Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1909, p. 8

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(SWfWyT tup: h' L £ S II Ji K T C) N AD V A N C E March 18 19i/l> -.-J -Wisâ€" -»â€"â€"--â€"--«-â-  * Scottish Pride 6C274 The yoiinui l»ill >'outlli<li l>rl'Ui will sUn.) fo Bervlc* lit Mr. K. W. Nicholi-mrs, liit :tl. con. 5 Art«lnr^ia. Scottish piido !• tirv I hy KcottKh Irliitp. * MoixlHuu of iliti woiiclurrul «liow cow ()«uio( Itullaonlu, luip , wiiiiicruf I'itilit prUci ^t Toiunt-iauil l,<;D(1oii.b('«i(lBa lixiiii- vhaiiili- loo Itiualo. Hho writjhn ovvr I'JOO pouiidK, On* of tbii cow'ii calVM tcld for (>i;7.V0O. HoottUh |>ri<)o la out ot Lady Ifolla by the Toront<- Jr»t rrito wliinor, CaiUuiii May Flv. iiilV SBHUi. T;.!h yniiuii bull has piovs hint- Kelt akhonbitll liavlug Kal")"! an •iiionurai<li>ii locorj tbl« tall at Kcvi'iahaiii. Il« wou tinl rrUr at lie«t bull calf. aUu iliplniua foe beat bull any ak*^* Thoao liavioi; pure urc<l uowti :-houM :*:':^ ihla KkAiiil bull before bie(dltif!a8 thisy cannot do bi>ttHr than ii>o him. A llniitup nuiubtir of Krailea vrtll Ixj takenat '^ I ,'iO; Kor |>0(«br*d». «.(M 28,000 Maple Logs Wanted 18 lnch<« and larc* drferlivu hrfirta accrpt- •d pr ovidhiK aanie liaa eiGlit i cIikb i;ood Kouml timber ou oiitB'de. I'liLeH raiiglUK accordluii to quality, to cut lu lonKthBof Ji'i and 11 iui'liv. ('•abpaitl on delivery at FSnuuuia. AIno waut- at aaniu placp, a lar^;o ijtmutity of perft-ct inapli' lo;;ii nifsaurint; from K4 inchoH and • rKe.-, at but 1.! to 10 f»ft louu. I'riuci. paid, 9 It per tlioii«nn>!, to bj dolivervd at 1. W Uorijau'i) mill, Eugonia. Mortgage Sale Beautiful San Antonio Lands io she or Village of iiugenla. A Great School (ireat in Uoputation, Rirsiiltii,' Influcnc"" and Th<iriUKhne«»: Now is the tune i fnttr ihr I <i|i liar ,. . I'l-'ifitijjiL- c niiloy.-iK-nt ()iir griiiiimtfn ir;i<lily dlitjiiii gi-Mj pun' him) preprtic f..i (Kir gr.iiinKtfn ir;imiy Obtjun gi-Ml ponitionK Our lluiKls.uiie C'ataUiKue i« free' Writi (Or one to-day. .Sriidsntsi iwii.iitleU at uiiy' [inie. ('ille«e open tlieentiiu year. 1 W. .I.KUiott, JMiicipalj Vui^^f .iiid .\lt\au'ler Bta.i t'ndnr mid by tlrtnool ilic pn«<T« nt "»lo cootaliitd in a certain Miort(rof{» »b;.Wi will ba produced at tlu tluio of nale tncra «lll beoller- ndforialo b» public aiotloii ot Munnhnw'a Hotel in the S'lllaso of KuKi^iia ot. Saturday â- Mu inh dniof Jla-cb, A. II., )'.»«. at tliu hour oftwouVlock ill tlio after »i, tli« t Howliig •iiopoity imiiiuU; -i.ot niiuilwi twjuty.ouo vii Iho foil li Kiiluot I'ulliiier Mifct In lb« Towa I'lot of Hiiue.ia In Hio Towii'liip of Ait«nii!»la iu llio County o( <Jiey. exci>|itlin! tliaiooit that portiioi of the nail l>t mok own-d liv the iniatceH ul tlja KuKotiih Jletlioilixt I'liuieh, L'iK>u tboprrmisiiH uiu raid to be a black- â- iiiith sliop, alio a fiiimc alii I. TKUMB:-Tcii per cunt, of tlio r-"'!ha»o inonev tobmiald on tbo iliiv nf lbn Kale, ami I bo balance iu uuu one 'month thmudftci' nltli- oiit intt'tvat. For Ifiirther parlieu'ara aud cou>'itioiiK of Sikie appv to W.ll WltlOHT, Vciidor'a Solicitor, Oireii Round. Dated Fil'.Knl.rjOO- TERMOF 1909 British CANADIAN Till pt-r cetit. clifupi'i BrslXKSS ten I'd- cold, tifttfr f.i'i CDLI.KOE l!ii«ii.t s", .Sli.,|Mhuiid and rOUUNiO MutriciiMcklct fi>.