f llm noiiilarful ^liow cmv. Usiiiot Xullacliiii, Iiii|) , wiiiiiuruf fiitilit piir.ui «t Toront >auit l,uiiiloii.bvBl'ta3 lii'lli^ oliitinii- ion (vliiAlt*. Kll>) Wt^iK'as oyer I'.tW |H>Un'ls, Oae of IliU cuwH c&lvu* >oM U>r ifimw. Koottiiih itiiflo i« out of I.txlv Holla by the Toronto nrat rrice wiiiiiur, CgptKia M«y FIv. {mp9MVi. Tt.li yoiiUK bull liai |>ri>vtf hltii- «eli a ftliowbtilt having (;atiit^(l uii rnr'iiiraMir^t^ reeori this (all at Kovunliaiii. He wuu ncfl piiaeaabe«t but! calf, aliio <li|ilouia tut Imii.1 ball any nee. IIioim) liavhiR puiv brcil cons HhoUld MM tills Kl-IM(I bull bor4>r» b!'(.-< (lIlIU HJ they rannotdo bi-ttiirtlian iinu hiin. A liuiitup niiuibvr nt rralM -illl be laltauat t:l.*i:tVr puro breds. rf I W) 28,000 Maple Lo^s Wanted . 18 lnrh<« ami laipo d. ficliM.' Iwartu accipt- •aprovldltK MUie liamiKbt 1 elms food sound tlinbi'i oil out«id<.'. PrlLfb racujiiiB ni;cotdlnK toqaaiily, to cut iu lBiii;th!t o' i>' and 11 luclior. C'Mlipaid oiidrliiorv at i;u:<enia. Also waul- at aaiiiu plec^. a Utga <iuai.tily o< i>cif.ct mapltloKa uiuaaurius 'foiii ill incupa ,aiid ariie.-, albii: IJ ti 10 Joft lone. Piioeb paid, » li per thotinxnd, to bj d«llv«r«a a: J. W M^r^au'a uiiil, Eujiuuia. SEnLERS' TRAINS TO A Qreat School • Ireot in K»'iml.ilii'n, Kffult.*, lufliicnc- An>l Thur<>uKliiitf»a '. Suvr a the Cini» .> entir the ^,yi;i,i,;awx5-/;:/. 'XOROHTO, o::t. ^-^ and pri|>ai-v fur prutitiiuK- ejiiJiij-iK-ut (.hirgriuJuutea readily uli'aiii guo-i p*mitiiiiiK Our liaiulwiiu* CaUil<>K<ie in fret' Write pT one to-ilay. .Siudeiit." luii.dtled at auyj (inie. CVllcjf«- oiicn Iheeiitiio year, i \\. ,1. ICIliott, I'rinciiiul j WmRi- and .Alexander .Sts. MANITOBA. ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Rv ('anadlnn Pacific direct line For Settlers Iravallinf Willi livutock and eRecIs Sotllerf and families Without livestocl< should UE« Special Trains Rc^ularTraius will loava Toronto leaving Toronto Each TUESDAY In 10. IS p.m. dally MAKCH and APRIL Tourist Sleeping Cars al lU.IS p.m. Fastest Time COLONIST CARS ON ALt TRAINS No Cbarrfe for Berths Low ColonLst Rates Only Through Service to the West Apply to nearest agent for full information ana fiee copy of "Settlers' Guido" or write H. L Thompson, D.P.A., CP.R., Toronto S. RANDS. Ag. lit, FLESHERTON A Daily Tliought. Ftirtut lilt' (irniso that falU to yuii An K(iid) 11.S you liiivf (Iciiij it; For^ut thu [iriiicu lliul TuIIk Io you The iiKiiiituit you hnve won it; FiirKet ihe 8lan:l«r thiit you licar I!, fore you ciiii ri'ppiil it; l<\iii>i;t eiich hli;;lii, t'uch Npite, euch sneer W herevor you_iiiiiy meet it. Rmioiiilier I'vory lundness di>no To yiiii wli.tte'vr its iia'utiurt'; Iti-iiii'dibcr jiraiso liy ollitrs won, Ami |i:iKH it uii with p'eHbUio; Ki'ini iiiIht every [ii'imiiHu iiuulu Ami keej) it to the le'.ti-r; lleiiK'nilier llio.se wlio lend you ail, Ami I)'.' a finiieful deblor. HeiiK'iiibor bll tlie liiippinrHS Tliiit collies your wiiy in livini:; Foi-j.ct inch worry ami ilistresH, Hi) hopelul iinil foii:iving; Ileimiiihcf good, ri^mi'iiiliei trutli, Rcini'iuliBr hec.viMi'.s iilio\>? you, And yim will liiid llirou;;;li hko uiid youth Tuir j'lyK, and liiiiit.t to love you. yUL' CAN KNTER ANY TIME IN CanadtB Leadiug School of Euisness aud Shorthand without di.sudvniita^'o to yourbolf by out Special Personal Help Sy»teiii. Write for pirtioulara. C. A. FleMMINO, PjtlXl.ll'AL, OiteuSouiiil * Ontario. Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye :glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician JPi:^ESH[E]RTON . yyrvy/ >^9fi^^'^9f>1ifi^'Af>^\fi INORRIS BROS. l^arbware merchants and Cinsmiths. d Now thai Siiicktakiu^ is over and flianking you, wo find iliiit wo iiHH- Imd H iiiosi [iroHpcrnu^ year. Wo ari! now ri'ady to servo yoti iu h itiiich i/iu:iter CHpacity than iii lln- ^caf juht closed. W^ intend to cloHU out. uur (ireaiMit, line of .Slock l'Vo<| mid «ill d i ho re«HrdK'8« of liv-st v"'!