April 29 15)09 THE F 1. E S H E R T O N ADVANCE •r Build Up A Reserve Now Now, while your earning power is good, why not convert part of it into a Cash Reserve that will, later on, yield a competence for old age > You can easily do it by regularly depositing a part of your income in THE STANDARD BANK EiUblUhed 1873 Qp CANADA ^^ Biancheiy' One Dollar and upwards opens an account, and with systematic saving and Compound Interest, the fund will rapidly accumulate. ' Begin to-day. 72 FLESH ERTON BRANCH George MitcHell, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT I3U».HAM AND HARRISTON. VICINITY CHIPS^ Dig your worms. The (rout tiibing season opens un Sal urday of this week. Mrs. S. Bailgreotr of Port Liwf is risit- iiig with hfr daughter. Mis. Fred Siinx of Toronto. The entire alsencu of thunder storms is » notable feature uf the wca.'hui' tliis spring. Mr. John Kerr has sold his residcncu to Mr Joseph Clinton, and g >ne to work near Barrie. The Durhsm Review uniitr^tiimls a mail clerk will be put on the Walkerton branch of the C. P R. Rev. L. F. Kipp will have a student named Ranson to assist him in his worki this summer. Mrs. J. Blackburn and Mrs. W. A. Ariuiitrong visited frieuds in Toronto durini; the piist week. Mr. and Mrs. McMui-r^y of Orangerille spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClocklin. Mrs. P. Holman, who has spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs Chard, •t Msrkdale, returned to her residence here last week for the summer. Rev. Mr. Laidlaw of Eugenia occupied the Methodist pulpit Sunday evening. There was also a supply in tho morning the pastor beirg absent. The proprietors of the Markdale Standard had a costly break in their Gordon job press hi.st week, and were also put to considerable inconvenience there- by. Rev. Dr. Caldwell went to Pickering last week and on Saturday conducted the funeral services of a fnrnier parishioner at Pickotini;, Mr. Brereton Bunting, J. P., who died there at the age of 90 years. Mis. Geo. Best has returned to her home here after spending nine months with her daughter, Mi.s, Wm. Currie, ')f Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Beat's friends were glad to welcome her home again, looking much improved in health. Mr. Sam Thompson attended Dundalk fair on Friday with his roudster stallion Walter T. and came home with a big, handsome red ribbon, having won lirst ill a keen competition. Mr. Thompson asys there were some seventeen animals shown altogether. Ho was the only representative from here. Mrs. Cat'harine Mosier, who recently suffered the fracture of a hip bone, died at her residence Tuesday evening. Uer death hns been hourly expected for some days A more extended reference will be made to the life of deceased iie.Tt week. The funer.il will take place Thuistlay, at 2.30p. ni., to Flesherton cemetery. Norris Bros, have found it necessary to extend their premises and this week have cut out the partition in their store and are electing a workshop at the rear- This will give more room to display and •nd to add to their stock. We are pleased to see this sign of a growing busi- ness. Mr. J. E, Marcellus, the uew teacher of high school work in our public school, accompaiiied by his wife, arrived iu town on Thursday last and lost no time in gett- ing down to work, starting iu on Friday. The work, however, actually began on Monday of this week with 2!i pupils in attendance. Those attending say they think the new rural high school will be all right. At this time of year the enterprising scsle or range peddUr generally puts in an appearance at the farm with a load of the "best on the market." Uur advice to the farmer is : Buy from the reliable merchant you know and to whom you can return if you fail to get satisfaction You'll never get done up by the home merchant, and yui^i'll find out who they •le by consulting our advertising columns. A scheme is on foot to develop electiic- •1 energy for Collingwood fron» Silver Creek at a point seven or eight miles west of CollinKwood- The fiue 6. B. Osier property on the mounlsin has been purchs.sed and it is estimated that from 360 to 400 hor8<'puirer cau be developed. Preventiosâ€" those Candy Cold Cure Tablets â€" will safely and ([uickly check all colds and the Grip. Try them once and •ee! 48-2oc. Sold by all dealers. The Fle.Uierton A. O. U. W. lodge is an especially strong organizjition, and i.s still i;rnwiii<.