Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1909, p. 7

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i- THE REMINDERS OF RHEUMATISM W,m Weatlier Starts the Pain But tli9 Trouble is in the Blood. Cold, damp weather brings on the twinges and pains of rheuma- tism, but is not the real cause of the complaint. The trouble ia root- eo in the blood and can only be cured by enriching the blood and driving the poisonous acid out of the system. This is a great medi- cal truth, which every rheumatic sufferer should realize. Liaime.iti and outward applications can't cure the troubleâ€" they cant reacn the blood. The sufferer is oaiy wasting valuable time and good money in experimenting with thi> sort of treatmentâ€" and all the tiri'e the trouble is becoming more firmly rooted,â€" harder to cure. There is just one sure way to cure rheuma tismâ€" Dr. Vvilliams' Pink Pil!4 They act directly on the impure, weak blood. Thoy purify and strengthen it, and so root out the cause of rheumatism. Mrs. S. Bailey, Newcastle Creek N.B., says: â€" "In the summer of 1006 I became lame ia my ankles, but thinking I would soon get ovei' the attack I did not seek medical aid. but used liniments to ally t'le pain and sTrelling. Instead of get- ting better the trouble increased and I then consulted a doctor wh i pronounced it articular rheuma- tism, and treated me for this trou- ble. Instead of getting better tho pain and tho swelling became worse SEX -'^ TITEOL TBAP. French Pair's Crael Scheme to Catch a Thief. Owing to the shortcomings of (rench servants, numerous families ia Paris are giving up housekeep- ing and adopting the plan of tak- ing apartments in residential ho- tels. Conflicts between servants and their mistresses make ever-increas- ing demands on tb<^ time of the Judges of the Civil^.&nd Criminal Courts in Paris. A few days ago a man and his wife living in the Rue de la Grosso Horloge, in Rouen, su.specting their domestic of. dishonesty, laid an abominab'e trap. In a metal cash- box they placed a shallow vessel coutainiug vitrol. They then fixed a spiral spring inside the box and i you need no longer fear the knife locked it. Next morning the ser- if troubled with gravel or other vant, seeing no one about, opened urinary troubles is the glad news the box with a duplicate key. The that Joseph Pelrine, a well-known lid sprang open and she was cruelly i young fisherman here is telling his i burned by the vitrol. I friends. Her employers had her arrested, | "I suffered intense pain from I and in her room the police found \ gravel and other urinary troubles ()ver £70 in cash, a superb pair of ; for nine months," Mr. Pelrine •earrings, a gold watch and chain, ! says. "But seven boxes of Dodd's and a handsome necklace. The Kidney Pills cured me completely jewellery is supposed to have been €tolen from previous employers. SlD.iN ARABS' Dl ELS. Need no Longer Fear the Knife Gravel Easily ani Naturally Curel by Doid's Kidney Pills. 4«Mph Ptirin* who Sirfferid the Tcrturet of t)i(s TtrrlbU Comclalnt for NIni Months tolls how Ihs old RolUblo KIO- noy RiRisdy Curad Him. Port Felix East, Guysboro Co., N.S., March 22 (Special). â€" That COMING DOWN. fi Mrs. Parvenu â€" "Oh, yes â€" we can trac« our ancestry back â€" toâ€" to â€" I well, I don't know who, but we've been descending centuries." i The K«p«at lt;-"SliUoh'i Car« irlll alwmTd ourw m; oonsha maA ocldd." "What a grasping fellow you are, Hawkins 1 You'v« bothered me about this bill fifty times in ten days." "You wrong me, Jarley. I'm not grasping. I've bothere<l you about the bill, I admit, but I haven't been able to grasp anything jet." If a cough makes your nights sleepless and