-. K., A. Fiiii|uliiii.si)M, ]{. .\ I'fiil, C diiiT yoN<iE & lU.OUl: sTltKKCs. And the Alamo luU CAN ENTER ANY TIME " C,iim<U'« Le.'uliiii; SuluK>l.v*( Cuisiu-Si anil ijbovilmiid IN (Z^^J^m without (lisadvnntago to jworscif tiy our Hpuciiil IVi.souai IIolp Systiiii. Write for p^trticulain. C..K. FbKMmjrff, PriStipai., i»ep|||»nd * Ontiifio. Beauty and Utility' Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jewder & Optician F£^£:shh:]rton . i NORRIS BROS. 1^ f>arbwai-c merchants and Ctnsmitbs. NOVV ilut Slockfakiug ia over and thanking you, wa liiid iliat wo liHve liai! a iiiosl jirospcroua yeiif. \Vo nro now ready t^i siirxo yiiu ill a ijiuclt iri eater cnpaciiy llian in thu year ins' dnsed. We iiitiiid 111 cliiKc iiut mir (utwiii line of Slock Fimd iuicl will d) ho i'('oai(lle8s of iir.it cost. Tliu li.ie it> tlie wull kiinwii « Hackney Stock Tonic A pfifiitively Ouaranterd Stock food In clear at tlic follnuiiii.' prices: gl.eOpk-i Stock Tunic .r.o •' " > •• .2.1 " Poultry F00.I .."it) " Heave Cure 'i.lO piil ildg Tunio . :tOt\ 15c, . ;iOc, .81 7J. We hiv(! liL'oii fortiimta in sccnriiis; 11 <|uanlity nf A.\« Hiuullet!, K-cund i^rrnfili elm, Imiii! nutilo iindif you wutit A GOOD AltTlCLli di.i't fur!<i!l to 1 ink tlii.'.SB {jooil.s iivcr. Washing Machines If interested in n lliuli class Wnajiinct MHchiiip, d.iii't> fi.rjjot ll.o rcliuble storu where yiiu will see the Kii'g Wiiilicf.' Flesherton Carriage Works Cutters - - Sleighs. \ow i.s Uio lime to buy joiii' Ciuter or yonv Slt-i'^h. If yoii iiiteii'l biiyiie.; cull on in bcforo pnrcliasiiig, as v.i: liivo a uuuiplcte Block to cIiuo.'jo IVoiii, ttiid prices that Hllit. PirfltCla.i.s Mnrse>Shoeing a Specialty D.McTAVISH, - FLESHERTON. Prop. Nervous, Diseased Men DRS. K. & K. ESTABUSHED 20 YEARS Consultation FREE. Quution Blank for Home Treatment sent FREE. Reuonable Feci for Treatment A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD Ws Quaranfcato Cure all Curable Cases of Sirioiura, Varlcocsl*^ Nirvous Dibility, Blood Poiions, Vital Wtaknastiat, Kidney, Biaildar aitd Urinary DIsoasts, and ail Diseases Peculiar to Men ant! Woman. THin't v,-nBK> yr.iir (Imo aiul ijiniicy on clicnp, liiinuerous, I'xiwvlnipnt.il Irenlniont. Don't liii;rc<i-e at ymir own cost your biiflcriiiKu hy l,ein,{ exp^iiimulcd on n\ih riiiiRillen which tijfy ciiihit to liav<« Just di.tcovmrd Hut oonie to ns In cuiilldcnfte. Wo will tient yon connclentlously, hoiiMtly nnd skiUfnlty, and rcatoro you to lu>alth In the slioitiKt min- aiblo time' with tho Icaal ineiUeina, dl<c<niiforl aiid oxponso niidUicable. Ijich cniic i>« traitfd us tho syinptoina Indioftt* Our New Matbod la 01 IglnaUnd Iuih slimd the test fov twenty years. ORsKENNEGir&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Av«.. and Griswold St., Detroit, MIclt. NicliorH Ranch, Comfort, TcxHH, Mauli 5, 1900 L>KAH Mn. F'ditiib,â€" I hanlly know tvtiuru I left oft' litHt tiiiiu and therefore niuHt run tho risk of repent itii;. Firnt it limy he well to j^ivB you Home idea of the city of Shu Antonio, for you might t'lke tho notion to nou it Koine dJty for yoni>elf. It is Well worth seeing, even ill wiiitor, hut in f<]irini{ and Kuinnier it . innat he very '..eittiliful. It is not yet ro j liirge <ir Niicoaiiiiei'cial lis to cuiiceal ita liemity liennuth huj^e structures of brick, or Ktoiie and in -itar, in the lihnpe of | busiiiesN lioii.'