>. On Monday evening the society had a sort of jubilee </r banquet aincng themselves. Four new membeis werd initiated, including two ladies, after which a luncheon and programme was provided. Several visiting brethren from Priceville were present. The pro- gram coosiNted mainly of speeches, with Bro. .los. Blakeley iu tho chair. The speakers of the evening were Organizer and D. D. G. M., Henry of Orangevillo ; M. K. Richardson, Ja.s Turner, M. W. of Piiceville Lodge, and others. A hcHiTy Vote of thanks was tendered the ladies for supplying the bountiful repast, and to the chairiiian for the excellent manner in which he fulfilled his arduous duties. The meeting was closed with the Jiational Anthem. A very large quantity of maple syrup has been n-ade in this vicinity this year, notwithstanding recent predictions by our correspondents that the seasou would be a poor «ne. We do not remember as l.iriie a quantity ever being marketed here before. The latest sample to be placed before ye editor was fmm Mr. Harmon Radley, for which grateful thanks are extended. Mr Humberstone of Euphrasia had a quantity of very fine quality ou the market Monday. Mr. Preston of Osprey is also an expert iu this lino and always finds ready sale fur his choice production. On Monday Mr. Kernahan of 0»prey gathered 600 pails of sap and Tuesday morning a similar amount. Mr. Lever of the subuibs has a!so tnade a large quantity. These are the chief manufacturers around us so far as wo know, allho-jgh many others manufacture their own supply. One of the most welcome among the many exchanges which'come to our desk is The News, of Toronto. Tho News has recently made wonderful advances, so much so th.it old friends of the paper would hardly recognize in this great Canadian newspaper the old News of a few ye.irs ajo. Tho Newj now contains from fourteen to twenty pages eich day, with iwenty-four to thirty-two on Satur- day. \ .specialty is made of political and parliamentary news and questions atfect- ing the welfare of the public receive fair editorial treatment by clever writers. We are safe in sayiug that there is i;o paper more widely quoted in Canada and its car'ijons are reproduced by many of the lending journals. Through an »r langement made with tho News, we »ro able to otfer The Advance and The News ill a club fur one year at the remarkably cheap price of $2.30. Rheumatic poisons are quickly and surely driven out of the b lood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedyâ€" liquid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's booklet on Rheumatism plainly & interestingly tells just how this is done. Tell some suffer- er of this book, or better still, write Dr. Shoop, Racint>, Wis. for tho book and free lest samples. Send no money;- Just join with Dr. Shoop and eive some suffer- er a pleasant surprise. Sold by all deal- ers. Committed for Trial Harriston, April 24. â€" Tho preliminory hearing of Duncan MeKinuon, charged with committing an aggravated assault upon Miss Ellis on the highway in Nor- mauby township on April 10, took place yesterday before Police Masistrate Ryan at Ayton. Crown Attorney Armstrong of Oweu Sound represented tho Crown ; Mr. L B. Lucas, K. C, represented Miss Ellis, and Mr. Anton Spot ton the defence. The evidence for the prosecution showed that MoKinnou pulled out a handful of her hair, kicked her in thobody,poundcd her head and body with his lists and a stick, and rode her down with his horse. It was also stated iu evidence that a man named Diokert in the Utter part of the assault looked on all the injuries Miss Ellis waa receiving and rendered her no assistance, stating that McKinnon threat- ened him if he came n*ar. The defence offered no evidence, and the prisoner was committed to Owen Sound jail to await bis trial Mr. David Shannon, an old .eaidont of Eden Mills, near Guelph, was found dead in bed. Mr. Thos. Johnson, con. 12, Protou, owns a cow which gave birth to four cilves on Sunday. They were all perfect- ly formed but all died shortly after biith.