-, Tl»e I'-ie in the well known Hackney Stock Tonic A poHitively OuKninterd Sliiek food to char at the following; pricvR: $1.10 pki{ Slock Tonic lijj. .60 .ii5 " I'dullry Focxl .r>() " HcBvo Cure 'J uU i> III U'<)i ToHtc . . . ;t(ic. . . . loc, . . . ;)0 •. ...8170. Wt! lnvo lieen for'nii.ite in si^corilitj u (puititity rif A.\i' llaidl.'K, ,§ iCCiind ijrowih idin, hand made ami it you want .A GOOD AlVl'lCI.h; il\ don't forget to l.iok l'.ie«e ^oovts oV'.i-. ^ p Washing Machines ^ g^' If iiilerostcd in a Hinli ilasa 'A'asl.iii'.{ Jlachinc, d.di'l for<.;ot the fi^ ^* reliable store wliiri you uill Kte ihe Kiig Wuslnr. r<0 y^ "" 'A Flesherton Carriage Works Cutters - - Sleighs. Now is tlie limn tn Imy yoiif (7iutoi' ni' joiiv Slpii{li. If yon iiitrtol Iniyiii'^fMill mi ih Ijcforo piiielmHiiij», iit> mu liav(^ acDinpl'le Block to ciiooBo IVoiu, mid piictis Unit Btiit. First Claris Morse-Shoein); a Specialty. D.McTAVISH, - = Prop. F LES H ERTON. BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. It yotl ever had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has beea removed from Ihe system. Vou may have had come disease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Soma poison atiU lurks in your system. Can you atiord to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used indiscriininately-tliey may ruin the system. Twenty years experience iu the treattnentof these diseases enables ustoprescribe specilic remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad effects on the system. Our New Method Treat- ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up all ulcers, cleartheKkin, remove bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, and swollen glands will re- turn to a normal condition, and the patient will feel and look like a different person. All cases we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com- plete cure if instructions are followed. Rosdor if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE (OK CHARGE. Hcware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 yeaiK. WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele. Stricture, Olood and Secret Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation i'ree. If unable to eall write lor a Question Li*l lor Home Treatment. ! DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan 91 Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich. A Letter Prom Washington Dear Mr. Editor,â€" \Vasliiii;itoti lui.-s a popiiliitiou about tlie Kiiini! ill iiiiinljer aH thai of Toronto. Its growth has not of Into years been nearly as great as that of our Queen City. It liiu< all the Governiuental buildings which give it ii charniing and impressive appearance it i* truly the White Cily. It was laid out on the plan of L'Eiifant, It Frenchman. The street.s run east iind west, and north and south. Through the.-ie pass diagoiuilly wide .1 venues, making iu;ce.s.s eauy to all parts of tliccit)\ 'The roadways are well pkved and (lie wide si retts and Nidewalks are well adapted for procession:^ The designer evidently knevr the American [iiiN.sion for parades, and laid out the city for that end. Uetween the While llou.se iiiid tiie Capitol runs Pennsylvania Avenue, ll is UiOfeet wide. This is till) route followed by Iho Inaugural procfHSion. At the ea.st of the Capitol, ill an immense p<d(ico, llie o.