^eK, or jinved streeta with | j their diiht and diti iind insutluiiihle f^]uru. { ' The city fatliers, dmihlles'. in oliediciice i to llie deimnulsof it.spr'Kro.-^Kiveciliicons, I chci'i>h the idea that open phi/iia or pirk.i, wisely locnted hero mid there ] thioiigii the cily, iire not only de.siriililo ' ficitn tho iicstlu'tin point of view, but j vahi.il'le from 11 sinitaiy stuiidpoint as | I well. Tliero are ninny if Ihetie (xtrks j in tho ci'y, thiwe in tho contnil «>r Inisi- ' I iioss iKirl coiisi.-.! ill" of only a few ncros in extent, tint artis'ically laid out. genor- I I a.ly u ith a centrHl foiiiiliin or iiieiimrial I ' colitiiin, from which radittte iu nil ilirec- ' I tioiis ill Wiiutifiil irrejjiilarity uiitny geiit'iy I I curviiii,' and interSv'ctino (iitilis. The \ I sprtce.s liciwecn these isith.s are of all i mil filial lie shapes and are planted with ' pa'ii.s, ced:ii>, ligustrviuis, Nliriil>s or | grasKes, an-aiiged ku as tii i{iv«) the most, I chariiiini; cflec's of form and color. Tlie | Jai-^er park.s are more or Ic.s distant I from the ceiiiiv of the city hut these also ' lire de.-ij{licd to ali'ord tnaj;nitieieiit niid- j ways or liiickK for hicycloa, iititos or can iaijes, and in some nf then thtire are i beautiful springs of clearest watvr, which are hii-ge enough to form considenible htreain.s rii;ht from the fountain head, j ThcKC runiiinj; kI reams widen here .tiid there into nrlilicial lakes on which wiil t'laccfuU^' large nuiiitiers of Kwaii<, ducks and othct Water birds of loss coinmon occurrence. Rostic bridges at iotcrvals spall the .streitm.-4. IScnclie.s and chnirs convenintly settled under tho wido spreiuliiig live-unks and other soiiiliem trees, furnish coinfor able eimy resting placea for the tired on-lookei'» to obnorve the liii'ds, (jaiiilHilling in tepid wutern of the lakes or to enjoy theolherattmctions of tito park. Altogether it would be difficult to imagine a more ploasant place to Ki>eud an afteruoon with agieoablu friends than these park*. That they are ainnecialej hy the citizens and .strangers is abundantly proved by the hajniy look- ing ^'rotips tli:it here and there saunttir leisurely or recline lazily or chatter gayly on all s'des as the hninour takes them, and this is winter. What must it be in the good old summer liiue ! Sail .\nloiii(i is 'a city of soaie 5)0,000 iiihatiitants, must plea.snntly situated on the winding San Antonio river aluiut l.'iO miles from the gulf of Mexico. The river at this .sbilsoii i.s but .small but dur- iig the wet .season it bocimie.s (piito hkmidable iu jts ruHh (if water. Thitt it ^'wind.s aliiiiit and in and ou'," like Tciiii^i-son'.s "Urook." may be iniiigined when it is known that it iii crossed by some thirty kr{;o .steel orceinonc bridges and over 2000 siimllor outs within tho ci'y liinit«. They call it '' the beautiful S,in .\titoiiiii river," but to us there wai not much beauty about it but its eti|)hon- imiN iiiiiie. Comparing it however, not with the n;eiiy, crystal ttroams of Grey county, but with the other rtvor.<*» wo have seen here, it well deserves tho name. The city is the large-t in Texas and by far the oklesl. Its lieginiiiny dite.s hack (o 1(i89, and inmi that time forward it has had iiuito nu eventful history. In the many slruggles for iiseeudeney be- tween the Spiiiiards and Mexicans on tht'" one hmiil, luul ilie .