weary, it will worry you a good deal, and with good cause. To dispi'l the worry and give yourself rest try Eickle's Anti- Consumptive Syrup. It exerts a soothing influence on the air pas- i sages and allays the irritation that leads to inflammation. It will sub- due the most stubborn cough or cold, and eventually eradicate it from the system, as a trial of it will prove to you. Mrs. Gramercy- "What do we Excelsior Life insurance Company HSAOOFFISK, KXOKLSIOII ktrs â- UILOIMS, TORONTO. Business fer 1908 Meet tatisfastory Ever Experienced- Insuranos in Foras, ... locrawe tl,073, tfS.OO. RrdW Insuranca Written, locralM W»,72S.oa AMeta for teourtty of RotloytiolMra, â-  lnc.u>* |S*,MS-71. Caah Incamo ... IttcroAsa taa.ZSi-Ot. Btfizrvo Funds lacluiilBC SpccUl a«9*rr« ttt.MH.S*. Surplus on Poiloytisldoro' Aoca jnt, t12,13fl,oe«.M i.MS.ses.oo 1,020,102.71 <8», 790.94 1,406, es4.e3 18S,4a0.55 IMOaiASM -lu«ur»iico in (ore* !a .rwr c«nt.. AiMU IS per c»iit., Inoomo 17 per c«at.. Utserroj ijl«r niDMiM tatto li par Mat. INTESUT IM0J4* .'bljr* ib>n >ul|iol»iit to fXT Da&tb Lomm and &U n^taMs <rf tli* Csa- lal >r«;t a^rniJ j.t wcjui .N>1 kflt 9.r2 p«r c«Bt. A Qosd Oompiny to Insuri v»!«'i, 0».in«^ .•nttjr i QcoJ i)emp.iny for ^c*ntt to RoprOMUt 1 heartily recomme««il Dodd's Kid- h^^^ for dinner?" Bridget>â€" "Shure ney Pills to anyone whn ia suffer- ! n^"â„¢, I tripped over the rug an ia Buffer- or urinary trou- ing from gravel bles Dodd's Kidney Pills cure gravel ': by curing the kidneys. The urin- ary organs are entirely dependent on the kidneys. If the kidueys are not in good working order they I'oetoral Life Doesn*t Always Lead to Peace and Quiet. The country to the southeast of Tekar is the home of the Hasas ; the ; cannot fifter out the uric acid and it Hadendoas occupy the khors to the j combines with other products of southwest. Both of these are black Jt|,e bo^jy ^nd causes gravel. Heal- Arabs, speaking different langu- ! thy kidneys dissolve tlie stones and *8*'- . I they pass off in the urine. That's The Uasas live almost entirely i .„j,y budd's we need a new set of dishes." MllMroil Wm Oo SMKhlnr. ITiar eom« Aom* •o»«>r»<l "ith mow. U%~l a t»»sp.'oiijul of Pain. kll!»r in hui mrMtouwl irMrr will pretont »n/ lU •ffoeti. A»oid subititaiw, thera ii hat ooo " Pitinkillti 'â- â€" Porry D»ti»-J4o. uid Mo. Many a man whu knows what not to say hasn't sense enough not to say it. Send for (free; Catalogue No. 75. TKeBELL PtANO«OiA»nC«..limIUd GUtLPH.ONlARtO^ . _ on sour milk, whil.? the Hadendoas until I was hardly able to hobole ! are agricultural as â- Â» ell as pastoral, about the house. On rising in the j Their dokhn and durra, milletlike morning I was uuable to bear mv grajng^ ^^re ripening in February weight, except with extreme pain, ^nd being protected from count- Haviag tried so much medicine j ipgs swarms of small birds by men without benefit I began to think Ij ^ho stood on elevated platforms, was doomed to be a cripple. Onoiffom ^^hich they cracked loudly ?*y ?,.P,^^"°. *J?''|^^„.,â„¢* '° try: large ^^ips with palm leaf lashes ^'â- Â«-':, Dr \\Ulia,ms Pink Pills. t^.^e twenty feet long. l^""^^' said, I take them every spring as jh^ ^^ess of these Arabs is a cot- a tonic for my blood, and tney ^ou sheet hell in bv a belt ia which cure gravel. Kidney Pills always "Your dead husband wor a good man," declared the sympathetic Mrs. Casey to the bereaved widow. "He wor!" esciaimed Mrs. Mur- phy, dashing the tears from her "Xo two policemin cud him." Raneat It: - "'Shtloh's Cnra â- will alwaya cura my eoutrha and coiOs." EASY. make a new person of me.' After Bom© persuasion I decided to try them. I had taken three or four boxes