â€" Herald. ^^ Odds and Ends ^ W. A. Ariubtrong issuer of marriage licenses. Fresh lime on hand, Monday, May 3. John Dow, Ceylon. Chopping done only im Saturdays after the Ist of May, at the planing mill, Flesheriori. Second-hand Melotle cream separator for Siile â€" used only one month. Apply to John Symons, Eugenia P. O. Ifyouwpnca good shoe shine, first quality in Gilt Edge, Tan, Nnggelt, O'' blocd, 2 in 1. Call at Clayton's. Horses for Sale â€" One mare and one ci'll coining three, also two horses all ready t") go to work. Reasonable price and terms. J. C. Wriuht, Proton Station, liirgles and Hemlock lumber for sale, any leiiath required. T. S% . Philliph, Lady Bank P. O. For Sale â€" One good brood sow with 10 little pigs »t her side. Apply to Jas. Cienoe, Flesherton. Warning â€" .^ny person trespassing on my property, lot 32, con. 13, Artomesiii, will be prosecuted to the full extent uf the law. James Ohird. House to Let â€" Electric lightetj, hard and foft water under cover. Good stable. Vacint itlny 1. Harmon RaJley, Flesherton. Fob Salbâ€" One cushion tirtd buggy almost new. One steel tired buggy. One sett single harness. W. \». Trimble, Flesherton. Get your garden and Held seeds at Richanlson's drug store. All kinds, from the best and most reliable seeds- raeu. Well bred Yorkshiro sow for sale, due to farrow in May. Apply to Alfred Thiatlelhwaite, Flesherton. Potatoes for Saleâ€" Good early potatoes, extra good yieldera. For further particu- lars apply to Arthur Johnston, Flesher- ton P. O. Painting and paper hanging. Leave orders with the old reliable workman, J. Brodie, Priceville or Fleshertm. Imay Eggs f".r Hatchingâ€" S. C. Brown Leg- horn eggs, at 50o. per setting, Duck eggs at25c.8ettii'g. A. Harrison, Flesherto*. Boot aiid Shoe Repairing promptly, cheaply and well done. H. Carrinutcn, .\rinstr<>ng's old jewellery store, Flesher- ton. House and double lot for sale or rent on Sydenham street, Flesherton, 3 roomo, stable. Apply to R.J. Sproule, Fleih- ertoii. Mare for Siileâ€" Sound in every way, well built an.l young, about 1400 lbs., in foal to Dunure Mac. W. Ci.swell, Flesh- erton p. o. Very Fine Shorthorn bull calf for sale, 10 mos. old, bri'd by Scottish Pride, grand- son Durby (imp.). F. Nicholson, Flesherton. Property for Sale at Priceville â€" A brick house, eiiiht rooms, barn and five lots, for sale reasonable. Apply to Catherine Scott. Pricevilltf P. O. Mar.ltf Bull For S-ileâ€" A pure bred Sh'Tt horn bull, 14 moath.s old, fit for service, will be .sold reaso'iable. W. J. Meads, Cey- lon P. O.. or lit 20, 0. D. R. Flit Sale â€" A good cheap organ. Ex- celsior. Apply to MayGillespie, Flesher- ton, P. O. House and orchard for sale on Colling- wood street, Priceville. Apply to Jas. Brodie, F"leshert(in. Young hens for sale â€" Thoroughbred Rocks and Wyandot tes. .Mso 1 set of single harness, rubber mounted, new. 1 set of single harness almost uew. 1 g( od buggy. Apply to George Stewart, Flesherton, P. O. For Sale at Eugeniaâ€" .\ quantity of dry scantling and lumber, fur cash or good paper. Also a 16 horse power Waterous engine and Goodiaon Sarnia separator. This engine is in uood condition, and to :i good man a snap will be given. Reason for selling, I want to go to New Ontatiu. Apply to F. N. Field. The Maxwell hotel will be taken over by the undersigned ou May 1. We purpose giving first cla-sa accommodation to tho travelling public and solicit patronage. Harmon Radley, Gasoline engine for aale, two horse power Fairbanks-Morse, just the thing for farm work; in good condition, running every day ; reason of sale, want to replace with a larger engine. Eighty dollars will buy it. This office for particulars. New Millinery. FLESHERTON, fpRIL, 1909 New Curtains. NEW GOODS BIG SWEAT PAD VALUE Here is the best vali'o e\er git-en in Sweat Pads. They are not iiiforior| goods bu: thu best you can buy. ' The Brown Backs, revjular Tw, per' pair 50c. Yellow Backs, regular! 51.00, for flOc. Felt, regular 91.25, j for 81.00. I ROLLING IN FROM THE WORLD OVER ! This business has the passport to thu world's best markets, to the best mills and best inanufactuivrs fur its lowest prices. The i-o.sulc is pciliaps the tiest, oertiiuly this busine'-i ever handled. The i-oods are being unpacked and ruslied to the cuunlera and shelves as fast as they can bo uhookul otf. Spring Suits ^^ Suitings Without the least hesitation I think we can reckon ourselves the most up to-date Clothiers in East Grey. We carry the best range of Gentlemen's Serai-Keady, Made-to- Order, Iteady-Mades, Laidies' up-to-date Suitings and Waists in the country. Ladies New Venetians, Broadcloth, C'mbra Goods, KharantH, Voiles, Crepe de Chine, Muslina, Linon!