\iiioricaiM and native Te.xan.s 011 the other, Sau Aiitonin was usually tho most coveted .stratoi;ic point, and in and around it wore fought the most sluhhorn battles of these wars. .Many iiiiii's was the city taken and lost, lull tho hislory of tbi.s has lieeii written over iiiii! over again, so 1 shall not trouble yonwi'Ii it here. There is one point, lidwevor, whicli it would scarcely bo pardon.-ilile, even in a letter like thi.s, to pass over ill silence. This po'nt i.s of liaiaiiioiml iinpoitanco to every p;itriotic cilizcn of San Antonio, ainl in- deed of all Tex'is. It is the history of the .\hiino. To understand this, in llie few Winds my space allows, I iiiust go hack to the time ofOulumhus. Tt is miiltor of history that when iu J40L' Oohiinbiis i-iH sail on hit) meinoi'ablc voy- age 1(1 tiiid a new ^yay to tho Indiex tin} Piipo snncthiiu;d nnd blessed tho expo- (lilimi oil condition tb.it wherever tho Sp,itiisli Hag was plnntod, thorn should,' if possible, be eslablishetl a niis.sioii for promotion of the christiiln religion. The same thing was required in all Iho nub-. HH[Uent expeditions sent out Viy Sp^in, hence the victnvitis of t^ irtez and Pizarro were followed by tho establishment of missions, mostly nndor the Kranci.scatts, for the tlissemiiwtion of tho true roUgion. Tlio .\lniiio was one ot these iniimioim. - -â-  â-  ; we'e four other ra'xs'onB in (bia part of Tex»», rc»i)ectivBly two, four, six and nine iniles from the city, all beautifully siluuted on the San Antonio river to the uoutli. Tlieae missiona were founded by the Fi'anciiran.s some two ceiituriea ago, and the churches were built' so solidly and with such massivo and beautiful pro portions that they not only made good fort ificatioiis against Indiana adverse 10 the chiistian faith nnd provided the inuttiis of safe religions and secular in- atructiun, but also pleased the eye with 1* llid artistic taste displayed in their j erection. The elcborute carvings round 1 the doors and windows and the full-sized .sculptured figuroi built into the solid miLsonnry 'around the main entranncs prove that some of Siiain'a liest sculi»t<irs inuKt have been brought over to do the Work To each church were attuched a j convoiit and school, the whole being sur- | rounded by a solid stone wa 1 about 8ft I high, and 4ft thick. Tlij walls of the .Munio and of the other ruins we linvo , seen aie tioiii 4 to (ifl in thickness and â-  I the arches which support the upper ti om â€" riKifs have long goneâ€" are perfect golhic imd 'built of oixlin-iry stone and mortar without any chistjling or cutting. IlLs8iullh.it these peifecl nrchiw were I u '. ' y iiioddeling Hist a solid bed or bloc > vlay the size of the room rcipiir- ed untl . n.iding the stone and mortai- iipon this .\ tcr hiu'deniiii; the clay was rennived, le.iving the wal's as at preiieiit, in )K'ifect coiulilion. But the AUiiio is more interesting |>i)rlia{u< to the preset t citizen of Texts becansj it ia "The cniille of Texnn Lilierty." It was here that iu 18;tti, one hundred and eighty-four of her gnllaut sons Kacriticcd their lives upon ihe sacred altar of liberty. The Mexican government had liecouie tyrannical nnd oppros-sive. The demand that the Texans surivlider their arms was the la.st indignity, and they rwfu.sed to comply. .