before I noticed any chaiici>, Rnd then it seemed my ankles we'-e less painful. By the time i h.n.' used a few more boxes there was a wonderful improvement in my c-.i dition. Not only did my ankles get â- well, but I felt like a different woman and had not bee a as '.veil in years. In speaking of this t~ a doctor afterward he said that no doubt Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had enriched the blood thus driv- ing out the painful disease." Not only rheumatic sufferers, 'out all who have anv trouble duo to weak, watery blood or impure blood can find a cure through the fair use of they carry crooked knives. For other weapons they use sticks, spears and swords. Firearms are prohibited. Judging by the many scars borne by th-j men the pas- 1 to keep money, toral life ia by no means so peace- : joined the son ful as the poets would lca^d us to think. Many of the scars come from duels, in which the men stand face to face and cut each other al- ternately in the back till one cries Rspoatlt:â€" -TbUoh'B Care will altmy* euro mj eaua^ acd colds." ".\nd now that you are of age,'' said the anxious father, "I want to Mrs. Flynn â€" An' pbat's yer son .Moike doin' now, Mrs. Casey? Mrs. Casey â€" Shurc, Moike ain't doin' anything, Mrs. Flynn. He got a Government job I A Woman's Sympathy Ar« ynn discouraxcd? Is your doctor's blU a hoary finmicliJ load? I3 your pala a hoevy rh]r»)c«U burdo.T? I k:iow what 1 those mean to dolicata wemeA â€" £ havo l br»n diacouracotl. tuo; but l..arned how to euro inysolf. 1 i\'atit to r<»U«ve your bur- dens, v^'hy not and tha p<On and stop tlis do<:i»T'a bill? I c:in do tiila for you and TOO MUCH ROOM. At first sight it would seem that it must be an unreasonable man who would find fault wita a house because it had one more room than was mentioned in the advertise- CALVES RalM Tkf m Wlthoat .Milk. BcotIM Tr^*. â- uaU BUsa iMd CO.. LbL. TkmoM il} if you will assist roe. ,8"* jou a lew pointers on now f„^ of th« romedy which hi. been pUood , ^ • , • Sav, dad, re-. In niy hands to bi» ti>'«n away. Perhaps ment; but first sight is not alwavs of 'his father, ; JSi%rh!^4:'^r'L!T,rJrilTa'rpranS ''"t sight. An esUte agent sent "hadn't you better begin by giv-| fi win b« curod for :e (tho cost of a a customer to look at a five-roomed ing me a few pointers on how to j:''Tfi!v^^"Vs toT;?iv f^^'m'- f.-i^ house, that being just the size he i get it?" "Enough!" CONSEBV.ATIVE PROGRESS Pills That Have Benefitted Thou- t. ilJttS. IT. a CUaaafi. Windsor, Onu professed to proved to be want. The house â- adly out of repair, Annual Report of the Excelsior i Insurance Compaaiy. The annual statement of the Ex- celsior Life Insurance Company. Pr. Williams' Pink ! which is published in this paper, 'The house that you finished a and the prospeotive tenant went sands.â€" Known far and near as a i '*'"., ^"'^'^'f' ^So is the biggest of tho, back to tha agent's office, sure re.Tiedj in the treatment of'|ot, ' said the real-estate ageut. ! "I didn't want a sLx-roomed indigestion and all derangements! '"P^'"^*Ps that's why it's so hard house," he said. of the stomach, liver and kidneys, i to find a tenant." "Yes," answer-} "That isn't a six-roomed house," Parmelees Vegetable Pills have;<^ the builder ; "it's last but not; answered the a; brought relief to thousands when' ''â- ^''^^• other specifics "have failed. In- numerable testimonials can bei Its Power Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers jor by mail at 50 cents a box or -i.v boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .{. THE ENGLISH CO.'UPLEXIOX. in an exceptionally I "''^' ^^ found superior to all other ills have come aud gone since Dr. I isn't itt" n at the close of the ' P'"* '" **** treatment of the ail- Thomas' Eclectrio Oil was first put | "Yes. bu IS The mananoment â- '"*?** ^*"^ which they are pre- upon the market? Yet it remains, I provement. The Despair of the Smart Ladies im Paris. Outdoor exercise and the "sim- ple lifa" are for the moment the fad of the fashionable Parisienne. A leading French actress, when i ous year recently in London so greatly ad- j ful selection of risks mired the complexions of the Eug- ! have also decreased C% per cent., lishwomen she saw that she and a , illustrating watchful management, number of her friends determined i The increase of insurance in to cultivate, by means of walking force amouutiug to 10 per cent,. shows this young Canadian Com- 1 pany to be strong position vear's business. The management; ..^ of the Company i« to be heartily s'^r'°«<»- congratulated on the progress made in the past jear and the growth and splendid standing of the Com- pany maintains its previous praise- worthy traditions. It is a very noteworthy fact that the death rate in the past year was 44 per cent, less than expected, j and 9 per cent, less than the previ- which shows very care- Expeoces cut. j "Yes it is.'' "But 1 say it is not." and the Grows with Age. â€" ,agi;Tit began counting. "There's produced to establish the truth of I How many medicines loudly blaz- the kitcnen. dining-room, parlor, j this assertion. Once tried thevjoned as panaceas for all human land two bedrooms. That's five. but there's room for im- and that's bigger than doing more good to humanity than' any of the others.'' said the faceti- many a preparati.>n more highly oua customer. "Can't you show wherel vaunted and e.xtendicg its virtues! me something else T" little j wider and wider and iu a larger Lady â€" "Do you know Johnny Tucker lives, my boy I" Little Boy â€" "He ain't 'circle every year. It is the medi- honie, but if you give me a penny cine of the masses. I'll find him for yeu." Lady â€" "All right. Now, where is heT' Little Boyâ€" "Thanks. I'm him." Bapakt it:- "Vhllsb • Qura wUI alwaya csura lay ojuatu and aolda.' The fellow who begs a girl for a lock of her hair doesn't necessar- ily turn thief just because be picks a lock. living, "English com- and the addition of 16 per cent to assets and 17 per cent to income undoubtedly show a most commend- able activity coupled with a wise and ptam flexions. " The experiment is declared to have had wonderful effects, and now every fine morning one may j conservatism pee quite a number of ladies, both of the theatrical and social worlds, indulging in "footing'" round the lakei in the Bois de B> ul gie. Some of the more athletic have adopted a practical costume resembling that worn by lady mountaine'.'rs. Stout, square-toed boots are con- sidered necessary for "footing," and veils are discardetl. Together with the morning walk,! Ba «ub»muta for "Ths d A L" MMthoi piiM»»r, the morning cold "tub is an tng- Jf '''K»j;,j;;,,.ud..i hy ,i,.ct..r.h..,.:t»i4, ci.ru lish custom more and more widely .anJ o'erjbodj for pituriay, «titiii»M, mo. practieed. If it rains, seekers af Tourist â€" "What are those bells ringing for?" Urchin â€" "'Cos somebody's pulling "em!" LOCAL AGENTS WANTED KnUrccd Port »:t<. FmniMluid Ar« Su»<i:alti«a Vt pr«6tt. Full la«tnjcliims. Cat*«o|[u« u4 lamplM fro*. >oaTBAiTtiim.T ca, t4 â- Â«Â»â- *• rr , towmH FEATHER DYEING ClMiaiU u4 Cm,ls( u4 Xit ai«>M al«u*4 TkaM can b* Met kr â- ><>•(. le im «a iht t>«u |>1><» U BRITISH AHESttCAN DYEiUa CO. UOKTKSaL, Every Indiwidual Automobile Qwsior I'n United States and abroad should join Intornatiocal Automo- bile League. Pamphlet showing dealers' prices of automobile tires, also application blank, mailed up> en r?quest. Home Uffite, Buffalo, N Y. D<'pai-ting Guestâ€" "We've had a •imply delightful time!" Hostessâ€" "I'm so glad. .