-itli of oftiee i.s administered to eicli new President. The inaugural piocession is formed and pa.sse.s around the Cajiitol weNtward along I'oiinsylrania Ave. to the Treasury grounds, and the VS'hite House, a dih- taiiee of ovit one ami one half miles. I'l.itforms HiO t'ri'cled in every available Kp.iee along the mule from which to view the proceHsion. For n seat in a choice lociitiou ?j is- a.skcd, other.< sell as low as 5Cc 11 silting. Some clioire windows are held al SSlijO each. Rooms at the hotels arc .spoken for nionths iu advance. Privalc hoiises open ami take in roomers. The whole city throbs iu anlicipation of Ihe coming event, which, it is expected, will be the greatest ami giandiMl (bat has ever been. Taft hui gfowii wonderfully since ell ctcd. It is biiii|)ly aiiwiKing how ninny friundshu now has, particularly in Wji.shiii!;ton. All who wish preferment are striving to do him liidior and eonie to his notice. It i.n a scramble forotKceand Iho anxiety to Hlnnd high in his favor U'.uIh to much vain display. To de'fcribe the difl'erenl liuildiiigs in (lotiiil iii beyond niy pen. 1 .shall inuruly touch (di a few of the most pruminont. Th(^ Capitol ranks anmng the finest buildings in Ihe world. It is 751 feet loiiL' ami ;tr)0 ill greatest width, and eovors nearly four aere.< of ground. The ereist of the statue of Liberty crowning iiH dome is 288 feet high. After its par- tial destnicliidi liy the Hritish in 1H14 it was restore.l, and has lu'eii added lo from time to liino until today its majes- tic dome is the piideanil inspiration of every Kidi of the l^nion. Tho total cost of the building and Ihe various additions is saiil to a|)pro.xiinale to 910,000,000. The newer portions are built of Massa- eliunel Ik marble, and Ihe older parts are painted white, snve the color in the Hag. The Seiiale uilil Ihe House of TJeprc- si'iitativex are both in ses-sion. The nioiiibrrs of tbi-su bodios, like our own ineiubers of rarliatneiit, seeiii generally very ordinary men. Their speeches show more vigor and Jiartiit'in bias than cult tire ami Ntatesniai'slop. A few are strong, clBar-fighti'tl men with a vision of the primenl and fiitiuo greatness of tho nation over in view. 'Hie feeling that wo ate "it" soems to )irevail here, although lo a le.«n oxteni than in New Vork. Tho Cons;iession«l Library building stands idumt lOO yards from tho Capitol, and is certainly a beautiful and remark- ably well-built struclute. The arrange- ments for tiuiisiniltiug and recording book.s taken out are well calculated lo iinpresa Ihe visitor with the excellency of the system a.bipted, A member of Ihe Capitol may desire a certain Ixiok or dociiiiieut lo illustrate his point in do- bale, a message by 'phone reaches (ho l;bi.iiy, anil an iiiKlergroiiml carrier kooi\^ places (lie book desired in tho Senate Chamber. Here on file are the chief newspa|HMs of Ihe world, and visitors may rend iheiv own papers whop spend- ing a few days at Washiiiglon. Sludenla anywhere in the I'. H. wistiing any vol- uino CJkn have it sent to thorn to bo re- lumed when done with it There Is 58,001) miles of slielving or room for about Ti, 500,000 volumes when fried. Tho National Museum is well worth a lri\> here to see. It wimld require days to really sec one or two deparlincuts of tliiji tlorohouse .if tho world's pro/refM. CIiairi< around tables with hooks of refer- I eiico ure provided for vis tors. Attentive and gentlemanly gtuirds are always ready to direct visitors and no foes are charged nor tips looked for. Tho Smithsonian Institute is practically [Mrt of tho Mus- eum The eye at length tires , of seeing and (lemaiuls res*. This would bean ideal spot, for an incjuisitivo boy, hungry for kiiowl"ilj{e. He could revel iu birds and beasts of :dl kinds. One large building i.s devoted exclus- ively lo tho manufacturo of piper money, • governtneut bonds and stamps. Placli bill piLsse-ij through .02 ditiereiit hands