\n army of 4000 men, Mexicans and Spaniard.s,uiider Santa Rosa, inarched northward to ex- terniinato the rebe's, as thc'y chose to CJill tbelilierty-lovingTexans. The s ego of the Alamo for twelve days, with only 182 male defenders, the Hnal e.ti>ture of I ho fort ami convent only when every ninii was killed, the Inrbarisiu of the Mexic.ui general in burning the iKidies of the noble defenders in a lui.>e '• funeral pile,'' all these stirring events so roused the remnant <if the Texin forces outride the city that a few 'ee'is liter they cut to pieces at St. .I.tcinlo the Mexican army of many times their iiuuilier. .\s a result of this victory, tho indei>onde!ico of Texas was conceded hy Mexico, and it has reiiiaiiicd a free, indepcndont rcimblic until it joined tho rnited States us (he Lone Star ?t:ite noiuc six or eight yo.irs later. Sau .'^lUoiiiii is an inlun.l cily and it has the usual ditticulties of its class in providing its water supply antl thei>roper disj)o.sal of its sewage. .Vn abjiivlant stip]d3' is obtained from springs and ar- tesian wells. The lock all tliiou-.;h jviit of Texas is very soft wet slaio and can easily be cut with saws or atcs to any desired .shajw but on exposure to the air becomes hard and rtilid but of a dirty y.l'owi.sh color. It makes the tinest building stone for the chejiper kind of Ibiiwes, hut In many of tho better diiKH of buildings the fronts nro usually of brick or marble of ditlercnl coloi-j, oVitained in the state in large ipiunlities, and ca|iable of taking n high poliiili. TluH softness of the rck mikes tlie drilling of wells an ca.sy matter, and accounts fer the large number of wind- mills seen out on Ihe plains â€" one or more at eveiy ranch where the water docs not rise to the surface. The sewage of tho city is removed through n large steel pipe to a .septic farm some four miles from the city soine- thiii.> like our own town of Pcrliii in Wat 01 loo eiiuiit y. Not far from the city are the famous lnd wells, « hero there is a frtni (hiw of ID YOU EVKR FIGURE THE COST of a single day's baking â€" the material, fuel, time and labor â€" and consider that it is all wasted if the baking is a failure? Is it economy, then, to use a flour of uncertain quality when a few cents more will buy Royal Household Hour â€" a flour that you can depend upon to produce light, crisp and wholesome bread or pastry? It is made from selected hard wheat, milled by a most modern process which guarantees absolute purity. Royal Household Flour does not vary in quality â€" does not disappoint. u Ogllvle near MIUs Co., Limited, MoaireaL •••••••••••••••••••«••••••••»•••••••••••••••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢*•••• •••••••••««•. • •••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢*••••••••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢ •«•••••••••• ••• while iit tltc •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• â- Â»â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •«•« •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• •••• I '••• *••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••â-  •••• •••• •••• •«•• •••• •••• •••• •••• CEYLON'5 BU5Y STORE I B Seeds ! The time is It hani agiiii for soeds. W,» have n good supply on hand of Sie-1 Bii'.'gs Hi'st ipi^lity, A No 1 seed.s at reasunably low prices. Oat them now before they go any higher iu price. We liavo just ?ot in a gocxl supply of small and large boys suit<, very NjbSy, at ptio-s that will surpiisc you. Boots & Shoes ! We secured a good s'ock since the ivc<'iit drop in price, and think we can show you sunictliing in i|uality and price that you hiven't scei for soma lime. Ask to see our Ox-Bhi d'.s. Tans and P.iteiits. Floiub! 