\t the same time, I regret that tl'.e rain kept all our best people away. Run over the list of your friends and you will be Burprised at tho number you could dispense with. People who are too old to learn have outlived their usefulness. Kap.at It;- "fihlloh'a Cure will alwaya cura my coucba aacl colds." H RaCKlns So«q|fi drlro. d.*p sail eoafait ^â€" .. Y'<n o»n otdiqa.r it with Att.n's Lun| Balwa **i''' r.li.T.11 bard br»»Uilng, pt' th. ali.'t ituil irritatiuu u( th» ttaruat. ul tntli tu lb* chUdina. sin la It. U Tliara Is No tush Thiiw m » bsnnlou oonjh. Tho trxiubU foes frntr baa Ui wor*. usi.u ob.nk* .d. All.a'a Lung ii&liun curu Ifa. «»r<l o( evld^. It alUfs inaammatiun tai cl.ara th. air paj . at;a . i Brownâ€" "I hear you are the hap- py father of twins?" Jones â€" "Youl arc mistaken. I am the father of' twins." We have our opportunities, but most of us manage to dodge the:n. i Parnielee"s Vegetable Pills. The successful man is the first to recognize his own mistakes. A Pill That is Prized.â€" Thero have beei many pills put upon the market and pressed upon public at- tention, but none has endured so long or met with so ni'ich favor as Wide Repaat lt:-"ShlIah'B Cnra will always i cara my coughs aad Lolds." Hi flventures WHAT HE OWES TO ZAM-BUK. Even the people who want the earth may bo weighed and found wanting. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- J « *i. u ». r J ator does not require the help of spread use of them has attest-ed: ,,• j: • ,„ ^ *1„, â-  u • ,1 J .u J anv puridtive medicine to complete their great value, and thov need :/ /-•• â- â- . 4:1 j u the cure, convinced. Give it a trial and be ter a "British complexion"' indulge ill gymnastics at home. The dc- Totee:* of the new fad disp?nse with the now more than ever fash- ionable corset during their morn- ing exercise. I DOES NOT NEED A DOCTOR f T Mrs. F. Porier, "Valleyfie^d, T Que., says: â€" "I always uso I Baby's Own Tablets for my p little one, and therefore never need a doctor. When n\v baby is feverish or rest- loss I give her a Tablet and in a couple of hours she is all right. They have been of the greatest benefit to her when teething, and are ju.st the tiling in all emergencies.' Those Tablets pruiiiptly cure colic, indigestion, constipa- tion, diarrhoea, destroy worms, break up colds, and make teething easy. Good for children of all ages. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Mcdicuie Co., Brockville, Ont. Some people make a specialty of killing time for others. The never failing medicine, Hol- loway's Corn Cure, removes all kinds of corns, warts, etc. ; even the most difficult to remove cannot withstand this wonderful remedy. "BY ALL MEANS!" SAID PAPA. "Y'es, sir," said the pale, youth- ful suitor; "I have come to ask jou for your daughter's hand. She lb fair as lilies, sweet as honey- suckle, tender as a violet, charm- ing " "Is that Mary you arc talking about?" asked papa. "Yes. sir. It is a mere formal- ity, I know, this asking for your daughter's hand ; but we thought it would be pleasing to you it it were observea." Mary's papa stiffened. "Aud may I inquire," he asked, "who suggested that asking my consent to Mary's marriage was a mere formality?" "You may, sir," replied the young man, simply. "It was Mary's mother." THE IMilNDEST CIT», â- The Gcrm.in Emperor Must Mow Pay an lucoiue Tax. By a vote i;f fourteen to thirteen, the Finance Bill Commission of the Your Alonzo. orthography is twisted A woman is not a padded prince's own suite, before their master could enjoy a meal. no further advertisement than this. Having firmly established themselves in public esteem, they now rank without a peer in the list of standard vegetable preparations. The Jew is not more particular about the preparation o-f his food than th<j high-c.