before it U completed, and a large nuni- l er of ladies arc employed in this work. It reijuires tinone.ss of t luch and ipiick- nesK of eye to detect any flaws or iiupur- foetions in the work. Each operation must be lierfect in its kind. Wbou the b lis, have p.issed a certain sltige in their niauufacture tiioy aru taken over to the Treasury De[>artn)cnt for criiu)iletion. To uie, tho most interesting part was the counting. The guide assured tlie visitors that the ladies counting the bills counted (iO.O'JO ill sevfii and one-htilf hours eacli day, ani each package must !.o initialed by the counter, thus practically guaran- teeing the accuracy of her work. Ench package is counted three times and should the counters make an ciror they are charged with the amount lost. Worn and d.iniaged bills are returnetl to the TreAhury for description and redemp- tion. Frei|Uoiitly coiinlerfeits are de- tected among returned hills. Many of lhe.se counterfeits have jiassed business men and skilled bank tellers without de- tection. The skilled counter is able to decoct the bill generally by the touch lather than by the eye. It seems incred- ulous, but the workers a.s.sert positively that over CJO.OOO returned bills are exatnined and counted in a day by each counter, and rarely does an error occur in the work. How the eye can take in each bill, the signatures, markings and all that is uect>s.siry to note the diH'erenee between good and bid money at the rapid rate of counting is certainly won- deiful, and shows what may be done by training and practice. The hoti.se to which Lincoln was carried after being shot at the theatre is turned into a soil of Lincoln mu.seuin by a I shrewd .Scotchman. He has secured a ; jiait i)f arail (li.it Lincoln is eertdied by ' dichiration to have split Tho Inioks written on Lincoln form n coiisiderablo library: His leiteis are very interesting and prove him to have been a sUong man. Across tho river on the Virginia siile stands, on a lofty eiiiiiience, the home of Cieneral Kobcrt Lee. It came to him through his marriage to a Mi.ss Custs, a ;'••• descendant of Marth.i Washington. { :!J! Tho cs(a(e Oonsisled of about 11,000 illj acres. When Lee cast his lot in with ••;• the Confederates this estate under a pretext of salo for taxes, was eonliscated l.y od into a national cemelery iiiul artillery yard. Later, patt was made into ji niorid [ •;•• farm and (ho balance remains in wood- lands. Leo fe t it a great injustice (hat he should be lU'prived of this boaiitiful estate, and on his death action was taken by one of the heirs tigainst the I'nited S'ates giivernment for recovery of the lu'operty. This action was suece<sful. ! The goveninient (hen bought the prop- erty for 1^150,000. It is now ojien f^r visitors, and tho.so ilyin(.> in defence of their count ly are honored with n resting place in these historic gieunils. I cannot linger longer over tho many things of interest in connection witii Wttshingliii and its surroundings, I have trespassed too muili already, Mr, Editor, but, would like to say in closinj that eondiiioiis of life in Ontario are iniicli (o be preferred to any seen in this trip. If (Intaiio farmers could but .see the almost sterile soil of (he middle .Mint llie states they would value ibeir heritage more highly than ever before. Willi apologies to the poet I would Siiy - Iteforo all lands in East or West, 1 hive my native land the best. With tJnd's best gifts 'lis teamii g. Both gold and silver here abounl. And men of noble hearts are found., , And eyes with joy arc beaming. â€" Youi-s, C. W. Chudwick. Twenty-rfive years ago it was difficult to sell spring wheat flour for pastry at any price. People didn't want it â€" they were using soft, winter wheat flour, and