>, Prints, Giiinhsms, in all the latest shades and stripes. FOR CHILDREN'S DRESS and Little Buster Browns We have aoods to till a long felt wart in Striped Linens in all leading shades. It is the best value on the market, will wear much 'unger and always look better, at the popular price of loc pei yard PRETTY WAISTS We have been fortunate enough to set some of the prettio.st \\ aists that ever came out of Toronto. The Lawns in lh« se waists are the best thai can be procured, with the fintst insertions and embroideries, made in the most up-to.duiu styles, all sizes from 32 to 4<), from tl.OO to |2.50 Gents' Made=to=Order Suits We have secured tho agency for the famous DARLING brand of Clothing. T!iui>e are not the ready-mades at alt ; they are niiule by the most practical and experienced tailors in Canada. Call and have a look at a couple of suits we have in stock and compare the way they are made tu local work, and see how much superior it ia to local sooda. In buying a suit iu this w.iy you save middlemen's pruSt in handling goods. In this way you buy from men who buy Tiaht from the mills. In this way it makes the suits from $3 tu $5 cheaper. Is this not cummuu sense talk ? BEST HARDWARE V 4 LUES Are being opened up and marked off. We will have the most up- to date Hardware store in Grey when we get everything in its place. Everylhin<i is new, and 'he best we can buy for the money. Don't forget to c^U when wanting ayihing in this lino. LABIE'S BOOTS, GRE.\T VALUE For downright good value, you cannot heat this maker for good Ladle's Boot*. It is excellent stock and a good shape. Ladies Lace Boot, Blu- cher. made in DcmgiMa and Vice Kid. »ith half Cuban heel, in all .<'izes from a to 7 for 81.75 ENGLISH KIP BOOTS Ask f.-r "Williams' stock numl>er 14 for a good English Kip, hand-mada Blucher Boot for $3.00 Also a Canadian Kip, whole stock hand-made Blucher for 92,25 Martin Senour 100 PER CENT PURE PAINTS Is ieco:;nized by all to be the beat paint on the market. We hava just received and opened up a full line. If you want a good article you get ii. from us in this line at the same price as cheaper quality paint-<<. F. 6. KARSTEDT - General Merchant Dealer in all kinds of Hardware, Flesherton, Ont. A Chesley boy fell in front of some rolling h'gs. One log three fet iu dia- meter went over him. Owing tu ihe soft nature uf the ground ho will recover. Notice to the Public I wish to say to my patroni and the public generslly that I have opened up a new blacksmith shop in Eugenia beside my residence and am prepared to do all kinds of work in the blucksmilhing line. Horse shoeing a specialty. Special a*;- tentian given to i iterfering horses and coiitrncted feet. All work guaranteed. â€" J.'lCOU WlLLIA.MS Eugenia, April 29, 1909. CROUP stopped in 20 minutes 9uro witli Dr. Shoop's Croup Keinoily. One test will surely pn>vo. No vomiting, no dis- tress. A safe aDdplossiugsjrrupâ€"Mc. Druggists. Rheumatism. More than nine out of eve ly ten cases of rhcuptatisui are simply rheuniutisni of the nmscles, due lo c*>lfi or damp weather ()r chron- ic rheiunatisni. In such cases nu internal treatment io required. The free application of Chamberlain s Liniment is all that is iieetl- rd, and it is certain to give a oiiick relief' Give it a trial and see for yourself how quick- ly it relieves the pain and soreness. Price, "Jo cents; large size, 50 eont«. F< r sale by W. K. Kicbardsun. During a temporary fit I'f insanity, Mrs Georue Elder, of the township of Pilking- ton, near Bethel, wandered from her homo on Saturday last. A futile search fur hor was made until Sund.>y, when it was found I hat she had been drowned in a creek wh ch runs throu-<h the Elder farm. TXw body wris discovered by a neighbor, Mr. Moses Auger. There is every reason to believe it was a ca.so of suicide. She leaves a husband and family of five, the youngest being about ton years of ago. Object to Strong Medicines. Many people object to taking tho .'