\ste Indian. In September last, his Highness Shero j Koiclistag lias decided to abrogate Jung, Prime Minister of Nepaul, ; the privilege of e.xomption from came to England, and two cows taxation hiiherLo enjoyed by the had to be procured from a farm, 'Kaiser and meaibers uf "other Ger- «nd milked bv a member of the mau r-eijiiiug houses. Those august personages, pro- vided the Reichstag confirms the coinuiissioii's action, will hence- forth be obliged to pay exactly the same direct taxes as are collected tioin private citizens, including the income tax. inheritance duties, real estate i:npost3 and taxes on income-producina; property. Herr Sydow, f;nperiul Secretary to the? Treasury, pleaded in \ain that e-xciiiption fi-oin tax?s was an historical pri\iiege uf crowned heads, and also that the constitu- tion uiad' it opiiun-il for r \v.al per- sons to avail tlienselves i^f cxcinp- tioa. The argumei^t that the civil lists, which w.uld be taxable uiidoi ti;o new conditions, are freely used for public purposes also cirried no Couvictii.'n \uth the maj'jrity, which ocui.oistcd of R.iid!cu!?, Socialists, National Liberals, Poles and C.ith olics. '"lusd yMJSJJi ISSUE NO. 12 Mr. Kronk SwidanKir-i, t.he greet war coiT«poniiai%C, who ttnt many o." thf CjMdUn despatcbes <jtu^i tM UteBocr WiB-, ow«shi8t*eald\to Zam-Buk. H« Ims |HMe<l unscath«<i tttrocgh 39 battles, kut, a scratch which ti.Ti\e4 to bi<s<^- Boisonins ivaaily er.d«iJ tus <iay%. Zaot-Buk savsd aim and ha writ.es as foOow^ : â€" "I iftva proved Zo-it-Suk susit* b!e»sjns th«t» I want othsrs t/O iinow of ltd laant.*. The pobsfious dya in som« im<!^i-ck>tUnj I was wearins sot Into a ssrat.cS I bad sustoinad and ktooa-pabomn^ sot up. Innaanatioa was foOowtt^ ky great paiii and swcBbv(> *>^d then uL::en hroiie out on my legs. For sottsa tin*i I csniid ?voi >walk a fo-.v stens nor evar* put t*y f«et U> tJ>e croai^d. On my teft Ik below tho k.'\<ja I htd sev'anteen uicjrs whic'i ciusad holes, hita which I coold p:it< my tlKtnS. 0:i ttia ri^t lag ! hod fourteen illc«r«. Msdksl traatitont foilsd to r«n«ve, ha.neiy ramedtcs wc-j ajkpiied Invsin. W»ok foSowed weak aad i sra<iual'v got worse, uaSI i Wis w>-n OMt with ?aln and lacV of sleep. On tha advlod of a ft-iand I obtained tone Z4>-n-i)4ll <ind left off evorythinc else wfajla I t>riod U. It s amsd to s«va m-> Jmost Instant reUef (ro.-n the pain, ana in t fow i:iy% I noSlc^j An it was hsaltitg sams of the ulcars. Tl>!s was cbr^nnj t!!<i -ed, anl (Isity I «9rseverad with the ZiiO-Buii tr«at:uenit. Bit by bit C^a poSMiJiis maUor v/js drnw.i out. Ti>e ulcers wars hoaj«d,a,idn3wI»ealtfay aldn grow over the previotisly dissaied pisses. I OTb now (luits cured, and in ^at^tudo. I merttion thase facts fiat othzr sufferers ft\>ni siuit d^seas-i ia:y k3;>>v of so.Tkeiliins wiiica will cure thaca. ^Ttn-Ituk {Ji^fit rn'Triy ,'rom orjlmjry ointment.^ m%d Ailtvj, <u tfl« 4bo:*d Wi elnrly proi*, for «;j iJtff, r;/sa;t,-j cut-L h-u-'UL brHlu^. ftc U i4 a t;^e'ii/ curt n aU# AMrmi. iti\. vilft. biofd-vo'iimint, ,fac-b!r>:iiiVi, baib€rt rij4\ it£.. Ciild <9rijL iiftif/M-J fund's, ant frv4i Me. })hbbfii mil Into iht pjc/j n'aiiil. U currt rhtHir^iUtni, nnmiila. and teiati.^:, A'.l if ru!<i. i.<.'i .in.i I'or't kU at iOc a tox. or r^at .yrt Ojni 2am V ik Co, 7\>ronJa .'or piict GFtnflT SKIN

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