1^ Flour ia foiiig up iu pric? â€" conio .md j{et your lupidy before 1'. goes up loo Ini/h. We will •^ive you special piice« on lar^ie i|unntities. Another c.ir of Salt just recived. Ta'ice a baTel homo with you while tho sl>?ighiug laiis. U-nienilierâ€" Our -Motto is â€" "Small Proliit and (Jiiick lleturos, " ••• sr |! ^as. iPattison, Cej/ion, Ont, Ig ••• ♦• â€" Societies k Business Cards iTOALTF.U LOUCKS I " ItuUdar aiiit Cni) tractor O V %V nrufis oi. the last Monday { III eaoh month, in their lodeu room Xonlii" bioob. Flc»l.«rton, at B ii.ni. M. \V.. , For Hrioli, Stone anil frauiuiMlitenceii. Es- MiU-» 'rhistlothwaiti: Koc, ('. IT. .Miinshaw; ; tiniatci cbeerlully fu.iiiibuij, FI<fc.hortou P t'iu., W.J. bul.aiuy. Vifiitinii bnlhito iLvitcd I uutario. . ; MCULliOUGH * YOUNO PWVavV, .\nTHUU LOf>»B, No. .t33,A.F.*| TT. „„ ,^ lUiikcis Markdale /" A :J. :«oet8 in tht Masonichall. ,v,ni. P'' • .^eueral bankiui; huKinesii. Itouey loanwl ^UwiR.s Hull Heshurtou. every Friday on ! *' teasouable ian» Call ou us. or bofoif thofnil leocn. 'I'hos, tllaktlv.Vv.M.; " .„ Hurb..iniitb, Seirtlmy. ! T »â-  Mt^^l^iTT. iT. potUT KLKSHKUTrt.V. m)-,, I. p. F. irrotsli. " ("lavton's Itlock thnlnst Wcdiimlav ovoiiiiu; of each inontii. Visitiofj ForfBters heartily wi'Icoiiic. H. H., DvBon: K. S., i'. Hei.iy: Kin. Stc. C. N. Ifichaiiison. t'leamiiiay dues to Fin. Sec. before the flml ilav of the iiioiiU). CHOSF.N' FltlENDK-Floshcrton Council ol t:iios,>n Friiiiids uit'titR in Clayton's hall llrst S p. I'oRtiiiaMtcr. reylou. CoiiiiiiiBsl(uK.r in It.t'. J .Conreyauoer, deeds, iiiortKttCHS, leasei". wills etc. carcfullv drawn n|a Jollictious mad-. churKcs masonal iu. .Mso Rioceiius, Uoui riKlit. feud «tc. kept in stuck, Prioa I,. I .. ;,...i...l ,,â- ,.», .1. f Mh.,„ir) :„,b,n' at"' *''''â- <' Wednesday of e&cb inoutli c ,.. ..1 -- , ^. hot- Uiineul WatCl -1 stloUItt JUtlge p^v assesKiuents to tlio Itecoidnr on or before "P »'"' ""'"at'O"" '>i»'lo on .hortcst cctUja RJ 61'R')t'Lh Poitiuastcr, Kleuherton vomu-.ls8ioii»r io H.C .J., Auctioneer veyauccr, Apiivalser oud lloucy Leude Ueal Kstate and lusurancu Agent. De«<l« iwovtiiase". leases and wills carefully drawn luo.stly aul|ihm', by the aboininablo taste of it â€" int 1 largo tanks or hat Jis which are noted faraiid near for their curative pupg grcd Knglish Berkshires. andi iitirst ilovof eacli niontli. Chiof Oouucillor "»>"»y '« loan at lowest rates of intcicst.tt niakelev; Recorder. \V. n. Hunt. Inetions attondtid to with iMomi'tu* _ ^ c!iai(fc» low. Asont for Ocean Doiuiu jCol- tues8 ,,. , â€" Doiui .St«aiuBhu> Company. A call .loliciteil. etl'ccts upon ecrtiiiiv di.seases, such iis I'lieumat ism, neuralgia, etc. llerellani- niau, the great ra'lwiiy magnate, i.s spend- ing some weeks this winter, recruiting from tho intense strain of his manifold lalxus .and worries. Ihit 1 have far ovcrrnu my allolod sjmeo and must 8to]> vighl hei'e. Wish- ing you and..j'o{irs every'{^>i)v^ thing, 1 am yours sincerely^ N. W. CA>li'iiKi.L. S.M.OSBORNE General rierchant : Port Law Tamworths. \ hiivca 6ne lot of r\ Mcl'HAlL. t.iconaoj Aue'.ioiieer foi .'