saw no reason for changing^ But hard wheat flour was persistently pushed. The women tried it and succeeded with it, â€" to-day hard wheat flour is the favorite for Pastry as well as for Bread. Ogilvie's Royal Household is hard wheat flour at its best â€" milled by modern methods, retaining all of the good of the wheat. It is without an equal for every kind of baking in which flour is used. 26 Ogilvie Flonr Mills Co., LImiled, Montred. • ••••••«â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢^•••••••••••••••••••••••••e ••••••••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • â- â€¢â€¢ •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • •• • •• • •« • ••• •••â-  • ••• •••• CEYLON'S BUSY STORE ! ij: Seeds ! The time is at hand ag.iin for seeds. We have a good supply on Imnil of St el Biiigs B.'st (|uality, A No 1 seeds at reasonably low prices. Gel tiiein now before they go any higher in price. Wo have just sot in a good supply of small and large boys suit!, very Nobby, at prices that will Rurpiise you. Boots & Shoes ! We secured a good slock since the rec^>ut drop in price, and think wo can show you something in i|uality and price that you haven't seen for s.inu lime. Ask to soe our <>x-Itlood's, Tans and FatantK. Flour! Flour is uoiiig up in price -come and gjt your supply beforo il goes up too lindi. We will give you special prices on lari>e <|uantities. Another car of Salt just received. Take a barrel b-nno with you while the sl^^ighing lasts. U^nu-niber- Our Multo IS â€" "Small Protitt and t^uick Raturns. " itext of salo for taxes, was eond.scated i ;;;$ ^ ^7\ » X^ > ^^ the Federal authoriti.s and was turn- ' jj:: VaS» J 01113012, LeUiOn, Ullt^ into a nitional cetnelery iind artillerv I ;II! - !*» •••• • •«â-  ::r • ••• • ••• • ••' • «•• •••• • ••• !••. •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••••••••••••••••t«*t««***4 ••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••«•#•••••••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â-  _ _ . - _ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ t ••••••{••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«•••â- â€¢ •••••••••• A Societies i Bl'siness Cards O U W meets oi. llio last Monday I T(r.\LTEIt LOl'CKS in each uioiitli. in their loiiRO room | " Builder and Con tractor Norris' niook. FleBliortoii, at 8 ii.m. M. \V.. , Kor Jiriok, Stoue aud frame rcisMencea. Eg. Milos Thislletliwuitc; Kec, O. II. .Munsliaw; ' tiuiatee cbeerfuUy luruished, Kleeherton F d Flu., W..I. Kol.aniy, VinltluR brethren ILvited : Ontario. PUINCK. .\nTHlIK liODUK, No. :t.«,A.F.A. A iM, iiiectH in tlii Masonic liall. Arm- UIJ.1OUOH & \0UNO ._ _. .. _ _ llaukeis Markdale stroiiK'H Hall Flenherton, every Friday on Ou a general bankinn Ousiuess. Mouey loantd or before tbe full moru. Tboa. tllakelY.W.M.; at roasouablu ratif Call on us. Uorli.3mith. Set-roiary. ^__^ I m (JHISIjETT, PoHtmaster, ''oylon. I. 0. F. n cots in 1 Honor Rolls. Report of S. S. No. 7, f<u- Feb., lilOO. Cl»«» 5â€" Annie Muir, Annie Mac- Millan. Class 4 -Oorfield Whyte, Katie M^c- Millaii, John Wbyto. Class 3 sr~Vera McLean, Howard Mc- Lean, Eddie Dingwall. Class ;! jr- Clark MacMiUan, Lottie Muir and Sterling Wiiyte, equal, La Whybe. C!las8 2 8r-Halph Williamson. Class 2 jrâ€" Duncan MacMillian, Wilfred I'arslow. Pari 2 »râ€" Mary Whyte, Robbie Ding- wall. Pjirt 2 jrâ€" Jiminia Whyte, Frank Willianiaun, B ihs Moads. Class A- Stanley \\hito, Anns White, Sadio Whyte. Average attendance Ifi M. J. Oi'Rtitj Teacher. polIlT FliKSIIKKTON, !)!).