•tniiiR medicinss usually proscribed by physicians for rhf Hiratisu. Tliore is no need of internal treatment in any case of muscular ir chronic rheumatism, and more than nine out of every ten eases of the tliseasf are of one or the other of these varieties. When there is no fevurand little, if any swelling, you may know that it is only necessary to apply Chaiiilierlain's Liniment freely to get (piick relief, rry it. Y(m are certain to tie pleased with the quick relief which it alft.rds. Price, ST) cents; large size. .50 cents. For sale by W. K Kichardson. Benjamin Bradley, "S years of age, of East Garafraxa, who hss been living in Orangeville for the jiast 15 monih.s, hav- ing retired from his farm, is dead, on ac- omnt of a seaweed urowing in his stom- ach. Six months ago Bradley coughed up about six inches of this weed, which was of a dark green color. Dr. Gibson, of Hillsbuig, who wa,s his fami'y physiciu.i •before he came tti Orangeville, applied the stomach pump and succeeded in breaking up the growth. At various limes since Bradley coughed up portions of it, which has been of a semitranspar- en', muddy oidur. Specimens of the growth have been sent to a well-known analyst, who describes it as a variety of seawesd, the seed of which has been con- cealed in a raw oyster, which Bradley had eaten, and the seed had taken root io the folds of the lining of the stomach. Bradley went against the advice of a physician and refused to submit to an operation. MAKE MONEY. SellinK Pelham's peerlrss l-'rnit and Ornamtrutal trfcs, slirul)s, etc., during the winter innuths. We otfer you steady and profitable emplovment in your own district at Rood pa"v. WK HAVK OVER (500 .\CRKS of choice nursery stock which V ai will sell direct to your customers. No diseased or dried out Aiiierioan sUkM supplied. Kstablished over 30 years. Wnte for particulars. Pelbam fiiarsery 0o. Toroiito, Ont. H a V Thompson's Bakery Y c o T u r Having secured Mr.E. Arm- strong of Peterboro, a first class baker, we â- «« prepared to turn out the best of every- thing in our line. • 1 e Frosli IJroacl cilways on tiuxid Atrial solicited. d Ed.Tliompson. Flesherton. Carefully Corrected iiacli Week t >ats 4.3 to 4:5 ! Peas 90 to 90 B.trley 60 to (iO ; Wheat IW Ui 100 : Hay 7 00 to 8 00' Butler 16 to 16 E'.'g^ fresh 1« lo 16 Potatoes per hag 75 to lit Geese 10 to 10, Ducks 10 to 10 Chickens G to 8 ' Turkeys 14 to 141 Eggs for Hatching. UHODE ISLAND RED W. H. Thi'rston. - Flesherton r For The Sprng. Wc have a complete line of HariiHsa ,ind HarnessSundries, Whips, Bells, Plush Hugs, Robes, Curry Combs and Inrushes, Hoof Ointment, Gall Cure, Harness Oil, Trunks, Valise^ Telescopes, & Blacksmith'sAprons. Look in and examine our slock of Horse Blankets. ReP.UIUXU PllCMlTLY DoME. O.W.Phillips, FLESHERTON. ONT. 1 Wooden Hens For Sale. Those iiiterestoit lu poultry ara invited to call au(i inspeut ttiti nmcttiiiu wortt. The in*.; cubator we soil is not a bit l)i!ttor than tlio ' l>ost, but just a little better than t.lio rest. I i will hatch chi<:keiis ou contract at tho follow- ing prices. .5c, for each oRc, or lOcI for oacti chicken ono week old. ValURt)l8 receipts given i free tolling liow to treat all kinds of diseases in fowl, old anil voiiux. tf: I A.WILSON. Klcsheiton, Box 216 Golden Legend Puro Hred Tainworth Hoar for service Oil Lot 170, -iid 15. T. 4 S. K. Terms *1.00. BICH.\RD ALLEN. Bull for Service At Victoria Cor,.er8. Toronto Line, • thoroughbred Hoistoin bull for serv ce~ â€" CHAS. K-. MOOBB a? a? a? Our Clubbing List Tho following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We have no accounts with other papers. Advance ^nd v To^mto World, daily $ 3 00 Toronto Daily News 2 30 , SB Weekly Globe '^JM Mail-Empire ^ "^ i S Family Herald & Star 1 80 [ JP Toronto Star 2 30 'M Farmer Sun l^lSf B'ariiiers .\t» • ooata 2 25 , ^ Weekly Wit.^ess ^ ^o I ^ Saturday Night 2 50 ' ' " About Summer Shoes I Claytons have just the kind you need and will bo pleased to boot you if you wish. We sell The Model ohOe comfortable to wear and in the latest style. Black, Tan, Ox-Blood, Patent leather, Dongola, Kid. Trunks, Teles- copes, Suit Cases, Shoe Poli.sb. A lot of Home m de Men's Bluchers and Lace Boots, first (quality, on hand. CLAYTONS ^>^^x;^ 'mmmm