. Coiioty of Gicy. Tovms moderate Uia prize wmnms stock, for sale. Write iiie for( and tlati-aof salcscan bo lualoa'; Tua Advancb prices. I can (rive a liar>;:iiii also iruarantoc "t"''®' "e»i>l«uce and P.O. , Ceylou, Telephoiio iiti»factio;i ..n .ill in.ii! ordoiH. â- Â«Â»...!.... (!co. W. KO.SS, M,,x«cU V. O ylllce. Hesidence and P.O. , ''Oiineetion. Uoo. U.OT. ~~~~~~~~~"^ ' li W KAn"riN'l>. l.iconsod Auctioneer for For Sale 1= the cmuii.'s of tirey and Sliuooe. Ouespan Of ,d.htiiii^ Colt. c-.iiin« th-^l "-Jori^lll^ii^^^t'i^l-^/^^i^^^i^l^NjrilSU 1. Con. to, Ospicv, Fovorsliani V. O. . -.wo . i., u»pn,y , M VTHP.Wti, Jfarkdale. DUllTOr Service " auc-.loneor for tlm county of Grey, Goott 'J veai-s il.l, icK'. Klioithoru bull, Vietor'.i , ""'X''-''' "*''*"»'•'">'''" »at<«.. Dates can l>a riiiie, T4Sll.-)i^forK.ryicenC hot 37, Con. B, >"»<>• " The -^avauce. 1 o 09 .â- \rtcme.'=i:i. Terms Jl.tM. JOHN HAlUiR.WE I This week we have opened up a large sliipiiieut of briitht new goods, inchldinjf Prints, (liiighuuis, new Muslins, 1>ivr.<> Gouils, Suinuiev Suitings, Lace.i, ard, in fni^t, n^ei^thiug included iu a ueiieral stole. IJoots and Shoes a specialty ask our cuatoineis whtit jiicy think of them. eO Vt-ARS' EXPEHIENXE S3 Lf.cal j nr H. WIUOHT, r.anlBtor. Solicitor, Convey- [ yauccr, etc.,â€" Owpn Sound, ant) Klesherlon. N 11â€" e hurtou otUoe. Sproulo'a lllook every Satiira â-  - . â- i.^niuum â€" ^__ â€" rsy n^illitiftry muiinery All our new Spiing stock of Millinery has , juKt arrived. Our sttock in this lino is The .Mniiio is now nca? the oentro t>f '. uinch larger tlian ever before. Re pre- I he city of San Antonio nnd gives -the ! I'""J 'of c""' '''.« Millinery Openings itt name to one of tho very prettiest jilazas 1 the near future ill tho cily and to the ntreut «nd s(|UHre'! Cull and see our reKdyiiiade Skirls nnd 1 ndjoining Resides the .\lamo, there ' ..<. Waists, ' - â- ' ' ' Cowrf.onT3 4c. AnTi"ir - -':?!(>h :::â- â€¢; 'vvini! innia» «rii' ..- â-  â-  ' ;:.or ao !â-  • . I'Miiilrn- t , . â-  K.iicuta aitr.r , .A. â- . . â-  > ..â-  ^.viciai. fi.ieuii I ju â- ., .'.'. .'.ii 111 A ccwrwalrt ttf! lei li-jiu,', \ â-  . . â- i'o, iutiia Abara^'.at./ Uli.at:.ili-awc>«4:ly. t,'ir«*t c'r- ea'aJica , 1. i.r.y tclciiil.;o}i[.um«L iurms tor CiitiaOji, f ..,5 n yi»ar,iK.«ti!«« prv^'J. ik>ld Bf D« Medical CAUTKR .M C P * S Onli. Physlolan, Rurteon, • OIBco aud raaldouceâ€" Pater St., FIcsliertou T p oT'MVnn.L •* Vetorinary Surgeon Oiad'iate ot Ontario Veterlnarv renitiOiioa â€" aaoonit door south' Vdrv atieet. This street rum j I'restvlcrlan IMinreh. Colie>(«. wo3t;on soi?-h H. NVltJiON, lUack.Miiilli â- Sradiiato of 00 Veterinary Kcienco Association Ucsidence, Durham iitrcct, op 01 llo H \vd. Hiaklii.g's hanlwara Dentistry Dr. B. C.'.MIIRRAY J.. O. S, doitol iiiiijeon hnno, graduate of Toronto University an J tir'yal CoUejjo of lieutal SumiKins of Ontario, tiasadiiiiiiisterod for toeWt' extraction, olflce as iti=iiJedce, Toronto stieetFloahortoa §.

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