â- >, " Clayton's lllock till) last Wednesday oveuins ] Couiuilssioner iu H. l''. J , Conveyancer, deeds, of each nionth. VinithiR Foiesteis heartily ! nuirtKaRes, leasex, wills etc. carefully drawn up welconio. H. U., Dynon; It. 8., T. Hei.ry; Jollections mad', cliarges leasonaMv. .Mso Fin. See.. C. N. ItlcUardnoii. I i^ioceries. Hour, feed etc. kept in stock, Pricea I'leaao pay dnos to Fiu, Sec. before the flrat tinht. day of the mouth. | ___^___^.^^__^___^_^__^^____ C"?S!'''^ FhlENDR-Freaherton yo»nc\\ of | R '' '^'^'"po.i'^astot, Flesherton y> Chosen Friends meets in Clayton » hall first !.^,„u,i„ioue,. i„ h.O J.. Anotioueer Leude Deeds awn tice n n I i~ .11 â-  n 1 LI . I money to loan at lowest rates of iutoroBt.TCol- Pure Bred hll){li$h BerkShlreS and lectious attended to with inomptnen Tnmu/nrths charKes low. Agent for Ocean Dominion lainworins. Steamshn) company. inaveatmelot of yoims; pigs bred Inmi ' prize wiuiiing stoeli, for sale ^'"n?arelL"y^lto';r.!;l;.."'?:^'}i- ifi'i'i'i't"' "'""""""" ' ^-t^.^ir loas'es ali"r'^?.ls"''oa^e^fi;^1y ^.^ T. lilakeluv,Koooidei,\\.H. Hunt. ,^^ ^„,| valuations made on .shortest not A call solicited. , - . , y""' '"" f'"'l r* McPHAlL, Licensed Auo'.ionoer for the priws. I can give a bargain alw. guarantee L>. (-oimty of Grey. Torins moderate aud atistuction on all mini orilers. i satisfaction Koarautcod. The ananxementa t ieo. W. U().S.S. Maxwell P. O. and dates of sales can bii male a*. Thk Advasob .â€" I oBlco. Hosidunce aud P.O. , Ceylon, Telepbona Golden Legend . ["^J'TceOTy Pure llred Tiiiiiivurth Hoar for service on | â€" â€" ^-^^^^^â€" ^.^-^-^â€" ,.^^____ Lo 170, 2iia K. T. &S.R. Terms «1.00. K. lerms»1.00. T \y KAITTIN'O, Licensed Auctioneer for KICUARD ALLEN ' '-"• " • the oounties of lirev and Simooe. Farm and Stock salo< a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction ijuaranteed. .\rraufie- _ . T- .. . .,1. .1 inents for dates may bo made at tho .\dv»uca Onospanof I.iKlilnii.s Colts onmaR three 1 omoc, or A: T. Hutchinson's store, Fovei-sham! For Sale matched. Heady to Woik, Also one Shortnorn llnll eiiiliteeii months old, bred by CTeo,llrlstow, Uoblloy. iinmbo" .'iHIW, in volume i2t. Namnâ€" Vlllano Captain. Aldll'.UT K- H VNL,F.Y, Lot 4, Con. 1(1, Osprey, Fevoisliaio P. O. or by addreBsins me at Feversham, Out. Lot 13. con. li, Osprey, Bull For Service 'Jyeavac'ld, leg. Hh(irthori) bull, Victor'* Pride, 7481*0 is for service at Lot ;t7, Cmi. li, Artcnicsia. Terms yi.Ud. JOHN HARliRAVF.. Trade Marks Dcsiar.B i C0PVniQHTS&& AtiTonc Fcniling a nUi^toh nr..i '•â- sorlnli.in luaT Ouli ulr o.ioortnin <>:tr cniiitun f reo v^fiuilior au InvoTiUon Is p.-, iMl.;.- piticiit.'v^iTA Coiiimiinlca- lliinsMiicllyi-.-'tiUiloiuIn). H(lN0(<03ti ouPaieut* uentlroo, oldosi ei:i.iioy for seounuTPatents. I'atoiUH tuk-->:i tlirouith Uunn ACikreealTO tpccMtiotie*, v.ttliuutaharge^ lutha Summit nmmfL l;U uoi.:.!C..le ,1 by »i!llte"j!:::;'i!a«'M Drop ^tATHR^V8, Warkdale. Lloonaod " anc'.ioneor for the county of Grey. Good service at roaacnable rates. Dates cau be made at The Advance. 1 o CD Lecal nr H. WRIGHT. Barrister, Solicitor, CoiiToy. "anoer, oto,,â€" Owou Sound, and Flesherton, N H - e hovtou otBco, Sproulo's lllook every Satnrd - Medical Dn cAUTKn M C P A a Ont.rbyBlolau, Surgeon, e OtUce aud rusidouceâ€" Peter St., Flesherton JP OTTKWF.l.L Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collie, residence â€" sscond door south west'oo y.Mv Htroot. This Btroot runs south Prosi.vtcilan (Miurch. H. WILSON, Hlacksmitl. ^liraduate of no N'cterinary Science Association Bosldcnoe, Uuvbaiu ftreet, op oalte B oyd, HlriklhiR's hardware. Dentlstrv Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. D. S, dental sui'soon honoeuruilnato of Toronto University and Uoyal CeillcKe of Dental Siirijoona of Ontario, (las adiniinsrovod for Lueth extraction. olUco al rcsidonce, Toronto stiootFlaahorton 7

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